
Aaronson, Bernard, 242

Abel, Ernest I-. 157, 171

Abramson. Harold, 44, 46-48

absent-mindedness, 159

"acid," 15, 17, 22-25

"Acid Tests," 20

Acorui calamm, 286

Adams, Roger, 186

addiction, 7, 145

-idrmolurin. 5

A (:. i<.torgt Willijm Kimi-lh, 145

Agntw. Kim, 174

Agura Scientific Trust, 49

Aiken, John and Louise, 120, 138, 150

Air Force experimentation, 40

Afancts btsponis, 245

Afaricui brunnefcens, 245

alcohol, iv, 20-21, 62, IBS, 215, 221, 221, 300,

339, 372, 374, 391,392 alcoholism, 7, 69, 80, 88, 330, 356, 370 ALD-52, 67, 100 Aleph compounds, 293 Atife in Wonderland, I 14 alkaline phosphatase, 253 Allen. Morse, 233 allergies, 304:

Alles, Gordon, 132, 2B7-289, 290, 2%, 299-300 Alltounian, Howard, 394 Alpen, Richard (Ram Dass), 19, 20, 26, 49,

50. 58, 65, 87, 241, 272, 290, 298-299 Alschuler, Al, 87 Allured Slates nf Coniciowifii (Drug Abuse

Council, 1975), 71 Altvred Staief nf Cnnsciousneis (Doubleday,

1969. Anchor Bwks. 1972). 83 Amaittj rrjuicarta, 1, 225, 227, 368-383 Amartita pantherina, 225, 374, 376-377 Amtniia phalloidei, 375, 376 Amanila i-erna, 374, 376 Amanita urma, 374 'Amajonian TV," 349

American Jvumal nf Psychialry, The, 203, 355 American Medical Association, 166 American Pharmaceutical Association, 334 American Psychological Association, 81, 150 American Psychiatric Association, 83 American Sihnlar, The, 17 ammiianon, 282 amphetamine, 23, 61, 78, 132, 134, 281, 2%-

397, 362, 388

amotivational syndrome, 191, 194 anaigesics, 74, 199-200, 392-399 Anadanaatbera peregrina, 264, 308-309, 311,

313, 316-317, 319 Anderson, Arthur, 104

Anderson, Chester. 42

Anderson. Edward S, 104. 123, 126, 128, 132


Andes, 118-119 anesthetics, 392-399 ' Angel Dust." 395 Aahaltinium it-illamra, 126 Anirman, Walter, 324. 359, 365, 383 Anslmger, Harry J. 166-169, 173-174, 178,


antibaitenal action. 136-137, 200 aphrodisiacs, 342. 353-354, 359, 363. 367, 388 apomorphine. *14

archetypes, 348-351. 355, 363-365, 366 architeas, 83, 149-150 Archives nf Genera/ Psychiatry, 84 Argyreta neriom, 98-99 Argyreia genus, 98-100 Ariocarpus fiituralm, 129 Ariocarpt-s retmm, 129 Army experimeniation, 40, 44, 47-49, 289 Art and Science of Cannabis Cookery, The

(Level Press), 221 arthritis, 73

ARTICHOKE, Project, 46, 233 Art of the Huichnl Indian! (Fine Arts

Museums of San Francisco/Harry N.

Abrams. 1978), 140-141, 144, 149 Asian rue, 342-343 Asseko, Ndong, 363-364 asthma, 136, 190 Asthmador, 385, 388 Atharvt-VeJa, 157 Athens study, University of. 191 jtropine. 378. 382. 385-386 auditory effects, 145-146, 275-276, 391 ayabuaic,,, 305, 319. 332-357 ayabuaiquerr,,. 334, 336-337, 347, 3-19, 356 Aytm-edti, 283 ayurvedic medicine, 286 Aztecs, 95, 103-104, 227, 273-277

bad'ih negro, 96 Bakakr, James, 1, 56, 323, 324 Banitlenopiii, 332-335, 342, 345, 352-354 Baniiltnnpiii coapi. 245, 332. 340-342, 355.


Baniltcnoplti inehnanl. 335, 340, 356 Baniiieriopsn qutlensu, 340, 342 Bantitenopiii ritibyana, 319, 342 Baroff, Ralph, 176 Barron, Frank, 25, 49, 86, 240, 242 Bateson, Gregory, 44 Baudelaire, Charles, 162

beatific vision, 14]

Beatles, the, 53

Beddijs. Thomas, 395

been dttwn in lung it foots like up to me, 154

Behai'tnr Today. 82

Be-ins, 20, 53-54, 291, 297

belladonna, iv, ], 384-388

Beneficial Plant Society, 15, 18

Benitez, Fernando, 121

Benzedrine, 244

Bercel, Nicholas, 3, 39. 44

Beresford, John, 49

Bergman, Robert L, 150-151

Bermger, Kurt, 3, 110, 113, 134, 140, 14}

Bernard, Mary, 17

betel, 583

Beyond Within, The (Atheneum, 1%5), 42, 69

bhang, 201,221

Bible, the, 286

Bigwood, Jeremy, 8, 94, 119, 249, 259, 291,

2%, 307, 309, 314, 522-323, 326-327, 330,

545, 348, 355. 398 Bill of Rights, The, 121 Biology of Plana, The, 90 Birnbaum, Aian, 121. 516, 322. 528 birth defects, 195 Blair, Donald, 79 Blake, William, 14, 145 Blamon, Frederick, 176 Blewett, Duncan, 18, 28 blindness, 196-199 Blofeld, John, 142 blotters, 23-25, 50, 62-64, 100, 337 Blue Halos, 257-258 "bluing" test for mushrooms, 249 Blumer Report, The, 203 Bogota s, 371 BOL-148, 67-68 bung. 221

Boo Hao Bible (Toad Books. 1971), 117 boosting dosages, 28 Boston Psychopathic Hospital, 39, 46 Bosiormenyi, 328 Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens. The

(Charles C Thomas, 1973), 286, 352 Bourne, Peter, 175 Boyd, L.M., 31 brain activity, 13, 17, 41, 70-71, 192-194, 323,


Breton, Andre", 3% Bnggs. John, 110 Bnmblecombe, Roger. 71, 281. 294, 320, 322,


British Journal of Medicine, 110 Britten and Rose, 122 4 -b romo- 2,5 -d i methoxyphe nyl isop roplya mine,

305 brownies, 223

Bruce. Lenny. 174

Bruchk>s, Barron, 116

Bitthi, Coflen, Kocsis, Sonnet and Ziegiei. (60

Buckman, John. 75.85

Buddhism, 1. 159

Bueg, Michael, 249. 252-253, 258-259

bufotenine, 262-263, 309, 324. 378

Bulletin of Narcotic Drugs, 171

bummers, 25-30

Bunce, Richard, 89

Burger's Medicinal Chemistry (John Wiley &

Sons, 1981), 292-293 Burroughs, Bill, Jr., 201

Burroughs, William, Sr, 514, 537-538, 552-554 Busch, A K., 59

caffeine, 159

Calamus. 281, 286-287

Canadian LSD program, 80, 326

cancer, 74, 196-199, 328-329

cannabidiol, 186

cannabinols, 186, 388

Cannabis, 47, 257, 326, 383

Cannabis Alchemy (Twentieth Century

Alchemist), 188 Cannabis butter, 209, 221 Cannabis tndaa. 2, 158-159, 161-165, 179,

197. 208, 212

Cannabis ruderolis, 158-159, 179 Cannabis satna. 156-161, 179, 212 /3-carbohnes, 344-546, J51-352 Carlini.EA., 207 Carncgiea gtganlea, 119 Carter Administration, 174-175 "casing," 246 Casralia Foundation, 52 Castaneda, Carlos, 65, 146, 245 Calaceae, The, 122 cattle. 252 CBD, 212-213

cerebrospinal fluid, 509, 324-525 Champignons HaUttctnogenes dv Mexiqitt

(1959), 245 chanting, 352 charas, 201, 213 Chemical Psychoses: LSD and Related Drags

(Charles C Thomas, 1968), 267 chemotherapy, 199 Chen and Chen, 356 Cherniafc, Lawrence, 216-217 Cheshire, Mamne. 168 childbirth, 200 Child's Garden of Grass, A (Contact Books,

1969, Pocket Books, 1970), 209 choline-esterase inhibition, 362 Christianity, 14, 93, 104, 106-108, 141, 145,

230, 242, 244, 278, 560 Christian, Samuel, 524-525

ihromatography, 101,401-404

chromosomes, 60-61, 72, 192, 194

Church of the Awakening, 120, 158

Church of the Tree of Life, 120, 295, 379, 381

CIA, 11,40,45-48,233-234,236

Clark, E.G.C., 402

Clarke, Robert Conne 11, 179, 185, 187-188

Clark, Walter Houston, 12, 14, 82, 272

OavicepI pospali, 89, 92, 100

Claviceps purpurea, 44, 66, 93

Clear Light, 62, 77

"clear light" experience, 78

Clough, Eric, 149-150

Club des Haichischins. Le. 161-165

CND, 208, 213

coaxihuitl, 95

Cobb, R.,57, 72

coca, 18-19

cocaine, 296

Cocteau, Jean, 9

Cohen, Al, 87

Cohen, Maimon, 60

Cohen, Sidney, 21-22, 26, 42, 69, 84

cohoba. 1, 264, 508-311, 313, 325, 335

colas, 214-215

Cok-hicme. 187

Colombia, 215

culot tests, 401-403

Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and

Control Act, 119, 289 Concannon, Marion Hugh Scott, 174 Concord State Prison, 241-243, 272-273 Congress, U.S., 48-49, 59, 188 Connoisseur's Handbook of Marijuana, 187 Conquistadores, 103 Consumers Union, 59 contact highs, 19 Canvolvulaceae, 44, 95-100 Cook, Captain James, 1. 389 Copely, Bernard, 22, 50 Corbett, L, 525

Cdrdova-Rios, Manuel, 357. J47. 551-553 Corner, Michael, 49 Corynanlhe yohimbe, 388 cosmological commitment, 86 Costa Rican project, 191, 195 counterculture, 19-26 Crashing Thunder, 109 creativity, 9, 51, 33, 42, 50, 54, 71, 83-86, 157,

149-150,240,242,277, 328 Creativity and Psychological Health, 84, 242.


cross-tolerance, 68, 265-266. 525-324 cultivation, 246-248 Customs, US., 175 CY-19, 237, 262-263, 320 CZ-74, 78, 254, 262-265, 320 Czechoslovakia, 41, 81-82

"dangers of not smoking marijuana, the," 207 dangers of Psychedelics, iti-iv, 30-31, 59-62,

296-297. 388. 392-595, 399 Datura, 146, 245, 347. 383, 386-388 Davis. Adelle. 22 Davy, Sir Humphry, 595-597 Death Cap, 575-376 deer iminaliiat ion, 173-175, 190 Degener, Otto, 98 deUma Goncalves, 313 delirium Iremens, 4 deliriants, 385-388 Democrims, 160 dentistry. 18. 396-397. 399 de Rios, Marlene Dobkin, 337, 545, 547, 350,


DeRopp. Robert, 114, 133 "Destroying Angel," 374 de Zumarraga, Juan, 104 DET, 10,508-509, 315, 319-320, 322-323, 327-


deterioration in strength, 405-404 Dianetics. 304 Diaz, Jose Luis, 164 Dibble, Charles, 104 Disney, Wall, 113, 116 2.5-DMA, 24 DMPEA, 281 DMT, 10, 24, 31-52, 508-509, 313, 517, 519-

320, 322-328, 350-331, 344-545, 349, 353 DOB, 24, 281, 293-294, 297 DOET, 281, 292-295, 295, 297 DOM, iii, 23-24, 281, 290, 293-294, 297 Doors of Perception, The (Harper and Row,

1954), 4,42, 114 dopamine, iii, 32, 66, 68 "double-conscious testing," 287 DPT, 10. 508-309. 315-316, 319-320, 322-323,

328-330 Drake. William Daniel.Jr., 157. 187. 200.

217, 221-222 Drama mine, 78 "dream fish," 313 Drug Enforcement Administration, 120-121,

175.219. 356,404 Drug Experience, The (Grove Press, 1961,

1965), 115, 143,275 Drugs and the Mind (St Martin's Press, 1957,

Evergreen Press. 1960, St. Martin's Press,

1982). 114 Drugs From A to Z (, 1969,

1974), 74-75, 298 drug testing, 64, 401-404 drying. 250, 380-381 du Bellay, Griffon, 359 Ducke, 311 Dulles, Allen, 45-47 Dunlac. lane, 22

DuPont, Robert, 174. 188 Dybowski and Landrin. 560-361 dying, 74

EA-1299. 289

EA-1475. 4S

Ebin. David, 115, 143, 273

eboka, 363-364

Echinocactus williamtn, 125-126

Economic Botany, 360, 362

Ecstatic Adventure, The (Macmillan, 1968),

83, 142, 149, 242, 272, 298 Edgewood Arsenal, 48, 289 EEG, 41,70-71 Eltun. Daniel, 385 "Egypt Study of Chronic Cannabis G>nsump-

non. The," 192 eidetic images, 114

Eisner, Bruce, 23, 32, 101, 295, 403

ekstasis, 233

Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (Farrar, Straus 6t

Giroux, 1968, Bantam, 1969), 44 Eleusian Mysteries, 91-94 Ellsberg, Daniel, 42 Elvin-Lewis, Memory P.P., 295 Emboden. William, 99, 284, 316, 320-321,

325, 349, 353 Encyclopedia of Sex Drugs and Aphrodisiacs,


Enos, Leonard, 245, 253

entheogens, 8, 94, 237

epenj, 311-313, 317, 325, 333

ephedrine, 2S7

ergine, 90

ergo no vine, 90

ergot, 46, 47, 90-92, 100-101, 395

ergot alkaloids, 44, 96-100

ergotamine, 101

estaline, 131-133

Elhnnpharmactiioftic Search for Piychoactue

Drugi (US. Government Printing Office,

1967), 295,321 Eugster, C.H., 378 Exploring Inner Space, 22 extrasensory perception, 32, 302, 352-353 eyesight, 137

Fadiman, James, 84

Farber Canter Center, Sidney, 199

Farina, Richard, 154

Farmitalia, 100

fatigue. 287

Fernandez, James, 362-163

Fine, Ben S., 196

First Book of Sacraments (Church of the Tree

of Life), 295, 379 Fist her, 340

Fischer, Gary, 100

Fischer. Roland, 71

Flattery, Divid. 342

Flesh of the Gndt: The Ritual lite of

Hallucinogens (Praeger, 1972). 350. 362-363 Florentine Codex. 96, 104, 226 "flushes," 246. 253

Fly Agaric, 1, 11, 225, 281, 325, 368-383 Food and Drug Administration, 20, 50, 59, 219 forbidden Sexual Behavior and Morality

(Julian Press, 1962), 116 Ford, Jack, 174 Fort Detritk, 47 Frank Tikes Gun, 135 Fremont-Smith, Frank, 46 Freud, Sigmund, 18, 12, 40, 79, 302, 354 Fuchs. Leonhardt, 156, 161 fungi, 10, 224-279, 368-383 Furst, Peter T, 106, 121,350,363

Galen, 160

Galerina aiaumnalis, 261-262

Gamblers, the, 50

gangrene, 74

ganja, 7, 201, 210

Ganja in Jamaica: A Medical Anthropological

Study of Chronic Marihuana U<e (Mouton

and Co.. 1975). 190, 194 gas chromatography, 401-402 Gautier, Theophile, 2, 161, 16} Georgi, Johann, }72, 383 Gesthickter Foundation, 234 Ginsberg, Allen, 25, 44, 65, 76-77, 115,138,

172-173, 314,337-338, 354 glaucoma, 190, 196-199 Goddard, James, 20 Goldsmith, Oliver, 378 Ghost Dance, 106 Golightly, Bonnie, 27-30, 65, 8) Goode. Erich. 206

Good Friday Eiperiment, 25, 242, 244 Gottlieb. Adam. 221, 363, 388, 392 Gottlieb, Sidney, 46-48, 234 Graves, Robert, 230 Great Boots of Hashish, The (And/Or Press,

1979), 217

Greece, 1.90-94, 159-160, 191-192, 195,233 Greek Mysreries, rhe, 90-94 Green, Ken. 298 Greene, Daniel St. Albin, 196 Greenwich Village, 53, 120 Grinspoon. Lester, 1, 56, 195, 323-324 Graf, Stan.slav, 18, 25, 32, 41, 43, 65, 81 Guatemala, 192 guiding sessions, 26-30, 355 Guicn, J, 360 Gurdjieff, G., 87 Guiman. Gasron, 256

Haard, Richard and Karen, 249

Haas, Charles, 65

Hiight-Ash bury, 53. 208, 339

Halifax, Joan. 121

Haller and Hetkel, 361

"hallucinogen," 7

HaJluiinogenK Agents (Wright-Scientethnita,

1975), 71, 294, 320, 344 Hallucinogenic and Poisonous Mushroom

field Guide (And/Or Press, 1975), 249 Hallucinogenic Ptants of North Amt-ricd

iWinjjbow, 1976, 1979), 266 Hallucinogens, Tht- (Academic Press, 1967),

70, 151, 268. 286, 295. 355, 362-163 HitHufm<>/;fns and Culture (Chandler &

Sharp. 1976). 106

Hollminnfens and Shamanism (Oxford University Press, 1973), 275, 350 Handbook of PiychopbaTrnacolopy (Plenum

Press, 1978), 292

harmala alkaloids, 32, 332-357, 362 harmaline, .ii, 11, 66, 237, 305-306, 332-357,


Harman, Willis, 84

harmine. 237, 305, 352, 316-337, 343-344,

346-347. 353, 356 H»rner. Michael, 121, 350 Harsard Botanical Museum Leaflet!. 228, 231. 136. 370 Harvard Psilocybin Research Project, 239-

344, 271, 274, 276 Harvard University, 50-51, 58, 87, 122, 228,

239-244, 250, 271, 300, 397 harvesting, 215, 217. 250 Hasthiiihins, Le Club des, 161, 163 fLibti-<l> Later, Tin- (And/Or. 1976), 164 haUush, 1, HI, 21, 119, 201, J09-210, 215-219 hash oil, 195, 201. 209. 215, 217, 219, 221 H-iusner. Milan, 8I-H2 Hawaiian woodroses, 66-67, 98 headaches, 35, 72-73, 196 Head magazine, 291, 314 he»lmg, ili, 18-19, 347-348, 354-355. 357, 366 Heating journey. The (Random House, 1973,

Ballamine Books, 1975), 304-305, 337, 355,

360, 366

HeJrd, Gerald, 25, 42 H.-JI en and Hell (Chatto and Windus. 1956),


Hcffcrn. Richard. 123 Htffit-r, Arthur. 1. 110, 110 Heim, Roger. 234. 216, 245, 253, 273 Helisten, Carmen, 402 Helms. Richard, 46, 48 Hemp, 164-166 Hemp/nr Victory, 168 henbane, 385 Hennmgs, Paul, 110 Hepler, Robert S, 198

hermaphrodites, 180

Hermon, Harry, 208

Hernindei, Francisco, 1, 96, 226

Herodolus, 159

Hesse. Hermann. 7. 110. 113

Hiph-Pcrfurmance Liquid Chromato^raphy

(HPLCl. 252, 402 Hifh P"i'it (New American Library, College

Notes, 19681, 243, 245, 314 High Times magazine (17 W. 60th S[,

N.Yt 100231,64,98, 101, 154, 175, 1%,

215, 220-221, 246, 256. 295, 139, 348. 352 Highu-ay to Mental Health: LSD Psycho

therapy. The. 81 hippies. 55

History of ihe Things of Neu> Spain, 1, 104 Hochstein and Paradies. 336 Hoffer, Abram, 4, 7, 68, 70, 80, ! 14, 140, 143,

150, 151, 268, 286, 295, 321, 348, 355-356,

363, 385, 390 Hoffman, Abbie, 44 Hofmann, Albert, 3, 7, 9, 18, 35-39, 44, 48,

63-65. 68, 78, 90-91, 93-94, 96, 100. 157,

161, 180, 2.34-237. 239, 245, 253, 265. 271,

273-274. 286. 311, 314, 319-320, 125, 339,

341-342. 345. 152-153, 361, 370, 185 Hollingshead, Michael. 49-50, 87, 271 Hoi lister, Leo, 266,267, 297 Hollywood Hospital, 42, BO Holmstedt, Bo, 344 "Homeric Hymn to Demeter," 91, 93 hookah, 220

Horowitz, Michael. 14, 32 Horowitz and Palmer, 14 Houston, Jean, 12, 26, 49-50, 56, 74, 83, 88,

89. 134. 137, 327 Hubbard, Al, 42-43 Huichols, 104-106, 120-123, 129, 133-134,

140-141. 146. 149 Humanistic Psychology, 82-81 Huoma, 342, 183 Huxley, 3-5, 11-12, 14, 22, 25, 33,42,74, 81,

86-87. 114-115, 137, 141, 236, 240, 242, 383 Hyde, Robert, 39 hypnotism, 78

iboga, 11, 358, 167

ibogaine, 11, 24, 304-306, 358-367

ibotemc acid. 378, 180


Imazeki. R.&uya. 180. 181

'immediate perception," 79

immunology, 191, 194

India Hemp Drugs Commission, 171

Indocybin, 237, 239

indoles, iii-iv, 9. 66, 262, 324, 359

infections. 297

injection, 68-69, 267, 296. 322, 126, 392

Inner Landscape. The, 337

Inquisition, 104

inspiration, 9, 207-208, 242. 244

Irutirute for Advanced Studies, 149

Institute for Psychedelic Research, 94

Institute of Personality Assessment 86

intelligence, 194, 207

International Cultivator's Handbook , 200, 217

International Foundation for Advanced Study,


Ipornoea vtolacea, 95-97 I.Q., 25, 86 isoergine. 67, %

ISO-LSD, loo, 401

lso-1, 188 lso-11, 188

isomerization, 188, 209 isomioks. 225, 378 liumi, Kyo, 59,83

Jamaica, 175, 191-192, 194-195,215

James, William, 3, 7, 8, 12, 88, 112, 133. 239,

529, 597-398

Jamger, Oscar, 12, 20, 41-43, 84, 343 Janichewsky, 159 jimson weed, 385 Jochelson, 371 Juhnsen, Gordon, 79 Johnson. Jean Basset, 275 Johnson. Lyndon Dairies. 58, 228 Johnson, W.C, 39 Jordan, Hamilton, 175 journal of the American Medical Association,


Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 192 Journal of Ethnopharmacolagy, 128 journal of Mental Science!. 114, 328 Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 84,

242 Journal of Psychedelic Drxgi, 8, 94, 132. 164,

194, 292, 299-300, 302. 128, 130, 355, 370,

382, 395

Journal of Psychoactive Drug!, 152 Journeys into the Bright World (Para

Research, 1978), 394 Juan, don, 146, 245 Jung, CG., 40, 79, 110, 113, 349. 355

Kahn, Michael, 274-275 Kaplan, Reid, 381 Kast. Eric. 74 kava-kava, iv, 388-392 Kayo, 185,212

Keewaydinoquay, 370-371, 381 Keller test, 401 Kennedys, the, 59, 174 Kensmger, Kenneth, 353 Kesey, Ken, 20, 22, 44, 207 Kessler. Stephen, 58, 62, 562 Keialar, 392-393

Ketamine. iv, 192-395

Key to the North American Psilocybin Mushroom (a Youniverse Production. 1970), 245

Kleps, Art, 10.26.76, 116-117

Kliiver. Heinrich, 110, 140, 142-143. 145

Koch-GrUnberg, 311, 334. 350

Kopec, Joseph, 169, 372-373. 383

Krippner, Stanley, 17, 18, 56, 8?-84, 86, 241-242, 276

Kuromaru and coworkers, 73

Kusel. Heinz. 316, 349, 351

Kyphoim fmcms, 113

LA-111. 67. 96

La Barre, Weston. 1,61, 111, 228

La Guardia Commission, 171. 186

Lamatck, 159

Lamb. Bruce, 337

Landrin, Albert. 358. 360-361

"Landslide" mushrooms, 233, 268

Langner. Fred W., 81, 83

Larimer, Dean, 196

laughing gas, 396-398

laws, 20-24, 12,58-59, 166-174, 199,211.

315-316, 356-, 367, 192 League for Spiritual Discovery, 52 Leary. Timothy, 18, 22, 25-26, 29, 43. 49-54,

58. 61. 65, 87. 239-243, 245, 271-272, 274.

314-315, 126-127. 388 Le Dam Report, 171 Lee, Paul, 49, 87

Legal High! (High Times/Level Press), 348 Leger, Colette, 195-194 Lemaire, 125 LeMar, 172-173 Leuner, Hanscarl, 22, 80, 328 Lewin, Louis. 1,8, 110-111, 141, 144, 146,

149, 325, 355, 389, 391 Lewis. Barbara, 203, 205 Lewis. Walter. 295 Liberty Caps, 253-257 Licit and Illicit Drugs (Little, Brown. 1972),


Liddy, G. Gordon, 58 Life magazine, 3, 50, 115, 236 Lilly & Co, Eli, 47, 168, 187,219 Lilly, John, 32, 194 Linder, Ronald, 395 Ling, Thomas. 73, SO, 85 Lingeman, Robert R , 74 IJnneaus, 157

lithium aluminum hydride, 320 Lloyd. Pamela. 175 Lomitas, 194 Ij>ndon Observer, 147 Lophophora dtffuu, 103, 126, 129 Lophophora fricii, 126, 128 Lophophora jonrdaniana, 126 Lophophora teu'inii, 126

Mimosa hollill!. Ml. 313, 316 Miracle of Marsh Chapel, The,' 244 mirror images, 66, 294-395 Mitchell. Weir, 3, 110, 112, 140-142, 144 MKULTRA. Project, 46-47 MMDA, 24, 281, 293, 295-296. 302-507, 388 Mogar, Robert, 84 Muksha: Writing,! on Psychedelics and she

Visionary Experience I1931-196)i (Stone-

hill Publishing, 1977, J.P Tarcher, 1982), 14 Monrerey Pop Festivals, 52 monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, 323,


Montezuma II, 226. 275 Mooney, James, 108, 136, 140 Moore, James, 234, 236 Moore, Marcia. 394 Moreau (de Tours), J.J., 7. 161. 163 Morgan, Francis P., 136

morning glories, 1, 28, 44. 66-67, 94-98, 295 Moss, Thelma, 79 Moteri and Shaken, 110 Muller, Kal, 140, 143 Multilevel Measurement of Interpersonal

Behavior. 240 Munn, Henry, 275 murder, 58. 62, 362 mustarine, 378 muscimole, 378, 380 muscazone, 378 mushrooms, 44, 63-64, 172, 224-279, 368-383,


Mushrooms, Russia and History, 236, 370 mushroom stones, 224, 230-231 mycophiles, 229, 382 Myerhoff, Barbara, 133 Myristica fragrant, 280, 283-284 My Self and I (Coward-McOnn), 79 mystical experience, 9, 12, 33, 244 Mytnatm, Sacred and Profane (Galaxy Books),


Nabilone, 187,219

Nahas, Gabriel, 193-194

Naran]Q, Claudio, 296, 304-307, 337, 344,

349-350, 353-355, 360-362, 566 narcotics, 69, 167

.Varro/ir Plants (Macmillan, 19791, 7, 284 Narcotics Bureau, U.S. 59, 166, 168, 175 Narcotict: Nature's Dangerous Gifls, 390 narkotischen Gtnussmitte/ and der Mensch,

Die. 2 National Academy of Sciences, 171. 190, 192,

195 National Commission on Marijuana and Drug

Abuse, 191

National Council on Marijuana, 192 National Geographic, 313 National Institute of Mental Health, 23, 59.

61,72, 190,203,206,321, 385

National Institute co Reform Marijuana Laws

(NORML.J.64, 173, 175, 178 National Obstner. The, 196 National Survey on Drug Abuse, 62 American Church, 108. I13-1M. 120-

121. 133, 135, 140-141, 149, 154 Native American Church of New York, 316 nausea, 11, 199, 546-347 Navy experimentation, 40 NeuropkarmaCfihffy, 289 neurosis, 79, 151, 302, 304 neurotransmitters, 32, 66, 309, 324-325 Neii England journal of Medicine, 190, 199 Newland, Constance, 79 New York Academy of Sciences, 174 Nickels, Anna B, 109 Ntfnltana, 343 nicotinic acid, 242, 244 nitrous oxide, 2. 66, 394-399 noetic experience, 329 NORAD (North American Air Defense

System), 175

NORML.64, 173, 175, 178 Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and

Andet, 334 Nourttttet \n\<r>ni mr les Champignont

Hallucino^nes (1967). 245 nuclear magnetic resonance testing, 403 nutmeg, 10. 280-281, 283-286, 295-297, 309

oioiu^fa, 44. 95-97

Olson, Frank, 47

On Being Stoned (Science and Behavior

Books, 19711,201

One Thousand American Fungi (1900), 253 Operation Buccaneer, 175 Operation Star Trek, 175 opiates, 7, 32, 69, 74, 383 OShaufihnessy. WB., 2, 161-162 Osmond, Humphry. 4, 5, 10, 14. 70. 83, 96,

114, 137. 140-141, 143, 146-147, 150-151,

340, 242, 268. 286. 295, 321. 326, 348, 355

356, 363, 385, 390 OSS, 47

Oss and Oeric, 246, 248, 275 Ott, Jonathan, 8. 92, 94, 249. 266, 309, 314,

322-323, 326-327, 330, 379, 381-382 out-of-body experiences, 147-148 overdoses, 70 Owsley, Stanley, 23, 50, 63

Pahnke, Walter, 242, 244 Palomino, Eduanio, 147 Panaeoim sphinclnnus, 228 Panafoius sukbalteatus Ihenanosis), 256-257 Panama Canal, 171 Panama Rose, 231 Panfegruel. Third Book of, 161 Panther Caps, 11, 225, 368-369. 374, 376-377, 379, 381-382

Pjrjcelsus, 161

Pjraqujt, 178

Pjrkt-Davis, 109, 168, 236. 192-393. VK

Parker, Quiirwh. 103, 107-lOfi

Palfiilum dislicbiim, 92, 94

Paul. Ramrfn, I, 309

PBR. 281

PCP, iv, 23-24, 63,245,281, 395

"peak" experiences, 8, 316, 328-330

Peck. TT, 72-73, 135

Peganutn harmala, 342-343

Pennes and Hoch, 355

Periodical Table of Ginsciousness, 351

peyote, 2-3, 10, 21, 28, 32, 102-155, 227, 295


peyote, false, 129 Peyote (Thomas Y. Crowell. 1971. Mentor

1972), 149 Pejote Cull, The (Shoe String Press and

Schocken Books), 11 3

Peyote. Divine Cactus, The (University of Texas Press, 1981), 122, 126 Peyote Hunt, The (Cornell University Press),

106, 121 Peyote Rtltpion, The (Glencoe Free Press,

1956), 113, 143 Peyote Religion AmtmR she Naiabo (Aldme,

1966), 114 Peyvte, In the Magic Land of (University of

Texas Press, 1975), 121 peyotists, 133 phanerothyme, 5 phantom limb pain, 73 PharmChem, 23, 24, 64, 101, 154, 245, 307,

360, 401

Phisalex, M.C, 360

p he net hy la mines, iii-iv, 130, 131-133, 292-293 phenylisopropybmines. 292-393 physical sensations, 69, 189 Pike. Eunice, V, 330

Pmder, Roger, 71, 281, 294, 320, 332, 344 pineal gland, 32, 344-345 Piper methyslKian, 389 pide, 233 placebos, 200-201 Plants of the Gods: Origins of Hallucinogenic

Vie (McGraw-Hill, 1979), 157, 311, 334,

339, 385

Playboy magazine, 76 Pliny, the Elder, 160 PMA, 24,290-291,294,307 Poisonous and Hallucinogenic Mushrooms

(Cloudburst Press, 1975), 249 poisonous mushrooms, 261-262 Pollack, Milton, 121 Pope, Harrison, Jr., 360, 362 potentiation, 31, 323 Prtntiss, D.W., 136 Priestley, Joseph, 2, 395 Progressive Architecture, 150

proscalme. 131, 133

pmsucurcs, 42

Psvudopitliicybe bjifmannti, 245

psilocm, 10. 235-238, 245. 248-250, 252-253,

256, 259, 262-266, )20, 326 Pstlvcybe aztttumm. 265 Psilotybe heeocyilts, 258-260, 262 Psilocybt taertdescem, 233, 268-270 Psilocybe cubens.i, 63, 228, 244-247, 250-253,

256-257, 279 Pstlncybe cyanescens, 248, 250, 257-258, 260,

262, 265

Psitocybe cyanajiberlosa, 260 Psiiniybe mexitana, 234-236, 264 Ptiti>t:ytn' Muihrtiiini* & Tbi'ir Attws t Homestead IWxiks, 19781, 249 Piiliitfke prtllmtnia. 255. 257, 264 Pulocfbe temiianceala, 245, 253-256, 264 Pfilacybe ttuntzii. 260-261 psilocybian mushrooms. 10, 224-279, 283,

371, 380, 394 psilocybin, .ii, 10, 21-22, 24, 28-30, 66, 80,

235-245, 324, 381, 390 Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide

(And/Or Press, 1976). 246 Psilocybin Research Project, 87 psoriasis, 73 "psychedelic," 4-19 psychedelic conferences, 63-65 Psychedelic Art (Grove Press), 54, 83 Psychedelic Baby Reaches Puberty (Praeger,

Academic Press, Delta Books, 1971), 152 Psychedelic Chemistry (And/Or Press, 1977,

Loompanics Unlimiied, 1981), 322, 344,

348, 367 Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered (Basic Books,

1979), 1,60 Psychedelic Experience. The (University

Books and Citadel Press), 53 Psychedelic Guide to the Preparation o/ the

ElKhanil. 244, 315 Psychedelic Reader, The (University Books),

100, 336

Psychedelic Review, 6, 52, 243, 336 Psychedelics: The Use! and Implications of

Hallucinogenic Drugs (Anchor Books,

1970), 146, 151, 242 Psychiatric Institute, Prague, 41 Psychology Today, 194 Psychopharmacologica, 207 psychosis. 7, 21-22, 40, 78-79, 324 psychotherapy, 21-22, 78-83, 151-153, 206,

304, 315-316, 328-3W, 354-355, 366 psychotomimetic, 4, 7, 40, 41, 68, 324-325 Psychotna vindis. 319, 343 Piychoiroptc Substances and Related Compounds (U.S. Gov't Printing Office), 385 pulque, 124 pur,ty, 22-25, 101,400-404

Rabelais, Francois, 161

Rachlin, Carol. 121, 149

Raddiff. Bruce, 245

Radin, Paul, 113

Rainbow gatherings, 64

Ram Dass (Richard Alpert). 65. 89

Randall, Robert, 196-199,219

Rastafarians, 178, 191

rat root, 286-287

rats, 207, 265, 153

Ramfolfia, 361

Rave, John, 106

Raven, Evert and Curtis, 90

rebirth experiences, 79

receptor sites, 124

recipes. 199. 221-223

recreational use, [65-166

Rftfer Maaaest (tfobbs-Mernll. 19791, 168

Reichel-Dolmaroff, Gerardo. 350

re-imprinting, 18

Reko, Bias Pablo, 227-229, 231

Reko, Victor, 227, 231

religious experience, 11, 17, 86-89, 140-145,

239-231, 228-310, 392, 394-195 Relman. Arnold, 190 Report oj the In4ian Hemp Drug Commit-

uon (1894], 170, 171 Refearches Chemical and Philosophical,

chiefly concerning Nitroui Oxtde and it!

Respiration, 395 "retinal circus," 326 Rhead.JohnC, 81 rheumatism, 159, 348 Richardson, Allan, 232-233, 268 Richardson, Jim, 185 Richmond, Julius, 219 right brain activity, 12, 13 Rig Veda, I, 368-369, 376-377. 379, 381 Rinkel. Mai, 1 Ritalin, 78

Rtvva corymboia, 44-45. 96-97 Rood to Elensis: Unveiling the Secret! of the

Mysteries, The (Harcouit, Brace * Janovich,

1978), 61, 91, 94 Roberts, Joe, 313 Rockefeller CIA Commission, 48 Rockefeller drug laws, 121, 173 Hoffman, Roger A., 199-200, 219, 221 Roquet, Salvador, 12. 122 Rose. J N.. 227 Roseman, Bernard, 22, 50 Roseveat. John, 173 Rothlin, Ernst, 39 Rouhiet, Alexandra, 3, 110, 127 Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 253 Rubin. Vera, 194 Ruck, Carl, 8, 63-64,91,94 Russell, George William (A.E.), 145

Russians. 45. 159 rye, 89-95, 246-252

Sabina. Maria, 232-213. 237, 239, 268, 276

Sacred Seeds, 208

safe houses, 47

Safford, William, 227-228, Ml

safrole, 292

Sahagiin, Bernardino de, 1, 104, 226-227, 399

Sai-Halasz, 321

Sallan.SrephenE, 199,219

Salm-Dyck, 125

San Antonio, J.P., 246

Sandison. R.A., 40, 79

Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, 21-21, 15-36, 39-42.

45-46, 48. 51-52, 64, 66, 100, 161, 234-235,

237-218. 240, 266, 385 San Franciico Oracle, 53, 56 Sanlsidro, 250-251, 277-279 Sankar, Siva, 24, 116 San Pedro, 10, 117, 119, 130, 133-134, 147,

153-154, 245. 351 Samesson, Carl Gusiaf, 228-229 sassafras, 282 saturation point, 78 Savage, Charles, 151 schizophrenics, 22, 40, 78-81, 114. 325 Schoenfeld, Eugene, 195 Schmidt, P B., 362 Schulres, Richard Evans, 7, 96, 122, 126, 128,

135, 157, 161, 180, 230-231. 250, 286, 311.

319-120, 125, 331, 316, 139, 341-342, 345,

347, 352-153, 356, 361, 370, 385 Science magazine, 61, 72 Scienlut. The- (J.B. Lippincutt, 1978), 394 scopolamine, 347, 388 Scully, Timothy, 23, 62 Scythians, 159-160 Search for the "Mttnchttnan Candidate": The

CIA and Mind Control (New York Times

Books, 1979), 46

Secret! of the Mind-Alerting Plant; of Mexico (Pyramid, 1975), 123 seeds, 212-213 Segal, Etna, 81

serotonin, i,i, 66, 68, 71, 262-263, 123-324, 343 "set and setting," 10, 25 sexual differences in marijuana, 183 sexual effects, 283. 302-301, 342, 346, 353-354,

361, 366. 388

Sexual Pouer of Marquana. The (Ate), 203, 205 Shafer, Raymond Philip, 191 Sbafer Repot. The (NAL, Signet, 1972) Shamanic Voices (E.P. Dution. 1979). 121 shamanism, 25, 108, 118 Sharon, Douglas, 147 Sherwood, Stolaroff and Harm an, 79

Shulgm, Alexander T, 7, 31-31, 110, 112-113,

118, 140. 154, 292, 294-295. 102-303, 343,

148, »5

Siamese fighting fish, 46 Silva, Ramdn Medina, 121 Singer, Rolf, 216, 250, 252 Sinnett. E. Robert, 151 stnienalla, 178, 185,212-211 Sinsemilla Marijuana Flowers (And/Or Press,

1976), 185

SrnitTnilla Technique (Lasi Gasp, 1982), 185,212 skin rash, 73

Sklar-Weinstem, Arlene. 85 Sky Cloud Mountain, 324 Sljunin. Nikolai. 324 Sloman, Larry, 168

Slotkin.J.S, 14, 113-114, 141, 141, 146 Smith, David E, 208 Smith, Houston, 49, 58, 88, 142 Smnh. Klein & French, 287 Smith, Michael Valentine, 322-321,144, 148,


Smithsonian Institution, 108, 227 smoking, 154, 192, 195, 209, 211-212, 215,

219. 221, 245, 317, 322-223. 327-328, 330-


smoking clubs. 209 Smythies, John, 4, 114 snuffing. 310-111, 120-121, 199 sodium amytal, 388 Solanaceae, 385

"Soma," 1, 11, 342-141, 168-370, 179-380, 383 SO MA, 173 SOMA: Divine Mushroom of Immortality

(Harcoun, Brace and Janovich, 1967), 370,

373, 383

Sophora lecandiflora, 124 Soviets, 45, 159

Spaniards, 104. 164. 226-228. 210, 252, 109 Spa'th. Ernst, 110 spiders, 117-119 Spinrad, Norman, 33 Spore prints. 248-250, 377 Spring Grove Hospital, 25, 41, 74, 81-82, 297,

128-330 Spruce, Richard, 2, 110, 325, 134-135, 139-

340, 345, 150 Spybuck, Ernest, 149 Squibb, 168, 284-285 Stace. W T., 242, 244

stages of psychedelic experience, 12, 348-349 Stamen, Paul, 249, 261 Staples. Danny, 8, 64 &ark, Ronald, 62 Siarks, Michael, 212, 219. 222 Si. Anthony's Dance, 90, 196 Stash, 296-297 Stictocardia tilafolia, 98

stimulants, 7. 293. 159-162

Stolaroff. Myron. 50, 79, 84

Stoll, Arthur, 19

Sttill, Werner A. 3, 15, 39, 41

STP, 21. 290-291, 293, 297-299

Street Pharmacologist, 401

stroboscope. 41. 267

Stromberg, 113

srromomum, 186

Stropharia otbensts, 63, 228, 250-251 266


"srupid bush," 213 Si. Vitus dance, 90 suicide, 21-22. 47^18. 348 Sunshine acid, 21-24, 62. 67 suppositories, 199. 221 sweet (lag. 286 Sweezy. Carol. 149 Suiiit Archive! of Neurology, 39 synapses. 66. 71 synergism, 10, 11, 323-324 Syrian rue. 332-331, 315, 342-343, 353 Szrfra, Stephen, 313-314, 122-123

Tabernanlhe iboga, 358-167

Tao Te Ching, 88

Tarahumaris, 103-105, 108, 129, 141

Tart, Charles. 8. 83. 201-203, 207

Tashkm. Donald, 195

Taylor, Norman, 190

Teachings of Don Juan: A Yacifiii Way of

Knowledge, The, 245 telepathine, 352

teonanJcatl. 226-227, 212-231, ?37, 268 TeonanacatI: Hallucinogenic Mushroom! of

North America (Madrone Publishers, 1978).


resring equipmenr. 401-403 testosterone levels, 191-192, 194 tetrahydrocannabinols (THCs), 186-187 tetrahydroharmuie, 332, 136, 343-144 tetrahydroisoqumolines, 110 Tetrapteni methyitica, 342 TeionJmoc, 226, 275 Thai sticks, 215 THC 21, 66, 185-188, 192-193, 195, 199-201,


THC-acid, 201

Thelin, Ron and Jay. 51, 171

rheobotanists, 17

thin-layer chrotnatography, 101, 401-40J

THIRD CHANCE, Operation, 48

Thompson, Hunrer S.. 57

Thorazine. 60. 291

thorn apple. 385 Thornwell, James, 48-49 TbovanJ and One Night;, T**, 220 Tilden's Extract. 164, 197

time distortion, 17, 148, 363

Time magazine, 50, 58

ttitlihin, 95, 97

TMA, 281, 290. 291-294

TMPEA. 112

tobacco, 541

Tcxfd, A R, 186

tolerance, 68, 265-266, 133-324

Tors, Ivan, 20

toxicity. 7, 379. 385

Travia, Anthony J., 59

Tricbocf'SHi patbanoi, 117-118, 129, 388

Trichoceretti penmanm, 119, 129-130

Trickoctrt, 117-119, 129-130

"truth serum." 47-49

tryptamines, lii, 10, 66, 262-263, 308-131. 343

trypiciphan, 309, 124

Tsatokee, Monroe, 149

TurbtTu corymbose. 45, 96-98

Turck, Soskm and Kurland, 297, 299

Turn On Boot. The, 244, 315

University of Gottingen, 80

Using Murijitana in Reduction of Nattsea

Associated with Chemotherapy, 199 U.S. National Commission on Marijuana and

Drug Abuse. 191 Utopian bliss balls, 98

van den Eerenbeemt, Ronny, 86

van Urk-Smith color test, 401

Varieties of Psychedelic Experience, The, 12,

26, 50,74-75,89, 134, 157,327 Varonoff and Jeiepeiuk, 335 vegetarianism, 17 VeAn. 88

vetadas, 2?1, 213, 268

Villalba, 335, 348, 156

Villavicencio, 334, 153

Virola curpidala, 31 1. 317

Vtrola:. 111-313,317.319,325-326

Vtrnla theodora. 111-112, 317, 318

Visionary Vine: Psychedelic Healing in the Petyttaa Amazon (Chandler, 1972), 337, 347,154

Vogel, Wolfgang, 325 von Bibra, Ernst Freiherr, 2 von Dittmar, Carl, 373 von Eckartsberg, Rolf, 87, 272 von Humboldt, Baron Alexander, 2, 110 vomiting, 346-347

WJIliicc, Alfred Ruswl, 134 Wa.mke, H.E, 187 Washington, George. 164

Wasser, P.G., 378

Was«>n, R. Gordon, 5, 8, 11,44,6.1-64, 90-91, 94. 225-226, 229-214. 236-2)7, 219, 248, 253. 268-272, 276-277, 1(39-370, 372, 376-377, 379-381, )83 Wjsson, Valentina Pivlovni. 221-226, 229-

231, 2J3. 237, 248, 253, 269 Wans, Alan, 33, 49, 242, 526 Wavy Caps, 257-258

Weil, Andrew, iii-iv, 3-4, 9-10, 15-16, 200, 256, 277-279, 297, 302-303, 138-339, 346-347, 349, J52-153, 382 Weil, Gunther, H7 Weitlaners, The, 228, 231 Wells, Horace, 397 West, Louis Jolyon, 194, 201. 206 White, George, 47. 48 Whitman, Walt, 286 Wikrxkjohn. 115 Wilson, John, 106-109 Wilson, Robert Anton, 583 Wizard of the Upper Amazon (Houston

Mifflin, 1971, 1974), 337, 347, 151 Wolfe, Tom, 44

WondfOHt Mushroom: Mycolalry in Meso-amrrua. Tin' (MtGrJw-Hill, 1980) 213, 268

woodroses, Hawaiian. 98-99 Woodruff, Rosemary, 59 Woodward, William, 166 Vnoion Report, The, 171 Wordsworth, William, 138 writer's block, 85-86

Xim^nez, 96

y*gf. 114,324,332-357, 360

Yando, 351,357

yarn paintings, 105

YACE telten, The (City Lights Books, 1965,

1970), 3.17-338

Yeats, William Butler, 144

yippies, 174

yohimbe. 388

70^0, 2,308-310, 321, .125

Zaehner, R.C, 114, 143 Zegans, Pollard and Brown, 84 ttn. 8 Zihuatanejo, Mexico, 51-52

Zinberg, Norman, 8, 89, 192, 194-195, 200, 299-502