If today's world map looks like a conglomerate glob of silly putty, smashed by a hammer and stuck together again, it is because the new nations are in large part literally and lineally the heirs of their colonial history. Physically, they are artifacts of 19th century imperialism's division of the spoils, confined within arbitrary frontiers contrived by colonial mapmakers. Psychologically, they are the heirs of Europe's own fierce nationalism, which fueled the race for empire. As 19th century British Philosopher Walter Bagehot observed, political man is a highly imitative animal. The subjugated peoples of the empires resented and rejected colonialism, but they assimilated and accepted much of its trappings, casting about for the same status symbols that their masters had; This deep psychological need to cut the figure of nationhood for all to see is responsible for the imposing government palaces, the parliamentary maces, the conspicuous Rolls-Royces,. the Western-run "national" airlines and the gleaming chancelleries that exist in many young nations that can hardly afford to print money on their own. An Exhausting Task The new nations are created so quickly and usually with such a lack of rational preparation that they spawn problems never faced by most of the older countries, which evolved their own nationhoods over centuries. The empire builders, for example, never were lashed by the obligation to improve the standard of living of those they ruled. Today the leaders of a new nation are soon in trouble if they do not do sovisibly and dramatically. They confront not one but several revolutions at once-political, economic, social, technological- and are thereby called on to make choices that Western statesmen never had to make. The evidence of how difficult those choices are, and of how unprepared the new nations are to make them, is everywhere at hand. Simply getting a country in business at all can be a formidable task. Mauritania, for example, is practically a movable TIME, MARCH 11, 1966 -. Declassified in Part_ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : CIA-F~DP79B00752A000300070001-8 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8 SPAIN vegetables trom the zone, or or armK- JOrny-a margm uiaL nuw ~tanu~ aL ,~ The Nuke Fluke ing milk from there." Just to be on the mere three. In that election, Wilson's safe side, the U.S. dug up 1,500 cubic fortunes had not been helped by hi:. repWashington held off any announce- yards of contaminated topsoil and to- utation as the voice of Labor's left and ment, waiting for Spain to make the mato plants and made plans to ship as a scheming opportunist. Labor's curfirst statement. Spain held off, nervous- them back to a radioactive-waste dump rent confidence is largely the result of ly uncertain of what to say. Finally, in Aiken, S.C., for diplomatic burial. Wilson's emergence as something far last week-some 44 days after the As for the bomb that was still miss- different. event-the two countries officially an- ing, the searchers seemed prepared to Defending the Pound. In office, Wilnounced what the whole world had been continue the hunt indefinitely. Was there son has proved to be a man of the middiscussing for the past six weeks: that a chance its radioactive contents were die-and that is where the votes are in the U.S. had indeed misplaced one leaking into Spain's coastal waters? today's affluent Britain. To be sure, WilH- bomb. With Spain's big tourist season about son's government has raised pensions, The nuke was one of four that fell to begin, it was a horrifying thought. liberalized the national health-insurance over southern Spain Jan. 17, when a U.S. Ambassador Angier Biddle Duke's scheme, and instituted long-range naU. S. Air Force B-52 collided with a duty was clear. To prove the safety tiona[ economic planning. But the steel refueling tanker. The first three bombs of Spanish shores, he made a date industry has not been nationalized. He -and four crew members-were quick- with Spain's Information and Tourism has kicked the unions far harder than ly recovered. The fourth bomb was still Minister to take a chilly 59° F. Med- any Conservative would have dared, missing. Though the bombs were un- iterranean dip this week-with their castigating Britain's raise-happy workers armed and protected _!?y radiation-proof.- f~s and s.Qildren-in the water off for "sheer damn laziness." And he has ~ ... liLiSiii= ---~- --~- - - PJlomares: KnsroN~ :/(~/ 'GREA'f BRITAIN -,1\N~'ra on Ov.t Way, Brothers!" , fit ~as·-~ scene that: coqld haPPen only nl the House of Commons. T\1~: or( f'he rpnt ro\\( s~awfed the P,rirne Mini{ier, js ~e¢t;propped c;m ·tile table besidt;_tht:.. JSpatch box~ where his Ch<~-~ceJ!or of Jte . ~__ c heqt~er droned ·_'(Hl. ~onorousiy tbo~t _Britain's fin~oces. · From the ¥Uriletf bet1ehes '01\ both sides of the :llamb.et ca~~ "..a eacoplwny/of hoots abel jeers. It 'got louder ~nd -louder as J~111f:s'<~laghan sp~Ued put the politic( ll P.§ckag~ that ~ ~nd Harold Wilson h~d design¢ 10 NAEoatJfiT"'' lc.t:. "f H OC...~E fl ., 1 A D. 6 fZCC:.l_C ... ~tLl~ \4.D~ • 4-~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : A ~ CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8 "Yft ~ - I • ":J '~ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : ''-''"-RDP79B00752A00030007000 1-8 I "0 So~on, Solon, you Hellenes are but children. . . . There is no old doctrine handed down among you by ancient tradition nor any science which is hoary with age, and I will tell you the reason behind this. There have been and will be again many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes, the greatest having been brought about by earth-fire and inundation. Whatever happened either in your country or ours or in any other country of which we are informed, any action which is noble and great or in any other way remarkable which has taken place, all that has been inscribed long ago in our temple records, whereas you and other nations did not keep imperishable records. And then, after a period of time, the usual inundation visits like a pestilence and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education. And thus you have to begin over again as children and know nothing of what happened in ancient times either among us or among yourse1 v es. " "As for those genealogies of yours which you have related to us, they are no better than tales of children; for in the first place, you remember one deluge only, whereas there were a number of them. And in the next place there dwelt in your land, which you do not know, the fairest and noblest race of men that ever lived of which you are but a seed or remnant. And this was not known to you because for many generations the survivors of that destruction made no records." Plato: Timaeus (Spoken by a priest of Egypt) r· . . As a result of his resea~ch since I949, Mr. Thomas has become recognized as the world's leading authority in the field of cataclysmic geology and its relationship to uniformitarian geology. In I 9 59 he applied his findings to the possibility of earthquake prediction, and at a seminar in November, I959 issued the results of his studies. He then accurately forecast the months, years, and locations of the major African and Chilean earthquakes of I96o, the Iranian earthquake of I962, the Jugoslavian earthquake of I963, and further predicted that California would have no major earthquakes for the following five years. His correlation research in the fields of stratigraphy, vertebrate palaeontology, radiology, oceanography, glacioogly, seismology, palaeophilology, earth magnetism, anthropology, and other related fields, has demonstrated that the cataclysmic geology theories as presented by DeLuc in I 779 and Cuvier in I 8 12 are definitely more acceptable than they have been previously within international scientific circles. Mr. Thomas' definitive efforts in integrating the various earth sciences have distinguished him as the only American today with such a specialized scientific forte. His research in palaeosciences has led to new explanations of such enigmas as the Pyramid of Khufu at Gizeh, the ancient cities of Tiahuanaco and Baalbek, and the giant statues of Easter Island. 55 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : IA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-=-8.__ ___________ _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8 Supplemeptar1 Reading : \ Secret Cities of South America Harold T. Wilkins The Lost Cities of Mrica Basil Davidson The Lost Continent of Mu James Churchward The Lost Americans Frank C. Hibben Gods , Graves , and Scholars C. W. Ceram .. The Planet Earth Scientific American The New Astronomy Scientific American Primitive Man and His Ways Kaj Birket Smith Primitive Peoples Today Edward Weyer, Jr. Strange World Frank Edwards The Bible as History Werner Keller Sex and Family in the Bible Raphael Patai Design of the Universe Fritz Kahn Worlds in Collision Immanuel Velikovsky How Old is The Earth? Patrick M. Hurley Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : C lA-RD P79 8007 52A:_:_0=-:0=-=0=-=3-=-0=-=00=--:7--=0-=-0-=-0 1_:_--=-8 _____ _ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8 + _.~ - A little bit of knowledge Can be a dangerous thing; Or it can be a vibrant seed Giving rise to verdant forests And awakening sleeping giants. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : CIA-RDP79B00752A00030007000 1-8