Vladimir Lenin
Left-Wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder
The German Communists we must now speak of call themselves, not "Left-wingers" but, if I am not mistaken, an "opposition on principle". [17] From what follows below it will, however, be seen that they reveal all the symptoms of the "infantile disorder of Leftism".
Published by the "local group in Frankfurt am Main", a pamphlet reflecting the point of view of this opposition, and entitled The Split in the Communist Party of Germany (The Spartacus League) sets forth the substance of this Opposition's views most saliently, and with the utmost clarity and concision. A few quotations will suffice to acquaint the reader with that substance:
"The Communist Party is the party of the most determined class struggle...."
"... Politically, the transitional period [between capitalism and socialism] is one of the proletarian dictatorship...."
"... The question arises: who is to exercise this dictatorship: the Communist Party or the proletarian class? ... Fundamentally, should we strive for a dictatorship' of the Communist Party, or for a dictatorship of the proletarian class?..."
(All italics as in the orginal)
The author of the pamphlet goes on to accuse the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Germany of seeking ways of achieving a coalition with the Independent Social-Democratic Party of Germany, and of raising "the question of recognising, in principle, all political means" of struggle, including parliamentarianism, with the sole purpose of concealing its actual and main efforts to form a coalition with the Independents. The pamphlet goes on to say:
"The opposition have chosen another road. They are of the opinion that the question of the rule of the Communist Party and of the dictatorship of the Party is merely one of tactics. In any case, rule by the Communist Party is the ultimate form of any party rule. Fundamentally, we must work for the dictatorship of the proletarian class. And all the measures of the Party, its organisations, methods of struggle, strategy and tactics should be directed' to that end. Accordingly, all compromise with other parties, all reversion to parliamentary forms of struggle which have become historically and politically obsolete, and any policy of manoeuvring and compromise must be emphatically rejected." "Specifically proletarian methods of revolutionary struggle must be strongly emphasised. New forms of organisation must be created on the widest basis and with the widest scope in order to enlist the most extensive proletarian circles and strata to take part in the revolutionary struggle under the leadership of the Communist Party. A Workers' Union, based on factory organisations, should be the rallying point for all revolutionary elements. This should unite all workers who follow the slogan: 'Get out of the trade unions!' It is here that the militant proletariat musters its ranks for battle. Recognition of the class struggle, of the Soviet system and of the dictatorship should be sufficient for enrolment. All subsequent political education of the fighting masses and their political orientation in the struggle are the task of the Communist Party, which stands outside the Workers' Union....
"... Consequently, two Communist parties are now arrayed against each other:
"One is a party of leaders, which is out to organise the revolutionary struggle and to direct it from above, accepting compromises and parliamentarianism so as to create a situation enabling it to join a coalition government exercising a dictatorship.
"The other is a mass party, which expects an upsurge of the revolutionary struggle from below, which knows and applies a single method in this struggle -- a method which clearly leads to the goal -- and rejects all parliamentary and opportunist methods. That single method is the unconditional overthrow of the bourgeoisie, so as then to set up the proletarian class dictatorship for the accomplishment of socialism...
"... There -- the dictatorship of leaders; here -- the dictatorship of the masses! That is our slogan."
Such are the main features characterising the views of the opposition in the German Communist Party.
Any Bolshevik who has consciously participated in the development of Bolshevism since 1903 or has closely observed that development will at once say, after reading these arguments, "What old and familiar rubbish! What 'Left-wing' childishness!"
But let us examine these arguments a little more closely.
The mere presentation of the question -- "dictatorship of the party or dictatorship of the class; dictatorship (party) of the leaders, or dictatorship (party) of the masses?" -- testifies to most incredibly and hopelessly muddled thinking. These people want to invent something quite out of the ordinary, and, in their effort to be clever, make themselves ridiculous. It is common knowledge that the masses are divided into classes, that the masses can be contrasted with classes only by contrasting the vast majority in general, regardless of division according to status in the social system of production, with categories holding a definite status in the social system of production; that as a rule and in most cases -- at least in present-day civilised countries -- classes are led by political parties; that political parties, as a general rule, are run by more or less stable groups composed of the most authoritative, influential and experienced members, who are elected to the most responsible positions, and are called leaders. All this is elementary. All this is clear and simple. Why replace this with some kind of rigmarole, some new Volap?k? On the one hand, these people seem to have got muddled when they found themselves in a predicament, when the party's abrupt transition from legality to illegality upset the customary, normal and simple relations between leaders, parties and classes. In Germany, as in other European countries, people had become too accustomed to legality, to the free and proper election of "leaders" at regular party congresses, to the convenient method of testing the class composition of parties through parliamentary elections, mass meetings the press, the sentiments of the trade unions and other associations, etc. When, instead of this customary procedure, it became necessary, because of the stormy development of the revolution and the development of the civil war, to go over rapidly from legality to illegality, to combine the two, and to adopt the "inconvenient" and "undemocratic" methods of selecting, or forming, or preserving "groups of leaders" -- people lost their bearings and began to think up some unmitigated nonsense. Certain members of the Communist Party of Holland, who were unlucky enough to be born in a small country with traditions and conditions of highly privileged and highly stable legality, and who had never seen a transition from legality to illegality, probably fell into confusion, lost their heads, and helped create these absurd inventions.
On the other hand, one can see simply a thoughtless and incoherent use of the now "fashionable" terms: "masses" and "leaders". These people have heard and memorised a great many attacks on "leaders", in which the latter have been contrasted with the "masses"; however, they have proved unable to think matters out and gain a clear understanding of what it was all about.
The divergence between "leaders" and "masses" was brought out
with particular clarity and sharpness in all countries at the end of the
imperialist war and following it. The principal reason for this was explained
many times by Marx and Engels between the years 1852 and 1892, from the
example of Britain. That country's exclusive position led to the emergence,
from the "masses", of a semi-petty-bourgeois, opportunist "labour aristocracy".
The leaders of this labour aristocracy were constantly going over to the
bourgeoisie, and were directly or indirectly on its pay roll. Marx earned
the honour of incurring the hatred of these disreputable persons by openly
branding them as traitors. Present-day (twentieth-century) imperialism
has given a few advanced countries an exceptionally privileged position,
which, everywhere in the Second International, has produced a certain type
of traitor, opportunist, and social-chauvinist leaders, who champion the
interests of their own craft, their own section of the labour aristocracy.
The opportunist parties have become separated from the "masses", i.e.,
from the broadest strata of the working people, their majority, the lowest-paid
workers. The revolutionary proletariat cannot be victorious unless this
evil is combated, unless the opportunist, social-traitor leaders are exposed,
discredited and expelled. That is the policy the Third International has
embarked on.
To go so far, in this connection, as to contrast, in general,
the dictatorship of the masses with a dictatorship of the leaders is ridiculously
absurd, and stupid. What is particularly amusing is that, in fact, instead
of the old leaders, who hold generally accepted views on simple matters,
new leaders are brought forth (under cover of the slogan "Down with
the leaders!"), who talk rank stuff and nonsense. Such are Laufenberg,
Wolffheim, Horner [18],
Karl Schroder, Friedrich Wendel and Karl Erler, *2
in Germany. Erler's attempts to give the question more "profundity" and
to proclaim that in general political parties are unnecessary and "bourgeois"
are so supremely absurd that one can only shrug one's shoulders. It all
goes to drive home the truth that a minor error can always assume monstrous
proportions if it is persisted in, if profound justifications are sought
for it, and if it is carried to its logical conclusion.
Repudiation of the Party principle and of Party discipline --
that is what the opposition has arrived at. And this is tantamount
to completely disarming the proletariat in the interests of the bourgeoisie.
It all adds up to that petty-bourgeois diffuseness and instability, that
incapacity for sustained effort, unity and organised action, which, if
encouraged, must inevitably destroy any proletarian revolutionary movement.
From the standpoint of communism, repudiation of the Party principle means
attempting to leap from the eve of capitalism's collapse (in Germany),
not to the lower or the intermediate phase of communism, but to the higher.
We in Russia (in the third year since the overthrow of the bourgeoisie)
are making the first steps in the transition from capitalism to socialism
or the lower stage of communism. Classes still remain, and will remain
everywhere for years after the proletariat's conquest of power.
Perhaps in Britain, where there is no peasantry (but where petty proprietors
exist), this period may be shorter. The abolition of classes means, not
merely ousting the landowners and the capitalists -- that is something
we accomplished with comparative ease; it also means abolishing the
small commodity producers, and they cannot be ousted, or crushed;
we must learn to live with them. They can (and must) be transformed
and re-educated only by means of very prolonged, slow, and cautious organisational
work. They surround the proletariat on every side with a petty-bourgeois
atmosphere, which permeates and corrupts the proletariat, and constantly
causes among the proletariat relapses into petty-bourgeois spinelessness,
disunity, individualism, and alternating moods of exaltation and dejection.
The strictest centralisation and discipline are required within the political
party of the proletariat in order to counteract this, in order that the
organisational role of the proletariat (and that is its principal
role) may be exercised correctly, successfully and victoriously. The dictatorship
of the proletariat means a persistent struggle -- bloody and bloodless,
violent and peaceful, military and economic, educational and administrative
-- against the forces and traditions of the old society. The force of habit
in millions and tens of millions is a most formidable force. Without a
party of iron that has been tempered in the struggle, a party enjoying
the confidence of all honest people in the class in question, a party capable
of watching and influencing the mood of the masses, such a struggle cannot
be waged successfully. It is a thousand times easier to vanquish the centralised
big bourgeoisie than to "vanquish" the millions upon millions of petty
proprietors; however, through their ordinary, everyday, imperceptible,
elusive and demoralising activities, they produce the very results
which the bourgeoisie need and which tend to restore the bourgeoisie.
Whoever brings about even the slightest weakening of the iron discipline
of the party of the proletariat (especially during its dictatorship), is
actually aiding the bourgeoisie against the proletariat.
Parallel with the question of the leaders -- the party -- the
class -- the masses, we must pose the question of the "reactionary" trade
unions. But first I shall take the liberty of making a few concluding remarks
based on the experience of our Party. There have always been attacks
on the "dictatorship of leaders" in our Party. The first time I heard such
attacks, I recall, was in 1895, when, officially, no party yet existed,
but a central group was taking shape in St. Petersburg, which was to assume
the leadership of the district groups. [20]
At the Ninth Congress of our Party (April 1920) [21],
there was a small opposition, which also spoke against the "dictatorship
of leaders", against the "oligarchy", and so on. There is therefore nothing
surprising, new, or terrible in the "infantile disorder" of "Left-wing
communism" among the Germans. The ailment involves no danger, and after
it the organism even becomes more robust. In our case, on the other hand,
the rapid alternation of legal and illegal work, which made it necessary
to keep the general staff -- the leaders -- under cover and cloak them
in the greatest secrecy, sometimes gave rise to extremely dangerous consequences.
The worst of these was that in 1912 the agent provocateur Malinovsky
got into the Bolshevik Central Committee. He betrayed scores and scores
of the best and most loyal comrades, caused them to be sentenced to penal
servitude, and hastened the death of many of them. That he did not cause
still greater harm was due to the correct balance between legal and illegal
work. As member of the Party's Central Committee and Duma deputy, Malinovsky
was forced, in order to gain our confidence, to help us establish legal
daily papers, which even under tsarism were able to wage a struggle against
the Menshevik opportunism and to spread the fundamentals of Bolshevism
in a suitably disguised form. While, with one hand, Malinovsky sent scores
and scores of the finest Bolsheviks to penal servitude and death, he was
obliged, with the other, to assist in the education of scores and scores
of thousands of new Bolsheviks through the medium of the legal press. Those
German (and also British, American, French and Italian) comrades who are
faced with the task of learning how to conduct revolutionary work within
the reactionary trade unions would do well to give serious thought to this
fact. *3
In many countries, including the most advanced, the bourgeoisie
are undoubtedly sending agents provocateurs into the Communist parties
and will continue to do so. A skilful combining of illegal and legal work
is one of the ways to combat this danger.
[17] The "opposition on principle" -- a group of German Left-wing Communists advocating anarcho-syndicalist views. When the Second Congress of the Communist Party of Germany, which was held in Heidelberg in October 1919, expelled the opposition, the latter formed the so-called Communist Workers' Party of Germany, in April 1920. To facilitate the unification of all German communist forces and win over the finest proletarian. elements in the C.W.P.G., the opposition was temporarily admitted into the Communist International in November 1920 with the rights of a sympathising member.
However, the Executive Committee of the Communist International still considered the United Communist Party of Germany to be the only authoritative section of the Comintern. C.W.P.G.'s representatives were admitted into the Comintern on the condition that they merged with the United Communist Party of Germany and supported all its activities. The C.W.P.G. leaders, however, failed to observe these conditions. The Third Congress of the Communist International, which was held in June-July 1921, and wanted solidarity with workers who still followed the C.W.P.G. Leaders, resolved to give the C.W.P.G. two months to call a congress and settle the question of affiliation. The C.W.P.G. Leaders did not obey the Third Congress's resolution and thus placed themselves outside the Communist International. Later the C.W.P.G. degenerated into a small sectarian group without any support in the working class.
[18] Homer, Karl -- Anton Pannekoek.
[19] Kommunistische Arbeiterzeitung (The Communist Workers' Newspaper) -- organ of the anarcho-syndicalist group of the German Leftwing Communists (see Note 17). The newspaper was published in Hamburg from 1919 till 1927. Karl Erler, who is mentioned by V. I. Lenin, was Heinrich Laufenberg's pen-name.
[20] The reference is to the League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class organised by V. I. Lenin in the autumn of 1895. The League of Struggle united about twenty Marxist circles in St. Petersburg. It was headed by the Central Group including V. I. Lenin, A. A. Vaneyev, P. K. Zaporozhets, G. M. Krzhizhanovsky, N. K. Krupskaya, L. Martov, M. A. Silvin, V. V. Starkov, and others; five members headed by V. I. Lenin directed the League's activities. The organisation was divided into district groups. Progressive workers such as I. V. Babushkin, V. A. Shelgunov and others linked these groups with the factories.
The St. Petersburg League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class was, in V. I. Lenin's words, the embryo of a revolutionary party based on the working-class movement and giving leadership to the class struggle of the proletariat.
[21] The Congress was held in Moscow from March 29 to April 5, 1920. The Ninth Congress was more numerous than any previous Party congresses. It was attended by 715 delegates -- 553 of them with full votes, and 162 with deliberative votes -- representing a membership of 611,978. Represented were the Party organisations of Central Russia, the Ukraine, the Urals, Siberia and other regions recently liberated by the Red Army. Many of the delegates came to the Congress straight from the front.
The agenda of the Congress was as follows:
1. The report of the Central Committee.
2. The immediate tasks of economic construction.
3. The trade union movement.
4. Organisational questions.
5. The tasks of the Communist International.
6. The attitude towards the co-operatives.
7. The change-over to the militia system.
8. Elections to the Central Committee.
9. Miscellaneous.
The Congress was held under the guidance of V. I. Lenin, who was the main speaker on the political work of the Central Committee and replied to the debate on the report. He also spoke on economic construction and co-operation, made the speech at the closing of the Congress, and submitted a proposal on the list of candidates to the Party's Central Committee.
In the resolution "The Immediate Tasks of Economic Development" the Congress noted that "the basic condition of economic rehabilitation of the country is a steady implementation of the single economic plan for the coming historical epoch" (KPSS v rezolutsiyakh i resheniyakh syezdov, konferentsii i plenumow TsK [The C.P.S.U. in the Resolutions and Decisions of Its Congresses, Conferences and Plenums of the Central Committee], Part I, 1954, p. 478). The kingpin of the single economic plan was electrification, which V. I. Lenin considered a great programme for a period of 10 to 20 years. The directives of the Ninth Congress were the basis of the plan conclusively drawn up by the State Commission for the Electrification of Russia (the GOELRO plan) and approved by the All-Russia Congress of Soviets in December 1920.
The Congress paid particular attention to the organisation of industrial management. The resolution on this question called for the establishment of competent, firm and energetic one-man management. Taking its guidance from Lenin, the Congress especially stressed the necessity to extensively enlist old and experienced experts.
The anti-Party group of Democratic Centralists, consisting of Sapronov, Osinsky, V. Smirnov and others, came out against the Party line. Behind a cover of phrases about Democratic Centralism but in fact distorting that principle, they denied the need for one-man management at factories, came out against strict Party and state discipline, and alleged that the Central Committee did not give effect to the principle of collective leadership.
The group of Democratic Centralists was supported at the Congress by Rykov, Tomsky, Milyutin and Lomov. The Congress rebuffed the Democratic Centralists and rejected their proposals.
The Congress gave special attention to labour emulation and communist Subbotniks. To stimulate such emulation, the extensive application of the bonus system of wages was recommended. The Congress resolved that May 1, the international proletarian holiday, which in 1920 fell on Saturday, should be a mass Subbotnik organised throughout Russia.
An important place in the work of the Congress was held by the question of trade unions, which was considered from the viewpoint of adapting the entire work of the trade unions to the accomplishment of the economic tasks. In a resolution on this question, the Congress distinctly defined the trade unions' role their relations with the state and the Party, forms and methods of guidance of trade unions by the Communist Party, as well as forms of their participation in communist construction. The Congress decisively rebuffed the anarcho-syndicalist elements (Shlyapnikov, Lozovsky, Tomsky and Lutovinov), who advocated the "independence" of the trade unions and contraposed them to the Communist Party and the Soviet government.
At a closed meeting held on April 4, the Congress elected a new Central Committee of 19 members and 12 candidate members. The former included V.I. Lenin, A. A. Andreyev, F. E. Dzerzhinsky, M. I. Kalinin, Y. E. Rudzutak, F. A. Sergeyev (Artyom), and J. V. Stalin. On April 5 the Congress concluded its work.
[*2] Karl Erler, "The Dissolution of the Party", Kommunistische Arbeiterzeitung, [19] Hamburg, February 7, 1920, No. 32:
"The working class cannot destroy the bourgeois state without destroying bourgeois democracy, and it cannot destroy bourgeois democracy without destroying parties."
The more muddle-headed of the syndicalists and anarchists in the Latin countries may derive "satisfaction" from the fact that solid Germans, who evidently consider themselves Marxists (by their articles in the above-mentioned paper K. Erler and K. Homer have shown most plainly that they consider themselves sound Marxists, but talk incredible nonsense in a most ridiculous manner and reveal their failure to understand the ABC of Marxism), go to the length of making utterly inept statements. Mere acceptance of Marxism does not save one from errors. We Russians know this especially well, because Marxism has been very often the "fashion" in our country.
[*3] Malinovsky was a prisoner of war in Germany. On his return to Russia when the Bolsheviks were in power he was instantly put on trial and shot by our workers. The Mensheviks attacked us most bitterly for our mistake -- the fact that an agent provocateur had become a member of the Central Committee of our Party. But when, under Kerensky, we demanded the arrest and trial of Rodzyanko, the Chairman of the Duma, because he had known, even before the war, that Malinovsky was an agent provocateur and had not informed the Trudoviks and the workers in the Duma, neither the Mensheviks nor the Socialist-Revolutionaries in the Kerensky government supported our demand, and Rodzyanko remained at large and made off unhindered to join Denikin.
Next: Should Revolutionaries Work in Reactionary Trade Unions?