In 1865 Karl Marx filled out a "self-portrait" questionnaire that was in widespread circulation. Following are his responses:
Your favorite virtue Simplicity
Your favorite virtue in man Strength
Your favorite virtue in woman Weakness
Your chief characteristic Singleness of purpose
Your idea of happiness To fight
Your idea of misery Submission
The vice you excuse most Gullibility
Your aversion Martin Tupper (an English writer whom Marx considered vulgar)
Favorite occupation Book-worming
Favorite Poet Shakespeare, Aeschylus, Goethe
Favorite prose writer Diderot
Favorite hero Spartacus, Kepler
Favorite heroine Gretchen, from Faust's Goethe's
Favorite flower Daphne
Favorite color Red
Favorite name Laura (Marx's second daughter), Jenny (Marx's wife and first daughter)
Favorite dish Fish
Favorite maxim Nihil humani a me alienum puto, Nothing human is alien to me.
Favorite motto De omnibus dubitandum, One ought to question everything.
G. Scott Harrison
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