Jurgen Graf Hoax or Holocaust The Arguments AAARGH [Source of the text: www.ety.com] For Germar Rudolf, Ingrid Weckert, Udo Walendy and Herbert Verbeke TABLE OF CONTENTS The author's biography! Foreword Revisionism and pluralism: an Introduction by Mario Consoli The throttling of pluralism The crisis and Man and the State The criminalization of Fascism and National Socialism The role of the Official Version of History Some standard criticisms of Revisionism At the crossroads: terror or dialogue? CHAPTER I THE ACCUSATION Holocaust beliefs since 1945 Compared to the Holocaust, all other "Nazi crimes" pale into insignificance! "The 3 million non-Jewish Poles" "The 500,000 gypsies" Medical experiments on human beings Euthanasia The Holocaust as a religion Why nearly everybody believes in the Holocaust CHAPTER II THE FUNCTION OF THE HOLOCAUST IN THE WORLD SINCE 1945 Founding of the state of Israel and the violation of the rights of Palestinians Immunity of Jews from criticism Covering up Allied atrocities in WWII Creating contempt for the German people Rendering impossible all objective discussion of National Socialism Creating contempt for all forms of nationalism except for Jewish nationalism 2 CHAPTER III THE REVISIONISTS The claims of the revisionists A former concentration camp inmate as revisionist pioneer: Paul Rassinier The media campaign against revisionism State prosecutors and judges as watch dogs for the official version of history The Waterloo of the official version of history CHAPTER IV WHAT IF THE REVISIONISTS ARE RIGHT? What really happened? Up to 1941: The Reich's government demands lewish emigration After 1941: The mass deportation into camps and ghettos The death rate in the camps and its causes The shootings on the Eastern front CHAPTER V OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE... The number of Auschwitz victims "Soap of human fat" Potpourri of Nazi extermination methods a) Pneumatic hammers b) Electric baths c) Electrical assembly line killing d) Atomic bombs e) Burning alive f) Steam chambers g) Suffocation by pumping all the air out of the death chambers h) Quicklime trains i) Chambers with submergible, electrified flooring j) Blood poisoning k) Drowning l) Chlorine gas, assembly-line shootings, boiling water, acid The location of the gas chambers Phase I (from 1946: almost every camp had one or more gas chamber(s) Phase II (from August 1960): no gas chambers in the Old Reich Phase III (from 1983): Return of the gas chambers in the West The gas chambers existed; oh no, they didn't; oh yes, they did 3 CHAPTER VI IS TODAY'S VERSION OF THE HOLOCAUST ANY MORE BELIEVABLE THAN THOSE OF THE PAST? Claims made by standard literature a) The extermination programme b) Implementation of the execution programme c) The secrecy of the extermination programme d) The six "extermination camps" e) The murder weapon f) The number of victims and operating periods of the "extermination camps" g) The destruction of the corpses CHAPTER VII PHYSICAL PROOFS OF THE HOLOCAUST Are the claims made by standard literature believable? CHAPTER VIII DOCUMENTARY PROOFS OF THE HOLOCAUST Raul Hilberg, Danuta Czech, Jean-Claude Pressac: Three "experts" dip into their bag of tricks a) Professor Hilberg scrapes the bottom of the barrel for proof, but finds none b) How Danuta Czech's Kalendarium came to her conclusions as to the number of the gassed c) Jean-Claude Pressac's "criminal traces" "The Germans destroyed all the documents" Conjuring up "proof" Falsified documents a) The Wannsee-Protocoll b) The document of 28 June 1943 on the capacity of the crematoria of Auschwitz Documents of dubious authenticity a) The Goebbels-Diary passages of 27 March 1942 b) The two Himmler speeches of October 1943 c) The business letter relating to the ordering of "gas testers" Undoubtedly genuine but falsely interpreted documents a) The passage on the "Hebraic Race Perverters" from Mein Kampf 4 b) Documents on the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" c) Documents on "Special Actions", etc. d) The Korherr Report: masterpiece of misinterpretation Documents which contradict the extermination theory CHAPTER IX EYEWITNESSES TO THE GAS CHAMBERS AT AUSCHWITZ A few of the technical and scientific impossibilities in the eyewitness reports a) Blue vapour floating over the bodies of the victims b) Bluish discoloration of the bodies c) Impossibly large numbers of people per square metre crammed together in the gas chambers d) Flames shooting out of the chimneys e) Impossibly great numbers of bodies per muffle in the crematory ovens f) Cremation of bodies without fuel g) Burning of bodies in ditches h) Use of human fat flowing down off the bodies as fuel during cremations i) Use of methanol as fuel Four central impossibilities of the eyewitness testimonies a) Impossibly short cremation times per corpse b) Introduction of Zyklon B through non-existent openings c) Opening the gas chamber doors and removing the bodies after impossibly short ventilation times d) Removal of bodies without gas masks e) Sonderkommandos working in clouds of cyanide gas CHAPTER X THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AUSCHWITZ LEGEND How the eyewitness reports were coordinated How the courts faked "evidence" of the Holocaust A perfect example: Dr J.P. Kremer The Father of the Auschwitz Lie The "murder weapon" Zyklon B: refutation of the lie CHAPTER XI AUSCHWITZ: SCIENTIFIC STUDIES OF THE CRIME SCENE The Leuchter report The Rudolf Report Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana: the crematoria John Ball and the air-photo evidence 5 CHAPTER XII THE OTHER "EXTERMINATION CAMPS" Preliminary remarks Majdanek Chelmno Sobibor Belzec Treblinka The scientific studies a) Friedrich Paul Berg's study of the "murder weapon" b) Arnulf Neumaier's study of the cremations What were the "pure extermination camps" really? CHAPTER XIII THE GAS VANS AND MASS SHOOTINGS "A pure product of fantasy" The Einsatzgruppen and the "Massacre of Babi Yar" CHAPTER XIV SIX MILLION MIRACLES "A unique mass murder" A stroll through the "free press" of the world A few examples Elie Wiesel's miraculous escapes How Jewish Holocaust "survivors" cheated death CHAPTER XV WHERE DID THEY GO? The origins of the mythical Six Million figure Wolfgang Benz and Walter Sanning Carl Nording's research The exemplary case of one "gassing victim": Jenny Spritzer 300,000 "Holocaust survivors" in Israel in 1996 Questions still open CHAPTER XVI THE INVISIBLE ELEPHANT 6 CHAPTER XVII THE NESSUS SHIRT The Revenge of the Centaur The refusal of the exterminationists to retreat one single inch The Garaudy case The confession of an orthodox historian Korzec and Goldhagen: a new version of the lie The evolution of the Holocaust Lie: A summary CONCLUSIONS THE TRIAL OF GRAF INQUISITION. PART 1 THE TRIAL OF GRAF INQUISITION. PART 2 REVISIONIST BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 The author's biography Jurgen Graf, a true Swiss hero, a multitalented intellectual. A Swiss school teacher and language genius. Graf speaks seventeen languages fluently, among them the most exotic ones such as Russian, Chinese. He is also one of the most successful authors of revisionism. His most popular book The Holocaust under the Scanner has been translated into Russian, Bulgarian, Italian, Romanian, Danish, English, French, Spanish and Swedish. He has been charged, tried and convicted in Switzerland. He has been dismissed for the second time from his teaching post. He went recently to Russia where he researched Russian archives for months. The Swiss government, under pressure, charged, tried and convicted Graf in September 1998 to 15 months in jail under the new anti-racism law. His German-born, 80-year-old wheel chair-bound publisher, Gerhard Forster, was likewise dragged into court and convicted to 1 year in prison. Four weeks after the sentence was pronounced, Mr. Forster died. 8 Foreword In the spring of 1993, a thin book authored by myself and entitled The Holocaust under the Scanner, was published by the Guideon Burg Verlag (Postfach 52, 4009 Basel). At that time, the book represented the very first attempt to summarize the principle arguments of the Holocaust revisionists. The book met with a warm reception which has confirmed its usefulness. It has since been translated into French, Dutch, Bulgarian, Arabic, as well as Italian (in a somewhat abridged form). Today — only four years later — the Scanner is outdated, for the following reasons: - Revisionist research has made major progress since early 1993. Any book attempting to present the major findings of revisionist research today must at least mention trail-blazing publications such as the Rudolf Report, the Ball Report, Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana's study of the crematoria at Auschwitz, or Arnulf Neumeier's research on the technical problems of the Treblinka case. There is an urgent need to discuss Jean-Claude Pressac's second book ( The Crematoria of Auschwitz) — hailed by the media as the refutation of revisionism — as well as the new, "improved" version of the Holocaust now acquiring concrete shape with Daniel Goldhagen's book Hitler's Willing Executioners. This "new, improved" version is apparently intended to replace the version which has so far placed the central emphasis on the gas chambers as the instrument in the mass extermination of the Jews; - The Scanner was unable to meet strict standards of scientific proof, and not merely because it contained a few errors which were inevitable at that time (for example, relating to the crematory capacity at Auschwitz). There were not enough references; the bibliography was rather slim. In view of the implacable censureship now in force in the "democratic" countries — which has, in some countries, taken on the form of brutal police-state repression — the Internet is acquiring increased significance in the spreading of revisionism. People have repeatedly asked us to make the Scanner available on the Internet, but have preferred to distance ourselves from the book for the reasons mentioned above. As an alternative, we decided to draw up the present text, which is considerably more detailed and documented, and which takes account of the most recent developments in this field. The present work — now available, not merely on the Internet, but in book form - was made possible by the encouragement and research of a French associate and personal friend. The original text of the manuscript was translated into Russian — without my knowledge, but with my subsequent consent — and appeared in the autumn of 1996 as a special issue of the nationalist newspaper Russkij Vjestnik, No. 32-34,1996. By late 1997, the special issue in question had sold 200,000 copies. Together with Roger Garaudy's The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, our text was the first revisionist 9 work distributed in Russia; in view of the overwhelming interest shown by the Russian public, further revisionist texts were soon translated into that language. The strictly logical structure of the present book is also the result of encouragement and suggestions from the French friend mentioned above, to such an extent that he deserves equal mention with myself as co-author. Since, due to family considerations, he cannot afford to allow his existence to be destroyed by the "French" system of "justice" and "French" inquisitorial methods, however, he has been compelled to adopt the use of a pseudonym, until the day — let us hope that it is not too far in the future — when France, Germany, Austria, and my own country, Switzerland, are free countries once again. And the truth shall make you free. Basel, 9 April 1997 Jurgen Graf 10 An Introduction by Mario Consoli Revisionism and Pluralism The following text is a free translation, somewhat abridged, with a few supplementary remarks, of the article "Nessun cambiamento senza vero pluralismo" (No Change Without True Pluralism), which appeared in the Italian publication L'Uomo Libero (Casella Postale 1658, 20123 Milano/Italy, issue 41 of April 1996. The Throttling of Pluralism An observant analysis of the political and cultural life in the Europe of the first half of our century will reveal a world of extraordinary dynamism and intellectual originality, in crass contradiction to the stagnation and sterile conformity of the past fifty years. Brilliant, original thinkers were in no short supply. In Italy, thinkers such as DAnnunzio, Marinetti and his futuristic school, Soffici, Palazzeschi, Balia, Gentile, Papini, Prezzolini, Corridoni and Spirito, were active during the early decades; elsewhere in Europe, great figures like Pound, Gentile, Hamsun, and Celine achieved prominence. Opposition figures like Croce, Gramsci, and Sturzo were permitted to develop and disseminate new ideas, even in fascist Italy. Antonio Gramsci, Chairman of the Italian Communist Party, was given a single cell in the prison of Turi (Bari), and had access to 700 books, including the complete works of Marx and Croce, as well as 400 bundles of newspapers. The philosopher Benedetto Croce was able to publish his newspaper La Critica throughout the entire fascist era until the Second World War. At the peak of fascist power, Arnoldi Mondadori became the first publisher in Europe to issue the works of Trotsky; articles by the great theoretician of permanent revolution appeared in the daily newspaper Corriere della Sera (source: Fernando Ritter, Fascismo Antifascismo, II Settimo Sigillo, 1991). The ideas of Pareto, Spengler, Weber, and Sorel were passionately discussed; Pirandello celebrated his triumphs on the stage; youths participated in open demonstrations to the sounds of hymns by Mascagni and Puccini. But where are the intellectual giants of today? Instead of thinkers, we are surrounded by hordes of mental pygmies without a single new or original idea — men who scrounge a living by engaging in increasingly grotesque and hysterical attacks upon the men and ideals which governed Italy for twenty years and Germany for twelve years. 11 If one takes the trouble to overcome one's artificially induced reluctance and actually read the works of Mussolini — his Labour Charter, the Doctrine of Fascism, his Dictionary of Politics', when we reread the works of National Socialism and compare them — for content, depth of thought, originality — with the programmes of the Old and "New" parties of today or the blabberings of the political leaders of today — an incomparable difference in depth, in breadth, in philosophical conception, becomes immediately apparent. How can one ignore the enormous progress in social justice which made fascist Italy a model for all of Europe? Many original, long-term solutions to social problems were developed throughout those controversial years. Public discussions of today never range beyond wage demands or protests against an unfair tax system. In the USA — the country which has been held up to us as a model for the entire world for fifty years — a man without a credit card has no rights. He cannot even be admitted to a decent hospital, and must be satisfied with a "training" hospital, where the staff are still in training and normal standards of hygiene are ignored. Just recently, we read of a girl who died after being refused admission to a New York hospital for lack of funds or credit references. How can people not be aware that the first ecological — or "Green", as they are called today — theories were developed by Walter Darre, Minister of Agriculture during the Third Reich, together with concrete and original solutions to environmental problems such as can be offered by no "Green" party or theorist of today? Of course, it's no good sinking into the pathos and sentimentality of nostalgia; yet the facts cited above call for a profound analysis of the factors which destroyed the cultural and social inventiveness of the first half of the twentieth century, resulting in the cultural and political sterility of the Europe of today. How did the ruling power cliques succeed so completely in reducing our entire existence to its purely economic aspects for fifty years, in compelling us to adopt a uniform, purely materialistic value system, without encountering any serious resistance? How did we all become the obedient servants of an international and multicultural New World Order? Why is there no longer any controversy, or conflict between contrasting values and ideals? It is because there is no longer any pluralism of ideas. Pluralism means tolerance, freedom, and respect for differences of opinion. Above all, it means the recognition that no idea may be permitted to crush other ideas out of existence. The absence of true pluralism as it has come to exist over the past few decades is a totally new phenomenon in world history. This is the first age in history in which everyone has been compelled, in actual fact, to accept the same ideals, to agree with a uniform view of the world and of humanity. 12 The Crisis of Man and the State Men once knew that the individual was no more than one link in a long chain. Many links preceded the individual, many would follow. This sense of the continuity of human existence strengthened family relationships and forged communities, nations, and cultures together. The individual derived spiritual and moral strength from his awareness of that he was part of a whole. It provided a powerful incentive to create works which would survive the individual. Faced with the reality of death, the individual knew that life itself did not end with him. The individual on in his descendents, his community, in the people and culture of which he was a member. The exaggerated individualism of our era has deracinated people, robbed them of their heritage, and condemned them to death as an actual fact. The notion of death as the end of all things is an entirely new phenomenon in human history. The spiritual world of our ancestors, who took the urns of their forefathers with them when they changed their residence, is light years removed from the mentality of contemporary society. In large modern cities, cemeteries are considered unpleasant reminders of the past, and may perhaps disappear in the not-too distant future. When people tire of the glittering world of consumerism and materialism and ponder on the meaning of existence, they discover the emptiness of the surrounding vacuum. The result is overwhelming hopelessness, anxiety, and desperation. The suicide rate in Europe today, expressed as a percentage of the population, is eight times higher than a century ago. The spectre which haunts us is most fittingly demonstrated by the United States, the nation which has been, and is, held up to us as a model for fifty years. According to a study by the US Department of Health, 566 out of 1000 Americans use mind-altering drugs today. The ideal of material, individual, well-being has been deliberately promoted to such an extent that it has been elevated to the status of the true purpose of life; the inevitable result can only be an unbroken chain of catastrophes. The immediate moment is all that counts; no one cares about long-term effects. Nothing is ever calculated or planned long-term. Since everything is dictated by the mechanisms of the Free Market, the inevitable result is an exclusive concern for short-term benefits, regardless of any other consideration. All the experts, in whatever field, are aware of the price which our descendants will be forced to pay for our blind addiction to short-term consumerism. Our descendants will have to live in an environment in which the quality of life will have deteriorated to an inconceivable extent, in which the balance of nature is irreversibly out of joint. Yet no one dares resist. No one dares to challenge the basis of the axiomatic values on which the international New World Order is based: the Consumer Economy and the Delusion of Endless Growth. L ike the individual, the states of this Europe of the twentieth century which is now drawing to a close are blindly heading for catastrophe. The sovereign, independent 13 State of today is nothing more than a memory of past ages. Military occupation of Europe by a non-European power is still tolerated — fifty years after the end of WWII. An incident which took place recently in Naples is symbolic: two Lieutenants in the US Air Force stole a handbag from a passer-by in the middle of the city centre. They were arrested by the Carabinieri and brought before an examining magistrate, who was then compelled to hand them over to the US military police under the terms of a humiliating "Agreement" between Italy and the USA (Corriere della Sera , 26 January 1995). The Europe of Maastricht is the final abdication of all independent national states and independent peoples, in favor of a private, supranational financial power. Privatization, carried out behind a smoke screen of fashionable financial theory and alleged to be necessitated by economic problems caused by public debt, has cast all pretense aside and is increasingly revealing its true nature, proving itself nothing but the uninhibited asset-stripping of national resources, the plundering of the Italian heritage in favour of foreign capital. Willful, deliberate mass immigration — quite apart from the political and cultural devastation which are the inevitable result — is destructive in many immediate, practical respects: the Italian government should have intervened to put an end to it long ago, because it is engaged in a desperate struggle for the economic survival of its own people. But no - while unemployment grows more and more serious, politicians blabber about creating jobs for immigrants. Immigrants receive free housing, free medical care, while countless Italian families cannot even find a decent place to live. All this is accompanied by shameless talk of the need to close hospitals for lack of funds. The criminalization of Fascism and National Socialism Most young people today know almost nothing about the history of the twentieth century; they know of figures like Hitler and Mussolini from hearsay only; they have no notion of the ideals which these figures represented, or the values which their political movements gave to the soul of Europe during the first half of the century. Fifty years of brain-washing, falsification of history, cinema imbecility and television propaganda have caused people to equate those men and movements with brute violence, senseless bloodshed and fanaticism, in a word, with evil. The concepts of "fascist" and "Nazi" have been emptied of all political, cultural, and idealistic content, and have become bludgeons to club down all opposition — everyone, that is, who dares to speak out against internationalism and multicultural democracy. "Fascist!" The very word is a deadly insult, destroying all possibility of free discussion in an instant. This is an insult which deprives the victim any right to take any part in open debate. "You're a fascist. Therefore, you are evil. Therefore, you 14 have no rights. Therefore, you have no right to speak out or express yourself in favour of anything." Ours is an age of a breath-taking technological advancement, opening up undreamed¬ of possibilities in terms of both information and mind-control. The cliques who control the cinema, television, and printed media can distort news and historical facts almost at will. They can manipulate public opinion to an extent incomparably greater than was ever dreamed possible through the control of newspapers and publishing alone, as the situation existed a century ago. If an event receives no newspaper or television coverage, then it simply never happened; no matter how great its objective importance, its effects upon public opinion will be nil. Nobody notices; nobody cares. It disappears into an endless, silent void. Almost nobody knows that on 25 October 1995, Franco Fredda and approximately fifty members of the National Front were sentenced to terms of several years of imprisonment by the Tribunal of Verona for completely non-violent political and cultural activities. With one single exception (Massimo Fini), not one journalist even mentioned it; not a single word of it appeared on television. That is "democracy": truth and reality are what the media make it. On the other hand, if the media all unanimously report the same event, even if it is all lies, it takes root in the conscious and subconscious mind of the masses, absolutely regardless of truth, falsehood, or any other consideration. An example of this was the "eyewitness testimony" — later revealed to be an impudent swindle — of the "Iraki atrocities in Kuwaiti hospitals", or the fairy tale of the American "smart bombs" which allegedly spared women, children, and old men, and only killed soldiers. It is this sort of "news" which forms public attitudes on the Gulf War and the entire Middle East Question. Through this incredible technology of manipulation, the victors of WWII have not only succeeded in preventing any re-birth of fascism and National Socialism, but they have succeeded in suffocating the traditional spiritual and cultural values which had characterized the intellectual and spiritual life of Europe for countless centuries. The method they employed to achieve this objective was approximately as follows: all traditional European values, such as love of the earth, the homeland, the family — heroism, honesty, consciousness of duty, and spirituality — were simply associated, in the public mind, with fascism, Nazism, Mussolini and Hitler. After this equation had become firmly anchored in the sub-conscious mind of the masses, the slightest increase in the volume of "anti-fascist" propaganda was more than sufficient to enable the ruling powers to smother any rebirth of the values which are so threatening. By equating the defeated powers of World War II Europe with evil, they achieved far more than simply creating contempt for fascists and National Socialists. They destroyed the entire value system which had been responsible for creating a civilization whose greatness had been unique in world history for thousands of years. 15 In destroying Mussolini and Hitler, they also destroyed Plato and Dante, Machiavelli and Nietzsche, Caesar and Napoleon, Rome and the Holy Roman Empire. Thus the trap closes. Let us analyze a few of the fundamental dogmas of our time, so as to have a few concrete examples: - The Free Market. This is not only THE prevalent economic doctrine of today, it is the ONLY economic doctrine accepted by ALL political groupings, from the Right to the Left. Concepts like "economic self-sufficiency" are inconceivable today; - The Multicultural Society. No one dare express even the slightest criticism for fear of being attacked as "racist". A short time ago, the Italian government sponsored a television advertisement in which a soothing, but subtly menacing voice was heard to say: "We must get used to living in a multicultural society!" This is the world of 1984. - Individualism. This is not only the basis for the primitive consumer mentality of today, it has become the new morality, the new ideology of the masses, leading to countless other evils in turn: feminism, rising divorce rates, abortion, right down to the protection of the rights of drug dealers, perverts, and pornography producers. Even Satanists have rights, and are strictly protected: in the broadcast Adepti (Rai 2, 18 February 1996), several of shadowy figures were respectfully interviewed, including individuals who had forced minors into acts of sexual perversion. This is the "pluralism" bestowed upon us by the democratic-capitalistic system as a blessing! Our society requires absolute subservience to these values, at the cost of ostracism or severe punishment. Total conformity of ideas is the graveyard of the mind. It is the end station of history. The Role of the official version of history The writing of history is in the pitiless grip of the ruling cliques, to an ever greater extent than in politics and culture. No one is longer permitted to disturb the chorus of praise for the New World Order with the slightest criticism. The worldview which justifies all this must, of course, be all one-sided: the good on one side, all evil on the other -- the wicked losers, by virtue of losing, are, of course, blamed for everything from starting WWII to committing every atrocity in the history of the world. Since the Nuremberg Trials, the most effective instrument in the criminalization of fascism and National Socialism has been found to be the accusation of the Six Million Jews: the genocide of the Jews — "Six Million" Jews treacherously murdered in diabolical gas chambers and turned into ashes. Six Million people — a terrifyingly round number, impossible to forget. Men, women, the elderly, children, infants. All exterminated. And just because they were Jews! 16 The "Holocaust" today is a ball and chain, intended to remain welded to the ankles of the German nation for all time. Of course, it is a fact that there were concentration camps in Germany, just as there concentration camps all over the world — not just in Germany and Axis-controlled territories, but in many European and non-European countries as well. How many prisoners of war were permitted to die in Soviet and Anglo-American camps from hunger and exhaustion? How many German prisoners of war were slaughtered AFTER THE END OF THE WAR? It's a six-digit figure! And what about the destruction of Dresden? What about the countless other terror attacks on German, Italian, and Japanese cities? What about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What about the looting, the mass murders of the civilian population? What about the hundreds of thousands of Italian and German women and girls raped by the purveyors and representatives of Allied "democracy"? What about the Yugoslavian Communist stone quarries where thousands of Italians died in misery? Who weeps for them? And how did the Americans deal with one of their noblest countryman, the poet Ezra Pound? "He was locked in a barbed wire cage without a roof and without a bucket for his human wastes; food was pushed in through the barbed wire; for days, he had to shield his head from the burning sun with his bare hands... After two weeks, they locked him in a cage of wood and iron measuring 2x2 m2 surrounded by a heavy metal grid. The roof consisted of a tar paper-covered boards and the floor of cement. He was hardly protected from the rain, and was illuminated day and night by large search lights. In November 1945, he was transferred to the USA and locked up in a common mental hospital for twelve years without any legal judgement..." (Pietro Ciabanetti, Coltano 1945, Mursia). To criminalize entire nations and peoples requires a lot more than just a few individual crimes, such as spectacular reprisals against civilians, the suffering of concentration camp inmates, or Gestapo interrogation methods. Such things have always existed, everywhere, among the most diverse peoples. As for the concentration camps, there were 1,255 concentration camps in post-war Poland alone. Most of them were filled with Germans; 99% of the inmates were civilians, women and children. Hundreds of thousands of them died (the Jewish writer John Sack says that there were "only" 80,000 deaths) (John Sack, An Eye for an Eye, KabelVerlag, 1995). And as for the mistreatment of prisoners of war, well, one need only mention one individual case among many, namely, the treatment of the German defendants at the Dachau Trial. According to the findings of an investigatory committee, they were "exposed to every kind of physical and mental torture: 137 of 139 suffered irreparable damage to the testicles" (Carlo Mattogno, Intervista sull'Olocausto, Edizioni di Ar, 1995.) But all this is shouted down with screaming about the "Six Million Jews", allegedly killed in an ice-cold, deliberately planned programme of extermination, mostly in gas chambers. 17 Under the influence of the emotional trauma induced by the Holocaust propaganda, Europe permitted the Jews to set up their anachronistic State of Israel in the Near East, during which the Arab population was forcefully displaced or enslaved. The mere mention of the Holocaust is enough to induce international public opinion to permit the Jews to administer the occupied territories illegally, with brutal cruelty, even today. Any pretence, no matter how thread-bare, is sufficient to bring the Holocaust into remembrance, day after day, in literature, science, art, and politics. Instead of slowing down or losing any of its brutal crushing force, the propaganda steam roller becomes more overpowering with each passing year. In more and more European countries, the Jewish version of the "truth" about the Holocaust is placed under a legal protection order, so that Revisionist works may be prohibited and confiscated on whim; this is being done with increasing frequency and violence. The Holocaust must remain a myth, a dogma, exempt from all free historical discussion. If this dogma were to collapse, then the significance of all other aspects of relating to the Second World War would begin to crumble, and would have to be re¬ examined. The same is true in politics. It would at long last be possible to return to true pluralism in discussing the future status of Europe. Suddenly, it would no longer be dishonourable to engage in discussion with anyone — even real fascists! Those values which imply the right of all peoples to protect their identity and independence - - in contrast to uniformity and tyranny masquerading as "multiculturalism" and "internationalism" — would regain their honour. It is hardly an accident that recognition of the reality of the Holocaust was the final and decisive tribute paid by Gianfranco Fini, leader of the post-fascist Alleanza Nazionale, as the price for permission to participate in the national Italian system. "The Holocaust cannot be erased... Unfortunately, it all happened", he said in the Fini newspaper II Secolo di Italia of 9 February 1996. The practical manner in which the orthodox view of the Holocaust protects itself from prying eyes, has been revealed with refreshing honesty by Alberto Tagliati, editor-in- chief of the newspaper Historia. In the June 1995 edition, the publication featured an interview with Prof. Luigi Cajani, under the title of "Una storia incancellabile" (History Cannot be Erased), which confirmed the orthodox view of the Holocaust. The initial intention was to publish a talk with the revisionist Auschwitz expert Carlo Mattogno face to face with the Cajani interview. Tagliatti then decided to print only the Cajani text, upon which Mattogno published his views in a text with the title Intervista suU'Olocausto, from Edizioni di Ar. The following is Tagliati's justification for this procedure: 'History' he stated, 'is that which one era considers useful to hold true of another'. I do not believe that this opinion should be revised or corrected, less than ever with regards to Nazism. Of course, contemporary history has judged Nazism from a one¬ sided point of view — that of the victors, that of Nuremberg... Fifty years after the end of the Second World War, by contrast, there are people who invoke a cold 18 'objectivity'... This pedantic attempt to square the circle reveals a sympathy with Nazism...." (pp. 22-23). Have historians so debased themselves that they have become the mere lackeys of a ruling ideology? Have people really forgotten that the salient feature of European civilization has always been its painfully exact research, its concern and search for truth — no matter how unwelcome it may be? Do people believed that the Second World War has succeeded in causing all European peoples to abandon their whole culture, their whole value system, all their traditional moral values, once and for all, and forever? When Prof. Robert Faurisson's first revisionist texts appeared, 34 French intellectuals, under the leadership of the Jewish historians Pierre Vidal-Naquet and Leon Poliakov, published an appeal on 21 February 1979 in Le Monde, the second sentence of which stated: "We must not ask how such a mass murder was technically possible. It was technically possible because it happened." A few of the standard criticisms made against the revisionists We consider it necessary to mention and refute some of the standard criticisms of revisionism. The first of these reproaches consists of equating revisionism with "Neo-Nazism". This is an allegation which is as arbitrary as it is unjustified. Many of the most important representatives of revisionism are alien to the ideas of National Socialism and fascism in their manner of thinking, if not actually hostile to them. Their research is historical and non-ideological. Revisionists have never wasted time arguing whether National Socialism was "good" or "bad", or whether Hitler was right or wrong. They have always tried to determine the simple facts and separate reality from myth. Revisionists are repeatedly accused of "slandering the dead", of "incitement to racial hatred", or "trivialization of mass murder". A more illogical or nonsensical argument is hardly possible to imagine. How can one "justify" murder by attempting to prove that the defendant was innocent (for example, that the victim died a natural death or went missing or is still alive). How can research work intended to separate reality from legend be declared equivalent to "incitement to racial hatred" or "slandering the dead"? When all else fails, we hear the following argument over and over again: even if the figure of Six Million is highly exaggerated, and even if, in reality, many fewer — perhaps half a million — Jews died in the concentration camps, that is a crime, too; in fact, it is no less monstrous, because "one single murdered Jew, one single Jew 19 segregated on the basis of his Jewishness, cries out to high heaven" (II Secolo d'ltalia, 9 February 1996). Of course, that is true; but, by the same logic, it is an argument which applies equally to all other races, religions, nationalities and beliefs as well. One might just as easily say that one single German, Japanese, or Italian civilian, one National Socialist, fascist, or revisionist murdered, beaten or jailed for his nationality, principles, or opinions "cries out to high heaven", too. At the crossroads: terror or dialogue? In addition to governmental persecution of revisionists, other methods are also resorted to against them: slander, exclusion from certain professions, and physical intimidation, not excluding murder. The following are only a few examples among many: - In 1974, the French history teacher Francois Duprat was killed by a car bomb; - On 4 July 1984, the independent Institute for Historical Review, active in California, was burnt down; - In the same year, the revisionist professor Prof. Hermann Grive was murdered in Cologne; - In 1989, Prof. Robert Faurisson was attacked and nearly beaten to death by a troop of thugs calling themselves the "Fils de la memoire juive" (Sons of Jewish Memory); - In February 1996, the house of Prof. Renzo de Felice, the expert on fascism, was set on fire. But there are also signs which give rise to hope. Honest intellectuals are not prepared to endure these attacks on the freedom of expression and the freedom of research without protest. Let us take, as an example, an appeal published by dozens of Italian scholars and intellectuals on 3 March 1994 in the left-wing newspaper II manifesto, as well as in the June 1995 issue of the also left-wing publication La lente di Marx. The occasion for the appeal was the prohibition in France of the French translation of The Holocaust under the Scanner by Jurgen Graf. This is an excerpt from the appeal: "An extremely alarming trend may be noted in Europe. This consists of deciding historical questions before the courts, which in turn is equivalent to an unacceptable interference of the justice system in politics and in the cultural and academic life of this or any other country. This is often accompanied by a hysterical, intellectually degrading campaign of media incitement. We believe that historical research must be free from all restrictions; that full freedom of thought must prevail — in Europe just much as in Iran, in Germany just as much as in Italy or France. The truth or falsehood of an idea can be proven 20 only by free and open scientific debate, not by the judgements of any court, or by crude mass media hate campaigns intended to serve political objectives." The above are important statements which permit us to hope for a change in climate, even if the number of intellectuals who dare to voice support for such elementary principles in public, over their signature, is still too small to break through the wall of silence. We seek absolute freedom of research, expression, and publication for revisionist historians and researchers, in the name of pluralism. The harmonious cultural and political development of the European peoples can only result from a dispassionate, open dialogue, in which all topics can be examined and all viewpoints expressed without hinderance. Revisionist researchers have published books, articles, interviews and documentation in support of their arguments. If these were false, if revisionist methods were erroneous, the result would have been devastating scientific rebuttal and expert reports in refutation. That the enemies of revisionism can produce nothing more effective against revisionism than physical and career assassination, police-state style brutality and repression, and hysterical media hate campaigns, reinforces doubt as to the correctness of the official version of history, lending credence to the suspicion that the intent is to suppress the truth by any means, including violence. 21 CHAPTER I THE ACCUSATION Holocaust beliefs since 1945 For a half century, all of humanity knew, or thought it knew, that something uniquely cruel took place during WWII, when Germany was fighting nearly every other major country in the world. Of course, it is true that atrocities were in fact committed during the war — atrocities which were unprecedented in their degree of unique cruelty. These atrocities were as follows: - The merciless, systematic terror bombing by the Western Allies of German and Japanese cities. For the first time in the history of the civilized world, a belligerent sought openly and without pretense to kill or maim the greatest possible number of human beings, including the elderly, women and children, without any military justification, and to destroy as many cultural monuments as possible. At Dresden, in February 1945, when the war was all but over, 250,000 human beings were burned alive or buried under the ruins of their houses in a single night (1). In August of the same year, the USA dropped the atomic bombs on a Japan which was already prepared to capitulate; - The mass murder of prisoners of war. In this unique atrocity, the Allies deliberately allowed enormous numbers of prisoners of war to starve to death or to die of exhaustion. It is recognized that 1.5 million German prisoners in the USSR died this way. That the Western democracies cold-bloodedly permitted at least 800,000, possibly more than a million, prisoners of war to die of hunger, was hushed up in shame for decades, and first came to light through the research of the courageous historian James Bacque (2); - The greatest mass expulsion in human history, far exceeding anything in occurring in past centuries. Between 1944 and 1949, approximately 15 million Germans were driven from the homes in which where their ancestors had lived peacefully for many generations, and were thrown onto the roads under conditions so inhumane that Europe had not seen the like since the Thirty Year's War. These mass expulsions - unique in their cruelty — caused two million deaths from cold, exhaustion, starvation, and deliberate massacres (3). And yet — all these horrors are hardly even noticed when there is talk of WW II atrocities. When people talk of THE unique crime of the century — a crime which staggers the imagination - we immediately sense that we are about to hear — once again — of the German genocide of the Jews. 22 There is only group with victim status: the Six Million There is only one scene of any crime: Auschwitz There is only one group of unique criminals: the Nazis There is only one new, horrifying weapon: the "gas chambers". These concepts are deeply anchored in the sub-consciousness of all of humanity; they are drummed into our brains, on television, radio, and the press almost daily; they appear in all the history books, at least in the Western world. These four concepts — Six Million, Auschwitz, Nazis, and Gas Chambers — are the concrete symbol of Absolute Evil in the minds of all humanity. And since every decent person must naturally abhore Evil, innumerable numbers of decent people therefore believe themselves morally compelled to hate, or at least to mistrust, the nationality of people who were responsible for this unique crime — the German people, who were, at that time, almost 100% in favour of Hitler and the National Socialist government, a fact which is beyond dispute. It appears no less logical that the victims of this absolute evil, the Jews, should, by the same logic, be treated with the greatest possible sympathy and respect. Of course, this includes the decency of refraining from asking for any proof of their unspeakable suffering — these people who are so deserving of our sympathy, who have suffered so unspeakably. Every decent human being must listen with the greatest solemnity, the profoundest grief, and without the slightest questioning, to all the details of the monstrous tale of the assembly-line extermination of an entire people, then cry out in righteous indignation: Never Again! This assembly-line style extermination of human beings is commonly known as the "Holocaust", from the Greek word for "sacrifice by fire" (holos = entirely; kaein = to burn). Another term, which is less commonly used, but which is preferred by Jews, is "Shoa" (Hebrew for "catastrophe"). The terms "Holocaust" and "Shoa" are an indictment of the German people and its ruling government from 1933 to 1945, an indictment which, in terms of severity, has never been made against any other people or government at any time in history. This indictment runs as follows: In the midst of the 20th century, in the heart of Europe, the Germans, over a period of three years (from the autumn of 1941 until the autumn of 1944), murdered five to six million Jewish men, women, and children, almost unnoticed by the world. This genocide is said to have been carried out based on a diabolical plan, carefully hatched by the NS government. The majority of the victims — from slightly less than three million to more than five million, depending on which historian you believe (4) — were killed with a previously unknown weapon, i.e., gas chambers (with gas vans playing second fiddle). These mass murders are supposed to have taken place in six extermination camps located on Polish territory, namely Auschwitz, Majdanek, 23 Sobibor, Treblinka, and Chelmno. The last mentioned camp used gas vans; the five others used stationary gas chambers. Some of the bodies were burned in crematoria, and some in the open, leaving not a rack behind. The Germans also liquidated between one and two million Jews in Russia, some of them in gas vans, some by mass shooting (5). These massacres were committed mostly by a special murder squad, the "Einsatzgruppen". After that come another half million or more Jews who are said to have died in ghettos and work camps from mistreatment, malnutrition, and exhaustion. These are, of course, included among the number of Jewish victims, almost Six Million — (three to five million or more gassed in the six death camps, plus one to two million shot in Russia or murdered in gas vans; plus at least half a million more, from more or less "natural causes") — but who were not the result of a deliberate policy of extermination; non-Jewish prisoners also died in great numbers for the same reasons. Although these Jews cannot really be included as "Holocaust victims", they are included among them for the sake of simplicity. Morally, according to half a century of deafening media propaganda, the Holocaust cannot be equated with any other atrocity in history. Stalin may have killed tens of millions more than Hitler, but he never ordered an entire race wiped out without a trace, without any examination of individual cases. The Germans didn't commit the Holocaust because they considered the Jews a real or potential threat, but solely and merely because the victims were Jews. The Germans, according to their accusers, exterminated an entire people out of pure RACIAL HATRED. This racial hatred was the reason why they killed not just the men, the fighting-fit, but the elderly, women and children, including the newborn — everyone who could be called a "Jew". Compared to the "Holocaust", all other "Nazi crimes" pale into insignificance! a) "The three million non-Jewish Poles" In addition to the genocide of the Jews, the Third Reich is accused of other gigantic crimes. For example, the claim is sometimes made in the media that the National Socialists killed three million non-Jewish Poles. The unprejudiced observer will perhaps wonder as to the circumstances under which so many Poles are said to have been killed. Between the end of the short German-Polish war of September 1939 and the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto of 1944, which cost 180,000 victims, there were, of course, attacks by the Resistance resulting in German reprisals, but there was no large-scale conflict. There is no allegation of any mass-extermination of non-Jewish Poles in the camps (6). How are the three million Poles supposed to have been killed? No Western historian has ever made a serious attempt to establish the figure. 24 b) "The 500,000 gypsies Claims of the alleged 500,000 gypsies exterminated by the Germans are heard with incomparably greater frequency than the claims of the three million non-Jewish Poles. With regards to the extermination of the gypsies, Sebastien Haffner, in a book praised to the skies by the media, states as follows (7): "After 1941, the gypsies in the occupied territories were exterminated just as systematically as the Jews who lived there. This mass murder has... hardly ever been researched in detail since that time. People didn't talk about it when it was going on; even today, people don't know much about it, except that it took place. Documents are rare. Estimates of the number of victims range up to 500,000." According to the above, the genocide of the gypsies has hardly been ever researched and the documents are "rare" (i.e., there aren't any), but we still know that the extermination took place! That this slaughter is the purest fantasy, has been proven by Udo Walendy in great detail (8). The edition of Walendy's periodical Historische Tatsachen which discussed this topic was prohibited, although the authorities could not point to a single sentence in it which was not true. The alleged genocide of the gypsies has not penetrated the public consciousness as deeply as the Jewish Holocaust. In monuments to the Nazi victims, the "Sinti und Roma" — the politically correct expression for the gypsies — appear as "also rans" at best. The gypsies themselves, of course, make energetic attempts to obtain compensation from Bonn, but the sums obtained thus far have been monetarily insignificant; this is doubtlessly due to the general lack of political and economic clout possessed by gypsies. In early 1997, the historical researchers threw in the towel. The Frankfurter Rundschau of 13 February 1997 (p. 7), in particular, reports, with reference to the historian Michael Zimmerman: "Only after a thorough study of the documents was it discovered that the number of murdered Sinti und Roma was significantly lower than the figure current in the media: 50,000 instead of 500,000." Please don't get the idea that the figure of 500,000 exterminated gypsies was invented and peddled by lie-historians, lie-politicians, and the lie-media for fifty years, without the slightest proof; instead, it arose spontaneously, a product of spontaneous generation, after which it merely became "current in the media"! Regardless of this admission from the historians themselves, the mythical 500,000 murdered gypsies will no doubt continue to stalk the pages of the tabloids of the future as they did in the past - like ghosts. (That the new figure of 50,000 murdered Sinti und Roma announced by "historical researchers" lacks even the slightest trace of proof, goes without saying.) 25 c) Medical experiments on human beings That there were medical experiments in the NS concentration camps, is undisputed, and it is not our intention to justify them. But the Eastern and Western conquerors of Germany have not the slightest right to become indignant about the matter, because they who live in glass houses should not throw stones. As shown in detail in the French newspaper Nouvelle Vision (9), the Soviets as well as the Americans also carried out medical experiments on human beings, to an incomparably greater degree than the National Socialists. The following are only three examples: - In Kazachstan in the USSR , the Soviets set off 446 atomic bombs. A total of 800 villages were affected by the radioactive fallout. In many cases, the villagers were forbidden to enter their houses at the time of the blast, allegedly due to the danger of collapsing buildings; in reality, this was order was given to test the effects of radioactivity on the victims. According to the Ministry of Health of Kazachstan, the life expectancy in the affected areas is now 15 years lower than the national average (10); - Radioactive experiments were carried out on human beings in the USA as well. In December 1993, the US authorities admitted that, in Tennessee in the 1940s, 700 pregnant women were prescribed radioactive pills, exposing the fetus to radioactive radiation. Many children born to mothers involved in these experiments died prematurely of cancer. Other radioactive experiments on human beings were performed in Oregon in 1963 (11); - In 1954, the first oral contraceptive developed in the USA was not tested on American women, but on Puerto Ricans instead. Since animal experimentation had already proven the pill's carcinogenic effects, researchers were well aware of the dangers to the women involved, and therefore chose foreigners as test subjects (12). Many more examples could be cited. d) Euthanasia Between 50,000 and 100,000 severely ill patients were killed in Germany after the autumn of 1939 in the context of the euthanasia programme permitting the killing of physically and psychically incurably ill. The euthanasia programme was stopped as the result of protests from the Catholic Bishop Galen and the Evangelical Bishop Wurm. Opinion differs as to the justification for euthanasia. Strict Christians — particularly, Fundamentalists — reject it on the grounds that human life is to be considered holy and sacrosanct. Other well-meaning people advocate euthanasia on the grounds that incurably ill patients can only suffer, constituting a burden to themselves and their loved ones, and that such a life is unworthy of human beings, a life no longer worth living. We do not wish to take a position on the matter, but we wish to point out the following: 26 - Hundreds of thousands of healthy children are aborted on "social grounds" in the "democracies" every year, i.e., they are killed in their mother's womb, either chopped to bits or killed with corrosive solutions or acids. Is this any more humane than the painless killing of much smaller numbers of the incurably ill in the Third Reich? - Both passive euthanasia (failing to take measures to prolong life) and active euthanasia (killing the sick) are gaining increasingly greater numbers of adherents every day. The world's best known advocate of euthanasia is the Australian Jew, Singer. Particularly to the forefront in the legalization of euthanasia is the most "anti¬ fascist" country in the world: Holland. To sum up: the criticisms made above are insufficient to justify any criminalization of the National Socialist system, not to mention the German people as a whole. Nor do the murder of the "three million non-Jewish Poles" and the "500,000 gypsies" suffice either, because these huge massacres are pure products of the imagination. "Medical experiments on human beings" are insufficient, since the Soviets and Americans carried out similar practices on a much larger scale. Euthanasia is insufficient, because it is officially tolerated in several European countries today — not to mention the fact that it is surely much less heinous than aborting millions of healthy children, even if we consider euthanasia a crime. The Holocaust as a religion Claude Lanzmann, producer of the nine-and-one-half hour film Shoa, has made the following incredibly revealing statement (13): "If Auschwitz is something other than a horror of history, if it goes beyond the 'banality of evil', then Christianity totters on its foundations. Christ is the Son of God, who went to the end of the humanly endurable, where he endured the crudest suffering... If Auschwitz is true, then there is a human suffering which simply cannot be compared with that of Christ... In this case, Christ is false, and salvation will not come from Him... If the pain of Auschwitz is much more extreme than that of the Apocalypse, much more horrifying than that described by John in the Apocalypse (since the Apocalypse can be described as, and even resembles, a huge, Hollywood-style spectacular, while Auschwitz is inexpressable and undescribable), then the Book of the Apocalypse is false, and the Gospels are false, too. Auschwitz is the refutation of Christ." One could hardly provide a more drastic demonstration that, for increasingly greater numbers of Jews, the Holocaust has become a genuine religion. Perhaps two Jews out of three Jews believe in God, but 99.9% of them believe in the gas chambers. If this murky religion were restricted to Jews, that would be their own affair; basically, it would be their problem, not ours; yet ominously, increasingly shameless attempts have been made in recent years to force this Jewish Holocaust religion upon non-Jews by criminal law. If "Auschwitz" is true, salvation will not come from Christ, says Lanzmann — so where is it going to come from, then? Quite obviously from the Jews, who have now been transsubstantiated into a sort of collective Messiah because of Auschwitz! The 27 arch-enemy of the new collective Messiah is therefore the "National Socialist regime of the gas chambers and the Holocaust" — the incorporation of Absolute Evil. The ever-growing numbers of Holocaust memorials are quite obviously part of this religious — or rather pseudo-religious - framework. "Doubting the Holocaust" (the official version of the Holocaust, that is) has, in the meantime, been made punishable by criminal prosecution in several countries, so that the picture is now complete: as a religious dogma, the Holocaust must remain exempt from all scientific research and be taken on faith (or else). The Swiss writer Arthur Vogt has described the "Holocaust religion" very perceptively (14): "First principle of faith: the Germans, as a race of criminals, have been cursed with eternal shame... Even their descendants bear the mark of Cain, merely because they are German... Second principle: There is only one salvation from this terrible guilt, and that is: constant acknowledgement and remorse for the crime. That is the reason for all the memorials and anniversaries... The Holocaust religion recognizes good works: this is why the German government must support the construction of Israel with billions of marks in so-called 'reparations'. Personal atonement is performed by young Germans — for example, through the activities of the 'Symbol of Reconciliation' — through taking care of the elderly in Israel or rebuilding crumbling walls at Auschwitz. "So much money and effort have been invested in the Holocaust religion, and continue to be invested in it, that if the factual basis for it were found to be erroneous, it would be an incredible shock. Yet it is the basis of the founding myth of Israel (and the BRD); it is the most important founding element in the identity of the Jews today, both believers and non-believers. To point out the existence of contradictions and errors in the so-called "evidence" is heresy... The Holocaust religion also has its heretics, whom it persecutes mercilessly. These are the revisionists, who dare to question the established version of history. They are slandered and persecuted all over the world, under the influence of powerful Zionist groups." Why nearly everybody believes in the Holocaust No doubt the overwhelming majority of human beings, at least in the Western states, believe in the official version of the Holocaust for reasons which at first glance appear entirely plausible: First, it seems entirely inconceivable that the media as a whole would be able to spread a story like that for over 50 years unless there was some truth in the story, at least very generally. The average citizen, of course, can still imagine that the numbers of victims may have been exaggerated; but the notion that the gas chamber story, taken as a whole, could be purely a product of fantasy, is far too monstrous to consider. In addition, the correctness of the official version of the Holocaust appears confirmed by three factors: 28 - the general disappearance of the Jews from several former German-ruled countries, particularly Poland, where three million Jews are acknowledged to have lived in the early 1930s, but where only a few tens of thousands live today, according to official statistics. So if they weren't exterminated, is the question, where did they go? We will only examine the demographic aspect of the question at the end of our study; for the moment, we will consider only one single argument in reply: at the end of WWII, there were approximately 12 million Germans in the areas east of the Oder und Neisse. There are only between one and two million there today. Does that really mean that 10 to 11 million Germans in the Eastern territories were exterminated? Of course, the answer is no; some of them died during the violence of the expulsion, of course, but most of them escaped to the West and survived the war. According to this logic, then, the general disappearance of Polish Jewry is no proof that most of the Jews in these territories were exterminated. They could have escaped or emigrated. - The alleged "innumerable eyewitness testimonies". "It may well be", people cry in profound indignation, "that a few witnesses may have lied or exaggerated the horrors of the Holocaust, but all of them? It's unthinkable!" This argument is based upon a misunderstanding. There are far fewer witnesses to the extermination of the Jews in the gas chambers than is commonly assumed. Anyone who consults the standard literature will soon note that, basically, only a handful of witnesses are quoted: Gerstein, Hoss, Broad, Vrba, Mueller, Bendel, Lengyel, Tauber, Nyiszli, and a few more. Since there are no forensic or documentary proofs for the mass killings in the gas chambers — as we shall soon show in detail -- the entire Holocaust allegation basically stands or falls with the testimony of perhaps two dozen standard eyewitnesses. The great majority of the alleged "innumerable witnesses" only heard of the gas chambers second or third hand; - The photos and films. It is quite true that there are authentic photographs of piles of corpses and living skeletons from German concentration camps; these photographs were taken after their liberation by Allied troops. But they are no proof of any systematic "extermination of the Jews", since even the official version of the story does not dispute the fact that these dead and dying men were the victims of starvation and epidemic disease during the chaotic last few months of the war. In addition to these authentic photos, there are a number of grossly falsified photos, which have been distributed widely for decades. Udo Walendy has helped prove their inauthenticity (15). These manipulations in themselves, of course, are insufficient to prove that "there wasn't any Holocaust"; but they should awaken our suspicion. Why must one have recourse to such primitive trickery if great quantities of unimpeachable evidence are available? The argument "But I saw it myself in the movies and on television" can only be the product of a very feeble mind. All the films of the genocide of the Jews, from Holocaust to Shoa to Schindler's List, were produced long after the war; that they lack any probative value is a matter of course. It's no accident that a miserable botch job like Schindler's List was cooked up in black-and-white. This was done to create a false impression of authenticity for historically naive cinema-goers. 29 Notes 1) A detailed discussion of the number of victims at Dresden may be found in our book Todesursache Zeitgeschichtsforschung, Neue Visionen, Postfach 5436 Wuerenlos, Switzerland, p. 267 ff. 2) James Bacque, Der geplante Tod, Ullstein, 1993. 3) On the subject of the expulsions, see, for example, Alfred Maurice de Zayas, Anmerkungen zur Vertreibung, Kohlhammer, 1986, or Rolf-Josef Eibicht (publisher), Der Volkermord an den Deutschen. 50 Jahre Vertreibung, Hohenrain, Tubingen, 1995. 4) "Holocaust Specialist" Lucy Dawidowicz, in her book The War Against the Jews (Penguin Books, 1987, p. 191), which is considered a standard work, comes to a total of 5.37 million murdered Jews in the six extermination camps. Raoul Hilberg, touted as a "Holocaust Expert", in his three volume opus Die Vernichtung der europeaischen Juden (Fischer Taschenbuch, 1990., p. 946), speaks of 2.7 million killed Jews in the six death camps. The difference therefore amounts to 2.67 million people! Of course, both the Holocaust big brains keep the sources of their statistical data shrouded in silence. 5) The Einsatzgruppen alone are alleged to have murdered no less than 1.25 million Jews by early 1943, according to the Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust (published by Israel Gutman, Eberhard Jackel and others, Argon, 1993, p. 399). 6) The Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust (see above reference), claims that over 3 million Jews were killed in the extermination camps, as well as tens of thousands of gypsies and Soviet prisoners of war". There is no mention of non-Jewish Poles. 7) Sebastien Haffner, Anmerkungen zu Hitler, Fischer Taschenbuch Frankfurt 1991, p. 130. 8) Historische Tatsachen, Verlag fur Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, Vlotho, no. 23. 9) Nouvelle Vision, from ANEC, BP 258, F-14013 Caen, no. 36 (1995). 10) ibid, p. 242 ff. 11) ibid, p. 244 ff. 12) ibid, p. 239 ff. 13) Les temps modernes, December 1993, p. 132/133. 14) "Die Holocaust Religion", in Aurora, Postfach 386, CH 8105 Regensdorf, double issue 11/12 (1996). 30 15) Udo Walendy, Bilddokumente fur die Geschichtsschreibung?, Verlag fuer Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, Vlotho/Weser, 1973, as well as Walendy in Ernst Gauss, Gnmdlagen zur Zeitgeschichte, Grabert, 1994. 31 CHAPTER II THE FUNCTION OF THE HOFOCAUST IN THE WORED SINCE 1945 The political consequences of the Holocaust were, and are, enormous. Let us look at the most important ones. The founding of the State of Israel and the violation of Palestinian Rights Without the Holocaust, the world would never have permitted the founding of the state of Israel in 1948. The colonial era was coming to an end at that time. The British had already decided to give India its independence, while dozens of Asian and African territories were at that point striving to shake off European rule. While other powers were rushing to grant independence to their colonies, the Jews in Palestine were permitted to embark upon a colonial adventure par excellence, with the blessings of both the West and the USSR. In so doing, they proceeded with ruthless brutality; whole Arab villages were leveled. A great proportion of the Palestinians were driven from their homeland. In 1967, Israel conquered additional Arab territories, the inhabitants of which remain subject to all possible kinds of repression: deportations, arrests — in 1992, there were 15,000 Palestinians behind bars for political reasons! (1) — liquidation of political opposition by killer commandos, dynamiting of houses, confiscations, endless repression (2). In addition, there is the systematic use of torture, quite unashamedly declared legal by the Israeli Supreme Court on 15 November 1996. In so doing, the Jewish state adopted a legal position which remains unique in the world. Israel is, of course, not the only state in the world to practise torture; but it is the only nation which openly claims the right to do so. The right of Israeli military personnel and policemen to torture Palestinian political detainees was justified by the Supreme Court on security considerations: the need to gain "vitally important information on planned attacks". So why did the Gestapo officer Klaus Barbie in Paris have French resistance fighters tortured, if not on security grounds, and for the purpose of gaining vital information on planned attacks on German soldiers? Not only may Arabs be tortured and murdered in Israel with impunity — they may even be mocked posthumously. In 1993, two Israeli soldiers shot an unarmed Palestinian during a street confrontation. At first, they were sentenced to one hour's imprisonment each; this inhumanly heavy sentence was later commuted into a fine of exactly one penny each (3). Jewish terror rule in Palestine is not actually encouraged by world public opinion, but it is tolerated. After all, the Jewish people, after suffering the Holocaust, needed a homeland to protect them from a new genocide; what are the sufferings of the Palestinians compared to those of the Jews under Hitler? 32 Without outside assistance, the state of Israel would never survive for as much a single day. Its chief source of revenue continues to consist of financial injections from the Americans, support from international Jewry, and German "reparations". According to official sources, the BRD had already paid 85.4 billion marks to Israel (and Jewish organizations) by 1992 (3); the actual figure must be considerably higher. In addition there have been German deliveries in the form of commodities. Nahum Goldman, long-time Chairman of the Jewish World Congress, wrote in his book The Jewish Paradox (4): "Without the German reparations payments that started coming during its first ten years as a state, Israel would not have half of its present infrastructure: all the trains in Israel are German, the ships are German, and the same goes for electrical installations and a great deal of Israel's industry..." Immunity of Jews from criticism Before 1945, criticism of Jews was allowed. Today, that is no longer the case. Any criticism of Jewry and Zionism, no matter how faint-hearted — for example, relating to the relatively heavy influence of Jews on the mass media of the Western world, or the arrogance of the Central Jewish Council in Germany — is immediately shouted down with screams about Auschwitz and the Holocaust, with approximately the following logic: anyone who criticizes Jews is anti-Semitic; Hitler was anti-Semitic; Hitler killed Six million Jews; therefore, anyone who criticizes Jews wants to kill another Six Million Jews! No matter how stupid and primitive this argument may be, it has proven itself effective right down until the present day. The effectiveness of the above is demonstrated by a single remarkable example: The most dangerous criminal organization in the world is regularly called the "Russian mafia" by the mass media. This is a slander on the Russian people, because the mob bosses are not Russian. In a book which the author was forced to call The Russian Mafia — if he had called it The Jewish Mafia he would have thrown in jail — the German author Jurgen Roth (5) says: "The cocaine is owned by a drug ring made up overwhelmingly of Israeli nationals — some of them with Russian ancestry — with support points in Colombia, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Tel Aviv, Moskow and St. Petersburg... Mosche Ben-Ari, Ricardo Fanchini, and Rachmiel Brandwain are considered the most powerful bosses of the exile Russian mafia in Europe and the USA." Although Roth had to censor many names in his book, it is clear from the context that the bosses of the "Russian Mafia" are almost exclusively Jewish. The gangster bosses Rachmiel Brandwain and Mosche Ben-Ari live in Antwerp or Munich. No Belgian or German state prosecutor would ever dare have them arrested, since he would be attacked by the media as a "neo-Nazi", a pitiless persecutor of "Holocaust survivors". 33 Covering up Allied atrocities in WW II As we have seen, very little is ever said about the horrendous Allied atrocities during WWII. Terror bombings, starvation camps, and expulsions, may, of course, be inhumane, people will say; but the Holocaust was an incomparably greater crime! Anyone guilty of such a crime — i.e., the Germans — has no right to complain of harsh treatment by the Allied victors. Creating contempt for the German people Since 1945, the German people have been branded with a mark of shame for an unspeakable crime which makes healthy self-respect impossible for Germans, and prevents any German government from representing German interests in any way. A truly independent German government committed to defending the interests of the German people has not existed since 1945. The DDR was ruled by the satraps of the Eastern occupying powers for decades, while the BRD continues to be ruled by vassals of the Western occupying powers. Self-respect and patriotism are held in contempt in Germany today; self-criticism and self-hatred are the prevailing trend. Leading intellectuals, the most well-known of whom is Gunter Grass, have expressly opposed the reunification with reference to Auschwitz (6). Germany's entry into the Europe of Maastricht, i.e., into a supranational government ruled by an anonymous bureaucracy, is advocated tooth and nail by all the parties represented in the German Bundestag. After the destruction of Germany as a state, the next objective of the ruling classes is the destruction of the German people itself. This is to be achieved through artificially lowering the domestic birth rate by means of laws hostile to the family, by facilitating abortion, as well as by encouraging the mass immigration of people from foreign cultures, most recently from Black Africa. Rendering impossible any objective discussion of National Socialism An objective discussion of National Socialism, with its strengths and weaknesses, is simply impossible today. Any mention of the achievements and positive aspects of the National Socialist system — for example, the elimination of unemployment and the economic upswing which set in soon after Hitler's rise to power — is immediately howled down with screams about Auschwitz. Creating contempt for all forms of nationalism except Jewish nationalism While the Auschwitz truncheon was first used only on the Germans, it is now directed, to an increasingly greater extent, against all other white nationalities. The argument in this regard runs approximately as follows: - The world sat by and did nothing while Hitler slaughtered the Jews by millions. Neither the Western powers nor the Soviets nor the International Red Cross nor the Vatican denounced the genocide nor attempted to rescue the Jews, although they 34 knew just what the Nazis were doing. Therefore, the white race as a whole is jointly guilty for the Holocaust; - since the extermination of the Jews was permitted without resistance AT THAT TIME, we must repent for our sins and grant residence to all asylum seekers from foreign cultures TODAY. If we were to send them back to their own countries, they might suffer persecution, torture, and death; we would therefore be guilty again! - All forms of nationalism (except, of course, Jewish nationalism) are therefore highly dangerous, since it all too easily leads to racism, and therefore involves the danger of a new Holocaust. A "nationalist", of course, is anyone who resists the mass immigration of coloureds and Moslems to Europe and North America. In practice, the Holocaust means that white Christian nations no longer have the right to their own identity. They have a moral duty to allow themselves to be overrun and displaced. "What, you're not against immigration, are you? You must be a NAZI!" Notes: 1) Weltwoche, 22 October 1992. 2) On the Israeli repression of Arabs, see, for example, Ludwig Watzal, Frieden ohne Gerechtigkeit? Boehlau Verlag, 1994. 3) Nation & Europa, January 1997, p. 34; Rivarol, 6 December 1996, p. 9. 4) Spiegel, no. 18/1992. 5) Nahum Goldmann, Das jiidische Paradox, Europaeische Verlagsanstalt, 1978, p. 171. 6) Jurgen Roth, Die Russen-Mafia, Rasch und Roehring, Hamburg 1996, p. 263; 269. 7) Gunter Grass, Schreiben nach Auschwitz, Luchterhand, 1990. 35 CHAPTER III THE REVISIONISTS The claims of the revisionists Everyone today knows that there is a group of people who radically question the prevalent image of the fate of the Jews under the Third Reich. These people call themselves "Revisionists", or, more precisely, "Holocaust Revisionists". The media bespatters them with idiotic smear words like "Auschwitz Deniers", and lumps them together with "Right-wing Radicals". If you were to ask the average German what the revisionists actually say, and what they their statements are based on, he would be unable to answer. This is quite inevitable because of strict media control; the media have strict instructions not to permit any expression or discussion of revisionist arguments. Thus, many people are given the completely erroneous impression that the revisionists deny Jewish suffering during the Second World War. In reality, no one denies that a considerable number of Jews under German rule were interned in concentration camps, or that large numbers of deportees died of epidemics and exhaustion. Nor does anyone deny the reality of shootings of Jews, particularly, on the Eastern Front. Revisionists dispute the following three points in particular: 1) That there was a plan for the physical liquidation of the Jews; 2) The existence of "extermination camps" with gas chambers for mass killing of human beings; 3) That five to six million Jews died in German occupied Europe. It is also not true that revisionism is a "Right-wing radical" movement, since it is not an ideology. It is, as Prof. Robert Faurisson likes to say, a method. Revisionists examine the official picture of the "Holocaust" using the same methods which are generally recognized as valid for other historical periods. Of course, it is also true that most revisionists are politically to the Right, and that some of them are acknowledged National Socialists, but this has no influence on the correctness or incorrectness of their arguments. Whether the discoverer of a new planet is conservative, liberal, socialist, or Communist, is irrelevant to the history of science. What counts is the discovery of a new planet! Furthermore, some of the best-known revisionists, for example, the Frenchmen Serge Thion and Pierre Guillaume, are on the Left. 36 A former concentration camp inmate as revisionist pioneer: Paul Rassinier The founder of revisionism also came from the left. Paul Rassinier, a French resistance fighter, a Socialist and detainee at Buchenwald and Dora-Mittelbau concentration camps. In his book Le Mensonge d'UIysse (the Lies of Ulysses), which appeared in 1950, Rassinier denounced the endlessly exaggerated tales told by former inmates of German camps. Over the course of years of research, Rassinier finally came to the conclusion that gassings had either not taken place at all, or had taken place only as the act of a few lunatics. In Le Drame des Juifs europeens (1964), Rassinier wrote a few years before his death (1): "For 15 years, every time that I heard of a witness anywhere, no matter where in the portion of Europe that was not occupied by the Soviets, who claimed to have himself been present at gas exterminations, I immediately went to him to get his testimony. With documentation in hand, I would ask him so many precise and detailed questions that soon it became apparent that he could not answer except by lying. Often his lies became so transparent, even to himself, that he ended his testimony by declaring that he had not seen it himself, but that one of his good friends, who had died in the camps and whose good faith he could not doubt, had told him about it. I covered thousands and thousands of kilometers throughout Europe in this way." Since nobody else wanted to print Rassinier's works, he finally had them published by a publishing house closely associated with the "Extreme Right" (Les Sept Couleurs). The hypocrites who reproach him for having them published them there, would no doubt have preferred to see them never published at all. Media vilification of the revisionists If we observe the campaign against the revisionists carried on by the media clique, we immediately note a series of remarkable features: First, revisionist literature is flatly stated to have no credibility at all. Thus, a Swiss women named Klara Obermueller wrote as follows in an anti-revisionist series (2): "If somebody came along today and reported the calling of a scientific congress to examine the question of whether the sun revolves around the earth or the earth around the sun, he would either be ridiculed or declared non- compos mentis. It wouldn't occur to anyone to discuss the matter seriously... A similar thing occurs with the propagandists of the so-called 'Auschwitz Lie' or 'Holocaust Lie': their statements that there was no extermination of the Jews, is so obviously false that it is basically unworthy of serious scientific discussion." According to the above, the revisionists are purely and simply crazy. So why persecute them? Why not just ignore them? Do people take you to court if you say the earth doesn't revolve around the sun? 37 Peculiarly, these same lunatics appear to be highly dangerous to the "Western democracies"; they even appear to threaten the very basis of that society in an extremely serious way. A hack journalist named Patrick Bahners, writing in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on 15 August 1994 in connection with the sentencing of Gunter Deckert, revisionist and Chairman of the NPD, by the German legal system, said: "If Deckert's attitude on the Holocaust were correct, the Bundesrepublik would be based on a lie. Every Presidential speech, every minute of silence, every history book would be a lie. Therefore, anyone who denies the mass murder of the Jews disputes the legitimacy of the Bundesrepublik." How can a handful of lunatics endanger the legitimacy of the Bundesrepublik? No, the journalists must finally recognize that there is something askew in this argument: either the revisionists are lunatics, in which case they aren't dangerous, and the journalists can spare the energy wasted on all their hysterical hate campaigns; or they are highly dangerous to the ruling system of the West, in which case they are not lunatics! You can't have it both ways; the media must decide one or the other. State prosecutors and judges as watch dogs for the official version of history The matter becomes even more suspicious when we learn that "denying" the Holocaust (a more correct term would be "disputing the genocide of the Jews") are liable for criminal prosecution in several European countries (3). The model for this impudent interference of the criminal justice system in the freedom of research is perhaps the French "Loi Gayssot", passed in France in 1990 (4), which provides for criminal penalties for anyone disputing any matter decided by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. The sentence of the Nuremberg victor's tribunal has therefore been declared infallible in France; it has been canonized, as it were. Even Stalin did nothing of the kind. In the BRD, revisionists are prosecuted according to paragraph 130 of the Criminal Code ("Incitement to Racial Hatred") Paragraph 131 ("Slandering the Dead") and paragraph 189 ("Slandering the Dead"). The first paragraph was considerably broadened on 28 October 1994, and now calls for prison terms of up to five years for anyone who approves, denies, or trivializes any criminal act alleged to have been committed by the National Socialists. Since that date, there have been thousands of trials of revisionists in Germany just since 28 October 1994. In Austria, the so-called "Prohibition Eaw" against National Socialist activities has served as the Hexenhammer in suppressing the freedom of research on the Holocaust since 1992. In France, Holocaust revisionists are liable for imprisonment for one year; in the BRD, five years; and in Austria, ten years. In practice, however, the penalties are not that severe. Not yet! 38 Here are the sentences from some particularly spectacular revisionist trials in the BRD: - in October 1992, Major General Remer, one of the most highly decorated soldiers of WWII, was sentenced to 22 months without probation in Schweinfurt for "Holocaust Denial", which, for the seriously ill old man, would have been equivalent to a death sentence (Aktenzeichen Remer 1 Kls 8 Js 7494/91). Rather than serve the sentence, Remer, accompanied by his wife, went into exile in Spain; - in April 1995, Gunter Deckert, Chairman of the NPD, was sentenced to two years without probation for translating a technical talk by US gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter (Aktenzeichen IV Kls 1/95 - 2AK 1/95). That Deckert laughed several times during the translation, and shortened the sacrosanct Holy Word "Holocaust" to "Holo" for short, was considered to have aggravated the offense (5); - In June 1995, the chemist Germar Rudolf was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment without probation in Stuttgart (Aktenzeichen 17 Kls 83/94). This sentence was passed on the pretext that Major General Remer had sent Rudolfs report on the "gas chambers" at Auschwitz (see chapter XII) to politicians, professors, and the media (6); - In May 1996, the publisher Wigbert Grabert was fined 30,000 DM for publishing a scientific revisionist anthology with the title Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte (Aktenzeichen AG Tubingen 4 Gs 173/95) - in May 1996, the political scientist and publisher Udo Walendy was sentenced to 15 months without probation (Aktenzeichen 2 Kls 46 Js 374/95 STA Bielefeld) for "trivializing the Holocaust" (7). In none of these terror trials did the court spend as much as one single second considering the arguments of the defendants. Every case assumed the "Offenkundigkeit" of the Holocaust, i.e., its alleged status as a "proven fact". This "Offenkundigkeit", believe it or not, dates back to 1945! According to article 21 of the London Statutes of August 1945, which established the procedural rules for the Nuremberg Trials, no proof was required of "facts of common knowledge". Just what constituted a "fact of common knowledge" was, of course, decided by the court itself - - a court which, in the words of chief prosecutor Robert Jackson, considered its actions a "continuation of the war against Germany" (8). Thus, the status of the "Offenkundigkeit" of an assembly-line extermination of the Jews with millions of victims, was simply considered to be a "fact of common knowledge", for which, therefore, no proof other than "confessions" and "eyewitness testimonies" is available today. All these trials violate the basic right to free expression of opinion as guaranteed under the Constitutions of all the states concerned. It is also illegal to deny a defendant any opportunity to prove the truth of his statements; instead, expert reports on the technical impossibilities of the reported mass extermination are always rejected with reference to the "Offenkundigkeit" of the Holocaust. Generally, the very notion that jurists are competent to decide matters of historical fact is grotesque in itself. The following is an example: 39 In the book Hat Karl der Grosse Je Gelebt? [Was There Ever Really a Charlemagne?] (9), the Munich scholar Herbert Illig disputes the existence of Charlemagne, and declares the whole period from 614 to 911 A.D. to be a product of fantasy. This entire period of 297 years, together with Charlemagne and all the other historical figures of the same period, are alleged to have been invented by subsequent falsifiers of history for political reasons. The absence of any structures built during the three so-called "centuries of the Dark Ages" is the logical result of the non-existence of this period of history: an analysis of architectural monuments is said to show that the few structures alleged to have been built during this period, were, in reality, built later. Due to an insufficient familiarity with the history of the early Middle Ages on our part, we shall refrain from expressing an opinion as to the value of Illig's book. If his arguments should prove to be sheer fantasy, they will be ignored. If they should prove correct, the author will be sooner or later have to be recognized as a genius. There is another, third possibility, i.e., that Charlemagne actually lived, but never performed many of the heroic deeds attributed to him. In this case, Illig's work would still have a seminal influence upon the writing of history by pointing out its shortcomings — particularly, an overly blind trust in the reliability of the sources employed. One thing is for certain: Illig will never be hauled into court because of his book. No judge will ever jail him for "Denying the Genocide of the Pagans", although, by disputing Charlemagne's existence, he is, in effect, denying the mass murder of Saxon pagans attributed to him. In short, Charlemagne, or any other historical subject for that matter, may be researched with complete freedom and the broadest possible latitude. The same statement is true of every other period of history -- except the Second World War, and, in particular, the fate of the Jews under the Third Reich. This fact alone ought to make every thinking person deeply suspicious: "truths" that require protection by criminal law usually turn out to be lies. The bankruptcy of the official version of history "Historians have only interpreted the Holocaust. The thing is to research it." Ulrich Herbert, German historian, in the Frankfurter Rundschau of 13 February 1997, p.7. The Fausanne daily Nouveau Quotidien on 2 and 3 September 1996, published two articles by the historian Jacques Baynac (an anti-revisionist). The first bore the promising title "How the Historians Turned the Job of Silencing the Revisionists Over to the Courts". That means: the governmental persecution of revisionists described above is the logical consequence of the inability of orthodox historians to come up with any counter-argument with which to answer the revisionists. While revisionists RESEARCH the Holocaust, historians are simply content to INTERPRET it. The facts are irrelevant. An excellent example of this may be seen in Gunnar Heinsohn's book Warum Auschwitz? [Why Auschwitz?] (10). At the very beginning of the book, Heinsohn mentions an alleged Himmler order issued on 25 November 1944 on the disassembly 40 of the gas chambers at Auschwitz. This Himmler order has haunted Holocaust literature for decades. No source for it is ever given, since no such order has ever been found. We don't know which historian invented this lie, since the Holocaust scribblers simply copy all their nonsense back and forth. With mock seriousness, Heinsohn lists "Two Hundred Forty Recognized Theories on Auschwitz", and comments upon them at the end of the book ("Theory no. 20: Auschwitz as the Punishment of the Jews for Worshipping Female Deities". Theory no. 33: "Auschwitz as Preparation for the Restoration of Israel So That All Surviving Jews May Gather Together and Fulfill the Conditions for the Coming of the End Days Through the Christian God", etc., etc). He finally comes to the conclusion that Hitler wished to exterminate the Jews because he hoped that, "with the disappearance of the Jews of flesh and blood, the law of the sanctity of life, as well as the Commandments of love and righteousness, would be lost. He wished to create the right to kill, in order to create strategic advantages for the Germans in the conquering of living space" (cover blurb). In the Middle Ages, scholars engaged in complex disputes as to how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. The existence of angels was never cast in doubt, and never proven; it was simply assumed as an axiom. Holocaust writers act in the same way. The existence of an "assembly line mass extermination" is assumed as an axiom, without any regard to the need for proof. They then proceed to speculate in a vacuum, far removed from historical realities, on the psychological and sociological factors which led to the assembly-line killing of Jews in the third Reich", etc., etc., just as medieval scholars speculated upon the sex of the number of angels dancing on the pinhead. Revisionists ask very different questions, such as: What do the documents show about Auschwitz? How reliable are the eyewitnesses? What was the capacity of the crematoria? How quickly does Zyklon B evaporate, and at which temperatures? Did the "gas chambers" possess an efficient ventilation system? How did the Zyklon B enter the "gas chambers"? Are there any traces of cyanides in the mortar samples from the "gas chambers"? In other words, on the one hand, are reason and logic; on the other, stands primitive superstition. There is no possible compromise between the two opposing parties. That is why the historians, to borrow a phrase from Baynac, have turned the job of silencing the revisionists over to the courts. Notes: 1) Paul Rassinier, Le Drame des juifs europeens, Les Sept Couleurs, 1964, reprinted by La Vieille Taupe, Paris, p. 79. 2) Weltwoche series, "Auschwitz unddie 'Auschwitz-Liige'", 9, 16, and 23 December 1993, 3 articles. 41 3) So far (early 1997) Switzerland, Belgium, and Spain have passed anti-revisionist muzzle laws in addition to France, Germany, and Austria. In Belgium and Spain, however, there appears to be little danger of their being used — for the moment. 4) The "Loi Gayssot", see Eric Delcroix, La Police de la Pensee contre le Revisionnisme, RHR, Colombes Cedex/F. 1994. 5) See, in this regard, Gunther Anntohn/Henri Roques, Der Fall Gunter Deckert, DADC, Germania Verlag, Weinheim 1995. 6) See, in this regard no. Herbert Verbeke (publisher) Kardinalfragen zur Zeitgeschichte, Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, Berchem 1996. 7) Compare, in this regard, issue no. 69 of Historische Tatsachen. 8) Prosecutor Jackson's speech before the Tribunal, 26 July 1946. 9) Heribert Illig, Hat Karl der Grosse je gelebt?. Mantis Verlag, Graefeling, 1995. 10) Gunnar Heinsohn, Warum Auschwitz? , Rowohl, Hamburg, 1995. 42 CHAPTER IV WHAT IF THE REVISIONISTS ARE RIGHT? Let's just assume that the official "truth" on the Holocaust is a lie, and that the revisionists are right. The result would be a recognition that there was indeed a PERSECUTION OF JEWS under the Third Reich, but no deliberate EXTERMINATION OF JEWS; that the gas chambers and gas vans were an invention of atrocity propaganda, just like the children with their hands chopped off during the First World War; that not five to six million, but less than one million Jews died in the areas under German control; that of these Jewish victims, only a small percentage were killed, while the rest died chiefly of epidemics and deprivation in the camps and ghettos. What would be the result of this revelation? They are easy to imagine: - A worldwide wave of anti-Jewish feeling; - A wave of nationalism in Germany: politicians, intellectuals, historians and journalists would be held up to contempt by their own people; - The renewed possibility of an objective, factual discussion of National Socialism. We might, as a result, even be able to borrow some of their constructive measures in dealing with the problems of unemployment, the declining birth rate, and wide-spread drug addiction; - Nationalism, in the sense of a true representation of national interests and a defence of the national identity, would regain its legitimacy. The Germans could again say, without shame, "Germany for the Germans!" The French could again say, without shame, "France for the French!" The psychological and political factors which have enabled mass invasion from the Third World, would disappear; - The rulers and manipulators of public opinion would be discredited, not only in Germany, but throughout the West. People would ask themselves why this whole charade had to be propped up with censorship and brute force for so many decades, and in whose interests. Trust in the ruling cliques would be seriously shaken — at a time of serious social and economic crisis to which the "democracies" have no answer. We see that a general realization that Holocaust is a lie would have devastating implications, not only for international Jewry and the state of Israel, but for the political and intellectual ruling cliques of the entire Western world — particularly in Germany! The result would be a re-evaluation of all values, to borrow a term from Friedrich Nietzsche. Everything would be different. Everything would have to re¬ examined. 43 WHAT REALLY HAPPENED? Prior to 1941: The Reich's Government demands Jewish emigration The Jewish policies of the NSDAP, from the very outset, aimed at continually reducing Jewish influence in Germany and at encouraging as many German Jews to emigrate as possible. This initial objective was pursued from 1933 onwards by means of numerous laws and decrees which limited the number of Jews among lawyers, doctors, etc. by means of quotas, and which restricted the economic and political rights of the Jews. This continued, until at least 1938, practically without violence; until the Night of Broken Glass (1), not one Jew was ever sent to a camp just for being a Jew. If Jews were sent to camps, it was for militant anti-governmental political activity or for common crime (2). To encourage Jewish emigration, the National Socialists worked closely with Zionist organizations, which were interested in encouraging the emigration to Palestine of as many Jews as possible. This National Socialist-Zionist cooperation has been fully documented by several authors (3), and to our knowledge is not disputed by anyone. Since the British mandate over Palestine effectively prevented Jewish immigration of Jews to that country, Jewish emigration took place very slowly; the majority of German Jews preferred other immigration countries, particularly the USA. But the USA also placed obstacles in the path of Jewish immigration (4). By 1941, however, the great majority of German and Austrian Jews had gone into exile. After 1941: Mass deportation to camps and ghettos In 1941, Jewish emigration was officially prohibited. This prohibition was not, however, consistently implemented in practice. The deportation of Jews to work camps and ghettos began in 1941. This occurred for two reasons in particular: first, the Germans needed their labour, since a majority of German men were at the front. Secondly, the Jews indisputably represented a security risk. The Jew Arno Lustiger, a former resistance fighter and survivor of several camps, has proudly boasted that Jews represented 15% of all active resistance, yet the percentage of Jews in the French population at that time was no more than 1%. The Communist "Red Orchestra" espionage organization, which did caused Germany enormous harm, was made up mostly of Jews (6). Other states have interned suspicious minorities with far less justification: thus, in the USA, all persons of Japanese ancestry, even those with American passports, were interned in camps (7). This was done even though there was never a single case of espionage or subversion by Japanese-Americans, as admitted by Ronald Reagan decades later. The Jews in individual German-ruled countries suffered from the deportation to a widely varying extent. Disproportionately hard-hit were the Dutch Jews, of whom more than two thirds were deported. On the other hand, according to Serge Klarsfeld, only 75,721 Jews were deported from France. This corresponds to approximately one 44 fifth of the total Jewish population at that time (8); of these, a great many were deported, not on the grounds of their religion or race, but for being resistance fighters or criminals. This often led to deportation for non-Jews as well. The death rate in the camps and its causes The death rate in the camps was extremely high most of the time. A majority of these fatalities were due to disease. The most dangerous of these was epidemic typhus, a disease carried by lice. The insecticide Zyklon B, together with other products, was used to combat lice. In Auschwitz, the largest concentration camp — the term "extermination camp" is not the correct expression — epidemic typhus was especially dangerous in late summer and autumn. The epidemic reached its climax between 7-11 September 1942, with an average of 375 inmate deaths a day. By the first half of January 1943, the Germans succeeded in reducing the death rate to 107 a day; but by mid-May, it rose again to 298 fatalities a day (9). In the Western camps, the worst period was during the final phase of the war, when mass deaths from epidemic disease claimed tens of thousands of victims. At the same time, the German infrastructure totally collapsed as a result of Allied terror bombing, leading to shortages in the camps of medications, food, housing, and everything else. In his memoires, Chuck Yeager, the first pilot to break the sound barrier, describes how his squadron had orders to shoot at everything that moved (10): "Germany could not so easily be divided into innocent civilians and guilty soldiers. After all, the farmer on his potato patch was feeding German soldiers." This means that the resulting starvation was deliberately created by the Allies through their cruel and illegal mass terror bombings; these same Allies then hypocritically set themselves up as judges over the defeated enemy for failing to supply enough food to concentration camp inmates! Particularly horrible conditions, including thousands of unburied bodies and living skeletons, were found in April 1945 by the British at Bergen-Belsen. These photographs are kept constantly before the public eye in ceaseless propaganda campaigns to this very today. What are the facts? Belsen Camp commander Josef Kramer repeatedly and vehemently protested to his superiors that new inmates were constantly being sent to the hopelessly overcrowded camp of Belsen; his protests went unheard. Instead of simply abandoning the inmates in the Eastern camps to the Soviets, the National Socialists evacuated them to the West and allocated them among the Western camps to prevent their manpower from falling into the hands of the Soviets. Since the railways had been almost entirely destroyed, the evacuation process often lasted weeks; many inmates died en route from the bitter cold winter weather. In the camps which were compelled to receive the remainder, conditions worsened by the day. 45 Kramer's protests went unheard. In Belsen, typhus and dysentery spread everywhere, and food shortages became acute. What should Kramer have done? Release the inmates to spread epidemics among the civilian population? Who would have fed them then if he had? Should he have released dangerous criminals — who were imprisoned together with other inmates interned for political and racial reasons — to prey upon the population? Kramer decided to wait it out. He could have attempted to escape to South America with money stolen from the prisoners, but he trusted to British "fair play". He was to pay dearly for his naivete. Branded as "The Beast of Belsen" in the Allied press, he was executed after a legal farce (11). Disproportionately great numbers of victims died in the last months of the war in the other camps as well. At Dachau, a total of 15,389 people died between January and April 1945, i.e., more deaths in 3 months than in 5 years of war — 12,060 inmate deaths from 1940 to 1944. Another 2,000 died even after the liberation of Dachau by the Americans (12). Since the Holocaust, i.e., the planned extermination of the Jews, is supposed to have stopped in the autumn of 1944 (13), the mass deaths in the camps in 1945 prove nothing with regards to any "mass extermination". The mass deaths depicted in photographs were the tragic, but inevitable, result of the German collapse, and had nothing to do with any planned genocide — quite in contrast to the Allied bombing war against the German (and Japanese) civilian population. The destruction of one small city like Pforzheim alone, shortly before the end of the war, caused 17,000 deaths (14). More people died in Pforzheim in one February evening in 1945 — most of them burnt alive — than in Dachau in 9 years, from late 1933 to late 1944. Of course, Jews died outside the concentration camps as well. According to one Jewish source, a total of 43,411 people died in the ghetto of Lodz between the autumn of 1939 and the autumn of 1944. There were 26,950 recorded fatalities in the Warsaw ghetto even before the outbreak of the uprising (spring 1943) (15). Some of these people, of course, would have died of natural causes (for example, old age) in any case. Other Jews died in combat or during the evacuation. Mass shootings on the Eastern front Finally, it would never occur to any revisionist to dispute that many Jews were shot on the Eastern front. But what exactly is meant by the word "many"? 20,000? 50,000? 100,000? We do not know, due to the absence of reliable source material. (The Einsatzgruppen reports, which are supposed to prove that millions of murders were committed on the Eastern front, will be discussed below.) These shootings were the inevitable reaction to the murderous, illegal partisan war unleashed by the Soviets behind the German lines. The Germans reacted exactly like the French in Algeria, the Americans in Viet Nam, and the Soviets in Afghanistan: with ruthless brutality, causing many deaths among the civilian population. Of course, partisans were executed (which is permitted by international law); of course, there were also frequent shootings of hostages, involving many more Jews than non-Jews. Many other Jews were killed as "suspected Bolsheviks", even if they were neither partisans nor hostages — exactly as the Americans, decades later, bombarded "Viet-Cong suspected 46 zones" with napalm, slaughtering innumerable harmless civilians with bestial cruelty in the process. In the USSR as elsewhere, the Jewish percentage of armed partisans far exceeded their percentage share of the population; this fact is stressed with pride in Jewish literature (16). The reason why Jews in the German occupied areas of the Soviet Union suffered so many deaths was partisan warfare, not racial murder. To sum up: Jews did indeed suffer severely during the Second World War and did indeed endure heavy losses. But people suffer and die in every war. The 250,000 people burnt alive or crushed under the rubble of Dresden in a single night suffered too; so did the hundreds of thousands of starving Russians in Stalingrad, or the 180,000 Poles who died in the crushing of the uprising of the Warsaw ghetto. Concentration camp inmates were not the only people who suffered; German and Russian soldiers at the front suffered, too. Is Jewish suffering during WWII "unique"? Are the percentage losses of the Jews far higher than those of the other peoples especially hard hit by the war? In order to answer these questions, we must now turn to the proof for the alleged "Holocaust". Notes: 1) On the Night of Broken Glass, see, as standard work of the orthodox historiography, H. Graml's Der 9 November 1938. 'Reichskristallnacht' , Bonn, 1958, and as the revisionist depiction, see Ingrid Weckert's Feuerzeiclien (Grabert, 1981). 2) That no Jew was deported to a concentration camp during the early years of the NS regime, is confirmed by an unimpeachable source, namely the Jewish professor Arno Mayer ( Der Krieg as Kreuzzug, Rowohlt, 1989, p. 200). 3) The two standard works on the National Socialist-Zionist cooperation are Edwin Black's The Transfer Agreement (New York/London, 1994), as well as Francis Nicosia's' Hitler und der Zionism's (Druffel, Leoni, 1989). A short summary of the important factors is given by Ingrid Weckert in Auswanderung der Juden aus dem Dritten Reich (Nordwind Verlag, Molevej 12, Kollund/DK). Heinz Hoehne also discusses the topic in his standard work on the SS (Der Orden unter dem Totenkopf Gondrom, 1990). 4) In this regard, compare Ingrid Weckert, Auswanderung... (see note 3). 5) Spiegel, no. 7/1993. 6) On the "Red Orchestra", see for example, Gerd Sudholt, Das Geheimnis der Roten Kapelle, Druffel, Leoni, 1979. 7) Historische Tatsachen, no. 41. 47 8) Serge Klarsfeld, Le Memorial de la Deportation des Juifs de France , Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, Brussels/New York, 1982. 9) On the mortality figures in Auschwitz, see Jean-Claude Pressac, Die Krematorien von Auschwitz, Piper, 1994, p. 193. 10) Chuck Yeager, Yeager: An Autobiography, Bantam Books, New York, 1985, p. 79. 11) On Bergen-Belsen and Josef Kramer, see Journal of Historical Review, Post Office Box 2739, New Port Beach, CA, USA, spring 1995, as well as Robert Lenski, Der Holocaust vor Gericht, Samisdat Publishers, 206 Carlton Street, Toronto, Canada, 1993, p. 197, ff. 12) On the Dachau mortality statistics, see Paul Berben, Dachau, the Official History, The Norfolk Press, London, 1975. 13) According to the Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust (p. 118), the gassings at Auschwitz were stopped in October 1944. 14) Erich Kern, Verbrechen am deutschen Volk, K.W. Schuetz, 1983, p 150/151. 15) Historische Tatsachen, no. 36. 16) Compare the description in the Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust, p. 1584 ff. 48 CHAPTER V OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE... If we make a careful examination of the statements and numbers offered by the orthodox historians over the decades, it becomes obvious that there is hopeless confusion, and that the official version of the Holocaust has been constantly evolving. This is reminiscent of the manner in which the facts are constantly rewritten by Party officials in George Orwell's novel of the century 1984. The following are a few remarkable examples: The number of Auschwitz victims Let us begin with the Auschwitz death statistics (1). The following are the deaths in the largest of the concentration camps: - 9 million people, according to the film Nuit et BrouiUard (2); - 8 million people, according to the report of the French Office for the Investigation of War Crimes (3); - 7 million people, according to Jewish former inmate Raphael Feigelsohn (4); - 6 million people, according to Jewish publisher Tibere Kremer (5); - 5 million people, including 4.5 Jews, according to Le Monde of 20 April 1978; - 4 million people, according to the Nuremberg Tribunal (6); - 3.5 million gassing victims, of whom 95% were Jews, and "many" who died of other causes, according to the Jewish film director Claude Lanzmann (7); - 3 million people, including 2.5 gassing victims, by 1 December 1943 alone, according to the confession of the first Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoss (8); - 2.5 million people, according to the Jewish ex-inmate Rudolf Vrba (9); - 2 to 3 million murdered Jews as well as thousands of non-Jews according to the confession of SS Man Pery Broad (10); -1.5 to 3.5 million gassed Jews just between April 1942 and April 1944, according to the Israeli "Holocaust expert" Yehuda Bauer in 1982 (11); - 2 million gassed Jews according to Lucy Dawidowicz (12); 49 -1.6 million people, including 1,352,980 Jews, according to Yehuda Bauer in 1989 (13); -1.5 million people, according to the Polish government in 1995 (14); - Approximately 1.25 million people, including 1 million Jews, according to Raul Hilberg (15); -1 to 1.5 million people, according to Jean-Claude Pressac in 1989 (16); - 800,000 to 900,000 people, according to the Jewish historian Gerald Reitlinger (17); - 775,000 to 800,000 people, including 630,000 gassed Jews, according to Jean- Claude Pressac in 1993 (18); - 630,000 to 710,000 people, including 470,000 to 550,000 Jews, according to Jean- Claude Pressac in 1994 (19). It will be noted that the number of victims is constantly being revised downwards. But the total number of 5 to 6 million Holocaust victims never changes! You can subtract hundreds of thousands, even millions, from the 5 to 6 million, and the final total is always the same! That's Holocaust mathematics! To which document, to what discovery of mass graves do the exterminationists refer in their wildly divergent numbers of victims? None! All the figures given above are pure fantasy, without any reference to documented realities at Auschwitz. Revisionist estimates run to approximately 150,000 victims (according to Robert Faurisson) or 160,000 to 170,000 victims (according to Carlo Mattogno) - without any gassings. This still amounts to 40% of all inmates registered at Auschwitz. Epidemic diseases, chiefly typhus, were the main cause of the terribly high death toll at Auschwitz. Soap of Jewish fat In the Nuremberg Trial, it was claimed by the Soviets that the Germans had manufactured fat out of murder victims (20). This childish horror story has haunted the world press for decades, like the Loch Ness monster. It has been decked out with poetic mastery by Simon Wiesenthal (21). "During the last weeks of March (1946), the Romanian press reported an unusual piece of news: in the small Romanian city of Folticini, 20 boxes of soap were buried in the Jewish cemetery with full ceremony and complete funeral rites. This soap had been found recently in a former German army depot. On the boxes were the initials RIF 'pure Jewish fat'. These boxes were destined for the Waffen SS. The wrapping paper revealed with completely cynical objectivity that this soap was manufactured from Jewish bodies. Surprisingly, the thorough Germans forgot to describe whether the soap was produced from children, girls, men or elderly persons... After 1942, people in the General Gouvernement knew quite well what the RIF meant. The civilized world may not believe the joy with which the Nazis and their women in the General Gouvernement thought of this soap. In each piece of soap they say a 50 Jew who had been magically put there, and had they been prevented from growing into a second Freud, Ehrlich, or Einstein... The burial of this soap in a Romanian village may be reminiscent of the supernatural. The bewitched suffering contained in this small object of everyday utility shatters the already- hardened human heart of the 20th century. In the Atomic Age, the return of the darkest witch's cauldron of the Middle Ages may appear ghostly. And yet it is the truth!" In 1990, an Israeli Holocaust expert by the name of Shmul Krakowski admitted that the Jewish fat story was a legend. He then added, with limitless chutzpa, that the Germans were responsible for inventing this fairy tale just to torment the Jews (22). The principle, of course, is: "the Germans are always guilty". A Potpourri of Nazi extermination methods If we trace the evolution of the Holocaust yarn over the years since 1942, we stumble across one surprise after the other. In particular, innumerable methods of mass killing of which there is not the slightest mention in the later literature, are described in the most graphic detail, particularly: a) Pneumatic hammers This method is described as follows in a report of the Polish resistance movement on Auschwitz (23): "When the Kommandos went to work, they led them into the courtyard in the penal company where the executions took place by means of a 'pneumatic hammer'. They bound the prisoners' hands together behind their backs and brought them in, one after the other, naked, into the courtyard. They placed them in front of the barrel of an air gun, which was discharged without a sound. The hammer crushed the skull, and the compressed air destroyed the entire brain." b) Electric baths As reported by the Polish resistance movement, the following method was also commonly used in Auschwitz (24): "According to the report of an SS officer, the number of victims in the electrical chambers amounted, unofficially, to 2,500 per night. The executions took place in electrical baths..." c) Electrical assembly line killing Another variant was described by Pravda on 2 February, five days after the liberation of Auschwitz: "They (the Germans) opened up the so-called 'old graves' in the eastern part of the camp, removed the bodies, and wiped out the trace of the assembly line 51 killing installation where hundreds of people were killed simultaneously with electrical current." d) Atomic bombs At the Nuremberg Trial, US prosecutor Robert Jackson made the following accusation (25): "A village, a small village was provisionally erected, with temporary structures, and in it approximately 20,000 Jews were put. By means of this newly invented weapon of destruction, these 20,000 people were eradicated almost instantaneously, and in such a way that there was no trace left of them; the explosive used developing temperatures of from four to five hundred degrees Centigrade." e) Burning alive Elie Wiesel, honored with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, was interned at Auschwitz from the spring of 1944 until January 1945. In his memoirs of the camp, La Nuit, published in 1958, he never mentions the gas chambers — not once, not with one single word — even though 400,000 Hungarian Jews, among others, are said to have been gassed during his period of internment. (In the German translation, which appeared under the title of Die Nacht zu begraben, Elischa, the gas chambers nevertheless make a miraculous appearance, for the simple reason that, whenever the word "crematoire" appears in the original, the translator has mistranslated it as "Gaskammer"). According to Wiesel, the Jews were exterminated in the following manner (26): "Not far from us blazed flames from a pit, gigantic flames. They were burning something. A lorry drove up to the pit and dumped its load into the pit. They were small children. Babies! Yes, I had seen it, with my own eyes...Children in the flames (is it any wonder, that sleep shuns my eyes since that time?). We went there, too. Somewhat further along, was another, bigger pit, for adults. 'Father', I said, 'if that is so, I wish to wait no longer. I shall throw myself against the electrified barbed wire fence. That is better than lying around in the flames for hours'." How little Elie survived lying around in the flames for hours, by some miracle, will be revealed below. f) Steam chambers In December 1945, at the Nuremberg Trial the following accusation was made regarding the mass killings at Treblinka (27): "All victims had to strip off their clothes and shoes, which were collected afterwards, whereupon all victims, women and children first, were driven into the death chambers... After being filled to capacity, the chambers were hermetically closed and steam was let in. In a few minutes all was over... From 52 reports received may be assumed that several hundred thousands of Jews have been exterminated in Treblinka." g) Suffocation by pumping all the air out of the death chambers This method was described by the Soviet-Jewish writer Vassily Grossman at Treblinka (28). h) Quicklime trains At Belzec the Jews were killed according to eyewitness Jan Karski as follows (29): "The floors of the car had been covered with a thick, white powder. It was quicklime. Quicklime is simply unslaked lime or calcium oxide that has been dehydrated. Anyone who has seen cement being mixed knows what occurs when water is poured on lime. The mixture bubbles and steams as the powder combines with the water, generating a large amount of heat. Here the lime served a double purpose in the Nazi economy of brutality. The moist flesh coming in contact with the lime is rapidly dehydrated and burned. The occupants of the cars would be literally burned to death before long, the flesh eaten from their bones. Thus, the Jews would "die in agony"", fulfilling the promise Himmler had issued "in accord with the will of the Fuehrer", in Warsaw, in 1942. Secondly, the lime would prevent decomposing bodies from spreading disease. It was efficient and inexpensive - a perfectly chosen agent for their purposes. It took three hours to fill up the entire train by repetitions of this procedure. It was twilight when the forty six (I counted them) cars were packed. From one end to the other, the train, with its quivering cargo of flesh, seemed to throb, vibrate, rock, and jump as if bewitched. There would be a strangely uniform momentary lull and then, again, the train would begin to moan and sob, wail, and how. Inside the camp a few score dead bodies remained and a few in the final throes of death. German policemen walked around at leisure with smoking guns, pumping bullets into anything that by single motion betrayed an excess of vitality. Soon, not a single one was left alive. In the now quiet camp the only sounds were the inhuman screams that were echoes from the moving train. Then these, too, ceased. All that was now left was the stench of excrement and rotting straw and a queer, sickening, acidulous odour which, I thought, may have come from the quantities of blood that had been let, and with which the ground was stained. As I listened to the dwindling outcries from the train, I thought of the destination toward which it was speeding. My informants had minutes described the entire journey. The train would travel about eighty miles and finally come to a halt in an empty, barren field. Then nothing at all would happen. The train would stand stock-still, patiently waiting until death had penetrated into every corner of its interior. This would take from two to four days." This Jan Karski was, by the way, appointed to chair a committee for "Scientific Research on the Holocaust" along with Elie Wiesel. 53 i) Chambers with submergible, electrified flooring. Stefan Szende, a Doctor of Philosophy, describes the extermination of the Jews at Belzec quite differently (30): "The death factory comprises an area approximately 7 km in diameter... The trains filled with Jews entered a tunnel into the underground rooms of the execution factory... The naked Jews were brought into gigantic halls. Several thousand people at one time could fit into these halls. The halls had no floor. The floor was of metal and was submergible. The floors of these halls, with their thousands of Jews, sank into a basin of water which lay beneath — but only far enough so that the people on the metal plate were not entirely under water. When all the Jews on the metal plate were in the water up to over their hips, electrical current was sent through the water. After a few moments, all the Jews, thousands at once, were dead. Then they raised the metal plate out of the water. On it lay the corpses of the murder victims. Another shock of electrical current was sent through, and the metal plate became a crematory oven, white hot, until all the bodies were burnt to ashes... Each individual train brought three to five thousand, sometimes more, Jews. There were days on which the lines to Belzec supplied twenty or more trains. Modern technology triumphed in the Nazi system. The problem of how to execute millions of people, was solved." j) Blood poisoning This method, described on 7 February 1943 in the New York Times ("... gas chambers and blood poisoning stations which were erected in the rural regions..."), appears to have gone into oblivion as soon as it was invented. k) Drowning According to the Israeli Holocaust specialist Yehuda Bauer, the Rumanians in Odessa murdered 144,000 Soviet Jews, mostly by drowning (31). The same method of extermination was testified to by the underground press agent for the Warsaw ghetto, as well as for Babi Yar (32): "Not a single Jew remains in Kiev, since the Germans have thrown the entire Jewish population of Kiev into the Dnieper." l) Chlorine gas, assembly-line shootings, boiling water, acids Mass murders with chlorine gas, as well as assembly line shootings were reported for Treblinka (33). Reports of massacres with acids and boiling water round make a complete assortment of killing methods (34). The exterminationists no longer wish to be reminded of all these stories today. At that time, however, they were considered to be "proven fact" — "proven" by the testimonies of "eyewitnesses" — just like the gas chambers, which have been placed a under legal protection order in several "free democracies". 54 The location of the gas chambers With the steam chambers, acid baths, electrical chambers, submergible platforms, quicklime trains, etc., banished to the Memory Hole and replaced by "gas chambers", the historians then engaged in a decades-long dispute on the location of those very same "gas chambers", as follows: Phase I (from 1946): almost every camp had one or more gas chambers: In the early years after the war, it was considered to be a "proven fact" that almost every concentration camp had one or more gas chambers for the purpose of exterminating Jews. At the Nuremberg trial, the British chief prosecutor Sir Hartley Shawcross said (35): "Murder conducted like some mass-production in the gas chambers and the ovens of Auschwitz, Dachau, Treblinka, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Maidenek and Oranienburg." Also at the Nuremberg Trial, a Czech camp doctor at Dachau named Dr. Franz Blaha testified as follows (36): "The gas chamber was completed in 1944, and I was called by Dr. Rascher to examine the first victims. Of the 8-9 persons, who were in the chamber there were three still alive, and the remainder appeared to be dead. Their eyes were red, and their faces were swollen." A similar description of the gas chambers at Buchenwald was given by an unusually trustworthy "eyewitness", Charles Hauter (37): "The rapid execution of the extermination required a special type of industrialization. The gas chambers reflected these requirements in the great variety of different facilities. Many of these were cleverly built and supported by pillars of porous material, inside of which the gas formed and then penetrated the walls. Others were simpler in construction, but all looked magnificent. It was easy to see that the architects had taken pleasure in building them; they had taken great pains in planning them, allowing all their aesthetic abilities to come into play. These were the only parts of the camp which were lovingly built." The "confessions" of the accused also contributed to reinforcing general belief in the existence of the gas chambers — for example, in the Ravensbriick camp, where camp doctor Percy Treite made the following confession before the court (38): "I remember that many female Poles were killed by shots in the back of the neck. Because this shooting quite often was inaccurate, and it was therefore feared that living persons would be cremated along with the dead, I took care to devise a decent sort of killing. This was the gas chambers." 55 The inconceivable was an everyday occurrence at the horror castle of Hartheim near Linz, where between one and one and a half million people were gassed, at least according to the confession of camp commandant Franz Ziereis (39): "SS Gruppenfuhrer Glucks had given the order to declare weak prisoners mentally ill and to kill them with gas at a large installation. Approximately 1 to 1.5 million were killed there. This place is called Hartheim, and is located 10 km from Linz in the direction of Passau." Phase II (from August 1960): No gas chambers in the Old Reich On 19 August 1960, Martin Broszat, at that time a collaborator and later the Director of the Institute fur Zeitgeschichte at Munich, said the following in a letter to the editor to Die Zeit : "Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other inmates gassed... The mass extermination of Jews through gas began in 1941-42, and took place exclusively in a few places selected and equipped with the help of corresponding technical installations, above all in occupied Polish territory (but nowhere in the Old Reich): in Auschwitz, in Sobibor am Bug, inTreblinka, Chelmno, and Belzec." Interestingly, Majdanek is missing from Broszat's list of camps equipped with gas chambers; the two words "above all" are presumably intended to evade answering the question of whether or not gas chambers ever existed at Mauthausen (Austria) and Struthof-Natzweiler (Alsace). With regards to camps in the "Old Reich" (i.e., the German Reich with the 1937 borders), Broszat established: no gassings occurred there. Phase III (since 1983): Return of the gas chambers in the West The existence of the gas chambers of Ravensbriick, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, etc. had a blessed resurrection in 1983 in the anthology Nationalsozialistische Massentotungen durch Giftgas by Kogon/Langbein/Riickerl (40). No "mass gassings" are ever said to have occurred there, however; just small-scale "test gassings" with a total of a few thousand victims. This was a compromise between the Broszat line and the Holocaust fundamentalists. The authors only spared the buckets of tears when it came to the existence of the gas chambers of Dachau, Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald. The gas chambers existed — oh no, they didn't — oh yes, they did. The most famous "Nazi gas chamber" is the morgue of the Krema I in the Stammlager of Auschwitz. Millions of tourists have visited this room. Both Jews and Soviet prisoners of war are supposed to have been murdered here with Zyklon B in 1941-42. That there is no documentary proof of this crime, but only a few eyewitness testimonies, is admitted quite unashamedly by Jean-Claude Pressac, the pharmacist and amateur historian hailed by the exterminationists as the "World's Leading Expert on Auschwitz" (41). The two principal eyewitnesses to the gassings in these Kremas are the first commandant of the camp, Rudolf Hoss (42), and an SS man, Perry Broad (43). 56 The judgement of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial (1963-1965) states as follows (44): "In the beginning — from October 1941 — smaller individual groups of Jews were gassed... in the little (old) crematorium. Defendant Stark participated in still other gassings of Jewish inmates in May and June 1942. These gassings also took place in the small crematorium." In 1968, the French Jewess Olga Wormser-Migot wrote a book on the National Socialist concentration camps (45) which is considered standard today; in it, she states: "Auschwitz I... which was to remain the model camp and simultaneously the administrative centre — had no gas chamber." How easy it is for a Jewish historian, with one single sentence, to wipe out all the "eyewitness testimonies" relating to gassings in this room, as well as the corresponding text of the judgement in the Frankfurt Trial! On 8 January 1979, Hans- Dietrich Genscher, at that time German Minister of Foreign Affairs, wrote the following to a certain Herr Stuparek who had doubted the existence of the gas chambers of Auschwitz (46): "I, too, know that no gas chambers existed in the Auschwitz camp." The gas chambers, Genscher then continued, were located in Birkenau, west of the main camp. The gas chambers of the main camp nevertheless continue to live on in Holocaust literature. That they give the court historians a few headaches, of course, is quite obvious: the trio Kogon/Langbein/Riickerl pass over them in a single sentence in their "standard" book on the gas chambers (47). In 1991, the British historian David Irving was sentenced to a 30,000 DM fine after a trial in Munich for calling the gas chamber in Krema I a "fake". Notwithstanding the confessions of Olga Wormser-Migot and Foreign Minister Genscher, the Holocaust liars simply could not do without this most famous of all "gas chambers", because otherwise nobody would believe their stories about the gas chambers at Birkenau. Anybody who doubts the absolute correctness of the version of the Holocaust which has come down to us today, even in view of the incredible mixture of errors and confusion, and despite the incredibility of the eyewitness reports on gassings at Birkenau and Treblinka, would do best to keep his doubts to himself; since if he lives in "free democratic" Germany, "free democratic" Austria, "free democratic France", or "free democratic" Switzerland, he is already standing with one foot in jail. The ideal model of conduct in today's "free democracies" is the three monkeys: see nothing, say nothing, hear nothing. Notes: 57 1) This table was compiled by Robert Faurisson and published in the VHO Niuewsbrief (published by Herbert Verbeke, Antwerp, 7de jaargang, 1996, number 1). 2) Filmed in 1955 by Alain Resnais. 3) Eugene Aroneanu, Camps de concentration, Office fran£ais d'edition, p. 196. 4) ibid, p. 196. 5) According to Kremer's introduction to Miklos Nyiszli, SS Obersturmfiihrer Dr. Mengele, Les Temps modernes, March 1951, p. 1655. 6) Nuremberg document USSR-08. 7) Foreword by Claude Lanzmann to Filip Mueller, Tmis ans dans line chambre a gaz, Pygmalion/Gerard Watelet, 1980, p. 12. 8) Nuremberg document PS-3868. 9) Vrba's statement to the Israeli Embassy in London on the occasion of the Eichmann Trial, 16 July, 1961. 10) Pery Broad, KL Auschwitz in den Augen der SS, Verlag des Staatl. Museums Auschwitz, 1973, p. 141. 11) Yehuda Bauer, A History of the Holocaust, New York, Franklin Watts, 1982, p. 215. 12) Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, Penguin Books, 1990, p. 191. 13) Yehuda Bauer, Auschwitz and the Poles, The Jerusalem Post, 22 September 1989, p. 6. 14) Until 1990, bronze tablets at Auschwitz displayed the number of 4 million victims. They were then called Soviet exaggerations, and were removed. 15) Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, New York, Holmes and Meier, 1985, p. 895. 16) Jean-Claude Pressac, Auschwitz, Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York, 1989, p. 553. 17) Gerald Reitlinger, Die Endlosung, Colloqium, 1983, p. 524. 18) Jean-Claude Pressac, Les crematoires dAuschwitz, CNRS, 1993, p. 148. 19) Jean-Claude Pressac, Die Krematorien von Auschwitz, Piper, 1994 (German translation of the book noted in footnote 18), p. 202. 20) Nuremberg trial transcript, IMT VII pp. 656-657 (German text). 58 21) Simon Wiesenthal in Der neue Weg, Vienna, no. 17/18, 1946. 22) Daily Telegraph, 25 April 1990. 23) Report of the Polish resistance movement dated 1 November 1942. State Museum, Auschwitz, Poland, Obozpp. 79/80, "Vom Leben im Lager", quoted according to Enrique Aynat, Estudios sobre el 'Holocausto', Graficas Hurtado, S.I. Maestro Lope, 59 and 65,46100 Burjassot/Valencia, 1994, pp. 150/151. 24) Report of the Polish resistance movement dated 23 October 1942, Auschwitz State Museum, Poland, Oboz p. 52, sheet 163-A/l, quoted according to Enrique Aynat; see also note 23. 25) Nuremberg trial transcript IMT XVI pp. 579-580 (German text). 26) Elie Wiesel, La Nuit, Editions de Minuit, 1958, p. 57 ff. 27) Nuremberg trial document PS-3311. 28) Wassilij Grossman, Die Holle von Treblinka, Verlag fur fremdsprachige Literatur, Moskau, 1946. 29) Jan Karski, Story of a Secret State, The Riverside Press, Cambridge 1944, quoted according to Robert Faurisson, Reponse a Pierre Vidal-Naquet, La Vielle Taupe, Paris, 1982, pp. 43-44. 30) Stefan Szende, Der letzte Jude aus Polen, Europa Verlag, Zurich-New York, 1945, p. 290 ff. 31) Yehuda Bauer, A History of the Holocaust, see above, p. 200. 32) "Podziemna Obsluga Prasy Pozagettowej", Archives of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Ringelblum-I file, July 18, 1942", quoted according to Herbert Tiedemann, "Babi Jar. Kritische Fragen und Anmerkungen", in Ernst Gauss, Gnmdlagen zur Zeitgeschichte, Grabert, 1994, p. 378. 33) Arnulf Neumaier in Gauss, Gnmdlagen... p. 358 ff. 34) Robert Faurisson in Gauss, Grundlagen... p. 10. 35) Nuremberg trial transcript IMT XIX p. 483 (German text). 36) Nuremberg trial transcript IMT V p. 198 (German text). 37) Quoted according to Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Les assassins de la memoire. Editions de la decouverte, 1991, p. 28. 38) Quoted according to Kogon/Langbein/Ruckerl, Nationalsozialistiche Massentotungen durch Giftgas, Fischer Taschenbuch, 1989, p. 258. 59 39) Simon Wiesenthal, KZ Mauthausen, Ibis Verlag, 1946, pp. 7/8. 40) Compare note 38. 41) Pressac, op. cit. p. 123. 42) Hoss, p. 159. 43) Pery Broad, Erinnerungen. In the anthology Auschwitz in den Augen der SS, Krajowa Agencja Wydawniczna, Kattowice, 1981, p. 171 ff. 44) Auschwitz-Urteil LG Frankfurt. Az: 50/4 Ks 2/63, pp. 82, 245. 45) Olga Wormser-Migot, Le systeme concentrationnaire nazi, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1968, p. 156. 46) Quoted in Kardinalfragen zur Zeitgeschichte, Stiftung Vrij Historisch Onderzoek (Publisher) p. 1 (appendix). 47) Kogon/Langbein/Ruckerl, p. 194. 60 CHAPTER VI IS TODAY'S VERSION OF THE HOLOCAUST ANY MORE BELIEVABLE THAN THOSE OF THE PAST? The claims made by the standard literature Today's version of the Holocaust (early 1997) runs as follows: a) The extermination programme: The objective of the National Socialists was the complete physical annihilation of all Jews located in their territories. b) Implementation of the extermination programme The Germans transported millions of Jews from all over Europe to Poland for the purpose of gassing them in "extermination camps" there. c) The secrecy of the extermination programme To camouflage their crimes, the Germans issued their murder orders orally or in camouflaged language only. In any case, all existing documents on the gas chambers and extermination of the Jews were destroyed just before the end of the war. That is why there are no clear documentary proofs of any Holocaust. d) The six "extermination camps" Auschwitz and Majdanek were a combination of "extermination" and work camps. All arriving Jews were selected: those who could work were used for compulsory labour, while those who could not, were sent to the gas chamber. By contrast, Chelmno, Sobibor, Belzec and Treblinka were pure "killing factories", in which every Jew was sent to the gas chambers unregistered; the only exceptions consisted of a handful of "working Jews" needed for the extermination process itself. e) The murder weapon The murder weapon at Auschwitz and Majdanek was the insecticide Zyklon B, in addition to which carbon monoxide was also used at Majdanek. Diesel exhaust gases were used for mass murder in the other four "extermination camps". 61 f) The number of victims and operating periods of the "extermination camps" The number of victims of the extermination camps fluctuates enormously depending on which historian you read. The number of victims and the operating periods for each camp cited below have been taken from the Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust. Chelmno: 152,000 to 320,000 victims. In operation: from December 1941 to March 1943 and, after an interruption of fifteen months, from 23 June 1944 to mid-July 1944. Belzec: 600,000 victims. In operation: from March to December 1942. Sobibor: about 250,000 victims. In operation: from May 1942 to September 1943. Treblinka: 900,000 victims. In operation: from July 1942 to August 1943. Majdanek: At least 250,000 (Jewish and non-Jewish) victims, including 40% gassed Jews. No mention of the period of operation for the gas chambers. Auschwitz: Over a million gassed Jews, as well as a great many other Jewish and non-Jewish victims. Operating period for the gas chambers: main camp gas chamber in Auschwitz I from September 1941; farm houses at Birkenau three kilometers to the west of the main camp converted into gas chambers at a point in time in 1942 which is not exactly stated; gas chambers in the crematoria of Birkenau in operation from March 1943. Auschwitz, originally planned solely as a work camp, is alleged to have been expanded into an "extermination camp" at a later time, because the other death factories for the extermination of the European Jews "were inefficient". To prove this, Holocaust scholars quote the confession of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoss, who wrote in Polish imprisonment (1): "In the summer of 1941,1 cannot remember the exact date, I was suddenly summoned to the Reichsfiihrer SS, directly by his adjutant's office. Contrary to the usual custom, Himmler received me without his adjutant being present and said in effect: "The Fuehrer has ordered that the Jewish question be solved once and for all and that we, the SS, are to implement this order. The existing extermination centres in the East are not in a position to carry out the large actions which are anticipated. I have therefore earmarked Auschwitz..." g) The destruction of the corpses To hide the mass murders from the world, the bodies at all extermination camps are supposed to have been destroyed without a trace. At Auschwitz and Majdanek, this was done partly in crematoria, partly in the open. In Chelmno, in addition to cremations in the open, there is supposed to have been an underground crematorium (which has disappeared without a trace); in Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec, all the bodies were burnt in the open. The ashes and bone fragments were then scattered, so that no trace remained of the millions of victims. 62 Are the claims made by the standard literature believable? Let us deal with these seven points briefly: Point a): Everyday we hear about "Holocaust survivors" in the media. The Tageszeitung of Berlin of 30 March 1995, for example, states that, according to the film producer Steven Spielberg, there are still 300,000 former Jewish concentration camp inmates who are to be interviewed before the television cameras. If the National Socialists had intended the physical extermination of the Jews, there wouldn't be any 300,000 former Jewish concentration camp inmates to be interviewed, but only about 300 at most. Maybe fewer. Finally, the National Socialists had more than enough time available to finish the job. Not to put too fine a point on it, the story is simply not believable. Point b): If the Germans had wanted to carry out a physical extermination of the Jews, they could have done so on the spot. They could have taken the Jews to pre-dug mass graves in German forests and shot them there. French Jews could have been shot in France, etc. The transport of millions of people halfway across Europe required trains which were urgently needed for troop transports. Not to put too fine a point on it, this story is simply not believable either. Point c): Mass murders at the locations called "extermination camps" and shown to tourists today could not have been kept secret anywhere near as easily as mass murders committed locally (for example, in German or French forests): - Majdanek camp was located right on the city limits of Lublin; people could see directly into the camp from the higher houses in the city; - Treblinka camp was located 240 m from a major rail line, 270 m from a major road, and 800 m from the village of the same name; - Auschwitz camp complex was located in an industrial area. The inmates worked side by side with civilian workers who returned to their homes every evening (2). Prisoners were constantly being transferred from Auschwitz to other camps (3). Finally, there were also great numbers of releases (4). If there was any place in Europe where an assembly-line industrialized mass extermination programme could not have been kept secret for as long as two weeks, then that place was Auschwitz; news of the atrocities would have spread across Europe and the world like wildfire. What good would is it to issue extermination orders orally, employ camouflaged language, and destroy all the incriminating documents before the end of the war, if 63 you are going to be stupid enough to commit your "extermination" right out in the open, where everybody can see it? Again, the story is simply not believable. Point d): Innumerable documents show clearly how desperately the National Socialists needed manpower throughout the entire war. According to the Holocaust scholars, this is supposed to have been the reason why the Jews at Auschwitz and Majdanek were only gassed if they couldn't work, while those who could work were utilized by the hundreds of thousands. But then why did the Germans gas many hundreds of thousands of able-bodied people in the "pure" extermination camps? If the "unfit" were gassed at Auschwitz without being registered, then there shouldn't be any evidence of the registration of elderly people. In reality, very many elderly people were registered in the camp. Fig. I shows the death certificates of Josef Hoffmann, a Jew, born on 12 August 1852, and Ernestine Hochfelder, a Jewess, born on 11 February 1870. They were certainly too old to work; so why weren't they both to the gas chamber unregistered, immediately after selection on the ramp? Of course, new born babies weren't able to work either; were they murdered right after birth? Not at all; the Polish midwife Stanaslawa Lesczczynska, in particular, reports (5): "I delivered under these [disgusting] circumstances over 3,000 children. Despite the terrible filth, the vermin, the rats, despite the infectious diseases and indescribable horrors, something extraordinary, unbelievable, but true occurred. One day, the camp doctor ordered me to prepare a report on infections in maternity cases, as well as the death rate among mothers and infants. I replied that there had never been any deaths, either among mothers or newborn. The camp doctor looked at me with astonishment, and told me they couldn't have boasted better results even in the best German hospitals." The conscientious midwife would no doubt hardly have failed to mention it if the infants delivered by her at the cost of so-much dedication and self-sacrifice had been immediately murdered after birth. Many Jews who were to become famous in later life, like Elie Wiesel, Anne Frank, and Roman Polanski lived as children in Auschwitz, without any risk of being gassed. Point e): The following possibilities would have been available as rational killing methods for mass extermination: - shooting (a la Stalin); - Starvation (a la Eisenhower); 64 - Use of wood-gas generator vehicles, used in the hundreds of thousands during WWII (not to be confused with the mythical "gas vans"!). These vehicles used only wood as fuel. Their generator gases contained up to 40% carbon monoxide, which is quickly fatal. The use of these gas autos for mass murder has never even been claimed ( 6 ). Instead, the Germans selected the most idiotic murder weapon that one can possibly think of: - Diesel exhaust gas contains 16% oxygen, which is enough to breathe and survive on, but only very small quantities of CO. To kill people with them is extremely difficult. An ordinary gasoline motor — not to speak of the above mentioned gas autos — would be a hundred times more efficient as a murder weapon. It's not by chance that only Diesel engines are used in the Channel Tunnel between France and England; Diesel exhaust gases would not endanger the passengers in the event of an accident; - The insecticide Zyklon B, the properties of which will be discussed later, contains hydrocyanic acid. Zyklon B was urgently needed to combat lice, which carried typhus. Zyklon B was always in short supply, and very expensive. As a murder weapon, it is very unsuitable. One can, of course, kill people with it, but it is very difficult to ventilate, clings to surfaces, and would cause insurmountable problems in elimination. If the Holocaust story is true, the perpetrators must have been technical geniuses, because they succeeded in murdering millions of people in record time, and in destroying the bodies without a trace. These same technical geniuses are then supposed to have used the most unlikely murder weapons that one could imagine! Again: not believable. Point f): According to the Holocaust horror peddlers, the Germans gassed 600,000 Jews in Belzec in 10 months, and 900,000 in Treblinka in 13 months. Belzec was then closed in December 1942, and Treblinka was closed in September 1943. Why didn't they keep these death camps running? They could have killed another 2.5 million Jews by the end of 1944, and the installation of gas chambers at Birkenau would have been completely unnecessary. It should be noted that, according to Hoss, Himmler had declared the existing "death camps in the East" in the summer of 1941 were "inefficient". But these same "extermination camps" didn't even exist yet, since they were only put into operation, according to Holocaust scholars, in December 1941. This proves that Rudolf Hoss's confession was not voluntarily given, and lacks all probative value. Let us, however, stick with Auschwitz. This "largest of all extermination camps" contained hospitals, a swimming pool, a sauna, sports installations, theatrical events, and concerts. 65 - the main camp crematorium, the morgue of which is supposed to have been used as a "gas chamber", was located 15 m from a hospital (no. 7 in Fig. II). There was also a swimming pool, which one can still visit today (no. 17 in Fig. II); - Birkenau, the alleged centre of the extermination of the Jews, also had hospitals (no. 16 in Fig. Ill), as well as a sauna (no. 10 in Fig. III. There was also a delousing station in this sauna, operated with hot air); - The existence of delousing chambers operated with Zyklon B (no. 20 in Fig. II) is not disputed by anyone. In many reports of former inmates, one can read that new arrivals were immediately subjected to a delousing procedure; - the existence of orchestras, not only in Auschwitz but in all other "extermination camps", is confirmed by a source which is certainly above suspicion, namely, the Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust (7); - The Jewish professor of medicine and Auschwitz inmate Marc Klein reports (8): "To the noisy applause of the onlookers, football, basketball, and water ball was played on Sunday afternoon: Man needs very little to distract him from impending danger! The SS administration permitted the inmates regular amusement, even on weekday evenings. A cinema offered Nazi news and sentimental films; a cabaret offered shows which were often attended by SS men. Finally, there was a very respectable orchestra, initially made up of Polish musicians, but which gradually came to consist of top quality musicians of all nationalities, most of whom were Jews." Hospitals, saunas, and delousing chambers are intended to protect health. They therefore serve to prolong life; they are most unlikely to shorten life. What are they doing in an "extermination camp"? What are swimming pools, football games, cabarets and orchestras, consisting mostly of Jews, doing in a camp the chief purpose of which was to exterminate the Jews of Europe? Not to put too fine a point on it, the story is simply not believable. Point g): Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka, where approximately 1.85 million Jews were gassed according to the exterminationists, are known to have had no crematoria. The bodies are said to have been burned in the open and disappeared without a trace. Why didn't they use the same methods of open-air cremation at Auschwitz if they were so successful — instead of building expensive crematoria? Not to put too fine a point on it, the story is simply not believable. Our study could end here, since it is already clear that the court historians and media hacks simply dish up stories the abysmal idiocy of which is an impudent insult to every thinking person. 66 We shall nevertheless examine the evidence for the Holocaust and the gas chambers in the following chapters. In so doing, we will heed the principle, which is generally recognized in jurisprudence, that there is a hierarchy of proof. This means that physical evidence must be considered the most reliable, and eyewitness testimony the least reliable; while documentary evidence occupies a position midway between the other two methods of proof (9). Notes: 1) Rudolf Hoess, Kommandant in Auschwitz . Published by Martin Broszat, dtv, 1985, p. 157. 2) Jean-Claude Pressac, Die Kremcitorien von Auschwitz, Piper, 1995, pp. 70/71. 3) The best known example is Anne Frank, who was transferred from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen. 4) Walter Laqueur states in his book, Was niemand wissen wollte (Ullstein, 1982, pp. 210/211) that 982 inmates were released in 1942; a few more releases took place in 1943, and in 1944, at the intervention of the industrialist Oskar Schindler, numerous Jewesses were released. In reality, the number of releases was many times higher; compare, in this regard, our notes at the end of the next chapter. 5) Comite international d’Auschwitz, Anthologie, vol. II, 2nd part, pp. 164/165. 6) Compare Friedrich Paul Berg "Die Dieselgaskammer: Mythos im Mythos", in Ernst Gauss, Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte, p. 338 ff. 7) Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust, p. 979. 8) Marc Klein, "Observations et Reflexions sur les camps de concentration nazis", excerpt from the publication Etudes Gennaniques, no. 3, Imprimerie Caron et Cie., Caen, 1948, p. 31. 9) On the hierarchy of methods of proof, see Manfred Koehler, Professor Ernst Nolte: Auch Holocaust Liigen haben kurze Beine, Cromwell Press, 1994. 67 CHAPTER VII PHYSICAL PROOFS OF THE HOLOCAUST The following appeared in a mid-1993 Reuters report: Innocent Man Released After Nine Years in Prison Jessup, 28 June 1993 (ap). - "A man originally sentenced to death, commuted to three life sentences, is to be released in Maryland USA. 32 year-old Kirk Bloodworth, who spent almost nine years in prison, including two years on Death Row, was convicted in 1984 in Rosedale, Maryland, of the rape-murder of a nine-year old girl. Examination of a previously undiscovered sperm sample on the victim's underwear — during which the experts utilized the DNS procedure, the so-called 'genetic fingerprint' — revealed that Bloodworth could not have been guilty at all... Bloodworth was convicted and sentenced to death on the testimony of five witnesses, who alleged to have seen him with the nine-year old victim shortly before the crime." A case like this shows clearly what every jurist knows, namely, that physical proof is greatly superior to eyewitness testimony, since witnesses may lie or err in good faith. For this reason, an autopsy of the corpse, as well as an expert report on the weapon, are ordered in any normal non-political murder trial, regardless of whether or not there are any witnesses available. If the eyewitnesses contradict the results of the forensic tests, the forensic tests are conclusive. Eyewitness testimony has the lowest value of all types of proof (1). What is true in an ordinary murder case, must apply to an even greater extent when hundreds of thousands or millions of victims are involved. Accordingly, the "gas chambers" should have been forensically tested right after the war. Furthermore, technical experts should have calculated whether or not the innumerable victims of the "extermination camps" could really have been disposed of in the crematoria concerned (if crematoria existed in the particular camps in question). In the "pure extermination camps" of Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, and Chelmno, the bodies are alleged to have been buried first, then dug up, then burned in the open. If there had ever been any huge mass graves for the several hundred thousand bodies in each case, they could have been located very easily, even years after the war; areas where bodies are supposed to have been buried could have been easily located either by digging or by air-photographs. The latter method was regularly practiced in 1996 by air reconnaissance flights in Bosnia. 68 Nothing of the kind was done by Germany's accusers after WWII. Scientific testing of the "gas chambers", crematoria, and alleged mass graves was simply neglected. Not one single autopsy of a dead concentration inmate has ever showed "gassing" as the cause of death. On the part of the exterminationists, only two forensic examinations were undertaken to prove the mass murders; in both cases, the presentation of proof was a basic failure: - According to the Cracow report of 1945 (1) cyanide residues were discovered among other things in the hair of former female Auschwitz inmates. Now, not only can this report no longer be duplicated — in contrast to the revisionist expert reports, which can be reproduced at any time — but it would lack any probative value, even if it were true. Human hair was used for industrial purposes in the Third Reich, as in other states (for example for stuffing mattresses). In this case, it was logical to delouse the hair afterwards with Zyklon B. Assuming that there were mass gassings, it would be nonsensical to cut the hair off later, since Zyklon B clings stubbornly to surfaces, and would have been a source of danger to the workers involved in cutting off the hair. This would have to have been done before the murders! - The Polish Hydroscope Report shows that great quantities of human remains were found in the earth in the vicinity of Auschwitz (3). We have no reason to doubt the correctness of this report, since many thousands of Auschwitz inmates were certainly burned in the open, particularly during the second half of 1942; at that time, typhus was raging and causing over 300 deaths a day. The only existing crematorium, that of the main camp, could not handle more than 100 bodies a day, and was often out of operation. If human remains were found, this only proves that very many Auschwitz inmates died, which is not disputed by any revisionist. It does not prove mass extermination. Thus, we face the remarkable fact that technical proof of the "greatest crime in history" was never produced by the accusers of Germany. Such proofs were only produced later, by the revisionists. As we will see, they disprove the Holocaust thesis on all decisive points. Notes: 1) In this regard, seen Manfred Koehler's contribution on the value of the testimonies and confessions on the Holocaust in Ernst Gauss, Gnmdlagen zur Zeitgeschichte, op. cit. 2) The Cracow report is reproduced in the anti-revisionist volume Wahrheit and Auschwitz-Liige (published by Brigitte Bailer-Galanda, Wolfgang Benz and Wolfgang Neugebauer), Deuticke, 1995, p. 79 ff reproduced. 3) On the Hydroscope report, see no. 60 of Historische Tatsachen. 69 CHAPTER VIII DOCUMENTARY PROOFS OF THE HOLOCAUST If a systematic extermination of several million persons had really taken place during WW II, it would have required meticulous organization, involving thousands of persons. An operation on this scale could not possibly take place without a great number of written instructions. Nothing could be done in a strictly hierarchical bureaucratic state like the Third Reich without written orders. We would therefore expect a flood of documentary proof on the planning and execution of the extermination of the lews. In the meantime, the orthodox historians continue to act as if this were really the case. Thus, Raul Hilberg's "standard work" on the Holocaust begins with the following introduction (1): "Raul Hilberg has spent his life collecting and adding to the material for his book. He is considered the best expert on the source documents which, for the most part, originate from the criminals themselves. As thorough as they were, the Germans filed away the evidence of their crimes a hundred thousand times over, with letter heads and service stamps... proving their responsibility for the killin gs." This statement is pure fantasy, as we shall soon see. Raul Hilberg, Danuta Czech, Jean-Claude Pressac: Three experts reach into their bag of tricks a) Raul Hilberg scrapes the bottom of the barrel A curious reader dipping into Hilberg's standard work entitled The Destruction of the European Jews is condemned to wait 927 pages before stumbling upon the "extermination camps", and another 100 pages until the "extermination operations" are described. This means that Hilberg uses 1,027 pages before arriving at the topic which gives the book its title! lust a few pages further along, on page 1,046, he starts writing about the "Evacuation of the Extermination Centres and the End of the Extermination Process". This means that, out of a total of 1,308 pages of text, fewer than 20 are dedicated to the "extermination procedure"! And these fewer than 20 pages are a miserable flop. The "hundreds of thousands" of documentary proofs of German mass murder promised in the introduction are simply never produced; Hilberg's only proof of mass murders in the extermination camps are the eyewitnesses, the confessions of war 70 criminals, and the judgements of trials (in turn based exclusively on eyewitnesses and confessions by the accused). Among Hilberg's favourite witnesses are Kurt Gerstein and Filip Mueller. Although we will discuss the eyewitnesses only in the following chapter, a few remarks on these star eyewitnesses are called for here: Kurt Gerstein, an SS sanitation officer, who allegedly died by suicide in July 1945 in French imprisonment, is the star witness for the extermination of the Jews in Belzec. As shown by the French researcher Henri Roques, there are no less than six versions of his "confession", each of which deviates considerably from the others (2). According to Gerstein, 20 or 25 million people were gassed (according to which confession you consult). At Belzec, according to Gerstein, 700-800 persons were crushed into a gas chamber 25m2, i.e., 28 to 32 persons per square metre. Gerstein also claims to have seen piles of clothing and shoes 35 to 40 metres high! Filip Mueller's book Sonderbehandlung (3) (English title Eyewitness Auschwitz ) is cited no less than sixteen times by Hilberg in the 20 relevant pages. On p. 207 ff of his disgusting botch job, Mueller describes the method of open-air cremation utilized in disposing of the bodies of the many thousands of Hungarian Jews gassed and burned every day in the early summer of 1944: three layers of bodies were laid in deep ditches and burnt using wood for fuel. Fat from the bodies was then supposedly used for extra fuel. The fat is alleged to have flowed down during the cremation process into small grooves especially provided and dug in the earth, leading to a container. The members of the Sonderkommando are supposed to have scooped up the burning fat from the containers and poured it over the bodies to make them burn better! Of course, this is complete nonsense. Due to the deficient oxygen supply, the bodies in the ditches would merely be charred, and would not burn (4). The fat from the bodies would, of course be the first thing to be burned, and if, nevertheless, it did run into the grooves, it would have ignited at the first spark (5). On p. 74, Mueller offers us the following tale: "From time to time, The SS doctors came into the crematorium... Before the executions, both doctors, like cattle traders, felt the thighs and buttocks of the still-living men and women, in order to select the 'best parts'. After the shooting, the victims were placed on the table. Then the doctors cut pieces off still-warm flesh from the thighs and buttocks and threw it into waiting buckets. The muscles of the recently-shot were still moving and throwing convulsions, causing the buckets to jump about." That is Filip Mueller, Raul Hilberg's favourite witness, cited 16 times in the crucial 20 pages dealing with the mass extermination! Hilberg cannot conceal the fact that there are no documents relating to any plan to exterminate the Jews. He finds a profound explanation: the Nazi leaders gave their orders in "an incredible meeting of minds" (6)! b) How Danuta Czech's Kalendarium came to her conclusions as to the numbers of the gassed 71 Danuta Czech's work Kalendarium der Ereignisse im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz- Birkenau (1939-1945) is considered by orthodox historians to be by far the most important work on the history of Auschwitz camp. The second edition, which appeared in 1989, differs very considerably from the edition published in 1960. In her monumental opus, Danuta Czech indicates, for every individual day in the history of the camp, the most important events, giving, for the most part, the exact numbers of persons gassed, for every day on which gassings are said to have taken place. What is the basis for Danuta Czech's allegations? German documents? Of course not! In many cases, her sources consist of testimonies given after the war (eyewitness reports or confessions during trials), but for the most part they consist of secret notes kept by prisoners working in the offices of the Gestapo, giving information on inmate transports arriving at Auschwitz: date of arrival, first and last registration numbers of the newly arriving inmates, and, in many cases, the origin of the transports. The notes were smuggled out of the camp in 1944. There is nothing in them about gassings. Danuta Czech then compares the information appearing in the notes with reference to the numerical strength of every convoy, and compares them to the data appearing in the documents of the German police offices responsible for the transports. Great discrepancies are then noted; only some of the Jews deported, according to the German files, appear in the secret notes of the inmates! All the "missing" Jews are simply listed by Danuta Czech as having been "gassed"! At the same time, it is known that some deported persons never arrived at Auschwitz, for the simple reason that they were unloaded 100 km further west — at Cosel — and housed in local work camps. This has been shown by the French Jew Serge Klarsfeld in his Memorial de la Deportation des Juifs de France (7). In a few cases, D. Czech acknowledges the selection of Jews for local camps in the second edition of her book. Consistently ignored by her, however, is the fact that many of the "gassed" Jews suddenly reappeared later, far East of Auschwitz, in the Baltic states and White Russia. This means that the reason why these Jews were not registered at Auschwitz was because Auschwitz only served as a transit camp for them. Her "gassing" figures are therefore pure fantasy, and her method can only be termed a shameless falsification of evidence. In this regard, consult Enrique Aynat's work Estudios sobre el 'Holocausto' (8). c) Jean-Claude Pressac's "criminal traces" In September 1983, a book by the French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac was hailed by the world's "free press" with deafening fanfare as the rebuttal of the revisionists. It is called Les crematoires d'Auschwitz, and also appeared in German from Piper Verlag under the title of Die Krematorien von Auschwitz . Pressac had already published a gigantic book under the title Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, which is, however, hardly mentioned by the mass media. In the introduction to his second book, Pressac repeatedly promises that he will not base his book on eyewitness testimonies, but will instead rely solely upon documents. During the reading, the astonished reader then notes that, every time the author begins to speak of concrete "gassing" operations, he cites an eyewitness as his source! As "definitive proof" of the existence of the execution gas chambers, he cites a document which contains not a single word relating to the gassing of human beings; it is simply 72 a business letter related to the ordering of "gas testers", to be discussed below in the present chapter (point f). Pressac never mentions any of the scientific or technical arguments of the revisionists. Not a single revisionist book is mentioned. In the absence of any documentary proofs for the gassings of even one Jew in Auschwitz, Pressac cites a few "criminal traces" in both his first and his second work; these "traces" are supposed to indicate the gassing of human beings. We will cite two examples only: the pagination below refers to the French original edition: - on p. 69, Pressac mentions a letter from the leader of the Central Construction Administration of the Waffen SS at Auschwitz, Bischoff, to SS Brigadefuhrer Dr. Kammler at Berlin, stating (9): "Crematorium II has been completed, right down to the small details of construction, utilizing all available manpower and despite unspeakable difficulties and frosty weather. The ovens... function perfectly. The reinforced concrete ceiling of the morgue could not be used because of damage by frost. This is however insignificant, since the Vergasungskeller [gassing cellar] could be used for this purpose." Like other Holocaust scholars before him, Pressac takes this as a reference to a gas chamber installed in crematorium II. The room indicated in the plans as Morgue I must have functioned as such, according to the Holocaust true believers. The letter has given the revisionists a few headaches, so to speak; the explanations given by them didn't sound exactly convincing. One possible explanation was found in December 1995, when we were researching the original documents with Carlo Mattogno in the Moskow Special Archives. There, we found a document indicating the planned installation of a delousing chamber in the crematorium (10). In early 1943, typhus was raging at Auschwitz. The Germans were desperately attempting to stem the epidemic by killing lice, and to do so, they needed as many delousing chambers as possible. Delousing chambers require at least rudimentary ventilation, a characteristic also present in the morgues of the crematoria. Of course, there is no proof that the planned delousing chamber was ever actually built in a crematorium. The complete absence of further documentary proof appears to indicate that it was not; the Rudolf Report, to be discussed below, also appears to indicate that it was not. In any case, however, the letter contains no proof of the gassing of human beings. - on p. 80, Pressac mentions a document from the Auschwitz Construction Administration relating to an order for a gas-tight door as well as 14 ("false") shower heads for crematorium III at Birkenau. In so doing, he assumes that the gas-tight doors actually in fact served to seal off an execution gas chamber; the "false" shower heads are alleged to have been intended to lure victims into a gas chamber disguised as a shower bath. 73 If the construction of a delousing chamber was actually planned within a crematorium, it would, of course, have needed a gas-tight door. Such a door could also have been intended to prevent the seepage of odours from decomposing bodies in the morgue. That the shower heads were "false" appears nowhere on the document. There is nothing unusual about a shower bath in a crematorium; it was certainly not unusual in Auschwitz, where service personnel sometimes had to drag typhus-infected corpses all day to the ovens. - On p. 70/71, Pressac mentions the existence of a wooden fan for the "gas chamber" (i.e., the morgue) of a Birkenau crematorium. If the fan was of metal, the argument runs, it would have been exposed to the damage by the corrosive effects of Zyklon. The choice of a wooden fan instead of a metal one is therefore alleged to constitute proof of the use of hydrocyanic acid on the premises. But Pressac mentions on p. 77 that a metal fan was finally installed, since the SS had "overestimated the danger of corrosion." Just think — millions of people are gassed to death, and the only "proof" for this huge crime, dished up by "today's leading expert on Auschwitz", is nonsense like this! Several revisionist researchers, such as Faurisson (11) and Mattogno (12), have picked Pressac's scribblings apart mercilessly in meticulous detail. In late 1995, an anthology of articles critical of Pressac was published containing German translations of contributions of Faurisson and Mattogno, as well as articles by Ernst Gauss, Manfred Koehler and Serge Thion (13). In the meantime, it dawned on the exterminationists that Pressac had done their cause a disservice. In Le Monde juif (January April 1996, p. 92 ff), the Jew Maurice Cling mercilessly criticized Pressac — once celebrated as the "rebutter of the Revisionists" — accusing him of "manipulations", "inventions", and "deviant statements". The revisionists couldn't have put it better themselves. Right after the appearance of the second Pressac book, the Jewish film producer Claude Lanzmann (he who — in his nine-and-a-half hour gas chamber epic, Shoa — filmed the barber Abraham Bomba describing how 17 barbers supposedly cut the hair off 70 naked women in a gas chamber at Treblinka measuring 4x4 m), angrily criticized Pressac, saying "I prefer the tears of the barbers of Treblinka to Pressac's 'gas testers'". Lanzmann is right. The Holocaust can only survive as a myth; every attempt to prove it scientifically is an immediate debacle. "The Germans destroyed all the documents" If one were to ask the Knights of the Holocaust Holy Grail why there is such an absence of unequivocal documentary evidence of the mass murder of the Jews, most of them will reply that the Germans destroyed all the documents right before the end of the war. This claim is actually made by one of the star witnesses from amongst the ranks of the accused, namely, Brazilian SS Man Pery Broad, who compiled detailed notes in British imprisonment. On the last page of Broad's Erinnerungen, he says (14): 74 "Before the buildings of the Auschwitz offices blazed piles of documents, while the structures utilized in committing the greatest mass murder in the history of mankind were blown up..." Broad was released as early as 1947 (15) although the British could have shot or hanged him without further ado, since every German, especially every SS man, was free game at that time. Quite obviously, early release was his reward for services rendered, services which continue to comprise a major contribution to solidifying the image of the "Final Solution", at that time still in the unformed, fluid state. It is simply quite untrue that piles of documents blazed at Auschwitz, since huge numbers of documents are available precisely from this largest of all "extermination camps". The Moscow Special Archives contain approximately 90,000 pages of documents from the Construction Administration, i.e., precisely the same organization which was responsible for the construction of the crematorium and therefore, according to the Holocaust legend, for building the gas chambers allegedly located in the crematoria. During two rather lengthy stays in Moscow (July-August as well as November- December 1995), we examined all 90,000 pages of documents together with the Italian researcher Carlo Mattogno (Mattogno's American publisher Russel Granata was also present during the first visit). Some of these documents, perhaps 20,000 pages, consist of copies made by the Germans of other pages; approximately 70,000 other pages are primary documents. Not one single document provides any proof of mass gassings of human beings. This in no way surprised us, since if such a document had existed, it would long ago have been triumphantly displayed to the world. Two prominent representatives of the extermination school, Jean-Claude Pressac and the British Jew Gerald Fleming, have both worked in this archive and examined part of the documentation. Neither Pressac nor Fleming found the long-sought documentary proof for the homicidal gas chambers. The objection that the Germans could have sifted out the incriminating documents just in time and destroyed them, is extremely naive. Just imagine such a situation: In autumn 1994, when the decision is made to evacuate Auschwitz before the approaching Red Army, Commandant Richard Baer issues the following order to his subordinates: "Sort out all the documents which prove the gassing of the Jews, and burn them, but leave all other documents lying around for the Russians". Could anything be more naive? They could have burnt the entire archive of documents in a few hours! QUITE OBVIOUSLY, THE REASON WHY THE GERMANS LEFT ALL THE DOCUMENTS BEHIND WAS BECAUSE IT NEVER OCCURRED TO THEM THAT THE DOCUMENTS COULD INCRIMINATE THEM IN ANY WAY! The same applies to the camp Majdanek, for which mountains of documents are also available. 75 Conjuring up "proof Since the defenders of the orthodox Holocaust image could not possibly be content themselves with "eyewitness testimony" alone, they were compelled to come up with a number of documents which allegedly prove the gas chamber genocide. In doing so, two possibilities were open to them: - manufacture forgeries; - Deliberately distort authentic documents. The second method was resorted to with much greater frequency. Carlo Mattogno describes this as follows (16): "The Nuremberg inquisitors created... an absurd method of interpretation which made it possible to interpret any meaning they wished into any document, but which isn't there. The point of departure for this method of interpretation was the unproven and arbitrary axiom that the NS authorities used a sort of code language, even in the most secret documents, the key to which the Nuremberg inquisitors naturally pretended to have discovered. The systematic false interpretation of documents which, in themselves, had nothing to do with extermination, then followed as a matter of course. "The best-known example of this type of false interpretation is represented by the interpretation of the word 'Final Solution' which became a synonym for the 'extermination of the Jews'... "In truth and in fact, there is not the slightest proof that 'Final Solution' ever referred to any alleged 'Hitler plan for the extermination of the European Jews'. There are even documents which prove the contrary. These documents relate to the policy followed by the National Socialists with regards to Jewish emigration..." Let us consider below some of the "documentary proofs" for the Holocaust repeatedly trundled out for us in the standard literature. We will divide these into two groups: obvious forgeries, documents of questionable authenticity, and, finally, undoubtedly genuine, but deliberately falsely interpreted documents. Forged documents In contrast to the attitude of some revisionists, only relatively few of the documents which are presented as proofs of the extermination of the Jews are obvious falsifications. These include three remarkable examples, which we will examine as follows: a) The Wannsee Protocol For decades, it was claimed that the extermination of the Jews was decided at the Wannsee Conference in Berlin of 20 January 1942. Anyone who reads the (alleged) protocol of that conference (17), will discover that it contains no mention of any 76 physical extermination of the Jews, nothing about gas chambers, and speaks only of "evacuation" and "resettlement". The orthodox historians, as usual, offer the lazy excuse that these are code words for extermination. Even if this document were genuine, it would in no way constitute proof for any extermination of the Jews, but rather for their deportation, which is not disputed by any revisionist. But the Wannsee Protocol is a rather crude forgery, as shown by several revisionist researchers, in greatest detail by Johannes P. Ney (18). The forgery is proven by absurdities of content (for example grossly exaggerated numbers of Jews living in Europe), as well as formal errors. 30 copies of the Wannsee Protocol are supposed to have been prepared. Of these 30 copies, only 1, the 16th, has survived, quite remarkably, in several different versions, in which SS is written sometimes in runes, and sometimes in normal script. Even the exterminationists are distancing themselves further and further from the Wannsee protocol. In the Canadian Jewish News of 20 January 1992, Israeli Holocaust Specialist Yehuda Bauer, calls the belief that the conference arrived at any decision to exterminate the Jews, a "silly story". According to him, the whole caste of historians just blabbered a silly story for decades, like parrots. The "silly story" also appears in all schoolbooks. b) The document of 28 June 1943 on the capacity of the crematoria of Auschwitz To prove the powerful capacity of the Auschwitz crematoria, the exterminationists tirelessly quote a letter allegedly prepared on 28 June 1943 by the leader of the Auschwitz Central Construction Administration, Bischoff, through his subordinate SS Brigadefuhrer Kammler (19), according to which the daily capacity of the crematoria of Auschwitz and Birkenau are as follows: - crematory I: 340 persons [sic!] each - crematoria II and III: 1440 persons each - crematoria IV and V: 768 persons each. Note the remarkably un-German-sounding use of the word "persons" in this connection. Much more revealing, however, is the content. As may be seen from the standard literature, for example the work of Raul Hilberg (20), the main crematorium at Auschwitz I possessed 6 muffles; crematoria II and III of Birkenau possessed 15 muffles each; and the Birkenau Kremas IV and V possessed 8 muffles each. This makes a total of 52 muffles. In today's modern crematoria, the burning of one corpse per muffle takes one to one and a half hours (see illustration IV, the reproduction of a letter from Freiburg crematorium). If one can cremate 4,756 bodies per day in 52 muffles, that would be 95 bodies per day per muffle, which would mean that the crematoria of Auschwitz were around four times faster than modern crematoria! This means that either all the laws of thermodynamics were suspended, or that the letter is a fabrication (presumably from a Communist forgery 77 factory). Irrefutable proof of the falsity of this document has been provided by Carlo Mattogno (21). F. Documents of dubious authenticity a) The Goebbels diary passages of 27 March 1942 For 27 March 1942, there is an entry in the diaries of NS Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels (22), according to which a "rather barbarous procedure, not to be described in detail here" was being applied to the Jews. 60% of the Jews were liquidated, while only 40% could be used for work. Revisionist researchers are not unanimous on the authenticity of the Goebbels Diaries. Staglich considers them forged in whole or in part, while Irving and Faurisson believe in their authenticity. We refrain from expressing an opinion and refer to the entry of 7 March 1942, in which Goebbels states that the Jews must first be concentrated in the East; eventually, they could be sent to an island, perhaps Madagascar. This entry is in crass contradiction to the entry made twenty days later. Goebbels, an irreconcilable enemy of the Jews, may, in writing his diaries, have risen to an even more intense hatred of them, and in doing so, may have brought fantasies to paper which were in no way reconcilable with his earlier notes. This passage is therefore no proof of the occurrence of the extermination of the Jews; it is at best the most forceful indication that the exterminationists can produce, an indication which is nevertheless contradicted by a whole slew of watertight, irrefutable revisionist evidence. b) The two Himmler speeches of October 1943 Two bloodthirsty speeches, alleged to have given by SS Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler on 4 or 6 October 1943 in Posen before his SS men, are quoted in Holocaust literature with extraordinary frequency. The first speech states (23): "I want to speak to you in all openness about a quite difficult matter. It must be spoken of among us once quite openly, but we will never speak about it in public... I mean the evacuation of the Jews, the extirpation of the Jewish people. It is one of those things which are easy to say — 'The Jewish people will be extirpated', says every Party comrade, 'quite obvious, we'll do it, it's in our Party programme. Elimination of the Jews, extirpation, that's what we're doing...' We had the moral right, we had the duty to our people, to kill this people that wanted to kill us." Two days later, according to the notes, Himmler said (24): "A difficult decision had to be made to cause this people to disappear from the earth... You now know with certainty, and you'll keep it for yourselves... I believe it is better, we — we, all of us — have borne this for our people, have taken the responsibility for this upon ourselves (the responsibility for a deed, not for an idea), and we shall take that secret to our grave." There are no original texts of the speeches. Himmler is allegedly supposed to have had the text of these (and other) speeches written down later with a typewriter — for 78 whom? For posterity? To ensure that posterity would finally possess unequivocal proof of a Holocaust? As noted by the British historian David Irving, the critical passages, i.e., the passages which "prove the Holocaust", were inserted later, as may be seen from the different indentations on the pages concerned (25). Two of the leading revisionists, Staglich (26) and Walendy (27), have examined this text. Both came to the conclusion that it is a forgery. On the other hand, there is a wire recording of the first speech. A recording was made of excerpts of the first, which was played at the Nuremberg Trial. The copy of this recording is supposed to have been of very mediocre quality, but the original recording is supposed to have been of acceptable quality. A voice analysis is supposed to have proven that this was actually Heinrich Himmler speaking (28). A few remarks on this subject: 1) In the first speech, Himmler identifies the "evacuation" of the Jews with their "extermination", mixing up two concepts which are totally distinct today. The identification of evacuation and extermination loses their contradictory meaning when one considers that the meaning of the word "Ausrottung" has changed. In today's speech, "Ausrottung" doubtlessly means "liquidation, physical extermination". This was not necessarily so earlier; the etymological derivation of "ausrotten" is "to uproot". This change in meaning is proven by the following: In Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler wrote that Germanness was threatened with "Ausrottung" under the Habsburg Monarchy (29). He certainly didn't mean that the old Kaiser Franz Josef had any plans to drive ten million German-Austrians into gas chambers; rather, that they were exposed to the danger of losing their power and influence to the Slavs. Accordingly, Himmler could have meant by "Ausrottung" of the Jews to mean their political exclusion as well as their expulsion and resettlement outside of Europe. Of course, in the first speech, he uses the unmistakable word "umbringen", to kill; it is a fact, particularly on the Eastern front, that many Jews were shot, but the mere fact of the existence of millions of Jews in the German sphere of influence at the time of the speech argues against any systematic extermination. 2) There was nothing about any "Ausrottung" of the Jews in the party programme of theNSDAP. 3) In the second speech, Himmler speaks of the extermination of the Jews as if this were already concluded. In reality, millions of Jews were still alive in Europe in October 1943. Approximately 80% of the French Jews remained unharmed at the end of war. At the time of the speech, the Hungarian Jews had yet been disturbed in any way; their deportation only began in May 1944. At any rate, Himmler, in a speech over seven months later, on 24 May 1944, at Sonthofen, stated the following (30): "At the present time... we will first take 100,000, later another 100,000 Jews from Hungary into concentration camps, with which to build underground factories. Not one will thence return into the view of the German people." 79 If the extermination of the European Jews had already been concluded seven months earlier, one could not possibly set 200,000 Hungarian Jews to work building underground factories! 4) In both speeches, especially the second, Himmler emphasizes the need for absolute silence, but fails to obey his own recommendation himself in the slightest; rather, he blabbers about the horrid crimes committed by his organization, and even had a wire recording made of the first speech! If the wire recording of the first speech actually proves to be Himmler's voice, then these arguments will naturally not apply, insofar as they affect the first speech. We shall leave the question of the authenticity of both speeches, as well as their exact meaning, open for the present. A detailed analysis of the speeches by Jack Wickoff will be published in the near future (31). c) The business letter relating to the ordering of "gas testers" As the "final proof" for homicidal gassings in Auschwitz, Pressac cites a business letter dated 6 March 1943 from the oven construction firm Topf & Sohne to the Central Construction of Auschwitz. The firm confirms receipt of a telegram ordering 10 gas testers (32). Faurisson considers the letter to be genuine, but most revisionists consider it a falsification. We tend to the forgery theory, on the following grounds, stated by Walter Rademacher, among others (33): - Devices for the detection of hydrocyanic acid residues are not called "Gaspriifer", but rather, "Blausaeurerestnachweisgeraete". The instructions for the use of Zyklon B, dated 1942, mention these devices no less than six times (34); - if the health service responsible for the delousing action ran out of hydrocyanic acid detection devices, they would certainly not have ordered them from an oven construction firm which had nothing to do with their manufacture; - "Gaspriifer" are understood to be devices for the analysis of CO or C02 combustion gases which arise during the carburation of coke in the generator of a crematory oven. According to Rademacher, the number of Gaspriifer ordered — ten — indicates precisely this application, since crematoria II and III possessed 10 flue gas channels. This indicates that the document cited by Pressac is a forgery which "mixes apples and oranges"! Since neither the ordering of "hydrocyanic acid residue detection devices", nor the ordering of "gas testers" represents even the slightest proof of the gassing of human beings, the document lacks the slightest probative value even in the event of its authenticity. 80 Undoubtedly genuine but falsely interpreted documents Indisputably genuine documents which are subjected to a meaning arbitrarily altered from the meaning expressed, play an important role in Holocaust literature. Here are a few examples: a) The passage on the "Hebraic race perverters" from Mein Kampf In Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf it says (35): "If twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebraic race perverters had been held under poison gas at the beginning of the war, as hundreds of thousands of our best German workers from all classes and professions were forced to endure it in the field, then the sacrifice of millions at the Front would not have been in vain." A correct interpretation of this passage requires a knowledge of Hitler's biography. Hitler was temporarily blinded by a gas attack in 1918; to him, gas warfare involved personal trauma. He held the (mostly Jewish) Marxist leaders responsible for Germany's defeat during WWI. The passage therefore has the following meaning: "If the Marxist leaders had been sent to the front, where they would have been exposed to poison gas attacks like all the other soldiers, instead of being allowed to agitate in the rear, then we wouldn't have lost the war". That Hitler is not speaking of the extermination of the Jews here, is obvious from the quoted figure of "twelve to fifteen thousand". When historians use this passage as proof of a "plan to gas the Jews", a plan alleged to have taken shape in his mind as early as the 1920s, they involve themselves in an inextricable contradiction. If you ask them why there are no documentary proofs of the Holocaust, they reply that the Germans either drew up no documents, or destroyed them all, just in time to conceal their crimes. According to the same historians, however, Hitler is then supposed to have announced his genocidal intentions to the entire world! b) Documents on the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" In a series of wartime German documents, the concept "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" arises. Thus, Goring wrote to Heydrich on 31 July 1941 (36): "Supplementing your order already issued by decree of 24.1.1939, to bring the Jewish question to the most satisfactory possible solution in the form of emigration or evacuation in accordance with the time circumstances, I hereby assign you with responsibility for finding all the necessary conditions in an organizational, technical and material regard for an overall solution of the Jewish question in the German sphere of influence in Europe... I furthermore assign you with responsibility for presenting me soon with an overall draft of the organizational, technical, and material preconditions for the execution of the desired overall solution of the Jewish question." This letter is quoted to the point of exhaustion by the Holocaust peddlers, always with the allegation that Goring entrusted Heydrich with the organizational preparation of 81 the genocide. Again, the ruling clique is reading something into the document which is not there. What the National Socialists understood by "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" is made very clear in this document: the emigration, by force if necessary, of all Jews from Europe. Madagascar was originally intended to serve as the home of the Jews (see, in this regard, the above mentioned entry in Goebbels' diary of 7 March 1942), but this plan could not be realized. After conquering extensive territories in the East at the beginning of the Russian campaign, the creation of at least a provisional Jewish settlement area in each zone was considered. That a considerable number of Jews were actually sent to White Russia and the Baltic states, is admitted even by the exterminationists (37). Of course, such deportations make nonsense of the exterminationist argument: why send Jews right past six "extermination camps" running full tilt, all the way to White Russia and the Baltic states, if a decision has been made for the complete extermination of Jewry? In his book Die zweite babylonische Gefangenschaft, Steffen Werner collects a number of clues indicating that considerable numbers of Jews were in fact sent to White Russia and settled there (38). That Auschwitz was used as a transit camp for the Eastern settlement of Jews not registered at Auschwitz and therefore assumed by exterminationists to have been gassed, has been shown by the Spaniard Enrique Aynat (39). The character of German policy towards the Jews is clearly revealed by a document drawn up by Martin Luther, an official of the Foreign Office, on 21 August 1942 (40): "The evacuation of the Jews from Germany has begun on the basis of the... mentioned instruction of the Fuehrer (on the resettlement of the Jews). It was considered whether to include the Jewish citizens of countries which had also taken Jewish measures... the number of Jews shifted to the East in this manner does not suffice to cover the labour requirements. The Reichssicherheitsamt approached the Foreign Office, upon the instructions of the Reichsfiihrer SS, to ask the Slovakian government to make 20,000 strong young Jews from Slovakia available for transfer to the East." Hans Heinrich Lammers, Director of the Reichschancellory, was asked about his knowledge of the Final Solution by attorney Dr. Thoma during the Nuremberg Trial. In 1942, he had asked Himmler what the "Final Solution of the Jewish question" was to be understood to mean; after which Himmler informed him that this meant the evacuation of the Jews to the East. In 1943, rumours came to Lammers' attention according to which the Jews were being exterminated. He investigated the matter, and returned to Himmler, who reacted as follows (41): "He (Himmler) brought out a lot of pictures and albums and showed me the work that was being done in these camps by the Jews and how they worked for the war needs — the shoemakers' shops, tailors' shops, and so forth. He told me: 'This is the order of the Fuehrer: if you believe that you have to take action against it, then tell the Fuehrer....' I once again reported this matter to the Fuehrer, and on this occasion he gave me exactly the same reply which I 82 had been given by Himmler. He said, 'I shall later on decide where these Jews will be taken and in the meantime they are being cared for there.'" The following dialogue took place between Dr. Thoma and Lammers (42): Thoma: Did Himmler ever tell you that the Final Solution of the Jewish problem was to take place through the extermination of the Jews? Lammers: That was never mentioned. He talked only about evacuation. Thoma: When did you hear that these five million Jews had been exterminated? Lammers: I heard of that here a while ago. The chief of the Reichschancellory, who, according to the Enzyklopaedie der Holocaust, received "all anti-Jewish measures" across his desk, (43), therefore only learned at Nuremberg that the Final Solution of the Jewish question was to take place through their extermination! c) Documents on "Special actions", etc. All German documents in which words appear bearing the prefix "Sonder" (Sondermassnahmen, Sonderaktionen, Sonderbehandlung, etc.) are trotted out as proof of the extermination of the Jews. Now, it is true that such concepts could relate to executions (44), but this was by no means always the case. Thus, Pressac mentions in his second book, that the concept (Sonderaktion" was used in Auschwitz for the police investigation of the grounds for a strike of the civilian workers (45) — a STRIKE in an EXTERMINATION CAMP! Pressac furthermore quotes an order from the SS concerning "Sondermassnahmen" for the improvement of the sanitary conditions in the Birkenau camp (46). Thus, the Sondermassnahmen here were to prolong life, and not to shorten it. To sum up: among the many millions of documents from the era of the Third Reich, there is NOT ONE which delivers a single proof for the gassing of even one JEW in Auschwitz or elsewhere! d) The Korherr Report: master example of misinterpretation A report drawn up by the SS statistician Richard Korherr (47) in early 1943 for Dr. Rudolf Brandt of Himmler's staff is constantly quoted by the orthodox historians as "proof of the Holocaust". According to the report, the number of European Jews in Europe had been reduced by nearly half in the time period between 1933 and 1943. 1,873,549 Jews are stated to have been lost as the result of "evacuations including Theresienstadt and including Sonderbehandlung" (Theresienstadt was a ghetto for mostly elderly and privileged Jews). Korherr then lists the Jews evacuated from Baden and the Pfalz to France, from the territory of the Reich, including the Protectorate and Bialystock, to the East, and from the territory of the Reich and the Protectorate to Theresienstadt, presenting his statistics as follows: 83 4. Transport of Jews from the Eastern provinces to the Russian East: 1,449,692 Jews - Transit through the camps in the General Gouvernement 1,274,166 Jews - Through the camps in the Wartegau 145,301 Jews If one considers the number of the Jews transported to the East, one notes that they correspond very exactly to the numbers listed in the Holocaust literature as having been exterminated in the "pure extermination camps" at that time, of Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Chelmno. The first three of these "extermination camps" were located in the General Gouvernement, Chelmno lay in the Warthegau (i.e., in the territory which was originally German, but is today Polish, having been annexed by Poland after WWI and reincorporated into Germany in 1939). The strategy of the falsifiers of history is obvious: to deliberately misinterpret the unambiguous expression "transport" as a code word for "murder", and then claim that the "transit camps" were "extermination camps". The Korherr Report has been examined by Georges Wellers from the exterminationist point of view (48), and by Stephen Challer (49) and Carlo Mattogno (50) from the revisionist point of view. Documents which contradict the extermination theory But it gets even worse for the Holocaust scribblers. A flood of indisputably genuine documents namely prove that NO extermination of the Jews was planned. If the National Socialists had planned the physical extermination of the Jews at any time, there should have been no more documents, dated later, speaking of the use of the Jews for their labour; yet such documents exist by the ton. We already discussed one of them, the Luther Memorandum; here are a few more examples. At the end of 1942, Himmler wrote to KL Inspector Richard Glucks (51): "Prepare to accept 100,000 male Jews and up to 50,000 female Jews in the concentration camp in the next 4 weeks. Great economic tasks will arise in the concentration camps in the coming weeks." Hadn't Himmler yet been informed about the decision to exterminate the Jews, made at the Wannsee Conference by subordinates, or was "large economic tasks" a camouflage term for "gassing"? On 18 November 1943, the Auschwitz camp administration received the order from WVHA (Wirtschaftsverwaltungshauptamt) of the SS to grant premiums to good workers, INCLUDING JEWS (52). What Jewish workers? According to the Himmler speeches at Posen of October 1943 and quoted in Holocaust literature a thousand times over, all the European Jews had already been exterminated by that time! On 9 March 1944, as the extermination of the Hungarian Jews was already running full tilt, according to the legend, Himmler wrote to the Chief of the SS Main Office as well as to the SS Economic Main Administration Office stating (53): 84 "The Fuehrer has ordered the transfer of 10,000 men, with officers and non¬ commissioned officers, to supervise the 200,000 Jews being transferred to the concentration camps of the Reich in order to put them to work on large construction projects for the OT [Organization Todt] and other projects of importance to the war." What did they need to supervise gassed Jews for? On 15 August 1944, the WVHA reported the above mentioned delivery of 612,000 persons, INCLUDING 90,000 HUNGARIAN JEWS, to the work camps (54). And the Hungarian Minister for the Interior Gabor Wajna reports, Himmler is said to have reported that the production of fighter planes had been increased by 40% due to the assignment of Hungarian Jews. How was this possible? All 438,000 deported Hungarian Jews, including the 28,000 registered in Auschwitz, were gassed between May and July in Birkenau (56)! How could these gassing victims still work on the manufacture of fighter planes? The absurdity of the notion that the Germans could even think of exterminating huge numbers of people capable of working at precisely a time when they were in desperate need of manpower, has even dawned on a few Holocaust writers. Hannah Arendt wonders (57): "The inconceivability of the horror is closely related to its economic uselessness. The Nazis drove this uselessness to the greatest extremes, even to open anti-utilitarianism, by building gigantic and expensive extermination factories in the middle of the war and transported people back and forth, despite the lack of building materials and rolling stock. In the eyes of a strictly utilitarian world, the obvious contrast between these actions and all military necessity gave the whole undertaking an appearance of insane unreality." It appears to us that there is an "appearance of insane unreality" floating over the theories of the orthodox historians. In conclusion, we wish to comment on two Auschwitz documents reproduced here (Figs. XXX and XXXI). The first of these documents is dated 30 June 1943. It was prepared by a doctor at Auschwitz who reported that an inmate, Jaroslaus Murka, had been "admitted to the HKB (main hospital) with numerous haematoma on the skull, in the face, upper arm and breast, disturbances of vision and concussion". The doctor then asks that the guilty parties be punished. In a camp in which between 470,000 and 9 million Jews were murdered, according to which historian you believe, the Germans, therefore, took the trouble to write up a report about a beaten inmate, and to demand punishment for the guilty party. The victim was admitted to hospital — what the devil was a HOSPITAL doing in an EXTERMINATION CAMP? 85 The second document reproduced here proves that an inmate, Jan Kristian, was detained at Auschwitz from 3 May to 8 June 1944 and was released on the last mentioned date, on the condition that he report immediately to the Auschwitz labour office for new arrangements. This release is no isolated case. Carlo Mattogno and myself found 56 such release certificates in Moscow covering a period of only a few days in June and July 1944. In almost all cases, these were Poles having served short sentences in Birkenau "labour education camp" for violating their labour contracts, and were sent to a factory after completing their sentences. The releases occurred at just the point in time, according to official Holocaust literature, when the extermination of the Hungarian Jews was running full blast; around 400,000 of these people are supposed to have been driven into the gas chambers within the short period of less than two months. Jan Kristian and the numerous releases over that same period are therefore supposed to have permitted to witness the gassing of the 400,000 Hungarian Jews "live", after which they were released so that they could blabber all about it in their factories! This is the sort of rubbish which has been touted by the media whores, court historians, and politicians for decades; and we believe it. In reality, Auschwitz was used as a transit camp for the deportation of the Hungarian Jews, with the exception of the 28,000 who were registered there. This is proven by German documents, and is confirmed by a totally unimpeachable authority, Jean- Claude Pressac; he reports, referring to documents located in the Yad Vashem, that 40,000 to 50,000 Hungarian female Jews were sent to the work camp of Stutthof alone (58). Pressac thus involuntarily reinforces the basic theory of the revisionists — that the transport of a large part of European Jews for compulsory labour is a historical fact, but that the "extermination of Jews in gas chambers" is the most enormous, most impudent swindle of all time. Notes: 1) Hilberg, Introduction. 2) Andre Chelain, Faut-il fusilier Henri Roques?, Polemiques, Ogmios Diffusion, 1986; see also the abridged German edition Die Gestandnisse' des Kurt Gerstein, Druffel, 1986. 3) Filip Mueller, Sonderbehandlung, Steinhausen, 1979. 4) After the battle of Sedan, the Germans attempted to cremate the bodies of the fallen in graves. They laid three layers of bodies in the graves, covered them with tar, and set them on fire. The upper layer was charred, the middle layer was slightly singed, and the lowest layer was not even affected (Harald Froehlich, "Zur Gesundheitspflege auf den Schlachtfeldern", Deutsche Militarartzliche Zeitschrift, I, 1-4, 1872, p. 109/110, quoted by Carlo Mattogno in Auschwitz, The End of a Legend, IHR, 1994, p. 19). 86 5) In this regard, see Mattogno in Gauss, Grundlagen... op. cit. p. 318 ff. 6) Newsday, Long Island, New York, 23 February 1983, quoted by Robert Faurisson, "Mon experience du revisionnisme", in: Annales d'histoire revisionniste, no. 8, p. 31/32. 7) Klarsfeld, p. 5 (private numbering; Klarsfeld's Memorial has no page numbers). 8) Enrique Aynat, Estudios sobre el Holocausto, Graficas Hurtado, Valencia 1994. 9) Quoted here according to Kogon/Langbein/Ruckerl, p. 220. 10) The document concerned in the Moskow Special Archive bears the archive number 502-1-316, sheet 431. 11) Robert Faurisson in Revue d'Histoire Revisionniste, no. 3, as well as R. Faurisson, Reponse a Jean-Claude Pressac, RHR, 1993. 12) Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz, The End of a Legend. 13) Auschwitz: Nackte Fakten, published by Herbert Verbeke, Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, Postbus 60, 2600 Berchem, Belgium 14) Pery Broad, Erinnerungen, in the anthology Auschwitz in den Augen der SS, Krajowa Agencja Wydawniczna, Katowice, 1981, p. 195. 15) Kogon/Langbein/Ruckerl, p. 197 16) Carlo Mattogno, La soluzione finale , Edizioni di Ar, 1991, p. 64/65. 17) The (alleged) protocol of the Wannsee Conference is reproduced among others by Wilhelm Staglich, Der Auschwitz-Mythos (Grabert, 1978), p. 39 ff., and in Gauss, Grundlagen... p. 182 ff. 18) See, for example, Staeglich in Der Auschwitz-Mythos, p. 38 ff; Walendy in Historische Tatsachen, no. 35; Ingrid Weckert in Deutschland in Geschichte und Gegenwart, no. 40 (1992); Johannes P. Ney in Gauss, Grundlagen... p. 169 ff. 19) The document is now mentioned in Brigitte Bailer-Galanda/Wolfgang Benz/Wolfgang Neugebauer (publishers), Wahrheit und Auschwitzliige, Deuticke, 1995, p. 71. 20) Hilberg, p. 946. 21) Mattogno in Gauss, Grundlagen... p. 300 ff. 22) Quoted in Fraenkel/Manvell, Goebbels - eine Biographie, Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1960, p. 257 ff. 23) Nuremberg trial document volumes IMT XXXIX p. 122 ff. 87 24) Quoted according to Staglich, p. 95 ff. 25) David Irving, Hitler's Krieg, F.A. Herbig, 1986, p. 252. 26) Staeglich, p. 89 ff. 27) Walendy in Historische Tatsachen no. 45. 28) Oral communication from G. Rudolf and A. Schimmelpfennig to the author. 29) Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf Franz Eher Verlag, Muenchen 1943, p. 13/14. 30) Staglich, p. 100. 31) Wickoff s analysis of the speech is scheduled to appear sometime in 1997 in the Vierteljahreszeitschrift furfreie Geschichtsforschung. 32) Quoted, among others, by Pressac, Les crematoires... p. 71 ff. 33) Rademacher in Gauss, Grundlagen, p. 55 ff. 34) Nuremberg Document NI-9912. 35) Hitler, p. 772. 36) Nuremberg Document NG-2586/PS-710. 37) See for example Reitlinger, p. 100 ff. 38) Steffen Werner, Die zweite babylonische Gefangenscliaft, Grabert, Tuebingen, 1992. 39) Enrique Aynat, Estudios sobre el Holocausto, Graficas Hurtado, Valencia 1994. 40) Nuremberg Document NG-2586. 41) Nuremberg trial transcript IMT XI pp. 82/83 (German text). 42) ibid, p. 83. 43) Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust, p. 848. 44) An example of this is provided by Kogon/Riickerl on p. 17. 45) Pressac, Les crematoires... p. 63. 46) ibid, p. 82. 47) Nuremberg documents NO-5194 and NO-5193. 88 48) Georges Wellers, La solution finale et la Mythomanie neo-nazie, published by Serge and Beate Klarsfeld, Paris, 1979. 49) Stephen Challen, Richard Korherr and his Reports, Cromwell Press, London 1993. 50) Carlo Mattogno, Dilettanti alio Sbaraglio, Edizioni di Ar, Padova, 1996, p. 112 ff. 51) Nuremberg Document NO-500. 52) Hefte von Auschwitz, Wydanictwo Panstwowego Muzeum w Oswiecimiu, no. 6, 1962, p. 78. 53) Nuremberg document NO-5689. 54) Nuremberg document NO-1990. 55) Nuremberg document NO-1874. 56) Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust, p. 1467. 57) Hannah Arendt Le origini del totalitarismo, Milan, 1967, p. 609, quoted by Carlo Mattogno in La soluzione finale, p. 106 (retranslated from English to Italian to German to English). 58) Pressac, Les crematoires..., p. 147. 89 CHAPTER IX EYEWITNESSES TO THE GAS CHAMBERS AT AUSCHWITZ This chapter is a slightly amended version of an article published by the author in the periodical Aurora (Postfach 386, 8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland, July 1995). Anyone with a serious interest in the Holocaust is strongly recommended to take a trip to Auschwitz. All sorts of peculiarities are immediately apparently to the critical visitor: piles of "women's hair from victims of mass gassings" are displayed behind plate glass windows; yet the hair is all ash-blonde in colour, and looks like flax or hemp. Piles of shoes are presented as proof of mass murder, although the only thing they really prove is that somebody piled up a load of shoes (1). Above all, however, are the absurdly small dimensions of the "gas chambers" in which between 470,000 and 9,000,000 people were murdered and cremated beyond a trace (according to which historian you believe). According to the exterminationists, the Auschwitz camp complex possessed the following gassing installations: - block 11 in the main camp of Auschwitz I, where only one single gassing procedure is alleged to have taken place (see above); - The morgue alleged to have been used as a gas chamber in the Krematorium of the main camp (Auschwitz I); - Two farm houses allegedly converted into gas chambers, located to the west of Birkenau, three kilometres west of the main camp; - The rooms designated as "Morgue I" in the Krematoria II and III at Birkenau (identical in construction); - several rooms inside Krematoria IV and V of Birkenau, undesignated in the blueprints, but alleged to have been used as gas chambers. Now compare Figs. II and III. According to Pressac, 10,000 people — both Jews and Soviet prisoners of war — are supposed to have been murdered in the gas chambers of the main camps in early 1942. That there is no documentary evidence of this, but only eyewitness reports, is openly admitted by Pressac (2). From the spring of 1942 until the spring of 1943, gassings are supposed to have taken place in the farm houses, also called the "red" and "white" houses, or bunkers 1 and 2. From the spring of 1943, the gassings are 90 supposed to have taken place in the crematoria of Birkenau, when the gas chambers of Krema II are supposed to have become the main murder factories of the Third Reich. In our book Auschwitz: Tatergestandnisse und Augenzeugen des Holocaust (3), we collected and analysed 30 of the most important eyewitness reports and confessions. The official historical writers should have undertaken such a task decades ago, but no; they left the job to the revisionists. The idea for this undertaking, by the way, was suggested by Gerhard Forster, a certified engineer. 23 or 24 of the eyewitness reports which we evaluated date back to the years 1944 to 1947. 22 of them originate from Jewish "Holocaust survivors", two from non-Jewish Poles, and six from German criminals. Some of the technical and scientific impossibilities in the eyewitness testimonies If we examine the testimonies carefully, we soon discover that they contain a number of scientific and technical impossibilities which hopelessly shatter their probative value. Here are only a few of these absurdities; we will be satisfied in most cases with a single example only. a) Blue vapour over the bodies of the victims. The witness, Richard Boerk, a lower- ranking SS lorry driver during the war who was considered especially credible by the Auschwitz Trial in Frankfurt (1963-1965), states as follows: (4): "A short time later (i.e., after the death of the victims) the door was opened by the prisoners, and we could still see a blue vapour floating over a gigantic pile of bodies." Boeck cannot possibly have seen this blue vapour, since hydrocyanide gas is entirely colourless. Its name comes from the blue colour of the pigment arising from its compound with iron. b) Blue coloration among the victims. "Holocaust survivor" Milton Buki reports (5): "Two minutes after opening the doors, we received the order to carry away the bodies, and we loaded them on carts. The bodies were naked, some had blue spots." Hydrocyanic acid blocks the oxygen supply to the cells. The haemoglobin in the blood can no longer give off oxygen to the cells, and the blood becomes saturated with oxygen, which leads to a red colouring of the skin (6). Buki was a member of the Sonderkommando and in Auschwitz from December 1942. The Sonderkommando allegedly had to drag the bodies out of the gas chambers. Since the gassings allegedly continued until well into Octobre 1944, Buki had almost two years in which to observe that victims of hydrocyanic gas asphyxiation exhibit red coloration, but no, he speaks of blue pigmentation. So does Hilberg's star witness, Filip Mueller (7), who was a member of a Sonderkommando for almost two years. There can be no doubt that Buki and Mueller never saw the body of a person having died of cyanide gas asphyxiation. 91 c) Impossibly great numbers of victims packed into the gas chamber per square meter. According to star witness Hoss, around 2,000 victims (9), were packed into the gas chambers of Krema II — the surface area measures 210 square metres (8) - according to key witness Vrba 3,000 (10), or even 4,000 victims, according to key witness Broad (11), all crammed in at one time. The Nazis would have needed a steam shovel to get them in, and they could have saved the money they spent on Zyklon B (which was expensive). d) Flames shooting out of the crematory chimneys. Henryk Tauber, Pressac's star witness, tells us the following story (12): "In general, we burned four or five bodies in one muffle, but we often put more bodies in the ovens... Great numbers of bodies were burned at one time, without the knowledge of the director of the crematorium, whenever the air raid siren went off. The especially high flames shooting out of the chimneys were to attract the attention of the pilots." Walter Liiftl, former president of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Engineers, and forensic expert at innumerable trials, remarks to this effect: "Coke is a short-flamed fuel. For this reason, the flames cannot even exit the combustion chamber. Between the oven and chimney, there is an exhaust channel, the flue. The chimney only comes after that. The combustion of short-flamed solid fuels gives off no flames, but only, at the most, hot exhaust gasses at 180 degrees Centigrade; otherwise, the chimney would soon be ruined." e) Impossibly great numbers of bodies burnt at once in one muffle. Sonderkommando member Alter Szmul Faynzylberg is even more audacious than Henryk Tauber. He claims (13): "There were three ovens; there were two openings in each one. There was room for twelve bodies in each of these openings." The muffles he is talking about measured 200 x 70 x 80 cm. It must have been very difficult to cram 12 bodies into a space that size, to say the least. f) Cremation of bodies without fuel. We will allow Pressac's star witness Henryk Tauber describe this one again (14): "...when one cremation followed another, the ovens used the embers given off during the cremations as fuel. For this reason, we usually extinguished the fire during the cremation of fat bodies." Bodies consist of more than 60% water and only burn by themselves, without fuel, in the fairy tales of Holocaust survivors. g) Cremation of bodies in ditches. This fairy tale appears in the accounts of many "eyewitnesses", such as that of Szlama Dragon (15): 92 "On the other side of the huts, there were four ditches, each 30 m long, 7 m wide and 3 m deep... First we laid big logs on the floor of the ditch, then increasingly smaller pieces of wood laid cross-wise, and finally, dried branches. After all the bodies had been dragged out of the hut and placed in the ditch, Moll poured petrol all over them at all four corners of the ditch, and set them on fire, by throwing in a burning rag." Due to the insufficient oxygen supply, the cremation of bodies in ditches will only char them; they cannot be completely burnt (16). One should also note that Dragon has built his bonfire upside down. Every Boy Scout knows that fires are lit by putting the most easily combustible material, i.e., small twigs, etc., at the bottom. Dragon's pile of wood would never catch fire, since the fire would go out after burning the more easily combustible material at the top. Bodies have always been burnt in the open, on pyres, not in ditches. h) Use of boiling human fat flowing down from the cremation fires, as additional fuel. This monstrous fairy tale is taken to an extreme by Filip Mueller (17), but it is also found in innumerable other reports, giving rise to the suspicion that "Holocaust survivors" simply repeat the same nonsense over and over, copied from each other. In 1995, a book on the Sonderkommando appeared by the Israeli "expert" named Gideon Grief (18). As soon as we got hold of his book, we immediately looked for the story of the boiling human fat. It only took a few minutes — and sure enough, there it was: right there in the introduction (p. xxvii). i) Use of methanol as fuel. Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoss wrote in his Krakow prison (19): "The bodies were first spattered with oil residues, then methanol." The stupid yarn about burning bodies with methanol is found in the accounts of both "victim" Filip Mueller (20) and "criminal" Pery Broad (21). Walter Ltiftl, President of the Austrian Chamber of Engineers, once attempted to burn a dead sparrow with methanol. The attempt failed, although the quantity of methanol, by weight, exceeded the weight body of the sparrow itself. The four central impossibilities of the eyewitness testimonies We now come to the four central impossibilities of the eyewitness testimonies, which in turn destroy whatever credibility is left. a) Impossibly short cremation times per corpse In the Basel crematorium, the cremation of a corpse takes an average of one hour (22); in the Freiburg crematorium, it takes one and a half hours (see Fig. IV). According to our witnesses, the same procedure at Auschwitz took place in a fraction of that time (23). According to Dov Paisikovic, it only took a total of four minutes to reduce a corpse to ashes (23). Star witness Miklos Nyiszli, whose best seller has appeared in many languages and editions, reports that the 46 muffles of the Birkenau crematoria burnt 20,000 corpses PER DAY (24). According to the same Nyiszli, 20,000 Jews were gassed every day, and another 5,000 to 6,000 were shot or burnt 93 alive. This makes 435 bodies per muffle, which means that the cremation process was eighteen times faster than in modem crematoria in 1996. More modest is Rudolf Hoss, who wrote (25): "The two big crematoria I and II (usual numbering today: II and III) were built in the winter of 1942/1943 and put into operation in early 1943. They had five 3-chamber ovens each, and could each burn 2,000 bodies in 24 hours." According to this, the daily capacity of one retort amounted to 133 corpses, and was therefore five times higher than in a modern crematorium. Carlo Mattogno was correct in stating, in his trail-blazing study on the crematoria of Auschwitz (26): "The eyewitnesses wish to persuade us that the crematory ovens of Auschwitz- Birkenau were independent of the laws of nature: diabolical instruments, not ordinary crematory installations subject to the chemico-physical and thermo¬ technical laws of nature which ordinarily apply to such installations. The historians have decided to trust the witnesses blindly, and therefore allowed themselves to be dragged along by the current of totally misleading testimonies." b) Introduction of Zyklon through non-existent openings Most of the Jews are supposed to have been murdered in the "gas chamber" of Krema II of Birkenau, and there are by far the most "eyewitness testimonies" about this gas chamber. The layout of the crematorium is shown in Fig. III. So how did the Zyklon get into the death chamber? The witnesses have told the story in five different variants, all of which are radically impossible: 1. Variant no. 1: the Zyklon was introduced into the interior of the gas chamber through shower heads. These variant, which continues to haunt popular superstition to the present day, appears, for example, in a book by an Austrian Jewess named Jenny Spritzer (27). It is so extremely stupid that it has never been accepted by any official historian. Zyklon B is a granulate and cannot move through pipes! 2. Variant no. 2, from Zofia Kossack (28): "A shrill scream, and the gas began to rise through openings in the floor. From a balcony enabling them to see over the doors, the SS men eagerly observed the death struggle: the terror, the convulsions, of those condemned to die. For these sadists, it was a spectacle of which they never grew tired. The death struggle lasted 10 to 15 minutes... The team loaded the bodies on carts, of course, working as fast as they could. Others waited. But it happened that the dead began to come back to life. At this dosage, the gas only stupefied them, it didn't kill them. It often happened that the victims began to regain consciousness on the carts... They rushed down the ramps and unloaded their cargo into the ovens." First, the ovens were located above the gas chamber, so that they could not possibly "rush down the ramps"; second, there were no "balconies" from which one could overlook the morgues; third, dead people do not usually regain consciousness; fourth, 94 there were no holes in the floor through which the gas could rise. As every visitor to the ruins of the crematorium may observe today, the only thing beneath the floor of the morgue is solid earth. 3. Variant 3, from the Slovakian Jew Rudolf Vrba (29): "A command was issued in a sharp tone to the SS man (on the roof of the crematorium). He raised a circular lid and dropped the little pellets on the heads below him." At the time of the alleged mass killings, there were no openings in the roof of the morgue, with or without lid. As German Rudolf has irrefutably proven in his expert report (30), the two openings visible in the roof today were clumsily made by the Soviets or Polish communists after the demolition of the crematoria and the Germans retreat, in order to fake the appearance of Zyklon introduction holes. The openings are quite irregular in shape, and impossibly large (a slim adult can climb through them into the morgue). The iron reinforcement rods were simply bent back; there are no cracks running through the holes, which would be the case if the holes had existed before the building was blown up. 4. Variant no. 4, from Miklos Nyiszli (31): "The content of the container... is poured into the opening, from which it reaches the gas chambers through sheet metal pipes in the underground gas chamber. The substance: Zyklon B. In contact with the air, the substance gives off a gas which penetrates the many thousands of holes in the sheet metal pipes and diffuses into the room packed with people." As in variant 3, this would require openings in the ceiling, which did not exist. 5. Variant 5 is another Hendryk Tauber inspiration (32): "The roof of the gas chamber rests on cement columns, which were located in the midst of the longitudinal sides. Next to these columns stood four others, two on each side. The sides of these columns, which led out of through the roof, were of heavy wire grid. Within this grid was another, of finer wire. Further inside, was still a third grid, of very fine wire. Inside this third and last wire grid was a can, which could be tipped upwards with a wire to allow the pellets to fall out, from which the gas streamed outwards." This would have prevented the granulates -- which would have continued to release gas for two more hours — from becoming entrapped beneath the bodies and endangering the lives of the Sonderkommando. But even if one hundred thousand witnesses confirmed the existence of such a wire grid, the story would still collapse due to the non-existence of any holes in the ceiling. Zyklon is also supposed to have been poured through holes in the roof at Krematorium I in the main camp, which attracts far more visitors than the ruins of the Kremas at Birkenau. These openings were also made after the war, as has been admitted by the administration of the Auschwitz Museum; and since the crematorium 95 ceiling, apart from this, is still indisputably in the original condition, it would be easy to see traces of the original holes if there had ever been any; but no such traces exist (33). "No holes, no Holocaust", is Robert Faurisson's neat way of summing up the matter. c) Opening the gas chamber doors and removing the bodies after impossibly short ventilation times The insecticide Zyklon B, used in Auschwitz to combat infectious diseases carried by lice, consists of liquid hydrocyanic acid absorbed in a carrier base (a granular mass). At a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius and low humidity, wartime Zyklon B gave off approximately 50% of its hydrocyanic acid in approximately half an hour. Its entire content of hydrocyanic acid was only released after approximately two hours (34). Even if the homicidal gas chambers had possessed efficient ventilation systems — and such systems existed only in the delousing chambers, not in the gas chambers (35) — it would have been necessary to wait at least two hours before turning on the ventilation. There is only one single example of a case in which the witnesses describe a long death stmggle and a long period between the introduction of the gas and the emptying of the gas chamber. This description relates to the alleged gassing of Soviet prisoners of war in Block 11 of the main camp. This gassing used to be considered to have occurred in September 1941, but, according to Jean-Claude Pressac, it should be considered to have taken place in December 1941 (36). But one of the most important witnesses, Rudolf Hoss, says that the victims died "immediately after introduction" of the Zyklon B (37), so that the witnesses contradict each other. That any gassing of Russian POWs is a myth, has been proven by Carlo Mattogno in great detail (38). Apart from the special case mentioned above, the time elapsing between the introduction of the Zyklon and the death of the victims, as described by the "eyewitnesses" varies from "immediately" to 20 minutes. Since the granulate only gives off its gas content slowly, immediate death would have been an impossibility, even if ridiculously high quantities of Zyklon had been used; death within 20 minutes, on the other hand, would have been quite possible. The short time intervals alleged to have elapsed between the death of the victims and the emptying of the gas chamber nevertheless remain quite unrealistic. The longest delay mentioned by any witness that we know of — apart from the alleged, one-time only gassing of Russian prisoners — is 50 minutes (39), which would have been less than half the minimum required time. Let us now quote an unusually ingenious "eyewitness" report. It comes from Dr. Charles Sigismund Bendel, a Roumanian-French doctor of the Islamic faith. Bendel helped frame two totally innocent men, Dr. Bruno Tesch and Karl Weinbacher, of the DEGESCH (Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Schadlingsbekampfung); both were hanged (40). Here is Dr. Bendel's testimony on the gassing procedure in Krema IV (41): "About 12 o'clock the new transport arrived, consisting of some 800 to 1,000 people... Then the door was opened, and the people were packed into the gas chambers, which gave the impression that the roof was falling on their heads, 96 as it was so low... One heard cries and shouts and they started to fight against each other, knocking on the walls. This went on for minutes and then there was complete silence. Five minutes later the doors were opened, but it was quite impossible to go in for another 20 minutes. Then the Special Kommandos went to work. When the doors were opened a crowd of bodies fell out, since they were compressed so much. They were quite contracted, and it was almost impossible to separate one from the other... Anybody who has ever seen a gas chamber filled to a height of one and a half metres with corpses will never forget it... At this moment the proper work of the Sonderkommandos starts. They have to drag out the bodies which are still warm and covered with blood, but before they are thrown into the ditches they still have to pass through the hands of the barber and the dentist, because the barber cuts the hair off and the dentist has to take out all the teeth... People who had human faces before, I cannot recognize again. They are like devils. A barrister from Salonica, an electrical engineer from Budapest — they are no longer human beings because, even during the work, blows from sticks and rubber truncheons are being showered over them... After an hour and a half, the whole work has been done and a new transport has been dealt with in Crematorium no. 4." What Bendel described can only have been dreamed up in his sick brain. - The doors were said to have been opened after only seven minutes, when the granulate would only have released a fraction of its gas content. The ventilation therefore took place into the very corridor in which the cyanide-resistant Sonderkommandos and SS men were waiting! - after another 20 minutes, the Sonderkommando are said to have entered the gas chambers WITHOUT GAS MASKS — otherwise he would not have been able to recognize their devilishly distorted faces — and worked in the midst of clouds of gas which continued to be released! - When the Jews died in these gas chambers, which are supposed to have been cram- packed to bursting point (remember, they were "tightly packed together"), they are supposed to have collapsed, but in such a way as to form a layer of bodies one and a half metres high! - There were supposed to be ONE BARBER and ONE DENTIST for 800 to 1,000 bodies. The whole job is said to have been finished after one and half hours, i.e., the dentist pulled out all these teeth in 5,400 seconds. Even if we assume that every victim (assuming 800 victims, the lower figure) were missing four teeth, this means the dentist is supposed to have pulled 22,400 teeth (800 x 28 = 22,400), almost four teeth per second! This Bendel character is considered one of the "most reliable gas chamber witnesses". It is on the basis of the inventions of such liars and swindlers that an entire people have been criminalized for half a century. 97 d) Sonderkommandos working without gas masks in clouds of cyanide gas We have just seen that Dr. Bendel's Sonderkommando wore no breathing equipment. This same radical impossibility is also described by other witnesses. Filip Mueller, Hilberg's star witness, describes in his first job in the main gas chamber as follows (42): "My glance fell on a half opened suitcase, in which I saw food, which was probably intended as food for they journey. With one hand, I pretended to be busy undressing a dead body; with the other, I searched through the suitcase. As I grasped a triangular cheese and a poppy seed cake out of the suitcase, I watched out in order not to be surprised by Stark. With blood-smeared and filthy hands, I tore the cake apart and crammed it down like a greedy animal of prey." Mueller cannot possibly have crammed anything down like a "greedy animal of prey" while wearing a gas mask. According to most other witnesses, the victims had to undress themselves before the gassing. This would have been more logical, since the Zyklon clinging to the clothing would have represented an additional source of danger for the Sonderkommandos. To be honest, we must admit that there are other witnesses who claim that the Sonderkommandos worked with gas masks on (for example, Szlama Dragon). But gas masks would have been insufficient to provide complete protection; they would have needed complete protective clothing, because the Sonderkommandos would have sweated during their work, and sweating increases the danger of absorption through the skin. But not a single witness speaks of protective clothing. Notes: 1) Ernst Gauss, Vorlesungen ueber Zeitsgeschichte, Grabert, 1993, p. 21. 2) Pressac, Auschwitz, Technique... op. cit. p. 132. 3) Published in 1994 at Neue Visionen, Postfach 5436, Wuerenlos. 4) Interrogation of the witness Boeck, Aktenzeichen 4 JS 444/59, sheets 6878 ff. 5) Quoted according to Pressac, Auschwitz, Technique... op. cit. p. 163. 6) Germar Rudolf, Gutachten iiber die Bildung und Nachweisbarkeit von Cyanidverbindungen in den 'Gaskcimmern' von Auschwitz, Cromwell Press, London, 1993, p. 111. 7) Mueller, op. cit. 186. 8) Pressac, Auschwitz, Technique... op. cit., p. 286 98 9) Rudolf Hoss, Kommandant in Auschwitz, published by Martin Broszat, dtv, 1983, p. 164, Hoss writes that the gassing premises had a capacity of 3000 victims each, but that this figure was never reached in practice. We assume 2000 victims per action, a figure which is also named by Hoss by the way in his confession (Nuremberg document 3968-PS). 10) Rudolf Vrba, I Cannot Forgive, Bantam, 1964, p. 10. 11) Pery Broad, op. cit. p. 180/181. 12) Quoted according to Pressac, Auschwitz, Technique... op. cit. p. 489. 13) Hefte von Auschwitz, Sonderheft 1, "Handschriften von Mitgliedern des Sonderkommandos", Auschwitz State Museum, 1972, p. 43. 14) Tauber in Pressac, see note 11. 15) Trial records relating to Rudolf Hoss, Auschwitz State Museum, volume XI, appendix 17. 16) Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz, The End... op. cit. p. 19. 17) Filip Mueller, op cit. p. 207 ff. 18) Gideon Greif, Wir weinten trdnenlos, Boehlau Verlag, 1995. 19) Rudolf Hoss, op. cit. p. 161. 20) Filip Mueller, op. cit. p. 217. 21) Pery Broad, op. cit. pp. 177/178. 22) Oral communication by Basel crematorium technician H.H. to J.G. on 10 February 1993. 23) Don Paisikovic in Leon Poliakov (publisher), Auschwitz, Rene Julliard, 1964, p. 159 ff. 24) Miklos Nyiszli, Boncoloon>osa voltam as Auschwitz-i krematoriumban, Vilag, 1946, p. 38. The last, for the time being, of several German Nyiszli translations appeared in 1992 under the title of Jenseits der Menschlichkeit from the Dietz Verlag; see in this regard our book Auschwitz... op. cit. p. 203 ff. 25) Rudolf Hoss, op. cit. p. 164. 26) Carlo Mattogno in Gauss, Grundlagen... op. cit. p. 281. 27) Jenny Spritzer, Ich war no. 10291. Als Sekretaerin in Auschwitz, Rothenhaeusler Verlag, 1994, p. 67-68. 99 28) Zofia Kossack, Du fond de I'abime, Seigneur, 1951, quoted according to Robert Faurisson, Reponse a Pierre Vidal-Naquet, La Vieille Taupe, 1982, p. 58/59. 29) Rudolf Vrba, I Cannot Forgive, Bantam, 1964, p. 11 ff. 30) Germar Rudolf, Gutachten..., op. cit., p. 255/256. 31) Miklos Nyiszli, Im Jenseits der Menschlichkeit, compare note 24, p. 32 ff. 32) Tauber in Pressac, see note 11, p. 482 ff. 33) Rudolf, Gutachten, op. cit. p. 18/19, as well as Rudolf/Gauss, Grundlagen, op. cit. p. 251 ff. 34) Rudolf, Gutachten..., op. cit. p. 59, as well as Rudolf/Gauss, Grundlagen..., op. cit. p. 261 ff. 35) On the ventilation system in the gas chambers see Rudolf/Gauss, Grundlagen..., op. cit. p. 267/268. 36) Danuta Czech, Kalendarium der Ereignisse im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz- Birkenau 1939/1945, Rowohlt, 1989, p. 117. 37) Rudolf Hoss, op. cit. p. 126. 38) Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz, laprima gasazione, Edizioni La Sfinge, Parma, 1988. 39) Buki in Pressac, Auschwitz, Technique..., op. cit. p. 163. 40) William Lindsey, "Zyklon B., Auschwitz, and the Trial of Bruno Tesch", JHR, Fall 1983, p. 261, ff. 41) Trial of Josef Kramer and 44 Others (The Belsen Trial), William Lodge and Company Ltd. 1945, p. 130, ff. 42) Filip Mueller, op. cit. p. 24/25. 100 CHAPTER X THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AUSCHWITZ LEGEND How the eyewitness reports were coordinated As the historian Ernst Nolte correctly observes, it is impossible for a considerable number of persons to invent more or less the same stories entirely independently of each other. Nolte's conclusion is that the gas chamber stories must contain at least a core of truth, even if the number of victims has been exaggerated (1). A similar sort of logical process might lead one to conclude as follows: "In the Middle Ages, innumerable witnesses testified that they had seen witches riding to the Witches' Sabbath on broomsticks; many witches even admitted as much at their trials. The story must, therefore, contain a certain core of basic truth; it maybe, however, that the number of witches riding through the air has been greatly exaggerated." It obviously does not occur to Professor Nolte that eyewitness testimonies and confessions can be coordinated as much as one likes if one possesses complete freedom to torture and falsify as much as one likes — as the Allies did after WWII. As shown by the excellent Spanish researcher Enrique Aynat, the Polish resistance movement reported mass murders in Auschwitz as early as 1941. Zyklon was never mentioned as the murder weapon; the murders were allegedly being committed with pneumatic hammers, electrical baths, and combat gases (2). These reports attracted no attention outside Poland. While atrocity stories of steam, gas, and electrical chambers at Belzec and Treblinka were diligently spread starting in 1942, there was silence about Auschwitz until June 1944. The British Jewish author, Martin Gilbert writes, "The secret of the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau lay hidden until the third week of June" (3). In June 1944, the mass deportation of Hungarian Jews was in full swing; of these, 438,000 were sent to Auschwitz. 28,000 of them were registered there, while the others were sent on to other work camps and factories (4). The alleged extermination of the Hungarian Jews in the gas chambers at Birkenau was the starting point for the legend of the extermination camp Auschwitz. In November 1944, this legend took concrete form. At that time there appeared in Washington the WRB report, based on the testimonies of Auschwitz escapees Rudolf Vrba, Alfred Wetzler, Czeslaw Mordowicz, Arnost Rosin, and Jerzy Tabeau, not all of whom were cited by name in the report (5). According to the WRB report, Zyklon was being used as the murder weapon; the gassings were taking place in two farm 101 houses west of Birkenau, as well as within the four Birkenau crematoria. There was no talk of murders in the main camp crematorium. We will return to this report below. On 2 February 1945, shortly after the liberation of Auschwitz, Pravda reported a "conveyor belt of death", on which hundreds of people were murdered at one time. This "conveyor belt" disappeared immediately; no eyewitness has ever mentioned it. Gas chambers also existed, according to Pravda, but they were located them in the wrong place — not at Birkenau, but in the "Eastern part of the camp". Quite obviously, the conference between the Western powers and the Soviets had not been entirely successful: the Russians knew they were supposed to find "proof" of mass murders, but Washington and London seem to have forgotten to provide the full details; so the Pravda reporter, a Jew by the name of Polevoi, permitted his fantasy to run amuck. In April and May 1945, several former Auschwitz inmates appeared as witnesses before a Polish commission. These imnates included the following Jews, commonly cited in holocaust literature: Alter Szmul Faynzylberg — who also went by the name of Stanislaw Jankowsi, Kaskowiak, and Alter Feinsilber, and who changed his date of birth as often as his name — Szlama Dragon, and Henryk Tauber (6). After the flop with the Pravda article, the Polish Communists took care to coordinate the testimonies, at least very generally. So the witnesses placed the gas chambers in the right location, and were unanimous as to the murder weapon: no more combat gas, no more electrical baths, no more pneumatic hammers, but rather, Zyklon B. Apart from this, the Holocaust survivors were allowed to allow their perverted imaginations to run amuck as usual; for this reason, their factual reports are highly entertaining. The myth took on formal shape with the "confession" of the first Auschwitz commandant, Rudolf Hoss. He disappeared after the end of the war, and, assuming the name Franz Lang, hid out on a farm in Schleswig-Holstein. In March 1946, the British found him. His confession — representing the core of the Auschwitz yarn which continues to be defended with the viciousness of a cornered rat right down to the present day — was obtained by a British team of torture specialists under the leadership of the Jewish sergeant Bernard Clarke as follows (7): "Hoss screamed in terror at the mere sight of the British uniforms. Clarke yelled: 'What is your name?' With each answer of 'Fritz Lang', Clarke's hand crashed into the face of the prisoner. The fourth time that happened, Hoss broke and admitted who he was... He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless... It took three days to get a coherent statement out of him." The Hoss confession (8) has been analysed and tom to shreds so many times and in such great detail by revisionist researchers so that we need not go into further detail; we will content ourselves with a few comments: - Hoss confessed to gassing 2.5 million people, with a total death count of 3 million, at Auschwitz during his period as commandant (until the end of November 1943). Not a single historian believes these figures today. Was Hoss so eager to be hanged as to incriminate himself untruthfully to such an extent? 102 - according to his confession, Hoss visisted Treblinka as early as 1941. The extermination camp of Belzec is therefore supposed to have been in existence as early as 1941. In reality, however, the Belzec camp was only opened in March 1942, while the Treblinka camp was opened in July 1942 (9). Hoss also mentions an extermination camp, Wolzek, which nobody has ever heard of, either before or since. He can't possibly have confused it with Belzec, since both camps are mentioned in the same sentence. - in our book Auschwitz: Tatergestandnisse..., we listed a total of 45 absurdities, impossibilities, and improbabilities contained in the Hoss confession, as well as in the Hoss memoirs in the prison of Krakow (Hoss was delivered to the Poles after his appearance at Nuremberg). The list is most certainly far from complete. How the courts faked "evidence" for the Holocaust Auschwitz played an important role in the Nuremberg Trial. The objective of the trial was to provide "legal proof" of the crimes of the Germans, alleged to be "unique in world history". Especially significant are articles 19 and 21 of the London Agreement of August 1945, which created the so-called legal basis for the trials (10). According to article 19, the court was "not bound by technical rules of evidence"; article 21 stated that "the court need not require proof of facts of common knowledge, but shall take judicial notice thereof". Just what constituted "a fact of common knowledge", was, of course, to be decided by the court itself! Since the extermination of the Jews and the other crimes of which Germany stood accused — such as the mass murder of Polish officers at Katyn, committed by the Bolshevik butchers and blamed on the Germans, hanging German soldiers for their own crime (11) — "were facts of common knowledge", the tedious task of producing actual proof could conveniently be dispensed with. The innumerable trials of Nazi war criminals in the Federal German Republic were held on the same model. Ever since the 1950s, the US puppet regime in Bonn has assigned the "German" justice system the task of conjuring up the Fata Morgana of a mass murder of millions of people in gas chambers, of which not the slightest evidence remains. This was achieved in the following manner: Before the trial began, the accused was vilified in the controlled media as a "beast in human shape". Proof was not required, since "crime" and "criminal" were, for the most part, considered to have been established from the outset. The witnesses were allowed to lie a blue streak, since nobody was allowed to subject the former "victims of persecution" to emotional torment with sceptical questioning; the only chance for a lenient sentence for the accused lay in evading any dispute over the existence of the gas chambers and the reality of the genocide, while merely disputing one's own participation in the killings, blaming everything on persons already dead, missing, or superiors who had already been sentenced. Anyone in a war crimes trial who disputed the basic version of events at Auschwitz (i.e., the Holocaust yarn) — a version already accepted as "proven fact" — found himself in a totally hopeless position: his stubbornness only got him a tougher sentence. This is how the confessions came to be given. Anyone wishing further information should consult chapter 4 of Wilhelm Staglich's book Der Auschwitz-Mythos, Manfred Koehler's article on the value of 103 Holocaust testimonies and confessions in the Gauss anthology Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte, and the chapter on the trials in our book "The Holocaust Swindle". Many people may wonder why every post-war German government from Adenauer to Kohl has allowed these show trials to be carried on in order to incriminate their own people with fake atrocities. The reason is that the Bundesrepublik is not a sovereign state. The trials are intended to pursue definite objectives in domestic as well as foreign policy. First, every such trial allows Bonn to prove its anti-fascistic convictions to foreign powers, thus proving the Bonn regime to be a prime ally of the USA. In addition, the trials help "re-educate" the German people. In this respect, all German governments have played a decisive role as the bootlickers and thugs of Washington. By repeatedly "proving" the unexcelled brutality of the National Socialist regime, they legitimize their own "democratic" parliamentary system, which continues to suffer from the minor defect of having being introduced solely as a result of German defeat in WWII. Dragging crowds of young people through the courtrooms to witness the trials destroys the national pride and self-respect of the young, and thus creates acceptance for Bonn policies, which provide for a complete subordination to American interests. In so doing, the trials contribute greatly to strengthening the post-war New World Order, which is based upon two dogmas: sole German guilt for WWII, and the cruelty of the National Socialist regime (unique in world history, don't forget), a cruelty most clearly expressed in the extermination of the Jews. A perfect example: Dr. Johann Paul Kremer Let us illustrate the above with a particularly notable exemplary case. Dr. Johann Paul Kremer is one of the star witnesses of exterminationist historians; hardly a single work of Holocaust literature appears without mentioning him and his diary entries on Auschwitz. Here are the facts: Kremer, born in 1883, was a professor of medicine at the University of Muenster. From the end of August to the middle of November 1942, he was sent to Auschwitz as the replacement for a camp doctor who had fallen ill. While he was at Auschwitz, he made the diary entries which were later to be quoted thousands of times as proof of genocide. He was then sent back to his university. This means that the Nazis were stupid enough to allow Kremer to witness the mass murders at Auschwitz first hand — they were allegedly in full swing at that time — and then go back and blabber all about it to his students! This is just the first thing to note in considering the credibility of this Holocaust "star witness". The ominous entries are very short, and read as follows (12): "2. Sept. 1942. For the first time outside at 3 o'clock early at a special action. In comparison to this, Dante's Inferno is almost a comedy. It's not for nothing that Auschwitz is called the camp of annihilation!... 5. Sept. 1942. Today after noon at a special action of the F.K.L. (Mohammedans): the most horrible of horrors. Hschf. Thilo — military 104 physician — was right when he told me we were in the anus mundi here. Evening around 8 o'clock again at a special action from Holland. For the special rations given in so doing, consisting of fifth of a litre of brandy, 5 cigarettes, and 100 g sausage and bread, the men volunteer for such actions in droves... F.K.L. meant "Frauenkonzentrationslager" (women's concentration camp) and "Mohammedans" was camp slang for living skeletons. HSCHF stood for "Hauptscharfiihrer", "anus mundi" means "anus of the world" in Fatin. On 12 October, Kremer entrusted his diary with the following entry (13): "Protective inoculation against typhus; afterwards strong general reaction towards evening (fever); nevertheless present in the night at a special action from Holland (1600 persons). Horrible scenes in front of the last bunker. This was the 10th special action." It might be noted that Kremer did not destroy his diary after the war, but rather allowed it to fall intact into the hands of the British. According to Holocaust literature, the "special actions" were gassings. The "last bunker" was accordingly one of the two bunkers designated as farm houses in Birkenau (the red and white house), which are supposed to have been used as gassing stations before the erection of the Birkenau crematoria. The doctor himself confirmed this version of the facts before a Polish court in Krakow in 1947 (after the British handed him over to the poles). He was accused of having participated in gassing a group of women. He was sentenced to death, then the sentence was commuted into life imprisonment. In 1958, he was finally [released?] due to his advanced age and good conduct. Soon afterwards, he was hauled into court in the BRD and sentenced to ten year's imprisonment for aiding and abetting murder, which sentence he was, however, considered to have already served. At the age of 80, Kremer took the stand on 4 July 1964 during the Auschwitz Trial and confirmed this story once again. The Holocaust scribblers rely upon such confessions, and argue that the criminals could not have disputed the murders in the gas chambers anyway. A very convincing discussion of the Kremer case was provided by Robert Faurisson in his work Memoire en defense (14): The following is his discussion summarized in a few points: - Auschwitz could easily have been called the "camp of annihilation" in late summer of 1942 even without gas chambers and mass murders, since typhus was claiming 300 victims a day at that time; - no gassing can have been meant by "special action", since Kremer writes that it took place "outside". (Several Holocaust scribblers, for examples, Wellers, Klarsfeld and Poliakov, have revealingly deleted this word in their reproduction of the dairy entries.) The words "last bunker" cannot possibly have meant one of the two Birkenau farmhouses, otherwise Kremer would have spoken of the "second" bunker, and not the "last" one; 105 - in reality, the special action could have consisted of cleaning dirty train carriages after the arrival of new inmates. Special rations were distributed for such unpleasant work; - Kremer must have attended about 30 executions during his time at Auschwitz. The horrid scenes could have involved something of this nature. - that Kremer confirmed the reported gassings before his Polish judges is easily explained: he wanted to save his life, and finally succeeded. If he had disputed the official version, he would inevitably have been hanged; - even his testimony at the Auschwitz Trial was given on understandably opportunist grounds: at the age of eighty, he simply had no desire to spend the last years of his life behind bars, which is what would presumably have happened to him if he had disputed the gassings. This is how the confessions came to be given. In any case, Kremer mentions gassings expressly in his diary at one point (entry of 1 September): "afternoon at the gassing of a block with Zyklon B against lice." Not even Holocaust literature has ever claimed that "lice" is just a camouflage term for "Jews". At least not yet! The father of the Auschwitz lie If one were to bestow the disreputable title of "Father of the Auschwitz Lie", Dr. Rudolf Vrba, today a retired university professor in Vancouver, Canada, would have justifiable claim to that honour. As a young man, the Slovakian Jew was deported to Auschwitz, where he succeeded in escaping on 7 April 1944 with his compatriot and fellow Jew Alfred Wetzler. Together with the testimonies of Czeslow Mordowicz, Arnost Rosin, and Jerzy Tabeau, a report by Vrba and Wetzler appeared in the WRB report of November 1944. A careful examination of the Vrba-Wetzler report leads to the conclusion that the two Slovakian Jews never laid eyes on the interior of the crematoria where the gas chambers are supposed to have been located. In particular, they describe the Kremas II and III of Birkenau (designated I and II in the report) as follows (15): "From the midst of the oven room, a gigantic chimney rises into the sky. Around are 9 ovens with 4 openings each. Every opening takes 3 normal bodies at once, which are fully burnt within one a half hours... On the flat roof are 3 openings, which can be hermetically sealed from the outside by means of lids. From the gas chamber, rails lead through the hall to the oven room... After 3 minutes, everyone in the chamber is dead... The chambers are then ventilated, aired, and the Sonderkommando takes the bodies on railway cars to the oven room, where the cremation takes place." First, the two Kremas didn't have "9 ovens with 4 openings each", but rather, five three-muffle ovens; secondly, there were no "3 windows which can be hermetically sealed from the outside by means of lids" on the roof of the morgue I (the "gas 106 chamber"); third, there were never any "rails" to the oven room, but rather, an elevator, since the ovens were located on the floor above. In addition to all these obvious errors, the Vrba-Wetzler report contains a number of other gross errors. With great probability, the two authors received their "information" from members of the Resistance, who never had access to the Kremas. In 1964, Vrba published his book I Cannot Forgive (6). On pages 10 to 13, he describes the gassing of Krakow Jews in great detail; this is supposed to have taken place in Krema II of Birkenau in January 1943 in honour of Heinrich Himmler, then visiting Auschwitz. If Vrba had studied the Holocaust literature somewhat more carefully, he would have known that Krema II was not opened in January 1943 for the first time, but in March 1943 (17); Himmler visited Auschwitz in July 1942 for the last time (18). In his book, Vrba replaces the "rails" leading to the oven room with "special elevators" (in reality, there was only one elevator). The cremation time for 3 bodies in one muffle shrinks down to 20 minutes in contrast to the WRB report. This is an absolute physical impossibility, but it accords with the testimony of Rudolf Hoss. There is no longer any mention of three openings in the roof, but only one. Vrba has also "improved" his testimony as compared to his 1944 testimony on a number of other points. As emphasized by Robert Faurisson (19), it took fully 40 years before any Jewish "eyewitness to the gas chambers" was subjected to cross examination in any trial, as would be the case in any ordinary murder trial to start with. Until that year, these swindlers were free to tell their lies before a court, give presentations and interviews, one after the other, as much as they liked, without any need to answer any embarrassing questions: who would dare torment people with awkward questions? After all, they've suffered so much and only escaped death by a miracle! In 1985, in Toronto, Canada, Rudolf Vrba appeared as star witness in the first trial of a German Canadian, Ernst Zirndel, indicted on the basis of a complaint from a Jewish organization by the name of the Holocaust Remembrance Association for dissemination of a revisionist text. Vrba was mercilessly cross-examined by Ziindel's combative defence lawyer Douglas Christie; here are some excerpts from the cross- examination. First Christie asks Vrba about the Himmler visit described in his book ( 21 ): Q: I would like to ask you whether you mean to say that you actually saw him arrive in January 1943, or is this only... A: In September 1943 or January? Q: Now, in the book it says January 1943. A: No, I saw him in July 1943, and then once in 1943 [sic!]. Q: But here it says January 1943. A: Then that's an error. Q: An error? A: Yes. Q: But you saw him arrive on this occasion? A: The first time I saw him arrive, because he was as close to me as you are. Q: He was as close to you as I am now? A: About. Q: I understand. And you were... A: He came a step closer to be polite [!]. 107 Q: Uh-hum. A? But the second time I saw him in a car, the same as the first time. He drove a black Mercedes and was all surrounded by his subordinates who used to accompany him. I saw him only from about 600 yards away, and I heard it was him, but he didn't come up to me this time, to shake my hand and introduce himself [!]. Perhaps it was him, perhaps it was only a representative, and I do not believe that that makes a big difference... Q: And you want to tell this Court that you actually saw Heinrich Himmler peeking through the door of a gas chamber, isn't that right? A: No, I didn't say I was present when he peeked through the door of the gas chamber, but I put together a story which I had heard several times from various people, who were present had told me all about it... There were many Sonderkommando and SS men with him. Q: Were you there? A: No, I was in the quarantine camp at that time, and I talked with a number of them and hear, and I know that every unfortunate victim had to wait a long time for the gassing, because the big shots don't die that fast, so they had to wait in the gas chamber. Q: But in your book you write that you had seen everything, and you don't mention that you heard the story from other people. A: But in this special case I told what I heard from other people. Vrba still insisted that he had seen 1,765,000 Jews disappear into the crematoria with his own eyes; this included 150,000 French Jews. Christie mentioned that a total of slightly more than 75,000 French Jews were deported from France, to which Vrba asked "Where did you get that figure? From the Nazi newspapers?" Christie replied calmly that he didn't get them from the Nazi newspapers, but from the standard work on the subject by the French Jew Serge Klarsfeld (22). The debacle of arch liar Vrba was a turning point in the legal demolition of the Holocaust. Except for the Demjanjuk trial in Jerusalem, at which five liars swore they watched the Ukrainian drive hundreds of thousands of people into the gas chambers with his own hands (23) — the evidence was so poor that Demjanjuk finally had to be acquitted — no "eyewitnesses to the gas chambers" have dared to testify in court since 1985. Ernst Ziindel was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment in 1985 and then 9 months imprisonment on appeal in 1988; the basis for the charge was a law against "spreading false news". In August 1992, the Supreme Court of Canada acquitted him and declared the "false news" law unconstitutional. There are two excellent books on the Ziindel trial, which are highly recommended to anyone interested in the Holocaust (24,25). The "murder weapon" Zyklon B: refutation of the lie Death sentences have been carried out with hydrocyanic acid in the United States since 1924; the active ingredient of Zyklon B is hydrocyanic acid. The execution of a single convict with this poison gas is a complicated matter. The gas chamber must be hermetically sealed to perfection, otherwise the execution will become a gamble with death for penitentiary personnel and witnesses. Fig. VIII shows the door of a US gas 108 chamber. The adjacent illustration, Fig. IX, shows the doors of the gas chamber of the main camp of Auschwitz. These pictures speak volumes. The sealing of the death chamber and the disposal of the gas would be an impossibility, and the first mass gassing would have turned into a catastrophe for the SS. The practical dangers of the use of hydrocyanic acid are revealed in the following report, which appeared in the local newspaper, the Boeblinger Bote of 16 November 1995 (and no doubt in other newspapers as well): "Pest Exter mi nators in Botch Job "Three local residents were nearly asphyxiated while an infestation of wood worm survived intact. This was the final score of a completely botched vermin extermination job in a church in a Croatian holiday resort of Lovran in Rijeka. Several hundred residents of the area had to be evacuated due to the pest exterminators' botched job. "The exterminators attempted to eradicate woodworm in the church of the Holy Jurjaj using highly toxic gas in Lovran during the night. Improper hermetic sealing of the church, however, allowed the gas to penetrate surrounding houses in which people were asleep. 'Due to the sudden onset of nausea, the people fortunately woke up immediately. Only this rescued them from certain death', the local newspaper Vecemij reported. 'Nevertheless, three residents suffered from severe intoxication. The Mayor decided to evacuate the area. The pest exterminators were arrested, and the woodworm survived.'" Robert Faurisson was the first to describe the technical impossibility of the mass gassings in the areas designated as gas chambers with Zyklon B, as testified to by eyewitnesses (26). The following sentence is a clear statement of the core of Faurisson's argument (27): "If the Nazi gas chambers were to work at all, they would have needed the following: absolutely perfect hermetic sealing; a special introduction and distribution system for the gas; a fantastic ventilation system to eliminate the gas from the chambers after the mass murders; a system to neutralize the exhausted gases; and then, quite separately, a device, incredibly clever in design and construction, to eliminate the gas which would adhere stubbornly to the bodies, making touching and carrying them a deadly business. The ventilation and exhaustion of cyanide gas is very time-consuming and difficult. It adheres to the human body, and penetrates the skin so easily that it would be hazardous to touch the body of a person killed with high concentrations of cyanide gas with the bare hands. Contact through the skin alone may lead to intoxication." These technical considerations refute all "eyewitness reports" on mass gassings with Zyklon B without exception. That the inventors of the gas chamber lie had no knowledge of chemistry and made the mistake of choosing an insecticide as the murder weapon, was to prove a fateful error. First, an assembly line murder of human beings utilizing this poison gas in the areas designated as the "gas chambers" at Auschwitz would be impossible for technical reasons. In addition, the use of Zyklon 109 B in these premises, if any such had occurred, could be proven by a chemical analysis of samples taken from the masonry, even today. The masonry samples would contain significant quantities of cyanide residues, even after half a century, if mass gassings had really taken place in the areas indicated as homicidal gas chambers. But significant concentrations of cyanide residues are entirely absent (see the following article, points a and b). Zyklon B is mentioned in the eyewitness reports, the confessions of the accused, trial records, and history books. The exterminationists would dearly like to forget about it, and substitute something else, but it is too late. The he will stick in their throats, and the liars will choke on their own poison. Notes: 1) Ernst Nolte, Streitpunkte , Propylaen, 1993. 2) Enrique Aynat, Estudios... 3) Martin Gilbert, Auschwitz und die Aliierten, C.H. Beck, Muenich, 1982. 4) As reported by Pressac, the Struthof camp alone contained 40 to 50,000 Hungarian Jews after the war who had been deported in 1944 via Auschwitz (Les crematoires... p. 147). 5) The complete text of the WRB report is reproduced in Enrique Aynat's Los protocolos de Auschwitz: Unafuente historic a? , Garcia Hisp an, Alicante, 1990. 6) Excerpts from the testimonies of these men are reproduced in our book Auschwitz ... 7) Rupert Butler, Legions of Death, Arrows Book Limited, 1983, p. 235 ff. 8) Nuremberg document 3868-PS. 9) See the entries on Belzec and Treblinka in the Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust. 10) Der Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegverbrecher vor dem Internationalen Militaergerichtshof. Published at Nuremberg, Germany. Photomechanical reprinting by Delphin Verlag, 1984, introduction to volume I. 11) Nuremberg trial transcript IMT VII p. 469 (German text). 12) Quoted according to Robert Faurisson, Memoire en defense. La Vieille Taupe, 1980 p. 124. 13) Ibid, p. 35. 14) See note 12. 110 15) Quoted according to Enrique Aynat, Los protocolos... appendix I. 16) Published by Bantam in 1964. 17) See, in this regard, any book of Holocaust literature, for example, Hilberg, p. 946. 18) See, for example, Pressac, Les crematoires, p. 43/44. 19) Faurisson in Gauss, Grundlagen, p. 99 ff. 20) Richard Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die? reproduced in the book of the same name by Barbara Kulaszka; see following note. 21) Vrba's testimony appears in the trial record of the first Ziindel trial in Toronto, 1985, p. 1,244 ff; excerpts from it are reproduced in our book Auschwitz... p. 251 ff. 22) Klarsfeld, Le memorial... 23) On the Demjanjuk trial, see for example, Hans Peter Rullman, Der Fall Demjanjuk, Verlag fur ganzheitliche Forschung und Kultur, 1987. 24) Robert Fenski, Der Holocaust vor Gericht, Samisdat, Toronto, 1993. 25) Barbara Kulaszka, Did Six Million Really Die?, Samisdat, Toronto, 1992. 26) See, in this regard, Serge Thion, Verite historique ou verite politique?, Fa Vielle Taupe, 1980. The book was written by Thion in collaboration with Robert Faurisson. It appeared in 1995 under the title Historisclie Wahrheit oderpolitische Wahrheit?, published by the Verlag der Freunde, Berlin. The French original version contains a long interview with Robert Faurisson, given in August 1979 to the Italian periodical Storia Illustrata. 27) According to Robert Faurisson in his introduction to our book Der Holocaust Schwindel, Guideon Burg, 1993, p. ix. Ill CHAPTER XI AUSCHWITZ: SCIENTIFIC STUDIES OF THE CRIME SCENE The Leuchter Report During Ernst Ziindel's appeal trial (1988) Ziindel and Faurisson assigned the US gas chamber specialist Fred Feuchter, responsible for the construction of the gas chambers for the execution of criminals as used in several states, to write a report on the areas designated as gas chambers in Auschwitz I, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Majdanek. Feuchter flew to Poland with a small crew in February 1988, and made the necessary examinations in the former concentration camps. He then drew up the Feuchter Report, the first forensic report on the murder weapon in the "greatest mass murder of history" (1). The conclusions were divided into three principal sections: - the "gas chambers" were never planned as such, and could not be used as such due to its features of technical construction; - the capacity of the crematoria would have been insufficient to cremate more than a small fraction of the alleged victims; - the analysis of mortar samples taken from the walls of the "gas chambers" (and analysed, not by Feuchter, but by an independent laboratory chemist named James Roth) showed no significant quantities, or insignificantly small quantities, of cyanide residue; the findings of the analysis did however indicate an enormously high cyanide content in a sample taken from a delousing chamber at Birkenau, a chamber which is acknowledged to have been simply a delousing chamber. The Feuchter Report does have undeniable weak points; for example, he erroneously states that the "gas chambers" possessed no ventilation system, and his data on the crematory capacity is faulty, since he had no competence in that field. The exterminationists could have exploited these weaknesses in the Feuchter Report, but neglected to do so due to a lack of competence on their part. They therefore directed their attacks chiefly against Feuchter personally. Although the Feuchter report is out of date, its effectiveness as an ice-breaker can hardly be overestimated, since it inspired the later, much more detailed, report by Germar Rudolf. 112 The Rudolf Report Germar Rudolf, a certified chemist employed at the Max-Planck Institut, has verified the Leuchter Report in a detailed report of his own (2). He came to the conclusion that the alleged mass gassings in Auschwitz could not have occurred due to technical construction features and chemistry. a) A study of the technical construction features Examinations of the technical construction are principally concerned with the alleged Zyklon B introduction holes in the areas designated as "execution chambers" in Krematorium I (main camp) as well as II and III (Birkenau) of Auschwitz. Pressac assumes that the crematoria were originally designed without criminal intent, i.e., planned only for the cremation of corpses, particularly the victims of epidemic disease. The gas chambers are alleged to have been installed there only later, by piercing Zyklon introduction holes in the roofs of the morgues. As usual, the "proof" of these assertions consisted of the usual contradictory eyewitness testimonies. In the autumn of 1944, after having been put out of operation in July 1943, Krematorium I of the main camp was converted into an air raid shelter through the installation of a few partitions. The Zyklon B introduction holes are supposed to have been sealed at that time. After the end of the war, the officials of the Auschwitz Museum attempted to "recreate" the original conditions, but in so doing, they made so many mistakes that the French magazine L'Express (25 January 1995) commented angrily that "everything in it is a fake". For example, the washrooms adjoining the original morgue ("gas chamber") were incorporated into the new, reconstructed museum "gas chamber", presumably to make it bigger and more terrifying. During the reconstruction, the "Zyklon B introduction holes" visible today were also broken through the roof, but not in the original locations, which are alleged to be unknown. If any other openings had ever existed in the reinforced concrete ceiling, there would have been visible damage to the concrete structure of the unplastered ceiling at the corresponding locations. No such previously existing, but now sealed, Zyklon B introduction holes exist. The "Zyklon B introduction ports" testified to by "eyewitnesses" never existed; therefore Zyklon B poison gas could not have been introduced in the manner described. Allied air photos are often produced as evidence of the existence of Zyklon B introduction holes in the roofs of morgue I of Krematoria II and III at Birkenau — the buildings containing the alleged "gas chambers". But to the critical observer, it is obvious that the "shadows" on the roofs of morgues I of both crematoria could not have been caused by Zyklon B introduction holes: - the alignment of the shadows is not consistent with the alignment of the shadows of the crematory chimneys; - on a picture taken on 13 September 1944, the spots on Krematorium III retain their initial direction and shape, although the sun has changed position; - in the same picture, the spots on the morgue I of Krema III are missing; 113 - the length of the shadows indicate that they were thrown by objects 3 to 4 metres higher than the roof and 1.5 metres wide, i.e., that they are the shadows of large chimneys; they are not, however, the shadows of the Zyklon B introduction ports with lids existing at the present time, which are approximately 50 cm high; - the only two holes to be found in the ceiling of morgue I of Krema II are entirely different, in both location and size. Both the above mentioned holes bear visible chisel marks along the edges, an indication that the holes were broken through the roof at a later time. Furthermore, one of the holes is completely intact, although it should have been totally destroyed when the building was blown up by the SS in early 1945. In addition, the reinforcement rods mnning through the hole have not been removed, so that their use as Zyklon introduction ports is impossible. It is absolutely certain that these holes were made after the end of the war, to create the illusion of Zyklon B introduction holes. To summarize, it is therefore established that there was no way to introduce the poison gas into the alleged gas chambers of Krematoria I and II and III at Auschwitz and Birkenau in the manner described by the witnesses. Faurisson is right when he says, "No holes, no Holocaust." All other considerations relating to the chemistry of the alleged "mass murders with poison gas" are, therefore, simply theoretical exercises. b) The chemical analyses First a few remarks on hydrocyanic acid. Hydrocyanic acid must be used in high concentrations (1 % by volume) for several hours' application time to kill the most resistant lice, larvae and eggs with certainty and without special technology. If, however, special technology (circulation procedure) is utilized, enabling the gas to penetrate the minutest cracks and borders of the clothing to be fumigated, the process can be performed in considerably shorter periods of time and with lower concentrations (0.5% by volume and one hour exposure). This is the only procedure comparable to the gassing of human beings. Human beings are warm-blooded, and more susceptible to hydrocyanic acid gas than insects, in addition to which the hydrocyanic acid gas reaches the victims in an execution gas chamber immediately. Executions in the USA have showed that the victim may take more than 15 minutes to die {The News and Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina, 19 June 1994). Zyklon B insecticide releases its gas slowly, especially when the ambient air is saturated with humidity, as it must have been if the room was cram-packed with human beings. In such cases, the preparation would only have given off 5 - 10% of its content after 10 minutes, 20 - 30% after half an hour, and 50% of its content after one hour (see, in this regard, R. Irmscher, Zeitschrift fUr hygienische Zoologie und Schadlingsbekampfling, 1942, p. 36). To kill the victims in a few minutes in accordance with the eyewitness testimonies would have required ridiculously large quantities of Zyklon. Under these circumstances, the area would have been exposed to very high concentrations of hydrocyanic acid, comparable to those of a delousing 114 chamber. Furthermore, a ventilation of the chambers could only have taken place many hours after complete release of all the gas. Thus, the exposure times and contact concentrations between the poison gas and the walls of the chamber would have corresponded to those of the delousing chamber. Hydrocyanic acid forms a extremely stable pigment (ferric-ferrocyanide) with the iron-bearing components of the masonry itself. This pigment decomposes over time, but in a period comparable to the decomposition of the masonry itself, as shown by long-term experiments over decades. High concentrations of cyanide compounds can still be found in the delousing chambers of Birkenau and Majdanek. Cases in which extensive damage has been caused by these ferric-ferrocyanide compounds during gassings with hydrocyanic acid gas to destroy vermin are reported in the technical literature (for example, G. Zimmermann, Bauschaeden Sammlung, Band 4, Forum- Verlag, Stuttgart 1981, p. 120 ff.). Analyses of samples from the alleged gas chambers, professional delousing chambers, and other buildings at Auschwitz have shown that the delousing chambers are the only structures to exhibit significant, or even extremely high, residues of hydrocyanide compounds. It therefore appears certain that, due to the technical construction features of the alleged "execution gas chambers", especially Krematoria II and III — (humid, cool cellar areas; entry into operation shortly after construction; alkaline, highly-absorbant cement plaster; mediocre ventilation), as well as the conditions described by eyewitnesses (use of very high cyanide concentrations) — that cyanide residues similar to those found in the delousing chambers should have formed precisely in the areas designated as "homicidal gas chambers", if mass gassings had really taken place. But no significant residues are found there. This leads to the inescapable conclusion that no mass gassings of human beings ever took place in the areas in question. So much for Rudolfs conclusions. While the exterminationists have never even attempted to examine Rudolfs arguments relating to technical construction features, they have made all sorts of clumsy attempts to counter his chemical demonstrations. Their favourite argument is that the victims inhaled the entire quantity of hydrocyanic acid before they died (3). The Third Reich must obviously have possessed remote- controlled, heat-seeking hydrocyanic acid molecules which shot directly into the mouths and nostrils of the victims upon orders from the SS, and never even came into contact with the walls of the chamber (4). Moreover, the granulate, as noted above, continues to release its poisonous vapour for at least two hours; but according to the eyewitnesses, all the victims were dead after half an hour at most. Did the corpses continue to inhale the gas for another hour and a half? The objections raised against Rudolfs expert report by a chemist named Dr. Josef Bailer (5) were answered by Rudolf personally (6), so that interested persons may compare the arguments on both sides. In the absence of any conclusive arguments, the exploiters of the gas chamber legend could only resort to a personal vendetta against Rudolf. On the order of the Central 115 Jewish Council, he was fired from the Max-Planck Institut and sentenced to 14 months imprisonment for insulting Jews, slandering the dead, incitement to racial hatred, and other Kafkaesque points of the indictment (7). On the prior history of the trial, see the brochure by Wilhelm Schlesinger (8), as well as Rudolfs own account, published two years later (9); both accounts show how "free democracy" deals with independent thinkers with critical minds. In May 1996, Rudolf received a summons to appear for another trial, against the publishers and authors of the Grabert anthology Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte. But Rudolf had already turned his back on the "freest state in German history". c) Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana: the crematoria The last large gap in technical holocaust research was filled by the Italian researcher Carlo Mattogno. Mattogno studied the following: - the real maximum capacity of the crematoria in view of the operating time periods (due to technical defects, the installations were in constant need of overhaul, so that all five crematoria never functioned simultaneously at any time); - the coke deliveries to the Auschwitz crematoria; the quantities of coke delivered are known with absolute certainty for most of the camp's existence; since we know the average coke required for the cremation of one body, the maximum number of cremations may be calculated for any given period; - the fact that the fire-resistant refractory brick masonry in the crematory ovens was never replaced, which would have been necessary after 3,000 cremations at the most. - the technical impossibility of mass cremation of corpses in ditches as described by eyewitnesses. Mattogno comes to the conclusion that the crematoria could have cremated 162,000 bodies at most. When we consider that Mattogno estimates the number of Auschwitz victims, based on the available documents, at approximately 170,000 (11), and that many thousands of typhus victims were doubtlessly burned in the open (on pyres, not in ditches), the picture is complete. These studies are conclusive. An anti-revisionist anthology entitled Wahrheit und Auschwitzluge published in 1995 by Simon Wiesenthal, Wolfgang Benz, Wolfgang Neugebauer, Josef Bailer, Brigitte Bailer-Galanda and others, fails to mention these studies with so much as a single line. Only that corpses in Auschwitz burnt "all by themselves", as testified by that incredible Holocaust survivor, Henryk Tauber. John Ball's Evaluation of the air photos From December 1943, the Auschwitz camp complex was photographed repeatedly by Allied reconnaissance planes (doubtless due to its economic significance: Monowitz camp, east of the main camp, was the location of branches of numerous firms, of 116 which IG Farben was the most well-known). Several of these photos fall into time periods during which, according to the eyewitnesses, mass murders were being carried on. The most important photo is dated 31 March 1944 (Fig. XXX). At that time, the extermination of Hungarian Jews was supposed to be running full tilt: 400,000 people are supposed to have been gassed between May and July and, for the most part, burnt in the open. None of the events reported by eyewitnesses is visible in the photo. There are no lines of people waiting before the crematoria; no gigantic, blazing fires; no smoke-blackened sky. There is no sign of the gigantic piles of wood and coke which would have been necessary for the cremation of 400,000 corpses in less than two months. The Canadian air photo specialist John Ball has worked on the evaluation of the photos (13). His studies administer the coup de grace to a focal point of the Auschwitz legend, the alleged extermination of the Hungarian Jews. Notes: 1) Fred Leuchter, The Leuchter Report, Focal Point Publications, 1989, available from Samisdat Publishers, 206 Carlton St. Toronto, Canada, an abridged German translation appeared in Heft 36 of the Historische Tatsachen, but was prohibited by the "freest state in German history". 2) Rudolf, Gutachten... An abridged version appeared in the Gauss-anthology Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte. 3) This nonsense, among other things, was delivered by Klara Obermueller in her introduction to a talk by Deborah Lipstadt on Holocaust denial" at the University of Zurich on 1 June 1994. 4) Faurisson speaks of "molecules with heat-seeking warheads". 5) Brigitte Bailer-Galanda, Wolfgang Benz and Wolfgang Neugebauer (publishers, Wahrheit und Auschwitzluege, Deuticke, Vienna 1995). 6) Herbert Verbeke (publisher), Kardinalfragen zur Zeitgeschichte, Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, Postbus 60, B-2600 Berchem-2, Belgium, 1996, p. 93 ff. 7) Trial of Germar Rudolf in Stuttgart 1994/1995, Atkenzeichen 17 KLs 83/94. 8) Wilhelm Schlesinger, Der Fall Rudolf, Cromwell Press, 1994. 9) Kardinalfragen... (see note 6). 10) Mattogno/Deana in Gauss, Grundlagen... op. cit. 11) ibid, p. 305/307. 117 12) see note 5. 13) John Ball, Airphoto evidence , Ball Resources Service, 1992, available from Samisdat Publishers, (see note 1). 118 CHAPTER XII THE OTHER "EXTERMINATION CAMPS" Preliminary remarks After disposing of the core of the Holocaust lie — the Auschwitz lie — we can deal with the other five "extermination camps". Not so much has been written about them, so a considerably shorter discussion will suffice. Majdanek, according to most Holocaust historians, was a combination work and extermination camp, and to this extent comparable to Auschwitz. By contrast, Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka and Belzec are all alleged to have been pure "death factories". These camps are supposed to have been dismantled by the Germans without a trace, even before the end of the war, and all evidence destroyed. This is supposed to be why there are [no?] documents: the Germans destroyed them! Let us run through the list very briefly. Majdanek Majdanek, a large work camp, lay immediately on the edge of the city of Lublin, after which it was named; the name "Majdanek" was initially used only by the Poles. The figures of murdered Jews quoted for Majdanek fluctuate between 50,000 and 1.38 million (1). A few Holocaust writers, for example, Gerald Reitlinger (2) and Wolfgang Benz (3) do not even consider it an extermination camp. In fact, the gas chambers there are only defended in a lukewarm manner. That the premises still shown to tourists as "gas chambers" today were nothing of the kind, has been irrefutably shown by Germar Rudolf (4). The camp is really not worth wasting much of our time. Chelmno At Chelmno, in western Poland, 1.35 million Jews are supposed to have been murdered, according to the Jewish Year book (volume 47, p. 398); 400,000 according to Claude Lanzmann (5); 300,000 according to Wolfgang Scheffler (6); 150,000 according to Raul Hilberg (7). That none of the authors makes even the slightest attempt to prove the figures cited, is quite normal practice. In Chelmno, the murders are supposed to have been carried out exclusively by means of "gas vans". The whole extermination camp stands and falls with the existence or 119 non-existence of the gas vans. The evidence for their existence will be discussed in the next chapter. Sobibor Sobibor is mentioned in a short exchange of correspondence between Heinrich Himmler and the Inspector of Concentration Camps, Richard Glucks from 1943. Glucks suggested converting Sobibor into a "concentration camp". Himmler rejected this suggestion on 5 July 1943 (8). So what kind of camp was it? The exterminationists say it was an extermination camp. The number of victims is generally estimated at 200,000 to 250,000 victims. With regards to the murder weapon, it took decades for the ruling cliques in the world to decide which one it was. One of the eyewitnesses, a Soviet Jew named Alexander Pechersky, described the mass murders as follows (9): "At first glance, as one entered, it like a normal shower: hot and cold taps for running water, wash basins... as soon as everyone was inside, the doors slammed shut with a loud noise. Out of holes in the ceiling, a heavy, blackish substance poured down in spiral shapes..." To drown out the pitiful cries of the victims, the Germans at Sobibor kept a flock of geese [!] which were made to quack (or whatever noise it is that is made by geese), very loudly, whenever the blackish substance was introduced (10). Historians were not too hot on this version, so they soon changed it into a gas chamber yarn. According to Poliakov, the murder weapon was a Diesel motor (11); Hilberg replaced the Diesel motor with a gasoline motor (12); the Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust finally put an end to the debate by declaring that the murder weapon was a Diesel motor, and that settles it (13). Sobibor and Chelmno play quite a subordinate role in Holocaust propaganda. The names are often unknown, even to people familiar with contemporary history. Belzec 600,000 Jews are supposed to have been murdered in Belzec between March and December 1942. According to which "historian" you read, between one and five Jews survived the camp (14), so that the monstrous Nazi machine proved itself especially efficient at Belzec. Star witness for the mass murders at Belzec is naturally Kurt Gerstein, who, it will be remembered, reported 20 - 25 million gassing victims, 35 - 40 m high piles of shoes and underwear, and 28 - 32 gas chamber inmates per square metre. Apart from Gerstein, there is only one "witness" to the gas chamber, a Polish Jew named Rudolf Reder, who is supposed to be one of the one to five survivors of the camp. Reder, however, spoke of three million gassing victims at Belzec (15). For decades, the murder weapon at Belzec was supposed to have been a Diesel motor. During the initial development phase of the Holocaust yarn, nevertheless, all sorts of imaginable variants on this tale were current, ranging from Dr. Stefan Szende's submergible platforms to Jan Karski's quicklime cars, and even an electrical oven mentioned by Abraham Silberschein (16). All these tales have since disappeared into the rubbish bin of history. 120 Treblinka For the largest of the "pure extermination camps", the exterminationists throw numbers around ranging from 750,000 to 3,000,000. At the Jerusalem trial of John Demjanjuk (17), there was talk of 875,000. According to the classic book Die Holle von Treblinka by the Soviet Jew Vassily Grossman (18), the following methods of murder were used: - suffocation of the victims by pumping air out of the death chambers. This technically quite impossible horror story — the chambers would have collapsed due to the underpressure — immediately disappeared from the arsenal of the Holocaust propagandists; - baking the victims with hot steam. This variant was decided upon by the Nuremberg tribunal on 14 December 1945 (Nuremberg Document PS-3311); - killing them with Diesel exhaust gas. This variant pushed the others off the stage of history. In February 1946, a Jew named Samuel Rajzman testified at Nuremberg that, in Treblinka, there were three, later, however, another ten additional gas chambers (Nuremberg trial transcript IMT VIII p. 361, German text). Since then, the exterminationists no longer wish to hear anything about the "steam chambers" (also described at Nuremberg three months earlier), or the air-pumping vacuum chambers, or the chlorine executions and assembly line shootings at Treblinka, of which there was some talk for a while (19). As at Chelmno, Sobibor and Belzec, the bodies at Treblinka are supposed to have been buried in mass graves, but dug up in 1943 and cremated without a trace under the open sky. The Israeli "specialist" Y. Arad reported (20). "The men responsible for the cremations noted immediately that the bodies burnt well, even without additional fuel." This method is supposed to have been developed by a technically ingenious SS man by the name of Herbert Floss, who is said to have discovered that old bodies of fat women burnt best. He then used these ideally combustible cadavers as fuel for the others (21). It is unfortunate that this efficient method of corpse destruction has not yet been discovered by the inhabitants of the Indian sub-continent, who have chopped down a large part of their forests just to burn corpses. Perhaps the reason for it is that bodies only burn by themselves under the SS system of hatred and violence; under "free-democratic" conditions, they just won't burn by themselves, due to their high water content (over 60%). According to documentation drawn up during the war by Jewish groups, there were 10 gas chambers in Treblinka, which could hold a total of 6,000 men at a time. The path to these death chambers was surrounded by hedges and only 1.5 m wide (22), which means, that only two men could march side by side. Assuming an interval of half a metre between every person marching and the person in front, this would mean a line of people waiting 2 kilometres long! According to Adalbert Riickerl, the former director of the Ludwigsburg Central Office for the Prosecution of NS Crimes, there 121 were only 35 to 40 SS men employed at Treblinka (23), which means that each SS man was responsible for at least 150 Jews! Fortunately, the Jews proved unusually cooperative; instead of running away or overpowering the pair of SS men, they marched, according to a witness at the Diisseldorf Treblinka Trial, "naked and meekly into the gas chamber" (24). During the Jerusalem trial against John Demjanjuk, Treblinka returned to the spotlight of the world's attention. Demjanjuk, a US citizen of Ukranian-origin and automobile worker, was extradited from the United States in violation of all democratic procedures to Israel, where he was hauled before the court as "Ivan the Terrible", murderer of hundreds of thousands at Treblinka. Five Jewish "eyewitnesses" swore they had seen him pushing Jews into the gas chambers after cutting off their ears, cutting women's breasts off with a sword, and cutting open the stomachs of pregnant women with a sword. Demjanjuk was first sentenced to death, but was acquitted on appeal for lack of proof, and released in September 1993; once again proving the "credibility" of such eyewitnesses (25). The scientific studies a) Friedrich Paul Berg's study of the murder weapon The alleged murder weapon in the four pure extermination camps, the Diesel motor, has been studied chiefly by the German-American engineer Friedrich Paul Berg (26). Berg clearly shows the technical absurdity of the Diesel motor legend: It is, of course, not impossible, as some revisionists have erroneously reported, to kill people with Diesel exhaust, but it is tedious and considerably inefficient, because these exhaust gases are very poorly suited as murder weapons due to their high oxygen and very low carbon monoxide content. While a gasoline motor can easily produce exhaust with a carbon monoxide content of seven percent or more, a Diesel motor cannot even produce a carbon monoxide concentration of one percent, even if the motor is incorrectly adjusted to increase the carbon monoxide content. Ironically, the introduction of Diesel exhaust gases into a chamber cram-packed with people would only prolong the death struggle of the victims, since these gases contain an oxygen content of approximately 16%, which is sufficient for survival. Instead of introducing the exhaust gas, the executioners could have simply allowed them to suffocate. In any case, all the available oxygen would have been breathed up before the carbon monoxide took effect! Any gasoline motor, not to mention the gas generators already mentioned elsewhere, would have been incomparably more efficient as a murder weapon than a Diesel. Exactly like the Zyklon B story, the Diesel story was quite obviously invented by technical morons — to the detriment of the exterminationists, since the Diesel motor story is in the history books, and there's no way to make it disappear. b) Arnulf Neumaier's study of the cremations The manner in which the bodies at Treblinka were allegedly disposed of has been studied in detail by the certified engineer Amulf Neumaier (27). Neumaier assumes 122 875,000 bodies, the figure given at the Demjanjuk Trial. For Belzec and Sobibor, where the cremations are supposed to have taken place on the same model, the number of victims mentioned in the following must be reduced correspondingly. To burn 875,000 bodies in the open would have required at least 200 kg wood per corpse, i.e., a total of 195,000 tons. This is equivalent to a forest 6.4 km long and 1 km wide. The cremation actions, which are supposed to have lasted from early March until late August 1943, would have required 2,800 wood cutters per day, assuming that it takes one man to cut down one tree, cut the branches off, and saw it up. According to Holocaust literature, there were only 500 "working Jews" in total at the camp, only 25 of whom, according to a Holocaust survivor named Richard Glazar, were on wood-cutting detail, i.e., less than 1 1/2% of the number required. Deforested terrain of the corresponding size does not, and did not, exist in the vicinity of Treblinka; the transport of 195,000 tons of wood to the camp would certainly have been noted in the records of the Reichsbahn, if the wood had been brought from someplace else. Further, the 875,000 bodies would have left 2,900 tons of ashes in addition to 1,000 tons of wood ash. These ashes would have contained millions of unburnt pieces of bone, in addition to 20 to 30 million teeth — even if we assume that each of the 875,000 victims lacked one tooth on average. If the Soviets and the Poles had found only a fraction of these ashes, bones, and teeth, they would have drummed an international commission together with a huge blare of propaganda, and the entire world would have been presented with the proof of German bestiality. So why didn't they? What were the "pure extermination camps" in reality? Quite undisputedly, hundreds of thousands of Jews were deported to Treblinka after the defeat of the revolt in the Warsaw Ghetto revolt alone. What kind of camp was Treblinka? Revisionists assume that it was a transit camp. It couldn't have been an extermination camp in which the arriving Jews were gassed and burned, because of the technical impossibility of mass gassings with carbon monoxide and cremations using the methods described, quite apart from the fact that the "eyewitness testimony" as to the properties of the camp are not in accordance with the air photos. Nor was it a work camp, since it was much too small to hold to these masses of people. (We are speaking here of the "extermination camp", also called Treblinka 2. Hardly three kilometers away lay so-called Treblinka 1, which was quite undisputedly a work camp, and has never played any role in the holocaust literature.) The transit camp theory is also supported by the fact that Jews are known to have been deported from Treblinka to other camps. Holocaust literature even mentions Jews who were transferred from Treblinka to Majdanek (29). Why all these unnecessary transports from one "extermination camp" to another? Presumably, Treblinka served as a transit camp on the way to settlements located further east in the Baltic and White Russia); the existence of these settlements is admitted even by authors like Reitlinger and Hilberg. 123 In our view, Sobibor and Belzec were transit camps, too; this is supported, among other things, by their location in the outermost east of the General Gouvernement. A clue to this possibility, with regards to Belzec, is furnished by a German document dated 17 March 1942, stating that the Jews "were sent over the border and were not to come back" (30). Chelmno was presumably a transit camp, too, and was located in the Warthegau; according to the Korherr report, many Jews were transferred from this area to the Eastern regions. Did the Germans destroy the documents relating to these camps, as stated in Holocaust literature? We cannot exclude this possibility. But if so, why did they carelessly leave all the documentation from Auschwitz and Majdanek just lying around to be captured? It seems much more probable to us that the documents were either destroyed by the Soviets or the Poles, or that they were stored in a safe place because they contradicted the extermination legend. Some interesting revelations may be expected over the coming years. Notes: 1) The first number is named by Lucy Dawidowicz (p. 191) and the second by Raul Hilberg (p. 956). 2) Reitlinger, p. 512. 3) Wolfgang Benz, (publisher), Dimension des Voelkermords, R. Oldenburg, 1991, p. 470. 4) Rudof In Gauss, Grundlagen... p. 276 ff. 5) Claude Lanzmann, Shoa, dtv, 1988, p. 17. 6) Wolfgang Scheffler, Judenvetfolgung im Dritten Reich, Colloquium, 1964, p. 40. 7) Hilberg, p. 956. 8) Nuremberg document NO-482. 9) Alexander Pechersky, La rivolta di Sobibor, in Yuri Suhl, Ed essi si ribellarono, Milan, 1969, p. 31. 10) ibid. 11) Leon Poliakov, Breviare de la Elaine, Editions complexe, Paris, 1986, p. 224. 12) Hilberg, p. 941. 13) Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust, p. 1496. 124 14) Compare, in this regard, the comments on Belzec in the next chapter (Six Million Miracles). 15) Reder's book Belzec (Krakau, 1946) was summarized in Carlo Mattogno in II rapporto Gerstein. Anatomia di unfalso (Sentinella d'ltalia, 1985, p. 129 ff). 16) Compare, in this regard, our book Der Holocaust aufdem Priifstand, 1992, p. 47, ff. 17) On the Demjanjuk trial, see Rullmann. 18) Vassili Grossmann, Die Holle von Treblinka, Verlag firr fremdsprachige Literatur, Moscow, 1946, excerpts quoted in number 44 of Historische Tatsachen. 19) Arnulf Neumaier in Gauss, Grundlagen... op. cit. 20) Yitzhak Arad, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, University Press, Bloomington USA, 1987, p. 174. 21) Jean-Francois Steiner, Treblinka, Die Revolte eines Vernichtungslagers, Gerhard Stalling Verlag, 1966, p. 294 ff. 22) See, in this regard, Neumaier in Gauss, Grundlagen... 23) Adalbert Riickerl, Nationalsoczialistische Vernichtungslager im Spiegel deutscher Strafprozesse, dtv, 1977, p. 206. 24) FAZ, 2 April 1965. 25) Hans Peter Rullmann, Der Fall Demjanjuk, Verlag fuer ganzheitliche Forschung und Kultur, Vioel, 1987. 26) Friedrich Paul Berg in Gauss, Grundlagen... 27) See note 22. 28) Richard Glazar, Die Falle mit dem gruenen Zaun, Fischer, 1992, p. 126. 29) Alexander Donat (publisher), The Death Camp Treblinka, Holocaust Library, New York, 1979, p. 24. 30) Reuter-Memorandum of 17 March 1942, published by Helmut Schwege, Kennzeichen J, Berlin (Ost), 1966, p. 243. 125 CHAPTER XIII THE GAS VANS AND MASS SHOOTINGS The gas vans The so-called gas vans are supposed to have been used for the extermination of Jews in Serbia and Russia, in addition to their use at Chelmno. Kogon/Langbein/Riickerl, in their book Ncitionalsozicilistische Massentotungen durch Giftgas, discuss these vans at considerable length, for a total of 64 pages (1). In reading the above books, the observant reader will note the following inconsistencies: - no physical evidence at all is produced for the existence of these vehicles. There have never been any reports of the capture of such a vehicle, nor its presentation in evidence in any trial. Perhaps this is the reason why no illustration of any gas van ever appears in the literature. - there are only two (alleged) documentary proofs of the existence of the gas vans; - all the other "evidence" consists of "eyewitness testimony". Two leading German revisionists, Ingrid Weckert and Udo Walendy, have made a particular study of the two particular documents which are supposed to prove the existence of the gas vans (2). A detailed study by the French automobile builder Pierre Marais appeared in 1994 (3). Let we consider the first of these two documents. It was introduced at Nuremberg under number PS-501. This is allegedly a letter supposedly written by a Lt. Dr. Becker to Walter Rauff, Leader of Section II D, Technical Matters, of the Reichs Security Main Office (RSHA). The document discusses technical deficiencies in the murder vans. We will quote a couple of sentences from the original text, paying careful attention to the original style of the German (4). "I furthermore order that all men be kept as far away from the van as possible when people are being gassed, so as to avoid endangering their health by possibly out streaming gas. Upon this occasion, I would like to draw your attention to the following: several Kommandos have had the vans unloaded by their own men after the gassing. I have drawn the attention of the commander of the Sonderkommando to the terrible damage to their emotions and health which this work may have later, if not immediately, on the men... Despite this, I will not deviate from this order, since it is feared that prisoners withdrawn 126 for the work may take a suitable opportunity to flee. In order to protect them men from this danger, I request that corresponding orders be issued." [Translator's note: the style of this is impossible to imitate in English.] What German would write like that? The letter is not signed. Instead of a signature, the name Becker is written by typewriter. To the left of the typewritten signature stands the abbreviation (Sgd), which means "signed" in English! Did SS men use English abbreviations when writing letters to each other? The various hand-written umlauts over the letters (a) and (6) leave no doubt about it: the letter is a primitive forgery, probably from an American lie factories. Hardly less pitiful is the second "documentary proof" for the gas vans, an alleged letter from correspondence between the RSHA and the automobile firm Gaubschat. The letter begins as follows (5): "Berlin, 5 July 1942 Einzigste Ausfertigung ["Only copy"] Regarding: technical changes in the special cars used in operation and found in manufacturing themselves [sic]. Since December 1941 for example 97,000 were processed without the appearance of defects in the vehicles." First, in correct German, it ought to read "einzige Ausfertigung" instead of "einzigste Ausfertigung"; and secondly, it ought to say "an den in Herstellung befindlichen" instead of "an den sich in der Herstellung Spezialwagen"; third, no normal person begins a letter with "for example", and fourth: what the devil were they "processing"? So much for the "documentary proofs": What the exterminationists offer us as "proof" in terms of "eyewitness reports", is even more idiotic. Adalbert Riickerl outdoes himself in appealing to eyewitness reports in German trials on the "extermination" camp of Chelmno (6): "These gas vans were large, grey-painted lorries of foreign manufacturer, with closed chassis construction, separated from the driver's compartment, and approximately 2 m wide, 2 m high, and 4 m long... The Sonderkommando had three of these available, two of which were in constant use, and the third used temporarily." According to which historian you read, between 150,000 and 1.35 million Jews were gassed in two — or, temporarily, three — gas vans, with a useful surface area, according to the above, of 16 m2. Riickerl furthermore permits a witness named Johann I. to report as follows: (7): 127 "The gas vans came five or ten times a day, carrying bodies. In the smaller gas vans, there were always an estimated 50 bodies and in the larger, approximately 70 bodies." How could the "witness" have spoken of "smaller" and "larger" vans, when there were only two, or, temporarily, three of them, all the same size? The manner in which the legend arose has been revealed by Ingrid Weckert. In revenge for the German revelation of the Soviet massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest, the Soviets accused German prisoners of war in 1943 of murdering Soviet citizens in gas vans. At the Kharkov and Krasnodar trials, several of the accused were identified by eyewitnesses, and executed. A fatal error was that, according to the witnesses, Diesel exhaust gas was relayed to the interior of the vans. This is why Hans Fritzsche, Assistant to Josef Goebbels in the Propaganda Ministry, testified as follows at Nuremberg (8): "That was the moment when the Russians, after they had captured Kharkov, started legal proceedings, in the course of which killing by gas was mentioned for the first time. I ran to Dr. Goebbels with these reports and asked him just what was going on here. He stated he would have the matter investigated and would discuss it with both Himmler and Hitler. ...Dr. Goebbels explicitly informed me that the gas vans mentioned in the Russian legal proceedings were a pure figment of the imagination and that there was no actual proof to support it." With the death vans, Chelmno disappears from history, because the mass murders are supposed to have been carried out exclusively in these vehicles. The Einsatzgruppen and the "Massacre of Babi Yar" The four Einsatzgruppen were formed after the German preventive attack (9) against the USSR. Their principal task consisted of fighting the partisan bands operating behind the front. Total Einsatzgruppen personnel, including radio operators, drivers, translators, nurses, etc., amounted to a total of only approximately 3,000 persons (10). According to the exterminationists, these were responsible, not only for fighting the partisans, but for the pitiless extermination of all Jews in the conquered Soviet territory. According to the Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust, the Einsatzgruppen killed 1.25 million Jews, and "hundreds of thousands of other Soviet nationalities" by the spring of 1943 alone (11), i.e., a total of least one a half million people. This means that every member of the Einsatzgruppen, including radio operators, drivers, translators, and nurses, would have had to kill an average of 500 Jewish and non- Jewish people each — nearly one a day, if we consider Sundays and holidays. Miraculously, the nearly two million bodies (since the Einsatzgruppen are supposed to have continued murdering people even after the spring of 1943, after all) disappeared without a trace. Under normal circumstances, of course, this is not so. Disposing of the body is the nightmare of every murderer. After the murder of the family of the Russian Czar, the bodies were burnt and acid was thrown on them, but they could still be identified. 128 The Holocaust scholars report (12): "The task of the Sonderkommando... was to open the mass graves, remove the bodies, burn them, and scatter the ashes. According to the above, the murder victims were first buried, then dug up again later, and then burnt! But the former location of mass graves can be identified by aerial photographs quite easily, even years later, due to the disturbance in the terrain. Even if the Germans had succeeded in burning two million bodies and eliminating the bone fragments and teeth, the location of the mass graves could still be found. Where are they? Thus, there is no physical evidence of the two million murders on the Eastern front. The documentary evidence consists of the "Event Reports" from the Einsatzgruppen in the USSR to the RSHA in Berlin. These reports are alleged to have been found by the Allies in the RSHA files after the war. According to the exterminationists, the reason why no documents on the gas chambers have ever been found, is because the Nazis wanted to cover up their crimes; they therefore issued their murder orders only orally, or at least destroyed all the existing documents. But the incriminating Einsatzgruppen reports, revealing a monstrous murder programme in the East, were left lying around where they could be found! They could have burnt the few files on the subject in no time, easily! How very strange. Babi Yar. The massacre at Babi Yar is mentioned in the Einsatzgruppen reports (13). After the withdrawal of the German army in September 1941, there was a series of explosive attacks causing fires and hundreds of deaths. In reprisal, the Germans are alleged to have taken 33,000 Jews to the edge of the city of Kiev, shot them, and thrown them into the ravine at the end of September. During the war, tens of thousands more Jews were allegedly murdered there. Exactly two years later, as the Red Army approached Kiev, the bodies are supposed to have dug up and burnt without a trace, so that there is no physical evidence of this, either. Several revisionist authors, principally Herbert Tiedemann and Udo Walendy (14), have investigated the evidence relating to Babi Yar in great detail. The eyewitness reports contradict each other on all possible points. In addition to shootings, there is much talk of stabbings with bayonets, live burials, killings with land mines, hand grenades, drownings in the Dneiper, and other similar nonsense. The number of victims mentioned over the course of the years rose to 300,000. At the time of the German entry into Kiev in 1941, there were no 33,000 Jews in Kiev, must less 300,000 Jews for the Germans to murder, in any manner at all, since by far the majority of the Jews of Kiev had abandoned the city (15). Air photos of the ravine of Baba Yar taken during the war and evaluated by John Ball were the coup de grace to the Babi Yar legend (16). A comparison of photos taken between 1940 and 1944 shows that the mass graves — which were allegedly dug up, filled in, later dug up again, and then resealed — never existed, since otherwise the ravine would have 129 shown massive topographical changes. These are in no way revealed by the air photos. So the mass murder of Babi Yar turns out to be just another swindle. No other accusation of crime made against the Germans on the Eastern front has been made with such great propaganda effect; no other atrocity is supposed to have claimed so many victims. Since this invented massacre appears in the Einsatzgruppen reports, the reports were either totally falsified, or at least manipulated on a massive scale. Thus the only "documentary evidence" of the millions of murders on the Eastern front crashes to the ground. Notes: 1) Kogon/Langbein/Riickerl, op. cit. p. 81 ff. 2) Ingrid Weckert in Gauss, Grundlagen... op. cit. Udo Walendy in Historische Tatsachen no. 5. 3) Pierre Marais, Les camions a gaz en question, Polemiques, Paris, 1994. 4) The letter was reproduced in Gauss, Grundlagen, ... op. cit., Udo Walendy in Historische Tatsachen no. 5. 5) ibid, p. 216, ff. 6) Adalbert Riickerl, Nationalsozialistische Vernichtungslager im Spiegel deutscher Strafprozesse, dtv, 1977, p. 266/267. 7) ibid, p. 272. 8) Nuremberg trial transcript IMT XVII p. 201 (German text). 9) On the preventive nature of the German march into the USSR, see Viktor Suvorov, Der Eisbrecher, Klett-Cotta, 1989, as well as Walter Post, Unternehmen Barbarossa, Verlag E.S. Mittler & Sohn, 1995. 10) Enzyklopaedie des Holocaust, p. 397. 11) ibid, p. 399. 12) ibid. 13) Einsatzgruppen report 106 of 7 October 1941, Document R-102 in IMT XXXVII p. 291 ff. 14) Herbert Tiedemann in Gauss, Grundlagen... op. cit. Udo Walendy in Historische Tatsachen no 51. 130 15) In Kiev, practically all the Jews had left the city with the Red Army. Only the elderly remained behind." Institute of Jewish Affairs, Hg. Hitler's ten years' war, New York, 1943, p. 186. 16) John Ball in Gauss, Gnmdlagen... p. 238/239. 131 CHAPTER XV WHERE DID THEY GO? The origins of the mythical Six Million figure The mythical Six Million figure naturally collapses with the gas chambers and gas vans, since we now must subtract 2.7 to 5.37 million gassing victims, according to which historian we read (1). Let us look at the history of the origin of the Six Million figure. First of all, the Six Million figure is based on the confessions of two National Socialists of only minor importance, namely Dieter Wisliceny and Wilhelm Hottl. Wisliceny, Gestapo leader of Bratislava, gave his confession first at Nuremberg and then again in Communist Czechoslovakian imprisomnent. The value of such confessions is nil. Wilhelm Hottl was a collaborator of Adolf Eichmann in the section for the Jewish Question of the RSHA (Reichs Main Security Office). He pretended to have heard the six million figure from Adolf Eichmann (2). The latter then disappeared, and Hottl took the opportunity to place himself in a favourable light by accusing Germany in any manner desired. This was rewarded, since he was never again bothered. Eichmann was kidnapped from Argentine exile in 1960 in violation of international law, and an ordinary bureaucrat was transformed into a "monster of the century" in a show trial played out before the entire world. Eichmann was executed, i.e., murdered, in 1962. If we go back to 1942, we discover the remarkable fact that the Zionist activist Nahum Goldman, later President of the Jewish World Congress, had already reported, in May of that year, at an event in the Biltmore Hotel in New York, that, of eight million Jews in Hitler's tyranny, only two to three million had survived (4). But the Holocaust was allegedly only just beginning. How did Goldman know the exact number of Jews to be killed in the future? Our astonishment takes on huge proportions when we find an article from the 31 October 1919 in the US Jewish newspaper The American Hebrew (Fig. XXX). The article mentions a "Holocaust" (sic!) of "Six Million Jewish men, women, and children". How and where this Holocaust is supposed to have taken place, is not even apparent from this feeble-minded drivel, but the Six Million figure appears no fewer than seven times! 132 At this point, if not before, the suspicion becomes a certainty: Six is the holy figure of Judaism, and the Six Million figure is, therefore, a delusion probably derived from the Talmud. Wolfgang Benz and Walter Sanning If we keep in mind the overwhelming importance played by the Six Million figure in the propaganda of the past five decades, it is surprising that one single remotely scientific attempt has ever been made to support it. In 1991, a large book appeared under the name of Dimension des Volkermords, edited by a collective of authors under the leadership of the professional anti-anti-Semite Wolfgang Benz (head of the Institute for Research on Anti-Semitism in Berlin), according to which between 5.29 and 6.01 million Jews were killed in the Third Reich (5). In his study Die Auflosung (6) published eight years before, the German-American Walter Sanning came to the conclusion that there were never more than a few hundred thousand Jews were ever in German-controlled Europe. Since the books of Benz and Sanning, as well as an accurate comparison of both works by Germar Rudolf (7), are available to everyone, we will satisfy ourselves with only a few sentences on this topic here. In order to arrive at the figure of Six Million dead Jews, Benz and his team indulge in all sorts of manipulations, such as double counting, resulting from the shifting of territories during the Second World War. Rudolf shows that Benz is guilty of counting 533,193 people twice. In addition, the Polish Jewish victims of Stalinist purges and deportations are calmly added to the German side of the ledger. The number of Polish Jews at the beginning of the war is exaggerated by 700,000. In addition, which is worse, Benz acts as if no Jewish emigration ever took place: every Jew who no longer lived in the same place after the war, is simply counted as "exterminated"! If this were true, a book like Exodus by Leon Uris could never have been written. In contrast to Benz, Sanning pays Jewish emigration the attention it deserves. His book, based almost entirely on Jewish and Allied sources, shows that approximately 1.5 million Jews emigrated to the USA, to South America, Australia, etc. after 1945. Of course, these one and a half million post-war emigrants do not yet solve the statistical problem. The solution to the riddle is to be found in the USSR. According to the census of 17 January 1939, the Soviet empire had 3.02 million Jews. The first post-war census, in 1959, showed only 2.267 million, but the Zionists all agree that this figure is unrealistically low. First, every Soviet citizen could list his nationality as he wished; wholly or partially assimilated Jews often called themselves simply "Russians", and secondly, the Soviet regime had an obvious motive to support the Holocaust story by deliberately reducing post-war Jewish population figures. On 1 July 1990, i.e., long after the beginning of the mass emigration of Soviet Jews to the West, the New York Post, referring to Israeli specialists, spoke of over 5 million Jews living in the Soviet Union. In view of the fact that natural increase on this scale for this particular population group would have been impossible due to its progressive trend towards assimilation and the very low Jewish birth rate, there must have been nearly 6 million Jews in the USSR before the emigration, i.e., almost three million "too many". 133 What happened? In 1939, after the division of Poland, a huge flood of Polish Jewish refugees moved West to East. After the beginning of the German-Russian campaign, most of the Soviet Jews, at least 80% of them according to Sanning, were evacuated, and the German troops never even came into contact with them. In December 1942, a David Bergelson, Secretary of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committees, reported in Moscow (8): "The evacuation has rescued the great majority of Jews from the Ukraine, White Russia, Lithuania, and Latvia. According to information from Vitebsk, Riga, and other large cities, which were captured by the fascists, only a few Jews remained there, when the Germans invaded." Thus, a large part of Polish as well as Baltic Jewry were absorbed by the USSR. Nevertheless, a British-American Commission reported in February 1946, when hundreds of thousands of Polish Jews had already moved west, that 800,000 Jews were still living in Poland. (9). So much for the myth of the "extermination of Polish Jewry" in the "extermination camps". The exemplary case of one "gassing victim": Jenny Spritzer In his Memorial de la Deportation des Juifs de France, Serge Klarsfeld calculates that 75,721 Jews were deported from France. To our knowledge, this figure is not disputed by anyone. According to Klarsfeld, no more than 2,500 of them survived the war (10). He found 2,200 such survivors in France, Belgium and elsewhere, 805 of whom reported to the French Ministry of War Veterans at the end of 1945 and were officially declared "survivors"; he rounds the number off at 2,500. The following, of course, are simply forgotten: - Jews who only returned to France after 1945, and, for that reason, could not report to the French Ministry of War Veterans at the end of 1945, and, for that very same reason, do not appear on the "official survivor" list; - Jews who returned before the end of 1945, but did not report to the French Ministry of War because they were in no way required to do so; - Jews who simply never returned to France. This category must be by far the largest. The overwhelming majority of Jews deported from France — approximately 80% — held foreign passports or were stateless persons with no ties to France. Faced with the possibility of emigration overseas, most of them naturally preferred the latter to return to a war-torn country. A book on Bergen-Belsen — a camp which was used as a reception camp for displaced persons after the war — states that the Jews, who represented the great majority of these displaced persons, almost always wanted to emigrate to Palestine or another non-European country (11). 134 An exemplary case: In his Memorial, Klarsfeld writes that he found only 14 survivors of transport 8, and that all the survivors were men (12). As a result, Klarsfeld assumes that all the other members of this transport were gassed. But as shown by the Spanish revisionist Enrique Aynat, there was also a woman among the survivors, a Jewess named Jenny Spritzer (13). Spritzer was a native of Austria. Before the war, she emigrated to Holland. When the Germans invaded Holland, she fled to Belgium and then emigrated to France. In 1942, she was arrested in France while preparing to travel on to Spain, and was deported to Auschwitz. After the war, she emigrated to Switzerland and wrote her memoirs, slathering away about three to four million Auschwitz victims, flames shooting out of crematoria chimneys, and gas streaming out of shower heads (14). As may be observed from the example of Jenny Spritzer, the fact that Jews deported by the Germans did not necessarily return to their former place of residence, doesn't necessarily prove that they were killed. Most of the Jews returning from German camps or settlement areas in the East preferred the USA or Israel to their former countries, and were then entered into the statistics as "gassing victims" or "exterminated Jews". Carl Nordling's research The Swedish Professor Carl Nordling compared the fate of a total of 722 Jews, mentioned in the Encyclopedia Judaica, who lived in areas of German controlled- Europe (15). Of these Jews, 44% emigrated before the end of 1941, 13% died, 35% remained unaffected by deportation or internment; the rest were deported or interned, but survived. If we assume 4.5 million Jews living in German-controlled Europe — a majority of the Polish Jews fled to the Soviet Union after the German attack on Poland 1939 — and a death rate of 13%, this means 600,000 victims. Sanning concludes a figure of approximately half a million, the English revisionist Stephen Challen 750,000 (16). The parts of the mosaic thus fit together into a more or less complete picture. 300,000 "Holocaust survivors" in Israel in 1996 Based on German actuarial statistics (i.e., a table from the Lexikon Institut Bertelsmann, Ich sag dir alles, Guetersloh 1968), it is possible to determine just how many people from a population group of all age groups (under conditions comparable to those of the Bundesrepublik) must have been alive in 1945 if 750,000 of them are still alive 51 years later. Germar Rudolf has done this in a still unpublished article (17). As his starting point, he used the Amcha Report, prepared by an Israeli foundation for the psychosocial care of Holocaust survivors, in which Amcha asked all German mayors, in a circular letter on 22 August 1996, for a contribution for 300,000 surviving holocaust survivors. Since only approximately 40% of the Jews who emigrated from Europe in 1945 or later chose Israel as their new home, and since many Jews remained in Europe, the world-wide "survivor" figure must be at least twice as high. Based on the statistics 135 mentioned above, it may be calculated that there were 3,500,000 surviving Jews in former-German controlled Europe. Since according to Sannings' most meticulous calculations, only 4,500,000 Jews could have been living in the territories in question at the time of the greatest territorial expansion of the Third Reich, the Amcha Report is further proof that the number of Jewish victims might have amounted to one million at most, but most probably very much less. Thus we arrive at the conclusion that between half a million and one million Jews lost their lives during World War U. This conclusion is supported by four different studies — the Sannings study, Challens' research, the Nordling statistics, and the Amcha report. Questions still open There is still a lot of work to do in the field of Jewish population shifts during World War II and afterwards. For example, the question of how many Jews were deported via Auschwitz and other transit camps to the transit camps in the occupied Eastern territories, and what happened to the survivors after the war, remain unanswered. That the Germans deported Jews to the territories in the East was known to the Western allies by 1943 at the latest. In that year, the US demographer Eugene Kulischer wrote a book about population shifts in Europe since the beginning of the war (18), in which he emphasized that the ghettos and work camps of the East were being increasingly used as destinations for Jews from Western Europe including Poland. Thus, the Jews transferred from the Warsaw Ghetto in the spring of 1942 were being sent "to work camps on the Russian front, to work in the swamps near Pinsk or to the ghettos of the Baltic, White Russian, or the Ukraine" (19). Well-informed observers among the Allies never accepted the fairy tale of the extermination of the Jews in "extermination camps" in the East; on the contrary, they were very quick to recognize the true nature of the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question". The details, of course, remain largely in the dark. After the valuable studies by Steffen Wemer, Enrique Aynat, and Jean-Marie Boisdefeu (20), a broad field remains open for the revisionists. No court historian will ever do this work. No one knows where the documents are, if they still exist, or even whether they were destroyed by the victorious Allies after the war. Notes: 1) The first figure is mentioned by Hilberg, the second by Davidowicz. 2) Nuremberg trial transcript IMT XI p. 255 ff, 285 (German transcript), as well as Nuremberg trial document volumes IMT XXXI p. 85 ff. 136 3) On the Eichmann trial, see Paul Rassinier's Was ist Wahrheit?, Druffel, Leoni, 1980. 4) Martin Gilbert, p. 398. 5) Wolfgang Benz, Dimensionen des Voelkermords, R. Oldenburg, 1991. 6) Walter Sanning, Die Aufloesung, Grabert, 1983. 7) Germar Rudolf in Gauss, Grundlagen... 8) Sanning, p. 114 9) "Keesings Archiv der Gegenwart", 16/17. Jarhgang, Rheinisch-Westfaelisches Verlagskontor, Essen, 1948, p. 651, report of 15 February 1946. 10) Serge Klarsfeld, Vichy-Auschwitz, Delphi Politik, Hamburg 1989, p. 331. 11) Paul Kemp, "The Liberation of Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp in April 1945", Imperial War Museum Review, no. 5 (1990), p. 28-41. 12) Serge Klarsfeld, Memorial de la Deportation des Juifs de France, Transport 8 (publication without page numbers). 13) Enrique Aynat, Estudios sobre el Holocausto, Graficas Hurtado, Valencia, 1994, p. 65/66. 14) Jenny Spritzer, Ich war no. 10291. 15) R.H.R. no. 2, 1990, p. 50 ff. 16) Stephen Challen, Richard Korherr and his Reports, Cromwell Press, 1993. 17) The article is to be published in 1997 in the Vierteljahreszeitschrift fiir freie Gesch ich tsforschung. 18) Eugene Kulischer, The Displacement of Population in Europe, International Labour Office, Montreal, 1943. 19) Kulischer, p. 110/111. 20) Jean-Marie Boisdefeu, La controverse sur Textermination des juifs par les allemands, Au Roseau Pensant, Brussels, Part 2, 1996. 137 CHAPTER XVI THE INVISIBLE E L EPHANT Several authors, principally Martin Gilbert, Walter Laqueur, and Jean-Claude Favez, have occupied themselves with the question of what the Allies, the Vatican, and the Red Cross knew about the fate of the Jews during the war (1). Their thick books puzzle endlessly about why no one lifted a finger to rescue the Jews. It is said to be unthinkable that no one in Washington, London and Moscow, in the Vatican, or in Geneva, knew what was going on at Auschwitz and the other extermination camps. In view of this fact, the American David Wyman openly expresses the suspicion that they deliberately acquiesced in the extermination of the Jews (2). For this reason, the German translator of the work gave it the title Das unverwunschte Volk [The Unwanted People]. From 1942, innumerable rumours were current about the Jewish extermination in Jewish or Jewish-controlled newspapers (3). But the atrocity stories about steam chambers, gas chambers, gas vans, quicklime vans, underground electrical execution installations etc. were no more taken seriously by the Allied governments than by the International Red Cross or the Vatican. Even in August 1943 — when, according to the official version of history, millions of Jews had already been gassed — the US Secretary of State Cordell Hull asked the US Ambassador in Moscow by telegram to delete any mention of the gas chambers from the draft of a joint-Allied declaration on "German Crimes in Poland", since there was no proof of their existence (4). In his richly documented book Auschwitz und die Allierten (Martin Gilbert states (5): "The names and the geographical location of the extermination camps of Chelmno, Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec were known in the Allied countries by the summer of 1942 at the latest. On the other hand, the secret of the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau remained hidden from the first week of May 1942, when they were put into operation, until the third week of June of 1944." As we noted earlier, there were extraordinarily large numbers of transfers from Auschwitz to other camps, as well as releases - even in early summer 1944, when the extermination of the Jews is supposed to have reached its climax. Every single one of these transferred or released inmates — tens of thousands of civilian workers in total — would have been eyewitnesses to the most systematic and brutal extermination of human beings that the world ever saw, if the Holocaust story were true. According to drawings based on ground and air photos by John Ball (see Fig. XII), the alleged chief extermination locations - Krema II of Birkenau — was surrounded 138 only by a barbed wire fence. This means that the entire camp would have witnessed the daily killing procedure: the introduction of the Zyklon granules through the holes in the roof of morgue I (holes which in reality did not then exist). Right next to Krema HI — the allegedly second largest murder installation — was a football field, where the inmates regularly played football (6) (no. 15 in Fig. III). News of the mass murders in the gas chambers would have spread across Europe like wildfire. The Allied capitals would have known all about it within weeks. The Allies would have dropped millions of leaflets over Germany to inform the German people of the crimes of its government. But nothing of the kind occurred. The Auschwitz camp complex was repeatedly photographed by the Allies from the air, beginning in late 1943. If air reconnaissance photography had revealed proof of any mass extermination, American bombers would have destroyed the only rail connection which still existed between Hungary and Auschwitz in the early summer of 1943, thus preventing the extermination of the Hungarian Jews in Auschwitz. So why didn’t they? Martin Gilbert and Walter Laqueur come to the following conclusion in their weighty tomes: - the mass murders in Auschwitz couldn’t have remained secret for long; - the Allies, the Vatican, and the International Red Cross said nothing about mass murders in Auschwitz and never lifted a finger to rescue the Jews from the gas chambers; - ergo, the Allies, the Vatican, and the International Red Cross were guilty of complicity in mass murder. There is another conclusion, and it is the only one which is logical. It has been best expressed by the American revisionist author Arthur Butz (7): "I see no elephant in my cellar. If there were an elephant in my cellar, I would certainly see him. Therefore, there is no elephant in my cellar." Notes: 1) Martin Gilbert, Auschwitz und die Aliierten (C.H. Beck, 1982); Walter Lacqueur, Was niemand wissen wolltte (Ullstein, 1982); Jean-Claude Favez, Das IKRK und das Dritte Reich (Verlag NZZ, 1989). 2) David Wyman, The Abandonment of the Jews. America and the Holocaust, 1941 - 1945, New York, 1984. 3) In his book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Arthur Butz quotes numerous corresponding reports from the New York Times. 139 4) Laqueur, p. 237. 5) Gilbert, p. 44 6) Hefte von Auschwitz, State Museum Auschwitz, no. 15 (1975). 7) Arthur Butz, "Context and Perspectives in the Holocaust Controversy", J.H.R., Winter 1982. 140 CHAPTER XVII THE NESSUS SHIRT The Revenge of the Centaur A Greek myth tells of the Centaur Nessus, who dared to lay a hand on Deianira, the wife of Hercules, and was wounded by the enraged warrior with a deadly arrow soaked in the poison of the Hydra. As he was dying, Nessus begged Deianira to collect his blood and soak her garment in it. If Hercules was ever untrue to her, she was to ask him to try on the garment. This would renew his old love. Deianira did as Nessus requested. One day, when Hercules turned away from her in favour of a paramour, she remembered the Centaur's advice and asked Hercules to try on the Nessus shirt. For a short time, the hero was pleased with the magnificent garment. Then it began to burn into his flesh; he suffered horrible torment, but he could not remove the cursed shirt. It clung to his body and could not be extinguished as he perished in agony. Those with more insight among Jewish leaders might well remember this tale from Greek mythology. The Nessus shirt of the Jews is the lie of the gas chambers, invented more than half a century ago by the Jews to revenge themselves upon the wicked Pharaoh of Berlin who had broken the power of Zionism in Germany and visited the Jews with deprivation of rights, confiscation of property, deportation, and exile. After the war, the Zionists discovered that atrocity propaganda could be continued to make a profit. No matter how important German reparations may be for Israel and the Zionist organizations, the immeasurable psychological benefits derived from the legend are incomparably more important to the Jews. Before 1945, criticism of Jews was permitted; since 1945, any criticism of Jews has been impossible. Any questioning of Jewish methods and Jewish power, no matter how timid, is immediately branded as anti-Semitism and may easily land a person in court or even prison. The game could go on forever — if it weren't for the revisionists! Just as the gas chambers enabled Zionism to rise to unprecedented heights after 1945, the refutation of the gas chamber lie, together with other factors which are beyond the scope of the present work, will lead to the downfall of the Jews in the not too-distant future. The same lie which has done such magnificent service as the miracle weapon of the Zionists — until now - will [be] a millstone around their necks. 141 With the exposure of the lie, people will ask why we have been so shamelessly lied to since 1945, and [in] whose interests. People will start to ask questions like: how did WW II actually start? Who actually started it? What mysterious powers brought it about? Were they the same mysterious powers that caused the First World War? When that day comes, people will examine the real Holocausts of the twentieth century, Holocausts claiming incomparably more lives — the crimes of Marxism, and the identity of the true Marxist leaders behind the scenes. Mr. Gunnar Heinsohn, who is mentioned elsewhere in this work in another connection, nevertheless reveals a few truths (almost despite himself) in his book Warum Auschwitz? These truths are usually passed over in embarrassed silence. Heinsohn mentions that innumerable millions of Soviet citizens fell victims of the Red Terror. Unfortunately, he forgets to raise the question of the ethnic background of the butchers of the Soviet Union. Other historians have done so. One is the Russian Yuri Begunov, who states that, in 1920, 83% of the Bolshevik leaders in the USSR were Jews (1). Or Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who describes the six top architects of the Communist slave labour camp system in the second volume of his Gulag Archipelago. Their names are Aron Solz, Naftali Frenkel, Jakov Rappaport, Matwej Berman, Lazar Kogan, and Genrich Yagoda. All six were Jews. Facts like these will return to public discussion with a vengeance with the collapse of the Holocaust house of cards. The refusal of the exterminationists to retreat one single inch Until the second half of the 1960s, the official version of the Holocaust appeared invincible. Of course, there were a handful of courageous men who denounced the lie. In addition to the pioneer Paul Rassinier, the following authors should be mentioned - - for example, Maurice Bardeche, who in the beginning naturally believed in the gas chambers, and only considered the numbers to be exaggerated; Thies Christophersen (author of the brochure Die Auschwitz Liige), Emil Aretz, Erwin Schoenborn, Heinz Roth, Dr. Franz Scheidl, Wolf Dieter Rothe, Richard Harwood, and a few others. But their arguments were not scientific enough to achieve a breakthrough in the wall of lies. The weakest point of the Holocaust story — its technical absurdity — was hardly attacked by the early revisionists. But the Holocaust bore its own refutation in itself because of its historical and technical absurdity. Arthur Butz's The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, in which a US electronics professor proved how the legend arose, was a decisive step forward in revisionist research. In early 1979, Wilhelm Staglich published Der Auschwitz Mythos, mercilessly demonstrating the fragility of the Auschwitz image. Shortly before, Robert Faurisson entered the scene with a few articles in which he referred to the technical and physical impossibility of the gas chamber yam. Together with Ditlieb Felderer, who conducted on-the-spot research at the former "extermination camps", at that time hardly taken into consideration, Faurisson was the pioneer of material-scientific research on the Holocaust. Without Faurisson, no Leuchter; without Leuchter, no Rudolf. Butz, Staglich, and Faurisson, in particular, sounded the death knell of the myth. Over thirty years had elapsed since the end of the war, and the Zionists and their lackeys in 142 the politics, culture, the media, and the historical profession have made any retreat impossible: the gas chambers had long since become a symbol of the unique depravity of the National Socialists and the unique suffering of the Jews — a symbol which could not be jettisoned without threatening the foundations of the Orwellian world of the Permanent Lie called "Free Democracy". Thus, the profiteers of the Big Lie could only retreat forwards, in a full-scale suicide attack. They have turned up the volume of Holocaust propaganda in the controlled media to the point of insanity. The further the war retreated into the past, the more feverish the incitement, the more desperately they attempted to force the passage of totalitarian laws designed to destroy all freedom of expression and punish "thought crimes" in more and more countries. Scientific revisionism has been criminalized in the Banana Republik of Deutschland, as well as in Austria and France. Anti¬ revisionist laws have also been passed in Belgium and Spain, but have not so far (April 1997) led to any trials. A rubber-stamp anti-"racial discrimination" law with a disguised anti-revisionist clause was passed in Switzerland in early 1995, and may possibly lead to a trial against the present author, as well as against the publisher of three of his books in 1997. But that's nowhere near enough, of course: Italy needs an Auschwitz Law, too! In England, Labour has actually promised to pass such a law in the event of its winning the election. Denmark is said to need such a law, and Sweden, too -- not to mention, of course, the USA, where revisionism had made very rapid progress thanks to the Institute for Historical Review and its highly effective director, Mark Weber. Anti-revisionist thought-crimes laws are needed very, very urgently (or so we are told): in the words of a desperate call for help (and fund-raising appeal) from Jewish whisky billionaire Edgar Bronfman: "We need to stop revisionism before it's too late!" We hate to say so, but it's already too late, Bronfman. No doubt the Profiteers of the Lie will put a few more revisionists in prison or even murder a few, if needs be, in the short time remaining to those who profit from it — but the breaking of the Zionist information monopoly by means of the Internet, as well as spectacular conversions to revisionism such as the Garaudy case, will speed up the demise of the Lie. Of course, the Zionists now wish that they had only mentioned three million Jews having died mostly of epidemics and malnutrition, instead of Six Million Jews, mostly gassed. But the gas chambers with their millions of gassing victims not only appear in the history books, school books, and dictionaries, but as a "proven fact" in court cases. The Garaudy Case Roger Garaudy is one of the most famous French philosophers. He has changed his ideology on numerous occasions; he was a Catholic, a Protestant, a Stalinist Communist (and as such a member of the Central Committee of the French Communist Party) before he converted to Islam in the early 1980s. No one cared. After all, we live in a "Free Democracy"; we enjoy freedom of opinion and freedom of religion, you know. Garaudy had published over 40 books by the end of 1995; publishing houses competed for the privilege of decking their shelves with his books. But this book — Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique israelienne — found no publisher other than Pierre Guillaume's La Vieille Taupe, largely operating underground, which distributed the first edition of the work as "a confidential bulletin 143 to its friends". Part of the work concerned itself with religious questions, such as the Zionist policies in Palestine, but the core of the book (the Myth of the Justice of Nuremberg, The Myth of the Holocaust), was clearly revisionist. Garaudy showed the fragility of the proofs presented for the Holocaust, explained the Six Million figure as a crass exaggeration, and, without expressly disputing the existence of the gas chambers, tacitly made it clear that he did not believe in them. For those familiar with the material, the Garaudy book offered nothing new; the illustrious philosopher had simply copied from other revisionists, particularly Faurisson, without, of course, mentioning his sources, as scientific decency would have required. In the second edition, which was self-published in the spring of 1996, Garaudy defused the revisionist part of the book, without advising the reader that he had done so. Thus, all references to Butz, Staglich, and Faurisson — briefly mentioned in the first edition — disappeared without a trace in the second edition. Garaudy enjoyed the peculiarity of being a revisionist who, because of his Communist past, could not possibly be dismissed as a Neo-Nazi. The French Zionist mafia howled like a dog whose tail has been trodden on; for months, the media dragged Garaudy through the mire, without, of course, the slightest discussion of the content of his book. Above all, the professional liars kept quiet about the fact that Garaudy doubted the existence of the gas chambers. The situation became even more dangerous for the exterminationists when a cult figure of the Left, the Franciscan priest Abbe Pierre, declared his solidarity with Garaudy in April 1995. Abbe Pierre knew nothing about revisionism, and still knows nothing; to him, it was a matter of freedom of opinion. The Abbe, who is unfortunately a bit short on courage, was frightened into retreating in the face of the witch hunt which now exploded all around him, and begged forgiveness, after showing some feeble resistance at the outset; in July, he finally debased himself before the Jews (La Croix, 23 July 1996). As the result of the Garaudy/Abbe Pierre affaire, the broad masses of the French population knew, for the first time, that freedom of opinion had been abolished in their country, and that a minority of perhaps two percent of the French population prescribes what the other 98% may say, write, read, and think. In the meantime, increasing numbers of well-known people are demanding the abolition of the anti-revisionist Law Gayssot, including Simone Weil, in the newspaper L'Evenement du Jeudi, 27 June 1996. (Weil is a Jewish "mass gassing victim" who was later discovered to be alive after all, and become President of the European Parliament.) For more information on the Garaudy/Abbe Pierre affair, see the article by Robert Faurisson on the Internet (3). The confession of an orthodox historian The French historian Jacques Baynac, a rabid enemy of revisionism, became the first orthodox historian anywhere to admit that there is no proof of the existence of the Nazi gas chambers. This spectacular admission appeared in two consecutive articles in the Lausanne, Switzerland, daily newspaper, Le Nouveau Quotidien of 2 and 3 September 1996. The second of the series of two articles read in part: "Either we grant predominance to documents as against eyewitness testimony, and in this case, we can stop calling the historiography a science and start calling it an art; or we can stick to the predominance of documents, and in this case, we must admit that the absence of documents implies the impossibility of presenting direct proof of the existence of the homicidal gas chambers." 144 Robert Faurisson comments on this admission as follows (4): "Jacques Baynac: There's no proof, but I believe it. Robert Faurisson: There's no proof, so I don't believe it." For the first: Freedom of expression. For the second: Imprisonment for a term of up to one year; fines of up to 300,000 francs, as well as other penalties." Roger Garaudy is supposed to appear in court in France in 1997. A new trial is scheduled for Robert Faurisson (his eleventh so far). In the country which produced a Voltaire, men are hauled into court because they dare to doubt (Garaudy) or dispute (Faurisson) the reality of something — a "Nazi gas chamber" — whose existence cannot even be proven, according to the admission of an orthodox, anti-revisionist historian! Korzec and Goldhagen: a new version of the lie Even before the Garaudy affair, the Zionists understood that it was time to jettison the ballast. The second Pressac book, in which the number of Auschwitz victims was massively reduced, was [an] attempt to do this. The Jewish professor Michel Korzec and Daniel J. Goldhagen went significantly further in late 1995 and the spring of 1996, respectively, by abruptly declaring the gas chambers to be merely a peripheral phenomena, without, of course, ever reducing the total number of five to six million Holocaust victims. On 15 December 1995, a long article by Michel Korzec, a Jew of Polish origins, appeared in the Dutch newspaper Intermediair, the title of which, in translation, was "The Myth of the Efficient Mass Murder", and in which the number of gassed Jews was reduced to a total of 700,000 to 800,000. The rest of the Holocaust victims (five million, according to Korzec) were killed by German soldiers, everywhere, wherever they were found, "shot, beaten to death, hanged, allowed to starve to death". With unprecedented chutzpah (also known as Jewish shamelessness), Korzec attempts to exploit the debacle of traditional historiography in order to accuse the Germans. If the majority of Jews had been gassed in extermination camps, he argues, only a handful of criminals would have been involved in the crime. If, on the other hand, most of the Jews were murdered outside the camps using manual methods of primitive cruelty, a much greater number of Germans would have had to participate in the mass murders. This, in the Talmudic logic of Mr. Korzec, is precisely why "doubting the gas chambers" is criminalized by German courts of law. It distracts attention from the fact that it was not just a handful of criminals who are guilty for the Holocaust, but a large part of the German people! The nauseating little tome, Hitler's Willing Executioners, by the American Jew Daniel Jonah Goldhagen (5), follows the same line, by claiming that the entire German people participated gleefully in the Holocaust, since "extermination anti-Semitism" was deeply rooted in German tradition. For his Doctoral thesis, presenting a shorter version of the same argument, Mr. Goldhagen, a docent at the Harvard Minda-de- Gunzberg Center for European Centre, was awarded the Gabriel A. Almond Prize of the American Association for Political Studies (according to the cover blurb). The FAZ of 30 April 1996 summarized the book as follows: 145 "Germany is fundamentally anti-Semitic and willfully committed the murder of the Jews with complete approval. If the country had possessed the means to do so, the extermination of the Jews would have occurred in the 19th century. Under another political system, it would still be capable of another such genocide even today." Just you keep that in mind, Helmut Kohl, Roman Herzog, Hochmuth, Gunter Grass, and all you other belly-crawlers and boot-lickers, you're all Jew-killers too — just like Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler! On p. 10, Goldhagen writes: "...A multiplicity of myths and erroneous notions as to the criminals are current in the popular belief as well as in scientific circles, such as the following: it is generally believed that the Germans murdered the Jews mostly in gas chambers, and that the Germans couldn't have been able to kill millions of Jews without gas chambers, modern means of transport, and efficient bureaucracy." That's a good one. Who spread the "myths and erroneous notions" mentioned by Goldhagen? No one but his fellow Jews: Raul Hilberg and Lucy Davidowicz, Leon Poliakov and Gerald Reitlinger, Yehuda Bauer and Deborah Lipstadt, Georges Wellers, and Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Israel Gutman and Gerald Fleming, Yitzak Arad and Serge Klarsfeld, Shmul Krakowski and Nora Levin, Walter Laqueur and Martin Gilbert; in addition to a few Gentiles, such as the American (paid by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre) Christopher Browning, the Frenchman (paid by the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation) named Jean-Claude Pressac, and a couple of German "researchers" like Wolfgang Scheffler, Eberhard Jackel, and Wolfgang Benz, who understood, with an infallible instinct, that, in the "freest state in German history", the way to make a name for oneself very quickly is to spew forth filth upon one's own country, at all hours of the day and night. And who, then, were the "eyewitnesses" upon whom these "scholars" mistakenly relied? Why, nobody but Goldhagen's fellow Jews, almost exclusively — except for a few SS men tortured by Jews, like Rudolf Hoss. Goldhagen becomes even more explicit with regards to the gas chambers on page 521: "... without regard to the erroneous scientific and popular notion of the Holocaust, gassing was really epiphenomenal to the German mass murder of the Jews." 5.37 million Jews were gassed according to Lucy Davidowicz, and 2.7 million according to Raul Hilberg. Is this sort of slaughter really "epiphenomenal"? In revisionist trials, defence applications are routinely rejected on the grounds that the Holocaust as hitherto described is "a proven fact". Thus, the vindictive sentence passed on NPD leader and revisionist Gunter Deckert — merely for interpreting a technical speech by the American gas chamber expert, Fred Leuchter — was justified by the Federal Court of Karlsruhe as follows: (6): "The criminal court (the State Court of Mannheim) correctly assumed that the mass murder of the Jews, COMMITTED ABOVE ALL IN THE GAS CHAMBERS OF CONCENTRATION CAMPS, were a proven fact." 146 It would appear that the mass murders, committed ABOVE ALL IN THE GAS CHAMBERS, might not be such a "proven fact" after all, since the gassings were merely EPIPHENOMENAL according to the admission of the Jewish historical researcher Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Professor at the Minda-de-Ginzburg Centre, and winner of the Gabriel Almond Prize! How will the jurists in the "freest state in German history" get out of this one? In my conviction, the Daniel Goldhagen book, preceded by Korzec's little exercise in chutzpah in Holland, which served as a trial balloon for Goldhagen, marks a change in course and strategy on the part of the leading Zionist authorities. They are shifting course to a radically new version of the Holocaust, according to which almost everything that the "expert historians" have written and taught for half a century will be jettisoned. A moment afterwards, of course, the world's "Free Press" will all parrot the same line over night, with their usual unanimity, just as soon as they get the order to do so from their central control office. A few hundred thousand "gassing victims" will be retained to make things look good, the former figures of total gassing victims, which used to be a "proven fact", will now be depicted as a lie, for which the Germans or the Poles or the Communists may be guilty, but never, never, the poor Jews. And furthermore: does it make any difference to the Six Million victims how they were killed? As in George Orwell's 1984, history is constantly being rewritten; in our "Free Democracy", one piece of nonsense simply takes over for another when the latter is withdrawn for proven defects. The evolution of the Holocaust lie: a summary We may now distinguish five stages in the evolution of the Holocaust Lie, which are, of course, not strictly segregated, but which merge gradually into each other in turn: 1) from 1942 to around the beginning of 1946, the story was that the Nazis were killing the Jews — mostly in extermination and concentration camps — with steam, electricity, fire, acids, pneumatic hammers, quicklime, combat gasses, Diesel exhaust gases, Zyklon B, boiling water, blood poisoning, suffocation, conveyor belt shootings, etc. etc. Even as late as 14 December 1945, at the Nuremberg Trial, it was claimed that Jews at Treblinka were killed with hot steam. 2) between 1946 and 1960, the story changed somewhat; during the Nuremberg Trial, a decision was made to claim that poison gas was the murder weapon: all the other killing methods in the extermination and concentration camps were relegated to the Memory Hole. The claim was now made that almost every camp had one or more gas chambers. 3) from 1960 to 1983, the story was that the Nazis killed the Jews with gas, mostly in five or six extermination camps located on polish soil. The gas chambers in the Western camps were jettisoned. 4) in the period between 1983 and 1996, the gas chambers in the Western camps (except for Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen and Dachau) made a miraculous come-back in Kogon/Langbein/Riickerl masterpiece Nationalsozialistische Massentotungen durch Giftgas. In the West, or so the story goes, there were relatively few gassings; the Jews were gassed by the millions in five or six extermination camps in Poland. 5) in 1996, a radical new version of the Holocaust appeared in the form of the Goldhagen book, preceded by the Korzec trial balloon in Holland. The gassings are now to be explained away as an insignificant "epiphenomenon". Everywhere the Germans went, they murdered Jews with primitive cruelty, out of a hatred for Jews rooted in German history and tradition. But how will the ruling cliques explain how we got the story wrong for half a century? The Goldhagen rescue attempt will backfire on the Zionists even more seriously than the 147 Pressac rescue attempt. The attempts of the desperate "Democratic System" to keep the lie afloat with even crazier, increasingly grotesque and irrational propaganda and cruder forms of intimidation, are only too understandable under the circumstances. But the World Enemy, the destroyers of all freedom in the name of fighting "hatred", are wearing the Nessus shirt; they will be unable to take it off after putting it on. It is burning into their flesh even more deeply with each passing day. Notes 1) Juri K. Begunow, Tajnyl sily w ishorij Rossij, Petersburg, p. 221 ff. 2) Roger Garaudy, Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique israelienne, La Vieille Taupe, Paris, 1996, 2, amended edition, available from Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, Postbus 60, 2600 Berchem-2, Belgium, or from LibreR, Avenue des Alpes 22, CH- 1820 Montreux/Switzerland. 3) On the Garaudy/Abbe Pierre affaire, see Faurisson's article "Bilance der Affaere Garaudy/Abbe Pierre", which appeared on several Internet Homepages, for example http://www.webcom.com/-ezundel/english . 4) See Robert Faurisson's Internet article on the subject, "An Orthodox Historian Finally Admits that There are No Proofs for the Existence of Nazi Gas Chambers" (see also note 2). 5) Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Hitler's Willing Executioners, Little, Brown, and Company, London, 1996. 6) 1 StR 179/93, BGH Karlsruhe, decision of 15 March 1994 (trial of Gunter Deckert).Afterword by Bruno Monotorio. A question to which revisionists would like a convincing answer: What is the explanation for the irrational behaviour of an entire people which apparently believes in an absurd legend? The Holocaust — with its gas chambers which constantly change location; its millions of victims who disappear without a trace into blue vapour at Auschwitz, Majdanek and Treblinka, after being murdered by Hitler's SS butchers, either with Zyklon B insecticide or Diesel exhaust, not to mention mass shootings Babi Yar-style (where the victims also disappear without a trace) — is, and remains, first and foremost a unique proof of the monumental stupidity of our age. In the early 1980s — when the major absurdities of the Holocaust swindle had already been exploded, with the exception of a few details — most revisionist researchers thought it inconceivable that the legend could persist more than a few more years. Since then, more than fifteen years have elapsed, and the Lie continues to drag out its existence, filthier and more luxuriant than ever! Cracks are appearing in the edifice of lies, doubts are appearing — here and there, in the press, in a few articles, in many private conversations — as to the truth of the Establishment version of the fate of the Jews under the Third Reich. People mention the possibility of minor errors or exaggerations; but almost everyone continues to accept the story as basically correct. It is precisely this general acceptance which is the biggest puzzle to revisionists — and to any reasonable person 148 with a minimum knowledge of history. Really, how can anyone of normal intelligence, for example, view the room which is shown to millions of tourists on the grounds of the former camp of Auschwitz as the "only Nazi gas chamber remaining in original condition", without immediately realizing that the physical capacity of the room — not to mention its immediate surroundings, for example, its proximity to the hospital located nearby -- would make any mass execution using a highly dangerous poison gas impossible? The unspeakable atrocity stories spewed forth to visitors by officials of the Auschwitz Museum, deserve only ridicule. But the very opposite occurs: in these shrines dedicated to the Holocaust religion, people become intellectual cripples: awe-struck, their senses paralyzed, they gape at everything as if it were plausible, and solemnly swallow nonsensical fairy tales! Even the generation of Germans which lived through the war — i.e., the "generation of criminals", those who supported the National Socialist system which is now slandered all over the world, who remained true to that system and fought for it to the bitter end, with unprecedented self-sacrifice and devotion of spirit — that generation no longer knows what to believe after half a century of filth and lies. They confuse their personal first¬ hand experience, that which they saw and experienced themselves, with that which they think they should have seen or experienced (according to the official version of history). Faced with the accusations and ignorance of succeeding generations, the generation of the war years joins in with the chorus of self-incrimination or takes refuge in resigned silence. And yet, - if the gas chambers were technically impossible and the whole story is therefore a lie; - if no material evidence of the crime remains, since the Nazis "destroyed all traces of their crimes at the last moment"; - if millions of bodies simply disappeared into blue vapour, so that not a single body of a single gassing victim has ever been found; - if the official version of history is based on nothing but contradictory "eyewitness testimonies" of witnesses who were never subjected to cross-examination, and confessions extorted from "criminals"; - if a forensic report, including a reconstruction as is ordinary practice in an ordinary murder case, has never even been attempted; - if expert reports on the technical feasibility of the mass gassings are never performed by the courts, but only on behalf of private parties, and if no technical refutation of these reports can be produced. Then how is it then possible for the world to believe this series of grotesque hallucinations? If you ask these questions, most people are either surprised or shocked. But some people, particularly, young people — who often react spontaneously and emotionally - - immediately and spontaneously declare their conviction that the Holocaust is absurd. One hears remarks like the following: "How could I have believed such nonsense for all those years?" The revisionist may perhaps be pleased in the belief that he has won a new adherent. But in most cases, this is a great mistake. When the shock wears off — the shock which sets in following the discovery of a new truth, the new convert returns to his old environment, where it is almost impossible to find any information on the subject other than all-pervading Holocaust propaganda. The average person lacks the courage to deviate from his environment; the mass media, of course, are all around us. Upon the slightest expression of doubts, the inevitable reply will be that he has spoken with a horrid, lying Nazi, that he has heard a load of lies, and that he had better forget everything he heard. This is particularly true, unless the convert is a hero willing to jeopardize his social and professional position for historical truth. Since even the crudest lie can be obfuscated and explained away, the heretic falls away from his new belief and returns to the shrine of the incredible. Credo quia absurdum est. What at first seemed absurd — in comparison to reasonable information about the absurdity of the Holocaust religion — once again seems convincing. In a society in 149 which propagandists control the media, those who stray from the fold are quick to permit themselves to be persuaded once again that the unanimous opinion (Vox Populi, Vox Dei) which confirmed the reality of the mass extermination of the Jews for over a half a century, bears incomparably more weight than the statements of a single "Nazi". This abandonment of the elementary duty to seek the truth can, however, have unexpectedly unpleasant results. Today, even re-educated Germans — despite their anti-fascist fanaticism — are regarded with mistrust, even hostility, by many people in all parts of the world. The Zionists and their stooges are skilful at ensuring the perpetuation of this hostility, for example, through hundreds of films, largely produced by Jews, which depict German soldiers either as simple fools or sadistic beasts. The passivity and cowardice of the majority of the German people today is their decisive contribution to the perpetuation endless hatred. All of German contemporary history has been turned into a sort of crime sheet by the Allied victors. The Germans swallow everything in complete passivity. A person who refuses to defend himself, ought not to wonder if he is found guilty. He deserves no respect, and should expect none. Germans compete with each other in vomiting upon their own people and themselves at the same time. Do they really expect to gain any sympathy abroad in this way? Let us nevertheless attempt to understand the reasons for this apparently illogical behaviour on the part of the German people. Perhaps the main reason for it is the knowledge, or instinctive sense, that any critical discussion of the so-called Holocaust is dangerous; it can cost the victim his job, his position in society, and even destroy his family. In addition, many people don't want to know much about the Holocaust, which is the principal accusation against the German people, since they intuitively feel that many things about it simply cannot be true. They are afraid to know whether the Holocaust is a pack of lies, or just a lie or two; anyone doubting the details of the official version of history runs the risk of being compelled to question the story as a whole. And that is just what our contemporaries, set on their peace and quiet and comfort at any price, do not want. On the other hand, it is not easy to live with a lie which one should long ago have recognized as such, and, at the same time, to act as if it were no lie at all. For example, how should the mother of a family, who knows to a certainty that the gas chamber yarn is a lie, answer a child who asks, eyes wide-open with wonder: "Mama, teacher told us that German soldiers gassed the Jews. Did Grandpa gas the Jews, too?" The best way to evade a question like that, which is complex and painful, is simply to know nothing. So the mother simply tells the over-curious child, "I don't know, ask your teacher." 150 Anything for a peaceful life! Wilful ignorance enables people to conceal doubt, which would inevitably arise if they were to study the facts. In their own justification, they cast about for excuses: "Why should I worry about all these old stories? I don't know if it's all true, but it can't be all lies, not everything the politicians, professors, and preachers all tell us. After all, there's no smoke without fire." Another excuse, which at bottom is pure self-delusion, runs as follows: "Instead of worrying about ancient history, we should worry about the present. There are enough problems in the world today; let's leave the past alone". Anyone who argues in this fashion should be asked whether the controlled media, with their unceasing campaigns of hysterical hatred, the politicians, with their statements of national guilt and reconciliation, the intellectuals, with their whining rhetoric and rituals of suffering, the criminal justice system, with its witch-hunt for eighty and ninety-year old "Nazi war criminals", are "leaving the past alone". There are parallels to the present situation in past history: four hundred years ago, the doctors and scholars preferred not to know whether witches really rode broomsticks through the air or had sexual intercourse with the Devil. Intelligent men of their age, like our own, must surely have told themselves that the stories of the Witches' Sabbath may not have been true in every detail, but after all, "there's no smoke without fire"! Another decisive point: anyone expressing doubt in the Holocaust is immediately suspected of harbouring secret sympathy for the Nazis! And, of course, no German wants to be a Nazi, because the Nazis were the greatest criminals in history, because of the Holocaust! Thus the circle closes. Lastly, it should be noted that acquiescence in the orthodox Holocaust True Faith spares one the humiliation, even in the privacy of one's own mind, of having been a fool for believing absurd nonsense for x number of years, nonsense of the purest sort, nonsense which collapses at the slightest serious examination. 151 CONCLUSIONS The Holocaust is not just a lie, it is a crime. It is a crime because it not only justifies innumerable other crimes, but because it create a huge mass of hatred, which in turn contains the potential for new crimes. People whose souls have been drenched in the hatred of the Holocaust Lie must be counted among its victims. This includes the millions of twelve to fifteen-year old school children dragged through the memorials of former concentration camps, often weeping uncontrollably at the atrocity stories and lies vomited up at them. How much suffering, how much heartbreak, how many tragedies are due to the so- called "Holocaust", this hair-raising Lie of the Century, which the Jews invented, crammed down our throats, and have defended tooth and nail, with fines, with abuse, with imprisonment, for over half a century? It is painful to think of the thousands, indeed tens of thousands, of people who have been humiliated, persecuted, imprisoned, or even executed in the name of this shameless swindle. It is pathetic to see the once-great German people, having lost its pride, its sense of direction, its self-respect, to such an extent that it no longer dares to defend itself against a flood of slander and is too ashamed to look itself in the face. One single mention of the "gas chambers", the extermination of the Jews, was enough to justify purging entire cities and provinces of their German population. Almost 17 million people were driven from their homes between 1944 and 1948 in an unbroken series of atrocities during which over two million died. "After what they did to the Jews, they had it coming to them", is the classical justification. It is truly disgusting to think of the millions of people all over the world watching Marvin Chomsky, Claude Lanzmann, Steven Spielberg and all the others — Holocaust, Shoa, Schindler's List, etc. — in the cinemas, on television — and taking it all seriously. The Jews — or, more exactly, those who claim to speak for the Jews - invented a story which they've called the Shoa or the Holocaust, and which they now claim is the history of their people. 152 The Holocaust money-making machine has brought them such tremendous advantages, that they can no longer live without it. But they made one fatal error: the Holocaust swindle is so endlessly absurd that its inventors can only take refuge in a suicide charge; having lost all sense of proportion, they have gone too far and will soon come crashing down. To suppress all open debate on the subject appears an impossibility in the long run, despite all manner of repression. From minor explanations to wholesale re-writing, including whole new "Revised Versions", the profiteers of the myth continue to entangle themselves in increasingly greater numbers of contradictions; the fables of today contradict the fables told yesterday; the defenders of the official version of history are being compelled to make so many concessions that more and more people are starting to wonder about it all. Doubts expressed in private conversation no longer shock as much as they did a few years ago; it is getting easier for revisionists to gain a hearing. In brief: for the exterminationists, the time is running out. Increasingly hysterical repression is an unmistakable sign of growing panic. It is also a sign of weakness. Instead of listening to the discussion, they simply grab for a truncheon. But how long can they get away with it? The revisionists must not hope for quick victory; it will not come overnight. They should remember the wisdom expressed in the phrase from the Czech philosopher, Karel Capek, who said: "Truth must be smuggled. It must be distributed in small doses. A drop here, a drop there — until people get used to it. Not all at once. At a time when the Lie appears to be triumphing without hinderance, we would like to close with an optimistic message. We wish to make the following appeal: All of you, all friends of the truth, both known and unknown, from many European countries, those who, like Gunter Deckert and Gottfried Kuessel, sit in German and Austrian prisons for "denying the existence of the gas chambers", or who have been compelled to go into exile like Remer and Rudolf, all persecuted revisionists and nationalists -- do not lose your courage, since your struggle against state-ordained lies is not in vain. Your courage, the sacrifice of a few, will help to free entire nations and peoples, including the German and Russian peoples — from the darkness which has so long covered them. 153 But no-one would say anything publicly ... for fear of the Jews." (The Bible, John 7:13) The Trial of Jurgen Graf PARTI The criminal trial of Gerhard Forster and Jurgen Graf for "Racial Discrimination" in Baden! (Baden, Switzerland) on 16 June 1998) Based on Xavier Marx’s report on the trial for RECHT + FREIHEIT(22 July). Presiding judge: Andrea Staubli State prosecutor: Dominik Aufdenblatten Sentence Graf: 15 months + fine Sentence Forster: 12 months + fine GERHARD FORSTER'S APPEARANCE AS DEFENDANT Preliminary remark: this report is based on notes. Since its editor cannot take shorthand, his notes are rudimentary in nature. When the participants are quoted directly in the many passages which follow, it is quite obvious that they may not have spoken word for word as given below. It is just as obvious that the editor has made extensive abridgements. The reader is nevertheless assured that the meaning of the corresponding statements has been correctly given. 154 INTRODUCTION Switzerland’s most important political trial to date for violation of the "Anti-Racism law" was held on 16 July 1998. Passed in 1995, application of article 26Ibis of the Criminal Code ("Racial Discrimination") had been only hesitatingly applied during the first two years of its existence; an avalanche of such trials then began in early 1997 (see, in this regard, the brochure "Abschied vom Rechtsstaat. Das ‘Antirassismusgesetz’ als Instrument zur Errichtung einer totatalitaren Diktatur in der Schweiz" [Farewell to the State of Law: The ‘Anti-racism law’ as an Introduction for the Creation of a Totalitarian Dictatorship in Switzerland], edited by Presseclub Schweiz, Postfach 105, 4008 Basel). Judgment was pronounced on 21.7.1998. Graf and Forster were found guilty on the principal counts of the indictment, as was expected in view of the recently created state of totalitarian hysteria with regards to conscientious Holocaust research. Graf was sentenced to 15 months and Forster to 12 — without probation — as well to fines of 8,000 Swiss Francs for Graf and 12,000 for Forster. Graf has filed an appeal, Forster died four weeks after the verdicts were handed down. Presiding judge Guido Naf had previously delayed proceedings for two years, obviously because he was aware of the very weak basis for the indictment filed by Dominik Aufdenblatten (the principal indictment dated 4 April 1996 was later supplemented by several additional counts). Judge Naf was withdrawn from the case in April 1998, and disciplinary proceedings were filed against him, the results of which remain unknown due to official secrecy. A new judge, a woman, Andrea Staubli, was finally assigned to the case. The prosecution demanded 17 months imprisonment without probation and a fine of 22,000 SF for Forster, and 18 months imprisonment without probation and a fine of 27,000 SF for Graf. The sentence was the stiffest so far against alleged violators of the "Anti-Racism Law" [ARG]. Graf was indicted for publishing four books ("The Holocaust under the Scanner", "The Holocaust Swindle", "Auschwitz Tatergestandnisse und Augenzeugen des Holocaust" [Auschwitz Criminal Confessions and Eyewitnesses to the Holocaust" - only available in German], "Todesursache Zeitgeschichtsforschung" ["Cause of Death: Research into Contemporary History" - only available in German], as well as a brochure "Das Rotbuch" ["The Red Book"], also known as "Vom Untergang der Schweizerischen Freiheit" ["The Decline and Fall of Swiss Freedom"]. He was furthermore indicted for sending several texts on diskette to Ahmed Rami in Sweden, as well as to Ernst Ziindel in Canada, who then disseminated those same texts on the Internet. Forster was indicted for publishing the Graf books "Auschwitz..." and "Todesursache", as well as "Das Rotebuch", in addition to other books by Erich Glagau and Harald Cecil Robinson, by means of his publishing company "Neue Visionen" (Postfach, 5436 Wiirenlos). The trial began at 8:00 A.M. in the Saal Roter Turm, and ended at 9:00 P.M.. The courtroom (seating approximately 60 persons) was fully occupied, mostly by supporters of the two defendants. Apart from about 10 journalists, the Jewish plaintiffs only succeeded in mobilizing a few sympathizers. All the representatives of the revisionist camp came from western Switzerland or foreign countries. 155 DR. URS OSWALD MOVES FOR DISMISSAL Immediately after the opening of the proceedings, Dr. Urs Oswald, defence attorney for J. Graf, made an application to quash the proceedings. Under the European Convention on Human Rights, the two defendants had a right to a defence, as well as the right to defend themselves. The peculiar wording of the "Anti-Racism Law"[ARG], however, made this quite impossible. If he, Dr. Oswald, as attorney, penetrated to the core of the subject matter under discussion and introduced evidence accordingly, he himself risked indictment for alleged violation of the ARG. If the trial nevertheless continued despite his application for dismissal, the motion continued, he intended to call Dr. Robert Faurisson from France as well as certified engineer Wolfgang from Austria as defence witnesses. The court adjourned for approximately twenty minutes for consultation. As expected, the court rejected the application to stop the trial. On the other hand, however, it approved Frohlich’s appearance as an expert witness. Dr. Oswald had naturally notified the court prior to trial that two witnesses were to appear, but had not revealed heir names. Robert Faurisson is one of the world's best known experts with regards to research into the subject of gas chambers in relation to the Third Reich. Due to the trial’s political bias, it was of course expected that the court would refuse to permit Faurisson’s appearance. On the other hand, certified engineer Wolfgang Frohlich is only known in Austria. Peter Fiatowitsch (Basel), a Jewish attorney present in the courtroom and acting for assistant prosecuting attorney, Walter Stegemann (Basel), obviously had no idea who Frohlich was, and raised no objection against Frohlich’s appearance as a defence witness. Fiatowitsch must have regretted this afterwards. WOLFGANG FROHLICH, CERTIFIED ENGINEER, TAKES THE STAND AS DEFENCE WITNESS The witness, a certified engineer, described himself briefly. His field of specialty was the technique of procedure and handling of toxic gas. He had carried out gassings on innumerable occasions - for the extermination of vermin, but chiefly for the elimination of disease organisms. Presiding judge Andrea Staubli warned the witness that perjury was punishable by law with imprisonment. She then asked him whether Jurgen Graf’s books, in his opinion, were scientific in nature. Frohlich answered that, as a non-historian, he was unable to form an opinion with regards to the historical parts of the books. On the other hand, the technical aspects of the mass exterminations as alleged were absolutely untenable from a scientific point of view. State prosecutor Dominik Aufdenblatten requested the presiding judge to remind Frohlich once again of his duty to testify truthfully; this was done. In substance, the following exchange then followed: 156 Aufdenblatten : In your opinion, were mass exterminations with Zyklon B technically possible? Frohlich : No. Audenblatten : Why not? Frohlich : The insecticide Zyklon B consists of hydrocyanic acid absorbed in a granulate carrier substance. The hydrocyanic acid is released through contact with the air. The boiling point of hydrocyanic acid is 25.7 degrees C. The higher the temperature, the faster the evaporation rate. The delousing chambers in which Zyklon B was used in National Socialist camps and elsewhere, were heated to 30 degrees C or more, so that the hydrocyanic acid left the carrier granulate rapidly. On the other hand, much lower temperatures are said to have prevailed in the half-subterranean morgues of the crematoria at Auschwitz-Birkenau, where, according to eyewitness accounts, mass murders are supposed to have taken place using Zyklon B. Even if one assumes that the rooms were warmed by the body temperature of the hypothetical occupants, the temperature should not have exceed 15 degrees, even in the warm season. The hydrocyanic acid in Zyklon B would therefore have taken many hours to evaporate. According to the eyewitness accounts, the victims died very rapidly. The eyewitnesses speak of time periods ranging from "immediately" to "15 minutes". To kill the occupants of the gas chamber in such a short time, the Germans would have had to use absurdly large quantities of Zyklon; I assume from 40 to 50 kilos per gassing procedure. This would have made any work in the gas chamber radically impossible. The members of the Sonderkommando — who, according to the eyewitnesses, were responsible for removing the bodies from the chamber — would have collapsed immediately upon entering the chamber, even if they had worn gas masks. Immensely great quantities of hydrocyanic acid vapour would have streamed into the open air through the open doors, contaminating the entire camp. Frohlich’s testimony was greeted with applause by members of the public attending the trial. Prosecutor Aufdenblatten then jumped up, his face flushed red, and shouted: "I hereby request the court to bring an indictment [against witness Frohlich] for racial discrimination under article 261; otherwise I will do it myself." Jiirg Stehrenberger, defence attorney for defendant Forster, then stood up and informed the court that, in view of the intolerable restrictions placed upon the defence, he would consider resigning his brief as defence attorney. Together with Dr. Oswald, he then left the courtroom for a few minutes. Finally, the two lawyers announced that they strongly protested against the attitude of the prosecuting attorney, but would nevertheless continue in their duties; otherwise, the last vestiges of a formal defence would be lost to the defendant, and the defendants would be assigned court- appointed attorneys. Court-appointed defence attorneys, by the very nature of the situation, were known to dance to the tune of the state prosecutors, acting as de facto second prosecutors, as was the case in the show trials of the Soviet Union. It was 157 precisely this which defence attorneys Stehrenberger and Dr. Oswald wished to avoid by not resigning their briefs. Prosecutor Aufdenblatten’s demand for a criminal indictment against defence witness Frohlich brutally unmasked the true nature of the situation. In point of fact, it amounted to the criminal offence of attempting to intimidate the witness. Gerhard Forster, managing director of Neue Visionen GmbH, is 78 years old and a sufferer from osteoporosis and other disabilities; he is a widower. His father, along with approximately two million other Germans from the Eastern territories, died during the mass genocide of the mass expulsions of 1944-46. A Silesian by birth, he was a certified engineer, the holder of approximately 50 patents, and has long been a Swiss citizen. Due to his extremely precarious state of health, he was brought into the courtroom in a wheel chair. His examination as a defendant lasted over two hours, visibly tiring the seriously ill old man. Presiding judge Andrea Staubli asked the defendant whether he considered himself a "revisionist". Forster rejected the expression, since it had negative connotations, being associated with "right-wing radicalism". He was a searcher for the truth, with a mathematical turn of mind. In reading Holocaust literature, he was struck by the widely divergent figures given in relation to the number of Jews having died during WWII, and sought complete clarity as to the correct number. So far, no one had ever been able to give him an answer to this question. Did he personally believe in the Holocaust and the gas chambers, the prosecutor then hammered away. Forster replied that he had not been there, and that faith was not his business. Rather, he wanted to know as much as possible, answered Forster. The presiding judge herself had shown that these trials were a matter of the imposition of compulsory belief, that is, modern religious trials, without regard to the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of belief. Since Forster’s memory was, by the nature of things, no longer what it used to be, and in view of his serious illness, he was unable to answer many questions, and got several dates confused. But he held up remarkably well, enduring the ordeal courageously. After about 11:00 A.M., however, his strength visibly waned; he no longer had the strength to speak audibly. This did not prevent the presiding judge from tormenting the mortally ill man with additional questions. Forster stated that he had sent female federal prosecuting attorney Carla del Ponte a copy of "Auschwitz: Tatergestandnisse ..." prior to the entry into effect of the AGR [on 31 October 1994 to be exact], asking whether the contents were in violation of the ARG. He never received an answer, despite repeated requests. After six months, the Federal prosecutor’s office disclaimed competence to answer. Under the circumstances, he felt he was entitled to assume in good faith that there were no objections to the book from the point of view of criminal law. The examination of the defendant ended at 12:00 A.M., and the proceedings were adjourned until 2:00 P.M. Forster was discharged from any further participation. 158 THE PROSECUTION FINAL STATEMENT After a pause, prosecutor Dominik Aufdenblatten began his final summation. His miserable performance was purely rhetorical, and, as one trial observer expressed it, speaking crudely, "unter alien Sau" ["really lousy"]. Aufdenblatten made no attempt to show any relation between the passages in the books published by Forster and which were the subject of the indictment, and the wording of the ARG; rather, he contented himself with reeling off an endless litany of phrases ("pseudoscience", "anti-Semitic incitation", racist propaganda", etc.). Graf was said to be an intelligent man, and, therefore, doubly dangerous. Graf was said not to have sought the truth, but to have knowingly distorted the truth. His writings were said to have incited anti- Semitism and xenophobia. Since Graf was unreasonable, and fully acknowledged his revisionist views, there could be no favourable social prognosis. He could not therefore be given merely a suspended sentence. The same was true of Forster, who was just as unreasonable as Graf. Forster’s poor health was allegedly no reason why he should not be sentenced to imprisonment without probation, since it was not the court’s responsibility to determine the defendant’s fitness to endure imprisonment; that was the responsibility of a doctor. FINAL SUMMATION BY PETER LIATOWITSCH FOR THE CIVIL PLAINTIFF Jewish attorney Peter Liatowitsch confirmed that his client, Professor Stegemann, felt himself seriously libelled, both professionally and personally, by the dedication to the book. He demanded compensation for his client in the sum of 1000 SF, to be paid into a "Solidarity Fund". Stegemann described himself as "somatized" (whatever that might mean) by Graf’s book and its mocking dedication. FINAL SUMMATION BY JURG STEHRENBERGER G. Forster’s attorney Jiirg Stehrenberger spoke for approximately one and a half hours, demanding acquittal for his client in an extremely rapid and passionately delivered final summation. He began by emphasizing that the mere presentation of any defence at all involved the danger of a stiffer sentence or another indictment, even for the defence lawyers and witnesses, effectively denying the defendant of his basic right to a defence. It was not the court’s responsibility to decide what happened 50 years ago, but rather, what the citizens of Switzerland were to be permitted to read and write today. Article 26Ibis was in conflict with fundamental constitutional rights such the right to the freedom of expression, freedom of scientific research, and freedom of the press. According to article 1 of the Criminal Code, no one could be punished for committing an act not expressly declared to be punishable. The wording of the Anti-Racism Law was extremely vague, as is openly admitted in the relevant literature, particularly, in the commentary by Professor Marcel Nigglis. In doubtful cases, it was the duty of the court to hold for the defendant. 159 The text of the law spoke of a "systematic denigration" of the members of a "race, ethnic group, or religion". This element of the offence was nowhere to be found in the books in question. The text of the law spoke of "Leugnen" [to deny] the Holocaust. But "Leugnen" meant "to dispute against better knowledge". Disputing the Holocaust based on subjective conviction must, therefore, remain unpunishable, as emphasized by Stratenwerth in the commentary quoted by Niggli. (Stratenwerth speaks of "stubbornness" or "zeal".) The concept of "gross trivialization" gave rise to further questions. Niggli’s commentary states that human suffering cannot be quantified, and that the number of victims was therefore legally irrelevant to the qualification of a crime as genocide. Before one can trivialize anything, it is first necessary to know what happened. But anyone who arrives at a lower estimate of the number of Holocaust victims than the figures established by certain special interest groups was liable to punishment! This in itself was a contradiction. According to this logic, Jean-Claude Pressac, who arrives at an estimate of 631,000 Auschwitz victims in his book, Die Krematorien von Auschwitz (Piper 1994), would be liable to criminal indictment in Switzerland. In view of the class action suits pending against Switzerland in the United States, filed by Jewish organizations for a total of 40 billion Swiss Francs, there was immense public interest in determining what Swiss officials actually knew of the fate of the Jews during WWII. How was it possible for the Red Cross official Rossel, who visited the Auschwitz concentration camp on 29 September 1944 with other fellow workers, to write in his report (quoted in "Documents sur l’activite du Co mite international de la Croix Rouge en faveur des civils detenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne", Geneva 1947), that he had seen no confirmation of the rumours of mass gassings, and that the inmates questioned had not themselves mentioned them. The visit took place, it must be remembered, in SEPTEMBER 1944! No one, not even the prosecutor, claimed that Graf had falsely quoted or mistranslated the statements in " Auschwitz■ Ttitergestdndnisse. The state prosecutor’s office never reacted to Forster’s mailing of a copy of the book in October 1994; never expressed an opinion on it, even after repeated inquiries. Finally, six months later, it disclaimed competence to answer the question as to the legality or illegality of the book. This was inconceivable; in any event, it proved that the state prosecutor’s office did not consider to the book to be automatically in violation of the ARG. The prosecutor at trial flatly, and without justification, dismissed the book as "pseudoscientific"; this was impermissible. "Todesursache Zeitgeschichtsforschung", the story of a fictitious secondary school classroom debate, contained references to innumerable works of historical literature, clearly stating the sources in every case. Imbedding these references in a literarily invented project week on the subject of contemporary history was in itself nothing objectionable. Defendant Forster had already been condemned by ceaseless media hysteria. Although he had served only six weeks at the front as a Wehrmacht lance corporal, the press depicted him as an SS officer; he was constantly smeared as a Nazi. His German ancestry made him a target for the violence of self-styled "anti-racists", 160 which in itself is the "racism" in its purest form. "My client must therefore be acquitted". 161 The Trial of Jurgen Graf PART II The criminal trial of Gerhard Forster and Jurgen Graf for "Racial Discrimination" in Baden! (Baden, Switzerland) on 16 June 1998. Based on Xavier Marx’s report on the trial for RECHT + FREIHEIT (22 July). JURGEN GRAF’S APPEARANCE AS DEFENDANT According to the 17 July Aargauer Tageblatt, Grafs interrogation was "much livelier" than Forster’s; this was undoubtedly true. The cat-and-mouse exchange of questions and answers lasted more than two hours. Graf defended the views expressed in his books with great forcefulness. Judge Staubli: Was there a holocaust? Graf: That is a matter of definition. If, by ‘Holocaust’, you mean brutal persecution, mass deportations to camps, and the death of many Jews through epidemics, exhaustion, and malnutrition, then, of course, it is a historical fact. But the Greek term ‘Holocaust’ means ‘total burning’, or ‘victim of fire’, and is used by orthodox 162 historians for the alleged mass gassing and burning of Jews in ‘extermination camps’. That is a myth. Judge Staubli: Do you consider yourself a revisionist? What does this expression mean? Graf: Yes, I consider myself a revisionist. In general, the term revisionist is applied to historians who subject the official version of history to critical examination. The Holocaust revisionists under discussion here dispute three central points: 1) the existence of a plan for the physical destruction of the Jews; 2) the existence of extermination camps and execution gas chambers 3) the number of 5 to 6 million Jewish victims. The exact number of victims is unknown, since the documentation is incomplete. Personally, I assume less than a million. Judge Staubli: Are you a trained historian? Graf: No. I must, however, point out to you that the two best-known representatives of the orthodox ‘Holocaust’ literature, the Jews Gerald Reitlinger and Raul Hilberg, were not, or are not, trained historians either. Reitlinger was an expert in the history of art, while Hilberg is a jurist. The Frenchman Jean-Claude Pressac, whom the media have praised as the rebutter of revisionism, is a pharmacologist. If an art historian, a jurist, and a pharmacologist have the right to express themselves on the Holocaust, then a philologist has that right, too. Judge Staubli: What was your motivation in writing these books? Graf: My central motive is not the defence of the German people, although I like the Germans. My central motive is a love of truth. I cannot tolerate lying. Judge Staubli: What is your definition of scientific writing? Graf: The characteristics of scientific writing is that all counter arguments must be taken into account and examined before formulating one’s own opinion. Only the revisionists do this. Judge Staubli: Would you term your own books as scientific? Graf: I would classify them in three categories. Auschwitz. Tdtergestdndnisse und Augenzeugen des Holocaust, as well as the book on Majdanek, written by myself in collaboration with Mattogno, which will soon be published, are scientific books. The Holocaust Swindle and The Holocaust Under the Scanner I would call popular science. In these books, for the most part, I do not set forth my own knowledge; rather, I present a general summary of revisionism. Todesursache: Zeitgeschichtsforschung is, finally, quite simply a novel, and as such is not scientific. Judge Staubli: What moved you to write your Auschwitz books? Graf: There is no technical or documentary proof of the reported mass gassings at Auschwitz, but rather, only eyewitness accounts. This suggested the idea of collating 163 the most important eyewitness statements, quoting them, and analysing them. If no historian ever thought of this before, that is not my fault. Judge Staubli: Do you consider the eyewitness statements incredible? Graf: Yes. Let us assume that three witnesses describe an alleged automobile accident. The first witness says the automobile left the highway, caught fire, and exploded; the second says the automobile had a head-on collision with an on-coming car; while the third says that the automobile hit a bridge, the bridge collapsed, and the automobile fell into a river. What do you do? And what do you do when there is no wreckage of any automobile to seen anywhere around, and there is no bridge and no river? The eyewitness testimonies on gassings contradict each other on all possible points; and where they agree, they repeat the same impossibilities over and over again, depriving them of all credibility. For example, many witnesses claim that, in Auschwitz, three bodies were burnt in one oven muffle in three quarters of an hour. The actual capacity was one body per muffle per hour; the capacity stated by the witnesses is therefore exaggerated twelve-fold. This proves that the eyewitness testimonies were coordinated in advance. The exact manner in which these testimonies were coordinated, is known in complete detail. Judge Staubli: In the introduction to the Auschwitz book, you write that there is no documentary proof of the extermination of the Jews in the extermination camps. Do you stand by that statement? Graf: The anti-revisionist historian Jacques Baynac, in the "Nouveau Quotidien" on 3 September 1996, wrote that the absence of evidence makes it impossible to prove the existence of the gas chambers. In 1995,1 spent almost two months in two Moscow archives, together with Carlo Mattogno, where we viewed 88,000 pages of documents from Auschwitz, and thousands of pages from other camps. Not one document refers to the gassing of a single Jew. This did not surprise us, since if such document had existed, the Communists would have triumphantly displayed them to the world in 1945. But no, the documents disappeared for 46 years and were only made available to researchers in 1991. Why? The German documents set forth the objectives of National Socialist Jewish policy quite clearly. They wanted to transfer the Jews out of Europe, and, in the meantime, during the war, they used their labour power. Judge Staubli: In "The Holocaust Swindle" you write: "After the war, the Jews were still there." What do you mean by that? Graf: I mean that most of the Jews in the German sphere of influence survived. Rolf Bloch, President of the Holocaust Fund, in the "Handelzeitung" of 4 February of this year, said that more than one million Holocaust survivors were still alive today. Any actuary can easily compute that there must have been more than three million survivors in February 1945. As shown by Walter Sanning in his study "The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry", published in 1983 and based almost exclusively on Jewish sources, there could not have been more than four million Jews at most in the German sphere of influence at the time of its broadest geographical expansion. Of these, as admitted above, over three million survived. How can one arrive at a figure of Six Million victims? 164 Judge Staubli: Can you imagine that Jews may feel offended by your books? Graf: Yes, and also many non-Jews. The brain-washing is so complete that anyone who accidentally stumbles across the truth is easily upset. Judge Staubli: And don’t you care whether Jews feel offended by your books? Graf: Edgar Bronfmann recently said that Switzerland was like a man who needed to have his feet held in the fire to make him see reason. Can you imagine that a Swiss citizen could be offended at that? Why is there only talk of the feelings of the Jews, and never the feelings of other people? Judge Staubli: The ARG (Anti-Racism-Law) was approved by a democratic referendum. Don’t you have to respect that? Graf: The people of that time were told that the law was to protect foreigners from racist violence. In reality, it is used exclusively to protect Jews from any criticism. This is irrefutably proven in the brochure "Abscheid vom Rechtsstaat", to which I participated with two short papers. Not one Swiss citizen has ever been indicted or sentenced for criticizing blacks, Arabs, or Turks. The only people indicted and sentenced are people who criticize Jews. Judge Staubli: Did the events described by yourself in your "Todesursache Zeitgeschichtsforschung", depicted as a debate in a German high school classroom, really take place? Graf: The events are obviously invented. Judge Staubli: But in your introduction, you describe it as if it really took place. Graf: That is an ancient, and well-known, literary technique. Many authors pretend to have found an old manuscript or a letter in a bottle. Judge Staubli: In the book, one school girl, Marietta, says that, if the Germans had had more Zyklon, fewer inmates would have died. Please explain that statement! Graf: The main reason for the extremely high mortality rate in Auschwitz was typhus fever, which is transmitted by lice. In the late summer of 1942, this epidemic disease caused 403 deaths in a single day. The documents show that the Germans constantly demanded more and more Zyklon to eliminate lice, but that the stocks were nevertheless insufficient. Thus, Marietta’s statement is nothing less than historical fact. Moreover, I must inform you that deliveries of Zyklon were also made to Switzerland, Norway, and Finland during the war. Does that mean that Jews were gassed in these countries too? Judge Staubli: In the brochure, "Vom Untergang der Schweizerischen Freiheit", you write that, to the Jews, the Holocaust has become a religion. What is your comment? 165 Graf: An estimated one third of all Jews today no longer believe in God, but they all believe in the gas chambers. The Holocaust faith is the mortar binding Jews together today. Judge Staubli: In the same brochure, you say: "The march into the police state has begun." Why do you speak of a "march into a police state"? Graf: If we already had a total police state, I would be in prison or dead, and could not speak freely here today. We still possess the possibility of protest today. In five years, that will no longer be true, if present developments continue. Graf described the trial of Forster and himself as a "classical political trial". The defendants had not been indicted for their actions, but rather, for their opinions. The oppression of dissenting opinion through criminal law was the classic characteristic of dictatorship. Judge Staubli: Did you inquire whether the publication of your books violated the ARG? Graf: No revisionist can be convicted under the ARG in correct legal proceedings in a state of law, since the wording of the law is not specific; no one can be punished for any action not expressly stated to be punishable. But I knew ahead of time that our adversaries have no concept of fairness or justice, and that sooner or later, there would be a trial. In addition to "Racial Discrimination", Graf was also indicted for "Intimidation", and "Libel". The offence of "Intimidation", according to the state prosecutor’s office, was alleged to have consisted of sending the manuscript of an article entitled "How Many People Died at Auschwitz?", in February 1995, to numerous university history professors, among other people, asking them to reply, indicating any errors it might contain. If no errors were reported by a certain date, the article would be published in the newspaper "Aurora" [Postfach 386, 8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland], In fact, no errors were ever reported; several of the recipients nevertheless replied, that, as specialists in ancient history or as medievalists, they were not competent to express an opinion on the matter. Graf answered questions from the presiding judge in this regard by stating that his procedure in this matter testified to the seriousness of revisionist attempts to determine the truth. He wanted to know whether there were any errors in his text, and if so, where. If no one told informed him of any errors, that was not his fault. The offence of "Libel" was said to have been committed in the autumn of 1997, when Graf sent a copy of the book "Todesursache Zeitgeschichtsforschung" to the theology professor Ekkehard Stegemann, with a dedication reading, "To Professor Stegemann, so that he may serve Christ in future instead of the foes of Christ". Stegemann is one of those theologists who make the guilt of Christian churches for anti-Semitism the central point of their theology, and are rewarded for this by rapid career advancement. Judge Staubli: Why did you send Prof. Stegemann this book? 166 Graf: I knew that he had long engaged in discussion with the well-known revisionist Arthur Vogt, and I therefore considered him ready for dialogue. [Stegemann later stated that he had not known that Vogt was a revisionist; otherwise he would not have engaged in discussion with him.] Judge Staubli: By means of this introduction, did you wish to imply that Prof. Stegemann did not take his duty as a theologist seriously, and did not serve Christ at all? Graf: Prof. Stegemann calls himself a Christian. To a Christian, Jesus Christ must be more important than anything else. But his only commitment is to serve the interests of Jewry. In front of me, I have a book written by the Israeli professor Israel Shahak, published in 1994 and entitled "Jewish History, Jewish Religion". Shahak shows in great detail that Jewish hatred for all non-Jews, and, in particular, for Christians, is the central motive of the Jewish Religion. According to the Talmud, a book which many Jews place higher than the Torah, Jesus Christ is in Hell, boiling in excrement..." [Graf s attempts to introduce further evidence of Jewish hatred of Christ from Shahak’s book were interrupted by the presiding judge.] Graf: A person for whom Jesus Christ should be more important than anything else, should not toady up to people who claim that Jesus is in Hell, boiling in excrement." Judge Staubli: Then, by "foes of Christ", you mean the Jews? Graf: Not individual Jews as persons, but the Jewish religion. THE PROSECUTION FINAL STATEMENT After a pause, prosecutor Dominik Aufdenblatten began his final summation. His miserable performance was purely rhetorical, and, as one trial observer expressed it, speaking crudely, "unter alien Sau" ["really lousy"]. Aufdenblatten made no attempt to show any relation between the passages in the books published by Forster and which were the subject of the indictment, and the wording of the ARG; rather, he contented himself with reeling off an endless litany of phrases ("pseudoscience", "anti-Semitic incitation", racist propaganda", etc.). Graf was said to be an intelligent man, and, therefore, doubly dangerous. Graf was said not to have sought the truth, but to have knowingly distorted the truth. His writings were said to have incited anti- Semitism and xenophobia. Since Graf was unreasonable, and fully acknowledged his revisionist views, there could be no favourable social prognosis. He could not therefore be given merely a suspended sentence. The same was true of Forster, who was just as unreasonable as Graf. Forster’s poor health was allegedly no reason why he should not be sentenced to imprisonment without probation, since it was not the court’s responsibility to determine the defendant’s fitness to endure imprisonment; that was the responsibility of a doctor. 167 FINAL SUMMATION BY PETER LIATOWITSCH FOR THE CIVIL PLAINTIFF Jewish attorney Peter Liatowitsch confirmed that his client, Professor Stegemann, felt himself seriously libelled, both professionally and personally, by the dedication to the book. He demanded compensation for his client in the sum of 1000 SF, to be paid into a "Solidarity Fund". Stegemann described himself as "somatized" (whatever that might mean) by Graf s book and its mocking dedication. FINAL SUMMATION BY DR. URS OSWALD Dr. Urs Oswald, court-appointed defence attorney for defendant Jurgen Graf, spoke for more than an hour, sharply attacking state prosecutor Audfenblatten. Although he respected Aufdenblatten as a human being, and recognized his competence, he felt it his duty to state that the indictment was very badly written and completely untenable. According to the principle of "nulla poena sine lege" (no punishment without law), the books, which were written before entry into effect of the ARG, should never have been the subject of an indictment. For that reason, he would not discuss the content. "Auschwitz. Tatergestandnisse..." was undeniably written in May 1994, and published in August of the same year. No one claimed that Graf had marketed the book himself. The prosecutor’s claim to justification on the grounds that Graf had not expressly forbidden the publishing firm from further distribution after 1 January 1995, and even declared himself to be in agreement with such distribution, was insufficient in law, and contrary to all customary legal practice. Nor was Graf subject to punishment for continuing to sell his first two books after entry of effect of the ARG, since the "public" element of the offence prescribed by the text of the law, was entirely lacking. Graf carried on no advertising for these two books; he had sent no copies libraries or other places where they might have been available for inspection by the public. On the contrary, he sent them only to people who ordered them. How could this constitute the "public" nature of the offence, as required by the text of the law? In customary legal practice, not even a small group of friends was considered to be "public", much less so a single individual. There was no proof that Graf had written "Todesursache Zeitgeschichtsforschung" after 1.1.95. (In this, Dr. Oswald was in error, an error which Graf later corrected.) The brochure "Vom Untergang der Schweizerischen Freiheit" was, of course, indisputably written after entry into effect of article 26 Ibis, but the passages which were the subject of the indictment, in which the author summarizes his Auschwitz books, were written in his own defense. Had he been granted a court-appointed attorney at that point in time, he would not have needed to write the brochure. That Graf admittedly sent diskettes to Ernst Ziindel in Canada and Ahmed Rami in Sweden, who then posted the texts on the Internet, was not a punishable offence, since the crime, in this case, was not committed in Switzerland. The texts were posted on the Internet in Canada, the USA, and Sweden, where there were no laws against revisionism. Any text on the Internet can be retrieved anywhere in the world; they 168 cannot be expected to conform to the laws of every nation in the world. An extensive study recently published by a jurist named Widmer — of course, not available to the state prosecuting attorney prior to trial — showed very clearly that only the provider is responsible for the content of the texts. In the case at issue, however, the provider was in a foreign country. The count of the indictment mentioning "intimidation" was untenable. Asking historians to report any errors in a text did not constitute the crime of intimidation. No prejudice was caused to any of these historians by the subsequent publication of the article; yet the threat of prejudice was the central characteristic of intimidation (Note: Graf was acquitted on this charge in the first instance.) The count of the indictment relating to "libel" was civil in nature, and actually had no place in the present trial. In addition, Prof. Stegemann and his attorney had missed the cut-off date; the accusation was now barred by the statute of limitations. Graf was acquitted on this point, as well. Grafs motive was not to degrade the Jews, but rather, to search for truth. The prosecutor alleged the contrary, but was unable to provide any proof, having made no effort to justify his accusation of "pseudoscience" in any manner whatever. Dr. Oswald demanded that Graf be acquitted on all points. Dr. Oswald’s summation, like Stehrenberger’s, was greatly appreciated by the majority of persons attending the trial, who were favourably disposed towards the defendants. Both lawyers did as much as they possibly could for their clients without jeopardizing their own position, displaying true commitment. FINAL STATEMENT BY JURGEN GRAF: "Your Honour, the court, ladies and gentlemen. I would first like to make two remarks. I would like to thank the presiding judge, for the fair manner in which you have conducted this trial [editor’s comment: for rejecting Robert Faurisson’s appearance as defence witness!?] You have permitted me to speak and defend my statements without hinderance, and you deserve thanks for so doing. I would like to thank my attorney, Dr. Oswald for his excellent summation, but I would like to permit myself to correct one error. "Todesursache Zeitgeschichtsforschung" was written mostly in 1995; I say so openly, because I despise lying. An eminently qualified engineer appeared here today as a defence witness, an expert on the construction of gas chambers for the extermination of vermin and the eradication of viruses. Wolfgang Frohlich was expressly warned of his duty to tell the truth and took due note of that warning. The state prosecuting attorney Aufdenblatten asked him whether it was possible to gas human beings in gas chambers using Zyklon B in the manner described, and if not, why not. In accordance with his profound technical knowledge and true to his duty to testify truthfully, Frohlich answered the question in the negative, and justified his answer in detail. What did the state 169 prosecuting attorney do then? He demanded an indictment for "Racial discrimination" (but not for perjury). That is pure Stalinism, ladies and gentlemen! I know that this is a serious accusation, but I maintain it. Your Honour, you made an effort to ensure a fair trial, but that is not true of the prosecutor. A few words about myself, although I do not like to call attention to myself. I knowingly exchanged a well-paying job in a state school for an uncertain future [as a revisionist researcher]. Yet the prosecutor has the nerve to attempt to read my mind, and makes the accusation that I never sought the truth, but instead, lies. Do you believe that anyone would willingly risk the destruction of his existence [and jail] for a known lie? We revisionists make an effort to approximate historical truth insofar as possible. We demand nothing else than to be shown our errors. Of course, there are errors in my books, but do you know who showed them to me? Other revisionists! From the other side, the sole reaction has consisted of insults, incitement, threats, indictments, and trials. The statements of the prosecutor or Prof. Stegemann betray absolute helplessness in the face of revisionist arguments; this helplessness is as visible here as it was, for instance, in the article published in the "Weltwoche", not long ago, by the famous Hans Stutz. There are never any factual arguments, but rather, empty phrases such as "pseudoscience, anti-Semitism, racist incitement, etc." Sigi Feigel [Swiss Jewish leader] and his people want to imprison Forster and myself, and to prohibit our books. I would never dream of imprisoning Sigi Feigel [for his incitement against Switzerland]. If he ever wrote a book, I would never dream of prohibiting it. I challenge Mr. Feigel or Mr. Stegemann, or any other spokesman for the official view of the Holocaust, to a factual, dispassionate open debate, on radio or television, as to the existence of the gas chambers and the number of Jewish victims. In living memory, no one in Switzerland has been arrested for the non-violent expression of an opinion. The last example dates far back into the last century. Ladies and gentlemen of the court, shortly before the end of the 20th century, do you want to break with this tradition? If you absolutely must jail someone, then please jail me; not the mortally ill Mr. Forster! Jailing me would bring no shame upon myself. But it would bring shame on our country, Switzerland. A Switzerland in which the freedom of expression has been abolished, in which 0.6 percent of the population may decide what the other 99.4% can read, write, say, and think, is a dead Switzerland. I would like to end my remarks with a quotation from my friend Gaston-Armand Amaudruz from western Switzerland, against whom a trial similar to that held today against Mr. Forster and myself, is now pending in Lausanne. In number 371 of his "Courrier du Continent" Amaudruz wrote: "As in earlier historical times, it is a sign of weakness to attempt to enforce a dogma by force. The exponents of the Jewish extermination thesis may win trials based on 170 censorship law today; but they will lose the last trial before the court of future generations." 171 REVISIONIST BIBLIOGRAPHY The following bibliography naturally makes no claim to completeness. The most complete revisionist bibliography to our knowledge appeared in no. 42 of the Italian publication L'Uomo Libero (Casella Postale 1658,1-20123 Milan, Italy). Most of the titles mentioned here can be ordered from the publishers in each case, or from Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, Postbus 60, 2600 Berchem-2, Belgium. Newsletters In German: Deutschland in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Grabert Verlag, Postfach 1629, D - 72006 Tubingen National Journal, P.O. Box 62, GB-Uckfield/E. Sussex, TN22 1ZY Aurora, Postfach 386, CH-8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland. In French: Annales d'Histoire Revisionniste, appeared from 1987 to 1990 in a total of eight issues, These can still be ordered from B.P. 122 - F-92704 Colombes Cedex, France. A.N.E.C.B.P. 21, F-44530 St Gildas des Bois, France Nouvelle Vision, appeared in a total of 36 issues until 1995. These can still be ordered from A.N.E.C. (see above). Revision, 11 rue d’Alembert, F - 912130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France. In English: Journal of Historical Review, Institute of Historical Review, Office Box 2739, New Port Beach, 92659 CA, USA. Books Anntohn, Gunther/Roques, Henri, Der Fall Gunter Deckert, DAGD, Germania Verlag, Weinheim, 1995. Aretz, Emil, Hexeneinmaleins einer Luge, Hohe Warte, 1976. 172 Aynat, Enrique, Los protocolos de Auschwitz: Unajuente historica?, Garcia Hispan, Alicante, 1990. Aynat, Enrique, Estudios sobre el ‘Holocausto ’, Graficas Hurtado, Burjassol/Valencia, 1994. Aynat, Enrique, El Holocausto a Debate , Graficas Hurtado, Burjassol/Valencia, 1994. Ball, John, Airphoto evidence , Ball Resource Services, Delta, B.C./Kanada, 1992. Ball, John, The Ball Report, Ball Resource Services, Delta, B.C./Kanada, 1991. Bohlinger, Roland/Ney, Johannes P. Gutachten zur Echtheit des sog. Wannsee- Protokolls, Verlag firr ganzheitliche Forschung und Kultur, Viol, 1994. Boisdefeu, Jean-Marie, La Controverse sur Textermination des juifs par les allemands, 2 vol., Au Roseau Pensant, Brussel, 1994 (1. Teil) bzw. 1996 (2. Teil). Brigneau, Fran£ois, Mais qui est done le professeur Faurisson?, Publication FB, Paris, 1992. Burg, Josef Gideon, Schuld und Schicksal, K.W. Schirtz, Preussisch Oldendorf, 1990. Burg, Josef Gideon, Majdanek in alle Ewigkeit?, Eder Verlag, Miinchen, 1979. Butz, Arthur, The hoax of the twentieth century, I.H.R., Office Box, 2739 Newport Beach, CA, USA, zahlreiche Auflagen. Challen, Stephen, Richard Korherr and his reports, Cromwell Press, GB-Uckfield/E. Sussex, TN22 1YZ, England, 1993. Chelain, Andre, Faut-il fusilier Henri Roques?, Polemiques, Paris, 1986. Christophersen, Thies, Die Auschwitz-Liige, Nordwind Verlag, Molevej 12, Kollund/Danemark, 1973. Delcroix, Eric, La Police de la Pensee contre le Revisionnisme, R.H.R., Colombes Cedex/F, 1994. Faurisson, Robert, Memoire en defense. La Vieille Taupe, Paris, 1980. Faurisson, Robert, Reponse ci Pierre Vidal-Naquet, La Vieille Taupe, Paris, 1982. Faurisson, Robert, Reponse a Jean-Claude Pressac, R.H.R., Colombes Cedex/F, 1993. Garaudy, Roger, Les mythes fondateurs de la politique israelienne. La Vieille Taupe, Paris, 1995, zweite, modifizierte Auflage Selbstverlag 1996, erhaltlich bei Vrij Historisch Onderzoek oderbei Libre R, rue des Alpes 22, 1820 Montreux/Schweiz. 173 Gauss, Ernst, Vorlesungen iiber Zeitgeschichte, Grabert, Tubingen, 1993. Gauss, Ernst, Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte, Grabert, Tubingen, 1994. Graf, Jurgen, Der Holocaust aufdem Priifstand, Guideon Burg Verlag, Postfach 52, 4009 Basel, 1992. Graf, Jurgen, Der Holocaust-Schwindel, Guideon Burg Verlag, Postfach 52, 4009 Basel, 1993. Graf, Jurgen, Auschwitz. Tatergestandnisse und Augenzeugen des Holocaust, Neue Visionen GmbH, Postfach, 5436 Wiirenlos/Schweiz, 1994. Graf, Jurgen, Todesursache Zeitgeschichtsforschung, Neue Visionen GmbH, Postfach, 5436 Wiirenlos/Schweiz, 1996. Graf, Jurgen, Vom Untergang der schweizerischen Freiheit, Neue Visionen GmbH, Postfach, 5436 Wiirenlos/Schweiz, 1997. Grabert, Wigbert, Geschichtsbetrachtung als Wagnis, Grabert, Tubingen, 1984. Guillaume, Pierre, Droit et Histoire, La Vieille Taupe, Paris, 1986. Harwood, Richard, Did six million really diel, Historical Review Press, Brighton, zahlreiche Auflagen. Hoffmann, Joachim, Stalins Vemichtungskrieg, Verlag fur Wehrwissenschaften, Miinchen, 1995. Honsik, Gerd, Schelm und Scheusal. Meineid, Macht und Mord auf Wizenthals Wegen, Bright-Rainbow Limited, Madrid, 1993. Irving, David: NUrnberg. Die letzte Schlacht, Grabert, Tubingen, 1996. Kammerer, Rudiger/Solms, Armin, Wissenschaftlicher Erdrutsch durch das Rudolf- Gutachten, Cromwell Press, Uckfield/East Sussex, 1993. Kern, Erich, Verbrechen am deutschen Volk, K.W. Schiitz, Preussisch Oldendorf, 1964. Kohler, Manfred, Professor Dr. Ernst Nolte: Auch Holocaust-Liigen haben kurze Beine, Cromwell Press, Uckfield/East Sussex, 1994. Kulaszka, Barbara, Did six million really diel, Samisdat, 206 Carlton Street, Toronto, 1992. Lehner, Dieter, Du sollst nicht falsch Zeugnis geben, Vorwinckel, Berg am See, o.J. Lenski, Robert, Der Holocaust vor Gericht, Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, Postbus 60, 2600 Berchem-2, Belgien, 1995. 174 Leuchter, Fred, The Leuchter Report, Focal Point Publication, London, 1989 (gekiirzte deutsche Ubersetzung in der Nr. 36 der Historischen Tatsachen). Leuchter, Fred, Der zweite Leuchter-Report, Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, Postbus 60, 2600 Berchem-2, Belgien. Marais, Pierre, Les camions a gaz en question, Polemiques, Paris, 1994. Mattogno, Carlo, II mito dello sterminio ebraico, Sentinella d’ltalia, 1985. Mattogno, Carlo, II rapporto Gerstein. Anatomia di un falso, Sentinella d’ltalia, Monfalcone, 1985. Mattogno, Carlo, La Soluzione finale, Edizioni di Ar, Padova, 1991. Mattogno, Carlo, Auschwitz■ La prima gasazione, Edizioni di Ar, Padova, 1992. Mattogno, Carlo, Auschwitz: Fine di una leggenda, Edizioni di Ar, Padova, 1994. Mattogno, Carlo, Intervista sull’olocausto, Edizioni di Ar, Padova, 1995. Mattogno, Carlo, Dilettanti alio sbaraglio, Edizioni di Ar, Padova, 1996. Porter, Carlos, Nicht schuldig in NUmberg, 1984 Press, Madeira Place, Brighton/GB, 1996. Rassinier, Paul, Le Mensonge d’Ulysse, La Vieille Taupe, Paris, 1950. Rassinier, Paul, Le veritable proces Eichmann ou les vainqueurs incorrigibles, La Vielle Taupe, 1962. Rassinier, Paul, Le drame des juifs europeens, La Vieille Taupe, Paris, 1964. (Deutsche Ausgabe: Was ist Wahrheifl, Druffel, Leoni, 1982). Remer, Otto Ernst (Fig.), Die ZEIT liigt!, Remer und Heipke, Bad Kissingen, 1992. Roques, Henri, Die ‘Gestdndnisse’ des Kurt Gerstein, Druffel, Leoni, 1986. Rudolf, Germar, Gutachten iiber die Bildung und Nachweisbarkeit von Cyanidverbindungen in den ‘Gaskammem' von Auschwitz, Cromwell Press, Uckfield, East Sussex/GB, 1993. Rullman, Hans Peter, Der Fall Demjanjuk, Verlag fur ganzheitliche Forschung und Kultur, Viol, 1987. Sanning, Walter, Die Auflosung, Grabert, 1983. Schlesinger, Wilhelm, Der Fall Rudolf, Cromwell Press, Uckfield, East Sussex/GB, 1993. 175 Smith, Bradley, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist, Popular Reality P.O. Box 2942, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 1989. Staglich, Wilhelm, Der Auschwitz-Mythos, Grabert, 1979. Staglich, Wilhelm, Die westdeutsche Justiz und die sog. NS-Gewaltverbrechen, Kritik-Verlag, Molevej 12, Kollund/DK, 1977. Thion, Serge, Verite historique ou veritepolitique?. La Vielle Taupe, Paris, 1980. (Deutsche Fassung: Historische Wahrlieit oder politische Wahrheill, Verlag der Freunde, Berlin, 1994). Verbeke, Siegfried (Hg), Auschwitz . Nackte Fakten, Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, Postbus 60, 2600 Berchem-2, Belgien, 1995. Verbeke, Siegfried (Hg), Kardinalfragen zur Zeitgeschichte, Vrij Historisch Onderzoek (siehe vorherige Anm.), 1996. Vogt, Arthur, Der Holocaust - Legende oder Realitatl, bei A. Vogt, Lerchenbergstr. 27, 8713 Erlenbach/Schweiz. Walendy, Udo, Bilddokumente fur die Geschichtsschreibling?, Verlag fur Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, Vlotho/Weser, 1973. Walendy, Udo, Auschwitz im IG-Farben-Prozess, Verlag fur Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, Vlotho/Weser, 1981. Weckert, Ingrid, Feuerzeichen, Grabert, 1994. Weckert, Ingrid, Auswandemng der Juden aus dem Dritten Reich, Nordwind Verlag, Molevej 12, Kollund/Danemark, 1994. Wemer, Steffen, Die zweite babylonische Gefangenscliaft, Grabert, 1990. A Few Works of Orthodox Holocaust Literature Arad, Yitzak, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, University Press, Bloomington/USA, 1987. Bauer, Yehuda, A history of the Holocaust, Franklin Watts, New York, 1982. Bastian, Till, Auschwitz und die ‘Auschwitz-LUge’, Beck, Miinchen, 1994. Benz, Wolfgang (Hrsg.), Dimension des Volkermords, Oldenbourg, Miinchen, 1991. Bailer-Galanda, Brigitte/Benz, Wolfgang/Neugebauer, Wolfgang (Hg), Wahrlieit und Auschwitz-LUge, Deuticke, Wien, 1995. 176 Browning, Christopher, Faithful Months, Essays on the Emergence of the Final Solution, Holmes & Meier, New York, 1985. Czech, Danuta, Kalendarium der Ereignisse im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz- Birkenau 1939 - 1945, Rowohlt, Reinbek, 1989. Dawidowicz, Lucy, Der Krieg gegen die Juden, Kindler, Miinchen, 1979. Fleming, Gerald, Hitler und die Endlosung, Ullstein, 1987. Gilbert, Martin, Auschwitz und die Alliierten, Beck, Miinchen, 1982. Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, Hitler’s willing executioners, Little, Brown and Company, London, 1996. Hilberg, Raul, Die Vernichtung der europdischen Juden, 3 Bande, Fischer, Frankfurt/M., 1993. Jackel, Eberhard (Hrsg), Enzyklopadie des Holocaust, 3 Bande, Argon, Berlin, 1993. Klarsfeld, Serge, Vichy - Auschwitz, Delphi Politik, Hamburg, 1989. Kogon, Eugen, Der SS-Staat, Kindler, Berlin, 1986. Kogon, E./Langbein, H./Riickerl, A. (Hg.), Nationalsozialistische Massentotungen durch Giftgas, Fischer, Frankfurt/M, 1983. Langbein, Hermann, Der Auschwitz-Prozess, 2 Bande, Europa-Verlag, Wien, 1972. Laqueur, Walter, Was niemand wissen wollte, Ullstein, Frankfurt/M., 1982. Lipstadt, Deborah, Betrifft: Leugnen des Holocaust, Rio-Verlag, Zurich, 1994. Poliakov, Leon, Breviaire de la Haine, Editions complexe, Paris, 1986. Pressac, Jean-Claude, Ausch witz. Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York, 1989. Pressac, Jean-Claude: Die Krematorien von Auschwitz, Piper, Miinchen, 1994. Reitlinger, Gerald, Die Endlosung, Colloquium, Berlin, 1989. Rosh, Lea/Jackel, Eberhard, Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland, Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg, 1991. Riickerl, Adalbert, Nationalsozialistische Vemichtungslager im Spiegel deutscher Strafprozesse, dtv, Miinchen, 1987. Scheffler, Wolfgang, Judenvetfolgung im Dritten Reich, Colloquium, Berlin, 1964. Ill Vidal-Naquet, Pierre, Les assassins de la memoire , Editions de la decouverte, 1991. Wellers, Georges, Les chambres a gaz ont existe, Gallimard, Paris, 1981. Revisionist Internet-Homepages http://www.webcom.com/ezundel http://www.vho.org/ http://www.kaiwan.com/-ihrgreg/ http://www.codoh.com/ http://www.adam.com.au/-fredadin/adins.html http://www.abbc.com/islam http://www.nationaljournal.org/ http://www.abbc.com/aaargh Translated by Carlos W. Porter Note: some of the quotations are retranslations back into English, from German, of quotations which originally appeared in English (Hannah Arendt, Daniel Goldhagen). 178