by David Icke![]()
The Canadian “Green” Party were at the heart of the campaign to stop me speaking in Canada in October where they distributed hate propaganda against me and caused many venues to cancel my events on the strength of what these “Greens” told them.
They used the tried and trusted...or tired and busted...accusation that I am anti-Jewish. Yawn, yawn, yawn. They also say I am connected to “far right” groups on the basis of a stream of lies written by two people in England called Matthew Kalman and John Murray, both of whom have an enormous amount of growing up to do.
Anyone who has heard me talk (these Greens have not) or read my books will know that I am EXPOSING the far-right fascist mentality, not promoting it. It is to prevent a global fascist state that I am doing all this. But the Canadian Greens, and their mirror image in the United Kingdom, have never let the truth spoil a good story.
Not content with distributing unbelievable disinformation in Canada in the hope of preventing me from speaking (I thought “Greens” believed in free speech), the Canadian “Greens” are now seeking to do the same in Australia and the United Kingdom. They have sent a letter full of lies to the venue I am speaking at in Birmingham and given the Australian Green Party the same disinformation and lies that they spread in Canada.
The question is, therefore, who are these people? Why are they so vehemently seeking to stop one man having a platform to speak anywhere in the world? I’ll come to that in a second, but first here is the letter they are sending to venues with my comments in [brackets]:
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are writing to you to express our concern about an individual [too right I am] named David Icke who is advertised as speaking at your venue on the evening of Tuesday, December 14th, 1999 from 7-11 in the evening.
We are afraid that you may be unaware that David Icke promotes a brand of anti-semitic, paranoid conspiracy theory that alleges that a Jewish elite and the Freemasons, in conjunction with most world leaders and faiths are engaged in a plot to create a so-called “one world government” that will enslave the inhabitants of the Earth.
[My God where do I start? I do NOT say it is a Jewish plot, in fact I emphasise that it is not. And The Truth Shall Set You Free was funded into publication by a Jewish friend of mine. And how much research have these people done into the evidence of the New World Order? None. Another point. Why are these “Greens” seeking to deny a public platform to someone who is communicating information that they don’t agree with? And they call me fascist!!]
In David Icke’s recent most recent 1999 book, “The Biggest Secret”, Icke repeats his previous allegations of a grand conspiracy between this supposed Jewish elite [not true]and the Freemasons to control the world based on his belief in the historical forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion [not true, it is based on a staggering amount of cross-referenced information from endless sources all over the world..information that these guys simply do not want to see].
In addition to now claiming the leaders of both these groups are decended from extraterrestrial lizards [a stunning and sweeping generalisation that such people specialise in], Icke repeats the tired allegations that this supposed cabal of Jews were responsible for the Russian Revolution, World War 1, World War 11, funding the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, the ensuing Holocaust and all manner of other nefarious events.
[Utter claptrap, and why would I spend so much time exposing the truth about the Nazis if I am a fascist? What I say is that the Illuminati, including the House of Rothschild, were the manipulators of these events. When it passes through these “Greens”, it becomes “the Jews”. Are they anti-semitic or something??]
He accuses them and their alleged allies (including Tony Blair, Edward Heath, Harold Wilson, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Bush Sr and Jr, Pope John Paul, the British Monarchy, Canadian former Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney, and others) of being extensively involved in Satanism and the murder and sexual abuse of children.
[Note that all the names they list there are NOT Jewish!! And how staggering that they are more concerned with preventing me having a platform to present the evidence than seeking to establish if children are indeed being tortured and abused in this way - the evidence for which is simply fantastic now. God help the children if these “Greens” get their way. And isn’t it rather strange that an alleged “fascist” and “racist” should be so concerned at the treatment of children of ALL races?]
Icke alleges that Israel and the Jewish faith are the fabrications of this cabal with the intent of furthering hatred and discord between the peoples of the world and that the Prophet Mohammed of the Islamic faith was a “stooge” of this group.
[Crikey, I am anti-Jewish and anti-Arab now. There’s a first. What I say is that ALL religions were created to control and to divide and rule, and I consentrate mostly on Christianity, but these “Greens” highlight the Jewish religion because they believe that is most likely to ensure their goal of stopping me having a platform to speak.]
During David Icke’s recent tour of our province, Ontario, Canada, various Hate Police Crimes Units monitored his presentations...
[One unit did and that was because of the allegations about me made to them by these very same “Greens” and the Canadian Jewish Congress, who distributed the same fantastic disinformation - (see links below to other articles on this website.)
This Hate Police Unit cleared me of all allegations - as they did the last time I was in Canada when the the same propaganda was spread. Funny how they failed to mention that.]
...and six different venues here in Ontario, Canada, cancelled the rental of their facilities to the organizers of David Icke’s speaking tour upon finding out the hateful nature of his conspiracy theories.
[No they didn’t. They cancelled upon receiving this very same disinformation from the Canadian “Greens” that you are reading here. These venue operators never read my books, never watched my tapes, they just read what these people sent to them and cancelled on that basis. The organisers of the Birmingham event had the intelligence and decency to read The Biggest Secret after receiving this letter and as a result they read for themselves what nonsense is being fed to them by these people. The Birmingham event is therefore going ahead, as indeed the events would have done in Canada had the venue operators not been such jellies and sheep. It is possible to be both!!]
In the Ottawa-Hull region, the organizations who refused the use of their spaces [based on lies sent to them by the Canadian Greens etc.] included the Ottawa Congress Centre, the French Public School Board of Eastern Ontario, Hull City Hall and the order of nuns involved in running the Bronson Centre and in Windsor, Ontario, the Windsor Casino and the city-owned Cleay Conference Centre.
[You can almost see the gloating that they managed to prevent another human being from speaking his truth. And the order of nuns cancelled the meeting, not because I was “anti-semitic”, but because I questioned the literal existence of Jesus. So now I am anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, and anti-Muslim. God, I’ll soon have the full set.]
In addition, Immigration Canada detained David Icke several times both because of the hateful content of his writings and because he did not have proper work authoriztion in Canada and was thus working illegally at the venues in which he holds his money-making seminars.
[Immigration officials did not detain me because of “hateful” writings. I was detained by customs who, working on information provided by the Canadian “Greens” etc., kept me at the airport until 2am in the morning searching my bags for “hate” propaganda. They found nothing because there is never anything to find. The embarrassed customs man who could see from what he found that my motivation is love not hate, said I was free to go. Immigration stopped me on a technicality which an immigration lawyer said publicly was completely without foundation.
And isn’t good to know that the Greens are just another establishment party who support the official line? So now we know.]
On behalf of the Green Party of Canada, we hope that given this information, your facility will reconsider whether you wish to host David Icke and his followers as guests at the Birmingham and Midland Institute [They did and they read my books and they now know you are communicating disinformation].
If you have any questions about this matter or desire further information, please do not hestitate to contact us.
Sincerely [oh really],
Richard Warman
Well, yes, actually I do have a question or two. Are these Canadian “Greens” simply uninformed idiots? Or is there more to this vehement campaign to deny someone a public platform so people cannot have the freedom to make up their own minds? It is quite possible that, even though they operate from one of the Illuminati’s global strongholds in Eastern Canada, they are, indeed, just uninformed idiots.
Or is there more to this? Can anyone give me further information about the following people and the Canadian Green Party in general? And if you wish to let them know that they will not be left unchallenged to continue their fascist behaviour. These are their contact addresses and numbers: (updated listing at bottom of page"
Richard Warman,
GREEN Party of Ottawa,
440 Wiggins Street,
Apt 512,
Tel: 613-947-1712
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Frank de Jong “Leader”,
GREEN Party of Ontario,
244 Gerrard St, E.
Tel: 416-929-2397
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Frank de Jong was at the centre, with Warman, of the campaign of disinformation in Canada and stood outside the meeting in Toronto, not bothering to come in and see what I was really saying.
Dr. Joan Russow, another Leader,
GREEN Party of Canada,
1230 St Patrick Street,
British Columbia,
V8S 4Y4
Tel: 250-598-0071
Email:[email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
David Icke
Frank de Jong 416-533-6798 [email protected] Joan Russow +1-250-598-0071 1230 St. Patrick Street, Victoria, B.C., V8S 4Y4 [email protected] Harvey Scott +1-780-675-4158 P.O. Box 1707, Athabasca, Alberta, T9S 2B4 [email protected] Eymond Toupin +1-204-775-1732 33 Evanson Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3G 1Z8 [email protected] Victor Lau +1-306-761-0037 110 Dale Crescent, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4N 5J7 [email protected] Mark Viitala +1-416-929-2397 244 Gerrard St. E, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2G2 [email protected] Harry Garfinkle +1-780-433-5578 GPC-A PO Box 52023 Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 1C9 [email protected] Larry Commodore 4243 Sweltzer Creek Rd., Cultus Lake, British Columbia +1-604-819-5332 |
Nelson P. Morrison +1-204-255-3977 62 Thorndale Ave., Winnipeg, MB, R2M 1C6 [email protected] John Whalen +1-709-579-0698 16 Colonial Street, St. John’s, Newfoundland, A1C 3M8 [email protected] Richard Warman E-mail: *******@fet-ef.gc.ca Antoni Wysocki +1-902-423-2365 B2-6259 Coburg Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 2A2 [email protected] Constantine Kritsonis +1-416-636-0364(H)/+1-416-239-9599(W) [email protected] Jean-Claude Balu +1-514-484-0953 5194 Mountain Sights Montréal, Québec, H3W 2Y2 [email protected] Neal Anderson +1-306-664-6082 221 Isabella St. E Saskatoon, SK S7J 0B2 [email protected] Jeff Culbert (519) 645-1130 |