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An Interview With David Icke Originally printed in Shared-Vision Magazine
Joseph Duggan: David, what have you been up to since we talked
almost a year ago?
David Icke: Well, I'm just on my way to spend a month in South
Africa where I have television interviews and a whole
series of lectures and talk shows lined up. They are very
interested in my information because they realize that there
is something big going on in the world arena as well as
within their own country. Because of their relative
isolation, they are very keen to hear information from
outside their country. What is interesting to me, as I travel,
is that exactly the same agenda is being implemented in
every country I travel to. Because people from different
countries don't talk to each other and the international
media are being used to bring about the changes desired by
the global elite, nobody realizes this. For instance, in every
country I've visited, they are struggling to maintain access
to herbs and supplements under the onslaught of codex and
the WTO. Social services and support for workers are
being dismantled on a global scale as country after country
adopts the austerity measures being forced on them by the
international bankers who have actually created the
economic problems in the first place. Yet most people think
that their problems are unique to their own country; this is
far from the truth.
Joseph Duggan: Do you have a deeper understanding of this global
agenda now?
David Icke: I can chart, with illustrations, how the same group,
starting in the ancient world, has manipulated humanity up
to the present day. Their organizations, corporate assets as
well as secret societies can be traced by understanding the
true meaning of everyday names and logos�including the
real meaning of Columbia. What their agenda amounts to is
basically using every tool at their disposal to maintain the
status quo and their power base. Everything from mass mind
control, economic enslavement, political control, media
control, and military control are being used to implement a
program to bring about complete domination of the world.
Joseph Duggan: What about the constitution and bill of rights, as well as
the BNA Act in Canada? Don't these protect citizens from
domination by a few?
David Icke: This is what we are led to believe, but I can
demonstrate that both the US and Canada have never been
free�even from their very inception. The very cleverly
written US Constitution has all of the loopholes needed to
circumvent it at the appropriate time. The BNA Act in
Canada does not even have the implied protections of the
US Constitution and is basically an act spelling out the
powers given to the appointed representative of the King or
Queen of England.
Joseph Duggan: Have you been able to identify the secret group behind
the secret societies we are aware of, such as the Council on
Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the
Bilderbergers, etc?
David Icke: I have positively identified this group as what I call the
Black Nobility, which includes the Queen and Prince
Phillip. By the time I get to Vancouver, I'll be able to
reveal the true role of the Queen of England and the real
facts around Lady Diana's death.
Joseph Duggan: One thing I don't understand is how this �Black
Nobility' has been able to continue its manipulation of the
human race for thousands of years. Why do successive
generations follow suit?
David Icke: This is done through the maintenance of blood lines. For
instance, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, or Queen
Elizabeth II, is, like all the royal families of Europe, an
ancestor of that pivotal figure in the take-over of
Britain�William III, Prince of Orange, the man who signed
into existence the Bank of England. In short, the ancestors of
the Windsors were fundamental in putting the Black
Nobility's William of Orange on the British throne, after
which the Bank of England and the power of the City of
London were firmly established. Queen Elizabeth, through
her Hanover ancestors, carries the bloodline of the Black
Nobility in Germany, back via the Black Nobility Venicians
through the Phoenecians, the Egyptians, to Sumer and, no
doubt, Atlantis. Prince Charles can trace 3,000 years of
descent alone from Edward III (1312 - 1377), the monarch
who formed the elite Satanic Brotherhood group, the Order
of the Garter. Successive generations in these bloodlines
follow their ancestors because they are very carefully
educated, initiated, and put through Satanic rituals such that
they are totally under the control of the secret orders they
are inducted into and whose direction they eventually
follow. If they don't, they are assassinated or taken out of
Joseph Duggan: You have also been doing research regarding all the
missing children. What have you discovered?
David Icke: Directly linked to the control being implemented by the
Black Nobility is mind control, Satanism, and the missing
children. Ted Gundersen, a former high-ranking member of
the FBI, has given me figures of missing children from a
private organization in Denver where, of 19,000 missing
children in 1995, only 11,000 were found. Eight thousand
were still missing. If these figures are extrapolated to the
whole of the US, it means that somewhere around 400,000
to 500,000 children go missing every year. Apparently,
similar figures exist for many parts of Canada�mostly urban
areas of high population.
Joseph Duggan: Why don't we hear about all these missing children?
David Icke: The media reports the sensational cases, but there are
thousands of cases that they never report. First of all, the US
Federal registry of missing children is only concerned with
children where there is evidence that they have been taken
across state lines and therefore come under federal
jurisdiction. So, if you consult their figures, you see that
they are much lower than have been reported when you
check and total up missing persons state by state, as I did.
Children who go missing within a state are often street
children who have been away from home for years, as well
as many children who are reported missing; but, because of
the sheer volume of missing persons, nothing much is done.
There is also a great lack of funding, social workers, and
manpower to follow up on all of these missing children.
Joseph Duggan: Where are they all disappearing to?
David Icke: This is what gets upsetting. Many of them are taken into
Satanic rituals for human sacrifice, others are abducted into
secret CIA and government mind control projects. Cathy
O'Brien was a victim of this type of operation, except that
her father sold her to MK-ULTRA and he became part of
that whole program. Many children are needed for these
mind control experiments and come through breeding
programs, adoption agencies (particularly, it seems,
Catholic ones), from the Third World where children are
kidnapped and parents sell their children, and through a
network of Social Services agencies. There are also
organizations whose job it is to find children of the right
genetic background for specific mind control projects.
Other children are kidnapped and sold as sex slaves in the
pedophile rings, some of which have penetrated to high
levels in the government of Canada, the US, Belgium, and
Australia. These rings have been exposed by individuals
like Cathy O'Brien who named Pierre Trudeau, Brian
Mulroney, George Bush, Gerald Ford, etc, in her book,
Trance Formation of America. The same pedophile rings
exist in every Western country, but have not as yet been
exposed. The white slave market in the Orient and Arab
countries is still active and, according to Ted Gundersen, a
white, blond, blue-eyed teenage girl can be sold for
$50,000. There are even kidnapping rings that will
photograph prospective children for clients and then grab
the one they choose. This is hard to believe, but it is
Joseph Duggan: What is the good news in all of this?
David Icke: The great news is that people all over the world are
waking up to the truth about what is really going on. It's as
if a light has come on in human consciousness and the Dark
Nobility is desperately trying to maintain the darkness. This
information is painful and brings up a lot of fear and
feelings of helplessness in people, but if we can embrace it
with love and understanding, while realizing that it is only
happening because we have given up our power to these
dark forces, it can be cleansed from our world.
However, as long as these activities continue to be carried
out in secret, and we are in denial about their existence, we
are powerless to change anything. Standing in your light of
love and truth does not mean that you personally have to go
out and fight these forces, but it contributes towards the light
and love within human consciousness which will finally
overcome the dark forces. Sooner or later, we will all have
to decide which side to align ourselves with. I'm here to
point out what is really going on and to remind people that
they have a choice and that we do have the power to turn
things around. In fact, as I travel, I feel a tremendous turning
of the tide. We are going to succeed, and the change in
consciousness I have experienced around the world is
phenomenal. We are part of it and, just as it is difficult for a
fish to understand what water is, it is hard for us to
understand the tremendous changes happening in the
consciousness of our world. Yes, humanity is waking up
and we will see the effects of this tidal change in human
consciousness in our lifetime.