Illuminati, Illuminati Proof - Vulnerabilities

Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:22:01 GMT

The Illuminati in America

Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer

By Svali with interviewer HJ Springer, Chief Editor <[email protected]> Copyright ? 2000 All rights reserved.  

Part 11: Illuminati Proof - Vulnerabilities

Q: Svali, have you ever come forward publicly with that story, or is this the first time?

A: I have never gone into the demonic aspects much, because it is so controversial (ie. your question below!).

I have shared this before with my husband, my therapist, and a close friend. I'm not really a "public" person, I've only posted some articles at, to help others who are trying to get out of the cult. I hate sensationalizing stuff, personally, because it can detract from the real problem; children are being hurt and abused, and the abuse needs to stop. Call it demons, aliens, or whatever, there are evil men (and women) using small children and profiting from their pain. That is why I have spoken out against this group.

Q: I am certain that a lot of readers will say 'Come on, now I know this is just sci-fi, how can this be real?!' and would want to see some proof or evidence to that. What would you say to them?

A: I would say "go to a ritual, you will see plenty" except that I don't want ANYONE to ever see or be near that type of evil. Spiritual realities don't leave physical marks, but I think it is interesting that throughout recorded history, mankind has written about these type of phenomena.

Could all of our recorded histories be false? Could mankind be a pathological liar throughout the centuries in this area? If a person visits Africa, they will also hear accounts of shape shifting done by the occult, and there, they DON'T dissociate, so you can interview people who have seen it while fully conscious. In South America, and Asia, this also occurs. How could a world-wide phenomena be made up by groups that had no previous contact with each other? Does the demonic leave a trail, a mark that I can point to? No. But does it leave an indelible impression on those that have witnessed it? Yes, and even in premedieval times, this type of stuff was recorded. I didn't take videos or snapshots of this stuff happening, so a person has to decide whether they believe it or not based on oral testimony. I don't really care. I know what I saw.

Q: Also, to wrap this interview up for now, what do you see as the Illuminati's Achilles Heel, their vulnerability? Is there any way to stop them, and a way for humanity to move on and say 'It is finished!'? At the moment it seems hopeless, sort of like having your fingers in a chinese finger trap, - you know what I'm talking about - with no way out.

A: 1. Their arrogance (I think I mentioned this before) is their weakness. These people think they are untouchable, and this could make them careless.

2. If by a miracle, enough people took this SERIOUSLY and started organizing in some way to stop the Illuminati take over, with prayer and God's guidance, perhaps they could be stopped. I hope so, with all of my heart.

3. Stopping pornography and child prostitution and drug smuggling and gun running would take out a huge chunk of their profits. Maybe they would slow down. But honestly, stopping the above would be as difficult as stopping the group.

4. To be honest, I don't know what could really stop them. I have written about this group to try and expose them, I have gone to the police several times, given videotaped testimony against them in a court case (the interview was with 5 lawyers and took 3 hours), knowing that my ex-headtrainer would be seeing a copy of the video (I thought about smiling and waving and saying "hi Jonathan", but then decided that might be going a little too far).

I have encouraged others in getting out, and helped a few survivors find safe housing and a way to stay out. I guess each person has to do their best in fighting these people, in the way they feel led to. My skills tend to be in writing, so I am using them.

Q: If you have any last comments or think there are some areas we have not touched or topics you would like to take us to, please feel free to share those.

A: If anyone has heard the sobs of a child when it has been used brutally by adults, or the screams of a child psychologically terrorized, they would do anything they could to stop this abuse.

There are children as young as three and four being used in pornographic films, beaten black and blue if they refuse to comply. There are toddlers being forced to watch brutalities, then given a stick and told to go over and hit the victim themselves, or they will be beaten. The child hesitates, it doesn't want to, and the adults hit the child, until the child goes, tears streaming down its face, and unwillingly does what the adults tell it. This is cruelty beyond belief.

To see a slightly older child with an electric dog collar around its neck, shocked when it tries to "escape" and treated as an animal, to the laughter of the adults and older children around it, and the child goes over to a bush and vomits from fear and self-loathing.

These are the pictures that any survivor of the Illuminati holds in their heart, and these are the reasons I will write and write about them to expose them, and why my heartfelt prayer is that they can be stopped. I wish I were making this up, but I'm not. I wish I didn't have these pictures engraved in my memory, but I do.

Q: Svali, would you be willing to answer readers questions or feedback, in form of some future article? I think there may be some questions coming in for you at some point, probably to cover some details about your story.

A: I would prefer that they send their questions to you, and then you forward them, if possible. I don't want to get a lot of "hate mail" because I am writing about a topic that is controversial and politically incorrect to talk about.

I'm sure there will be those who say, "oh, she just wants attention". Well, I get plenty of attention at the classes I teach, with a room full of students, and lots more fun besides. I get attention seeing my NON abuse articles in print, and make money besides (which I don't when I write about this)..

No, I want to expose these people, that's my motivation. Some will believe what I am writing, others won't. That's fine with me. If they feel the need to vent their disbelief, that's fine, as long as I don't get lots of cuss words, or people saying I'm stupid (oh, yes, I get letters like that at times) or uneducated.

Sorry, none of the above are true. I have 2 university degrees. I had to, I was told to by the cult. They don't let stupid people lead.

Oh, and HJ, I won't just disappear on you or recant anything I wrote. You can email me anytime with questions, and I will delightedly expose what SOBs this group is composed of. Oops, that doesn't sound Christian there, but God appreciates honesty, doesn't He? I'm only accurately describing them. I'm still working on forgiveness, as you can see...

Q: Svali, I'm grateful you took the time to share those experiences with us, which I'm sure was neither easy nor pleasant. I wish you all the best, for you and your family. Perhaps more people will read this, and pass this article on to others. Maybe we can stop all of this shocking brutality, child abuse, the Illuminati someday. It's never too late. Thank your very much for this interview, Svali.

[NWO, ZioNazi, Zionism, Illuminati, Freemason, Lucifer, satan, 666]

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uncontaminated, in our (ital) country at least,
by the leprosy of negro association.

-- Albert Pike,
   Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff of
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