What is a “Jew”? Do “Ashkenazi” Jews have a right to Palestine? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not according to many historians, such as Arthur Koestler, who wrote The Thirteenth Tribe The word "Jew" refers to both a religion and a race. Using one word for two different concepts is as stupid as referring to a religion as "Chinese". In such a case, some people would describe themselves as Chinese when they were referring to their race, and other people would describe themselves as Chinese when they were referring to their religion. Idiotic arguments would occur because some Chinese would insist that you cannot be Chinese unless your parents were Chinese. Other people would argue that we can all become Chinese, even Sammy Davis Jr. Incidentally, was Sammy Davis Jr. Jewish? This arguing over words may seem trivial, but it is the reason we have wars in the Middle East. A group of people referring to themselves as "Jews" are insisting that Palestine belongs to them because their ancestors lived there are 2000 years ago. They created the Zionist movement to help restore their homeland. However, numerous historians have looked into this issue and discovered that most of these Zionists are not descendants of the original Jews. Rather, most Zionists are "Ashkenazi Jews"; a race of people from Asia. The real, original Jews were physically and genetically similar to the Arabs, specifically, dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. The real homeland for the white, Ashkenazi Jews is near the Caspian and Black Seas, not Palestine. Their ancestors picked up the Jewish religion many centuries ago. Due to the widespread ignorance of people in that era, after a few generations they assumed that they were the descendants of the Jews that lived in Palestine. Jesus was not white --------------------------- If there had been any white-skinned people living in Palestine 2000 years ago, the Romans and Arabs would have mentioned them in their writings, and they would have pointed out that the white folks get sunburned very easily. Can you find any mention of sunburn, blisters, or white skin in any of their documents? We find remarks about red hair and white skin only when the Roman armies traveled north and encountered the Celts. The Christians from the northern European nations usually depict Jesus with northern European features, but there were no white skinned people living in the Middle East 2000 years ago. Christians should depict Jesus correctly by giving him dark skin and Semitic features. Real Jews are brown ---------------------------- The depiction of Jesus as a white skinned European is creating serious confusion among Americans and Europeans. The real Jews are brown, not white. The white Ashkenazi Zionists are incorrect when they claim that their ancestors came from Palestine. Furthermore, because the Zionists are not real Jews, criticizing their attempt to create Israel is not criticizing Jews. In fact, the Ashkenazi Jews outnumber the real Jews, and are discriminating against the real Jews in Israel. For example, have you heard about their ringworm treatment for Sephardi children? The Thirteenth Tribe --------------------------- The remainder of this document is a book written by a Jewish historian, Arthur Koestler, who died in 1983. He was an Ashkenazi Jew who helped to expose this major blunder that is causing horrendous suffering all over the world.