November 15, 2005
Good Morning from the Zundelsite:
It is true that a mistrial in the Holocaust Heresy Trial in
Germany has been declared!
That does not mean, apparently, that a second attempt will
not be made by the German government which has agitated for two decades to
bring Ernst Zundel to trial and sentence him, come hell or high water!
A brief comment: Apparently the matter of a "mandatory"
attorney is customary in Germany. This is, as far as I can tell, a
court-appointed "watch dog" attorney who has the power to steer the defense
in a direction that pleases the court. If this impression on my part is
wrong, I would be grateful for a correction.
Here is my translation as best as I can do it, of the brief
news item I received this morning from someone who was present in court.
As expected, Dr. Meinerzhagen has kept to his strategy of
last week. All motions presented by the defense were declared as having no
basis (!) and were rejected, and that meant that Mrs. Sylvia Stolz, the
mandatory attorney [originally agreed to by the court], has lost her
Since the court insists on a mandatory defense attorney,
and since Dr. Schaller was also rejected by the court, a new mandatory
attorney has now been found who has the confidence of Ernst and is
acceptable by the court.
The trial was ended today after two-and-a-half hours. A
new court date could only be set for mid- to end of February since
naturally the new mandatory attorney needs time to work through the
mountain of documents.
The media, especially radio and TV, were sparsely present
today, but the court room was packed, just like last week.
Security provisions were the same, which caused a delay of
35 minutes. In the courtroom there was triple the number of police to
prevent applause as well as evidence of disagreement and to remove the
"trouble makers" from the court room - which wasn't necessary, by the way.
Erwartungsgem�� hat der Vors. Richter am
Landgericht Dr. Meinerzhagen seine linie der vergangenen Woche beibehalten.
S�mtliche Antr�ge der Verteidigung wurden als "unbegr�ndet"(!)
zur�ckgewiesen und damit war auch Frau RAin Sylvia Stolz ihr Mandat als
Pflichtverteidigerin los.
Da das Gericht auf einem Pflichtverteidiger
besteht, Dr. Schaller, Wien, ebenfalls vom Gericht abgelehnt wurde / wird,
mu� nun ein neuer Pflichtverteidiger gefunden werden, der sowohl das
Vertrauen von Ernst Z�ndel hat als auch dem Gerichr "genehm" ist.
Der Proze� wurde heute nach knapp zweinhalb
Stunden ausgesetzt. Die Wiederaufnahme d�rfte fr�hestens Mitte / Ende
Februar erfolgen, da sich ein neuer Pflichtverteidiger logischerweise in die
umfangreichen Dokumente erst einmal einarbeiten mu�.
Die Medien, vor allem Fernsehen und Rundfunk,
waren heute schwach vertreten! - Der gleiche Saal wie in der Vorwoche war
indes wieder voll.
Die Sicherheitsma�nahmen waren die gleichen,
was erneute zu einer Verz�gerung von 35 Minuten f�hrte; im Saal war die
dreifache Anzahl vonm Polizisten, um Beifalls- wie Mi�fallenskundgebungen zu
unterbinden und die "St�rer" aus dem Saal zu schaffen, was indes NICHT
erforderlich wurde.
===== ===== =====

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