Cellar Incest: Cops Probe Murder Link
Austrian police are reportedly checking for links between a man who trapped his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and the unsolved murder of a young woman.

Investigators are looking into whether Josef Fritzl, who repeatedly raped his daughter and fathered seven children by her, had anything to do with the murder of Martina Posch 22 years ago.
The 17-year-old's bound body was found on a shore of the Upper Austrian lake of Mondsee 10 days after she disappeared.
Fritzl's wife owned a guest house on the other side of the lake, reports said.
Greg Milam, Sky News Europe correspondent, said: "Police have said all along they will look at every possible angle."
He added that Fritzl had reportedly shown no remorse for what he had done when he appeared before a judge before being remanded into custody.
However, Fritzl's lawyer, Rudolf Mayer, said his client's lack of emotion should not be interpreted as a sign that he did not care about what had happened.
"(It's) very serious... (Fritzl) is somehow emotionally broken," he said.
Fritzl has admitted fathering the children with his daughter.
Psychiatrists and doctors are counselling them and their mother in an attempt to help them come to terms with their ordeal.
Authorities have suggested the victims change their names in order to give them a new start in life.
At a press conference, police revealed that Fritzl had not been forthcoming and that they hope that he would start to talk about his crimes in coming days.
They added that he is not obliged to talk about any previous crimes.
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