Imagine if your bank, which is led by a man of Jewish origins, gives several billions to several Jewish billionaires and is then told it is not getting all of its money back.
1. Leonid Valentinovich Blavatnik is a Russian-American-Jewish billionaire.
After the fall of communism he was able to buy up companies in Russia very cheaply.
In 2007, the Forbes 400 reckoned he was worth $7.2 billion.
In 1986 he founded Access Industries, a New York-based international industrial group.
Access Industries formed LyondellBasell Industries.
On 6 January 2009, the U.S. operations of LyondellBasell Industries filed for bankruptcy.
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is owed $3.47 billion by LyondellBasell Industries.
(RBS to write off £1bn loan to Russian oligarch )
Of the £2.5 billion loaned to Leonid Blavatnik, the bank has suggested that it may write-off as much as £1 billion.
Blavatnik originally borrowed the money from the Dutch bank ABN Amro. The Royal Bank of Scotland led a consortium takeover of ABN Amro, in 2007.
Deripaska is Jewish and linked to the Rothschilds. (The Rothschild Octopus Dejan Lučić -)
2. Another Jew who got money from the Royal Bank of Scotland is the Jewish billionaire Oleg Deripaska.
Where did the banks' money go?
"Among the highest-profile deals was a £2.8 billion loan offered by a group of Western banks - including RBS - to a company owned by Oleg Deripaska, the Russian tycoon, which was used to buy the Russian metals firm Norilsk Nickel.
"Mr Deripaska recently hit the headlines in the so-called 'Yachtgate' controversy over his links with both Lord Mandelson, the Business Secretary, and George Osborne, the shadow Chancellor." - 80 per cent of bank lending 'went overseas'

3. Fred Goodwin was chief executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland. He is a multi-millionaire.
Fred Goodwin's mother was German Jewish. (Fred Goodwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Shares in the Royal bank of Scotland have just collapsed in value.
Back in 1990, while working for Touche Ross, Goodwin was chief operating officer of the worldwide liquidation of Bank of Credit and Commerce International, said to be the bank used by the CIA and its friends for various criminal activities .
According to an article at Wikipedia: "RBS has been involved in an increasing number of environmental and human rights controversies since Sir Fred Goodwin took the helm in 2001.
"RBS is heavily involved in financing large oil, gas and mining projects world-wide that environmental organizations like BankTrack, PLATFORM , Pacific Environment, The Cornerhouse, and Rainforest Action Network call 'dodgy deals' that they say severely damage the environment and local communities, and that contribute significantly to climate change.
"A profile by BankTrack tracks RBS financing of corporations involved in the production of uranium weapons, as well as the controversial Baku-T’blisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline transecting Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, the Sakhalin II oil and gas scheme in eastern Russia, the Freeport McMoRan mine in Indonesia, Sinopec oil and gas in Burma, the Dynegy coal fired power plant and mountaintop removal coal mining in the US." - Fred Goodwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Montenegro, linked to the Mafia and top people
Photo of Montenegro by Einer flog zu Weit
Montenegro and its Prime Minister Milo Đukanović allegedly have links to various Mafias.
Nat Rothschild, UK government minister Lord Mandelson and Russian billionaire Mr Deripaska reportedly have links to Montenegro.
Montenegro's Dukanovic
1. Wikipedia (Cached) tells us:
According to a 1997 report by the Guardia di Finanza, Montenegro is part of a smuggling group divided among various crime families connected to the Sicilian mafia, Camorra and Sacra corona unita. [5]
Various reports implicate Đukanović in doing business with different Mafia bosses like Neapolitan Camorra's Ciro Mazzarella who was arrested in 1993 in Lugano.[6]
Since then, other mafia figures like Francesco Prudentino, Gerardo Cuomo, Filippo Messina operated out of Montenegro closely tied to Đukanović's government.[7]
In 1996, Italy's Anti-mafia Investigative Agency taped a telephone conversation between Cuomo and Santo Vantaggiato, a fugitive from Italian law hiding in Montenegro. The two men were discussing the election in Montenegro, and Cuomo boasted that he was close to senior Montenegrin politicians. [8]
In July 2003, the prosecutor's office in Naples named Đukanović as a linchpin in the illicit trade which used Montenegro as a transit point for smuggling millions of cigarettes across the Adriatic sea into Italy and into the hands of the Italian mafia for distribution across the EU.[7] Mandelson - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2007
2. The Daily Mail, 24 October 2008, tells us:
"Lord Mandelson is facing scrutiny of his championing of the tiny Adriatic nation of Montenegro as a world trading partner. Aluminium tycoon Mr Deripaska has invested heavily in the country...
"Financier Nat Rothschild... also has interests there.
"Mr Rothschild, Mr Deripaska and other investors want to turn a bay in Montenegro into a £5billion haven for the super-rich...
"It emerged that Lord Mandelson had been seen with Mr Deripaska at a Moscow restaurant in 2004, after being appointed EU trade commissioner - but before taking up the post...
"In December 2005 Lord Mandelson signed off a decision to remove punitive EU aluminium tariffs that benefited the Russian's business." - Mandelson to face questions over links to Russian tycoon and plans for a £5bn super-rich haven in Montenegro
3. Richard Littlejohn, in the Daily Mail, 24 October 2008, writes:
"You were living in the Rue des Jeunes Garcons...
"Does the name Dr David Kelly mean anything to you?...
"You came to lower import tariffs on aluminium while at the same time enjoying the hospitality most extensive at the expense of our host, who par coincidence just happens to be the biggest aluminium baron in Russia. ...
"Your two bons amis, Monsieur Rothschild here et Monsieur Deripaska - on whose magnificent yacht you are currently staying - are both investing heavily in Montenegro..." - RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: The cast list of The Corfu Connection reads like an Agatha Christie novel Deripaska
1. Oleg Deripaska, who controls the company UC Rusal, is 'one the world's 10 richest people', with assets of $28 billion.
His name has been linked to organised crime and to various top people. (Russia's Deripaska Faces Western Investigations / Oleg Deripaska - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
2. In 2006, at the World Economic Summit in Davos, Deripaska met John McCain.
3. In the 1990s, there was 'gang warfare' for control of aluminium smelters in Siberia.
Deripaska seems to have won.
4. Deripaska married into the family of Boris Yeltsin, the former Russian president.
Roman Abramovich, the owner of Chelsea football club, was one of Deripaska's partners.
5. Authorities in the U.S. have accused Deripaska of having ties to organized crime. (Russia's Deripaska Faces Western Investigations)
According to The Wall Street Journal, 10 October 2008, US authorities are investigating a wire transfer of funds originating with UC Rusal and passing through Barclays PLC offices in New York and London.
Some of the funds ended up with Deripaska consultants in Washington who are being investigated for possible money laundering or other crimes.
6. According to The Sunday Times, 12 October 2008, UK government minister Peter Mandelson gave trade concessions worth up to £50m a year to Russian aluminium tycoon Oleg Deripaska while Mandelson was European Union trade commissioner. (Mandelson joins richest Russian on superyacht)
In a 2005 document signed by Mandelson, it was agreed the European commission would scrap measures against Deripaska’s company, Rusal Sayanal, to prevent it 'dumping' cheap aluminium foil in Europe.
The document meant the import duty for Rusal Sayanal was set at zero. All other Russian companies exporting the same product were charged at 14.9%.
One of Deripaska’s top financial advisers is Nat Rothschild, who is co-chairman of a New York hedge fund and a friend of Mandelson’s.
Nat Rothschild’s father, Lord Rothschild, owns a villa in Corfu where Mandelson has stayed as a guest. (Mandelson joins richest Russian on superyacht)
7. Since the troubles over Georgia, Russians have become less popular with certain powerful people in the USA.
8. The Israel News Agency (Israel Police: Oleg Deripaska Wiretapped Chernoy, Lieberman) reported on 20 November 2007 :
"On November 5, Israel police announced that they had arrested two private investigators in Israel, Rafi Pridan and Aviv Mor, on suspicion of illegally wiretapping several people in an effort to gather information about Israel Strategic Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman and businessman Michael Chernoy (Mikhail Chernoy, Michael Cherney).
"The police also arrested right-wing extremist Avigdor Eskin on suspicion of serving as a liaison between the private eyes and their employer. Israel Police believe the employer is Oleg Deripaska, the richest oligarch in Russia (his fortune is estimated at $22 billion), a business rival of Michael Chernoy who has been waging a public smear campaign against him."
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