On 6th July 2011, Rupert Murdoch's media empire was accused by a UK Member of Parliament of being in 'the criminal underworld'.
Former UK government minister Tom Watson has referred to Murdoch media people's attempts to destroy incriminating email evidence held at a storage facility in Chennai, India.
"We know now that News International had entered the criminal underworld," Mr Watson told MPs.
(Police looking into NotW links to Madeline McCann and Danielle ...)
Are we talking about the Kosher Nostra?
The murder of Daniel Morgan was being investigated by Detective Chief Superintendent David Cook.
According to The Guardian, top Murdoch journalist Alex Marunchak reportedly agreed to carry out 'surveillance' on behalf of Jonathan Rees and Sid Fillery, the two people suspected of murdering Daniel Morgan.
(News of the World surveillance of detective: what Rebekah Brooks knew)
The police see this as a possible attempt to pervert the course of justice.
The Guardian claims that surveillance of Detective Chief Superintendent David Cook involved Murdoch staff:
1. Following Cook and his children
2. Taking Cook's personal details from police databases.
3. Attempting to access the voicemail of Cook and his wife, and possibly trying to steal information from Cook's computer.

News of the World’s investigator, Glenn Mulcaire, got hold of:
Cook’s home address, his internal payroll number at the police, his date of birth, figures for the amount that he and his wife were paying for their mortgage, the mobile phone number for Cook’s wife and the password she used for her mobile phone account.
According to The Guardian, two vans, linked to Murdoch's media, were seen parked outside Cook’s house.
The vans followed Cook as he took his two-year-old son to nursery.
Murdoch's News of the World investigated Cook's private life.
Rees and Fillery, suspected of murdering Morgan, were eventually arrested.
But, charges against both Rees and Fillery were then dropped.
The suspicion is that Murdoch's men control elements of the police.
UK Member of Parliament Chris Bryant claims the UK Parliament has been 'systematically lied to' by the Murdoch people and a 'very dirty smell' also surrounds the police's handling of phone hacking inquiry.
Bryant told MPs: "Scandalously, it also seems that the News of the World targeted some of those police officers who were at various times in charge of the investigation into the News of the World itself...
"These ... are the immoral and almost certainly criminal deeds of an organisation that was appallingly led and had completely lost sight of any idea of decency or shared humanity..."
The Guardian has reported the news that relatives of victims of the 7 July 2005 attacks were targeted by Murdoch's News International, the BBC says that News International has uncovered emails showing that payments were made to the police by the paper when Andy Coulson was editor, apparently with Coulson's approval, and the Independent says that Rebekah Brooks personally commissioned a search for information by one of the investigators subsequently used to trace the family of Milly Dowler.

Alex Marunchak is a former senior executive editor of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World.
On 14th March 2011, BBC's Panorama programme claimed that Marunchak paid a hacker to intercept emails from Ian Hurst, a British army intelligence officer.
Hurst wrote a book called Stakeknife which linked British intelligence to assassinations in Northern Ireland.
(New twist in phone hacking affair) f
The BBC report that Marunchak was introduced to the hacker by Jonathan Rees, who stood trial for the murder of Daniel Morgan. (PRIME MINISTER; MURDER; MURDOCH)
Daniel Morgan was murdered "because he was about to expose a drugs conspiracy linked to police corruption."
News International records reveal that Marunchak regularly employed Rees and that the News of the World paid Rees more than £4,000 for research relating to Stakeknife.

Who owns the criminal justice system in your country?
Think of Lockerbie, and you might come to believe that in certain countries the criminal justice system is owned by the CIA and Mossad.
Rupert Murdoch is seen by some as being a friend of Israel and the Pentagon.
According to The Guardian newspaper, Rupert Murdoch journalists have been using private investigators to illegally hack into the mobile phone messages of top people in the UK.
Cabinet ministers and MPs were among those targeted.
Murdoch papers paid £1m to phone-hacking victims

What is most shocking is the reported behaviour of the UK criminal justice system.
1. Reportedly, the police did not alert all those whose phones were targeted.
2. Reportedly, the Crown Prosecution Service did not pursue all possible charges against Murdoch's News Group personnel.

And, reportedly, the Press Complaints Commission failed to uncover evidence of illegal activity.
Reportedly, Rupert Murdoch's 'News Group Newspapers' has paid out more than £1m to settle legal cases which threatened to reveal evidence of his journalists' repeated 'criminal' methods.
The payments 'secured secrecy' over out-of-court settlements.
According to The Guardian, Conservative leader David Cameron's former director of communications, Andy Coulson, was editor of the News of the World when the journalists were engaging in hundreds of apparently illegal acts
According to The Guardian, Murdoch executives appear to have misled a parliamentary select committee.
One 'senior source at the Metropolitan police' told the Guardian that police officers had found evidence of News Group staff using private investigators to hack into "thousands" of mobile phones.

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp owns a large chunk of the mainstream media, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, Fox News, My Space, Harper Collins, The Australian, and the Fiji Times.
Rupert Murdoch is one of the secret rulers of the world.
He helps to decide US and UK foreign policy.
Rupert Murdoch's publications worldwide strongly supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
During the buildup to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, all 175 Murdoch-owned newspapers worldwide editorialized in favor of the war.[16]

Gaby Hinsliff in the guardian.co.uk, 23 July 2006, wrote (The PM, the mogul and the secret agenda):
"'I always took the view that Tony Blair's real Europe minister was (political editor of Murdoch's Sun newspaper) Trevor Kavanagh,' says Cook's then special adviser, David Clark...
"Murdoch's pro-American, pro-Israeli, pro-military intervention stance on the war on terrorism is faithfully reflected in Downing Street.
"His close associate Irwin Stelzer ...argued in an article last week that Israel must be allowed to 'finish the job' and attacked Iran and Syria for fuelling the conflict, a position Blair echoes publicly."

According to http://www.radioislam.org/m (Radio Islam: Who controls the British media?):
"Murdoch's mother E J Greene is from a Jewish family.
"Murdoch was able to build up his media empire with the financial backing of Jewish billionaires such as Oppenheimer (diamond cartel billionaire) and Rothschild (banking billionaire)."
Rupert Murdoch's Hidden Jewish Roots by Christopher Bollyn of American Free Press
According to Richard H. Curtiss, editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Murdoch “became an American citizen for business reasons...
“Rupert’s father, Sir Keith Murdoch, was a newspaper publisher, and his mother an Orthodox Jew, although Murdoch never offers that information in his biographies.”
Murdoch’s father married Elisabeth Joy Greene, daughter of Rupert Greene in 1928...
According to Candour (UK) magazine: “Rupert’s father Sir Keith Murdoch attained his prominent position in Australian society through a fortuitous marriage to the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family, née Elisabeth Joy Greene.
"Through his wife’s connections, Keith Murdoch was subsequently promoted from reporter to chairman of the British-owned newspaper where he worked.
"There was enough money to buy himself a knighthood of the British realm, two newspapers in Adelaide, South Australia, and a radio station in a faraway mining town... For some reason, Murdoch has always tried to hide the fact that his pious mother brought him up as a Jew.”
BBC News - Tommy Sheridan perjury conviction 'unsound', MP claims
Oh, really? Mind u, the article was written by a Jew too...
After reading Dave McGowan's 'Programmed To KIll' it seems many of the US 'serial killers' cases were skewed by the media. If they went to steam,roller the public with absolute crap [ plus a large dollop of fear] then so be it. and god help those who get in the way - theor deaths will be reported just as the media wants.
Is Coulson Cameron's handler? : )
Where's Holly Grieg? Ooops sorry Lady Gaga has new make up.
Busy fuckin' bees
Murdoch attended Oxford University.
Check out the Oxford motto (please see left side panel)
Interesting reports in MEDIA that Oxford has 'new' school to groom world leaders.
Is there a NWO faction war jostling for world domination????
The British monarchy (global infiltration via education) OR the Vatican (mass infiltration via religion)???
Ha ha ha, I got a comment banned at Craig Murray's the other day. There he was wondering at the media's skewed reporting on Israel and I wrote in saying, 'what do you expect?' - Israel is the Jewish state and Rupert Murdoch is Jewish. Do the arithmetic on that. It won't take long.
Anyway... in amongst that I wanted to provide a link to wikipedia which (last time I looked) acknowledged Rupes' mum as Jewish. When lo and behold, it'd been edited again! Now there's no mention of Jewish. Did someone say 'busy bees' just now? Exactly.
Anyway, I found a link to some page on 'just ask yahoo' or somesuch that made the obvious case in an adequate fashion.
Rupes and his minions can disappear all the bits and pieces they want to but I view the matter as a done deal. No equivocation now. Instead we'll just declare Rupes a Jewish Janus, ie: he's not Jewish and all articles saying so will be hunted down, altered, and removed; and (turning 180 degrees now) he is Jewish, and obviously so what with: a perpetual bent for Israel, the holocaust, etc etc; his participation in any number of quintessentially Jewish organisations; and his receipt of as many Jewish accolades as they can bestow upon him.
That's the thing that bugs me about Jewish lying. It's not just that the lies are bad, but they're so obviously bad, ie. an insult to my intelligence.
And then there's Craig Murray banning me for stating the obvious. Well, no surprises there.
Thanks for Hinsliff article in Guardian link, Aan. Murdoch considered David Cameron an intellectual lightweight in 2006. I don't see how that can change over time.
Major Spy Scandal Suppressed: Murdoch’s “Hackers” National Security Threat
"Remember, the spying on celeb’s is the “cover.” As long as you are intercepting Tiger Wood’s text messages, you can spy on the FBI or Special Branch all day long.
In Britain it went further, investigators at Scotland Yard received bribes to suppress the initial investigations. If it went on there, it is going on here.
When the story was still being successfully managed as “celeb phone hacking” and not national security level espionage, the genie was ‘still in the bottle.’
Now we have another story but nobody we can trust to report it, nobody we can trust to investigate it, not in Britain and not in the United States.
What we have is simple. Embassies are bringing in highly classified and restricted equipment that can only legally be used by security agencies under strict supervision (ouch) and giving it to “reporters.” The fun and innocent side is celeb gossip. The darkside, no longer speculation involves spying and bribing police.
The real issues aren’t about news or celebs or even torturing the families of murder victims of dead soldiers.
The real story is spying, managing false flag terror cells and outwitting police and security agencies.
Here in the US, we call such actions a “clear and present danger.”
These are acts of war."
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