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[DIR]Where Jews massacred a Royal Family - Linked Articles/ -
[   ]1920 02 08 - Winston Churchill on the Jewish Role in Communism - Illustrated Sunday Herald (A+++).mht1.5M
[DOC]Bolshevists, jews, 66 Million Dead Christians in Russia, & Al Gore (A++).doc180K
[TXT]Churchill quote on Jews role in Russian Revolution.txt359
[DOC]Communism's Record of Terror & Murder +++++.docx 14K
[   ]Desktop.ini 78
[TXT]Jew Watch - Jewish Occupied Governments - USSR - Famous men accused Jews of founding Communism (A+++).htm 18K
[DOC]Jew Watch - Jewish Occupied Governments - USSR - Jews and Communism (A+++) highlighted.doc192K
[   ]Jew Watch - Jewish Occupied Governments - USSR - Jews and Communism (A+++) original.mht159K
[TXT]Jew Watch - Jewish Occupied Governments - USSR - mostly excerpts from 'The World At The Cross Roads' by Boris Brasol (A++).htm 34K
[TXT]Jewish Role In World Communism--List of Names - From 1001 Quotes by and About Jews (A+++).txt 70K
[TXT]Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution & Early Soviet Regime_ the Legacy of Soviet Communism_ by Mark Weber.htm 70K
[TXT]Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime - Lists of Jewish names.htm 56K
[DOC]Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime - Mark Weber (A++).doc184K
[   ]Jews and Communism--Chapter 61 - March Of The Titans.mht116K
[   ]Leaders - Lazar Kaganovitch, Jewish Mass Genocide Murders, 1920-1940 USSR.mht218K
[   ]Leon Trotsky - Biography.mht 50K
[DOC]Photos - Jacob Schiff, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Kaganovich & Ben Gurion.doc870K
[TXT]Russian Communist Jews & their atrocities - Many quotes (A+++++).htm 36K
[TXT]Stalin's Jews (A++++).htm 40K
[   ]Stalin's Mad Dwarf - Nicholas Yezhov Judicial-Inc (A+++).mht267K
[   ]Ten Days That Shook the World, Table of Contents, LINKS to ARCHIVE.mht6.1K
[   ]The Bolsheviks - Index to the biographies of October 1917 Revolutionaries in Russia..mht522K
[   ]The Communist Revolution in Russia.mht151K
[   ]The Crisis in Russia - Arthur Ransome 1920.mht 13K
[TXT]The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime.htm 97K
[TXT]The Jews and Bolshevism (A+++++).htm 20K
[TXT]The Secret Holocaust - Eustace Mullins.htm 98K
[   ]Where Jews massacred a Royal Family - Judicial-Inc (A+++).mht699K
[DOC]~$WISH COMMUNISM ++++++.docx162