Jewish Extremists Concerned They Can’t Hide Role in Planned Iran War

4/27/2006      by  David Duke


The largest Jewish Newspaper in the United States, The Jewish Week, has expressed concern that Americans are learning the truth about the Jewish political and media influence driving America toward war with Iran. Here is how the article begins:

President Bush is risking a backlash that could injure the Jewish community — and his own cause — by repeatedly citing Israel as his top rationale for possible U.S. military conflict with Iran, Jewish leaders and Middle East analysts warned this week.

Bush’s repeated, sometimes exclusive, focus on Israel could spark public fury against the Jewish state and Jews if U.S. military action is accompanied by skyrocketing gas prices, terrorism at home or fallen G.I.’s who might be seen as dying for Israel, some said. Others feared it could fracture the shaky international coalition Bush is striving to assemble to oppose Iran’s nuclear program by framing the threat as primarily to Israel rather than international stability.

Of course, the entire plan for an Iran War is about Israel and not the United States.  Israel is behind it, the Neocons are behind it, and the Jewish extremists that have such disproportionate influence in the media are behind it.

A war with Iran would be an unmitigated disaster for the United States.  It would raise the specter of massive terrorism against Americans all over the world, cost a huge treasure of American funds, cost thousands of innocent lives of both Americans and Iranians, and perhaps even drive the world to economic disaster.

Iran’s neighbor Pakistan has atomic weapons and Iran’s most determined enemy, Israel has atomic weapons.

Iran has joined the international atomic energy covenant and allowed inspections. Israel, acting as an outlaw state with a huge arsenal of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons — has not signed any international agreements and has not allowed even a single inspection. Yet, with no evidence that Iran is pursuing a nuclear bomb, Jewish Neocon-influenced Washington is saber-rattling; threatening to bomb Iran into oblivion. Such an act of war would have disastrous consequences exceeding even the catastrophe of the Iraq War, a war that has killed or maimed thousands of Americans and cost king’s ransom in American taxpayer’s dollars.

Why doesn’t Washington take this opportunity to de-nuclearize the entire Mideast by demanding that Israel stop being an outlaw nuclear nation and join the international atomic energy conventions?

America should demand that Israel which wouldn’t even exist but for billions of dollars of American taxpayer’s aid — and support in the United Nations — that it makes an broad agreement to eliminate its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. It can do so contingent on the other major states in the area, such as Iran, signing on and also agreeing to complete inspections and oversight.

A clear opportunity exists to make the Mideast and the world a safer place.  But, the extremist Jewish political and media powers continue to push for a war with Iran that could well cost thousands of innocent lives, drive the price of oil into the stratosphere, unleash terrorism across the globe and usher the world into economic and military Armageddon.

No American bombs have yet to fall on Iran, yet Israel Firsters who are the overwhelming force driving America toward war want to shift the blame for this new war away from them.

It is a replay of the propaganda behind the Iraq War.

Israel’s long strategic aim was the destruction of Saddam Hussein’s regime and destabilization of Iraq.  Americans obviously wouldn’t go along with upwards of a trillion dollar and thousands of American lives expended for Greater Israel.  So, the Jewish extremist power brokers in politics and media – had to make the Big Lie.

They said nary a word about Israel, even though it was first on the mind of the main two architects of the war, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, but told us that Iraq was an enemy and danger to the security of the United States.

They told us the lie that Iraq had connections behind the 911 attack.

That Iraq had massive stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.

That Iraq was pursing and close to acquiring an atomic bomb.

That Iraq was buying yellowcake uranium from Niger in pursuit of the bomb.

That a war on Iraq would somehow going to going to help us with the shortage and high price of oil.

That the war would cost about 30 or 40 billion dollars tops.

That our boys would be welcomed with garlands of flowers.

That it would lessen the support of terrorist causes and make Americans more secure from terrorism.

That true democracy in Iraq would result in a pro-American regime.

Who authored these transparent lies?

They were formulated by the overwhelmingly Jewish extremist Neocon group of Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Irving Kristol, Elliot Abrams, Lewis Libby, Eliot Cohen, Robert Kagan, Bruce Jackson, Joshua Muravchik, Norman Podhoretz, Paula Dobriansky, Mortimer Zuckerman.  The list goes on an on like a Miami Beach Bar Mitzvah, with the exception of a few Gentiles recruited for camouflage.

The official in charge of formulating these lies was the CIA executive who was in charge of CIA intelligence on Iraq, none other than Jewish extremist: Stuart Cohen. It is now readily acknowledged that Israel itself was the source of much of the false intelligence on Iraq.

America certainly wouldn’t go fight a catastrophic war for Israel, so a the lie had to be created that it wasn’t about Israel but in America’s interest to go to war.

A lot of the Jewish extremists in the left (yes they are ensconced there too, in fact the Neoconservative movement itself was founded by Jews that were once radical Trotskyites – strange as it might seem) also fostered the lie that the war was somehow in the “American interest” by saying that it was a war for oil, a war for “American imperialism.”

The war has not brought us an additional drop of oil, but actually a lot less oil and at higher prices!

A war for American economic interests?  Is that what paying almost twice the price for a gallon of gasoline is all about? Is a price tag that will eventually be in the trillions of dollars paid by American business and consumers is in American economic interests?

It was never a war for oil. Saddam always sold us oil and on the cheap! We could have bought all the oil we wanted from Saddam.

No, it was not a War for Oil, it was a war for Israel.

And all these lies together should have gotten nowhere among the American people. Hundreds of CIA and other inspectors were on the ground swarming all over Iraq looking for WMD’s. The CIA offered millions of dollars reward and refuge to any Iraqi who knew where some of the tons of weapons were stored. Obviously, under those conditions they would have been uncovered if existed, and Bush could have had the international justification and consensus for war he wanted.

Not only were the Israeli partisans the very sources of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Lie, they control Congress and White House with huge amounts of money and promise of political ruin for anyone daring to stand against their power. They have the most feared lobby on Capitol Hill to make sure no Congressman dares to stand up to them. Any congressman who will not cooperate will not only lose major sources of campaign funds, they will find themselves victims of vicious media attacks and discover that their opponents are bankrolled. Just for answering a question at a district townhall in which he indicated that the major Jewish organizations pushed for the Iraq War, landed popular Congressman James Moran (and Israel supporter) in political hell!

But common sense could not prevail in the Iraq War scenario because in America the press is simply not really free.  It is overwhelmingly in the hands of the Jewish extremists just as is the political apparatus. (Read my chapter on Who Runs the Media and you will discover a Jewish dominated press that is far greater than you might imagine.)

The Jewish extremist power brokers in government and media, and their Shabbos Goy politicians are becoming concerned that unlike the Iraq War, it is becoming transparent to all that the planned war against Iran is for Israel rather than America, that more American boys will die for lies.

It is up to us to keep telling the truth of Jewish extremist power, of their supremacy in media and politics and the vital need for the American people to have policies based on the interests of the American people rather than a the Jewish supremacists who have no loyalty other than to Israel. Once more, they seek to sacrifice American lives and treasure for Israel.

We owe to our courageous military personnel, to the true interests of the American people, and to the cause of peace and goodwill that we resist these men who seek to wash the Mideast and the world in blood.

–David Duke