In the opinion, not
of bad men, but of the best men,
no belief which
is contrary to truth can be really useful...
John Stuart Mill
1/2 -- 2/2
Rarely has a book with scholarly pretensions evoked as much popular
interest as Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's study, Hitler's Willing
Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust (1). Every
important journal of opinion printed one or more reviews within
weeks of its release. The New York Times, for instance,
featured multiple notices acclaiming Goldhagen's book as 'one
of those rare new works that merit the appellation landmark',
'historic', and bringing to bear 'corrosive literary passion'.
Although initial reviews were not uniformly positive, once the
Goldhagen juggernaut proved unstoppable, even the dissenting voices
joined in the chorus of praise. An immediate national best-seller,
Hitler's Willing Executioners was balled in Time
magazine's year-end issue as the 'most talked about' and second
best non-fiction book of 1996.(2) Before long, Goldhagen was also
an international phenomenon, creating an extraordinary stir in
What makes the Goldhagen phenomenon so remarkable is that Hitler's
Willing Executioners is not at all a learned inquiry.
Replete with gross misrepresentations of the secondary literature
and internal contradictions, Goldhagen's book
is worthless as scholarship. The bulk of what follows documents
this claim. In the conclusion I speculate on the broader meaning
of the Goldhagen phenomenon.
Genocide was Immanent
in the conversation of German society.
It was immanent in its language and emotion. It was immanent in the
structure of cognition. Hitler's Willing Executioners, P. 449
1. A Nation Crazy with Hatred?
In a seminal study published thirty-five years ago, The Destruction
of the European Jews, Raul Hilberg observed that the
perpetrators of the Nazi holocaust were 'not different in their
moral makeup from the rest of the population... the machinery
of destruction was a remarkable cross section of the German population.'
These representative Germans, Hilberg went on to say, performed
their appointed tasks with astonishing efficiency: 'No obstruction
stopped the German machine of destruction. No moral problem proved
insurmountable. When all participating personnel were put to the
test, there were very few lingerers and almost no deserters.'
Indeed, an 'uncomfortably large number of soldiers... delighted
in death as spectators or as perpetrators.' (3)
Long before Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's study, it was thus already
known that 'ordinary' Germans were Hitler's 'willing' and not
infrequently cruel 'executioners'.(4) The main distinction of
Goldhagen's study is the [40] explanation it purports to supply
for what Hilberg called this 'phenomenon of the greatest magnitude.'
(5) It is Goldhagen's thesis that the 'central causal agent of
the Holocaust' was the German people's enduring pathological hatred
of the Jews. (Hitler's Willing Executioners [hereafter
HWE] p. 9) To cite one typical passage:
[A] demonological anti-Semitism, of the virulent racial variety, was the common structure of the perpetrators' cognition and of German society in general. The German perpetrators ... were assenting mass executioners, men and women who, true to their own eliminationist anti-Semitic beliefs, faithful to their cultural anti-Semitic credo, considered the slaughter to be just. (HWE, PP. 392-3)
There are no prima facie grounds for dismissing Goldhagen's thesis.
It is not intrinsically racist or otherwise illegitimate. There
is no obvious reason why a culture cannot be fanatically consumed
by hatred. One may further recall that, Goldhagen's claims to
novelty notwithstanding, his argument is not altogether new. In
the immediate aftermath of World War II, the genesis of
the Final Solution was located in a twisted 'German mind' or 'German
character'.(6) The departure point of much 'Holocaust scholarship'
is that Germans, nurtured on anti-Semitism, were thirsting for
a 'war against the Jews'. On the eve of Hitler's ascension to
power, wrote Lucy Dawidowicz, Germany was 'a world intoxicated
with hate, driven by paranoia, enemies everywhere, the Jew lurking
behind each one.'(7) This is also the dominant image of the Nazi
extermination among Jews and in popular culture generally.
Bolstered as it is by a bulging scholarly apparatus, the audacious
sweep, of Goldhagen's thesis nonetheless merits emphasis. He argues
that, for centuries, nearly every German was possessed of a homicidal
animus toward Jews. Thus, he suggests that more than 80-90 per
cent of the German people would have relished the occasion to
torture and murder Jews.(8) Goldhagen takes to task the 'conventional
explanations' which supposedly ignore the 'identity of the victims':
'That the victims were Jewish -- according to the logic of these
explanations -- is irrelevant.' Indeed, he declaims that we must
'abandon the assumption that, by and large, Germans in
the nineteenth and twentieth century were not anti-Semitic.'(HWE,
pp. 13, 30-1, original emphasis) In a rejoinder to critics, Goldhagen
credits his own book as being the first to correct this misconception:
'Most seem now to agree that anti-Semitism was a necessary cause
of the Holocaust... ' (9) Yet, one is hard-pressed to name a single
account of the Nazi genocide that doesn't crucially situate
it within the context of German anti-Semitism. Goldhagen's true
distinction is to [ 41] argue that German anti-Semitism was not
only a significant but rather that it was the sufficient
condition for perpetrating the extermination of the Jews: 'With
regard to the motivational cause of the Holocaust, for
the vast majority of perpetrators, a monocausal explanation does
suffice.' (10)
The Hitlerite regime accordingly plays a subordinate role in Goldhagen's
comprehension of the Final Solution. Inasmuch as the inclination
for 'killing' Jews 'predated Nazi political power', the Nazis
were 'easily able to harness the perpetrators' preexisting anti-Semitism
once Hitler gave the order to undertake the extermination.' (HWE,
PP. 399, 463; see also pp. 418-19) All Hitler did was 'unleash
the pent-up anti-Semitic passion', 'unshackle and thereby activate
Germans' preexisting, pent-up anti-Semitism', and so on. (HWE,
pp. 95, 442,443)
Why was the Holocaust Unique to Germany?
Leaving to one side the question of its veracity, this last formulation
of Goldhagen's is still problematic. Consider that he repeatedly
contradicts it. Had it not been for 'Hitler's moral authority',
Goldhagen observes, the ,vast majority of Germans never would
have contemplated' the genocide against the Jews. (11) It was
the Nazis' unprecedentedly 'extreme and thoroughgoing ... cognitive-moral
revolution' that, Goldhagen suggests, produced Germany's 'lethal
political culture'. (HWE, p. 456; see also Reply, p. 42) Unaware
that 'these Germans were like no Germans they had ever known',
Goldhagen explains, Soviet Jerry 'initially greeted' the Nazi
soldiers 'obligingly and without hostility.' (HWE, p. 587 n. 87)
But if Goldhagen's thesis is correct, these Germans were like
all other Germans.
On a related issue, to explain why the genocide unfolded in Germany
and not elsewhere, Goldhagen points up the centrality of Hitler's
regime: 'Whatever the anti-Semitic traditions were in other European
countries, it was only in Germany that an openly and rabidly anti-Semitic
movement came to power... that was bent upon turning anti-Semitic
fantasy into state organized genocidal slaughter.'(HWE, p. 419;
see also Reply, p. 43.) Yet Goldhagen's explanation evades an
embarrassingly obvious question: if other Europeans were as anti-Semitic
as Germans which is what this argument assumes why didn't a 'rabidly
anti-Semitic movement' come to power elsewhere? True, Goldhagen
argues that 'Had there not been an economic depression in Germany,
then the Nazis, in all likelihood, would never have come to power.'(Reply,
p. 42; see also HWE, p. 87) But that simply evades another obvious
question: if Germans were so possessed by a fanatical anti-Semitism
-- more on which directly -- why did a 'rabidly anti-Semitic movement'
have to await an economic depression to attain power?
Indeed, Hitler's Willing Executioners is a monument to
question-begging. Eschewing the claim that it is 'inexplicable',
Goldhagen sets as his [42] objective to 'explain why the Holocaust
occurred, to explain how it could occur.' He concludes that it
'is explicable historically'. (HWE, pp. 5,455) Goldhagen's thesis,
however, neither renders the Nazi holocaust intelligible nor is
it historical. For argument's sake, let us assume that Goldhagen
is correct. Consumed by a ferocious loathing of the Jews, the
German people jumped at Hitter's invitation to exterminate them.
Yet the question still remains, whence the hatred of Jews? A nation
of genocidal racists is, after all, not exactly a commonplace.
On this crucial issue, Goldhagen sheds no light. Anti-Semitism,
he suggests, was symptomatic of a much deeper German malaise.
It served the Germans as a 'moral rationale' for releasing 'destructive
and ferocious passions that are usually tamed and curbed by civilization.'
(HWE, p. 397) Yet he neither explains why these normally quiescent
passions burst forth in Germany nor why they were directed against
the Jews. Goldhagen depicts anti-Semitism as the manifestation
of a deranged state. The Germans were 'pathologically ill ...
struck with the illness of sadism ... diseased ... tyrannical,
sadistic', 'psychopathic' (HWE, pp. 397, 450, quoting a 'keen
diarist of the Warsaw Ghetto'), in thrall of 'absolutely fantastical
... beliefs that ordinarily only madmen have of others ... prone
to wild, "magical thinking"' (HWE, p. 412), and so on.
(12) Goldhagen never explains, however, why the Germans succumbed
and why the Jews fell victim to this derangement.
In what is surely the book's most evocative analogy, Goldhagen
compares the Germans to 'crazy' Captain Ahab. Recalling Melville's
memorable description of Ahab's insanely hateful state as he harpoons
the whale, Goldhagen writes: 'Germans' violent anger at the Jews
is akin to the passion that drove Ahab to hunt Moby Dick.'(HWE,
pp. 398-9) Yet even if the Germans were 'crazy' like Ahab, it
still remains to explain what drove them to such a frenzied state.
In Ahab's case, the motive is clear: Moby Dick had earlier mangled
him. To quote Melville from the passage Goldhagen excerpts: 'It
was revenge.' But Goldhagen plainly does not believe the Jews
inflicted violent injury on Germans. Indeed, he emphatically denies
that Jews bear any responsibility for anti-Semitism: 'the existence
of anti-Semitism and the content of anti-Semitic charges... are
fundamentally not a response to any objective evaluation of Jewish
actions... anti-Semitism draws on cultural sources that are independent
of the Jews' nature and actions.' (HWE, p. 39, original emphasis)
In an almost comically circular argument, Goldhagen concludes
that the Germans' Ahab-like loathing of the Jews originated in
their loathing of the Jews: 'Germans' anti-Semitism was the basis
of their profound hatred of the Jews and the psychological impulse
to make them suffer.'(HWE, p. 584 n. 62; see also p. 399). ( 13)
This argument recalls one of Goldhagen's key theoretical insights:
'The motivational dimension is the most crucial for explaining
the perpetrators' willingness to act.'(HWE, p. 20) [43] Goldhagen
approvingly cites the Sonderweg argument that 'Germany
developed along a singular path, setting it apart from other western
countries.' (HWE, p. 419) But Goldhagen's thesis has precious
little in common with this argument. Unlike the Sonderweg proponents,
he never once anchors the deformations of the German character
in temporal developments. Rather, the perverted German consciousness
of Goldhagen's making floats above and persists in spite of history.
Just how little Goldhagen's argument has in common with any
school of history is pointed up by his conclusion that the
Germans' 'absurd beliefs... rapidly dissipated' after the Second
World War. (HWE, pp. 593-4 n. 53; see also p. 582 n. 38) Indeed,
Germans today are 'democrats, committed democrats.' (14) Emerging
from oblivion and enduring for centuries, the psychopathic German
mind vanished again into oblivion in the space of a few decades.
Thus Goldhagen renders the Nazi holocaust 'explicable historically'.
The merit of his thesis, Goldhagen contends, is that it recognizes
that 'each individual made choices about how to treat Jews.' Thus,
it 'restores the notion of individual responsibility'. (Reply,
p. 38) Yet if Goldhagen's thesis is correct, the exact opposite
is true. Germans bear no individual or, for that matter, collective
guilt. After all, German culture was 'radically different' from
ours. It shared none of our basic values. Killing Jews could accordingly
be done in 'good conscience.' (HWE, p. 15) Germans perceived Jews
the way we perceive roaches. They did not know better. They could
not know better. It was a homogeneously sick society. Moral culpability,
however, presumes moral awareness. Touted as a searing indictment
of Germans, Goldhagen's thesis is, in fact, their perfect alibi.
Who can condemn a 'crazy' people?
2. Explaining Everything
Goldhagen deploys two analytically distinct strategies to prove
his thesis. The first derives from his own primary research on
the German perpetrators of the genocide. Goldhagen maintains that
certain of his findings 'defy all of the conventional explanations.'
(HWE, p. 391) In particular, he argues that only a murderously
anti-Semitic culture can account for the wanton cruelty of the
Germans. (Reply, pp. 38-9) Yet, it is not at all obvious why Goldhagen's
thesis is more compelling than one that, say, includes the legacy
of German anti-Semitism exacerbated by the incessant, inflammatory
Jew-baiting of Nazi propaganda, and further exacerbated by the
brutalizing effects of a singularly barbarous war. It is perhaps
true, as Goldhagen suggests, that such a 'patchwork explanation'
does not yet fully plumb the depths of German bestiality. (HWE,
p. 391) But Goldhagen himself acknowledges that neither does his
theory. Ultimately, he concedes, the immensity of German cruelty
'remains hard to fathom' and 'the extent and nature of German
anti-Semitism' cannot explain it. (HWE, pp. 584 n. 62, 584 n.
65; see also p. 399)
The second thrust of Goldhagen's argument is to demonstrate historically
that German society was seething with virulent anti-Semitism on
the eve of Hitier's ascension to power. The undertaking is a daunting
[44] one. Goldhagen relies almost entirely on the recent secondary
literature on German anti-Semitism. He acknowledges that the evidence
does not in a 'definitive' manner prove his conclusions. (HWE,
p. 47) The problem, however, is rather larger. Profuse as it is,
not a jot of this scholarship sustains Goldhagen's thesis. No
serious German historian discounts the legacy of German anti-Semitism;
none, however, maintains that German anti-Semitism was in itself
sufficiently virulent to account for the Nazi genocide.(15) Indeed,
this is one reason why versions of Goldhagen's thesis have been
discarded in serious scholarly inquiry. The task Goldhagen sets
himself is to force the new evidence into the Procrustean bed
of an obsolete theory. To meet this challenge, Goldhagen fashions
a new model of anti-Semitism. Thomas Kuhn suggested that a new
paradigm comes into existence when anomalies crop up that the
old one can no longer accommodate. The purpose of Goldhagen's
new paradigm, however, is to make the anomalies fit the old one.
The essence of Goldhagen's new paradigm is what he calls 'eliminationist
anti-Semitism'. Goldhagen situates German anti-Semitism along
a continuous spectrum. At one extreme was the German perception
that Jews were vaguely different. At the other extreme was the
perception that Jews were distinctly evil. Between these poles
was the perception that Jews were more or less flawed. Moving
from one end of the spectrum to the other, the complementary German
desire to eliminate an unappealing feature of the Jews rapidly
yielded to the desire to eliminate Jews altogether. 'The eliminationist
mind-set', Goldhagen proclaims, 'tended towards an exterminationist
one.' (HWE, p. 71, emphasis in original; see also pp. 23,
77, 444) Thus, any German who questioned the group loyalty or
objected to the business practices of Jews was effectively a Nazi
brute. Wedded as it was to an assimilationist version of the 'eliminationist
mind-set', even German liberalism inexorably led to Auschwitz.
Rescuing an otherwise improbable thesis, 'eliminationist anti-Semitism'
serves as Goldhagen's deus ex machina. Indeed, using this device,
it is not at all difficult to prove that nearly every German was
a latent Hitler. It would also not be at all difficult to prove
that nearly every white American is a latent Grand Wizard. How
many white Americans do not harbour any negative stereotypes about
black people? If Goldhagen is correct, we are all closet racial
psychopaths. Why then did the 'Holocaust' happen in Germany? If
we all suffer from an 'eliminationist mind-set' then that alone
cannot account for what Goldhagen calls a 'sui generis event'.
(HWE, p. 419)
Casting as a theoretical novelty the distinction between 'type[s]
of anti-Semitism', Goldhagen dismisses previous scholars who 'typically...
treated' anti-Semitism 'in an undifferentiated manner'. Before
he came along, 'a person [was] either an anti-Semite or not.'
(HWE, pp. 34-5; see also Reply, p. 41) Leaving aside the fact
that the contrast he proposes [45] between, say, religious and
racial or latent and manifest anti-Semitism is standard in the
Nazi holocaust literatures, (16) it is Goldhagen himself who radically
undercuts all distinctions: on the 'eliminationist' spectrum,
every manifestation of anti-Semitism and even philosemitism 'tend[s]
strongly towards a genocidal "solution".' (17)
In this connection, Goldhagen's resolution of a key controversy
in the Nazi holocaust literature is noteworthy. Historians have
long disputed whether Hitler sought from the outset (the intentionalist
school) or was pressed by circumstances (the functionalist school)
to exterminate the Jews. To prove the intentionalist thesis, Goldhagen
simply lumps Hitier's various initiatives together: they were
all effectively genocidal. Thus, Hitier's pre-invasion orders
that limited the extermination of Soviet Jews to adult males was
'still genocidal'. His ghettoization and deportation schemes were
'bloodlessly genocidal', 'proto-genocidal', 'psychologically and
ideologically the functional, if not the eventual, actual equivalent
of genocide', 'quasi-genocidal', 'bloodless equivalents of genocide',
and so on. Even the destruction of Jewish synagogues during Kristallnacht
was a 'proto-genocidal assault... the psychic equivalent of genocide.'(18)
The very basis of the intentionalist-functionalist controversy,
however, is that the distinction between riot, expulsion, and
mass murder, on the one hand, and genocide, on the other, does
count. Why else focus on Hitier's decision to initiate the judeocide?
Goldhagen's 'proof annuls the debate's central premise. It also
annuls the central premise of his own book. If all these policies
evidence genocidal intent, then genocidal intent is very far from
uncommon in human history. Yet, Goldhagen maintains that 'the
Holocaust is ... utterly new', and it is 'crucially' the genocidal
intent that makes it so. (HWE, p. 5; Reply, p. 45)
Once Goldhagen attends to the matter of distinctions, the bankruptcy
of his explanatory model stands exposed. Thus, he also enters
the strong caveat that German 'eliminationist anti-Semitism' was
equally compatible with a broad range of social outcomes. It was
'multipotential.' Indeed, 'eliminationist anti-Semitism' could
'obvious[ly]'culminate in everything from 'total assimilation'
to 'total annihilation', with 'verbal assault', 'legal [46] restraints',
'physical assault', 'physical separation in ghettos', 'forcible
and violent expulsion', all being intermediate possibilities.
HWE, pp. 69, 70, 132-6, 444, 494 n. 92) These multiple options,
Goldhagen further elucidates, 'were rough functional equivalents
from the vantage point of the perpetrators.' (HWE, p. 135; see
also p. 70) Yet, if all these policy options were 'rough functional
equivalents' for the 'eliminationist mind-set', then that mind-set
plainly cannot account for the genocidal variant. So capacious
is his conceptual device, Goldhagen suggests, that it can explain
in a 'logical' manner the full gamut of unfolding German anti-Jewish
policies. (HWE, p. 444) True it explains all of them; it also
explains none.
Goldhagen's survey of German anti-Semitism roughly divides at
the Nazis' ascension to power. In the next two sections, I shall
consider his analysis of Germany before and after the Nazis took
3. Pre-Nazi Germany
In his introductory chapter, Goldhagen emphasizes an analytical
distinction: 'Some anti-Semitisms become woven into the moral
order of society; others do not.' Theorizing that the former are
potentially more explosive, Goldhagen puts 'the conception of
Jews in medieval Christendom' in this category: 'its uncompromising
non-pluralistic and intolerant view of the moral basis of society...
held the Jews to violate the moral order of the world ... Jews
came to represent ... much of the evil in the world; they not
only represented it but also came to be seen by Christians as
being synonymous with it, indeed as being self-willed agents of
evil.' (HWE, pp. 37-8; see also p. 51) Alas, Goldhagen also argues
that anti-Semitism was not at the core of pre-modern Christianity:
'In medieval times ... Jews were seen to be responsible for many
ills, but they remained always somewhat peripheral, on the fringes,
spatially and theologically, of the Christian world, not central
to its understanding of the world's troubles ... even if the Jews
were to disappear, the Devil, the ultimate source of evil, would
remain.' (HWE, p. 67; see also p. 77) Apart from his theoretical
insight -- or perhaps insights -- Goldhagen skips quickly over
the pre-modern era.
Except perhaps for an obscure, unpublished, thirty-year-old doctoral
dissertation, Goldhagen acknowledges, the extant scholarly literature
on modern German anti-Semitism does not reach his conclusions.
If, however, the same findings are 'reconceptualize[d]' in a 'new
analytical and interpretative framework', they do, he believes,
sustain his novel thesis. (HWE, pp. 488 n. 17, 76-7; see also
Reply, p. 41) Summarizing his conclusions for the nineteenth century
through World War I, Goldhagen writes:
It is... incontestable that the fundamentals of Nazi anti-Semitism... had deep roots in Germany, was part of the cultural cognitive model of German society, and was integral to German political culture. It is incontestable that racial anti-Semitism was the salient form of anti-Semitism in Germany and that it was broadly part of the public conversation of German society. It is incontestable that it had enormously wide and solid institutional and political support in Germany at various times ... It is incontestable that this racial anti-Semitism which held the Jews to pose a mortal threat to Germany was pregnant with murder. (HWE, pp. 74-5; see also p. 77)
[47] No serious historian doubts that anti-Semitism persisted
in modern Germany. The question is, what was its scope and nature?
(19) Goldhagen argues that anti-Semitism was ubiquitous in Germany.
Yet German Social-Democracy forcefully denounced anti-Semitism
and, as the single largest political party (the SPD), commanded
the allegiance of fully a third of the electorate by the early
twentieth century. Not the working-class base, Goldhagen suggests,
but only 'the core of the socialist movement, its intellectuals
and leaders' repudiated anti-Semitism. It was merely a 'small
group'. (HWE, p. 74; see also p. 72) The only source he cites
is Peter Pulzer's Jews and the German State, which enters
no such qualification.(20) Indeed, turning to Pulzer's authoritative
companion study, The Rise of Political Anti-Semitism
in Germany and Austria, we learn that 'anti-Semitism drew
little strength from ... the working-class ... The [German worker]
knew that national and religious arguments were at best irrelevant
to a solution of his problems and at worst a deliberate attempt
to cloud his view of the "real issues".' (21) A compelling
example of popular German anti-Semitism cited by Goldhagen is
the recurrence of ritual murder accusations. 'In Germany and the
Austrian Empire', he reports, ,twelve such trials took lace between
1867 and 1914.'(HWE, pp. 63-4) Goldhagen cites Pulzer's The
Rise of political Anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria.
Turning to the cited page, we find that Goldhagen has reversed
the import of Pulzer's finding. The remainder of the sentence
reads: 'eleven of which collapsed although the trials were by
To further document the extent of German anti-Semitism, Goldhagen
recalls a 'spontaneous, extremely broad-based, and genuine' petition
campaign in Bavaria opposing the full equality of Jews. Yet, the
corresponding note tucked in the book's back pages reveals that
actually the campaign was carefully orchestrated by 'priests and
other anti-Jewish agitators' and that 'many' signatories were
'indifferent' to the Jews. Ian Kershaw adds that 'many petitioners...
knew little of any Jewish Question.' Unfazed, Goldhagen concludes
his endnote: 'because agitators could so easily induce them to
anti-Semitic expression', the petition drive still proves 'how
anti-Semitic Bavarians were' . (23)
[48] Even if Goldhagen were able to prove that German culture
was 'axiomatically anti-Semitic'(HWE, p. 59), that in itself would
not yet prove that the German people strained at the bit to murder
Jews. Thus, as seen above, Goldhagen also argues that German anti-Semitism
was pervasively homicidal. Consider some other representative
By the end of the nineteenth century, the view that Jews posed extreme danger to Germany and that the source of their perniciousness was immutable, namely their race, and the consequential belief that the Jews had to be eliminated from Germany were extremely widespread in German society. The tendency to consider and propose the most radical form of elimination -- that is, extermination -- was already strong and had been given much voice. (HWE, p. 72, original emphasis)
... the cognitive model of Nazi anti-Semitism had taken shape well before the Nazis came to power, and ... this model, throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, was also extremely widespread in all social classes and sectors of German society, for it was deeply embedded in German cultural and political life and conversation, as well as integrated into the moral structure of society. (HWE, p. 77)
Pulzer, however, maintains that only 'a small, though growing,
and noisy minority' even held that 'Jews were a separate, unassimilable
race'. A second authority frequently cited by Goldhagen, Shulamit
Volkov, similarly concludes that nineteenth-century German anti-Semitism
did not 'bring forth' the Nazi genocide. Indeed, it was 'closer
to the French version of that time than to later National Socialist
positions.' (24)
The Jews as a Separate Race
To document his thesis, Goldhagen repeatedly points to the proliferation
of radically anti-Semitic literature in Germany. For instance,
he cites the 'startling' statistic that 19 of 51 'prominent anti-Semitic
writers' advocated the 'physical extermination of tbe Jews.''(HWE,
p. 71, original emphasis; see also p. 64) One would perhaps
also want to note that an overwhelming majority did not. As Goldhagen
himself acknowledges two pages earlier: 'a large percentage of
the anti-Semites proposed no action at all.' Goldhagen deems this
last fact 'astonishing' -- but it would be astonishing only if
his thesis were true. Goldhagen also never asks who read this
literature. Scoring Germany as the birthplace and headquarters
of 'scientific' anti-Semitism, Eva Reichmann nonetheless cautions
that 'an anti-Semitic literature does not of necessity prove a
wide anti-Semitic response among the public. ' (25)
Ill suited to his thesis, the scholarly evidence is recast by
Goldhagen with [49] the aid of his novel methodology. (26) Thus,
Goldhagen suggests that any German who believed that Jews constituted
a 'religion, nation, political group, or race' and thus were an
'alien body within Germany', or that Jews engaged in 'underhanded'
or 'parasitic' business activities fell on the eliminationist
spectrum gliding to murder. (27) The identical image of Jews as
a 'nation' or 'race' that was 'alien' to and 'parasitical' on
European society was also, however, a staple of Zionist ideology.
Indeed, as one Zionist historian copiously documents, 'the Jewish
self-criticism so widespread among the German Zionist intelligentsia
often seemed dangerously similar to the plaints of the German
anti-Semites.' (28) Does that make all Zionists homicidal anti-Semites
as well? Pressed into Goldhagen's conceptual meat grinder, even
German 'liberals', 'philosemites', and 'Progressives', with their
ambivalent prescriptions for Jewish emancipation, emerge as racial
psychopaths. Thus, Goldhagen reckons that Enlightenment Germans
were 'anti-Semites in sheep's clothing', 'philosemitic anti-Semites',
in thrall to the 'assimilationist version of the eliminationist
mind-set', and so forth. (HWE, pp. 56-9, 70, 74, 78) Small wonder
that Goldhagen is able to prove that Germany was a nation of murderous
For all its social turbulence, modern Germany prior to Hitler
witnessed only episodic spasms of anti-Jewish violence. Indeed,
there was no equivalent of the riots that attended the Dreyfus
Affair or the pogroms in Russia. If Germany was brimming with
pathological anti-Semites, why did Jews so rarely suffer their
wrath? Alas, Goldhagen only briefly touches on this -- for his
thesis -- plainly pivotal question. He writes, 'As powerful and
potentially violent as the anti-Semitism was ... the state would
not allow it to become the basis of collective social action of
this [50] sort. Wilhelmine Germany would not tolerate the organized
violence for which the anti-Semites appeared to long.'(HWE, p.
72) Yet, why was the State immune to the pathological anti-Semitism
infecting the German body-politic? Indeed, winning the 1893 election,
the Conservative Party, which according to Goldhagen was 'thoroughly
anti-Semitic', along with allied avowedly anti-Semitic parties,
proved a force to reckon with in the State. (HWE, pp. 56, 74-6)
Why did these violent anti-Semites 'not tolerate' anti-Semitic
Disobeying orders that they opposed, the Germans did not, according
to Goldhagen, blindly defer to State authority. Indeed, if the
State violated a normative value, 'ordinary citizens' entered
into 'open rebellion' against, and 'battled in the streets...
in defiance of ... and in order to overthrow it.' (HWE, pp. 381-2)
Goldhagen further maintains that all the non-governmental centres
of power in Germany -- what he calls its 'Tocquevillian substructure'
-- were packed with insane Jew-haters. (HWE, pp. 59-60, 72-4)
If they were thus driven by fanatical anti-Semitism that was the
German 'cultural norm' (HWE, p. 61), the German people should
have risen up against the Wilheimine state that was shielding
the Jews. Jewish blood should have been flowing in German streets.
Luckily for the Jews, but unluckily for Goldhagen's thesis, this
never happened. Ironically, the only 'continual legislative and
parliamentary battles', 'bitter political fights', and so forth
Goldhagen chronicles were over Jewish emancipation. (HWE, p. 56)
If, as Goldhagen writes in the very same paragraphs, the 'vast
majority' of Germans were 'thoroughly anti-Semitic', why was there
such intense political discord on the Jewish Question?
Goldhagen acknowledges only parenthetically that, for all the
entrenched anti-Semitism, modern German Jews experienced a 'meteoric
rise from pariah status.' (HWE, p. 78) Indeed, German Jerry at
the century's turn -- recalls one historian -- 'thrived in this
atmosphere of imperfect toleration; their coreligionists throughout
the world ... looked to them for support and leadership.' (29)
Goldhagen wisely does not even try to reconcile the 'meteoric
rise' of German Jews with the thesis that Germany was seething
with psychopathic anti-Semitism.
Saturated with Jew-hatred, Weimar Germany was, according to Goldhagen,
all of a piece. Thus 'virtually every major institution and group
... was permeated by anti-Semitism', 'nearly every political group
in the country shunned the Jews', 'Jews, though ferociously attacked,
found virtually no defenders', 'the public conversation about
Jews was almost wholly negative', and so on, and so on. (HWE,
pp. 82-4)
It is true that anti-Semitism persisted in the Weimar era. Goldhagen
recalls the 'Aryan paragraphs' that restricted Jewish entry into
universities and student organizations. (HWE, p. 83) Yet Jews
in England and the US suffered similar exclusions. Popular anti-Semitic
violence occasionally flared up during the years 1917-23 when
German society tottered on the brink of total collapse. Once the
new regime stabilized, however, almost all vandalization of Jewish
property was connected [51] with the Nazis. Unlike Goldhagen,
Pulzer reports that the Social-Democratic Party proved during
Weimar 'a committed opponent of organized anti-Semitism', and
Niewyck reports that 'the penetration of anti-Jewish opinions
into the organized Socialist working class was kept to an unmeasurable
minimum'. To document that the 'SPD did little to attack the Nazis
'anti-Semitism', Goldhagen cites Donna Harsch's study, German
Social Democracy and the Rise of Nazism. (HWE, p. 497 n. 16)
Turning to the cited page, we learn that, although the SPD did
react defensively to slurs that it was beholden to the Jewish
community, 'all Social Democrats' proved 'consistent' in their
'advocacy of the civil rights of German and East European Jews'.(30)
Goldhagen's monochromatic thumbnail sketch also completely omits
the remarkable successes registered by German Jews. Occupying
a salient place in German life, Weimar Jewry assembled a record
of achievements in the arts, politics and the economy rivaled
only by that of American Jewry after World War II. 'Had the German
population been uniquely rabid in its hatred', Sarah Gordon reasonably
concludes, 'it is inconceivable that Jews could have fared so
well, especially compared to Jews in other nations.' (31)
How Public Were Hitler's Intentions?
Shouting from the rooftops his maniacal hatred of the Jews, Hitler
fully and incessantly apprised the German people, according to
Goldhagen, of his genocidal plans: 'In his writing, speeches,
and conversation, Hitler was direct and clear. Germany's enemies
at home and abroad were to be destroyed or rendered inert. No
one who heard or read Hitler could have missed this clarion message.'
(HWE, p. 86) And again: 'Rarely has a national leader so openly,
frequently, and emphatically announced an apocalyptic intention
-- in this case, to destroy Jewish power and even the Jews themselves
-- and made good on his promise.' (HWE, p. 162; see also p. 424)
Yet, Goldhagen adduces only three pieces of evidence for the period
up to the eve of World War II to document this claim: the notorious
passage from Mein Kampf, which perhaps few Germans read
and even fewer took literally; a speech of 1920 when Hitler was
'still politically obscure'; and Hitler's conditional and ambiguous
January 1939 'prophecy', which was largely ignored by a German
public preoccupied with the impending war.(32)
[52] Hitler's public statements have been subject to numerous
analyses. None confirm Goldhagen's depiction. Indeed, yet again
directly contradicting his own thesis, Goldhagen reports that
Hitler 'prudently would not repeat in public' his explicitly genocidal
aims 'after he had achieved national prominence'. Goldhagen also
validates Goebbels's boast in 1944 that, before seizing power,
the Nazis 'had not made their ultimate intentions known publicly'.
(Goldhagen's paraphrase; HWE, pp. 425, 589 n. 13) The actual documentary
record for the period through 1939 shows that: 1) Hitier's earliest
speeches were pervasively anti-Semitic; 2) realizing, however,
that anti-Marxism had a wider appeal than anti-Semitism, Hitler
muted his attacks on Jews once he entered public life in 1923;
3) attacks on Jews figured only marginally in Hitier's speeches
during the years immediately preceding his electoral triumph;
4) upon taking power and until the eve of World War II, Hitler
publicly announced as his ultimate goal not the annihilation but
the forced emigration of the Jews. (33)
'Even during the War, when his machinery of destruction was running
at top capacity', Max Domanis recalls, Hitler 'confined his remarks
on a massacre of Jews to threats within the scope of his foreign
policy, knowing only too well that such an openly propagated program
of extermination was certain to meet with resistance from the
majority of the German people and the bulk of his parry followers.'
(34) Yet, Goldhagen writes: 'Hitler announced many times, emphatically,
that the war would end in the extermination of the Jews. The killing
met with general understanding, if not approval.' The endnote
refers readers to Max Domarus. (HWE, pp. 8,477 n. 10)
The Nazi genocide, Goldhagen elucidates, was 'given shape and
energized by a leader, Hitler, who was adored by the vast majority
of the [53] German people, a leader who was known to be committed
wholeheartedly to the unfolding, brutal eliminationist program.'(HWE,
p. 419) Pointing up 'Hitler's enormous popularity and the legitimacy
that it helped engender for the regime', Goldhagen elsewhere refers
readers to Ian Kershaw's important study, The 'Hitler Myth'.
(HWE, p. 512 n. 2) Yet Goldhagen omits altogether Kershaw's
main finding -- that anti-Semitism never figured centrally in
Hitler's mass appeal. Thus Kershaw typically writes:
Anti-Semitism, despite its pivotal place in Hitler's 'world view',
was of only secondary importance in cementing the bonds between
Fuhrer and people which provided the Third Reich with its popular
legitimation and basis of plebiscitary acclamation. At the same
time, the principle of excluding the Jews from German society
was itself widely and increasingly popular, and Hitler's hatred
of the Jews -- baleful in its threats but linked to the condoning
of lawful, 'rational' action, not the unpopular crude violence
and brutality of the Party's 'gutter' elements -- was certainly
an acceptable component of his popular image, even if it was an
element 'taken on board' rather than forming a centrally motivating
factor for most Germans.
Indeed, 'during the 1930s ... when his popularity was soaring
to dizzy heights', Kershaw underlines, Hitler 'was extremely careful
to avoid public association with the generally unpopular pogrom-type
anti-Semitic outrages.' (35)
Was Anti-Semitism Appealing?
Like Hitler's public persona, the electoral cycle culminating
in the Nazi victory has been closely scrutinized by historians.
These contests were a uniquely sensitive barometer of the fluctuations
in German popular opinion. The consensus of the scholarly literature
is that anti-Semitism did not figure centrally in the Nazis' ultimate
success at the polls. (36) Before the massive economic depression
sent German society reeling, neither the Nazis nor any of the
other radical anti-Semitic parties were able to garner more than
a minuscule percentage of the votes. Even as late as 1928, only
2.8 per cent of the German electorate cast ballots for the Nazi
Party. The subsequent spectacular upswing in the Nazis' electoral
fortunes was due [54] overwhelmingly to the solutions they proposed
for Germany's economic crisis. Not the Jews but Marxism and Social
Democracy served as the prime scapegoats of Nazi propaganda. Anti-Semitism
was not altogether jettisoned by the Nazis; it did not, however,
account for the core of their support. In perhaps the single most
illuminating interpretive study of the Nazi phenomenon, Eva Reichmann
subtly elucidates this relationship:
In an excessively complicated situation Nazism offered to a society
in full disintegration a political diet whose disastrous effects
this society was no longer able to realize. People felt that it
contained titbits for every palate. The titbits were, so to speak,
coated with anti-Semitism.... But it was not the covering for
the sake of which they were greedily swallowed.... The wrapping
in which the new security, the new self-assurance, the exculpation,
the permission to hate was served might equally well have had
another colour and another spice.
The 'conclusiveness of this analogy', Reichmann significantly
adds, is 'confirmed' by the absence of popular anti-Semitic malice
prior to the Nazi victory:
If those people who, under the influence of anti-Semitic propaganda,
had been moved by outright hatred of the Jews, their practical
aggression against them would have been excessive after the Jews
had been openly abandoned to the people's fury. Violence would
not then have been limited to the organized activities of Nazi
gangs, but would have become endemic in the whole people and seriously
endangered the life of every Jew in Germany. This, however, did
not happen. Even during the years in which the party increased
by leaps and bounds, spontaneous terrorist assaults on Jews were
extremely rare ... In spite of the ardent efforts of the [Nazi
Party], the boycott against Jewish shopkeepers and professional
men before the seizure of power was negligible, although this
would have been an inconspicuous and safe way of demonstrating
one's anti-Jewish feeling. From all this all but complete lack
of practical anti-Semitic reactions at a time when the behaviour
of the public was still a correct index to its sentiments, it
can only be inferred that the overwhelming majority of the people
did not feel their relations to the Jewish minority as unbearable.
Goldhagen dispatches the crucial cycle of elections culminating
in the Nazi victory in one page. He highlights that, in the July
1932 election -- the Nazis' best showing in an open contest --
'almost fourteen million Germans, 37.4 per cent of the
voters, cast their lots for Hitler.'(HWE, p. 87, original emphasis)
He might also have highlighted that more than twenty three
million Germans, 62.6 per cent of the voters, did not cast
their lot for Hitler. 'There is no doubt', Goldhagen concludes,
'that Hitler's virulent, lethal-sounding anti-Semitism did not
at the very least deter Germans by the millions from throwing
their support to him.'(HWE, p. 497 n. 22) This finding, however,
feebly sustains Goldhagen's thesis. If, [55] as Goldhagen claims,
the Germans were straining at the bit to murder the Jews, and
if, as he claims, Hitler promised to 'unleash' them if elected,
then Germans should have voted for Hitler not despite but because
of his anti-Semitism. Not even Goldhagen pretends this was
the case. Indeed, he acknowledges that 'many people ... welcomed
Nazism while disliking certain of its aspects as transient excrescences
upon the body of the Party which Hitler ... would slough off as
so many alien accretions.' (HWE, p. 435) This was precisely the
case with Nazi anti-Semitism. (38) Finally, to demonstrate Hitler's
greater popularity right after the seizure of power, Goldhagen
recalls that the throttling of all dissent 'did not deter voters,
but increased the Nazi vote to over seventeen million people'
in March 1933. (HWE, p. 87) One may have supposed that this increment
in Nazi votes was perhaps because all dissent was throttled.
Imagine if, to demonstrate the Communist regime's growing popular
appeal, a Soviet historian argued that massive repression 'did
not deter, but increased the vote for Stalin to over...'It is
doubtful that even Pravda would have noticed such a book.
4. The Nazi Years, 1933-1939
In her study of Nazism, Eva Reichmann observes that the 'spontaneous'
German attitude toward Jews can no longer be gauged after Hitler's
ascension to power. Totalitarian rule corrupted Germans . (39)
Goldhagen disagrees. Consistent with his 'monocausal explanation',
Goldhagen maintains that the Nazi regime's propaganda and repressive
apparatuses did not do special injury to German-Jewish relations.
'It must be emphasized', Goldhagen writes, 'that in no sense did
the Nazis "brainwash" the German people.' Rather, the
Germans were already in thrall to a 'hallucinatory, demonized
image of Jews' long before Hitler came on the scene. (40) Why
then did the Nazi regime invest so much of its resources in fomenting
Jew-hatred? Goldhagen recalls, for instance, that 'the most consistent,
frequently acted upon and pervasive German governmental policy'
was 'constant, ubiquitous, anti-Semitic vituperation issued from
... public organs, ranging from Hitier's own speeches, to never-ending
installments in Germany's radio, newspapers, magazines, and journals,
to films, to public signage and verbal fusillades, to schoolbooks.'
Indeed, Goldhagen himself stresses that this 'incessant anti-Semitic
barrage' took an 'enormous toll' not only on Jews but 'also on
Germans', and was aimed at 'Preparing Germans for still more drastic
eliminationist measures.'(HWE, pp. 136, 124, 137)
Hitler's Willing Executioners is in fact replete with illustrations,
cited approvingly by Goldhagen, that Nazi Jew-baiting did poison
German sensibilities. Germans embraced anti-Semitism, an Einsatzkommando
confesses, because 'it was hammered into us, during the years
of propaganda, again and again, that the Jews were the ruin of
every Volk in the midst of which they appear and that peace
would reign in Europe only... when the Jewish race is exterminated.'
(HWE, p. 442). Popular anti-Semitism 'was, after all, no surprise',
a German Jew explained in [56] 1942. 'Because for nearly ten years
the inferiority and harmfulness of the Jews has been emphasized
in every newspaper, morning and evening, in every radio broadcast
and on many posters, etc., without a voice in favour of the Jews
being permitted to be raised.' (HWE, p. 449) 'I believed the propaganda
that all Jews were criminals and subhumans', a former murderous
police battalion member discloses, 'and that they were the cause
of Germany's decline after the First World War.' (HWE, p. 179)
'Nazi schooling produced a generation of human beings in Nazi
Germany so different from normal American youth', an American
educator recalls, 'that mere academic comparison seems inane.'(HWE,
p. 27)
Indeed, Goldhagen's crowning piece of evidence confutes the book's
central thesis. 'In what may be the most significant and illuminating
testimony given after the war', Goldhagen reports, an 'expert
legal brief' submitted at Nuremberg argued that the Einsatzgruppen
'really believed' that Germany was locked in mortal combat with
the Jewish agents of a Bolshevik conspiracy. Quoting from this
'all but neglected' document, Goldhagen locates the 'source' of
these psychotic beliefs not in a murderously anti-Semitic German
culture but in Nazi propaganda: 'it cannot be doubted that National
Socialism had succeeded to the fullest extent in convincing public
opinion and furthermore the overwhelming majority of the German
people of the identity of Bolshevism and Jewry.' (HWE, p.
393, original emphasis) Goldhagen seems totally unaware that he
has just highlighted his 'monocausal explanation' of the -Nazi
genocide into oblivion. (41)
Citing the findings of Robert Gellately, 'the foremost expert
on the Gestapo', Goldhagen reports that only a tiny handful of
Germans were prosecuted for verbally dissenting from Nazi anti-Semitism.
According to Goldhagen, this German silence cannot, however, be
credited to repression. Contrary to widespread belief, Goldhagen
maintains, the Hitlerian state was benign. The Nazis ruled 'without
massive coercion and violence'. The regime 'was, on the whole,
consensual'. Germans generally 'accepted the system and Hitier's
authority as desirable and legitimate'. (HWE, pp. 132, 429-30,
Yet Gellately situates his findings in a radically different context
from Goldhagen's. He proceeds 'from the assumption that fear was
indeed prevalent among the German people.' To pretend otherwise,
he asserts, is 'foolish'. Denunciation to settle private scores
was rampant. Especially vulnerable were Germans critical of Nazi
anti-Semitism. With the promulgation of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws,
'anyone friendly to Jews could be denounced on suspicion of having
illicit relationships.'Thus [57] 'numerous' Germans 'in the employ
of Jews or in some kind of business contact with them had brushes
with the Gestapo when they persisted in these relations or expressed
the mildest kinds of solidarity with the persecuted.' Indeed,
more often than not, transgressions were summarily dealt with:
'When it came to enforcing racial policies destined to isolate
Jews, there can be no doubt that the wrath of the Gestapo knew
no bounds, often dispensing with even the semblance of legal procedures.
It is important to be reminded of the "legal" and "extra-legal"
terror brought down on the heads of those who would not otherwise
comply.' 'Sometimes... they were driven to suicide.' Given the
scope of the repression, Gellately suggests, care must be exercised
not to infer too much from the Gestapo files. They 'may well underestimate
the degree of rejection of Nazi anti-Semitism'. Germans 'would
be foolhardy to speak openly about reservations they might have
on that score when brought in for interrogation.' Moreover, 'if
they were never caught, hence never turned over to the Gestapo,
there would be no official record of their activities. In addition,
most of the files of those who were caught were destroyed.'
Germans generally 'accommodated themselves to the official line',
Gellately nonetheless suggests, 'and to all intents and purposes,
did not stand in the way of the persecution of the Jews.' It was,
however, an acquiescence borne not of fanatical hatred but significantly
of fear: 'Being turned into the authorities for the smallest sign
of non-compliance was too common not to have struck anxiety in
the hearts of anyone who might under other circumstances have
found no fault with the Jews.' (42)
Dissenting, Goldhagen maintains that behind the German silence
was not at all fear but 'ideological congruity' with the murderous
Nazi project. (HWE, p. 591 n. 27) Accordingly, in his overview
of the Nazi era, Goldhagen writes: 'Whatever else Germans thought
about Hitler and the Nazi movement, however much they might have
detested aspects of Nazism, the vast majority of them subscribed
to the underlying Nazi model of Jews and in this sense (as the
Nazis themselves understood) were "Nazified" in their
view of Jews.'
None of the copious relevant scholarship, Goldhagen acknowledges
in the corresponding endnote, reaches his conclusions. Rather,
Goldhagen leans on a 'theoretical [and] analytical account of
anti-Semitism' and an understanding of 'the nature of cognitions,
beliefs, and ideologies and their relation to action.'(HWE, pp.
87, 497-8 n. 24) Without his novel methodology, Goldhagen is indeed
no more able to prove his thesis for the period after Hitler's
ascension to power than he was for the period before it.
German Attitudes to Anti-Jewish Laws
Goldhagen recalls the degrading and onerous proscriptions on Jewish
life in Nazi Germany. He cites, for example, the barring of Jews
from public facilities (for example, swimming pools and public
baths), the exclusion of Jews from prestigious professional associations
and institutions (for example, medicine, law and higher education)
and later much [58] of the economy, the posting of signs that
pointed up the Jews' pariah status (for example, 'Jews Not Wanted
Here', 'Entry Forbidden to Jews'), and so on and so on. (HWE,
pp. 91-3, 96-7, 124-5, 137-8)
Implemented 'with the approval of the vast majority of people',
these measures evinced, according to Goldhagen, the 'Germans'
eliminationist intent.' (HWE, pp. 422, 93) The actual record,
however, is rather more complex. (43) Acting narrowly on their
economic self-interest, Germans generally supported Nazi anti-Jewish
initiatives from which they stood to gain materially, and opposed
Nazi anti-Jewish initiatives from which they stood to lose materially.
Socially restrictive Nazi initiatives initially got a lukewarm
reception. Goldhagen suggests otherwise. Citing Gellately, he
reports that 'Germans posted signs' with anti-Jewish prohibitions.
(HWE, pp. 91-2) Turning to the cited page, we learn that the campaign
was orchestrated 'by local hotheads in the Nazi movement , with
opportunist Germans occasionally joining in. Succumbing, however,
to the combined pressures of propaganda and repression, most Germans,
already more or less disposed to anti-Semitic appeals, did come
to endorse, with relative ease if not conviction, the social segregation
of the Jews. Yet in this respect, the Germans' 'radical treatment'
-- as Goldhagen puts it (HWE, p. 422) -- of the Jews barely differed
from the Jim Crow system in the American South. (44)
Consider the Nuremberg Laws. Repeatedly pointing to these enactments
as the crystallization of the murderous Nazi mind-set, Goldhagen,
for instance, writes:
The eliminationist program had received at once its most coherent
statement and its most powerful push forward. The Nuremberg Laws
promised to accomplish what had heretofore for decades been but
discussed and urged on ad nauseam. With this codifying moment
of the Nazi German 'religion', the regime held up the eliminationist
[59] writing on the Nazi tablets for every German to read. (HWE,
pp. 97-8; see also p. 138)
The Nuremberg legislation stripped Jews of the franchise ('Reich
Citizenship Law') and prohibited sexual relations between Jews
and Germans ('The Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour').
Yet black people in the American South suffered from identical
restrictions. Indeed, they did not effectively secure the vote,
and the Supreme Court did not outlaw the anti-miscegenation statutes,
until the mid 1960s. These proscriptions enjoyed overwhelming
support among Southern whites. Does that mean nearly all Southern
whites were genocidal racists waiting for a Hitler to 'unleash'
them? (45)
The German disposition to anti-Semitic violence is plainly the
crucial test of Goldhagen's thesis. Seizing power, Hitler effectively
opened the sluice gates. Moral and legal restraints were lifted.
The opposition was crushed. Virulent anti-Semitic incitement was
literally in the air. 'The state', as Goldhagen puts it, 'had
implicitly declared the Jews to be "fair game" -- beings
who were to be eliminated from German society, by whatever means
necessary, including violence.' (46) What did the German people
do? Did they spontaneously indulge in anti-Semitic pogroms? Did
they join in the Nazi pogroms? Did they approve the Nazi pogroms?
Did they, at bare minimum, condone the Nazi pogroms? The voluminous
scholarly evidence points to a uniform, unequivocal answer to
all these questions: No. There were few, if any, popular German
assaults on the Jews. Indeed, Germans overwhelmingly condemned
the Nazi anti-Semitic atrocities.
For 'far greater empirical support for my positions than space
permits me to offer here', Goldhagen advises, readers should consult
David Bankier's study, The Germans and the Final Solution:
Public Opinion under Nazism. (HWE, pp. 497-8 n. 24) Consider
then Bankier's conclusions. During the first years of Nazi anti-Semitic
incitement, most Germans ('large sectors', 'the bulk', 'sizable
parts') found 'the form of persecution abhorrent', expressed 'misgivings
about the brutal methods employed', 'remained on the sidelines',
'severely condemned the persecution', and so on. With the revival
of Nazi anti-Semitic terror in 1935, 'large sections of the population
were repelled by the Sturmer methods and refused to comply with
demands to take action against the Jews.' Indeed, the 'vast majority
of the population approved the Nuremberg Laws' not only because
they 'identified with the racialist policy' but 'especially' because
'a permanent framework of discrimination had been created that
would [60] end the reign of terror and set precise limits to anti-Semitic
activities.' 'Sturmer methods and the violence' in the years 1936-37
'met with the same disapproval as in the past.' 'The overwhelming
majority approved social segregation and economic destruction
of the Jews' on the eve of Kristalinacht in 1938 'but not outbursts
of brute force... it was not Jew hatred in the Nazi sense.' 'All
sections of the population', Bankier reports, 'reacted with shock'
to Kristalinacht. 'There were few occasions, if any, in the Third
Reich', Kershaw similarly recalls, 'which produced such a widespread
wave of revulsion', reaching 'deep into the ranks' of the Nazi
Party itself. The motives behind these outpourings of popular
disgust, to be sure, were not unalloyed. Some Germans evinced
genuine moral outrage. Some recoiled from the sheer brutality
of the violence which also defaced Germany's image. Some opposed
the destruction only because it squandered material resources.
Yet, whatever the motive, Goldhagen's thesis is unsustainable.
For argument's sake, let us assume the worst-case scenario: Germans
repudiated Nazi anti-Semitic violence not on strictly humanitarian
grounds but, rather, because it was gratuitously cruel and economically
wasteful. According to Goldhagen, however, these were precisely
the differentiae of the Nazi genocide. The 'limitless cruelty'
of the German perpetrators, Goldhagen emphasizes, was 'a constituent
feature of the Holocaust, as central to it as the killing itself.'
(Reply, p. 38; I will return to this crucial distinction in part
II) Goldhagen also devotes a significant part of his study (pp.
281-323) to demonstrating that, in the hierarchy of 'guiding values'
in the German 'work' camps, persecution of the Jews always took
precedence over 'economic rationality'. (HWE, p. 322) Regardless
of the reason, then, the German people's overwhelming condemnation
of Nazi anti-Semitic violence is conclusive evidence that Goldhagen's
'monocausal explanation' is false. Note further that, according
to Goldhagen, a crucial facet of the Nazi genocide was the voluntarism
of the perpetrators. Always taking the initiative, ordinary Germans
-- to quote a typical passage -- 'easily and with alacrity became
executioners of Jews'. (HWE, p. 395; I will also return to this
point in part II) Yet, as we have seen, spontaneous German anti-Semitic
attacks rarely occurred. On the eve of the Nazi holocaust, the
German people were, on Goldhagen's own terms, very far from 'Nazified.'
Indeed, there was much less popular participation in and [61]
support for violent racist incitement in Nazi Germany than in
the American South.(48)
End Part 1/2
1. Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Hitler's Willing Executioners:
Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, New York 1996. The
author wishes to thank David Abraham, Roane Carey, Noam Chomsky,
Samira Haj, Adele Olfman, Shifra Stern, Jack Trumpbour, and Cyrus
Veeser for comments on an earlier draft. This essay is dedicated
to the memory of my beloved parents, both survivors of the Warsaw
Ghetto and the Nazi concentration camps: only a rational apprehension
of what happened can give point to their suffering.
2. New York Times, 27 March, 2 April, 3 April 1996; Time,
23 December 1996. The New York Review of Books first
gave Goldhagen's book a tepid notice but then ran a glowing piece
in which it was acclaimed as 'an original, indeed, brilliant contribution
to the mountain of literature on the Holocaust.' (18 April 1996,
28 November 1996) Initially running a hostile review, The New
Republic subsequently featured Goldhagen's nine-page,'reply
to my critics' (29 April 1996, 23 December 1996). Crucial as it
is to fully apprehending the Goldhagen phenomenon, the German
reaction will not be considered in this monograph. Deciphering
its anomalies would require a much more intimate knowledge of
the German cultural landscape than this writer possesses.
3. Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, New
York 1961. My page references will be to the three-volume 'revised
and definitive edition' published in 1985: vol. 3, p. 1011, vol.
1, p. 327; see also vol. 3, p. 994- See also Raul Hilberg, Perpetrators,
Victims, Bystanders, New York 1992, p. 28:'Whether
they were in command or lowly placed, in an office or outdoors,
they all did their part, when the time came, with all the efficiency
they could muster.'For the initial reaction to Hilberg's damning
portrait of German culpability, see Raul Hilberg, The Politics
of memory, Chicago 1996, pp. 124-6. Hilberg's memoir also
offers instructive insight into the politics of the 'Holocaust
4. Hilberg specifically pointed to the Order Police the
subject of Goldhagen's study perpetrators whose 'moral makeup'
typified 'Germany as a whole'. The Destruction of the European
Jews, vol. 3, p. 1011.
5. Ibid.
6. For background and critical commentary, see Eric A.
Zillmer et al., The Quest for the Nazi Personality,
Hillsdale, NJ 1995. Sampling a wide array of clinical
data, the authors dismiss the 'simplistic' notion of a 'specific
homicidal and clinically morbid' German personality (P. 13).
7. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, New York
1975, P. 47; see also pp. 163-6.
8. Goldhagen dissents from Christopher Browning's estimates
that 10-20 per cent of the German police battalions refused to
kill Jews as 'stretching the evidence'. (HWE, p. 541, n.
68; see also p. 551, n. 65) It is one of Goldhagen's central contentions
that the police battalions were prototypical of the murderous
German mind-set (HWE, pp. 181-5, 463ff).
9. 'A Reply to My Critics', The New Republic, 23 December
1996 [hereafter Reply], p. 41.
10. HWE, p. 416, original emphasis, See also HWE, p. 582 n. 42.
11. Reply, p. 42; see also HWE, pp. 446-7. Not to be deterred
by the hobgoblin of consistency, Goldhagen writes a couple of
pages earlier: 'By the time Hitler came to power, the model of
Jews that was the basis of his anti-Semitism was shared by the
vast majority of Germans'(Reply, p. 40).
12. An unwitting ironist, Goldhagen elsewhere in the book counsels,
'Germans should not be caricatured'. (HWE, p. 382)
13. In the endnote, Goldhagen cautions that his argument 'obviously
does not explain people's capacity for cruelty in the first place
or the gratification many derive from it.' Yet, what needs explaining
is not the mechanisms of these sadistic impulses but, as noted
above, why the Germans succumbed and why the Jews fell victim
to them.
14. Jewish Book News, 25 April 1996, P. 39. For equivalent
formulations, see Reply, p. 43, and Goldhagen's numerous interviews.
15. In an astonishingly disingenuous endnote, Goldhagen writes
that 'it is indeed striking how little or non-existent the evidence
is that... Germans' beliefs about Jews differed from the incessantly
trumpeted Nazi one.'(HWE, p. 593 n. 49, original emphasis) For
a sample of this 'little or non-existent evidence', see section
4) below.
16. See Peter Pulzer, The Rise of Political Anti-Semitism in
Germany and Austria, New York 1964, pp. 30, 70, and Ian Kershaw,
Popular Opinion and Political Dissent in the Third Reich, Oxford
1983, p. 231. Both are basic texts. Consider Goldhagen's other
theoretical breakthroughs:
... each source of [anti-Semitism] is embedded in an extended metaphorical structure that automatically extends the domain of phenomena, situations, and linguistic usages relevant to the anti-Semitic compass in a manner paralleling the metaphorical structure itself. (HWE, p. 35)
All anti-Semitisms can be divided according to one essential dissimilitude which can be usefully thought of as being dichotomous (even if, strictly speaking, this may not be the case). (HWE, p. 37)
Prejudice is a manifestation of people's (individual and collective) search for meaning. (HWE, p. 39, emphasis in original)
Comment is superfluous.
17. HWE, p. 494 n. 92. The counterpoint to Goldhagen's homogenization
of the German perpetrators is his heterogenization of the Germans'
victims. Thus, Goldhagen's discriminations to prove that Jewish
suffering was unique. (HWE, pp. 175, 294, 311ff, 340ff, 523 n.
18. HWE, pp. 141, 146, 147, 153, 421. For a variation on this
argument which conflates verbal abuse with 'deportation and physical
violence', see HWE, p. 125.
19 In his rejoinder, Goldhagen downplays the import of this question:
'Even if some would conclude that I am not entirely correct about
the scope and character of German anti-Semitism, it does not follow
that this would invalidate my conclusion ... about the perpetration
of the Holocaust, [which] logically can stand on its own and must
be confronted directly.' And again: 'My assertions about the reach
of anti-Semitism in Germany before the Nazi period is [sic] supported
by the works of some of the most distinguished scholars of anti-Semitism
... Where I depart from some of them is not over the extent of
anti-Semitism in Germany, but over its content and nature.' (Reply,
pp. 40, 41) Yet, the 'scope and character', 'content and nature'
of German anti-Semitism are not distinct from or subsidiary to
but the very essence of his thesis.
20. Pulzer Jews and the German State, Oxford 1992.
21. Pulzer, The Rise of Political Anti-Semitism, pp. 279-80.
22. Ibid., p. 71.
23. HWE, pp.61,491 n. 51. Ian Kershaw, Popular Opinion and
Political Dissent, Oxdord 1983, p. 229. Indeed, Goldhagen's
study is marred throughout by his penchant for double bookkeeping.
Thus, in the text's body Goldhagen implies that no police battalion
member initially refrained from killing infants. Turning to the
back of the book, we learn that, according to one member, 'almost
all the men' refused, and according to another, 'as if by tacit
agreement, the shooting of infants and small children was renounced
by all the people.' In the endnote Goldhagen grudgingly concedes
that 'undoubtedly, some of the men did shy away'. (HWE, pp. 216,
538 n. 37, n. 39).
24. Pulzer Jews and the German State, pp. 42, 14
25. Eva G. Reichmann, Hostages of Civilization, London
1950, p. 154. See Sarah Gordon, Hitler, Germans and the 'Jewish
Question', Princeton 1984, p. 27.
26. I will not elucidate all Goldhagen's methodological points
on contemporary anti-Semitism. These include:
While its cognitive content was adopting new forms in the service
of 'modernizing' anti-Semitism, of harmonizing it with the new
social and political landscape of Germany, the existing cultural
cognitive model about Jews provided a remarkable underlying constancy
to the elaborated cultural and ideological pronouncements. (HWE,
pp. 53-4)
In 'functional' terms, the changing manifest content of anti-Semitism
could be understood, in one sense, to have been little more than
the handmaiden of the pervasive anti-Jewish animus that served
to maintain and give people a measure of coherence in the modern
world... (HWE, p. 54)
Previously, a welter of anti-Semitic charges and understandings
of the source of the Jews' perniciousness had characterized the
outpouring of anti-Jewish sentiment since the 'Jewish Problem'
had become a central political theme as a reaction to the movement
for their emancipation. (HWE, p. 66)
The cognitive model of ontology that underlay the essential, racist
Volkish worldview contradicted and did not admit the Christian
one that had held sway for centuries. (HWE, p. 68)
These are typical of the 'insights and theories of the social
sciences' that Goldhagen says 'inform' his enterprise, unlike
the criticism which 'betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of
the social scientific method.'(Reply, pp. 38-9,43)
27. HWE, pp. 55-7, 64-73. For Goldhagen's recourse to this genre
of argument for the Nazi period, See HWE, pp. 106, 113-15, 126,431.
28. Joachim Doron, 'Classic Zionism and Modern Anti-Semitism:
Parallels and Influences (1883-1914)', in Studies in Zionism,
Autumn 1983, pp. 169-204 (quote at 171). See Norman G.Finkelstein,Image
and Reality of the lsrael-Patestine Conflict, London 1995,
ch. 1.
29. Donald L. Niewyck, The Jews in Weimar Germany, Baton
Rouge 1980, p. 9 .
30. Michael H. Kater, 'Everyday Anti-Semitism in Prewar Nazi Germany:
The Popular Bases', in Yad Vashem Studies, xvi,Jerusalem
1984, p. 133; Niewyck, The Jews in Weimar Germany, pp.
51,69(working class quote),p. 70; Putzer, The Rise of Political
Anti-Semitism, p. 325; Pulzer,Jews and the German State,
pp. 261 (SPD quote), 344-5; Donna Harsch, German
Social Democracy and the Rise of Nazism, Chapel Hill 1993,
p. 70.
31. Gordon, Hitler, Germans and the 'Jewish Question', p.
48. For a balanced presentation of German Jewry during the Weimar
years, see especially Niewyck's The Jews in Weimar Germany.
32. HWE, pp. 86, 142, 162,424-5. William Brustein, The Logic
of Power, p. 51, reports that 'relatively few people read
Mein Kampf before 1933. Albert Speer claimed never to have
read it; his biographer is unsure. Albert Speer, Inside the
Third Reich, New York 1970, pp. 19, 122, 509; Gitta Sereny,
Albert Speer, New York 1995, pp. 183, 302, 590-1. Although
the notorious passage from Mein Kampf is not strictly genocidal-Hitler
speculates that if twelve or fifteen thousand... Hebrew corrupters
of the people had been held under poison gas', Germany might have
won World War I Philippe Burrin convincingly demonstrates that
these musings do shed important light on Hitler's genocidal aims.
See Hitler and the Jews, London 1994. For the linguistic
ambiguities of and indifferent public reception to Hitler's January
1939 'prophecy', see Gordon, Hitler, Germans and the Jewish
Question', p. 133; Ian Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth', Oxford
1987, pp. 240-2; Hans Mommsen, 'The Realization of the Unthinkable',
in Gerhard Hirschfeld, ed., The Policies of Genocide,
London 1986, pp. 134-5 n. 36.
33. Norman H. Baynes, ed., The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April
1922-August 1939, New York 1969, p. 721; Brustein, The
Logic of Evil, p. 58; Max Domarus, ed., Hitler: Speeches
and Proclamations, 1932-1945, Wauconda, IL 1990, pp.
37,40; Saul Friedlander, Nazi Germany and the Jews, New
York 1997, pp. 72, 95-7, 101-4 (Friedlander puts more stress on
Hitler's public anti-Semitism throughout the 1920s but concurs
that in the early 1930s 'the Jewish theme indeed became less frequent
in his rhetoric'); Sarah Gordon, Hitler,Germans and the Jewish
Question', pp. 84, 129; Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth', pp.
230-5; Niewyck, The Jews in Weimar Germany, p. 54. For
the period January 1932 to March 1933, there is no mention at
all of Jews in any of Hitler's speeches collected in Domarus's
standard edition. The main negative theme is anti-Bolshevism and
anti-Marxism. In Baynes's earlier collection of Hitler extracts
that 'practically exhausts the material on the subject' of the
Jews, the only item before 1933 is an interview with the London
Times in which Hitler, repudiating 'violent anti-Semitism',
declares that he 'would have nothing to do with pogroms'(p. 726).
Although 'unjust and harsh', as Domarus recalls, Hitler's forced
emigration scheme was hardly unprecedented even in the modern
world (p. 40).
34 Domarus, Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations, p. 37;
see Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth', pp. 243-4; Lothar Kettehacker,
'Hitier's Final Solution and its Rationalization', in Gerhard
Hirschfeld, ed., The Policies of Genocide, London 1986,
p. 83; Mommsen,'The Realization of the Unthinkable', pp. 108-11
35. Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth', pp. 46-7,
152, 154, 161, 230, 233, 235-8, 239 (second quote), 250 (first
quote), 252; see also Kershaw, Popular Opinion and Political
Dissent, p. 273.
36. William Sheridan Allen, The Nazi Seizure of Power, New
York 1984, pp. 84, 218; Brustein, The Logic of Power, pp.
xii, 51, 57-8, 88, 180-1; Thomas Childers, The Nazi Voter,
Chapel Hill 1983, pp. 43, 262-8; Gordon, Hitler, Germans
and the Jewish Question', pp. 29ff, 45, 68-71, 82, 299; Richard
Hamilton, Who Voted for Hitler?, Princeton 1982, pp. 363-9,
377-8, 418, 421-2, 607 n. 46; and Eva Reichmann, Hostages
of Civilization, pp. 190, 229-36. It is not at all clear even
that anti-Semitism figured prominently in the motives for joining
the Nazi party before, let alone after, Hitler's victory; see
especially Peter H. Merki, Political Violence Under the Swastika,
Princeton 1975, pp. 499-500. To illustrate that the crudely
anti-Semitic SA was 'representative of a significant percentage
of the German people' during the Nazi years, Goldhagen recalls
that its membership 'was approximately 10 per cent of the German
civilian male population of the age cohorts on which the SA drew'
(HWE, p. 95). Leaving to one side that a tip does not always prove
an iceberg, Goldhagen observes elsewhere that 'many non-ideological
reasons' induced Germans to join Nazi organizations (HWE, p. 208).
37. Reichmann, Hostages of Civilization, pp. 231-3. Long
out of print, this luminous work should be reissued.
38. Childers, The Nazi Voter, P. 267.
39. Reichmann, Hostages of Civilization, pp. 231,
261 n. 380.
40. HWE, p. 594 n. 56; for a similar argument for the war years,
see pp. 251-2.
41. Goldhagen's citation of this document is doubly ironic. Not
only does it undercut his claim about the inefficacy of Nazi propaganda
but also his claim about restoring the dimension of individual
responsibility. Seeking to mitigate the culpability of the Einsatzgruppen
commanders, the brief lent support to a plea of temporary insanity:
'The defendants... were obsessed with a psychological delusion
based on a fallacious idea concerning the identity of the aims
of Bolshevism and the political role of Jewry in Eastern Europe.'
Although effectively endorsed by Goldhagen, this last defense
was fortunately for justice's sake rejected by the Military Tribunal.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg
Military Tribunals, vol. 4, 'The Einsatzgruppen Case', Washington,
DC n.d., pp. 342,344,350,354,463-4.
42. Robert Gellately, The Gestapo and German
Society, Oxford 1990, pp. 111, 129, 135-6, 146-7, 160-1,
171, 172, 177, 179, 186-7, 205-7, 213, 256.
43. A brief word about sources. Research on popular opinion in
Nazi Germany relies mainly on reports secretly dispatched by the
SPD underground and on internal files of the Nazi police (Gestapo,
SD). Goldhagen cautions that SPD reports 'should be read with
circumspection' because the 'agents were obviously eager and ideologically
disposed to find among the German people... evidence of dissent
from the Nazi regime and its policies.'(HWE, p. 509 n. 162; see
p. 106) Oddly, he does not enter a comparable caveat in the reverse
sense for the Gestapo reports, which are repeatedly cited by him
to document popular German anti-Semitism (for example, HWE, pp.
98, 121). In any event, the issue of reliability has already been
thoroughly explored. The consensus is that the SPD reports are
generally trustworthy even the Gestapo attested to their veracity
and the Nazi police reports perhaps somewhat less so. See David
Bankier, The Germans and the Final Solution, Oxford 1992,
pp. 7-9, 100-1; Gordon, Hitler, Germans, and the Jewish Question',
pp. 166-7, 209; Kershaw, Popular Opinion and Political
Dissent, p. 362; Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth', pp. 6-8.
44. Bankier, The Germans and the Final Solutions, pp. 69-7
3, 81-4, 172 n. 68; Friedlander, Nazi Germany and the
Jews, pp. 22, 125-30, 232-6, 259, 323-4, Gellately, The
Gestapo and German Society, pp. 105 (quote), 106, 171;
Gordon, Hitler, Germans, and the Jewish Question', pp.
169, 171, 175, 206-8; Kater, 'Everyday Anti-Semitism in Prewar
Nazi Germany', pp. 147-8, 154-6; Kershaw, Popular Opinion and
Political Dissent, pp. 232, 233, 240, 243, 244, 256,
272-4; Kershaw, The Hitler Myth', pp. 229-30; Otto Dov
Kulka and Aron Rodrigue,'The German Population and the Jews in
the Third Reich', in Yad Vashem Studies,Jerusalem 1984,
P. 426, Pulzer, Jews and the German State, p. 347;
Reichmann, Hostages of Civilization, pp. 233-4, Marlis
Steinert, Hitler's War and the Germans, Athens, 1977, PP.
37, 40. Benches in Nazi Germany carried 'Aryan only' signs but
of course such measures were commonplace in the South until the
45. For the Nuremberg Laws, see Helmut Krausnick, 'The Persecution
of the Jews', in Helmut Krausnick et al., Anatomy of the SS
State, New York 1965, pp. 32-3; and Hans Mommsen, 'The Realization
of the Unthinkable', pp. 103-5. For popular German reaction to
the Nuremberg Laws, see especially Otto Dov Kulka, "'Public
Opinion" in Nazi Germany and the "Jewish Question"',
The Jerusalem Quarterly, Fall 1982, pp. 124-35. Kulka concludes
that most Germans supported the laws, although a 'quite sizable
portion of the population was indifferent'(p. 135). The us Voting
Rights Act was passed in 1965. The Supreme Court first declared
a state miscegenation law unconstitutional in 1967 (Loving
v. Virginia).
46. HWE, p. 95. Directly contradicting himself, Goldhagen writes
elsewhere that 'Germans' profound hatred of Jews... had in the
1930s by necessity lain relatively dormant.' (HWE, p. 449,
my emphasis)
47 Bankier, The Germans and the Final Solution, ch. 4;
Kershaw Popular Opinion and Political Dissent, pp.
271, 265; see also pp. 172, 234-5, 239, 240, 243-4, 256, 260-74.
For further documentation of Bankier's conclusions, see Friedlander,
Nazi Germany and the Jews, pp. 125, 163-4, 294-5; Gordon,
Hitler, Germany and the Jewish Question', pp. 159, 173,
175-80, 206-8, 265-7; Ian Kershaw, 'German Popular Opinion and
the "Jewish Question", 1939-1943: Some Further Reflections',
in Arnold Paucker, ed., The Jews in Nazi Germany, 1933-1943,
Tubingen 1986, pp. 368-9; Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth', pp.
229-30, 235-7; Kulka, "'Public Opinion" in Nazi Germany
and the "Jewish Question"', pp. 138-44; Kulka and Rodrigue,
'The German Population and the Jews in the Third Reich',p.432;Mommsen,'The
Realization of the Unthinkable',p. 116;Franz Neumann, Behemoth,New
York 1942, p. 121; Pulzer Jews and the German State,p.
347; Pulzer, The Rise of Political Anti-Semitism,
p. 71;Reichmann,Hostages of Civilization, pp. 201,233-4,
238; Marlis Steinert, Hitler's War and the Germans, pp.
37,40;Herbert A. Strauss,'Jewish Emigration from Germany Nazi
Policies and Jewish Responses', in Leo Baeck Institute, Year
Book xxv, New York 1980, p. 331. Bankier discounts, while
Kershaw credits, German moral outrage to Kristalinacht. Kulka
and Rodrigue reasonably conclude that 'we shall probably never
know what the true proportions of both attitudes were.'
48. The scholarly consensus is that, 'Although without
doubt some individual members of the white community condemned
lynching, it is equally clear that a majority supported outlaw
mob violence' Stewart E. Toinay and E.M. Beck, A Festival of
Violence: An Analysis of Southern Lynchings, 1882-1930,
Chicago 1992, p. 28; see also Neil R. McMillen, Dark
journey, Chicago 1989, ch. 7, especially pp. 238ff; and Arthur
F. Raper, The Tragedy of Lynching, New York 1969,
p. 47. One may add that, for sheer brutality, Southern violence
was in a class apart: the grisly torture, dismemberment and even
roasting of its victims, along with the collection of bodily parts
as souvenirs, were inconceivable in pre-war Nazi Germany. For
an example, see Toinay and Beck, A Festival of Violence, p.
End Part 1/2 -- 2/2
This review of Goldhagen's book, "Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's 'Crazy' Thesis: A Critique of Hitler's Willing Executioners", by Norman G. Finkelstein was published in the New Left Review (London), Nr 224, in July 1997, p. 39-88.
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