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 Dr Robert Jay Lifton THE NAZI DOCTORS:
                        Medical Killing and the
                            Psychology of Genocide ©
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[Psychothera…] pie in der Max-Planck-Gesellschat in Munich, which he directs. Fritz Friedmann provided extraordinary intellectual and personal hospitality at the Amerika-Institut at Munich University, which he then headed. Others in Germany were: Walter Ritter von Baeyer, Wanda von Baeyer, Martin Broszat, Helmut Coper, Otto Creuzfeldt, Peter Dürr, Elisabeth Fetscher, Iring Fetscher, Lothar Gruchmann, Warner Jochmann, Jürgen Habermas, Helmut Handzik, Horst W. Hartwich, Walter Huder, Uwe Henrik Peters, Adalbert Rücherl, Wolfgang Scheffler, Gerhandt Schmidt, Helm P. Stierin, Satu Stierlin, George Tabori, and Carl F. von Weizäcker.

In Israel: Yehuda Bauer, Shamai Davidson, Sidra Ezrahi, Yaron Exrahu, Saul Friedländer, Yisrael Gutman, Hillel Klein, Lilli Kopecky, Erich Kulka, and Jacob Lorch.

In Poland: Adam Szymusik, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry, Medical Academy, Krakow, welcomed me in his department and facilitated arrangements there. Others in Poland: Józef Bogusz, Stanislaw Klodzinski, and Maria Orwid.

In Austria, Friedrich Hacker, director of the Institut für Konfliktforschung in Vienna, helped greatly with arrangements. Others in Austria: Alois Hauer (unique in being a former Nazi doctor who served the anti-Nazi underground) in a Norwegian camp). Friedrich Heer, Rolf Hochhuth, Edith Kramer, Hermann Langbein (who provided much information and many introductions), Ella Lingens-Reiner, Harald Leupold-Löwenthal, Erich Stern, Josef Toch, and Simon Wiesenthal.

In England: H. D. Adler, Norman Cohn, Gerald Fleming, John Fox, Albert Friedlander, James Joll, Peter Reddaway, Gitta Sereny, and Robert Wistrich.

In France: Roger Errera, Arthur Hartman, Donna Hartman, Adelaide Hautval, Socrate Helman, Serge Klarsfeld, Samuel Pisar, Léon Poliakov, Yves Ternon, and Georges Wellers.

In Holland: Jan Bastiaans, Elie Cohen, Louis de Jong, and Eduard de Wind.

In Australia: Ena Hronsky and Issy Pilowsky.

In Italy: Robert A. Graham.

In Switzerland: Erwin Leiser (who screened Nazi film for me).

Extraordinary research assistance was provided me, over the years spanning the study, in different parts of the world and in relation to the many phases of the work, by the following admirable and dedicated people: Henry Abromovitz, Janet Beizer, Johannes Borger, Andrzej Branny, Christians Clemm, Rudolph Dolzer, Brigitte Fleischmann, Any Hackett, Anne Halliwell, Lisa Kaufman, Erich Kramer, Waltraut Lehmann, Annegrette Lösch, Robert Luchs, Rosalyn Manowitz, Eric Markusen, Randi Morrau Markusen, Noel Matthews, Micheline Nilsen, William Patch, Cathrin Pichler, Jean Rainwater, Susannah Rubenstein, Solange Salem, Matthias K. Scheer, Gunther Sommerfeld, Kitty Weinberger, Steven Wolfe, and Katharina Zimmer.  
Medical Killing and the
Psychology of Genocide

Robert J. Lifton
ISBN 0-465-09094
© 1986
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