July 29, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
For some time, I had noticed that Ernst had no longer the
strength I once knew in his voice. When I pressed him for the reason, he
said that "...days go by when I don't talk to anyone here. I hardly
ever talk to anybody."
I said that the weakness in his voice seemed to me to be
more than stress and fatigue - that there must be a physical reason. I asked
if he was being starved. I said it sounded to me like a muscular weakness.
He denied that it was lack of food, although the quality of
food was poor, he told me. He said that he was given "dead food" -
that what he lacked were vitamins and enzymes. My husband is a
health-and-vitamin/supplement fanatic - if I may use a somewhat misleading
and value-loaded term.
This past week, when Ernst called, I noticed he could barely
whisper, and I worried about his having to speak up in court in the upcoming
hearings. All day today, for instance, his second day in court, he will be
under rigorous, highly stressful and - as we know his enemies! - insulting
and demeaning cross-examination. His political enemies are like hyanas if
they sense their prey has fallen down. Has anybody ever loved or even liked
Sometime in late afternoon yesterday, I received a call from
Ernst's son who told me that he wanted me to know something before I would
find out through the media: That his father a growth in his chest cavity,
and that "...it seems to be growing rapidly."
Barely had he hung up when Paul Fromm called and gave me the
same grim information. Then I talked to my immigration attorney whom I had
flown out to Toronto to give testimony at the hearing that Ernst had NOT
"flouted" immigration law, as his enemies falsely allege to
prevent him from getting bail, and that his brutal arrest on February 5 was
UNLAWFUL - in more respects than one, as we will prove in US court.
Finally I talked to Ernst, who confirmed what three others
had told me. He also asked me not to mention this latest development in my
ZGram. I asked him why not. He said softly: "There ought to be at least
one small corner in one's life that is private."
I replied: "There is nothing wrong in letting people
know that one can get sick in the inhuman conditions of a prison."
He said he knew how to get well, but it was impossible
within the stress and lack of medical attention in maximum detention. If he
could get bail, he could also get well.
He said to brace myself - he did not think that he would be
granted bail. He said the security arangements around him were awesome.
All show! All shameful, blatant show in yet another
political show trial!
I would not have told you this - but the word is now out on
the Internet and likely also in the papers. Therefore, I thought I should
give you my slant - and tell you what will happen next. The paramount task
now is to get him out of prison - and to get him back where he belongs: With
his family who loves him and wants him to live. He needs to come back to his
mountains he loves, and he needs to be back with me. He KNOWS how to get
himself well. We have discussed it many, many times - what makes this entire
society ill, and what could also make it well. He knows from personal
At age 32, Ernst was once diagnosed with "inoperable,
terminal cancer." He was given six months to live. Now he is exactly
twice as old, and he defied the deadly diagnosis in his youth with an
extremely rigorous alternative health strategy. It took him two years, but
he won!
If we can get him released and back to Tennessee, his
extremely strong will is going to prevail. If he is forced to stay in prison
- or, worse, forced to submit to orthodox medicine - his enemies will kill
him. It wouldn't be the first time they have tried. I wouldn't be at all
surprised to find out that this new bout of illness is induced. Read what it
says in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion how it is being done!
I am planning two additional full page ads. Two major papers
read by the world's most influential politicians have assured me they will
run it.
Tonight I will tell you more about my plans and the thrust
of these ads and ask you - again! - for your financial support. We are going
to pull out all the stops.
Here is Paul Fromm's report of yesterday's hearing:
In shocking testimony before Federal Court Judge Mr. Justice
Pierre Blais, in courtroom 410 in Toronto yesterday, Canadian political
prisoner, Ernst Zundel, revealed that denial of medication has resulted in
the recurrence of cancer.
Asked by his lawyer, Douglas H. Christie whether he had any
medical concerns in prison, Mr. Zundel replied: "My blood pressure was
225/125 when I was in the Thorold" at the Niagara Region Detention
"Recently, I found I had tumors in my chest cavity. In
1972, I had duodenal cancer. I took herbs and it disappeared in two years.
However, last week, the doctor examined me and found a growth." X-rays
were taken but the results are not yet in.
Mr. Zundel indicated that he had been taking herbal medicine
for years as a cancer preventative.
An obviously upset Mr. Justice Blais queried: "You're
not allowed to get your alternative medicine?"
"No," Mr. Zundel said. "Only
doctor-prescribed medication is permitted. I asked at the Metro West
Detention Center, but only one-a-day vitamins are allowed."
Mr. Justice Blais demanded to know whether there was anyone
present from the Metro West Detention Center. No one answered his call.
"Before the end of the day, I want this
clarified," Mr. Justice Blais insisted. "This troubles me. I will
direct them to look at this, if necessary. Usually, they seem to be much
more flexible in areas of medication. We have to discuss this. It has to be
dealt with," he insisted.
"If anything could be done to improve the situation of
access to medication for Mr. Zundel within the parameters of the law, I want
to do that," said Blais.
On the first of three days of scheduled hearings this week,
Ernst Zundel was seeking bail after more than five months of detention in
solitary confinement after he was deported from the United States, February
Mr. Zundel's first witness was California attorney, Bruce
Leichty, an immigration lawyer . In crisp testimony, Mr. Leichty explained
that Mr. Zundel had fully and carefully complied with U.S. laws in pursuing
permanent resident status in the United States.
"I have been practising immigration law for 15
years," Mr. Leichty said. "I have represented spouses of U.S.
citizens 50 or 100 times who were seeking permanent resident status.
Mr. Leichty testified about the records of pleadings he had
researched and authored to be presented before the Sixth Circuit Court of
Appeal in Cincinnati. "These pertained to the denial of habeas corpus
to Mr. Zundel. Mr. Zundel has also filed a motion that he was taken out of
the country contrary to the rules of the Supreme Court," Mr. Leichty
In a pregnant comment in response to cross examination by
Crown Attorney, Donald MacIntosh, Mr. Leichty said: "Absent corruption,
it is correct that civil litigation is unpredictable." [My comment
here: should the term not have been "predictable"? This might be a
In extensive testimony, Ernst Zundel explained that he had
always complied with numerous bail conditions over a period of 20 years
before the Canadian courts. For instance, in two lengthy prosecutions, under
the now discredited "false news" law, overturned in 1992 by the
Supreme Court of Canada, Mr. Zundel was forbidden to discuss the substance
of the pamphlet he published entitled Did Six Million Really Die? "The
Globe and Mail called it 'the most sweeping gag order in Canadian
history,'" Mr. Zundel testified.
"I have always appeared respectful in my
demeanor," Mr. Zundel explained to his lawyer, Doug Christie. "I
have always had faith in the Canadian system as I have always advanced my
views lawfully and peacefully."
A seldom-used instrument, a Canadian Security and
Intelligence Service (CSIS) national security certificate alleges that Ernst
Zundel is a terrorist and backer of violence and threat to national
security. A brief from CSIS uses guilt by association and innuendo to allege
Mr. Zundel's violent connections. Mr. Christie took Mr. Zundel through a
long list of allegedly unsavory characters such as National Alliance
founder, Dr. William Pierce, Tom Metzger, and the alleged bomber of the
Oklahoma City Federal Building, Timothy McVey. In every case, Mr. Zundel
testified that he had never given these people money nor had they sought or
been given advice.
"I have always said: 'Don't take the law into your
hands,'" Mr. Zundel explained.
Mr. Christie referred him to a 1990 Martyr's Day Rally held
by the Heritage Front in Toronto to commemorate the murder of an American
dissident and bank robber by federal authorities. Mr. Zundel had been
invited to speak. "I didn't attend. I told them I didn't support
violence," Mr. Zundel explained.
Mr. Zundel testified that he had always worked through the
legal system. "In 1985, after my first holocaust trial, after an
11-minute hearing on April 29th, I was ordered deported," Mr. Zundel
"Did you run away?" asked Mr. Christie.
"No, I instructed you to appeal. On June 27, 1987, my
deportation order was rescinded by the Immigration Appeal Board," Mr.
Zundel explained. "I was on a special bail order and I obeyed it."
"I was arrested and kept in jail for six days in 1989
in Germany. There is no bail in Germany. I decided to appeal the charges. I
went back to Canada and then returned five or six times to Germany,"
Mr. Zundel related.
"Why did you do that?" Mr. Christie asked.
"It was the right thing to do. I fight for my
rights," Mr. Zundel answered.
Several times, Mr. Justice Blais urged the 64-year-old,
German-born publisher to speak louder. "Why are you unable to speak
very loudly," Mr. Christie asked the pale, balding, political prisoner.
"I have been in solitary confinement for five months,
and I don't get to speak to anyone, except, yes, no, and thank you to the
guards," Mr. Zundel who grew hoarse through the afternoon proceedings
-- Paul Fromm
Friends of free thought, Ernst Zundel really needs your
ongoing help and support.
1. Write, FAX, or phone Hon. Robert Runciman, the Minister
of Public Safety and Security. His ministry is in charge of the Metro West
Detenmtion Centre, the prison which denies Mr. Zundel his anti-cancer
medication and herbs. You can contact him thus: Hon. Robert Runciman, MPP,
16th Floor, 25 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, ON., M7A 1Y6, Canada; PH:
416-327-9911; FAX: 416-327-3849.
2. If you live abroad, write to the Canadian Embassy in your
country and demand Zundel's release and humane treatment.
3. If you live in southern Ontario and wish to visit, call
ahead to Security: 416-675-1806 Ext. 4220. You must be on Zundel's approved
list. You can also get directions, when you call.
4. No matter where you live, why not send a card or letter
to encourage Ernst Zundel. Write Prisoner Ernst Zundel, c/o Metro West
Detention Centre, 111 Disco Road, Box 4950, Rexdale, ON., M9W 1M3. Ernst in
overwhelmed by the hundreds of concerned and thoughtful people who have sent
him letters and cards. A tip: don't use of stick-on return address label or
seals. They're ripped off by prison authorities searching for, who knows
5. We also need your financial support for Mr. Zundel's
We have a number of delicate colour-pencil sketches by Ernst
Zundel done in prison. Each is dated and signed. Each is a nature study. Mr.
Zundel has long been a paint and sketch artist. He had returned to his love
of art before the U.S. I.N.S picked him up and deported him. . If you send
us a cheque for $100 or more, we'll send you one of these collector's items,
a thank you sketch by political prisoner Ernst Zundel.
Mail your donation today to CAFE Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W
5L3, Canada or e-mail us your VISA number and expiry date. On your cheque or
an accompanying piece of paper, note: "For Zundel Defence Fund."
Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3 PH: 905-897-7221

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |