June 13, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
Your letters to Amnesty International have caused at least a
partial reaction - and action. The minions pimping for the Canadian
Holocaust Lobby are beginning to paint themselves nicely into a corner.
They are a non-profit organization, flying under false flags
- and ever more Zundel watchers world-wide are speculating that they are a
Fifth Column Zionist front. Amnesty International claims to stand up for the
protection of Freedom of Speech - yet they recommend that a man be kept in
prison in Canada allegedly for "Hate Speech", allegedly on an
American website that did not belong to him, "convicted" by an
administrative outfit misnamed a "Human Rights Tribunal" with no
enforcement powers, a tribunal that declared Truth not to be a defense, and
which disallowed crucial witnesses for the defense, including Ingrid Rimland,
owner of the website, from giving testimony that could have set the record
Get this, Amnesty International: Ernst Zundel has NEVER
been charged, much less convicted, for "Hate Speech" in Canada! NEVER!
And do you know why? Would you like to know why? Because such a charge would
have been a criminal charge WHICH WOULD HAVE ALLOWED TRUTH AS A DEFENSE!
Barbara Hall, Mayor of Toronto, who, among others, accused
Ernst Zundel of "hate" in the Kangaroo Tribunal Trial for an
American website that was NOT his website, sat there with a beet-red face
for fifteen minutes when Doug Christie, Zundel defense attorney, invited her
to find the "hate" on the Zundelsite that she claimed she had
spotted. She couldn't find it - but she was sure that it was there!
Give me a break!
Well, now the eyes of the world are on Canada. All that, and
more, is part of the Canadian record - to the disgrace of Canada that
permits such obscenity to continue, and to the disgrace of Amnesty
International that STILL talks out of both sides of their mouths!
Anyway, here is Amnesty International/Canada now in a
somewhat modified version of their policy and stand on the illegal
incarceration of Ernst Zundel:
Thank you for your email. I am attaching Amnesty
International's position on the case of Ernst Zundel for your information
Samantha Burdett
Information Services Coordinator
Amnesty International Canada
Amnesty International's position with respect to the case
of Ernst Zundel
Amnesty International has urged the Canadian government to
allow Ernst Zundel to make his refugee claim.
Amnesty International has suggested that the processing of
Ernst Zundel's refugee claim could be accelerated, but only if his rights
to a fair process are observed.
Amnesty International has repeatedly expressed concern
that the security certificate process in the Immigration and Refugee
Protection Act, that is presently being used against Ernst Zundel, is
unfair and not in keeping with international human rights standards.
Amnesty International has reminded the Canadian government
that numerous allegations of possible commission of hate crimes have been
made against Ernst Zundel, largely stemming from his position with respect
to the Holocaust, and that those allegations must be investigated, leading
to charges if borne out by the evidence.
Amnesty International urges Canada to ensure that any
criminal or immigration procedure invoked in Mr. Zundel's case be
consistent with international standards governing fair trials.
Amnesty International does not consider Ernst Zundel to be
a prisoner of conscience and is not calling for his release.
Amnesty International does not adopt persons who are
imprisoned for "hate speech" as prisoners of conscience. AI
defines "hate speech" as the advocacy of national, racial or
religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility
or violence. Hate speech is an activity aimed at destroying the rights of
others, and inciting racial hatred, xenophobia, Islamophobia,
anti-Semitism, or other forms of intolerance. It may take a variety of
forms, such as the use of threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour or
displaying or publishing or distributing material where the perpetrator
intends to incite racial or similar hatred or acts with reckless disregard
for the likelihood that such hatred will be incited. AI's approach to hate
speech reflects the balance in international human rights law between
freedom of expression and the right to be free from discrimination in the
enjoyment of rights.
German courts and the Canadian Human Rights Commission
have previously ruled that Mr. Zundel has been responsible for hate crimes
because of the material he has published or distributed claiming that the
! Holocaust did not happen. Amnesty International does not, therefore,
consider Ernst Zundel to be a prisoner of conscience and is not calling
for his release from detention in Canada. The organization's position is
that investigations of hate crimes allegations should continue. If
supported by evidence, charges should promptly be laid against Ernst
Zundel in Canada or he should be extradited to another country where he
would face justice, consistent with international fair trial standards.

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |