June 21, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
Good Morning from the Zundelsite:
I'll give you a quick rundown of where we are and what has
happened since Ernst was "legally" kidnapped in broad daylight on
American soil on February 5, 2003:
_____ During this past month, I have had three offers of
what I consider substantial money. I turned these offers down - all three of
them, with gusto. Why? Because I did not know where the money came from. The
moment I asked questions, these would-be donors de-materialized.
I do not want and can't afford to be assisted by what looks
to me like murky money. Can you imagine what the ADL would do to us if they
could establish a link to you-know-who?
For some decades now, the Zundel Information Outreach has
been financed primarily by "little people", scores of them, honest
and straightforward folks, most of them on marginal income. These people
support us as they eke out a living in an increasingly hostile environment
because of what they consider their values reflected in our work. These
values are sacred to us. We don't need murky money.
_____ This past month also, one of our legal team members
was approached by an odd visitor with a threadbare excuse about his
unannounced visit. I wasn't there, but I imagine a gleam in his eye as he
laid out on the table what he must have thought would be a very tempting
offer: He would help us get Ernst Zundel released and back to Tennessee.
How? Go the ACLU route. Get a Jewish lawyer with
There is a waiver, the sly stranger let it be known, that
Ashcroft could sign. There are people who know how to get him to sign it.
Do the Zundels have money, he wanted to know. We could cut
us a deal. No guarantee, of course. There's only one small problem. Zundel
woud have to throw THEM a "sop".
What is a "sop"? I asked, when I was later told
about this offer. I didn't ask, "who's THEM"?
A "sop" could be, I learned, that Zundel would
agree he would no longer harp about the Holocaust.
At that, I said: "Now let me get this straight. Is he
telling me that I should pay that kind of money and ask Ernst to surrender
his Freedom of Speech? Something that Ernst has spent practically all of his
life fighting for? Forget it!"
There is a word for this kind of a "deal" - it's
called extortion when a person who is loved has been kidnapped, and family
members are vulnerable, fearful and hurting. Of course we are not dealing
with a kidnapped child - we are dealing with a blatant attempt to imprison
the truth by holding the truth teller hostage. But the danger to the
kidnapped person's safety is the same. I know that all too well.
_____ Out of Germany comes word from what I consider one of
the highest governmental echelons that the last thing on earth they need is
Zundel to come back and cool his heels in a prison while, outside, the Right
coalesces around a real live political martyr whom they admire and respect.
There are already people eager and willing to self-accuse
themselves - sounds like poor grammar, doesn't it? - to flood the government
with Holocaust Denial prosecution dares. Additionally, there are Zundel
Sympathizers in several countries lining up, ready to fly in and help him
"serve his time" by offering the government to "sit off"
part of his pending sentence, by mutual agreedment a foregone conclusion.
In other words, the government of Germany, already hanging
on with white knuckles against an increasingly restive population fed up to
the hilt with the Holocaust Diet still being forced down their reluctant
throats, is not exactly eager, or so at least it seems, to get the Zundel
Problem as an additional public relations nightmare.
_____ In Canada, there is the CSIS nightmare looming for
Canada's increasingly jittery Zundel foes. If Ernst is forced to stay in
Canada and fight, there will be revelations about the shady CSIS stuff -
such as allowing to have parcel bombs transported on passenger planes to
take out inconvenient dissidents like Zundel. There is some information
known to RCMP sources that has yet to be revealed - such as, let's guess,
who caused the "attempted murder charge against Ernst Zundel" in
1995 to be dropped into the memory hole. RCMP is not exactly friendly to
CSIS. Some people speculate there will be some surprises in the court rooms.
_____ So-called "human rights" organizations like
Amnesty International have taken a real public relations hit in that they
found themselves between a rock and a very hard place: How to stop Zundel
supporters from the most godforsaken places from badgering their brass with
inconvenient question marks? How to keep handlers at bay? Reporters tell us
things in private that do not show up in their write-ups. No self-respecting
scribe likes to be told to kick a man in maximum detention once more right
in the shin who can't defend himself. There is a Zundel-sympathetic
journalistic undertow gathering momentum that is going to cause a few
_____ I have collected hundreds of letters, half of them
notarized, from people from all walks of life who are willing to come out of
the closet and say: "This Zundel fellow is not the evil ogre you Zundel
Haters would like to have us believe. From personal experience, we know him
to be a kind, good, gentle man - a real gentleman. And it so happens, we
agree with what he says - that there is something very foul about your
so-called Holocaust."
You'd be amazed who is willing, these days, to endorse Ernst
openly - and proudly. These letters will be used in various ways - not the
least of which will be a concerted campaign in the still laid-back
German-language media. Our mailing list and our connections are growing, and
we haven't yet begun!
_____ Also, let's not forget, there is fall-out that is
going to benefit our struggle that has nothing to do with our efforts to get
Ernst freed from prison. Wherever you look, the global climate is changing,
with people getting ever more resentful about the ring that has been
threaded through their nostrils. A Zundel aficionado from South Africa faxed
me an article documenting - I am paraphrasing here - that former Chancellor
Helmut Kohl said in a rather prominent forum that America has put its own
soldiers in harms way in order to accommodate the needs of Israel. Having
delivered himself of that politically incorrect plum, the good ex-Chancellor
deftly fell back on his own heels and added unctuously that such a
sacrifice, you see, was to America's credit - because it "increased
moral standing".
Would it be okay for my son, or yours, to go beat up a
neighbor on the right, getting a bloody nose in the process, because it
would please your neighbor on the left who sells him the idea that it would
surely increase his moral standing? Where might our offspring park that
"moral standing" - with blood still dripping on our kitchen floor?
Is there a thinking person left who does not tell himself/herself,
"...it looks we have been had!"? And who likes "to be
What is being said in Germany by none other than former
Chancellor Kohl is being repeated a thousand-fold in America's streets,
malls and patriot meetings. You know the old adage: The enemy of my enemy is
my friend. These days, there are people sympathetic to Ernst Zundel who
wouldn't have dreamed taking a second look, had it not been for the mischief
of America's neo-con cabal.
_____ On our legal front, all papers have been filed. They
are as airtight as can be. The Vengeful Yammerers have now imported the
Canadian Zundel Struggle to America. We are resolved, again, to make
proverbial lemonade from lemons.
Of course, there is a simple "out" to all of the
above: The Zundel foes could just pull in their tails and let my guy come
back. I think he would be quite content to watch the New World Order
self-destruct while standing on the sidelines.
_____ One final point: Let's quickly go on record stating
that the rumors of a Mel Gibson movie about the Trials and Tribulations of
Ernst Zundel are not true. :)
Stay tuned.

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |