June 26, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
Excellent developments in response to my Washington Times
ad, some of which are still percolating. I can tell you, however, that it
has appeared on quite a few prestigious websites and has been translated and
disseminated in three European countries: France, Italy and Sweden! One
website created a Zundel banner that has, so far, received more than 128,000
hits! More in a few days!
To change topics:
It strikes me again and again how interesting the Internet
can be, compared to the stuffy, canned write-ups or broadcasts in the
mainstream media!
Preceding the three letters below, you have the Editor of
the Metro Times/Detroit, one Jeremy Voas, responding to the website editor
of [email protected],
chiding him for flirting with Revisionism by championing the cause of Ernst
RePorterNoteBook puts part of the exchange on the Net, and
Metro Times Editor gets a one-two-three punch lesson in Revisionism 101:
Letter Number One:
Mr. Voas
This is a response to your claim that Reporter's Notebook
is "undermining its cause by promoting Holocaust revisionism."
Quite the contrary, Mr. Voas, by promoting Holocaust
revisionism, Reporter's Notebook is doing a public service. The
traditional view of the Holocaust, an outrage against the truth, is used
by the Jewish-Zionist power elite as an ideological weapon against
Palestinian Arabs, Arabs in general, Muslims, Christians, and Europeans in
general. For this reason alone, Reporter's Notebook's attempt to bring
truth to the people about the Holocaust is both laudatory and correct.
Indeed, once the masses of people clear their minds of the
distorted Holocaust ideology, we will then be able to find peace in the
Middle East and justice for the Palestinian people.
Paul Grubach [email protected]
Letter Number Two:
Dear Mr. Voas,
You say, "I am not a Zionist. I'm a protestant of
German-English descent."
Yet, it is clear, Mr. Voas, that you have a Jewish axe to
grind, so I suppose you haven't told the whole truth in that statement
about yourself. To clear this up, I respectfully ask you to tell me: Are
there Jews in your family lines, or did you marry into a Jewish family?
Ordinarily, I would not ask such questions, but the unsolicited statement
about your descent invites it.
My own position is the common sense view that, to
understand what a person thinks, it is helpful to "know where he's
coming from" as they say. Perhaps you will agree with me that there
are too many people out there who try to operate from a position of
Very truly yours,
Mel Fowler [email protected]
Letter Number Three: (Here I can't resist adding a few
paragraph returns for the sake of readability...)
Dear Mr. Voas!
With interest I read your admonition to Reporter's
Notebook not to concentrate so much on "Holocaust denial". Ah,
yes! I wonder whether you are aware of the fact that the term
"Holocaust denial" is of purely Jewish origin, same as
"Politically Correct". Both verbal perversions have in the
meantime become so pervasive that even decent people are so taken in by
these terms, that they use them exactly as the predatory parasites
You see, Mr. Voas, it's not that Reporter's Notebook and
all the others are denying anything. They are merely stating indisputable
facts, undeniable truisms against which people like you have absolutely no
These facts may be stated in terms which offend some, but
the truth is invariably offensive. The problem with folks like you is, you
are so brainwashed that even a discussion of this Freudian Fraud is
anathema to you.
"One simply doesn't question it. One accepts. To do
otherwise would be to insult the victims". How can one insult a
victim, who has by blatant lies collected tens-of-thousands of Dollars in
his/her lifetime? Such (expletive deleted} is beyond insulting.
When concrete facts, forensic evidence even is produced
which proves that this entire thing is the most horrid, most shameless,
most insane hoax ever foisted upon mankind, the source of the information
is immediately defamed, ridiculed, silenced or put into prison, such as it
has happened in present-day Germany, Switzerland, France or right now in
Canada (Zuendel).
Your world Mr. Voas is so corrupt, that in an open court
in Canada it was stated that truth is no defense and in Germany a
historian of impeccable reputation (Walendy) was put behind bars (at he
age of 73!) not for what he had written, but for that which he had not
You are a journalist, or so it seems. One would hope that
you would be interested in the truth, but alas, you are like the rest of
your profession, a narrow-minded, brainwashed Holocaustian disinterested
in the truth, while loudly proclaiming that it is exactly that which sets
us free. Sir, you are a dishonest hypocrite.
Gerry Frederics [email protected]

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |