June 27 2004
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
Yesterday I wrote that, to my knowledge, hardly anything
appeared in the Canadian papers about the latest outrage indulged in by
former CSIS boss and now presiding judge, Judge Blais, in the increasingly
judicially abusive Zundel deportation hearing.
One of my correspondents wrote of the ruling: "This is
beyond evil."
Right he is! Every indication is that Ernst is a political
kidnap victim for his politically incorrect views. Now the judge has ruled
that Ernst is not allowed to question people he has every reason to suspect
might be his kidnappers or, at the very least, might have pulled the strings
behind the curtains by using government agencies and agents to act as hit
squads for them.
As I understand it, what has happened is, in essence, this:
Judge Blais has ruled that Ernst Zundel is not entitled to find out and make
known to the world via witness testimony who was behind his deportation, who
is behind his brutal and inhuman incarceration without any criminal charges,
how much CSIS knew about a parcel bomb sent to his residence in 1995 and why
he wasn't warned, and what extraordinary efforts have been made for all of
twenty years to deport him to Germany to silence him for good about his
solid evidence that the beyammered "Holocaust" is nothing but a
monumental fraud and lucrative extortion scheme.
The defence team has filed for leave to the Supreme Court of
Canada, but Ernst predicts now - at least that's what he told me last night
- that he will be given "the bum's rush" and, by yet another
in-your-face, abusive ruling by Judge Blais, be simply arbitrarily declared
a "terrorist" in mid-trial and sent to Germany BEFORE the Supreme
Court will have a chance to hear the controversial case.
Then Canada will say, as the United States has said:
"He's gone! What can we do? We have no jurisdiction over Germany!"
What it will also mean is that an ugly precedent will have
been set that gives the judiciary dictatorial powers to do away with any
inconvenient critic - with nobody any the wiser.
A few days ago, Ernst said to me: "This whole 'war on
terror' is really a war against Israel's enemies. That state is not viable.
It's over for them - and they know it. What you and I are caught up in are
the death throes of the Old Liberal Order. It's messy to watch anything die,
but something new and better will be born."
That's what the Canadian story is - one day before
elections! Will the Marxists that have ruled and ruined Canada ever since
the Sixties and Trudeau, finally get thrown out on their ears? The choice
will be the voters'.
The Globe and Mail's Kirk Makin wrote up of the latest as
clearly as he could in the current Canadian climate:
Saturday, Jun 26, 2004
Zundel trial won't hear from judge
By KIRK MAKIN From Saturday's Globe and Mail
An Ontario judge will not have to testify at a special
deportation hearing where Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel has been branded a
risk to national security, the presiding judge has ruled.
Mr. Justice Pierre Blais of the Federal Court of Canada
concluded that in spite of Ontario Court Judge Lauren Marshall having
acted as Mr. Zundel's lawyer 20 years ago, she can add little to his
understanding of deportation proceedings.
"I do not need to be reminded of the perils of ex
parte proceedings, nor to be told how to carry out my judicial
duties," Judge Blais said.
He also quashed defence subpoenas requiring a journalist
and two prominent Jewish community leaders to be questioned at the
hearing. Judge Blais said they would add little of relevance.
Mr. Zundel's deportation was ordered under a rarely used
security certificate, a process by which the Canadian Security
Intelligence Service can provide information in secret sessions.
The Zundel defence team is not privy to the information,
yet it must still convince Judge Blais that it is unreliable. Should Mr.
Zundel fail, he will be deported to Germany to face a five-year prison
term for the crime of denying the Holocaust.
Judge Blais's ruling brought an angry response from Peter
Lindsay, Mr. Zundel's lawyer. "Is it justice to deny someone even a
chance to question the intent or motive of politicians?" he asked in
an interview. "Is it justice to allow secret evidence and deny the
person against whom the secret evidence is being used even an opportunity
to challenge it in any real way?"
Mr. Lindsay had been hoping the testimony would paint a
picture of an unprecedented, 20-year campaign waged against his client by
politicians, police and lobby groups.
"It is already difficult enough to represent someone
in a trial where the key evidence is kept secret," he said.
"Regrettably, Justice Blais's decision makes it even more difficult.
The court has thus left Mr. Zundel powerless against the secret evidence
and effectively denied him any meaningful hearing."
According to Mr. Lindsay, Judge Marshall initially agreed
to recount the extraordinary lengths to which authorities went in 1985 to
deport her former client. But on the day she was expected to testify, she
sent a lawyer to quash the subpoena.
Judge Blais noted in his ruling that the onus is on the
party who subpoenas a witness to show that he or she is likely to provide
"material evidence."
Mr. Lindsay subpoenaed journalist Andrew Mitrovica in
hopes of shaking the general credibility of CSIS. Mr. Mitrovica would have
been questioned about a 1995 incident described in his book, Covert Entry,
in which CSIS allegedly knew a pipe bomb was being sent to Mr. Zundel
through the mail, yet failed to warn him.
Judge Blais said that to allow the subpoena would be to
threaten press freedom.
"The benefits of having Mr. Mitrovica testify seem
rather doubtful, as against certain harm to the freedom of the
press," he said. "Compelling him to produce his notes and
materials is unduly intrusive, and given the probative value that I could
attach to such hearsay materials, I see no need to disturb the
journalistic privilege that attaches to Mr. Mitrovica's evidence."
In quashing subpoenas against Keith Landy, president of
the Canadian Jewish Congress, and Frank Dimant, executive vice-president
of B'Nai Brith Canada, Judge Blais said it is no revelation that their
organizations lobbied federal ministers to deport Mr. Zundel.
"The intent or motives of the ministers is of no
interest to this court," he said. "The certification stands or
falls on the strength of the evidence supporting it."
===== ===== =====
Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His
prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence.
Take a look - and tell a friend.

Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-4211
Fax: (613) 941-6900
Email: [email protected] |