May 12, 2004
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
Here is a smile for you and a Thought for the Day, as
expressed by a ZGram reader:
"There are two names you cannot mention in Canada as
friends - Zundel, and Our Lord Jesus Christ."
Amazing, isn't it? I have never seen so many grown men cower
before a bunch of former shtetl dwellers!
Switch gears:
To catch up with myself and to give myself a head start for
tomorrow, I am sending you three more recent Prisoner of Conscience Letters
on vastly different topics - first a genuine Zundel blast at the crooked
system, then a pensive letter about the fallen of our past, and finally a
peek into the future.
April 16, 2004
You will be pleased to know I used the Dembo letter on
Tuesday 13, April, 2004 in court as the launching pad for talking about the
thirty year Jewish libel vendetta against me. I was led in evidence by my
own attorney - through all of the railroading related to my first
deportation on April 29, 1985, which was initiated one day after my
conviction! [Later overturned by the Supreme Court of Canada...]
That was embarrassing enough, but then I gave the best and
shortest speech of my career outlining how various Jews like Dembo and
Marvin Kurz had cooked up the Human Rights Commission Hearings - I called it
a 30 years long vendetta by Canada's political oligarchy.
Next, I compared it to the shocking case of the liberal
government's abuse of power in a recently decided case against the former
president of the Development Bank of Canada, Francis Beaudoin. This was a
celebrated case in Canada, which included an absolutely scathing judgment by
Quebec Superior Court judge Andre Denis, who called Beaudoin's treatment at
the hands of the Chretien government a shocking, ruthless vendetta to break
and destroy an individual. I told the court in no uncertain terms that
Beaudoin's treatment was mild compared to the manner in which I have been
I told the court in a loud and firm voice - with lots of
passion, you can bet! - that Beaudoin was lucky that he was in a regular
court where the rules of evidence applied, that he was lucky to have a
regular judge, not one that had been specially appointed, and that he was
lucky to be able to see the evidence against him. By then, the lawyers for
CSIS were up on their feet, strenuously objecting, as was the lawyer for the
Justice Department - arms flailing, voices rising, furious!
The judge joined in, but I ran with the ball after seizing
it, not paying any heed to anyone, for I had decided for weeks that I was
going to lance that hemorrhoid on the arse of Canada - and I wasn't about to
let that moment slip away. Nobody - but absolutely nobody! - was going to
stop me from having my say - to lay it all out because there were about 4 or
5 reporters there. I believe that one of the reporters was Kirk Makin of the
Globe and Mail; another one might have been Bill Dunphy of the Hamilton
I knew the court could tag me with Contempt of Court charges
- but if you are already in solitary confinement 23 out of 24 hours in a
day, no radio, no television, no gym, no exercise, no library, no
toothbrush, no toothpaste, no soap and towel, no razor, no shoes, nothing -
what more could they do to me for saying my piece?
I pounded away at the inequity of the entire process. I made
a clean sweep of things, in order that it was entered into the court
transcript, a record for historical posterity - that I knew what was being
done to me, by whom and why!
I noticed that some of the spectators were giving me a
thumb's up sign. I knew I had nailed the snake to the board!
I was supposed to be grilled by the government's prosecuting
attorney and the CSIS lawyer Rodych for two days, but to my surprise they
announced that at the advice of the Minister of the Government, they had no
questions to ask of me - and that was that!

Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-4211
Fax: (613) 941-6900
Email: [email protected] |