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ZGram Extra!

May 22, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

ZGram Extra! - ZGram Extra! - ZGram Extra!

I am racking my brain day and night what we can do to get Ernst out of that hell hole and to a place where he can at least brush his teeth without having to beg for his toothbrush.

Mark Weber of the IHR was right when he wrote:

"Zundel is in prison not because his views are unpopular, or because he's a "security risk." He's in prison because Jewish-Zionist groups want him there. He's a prisoner because he promotes views that the Jewish-Zionist lobby considers harmful to its interests."

Why should Canadians pay for that? Would they - if they knew?

If we could get Canadians to ask themselves that question, I believe that something would change. Political pressure would be put on politicians and the media to reconsider. Pronto.

What can be done? Several things. I am consulting with our pros within the Free Speech Movement.

Right now I am considering a full page ad in one of Canada's national papers. It will cost an arm and a leg - about $40,000 US for just one day - but I have paid that much and more already since Ernst was arrested to our various attorneys and for incidental legal expenses. It will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars if we go the legal route alone.

We need additional strategies.

For a start, I am thinking of simply running an ad - let's say, by using a letter a ZGram reader sent to me just yesterday. I have his permission to use it. My full-page ad would look like this - very slightly edited:


"Is this man speaking only for himself - or is he speaking for millions of Canadians?"

Truth Is Not Hate!

M. Coderre -

As a Canadian citizen born and raised in Ontario I have to speak out on this issue as it quickly becomes yet another international embarrassment for Canada.

Firstly, let's make one thing PERFECTLY CLEAR: I am not writing this letter because I am pro OR anti Ernst Zundel. Quite the contrary, I write this because OUR government and especially your ministry have shamefully mishandled every single solitary aspect of this case from the first second on.

Anyone with a brain can clearly see the deceit, fraud and dishonest abandonment of Mr. Zundel's basic right to prepare a defence for himself, caused wholly by YOU and your cronies. Caused wholly by YOU and your lying co-conspirators at CSIS and the ever present pro-Jewish lobby fronted by fakes and pipsqeaks like Farber, Rudner and a host of others who, simply put, hate anybody that disagrees with them. Basic human rights are nowhere near being anything they fight for. They only destroy, hate and manipulate. As usual you and all of your ego-driven colleagues have been duped (or bribed) by a minority with an axe to grind against THE WORLD.

The Canadian government's treatment of Mr. Zundel is so obviously akin to a dictatorship that as a citizen of Canada I am nothing short of totally disgusted and embarrassed with your actions. It is clearly wrong that he is held with no bail whilst you and your boneheaded ministry let tens of thousands of DANGEROUS illegals run free about Canada, unchecked and probably unfound... until they murder or commit some other violent crime of course. How pathetic you look to the WORLD - and of course how pathetic YOU make Canada look in the eyes of the WORLD - deserves nothing less than YOUR resignation.

YOU, your ministry and OUR government are behaving and acting in a manner that, frankly, is all things you claim Mr. Zundel to be. Ironic that a so-called "democracy" is carrying out secret meetings, withholding information from Mr. Zundel, Gulag-type lockdown for the "threat to the national security" of Canada and various other totalitarian tactics to silence nothing more than an individuals thoughts and ideas. Thoughts and ideas sir!!! Some folks don't like to hear what Mr. Zundel has to say! Those folks DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN OR AGREE. But those folks DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to manipulate the people's government into acting in such an appalling, dishonest manner. THEY DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to manipulate the people's government in order to fulfill THEIR hate-filled agendas!!!

Sir, the relevant question is but this: When is OUR government going to stop letting itself be manipulated by minorities, lobby groups and other hateful action groups? When, Sir?

As a Canadian citizen, I am ashamed of you and OUR government - ashamed and sickened at the thought of perhaps ending up like Mr. Zundel for perhaps simply writing this letter. What if someone in YOUR family was treated this way simply because their thoughts and ideas were considered politically incorrect? Thoughts and ideas coming from an individual in a free society is a threat? How sad to live in a country that jails people for thoughts and ideas. Sad because history has already shown us time and time again this leads to nothing but destruction. YOU, Sir, should be ashamed for participating in such a fraud and a sham as this obviously is.

Let's correct the obvious problems with national security and immigration. Mr. Zundel, over forty two years in Canada, has NEVER been found guilty and convicted of ANY crimes. So stop kicking an old man who's down. You're a public servant, Sir, start serving instead of destroying. Start acting like a human being who respects FREEDOM, not a dehumanizing monster who respects illegal political sway and pressure for payment from questionable, hate-driven minorities.

Ernst Zundel promotes hatred toward the Jewish? Look in the mirror, you pathetic creatures... that's true hate!


Naturally, I could not pay for such an ad alone, but I know that if I could afford it, it would have an impact. Will you help? If I can get someone to match your donation, will you consider pitching in?

We must act NOW. We have momentum. The next few days will be a concerted effort to awake the national media to the hideous actions of the Canadian government pimping for a special interest group. I need to know that I can count on you.

Don't send any money now. Tell me how much you would pledge. I know somebody who would match what you would pay to help sponsor this full page, impactful ad.

It need not be the text above. I sent it only as a sample. We can hone a similar message to perfection that would sink into the hearts of decent, law-abiding, voting Canadians, asking them simply:

"Why should my hard-earned money be spent to brutalize and mistreat a man like Ernst Zundel?"



Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755




Contribute to Ernst Z�ndel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!

The concepts expressed in this document are protected by the basic human right to freedom of speech, as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, reaffirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court as applying to the Internet content on June 26, 1997.

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