May 24, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
I just had a chance to talk to Ernst for about 15 minutes.
His physical situation has somewhat improved. He is now in a cell with a
window. He has a table. He is finally given access to his legal documents.
His toothbrush is still outside on the floor in the hall, and there are
other problems, but he says we will slowly work toward getting additional
improvements - and he feels that my fiery Internet missives were the turning
point to get him some relief. He was very emphatic about that! He said to
continue what I am doing, using the Internet as my vehicle to let the world
know precisely what is going on in Canada!
My legal team here in the US had been mulling over some
strategies and motions in addition to what we had already filed, one of them
being an attempt to get Ernst back here somehow by a judge's order, with the
understanding that he would be here "on borrowed time", so to
speak, until some regular legal authorities decided if he should be deported
or not. I asked Ernst what he thought about that. He said that if there is a
REALISTIC chance that he could come back to the US on a bond or bail
condition, even if it were very high and we had to put up our property as a
guarantee, he would gladly and happily agree. But he said that if he has an
option only of being either in Canada or the US in jail, he prefers Canada -
because "...here I can fight meaningfully" regarding the
constitutional challenge that Doug Christie, his lead attorney, has
That's the old, combative Ernst we all know! And his enemies
ought to know, by now, that if they are foolish enough to throw a challenge
his way and try to inflict more misery on this truly kind and gentle man, HE
He said something else that put some salt into my eyes. He
said, "you are the most important person in this struggle. You have a
gift. You have the Internet."
Those are my "marching orders" - all over again,
like 1996.
At the time he asked me to defend my website "...as
though you were defending Stalingrad."
This I did. And we won.
Now it is 2003 - seven years later, and I am still on the
air, albeit kicked off the air now and then. There is a difference now,
however. In 1996, few people knew that I was in San Diego and Ernst was in
Toronto - and there was hardly any communication between us for months and
months on end for reasons I don't want to explain. Now we are married, and
immeasurable closer to each other. In many ways it's going to be easier,
much easier, this time around!
Also, now there will be potentially vastly more,
shall-we-say, spiritual allies. In 1996, CSIS tried to do what they are
trying to do now - label him a "danger" to the "multicultural
fabric of Canada" - a charge as ridiculous then as it is now. He had to
battle the same enemy as he does now, but his struggle was pretty much
restricted to Canada. Now America is involved - and people are much more
alert as to who the real enemy is that is threatening all of Western
civilization - and my role will be to let them hear "Ernst's
voice" - the voice of a kind, deep-thinking, complex man who never
chose this fight - this fight was forced upon him.
I'll let you take a peek by letting you read part of my
birthday letter, written on May 13 but only in my mailbox today:
My dear Ingrid:
Happy Birthday! I will send this letter early and include
a handmade birthday card for you - and I hope of course that it will not
be stolen, like approximately 10 other letters to you in almost three
months of incarceration. Consider it pillow talk on paper, censored of
course. (...)
I am studying my court hearing papers each day, and get
angrier each day by the arrogance and ruthlessness of unchecked power by
these people hiding behind the state! Sometimes I really do feel tempted
to end these hearings and asked to be shipped to Germany - and as my
revenge let the Canadians, who have treated me so shabbily in the last 25
years, have their civil rights and human rights be permanently violated
and suspended by these undemocratic "national security" laws.
But then my old peasant sense of justice reasserts itself and I stride
into the courtroom in handcuffs - and do battle one more time with the
forces of evil. What a fate! What weird karma! Odd!
Yes, Ingrid, all my worst nightmares, all the indignities
in my dreams, all the unfairness, all the being pursued, persecuted,
hunted, captured, stripped naked etc. all have come true - almost on a
daily basis! It baffles me no end. Why?
I must make every effort to to find the underlying
cosmic/karmic reasons in order to put an end to this seemingly endlessly
repeating pattern. It is not a life. It is merely living a nightmare.
My two-and-a-half years with you in those peaceful
surroundings of those quiet hills and dales, the smell of the hay, the
fantastic greens of spring and the riot and blaze of colors in the fall,
our bench, our walks, our talks, our quiet meals, our work and gentle
encounters - that was the life I was longing for. My books - those
fantastic, colorful art books, the book on the national parks, geography,
history...the moments when we would read our respective bedtime readings.
I quietly had chuckles inside my head many a night because you would lie
there, half propped up, your nose buried in heavy, heavy-going
political/historical works of 30, 40, 50, 60 - even 70 years ago, and
since I read them in the 50s and 60s, I knew how deep and difficult they
were to read and comprehend! And I, the guy with the fire-breathing
reputation, what was I reading? Art books so big they covered half the
bed! Books on Nostradamus, books on the borderline sciences of the CIA's
remote viewing, books on America's national parks, gardening books, seed
catalogues! I used to read them downstairs in the middle of the night and
look at those wonderful, double-spread photo pages and soak in the colors
- not knowing that in only a short few months I would be permanently
deprived of this, to me, almost essential-to-my-well-being sea of colors!
Is it not odd how this happened?
I think about it every waking moment, why this is the way
it is, why it came about the way it did! Was cosmic, maybe totally evil
force and power was directed at me/us all along - without us even
suspecting or knowing it? Only my dreams did not lie!
Remember how often I described to you the landscape in
which those nightmares played out - always ice, snow, mountains of snow
and blizzards I had to struggle through, while being hunted and pursued?
When I was arrested, it was nice and balmy weather. Spring was in the air
in Tennessee. When I landed in Buffalo a few weeks later, it was in a
blizzard with almost zero visibility, snow banks everywhere! And when I
was led outside, we had to climb over snow banks a yard high - me sliding
and nearly falling in my tight handcuffs. Then we slid and skidded along
New York State highways, totally covered in snow, with stranded cars
everywhere and even snow plows having difficulty to plow the highway
clear. Ambulances and tow trucks dominated the picture, and when we
finally made it across to the Canadian side, the border station booths
were almost invisible by the swirling snow and the piles which the snow
plows had made. It was scene after scene from my nightmares, which had now
become a terrifying and soon sad reality. After being arrested, after
first being questioned for 8 hours and then shipped into the dark, wintry
Canadian, almost Siberian-like landscape, I had flashback after flashback.
It was all deja vu. I had lived it already in my dreams.
This, too, is very odd to most "normal" people.
What realms of consciousness had I advanced into during those nightmares?
What was or is TIME? It would indicate that there is very little free will
in our life, because I would never ever have freely chosen to come back,
to live these nightmares of my own "choice", of my own
"free will"! Never ever!
This is a very disturbing thought to me because it would
indicate that no matter what we, in this case I, wanted and undertook to
escape the persecution, there were powers and principalities in the
ether/cosmos/parallel dimension that were more powerful than all my
desires, wishes, even physical moves of relocating my domicile and buying
property in another country thousands of kilometers away. This is awesome
if thought to its logical conclusions! It must be researched. We cannot
leave this evidence of supra-natural power unexamined and unexplored - or
we will be constantly defeated by an enemy who obviously works on these,
to us, completely hidden mental planes!
You recently were very excited about that South African
seer re UFOs. How about those Austrian and German seers like Lorbeer who
foresaw the attacks on New York, even to the Towers - flames, people
jumping to their deaths, and the buildings sinking into clouds of dust?
Imagine the chances! What is it that these men tapped into - some of these
prophesies were made 130, 110, 90 years ago about New York. (...)
There are the predictions by these seers of a terrible war
coming in Europe, to happen within a decade or less, by powerful Russian
armies streaming West and a trail of poisonous, mustard-colored dust
emanating from the Middle East towards the Baltic Sea, Norway and
Spitzbergen - a substance so poisonous no Russian soldier could get back
across alive! That war would take place in less time than it would take to
eat one of those big, round German rye breads peasants would bake in their
outdoor back ovens in the 1870s and '80s.
And, finally, there is Edgar Cayce's "life
reading" of Adolf Hitler for some wealthy German-American in Rhode
Island, of which I was given a hand-typed carbon copy from a man in New
York in the 1960s. Here is what he predicted in 1929, four years before
Hitler achieved electoral success. In 1929, (his movement) lost millions
of votes, because the German community and economy stabilized,
unemployment fell. It looked like Hitler was a temporary phenomenon and
was on the way down - contrary to all the (predictions) of Cayce's (of)
becoming a leader of Germany, of enjoying incredible success and vast
popularity. But (Cayce) warned darkly of powers behind the press in
foreign lands which were plotting to undermine his successful regime. He
warned that they were fomenting a war behind the scenes, that Hitler could
avoid the destruction of his regime if he did not embark "on a
foreign, military, Imperialist adventure." If he did, that would
inevitably spell the demise and military defeat.
Which is exactly what happened!
So the question is: Could he have avoided (defeat), had he
not attacked Stalin's huge and better-equipped forces which would, by all
earthly intelligence accounts, by all human logic, simply have overwhelmed
Germany's numerically weaker-by-one-third and weaker by military equipment
forces in a matter of weeks? He followed a human logic path and was
crushed by those very sinister forces lurking behind the scenes,
especially the press. Did he have free will? Or did his enemies, like mine
in Tennessee, control his destiny by methods and means neither he nor I
understood? All the heroism of millions of German soldiers, then the
finest-trained army on the planet, all the miraculous developments in
military hardware from jets to long-range rockets, Panzerfausts,
submarines - even flying disks - could not defeat these mysterious forces
in the real physical world on the Earth plane of existence. Their weapons
were like toys, playthings. Their rockets were mere firecrackers in this
war of the spheres which operated on levels and planes we - our people,
our fathers' heroic generation - never understood and therefore could not
defend themselves against, much less utilize against our enemies.
I am always reminded of Incas and Aztecs - brave,
intelligent, strong people with a remarkable social and political setup in
every respect but two:
Their legends said that "White gods" would
return - return like the Christ in the Jewish Bible, to bring peace and
salvation. So when the Spaniards came, who were white, (the Indians) were
in awe of them, thinking they were the gods returned. Instead of putting
up real resistance, they were defeated in their heads! Also, they had
neglected research and development in the advance of weaponry and thus had
no metal helmets, no metal armour, no guns - did, in fact, not know gun
powder. The returning "gods" where, in fact, not gods but deadly
enemies. Their defeat came through their culture myths.
We Christians, I am afraid, are in the same boat and will
suffer the same or a similar fate - unless we bestir ourselves to study,
learn and know to think for ourselves rather than to accept on blind faith
the beliefs formulated for our consumption by our sworn enemies!
That's my birthday gift, my lady! Some thoughts - and a
self-drawn card for you from my One-Man-Think-Tank in Thorold. Happy
Birthday in spite of our temporary separation!
I ask my traditionally religious friends not to be upset by
Ernst's thoughts and ideas - he's an iconoclast. His mind just never stops.
I have learned to listen very carefully, and I am sure that others are
learning to do that, for he has an original mind. He is worth listening to,
if only to test your own thoughts and belief systems against it.
I will make it a habit to tell you at the end of each ZGram
how my Full Page Ad Pledge Drive is doing. After two days, it stands at
$4,001. That is $1 past 10% of the goal! Don't tell me our enemies have
millions - they don't have our spirit. What's more, they never will! I will
put up a graph on the Zundelsite homepage like the United Fund Drive used to
do - to encourage others to join.
I just finished talking to Doug Christie, his Canadian
attorney, who is in a pessimistic mode. He tells me that Ernst's enemies
"...got him, and they will never let him out!" Ha! We will see! We
are going to rally our forces! If we didn't believe we can get Ernst back
where he belongs - why would we even try? We are trying, and we are going to
Spread the word!

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |