May 25, 2004
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
It seems we are in a bit of a lull, now that the May letters
are out to both our German and English supporters, and I have some temporary
help at least in my household. What a relief! I thought I would use the time
to catch up with Ernst's Prisoner of Conscience letters and place at least
three or four - unless there is breaking news, which could happen anytime.
And speaking of those letters, the first book, "Setting
the Record Straight" is at the printer's, and I expect to have copies
in two weeks. Thanks to all who pre-ordered! I will let you know when to
send payment, because I don't want to collect before the books are actually
here. It truly is a lovely book - anybody who will take the time to read it
will never again see Ernst in the demonized way he was portrayed for
Slowly I am beginning to create a mini-industry of Ernst's
experience in prison - not only with the books, but with incidental products
I intend to develop with his sketches. I was a bit hesitant to place the
first batch on the Zundelsite because they were exceedingly primitive and
did not reflect Ernst's talent. As you will remember, at first he did not
even have a surface on which to sketch and had to do it lying on his bed,
kneeling to use the bed as a surface for a book on which to place some scrap
of paper, or even use the toilet seat as a surface. If those sketches look
primitive you - now you know why! However, amazingly there has not been a
single complaint about them, and since they are sent out as tokens of
appreciation for donations, people cherish them no matter how they look.
At first, I tried to have them computer-enhanced, but since
I am not one bit artistic, that cost an arm and a leg and was not what both
Ernst and I wanted. The second batch - another 35, will be available soon.
They will be much nicer. Some were even done in court with Peter Lindsay's
fountain pen and are much more detailed. Also, some of them have a political
slant and are actually funny in a way. There's one, particularly, about a
Revisionist scare crow that made me laugh out loud! These political sketches
will be even more popular than the first batch - and there are already
noises within the prison system about how to stop Mr. Zundel from doing
those sketches! After all, they could catch on big time!
So you see, the effort never stops to make political hay
while making lemonade from lemons, to mix some metaphors. On my last trip to
Washington, meant to put siege to the Canadian Embassy by threatening a
hunger strike - it worked! - I found the nicest couple with professional
talent in graphic enhancement, who were immediately recruited and designated
to be our Zundel volunteers!
Amazing how help comes at the very moment when you need it
most! We have experienced it time and again!
So sketch batch # 2 is being worked on even as we speak. I
will let you know when they are ready and sparkling on the Net so you can
duly admire what Mr. Zundel produces against the greatest of all odds, just
to spite his enemies! Imagine what he could do if he had the right tools
-now that he has all the time he needs to sit out the Canadian judicial
bureaucracy until his case moves to the Supreme Court to be considered!
To come back to the product line I'd like to develop, you'll
hear more about that in due time. I have one idea in mind that would be a
riot, but it would have to be done in Germany and require some investment
dollars up-front, which I don't have at this time. That idea will just have
to wait. One interim possibility would be to place some of the nicer
sketches on cups, glasses, place mats, key chains etc. which people can buy
as Freedom of Speech mementos. If you have any suggestions or know of
reliable manufacturers who do trinket products, let me know.
Here are some paragraphs from Ernst's more recent missives
to me:
Important days are ahead. The most important are over by the
time you get this letter. But we will keep in close touch on the phone until
all this is sorted out.
I got new clothing, with the waistband out of stretchy
material which, thank God, solves the embarrassing problem with the dropping
[Ingrid's comment: This is Torture Lite, Canadian Style.
Humiliate a former Canadian executive with his own lucrative graphic arts
business since he was twenty years old by showing him on television
struggling with his pants! Ernst is not allowed a belt. Since he has lost so
much weight due to the subhuman food he is given, the pants he wore when he
was arrested are now much too large and keep dropping, and since he is also
shackled and must carry his own court documents to court - the guards, for
the most part, are unwilling or not allowed to carry those fat, heavy
transcripts for him - you can imagine how awkward it must be. I guess they
think that shabby shenanigans like that will help to break his spirit, which
was the idea all along! Monsters!]
Just a quick news clipping about the chain gang system in
the U.S., so you can get a flavor for the film scenes you are developing.
Our leg irons are made of much heavier metal chains, bigger links, and have
real lockable hand cuffs for the leg parts, not that padlock on the boots
you see in one [photo] shot.
I have been painting fast and furious to make new drawings
and get them off to you Monday when our censor comes. I wrote very little
this weekend. I only sketched so that you will have some drawings you can
introduce to have more variety . Of course I'll be interested in people's
reactions. One never knows that turns people's cranks, as my children used
to say.
I decided to color the ones I did in court the other day. I
like the effect. It is almost like Delft China.
I try to vary these things to spruce things up a little. I
am going to try some animals and birds as well as Rocky Mountain and Smoky
Mountain scenes so you have new designs on hand and can continue to add to
the selection. The eagles should be darker in color. They should be dark
chestnut, which I simply cannot get with my cheap coloring pencils. When you
send them to your new friend, mention that the soaring eagle in the fall
scene should really be darker, and the pine trees a more saturated deep
green, the fall colors of course far more vivid. Those cheap children's
pencils simply do not lend themselves for some of this work.
I am glad to see that my skills have not completely left me
- and that when I had at least a ball point pen with a fine tip, the
feathers on some of the eagles, the hair on the ram and the little goat
became doable. Now you will have a greater variety with a bit of life in it.
I hope to do a few more of those, now that I have another three months to
draw and sketch.
I made Ray a drawing of the gallery and sent it off today. I
asked him to send you the master once he has made the copy, because it took
me over half a day to make it. Very frustrating job with those cheap color
pencils. I used to leaf through that art catalog from Jerry's. They have a
French art pencil set for $300-$400 - hundreds of colors! I used to lust
after that set, but controlled my impulses. Now I fantasize about those
colors. What a weird, weird situation!
The [red] drop below is for your commercial artist's friend
to put on the bottom of the [Jewish] star. I'll explain it to you on the
About our discussion re dreams last night. I think there is
a way to influence what we dream about, which can be used almost like a
remote control on a TV set. One can prepare oneself just before dropping off
to sleep with the topics one would like to dream about. It's kind of a
command or request or suggestion to our "dream center" in our
brain. I think that will dramatically reduce the waste of a valuable human
resource, because by this method we begin to influence one more department
of our own body and being, which ought to be the job of responsible people.
We ought to be in control of our dreams as much as we try to control our
other impulses and appetites. You take great care in what you write, the
words you choose. You also watch what you eat - so to try to influence what
you dream seems eminently normal and logical to me. That's why it is
dangerous and destructive for people to watch the evening news just before
going to sleep - all the garbage, murders and mayhem. Edison had a special,
insulated dream room. Tesla, Edison, and Henry Ford all got their remarkable
ideas in a dream- or visualization stage!
Wonderful news with Jeff Rense getting that many visitors to
his site! That's what I call alternative media - and since there are so many
[alternative] websites, that simply means one day there will come the straw
that breaks the camel's back!
Regime changes will take place everywhere - like in Eastern
Europe after 1989. Nobody will know when that magic moment comes, but come
it will - and then, oh brother! Then watch out!
===== ===== =====
Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His
prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence.
Take a look - and tell a friend.

Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-4211
Fax: (613) 941-6900
Email: [email protected] |