May 27, 2004
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
Below is an excerpt from a pensive Zundel letter to a young
friend living in the Midwest:
I am a little restricted at the moment, but many others have
faced similar fates before me.
I would say that I literally signed my own arrest warrant
and deportation order on 20. April 1988 when I asked Fred Leuchter to step
into the witness box in Toronto to testify about not finding any homicidal
gas chambers at Auschwitz, Majdanek etc. I mentioned at the time to Dr.
Robert Faurrison, my closest advisor, friend and mentor that [our enemies]
would never forgive us for exposing one of their biggest, most in-your-face
con games and rackets. I knew there would be an equal and opposite reaction
one day.
I kept asking Leuchter by phone each month: "Have you
experienced any repercussions yet?" Fred, a former choir boy, a man
without guile, told me: "Of course not! I am an American! I am
protected by the US Constitution! I had to tell the truth when I testified.
Nothing will happen to me."
I remember saying to him: "That's nice, Fred. I wish I
could be an American and enjoy such protection by such a magical
Meanwhile, Dr. Faurrison was almost beaten to death in a
public park in France in September, 1989, the very day I was before the
Ontario Appeals Court in this case - and Fred was charged in the U.S.,
tried, and convicted - and later arrested and jailed in Europe for
"denying the Holocaust."
I raised his bail money, got him a lawyer, organized a
pressure campaign of International reach - and we did get him out.
In 1992 I won my case in the Supreme Court of Canada.
In 1993 I lost and was fined and imprisoned in Germany.
And now this - an illegal arrest and deportation, solitary
confinement, no way to contest the evidence against me, no way to even see
the evidence against me. No Aryan brain concocted this scheme to enmesh
Ernst Zundel in this scenario. We are simply not vindictive, vicious, and
conniving enough!
It is difficult to fathom all of the threads and nuances
initiated years ago - I reckon 10-15 years ago!
[Yet all the while] I knew!
I lie awake, tossing and turning, meditating on my fate, now
that the all-important habeas corpus appeal was turned down. Canada is in a
legal quagmire - as the old Anglo-Saxon/Aryan legal principles are giving
way more and more to the situational ethics of Jewish Liberalism/Marxism.
Two legal concepts are co-existing uneasily, fighting for dominance.
It is like the various struggles experienced by different
foreign policy schools of Isolationism vs. Universalism. This has always
been the problem for North Americans, especially with the increasing
Balkanisation. It has not made the societal situation easy for those born
into it - or thrust into it through circumstances.
America is long past its zenith. We are in the Brezhnev era
now. In military technology, the U.S. grotesquely resembles the old
"Evil Empire" of the Soviet Union. It could send Sputniks up,
design and build nuclear submarines, even try to land vehicles on Mars. It
is an utter failure on the ground in providing basic necessities to its
people. The health condition of all races in the conglomerate that has
become America is abysmal, to say the least. The population is overfed and
undernourished in all areas of physical, mental and spiritual nutrition.
America is not going to die slowly like the Roman Empire did, for there are
no successive waves of "barbarian" infusions of mainly Germanic
America's infusion comes not from self assertive, creative,
physically fit, homogenous and therefore easy to integrate people like the
Goths, Illyrians, Greeks, Iberians, Gauls, and especially the Anglo-Saxons
and Germans. These people were the bloodstream of White Rome. Canada's and
America's populations are filled up with aliens who are replacing us at an
alarming rate. It means that in this generation now living, the hordes of
problem creators are overwhelming the ability of the shrinking remnants of
the problem solvers. The curve is now decidedly downhill.
Our race especially has been genetically depleted and shows
clear signs of genetic exhaustion, hastened along by insidious genetic
damage that we have been inflicting upon ourselves through environmental
poisons, radiation and electro-magnetic waves that scramble our brains. We,
the remnant, must pull out of this madness and lick our wounds, heal
ourselves in body, mind and spirit, take a few steps back and think our way
through to survival in a sea of temptation, luxury items, gadgets, gizmos
and a pill for every ill.
No easy task to be sure! It takes a super human effort!
The very instrument and survival tool we have - our racial,
inborn survival instinct - has been under assault and has already atrophied.
It is as though we all suffer from a collective compromised immune system
where the remaining instincts are trying to signal us about potential
pitfalls, snares and traps ahead, and where those around us, be they
brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, wives, lovers, children and well
meaning friends, are agents of, or have been affected by, the prevailing
orthodoxies of our day.
I often feel a bit like an animal that has been robbed of
its sense of smell, its ability to sniff out where the danger lurks. I
believe that our atrophied survival skills can be strengthened and rebuilt
through diet and exercise - and by use. Use it or lose it!
Now we are back to one of Adolf Hitler's great contributions
to the race's survival, which he called "Denken mit Eurem Blute" -
"to think with your blood!" Filter everything you encounter
through your instincts, not just your brain - filter it through your senses,
feelings, desires, and even fears. There is in survival, as in medicine, a
wholistic approach, which must be adopted. Let others, even people close to
us and dear to us - friends, children, lovers, wives, partners - do what
they will. By all means listen to their ideas, weigh them - but as a
majority of one, another Hitler concept, [each one of us is] the ultimate
authority to make decisions for ourselves.
Survival in this confused and crazy world will depend on
this ability - not to be cranky or cantankerous, not to be oddballs, misfits
who constantly egg on or rub people the wrong way, but to be quietly and
self-assuredly "Spartans" not only of the body, but also the
spirit and soul. What we eat and drink and what we allow to assault our
eyes, ears, brain and emotions has a tremendous impact on our chances for
Few of us understand this "emergency of the race."
I absolutely believe that unless we quickly acquire or re-acquire this
ability to keep aloof without becoming a sore thumb or a lightning rod, we
will not be around to make a contribution to our own kind's survival.
Now that is one tough road to follow! It calls for an heroic
personality. It makes for a contemplative, often very lonely existence,
where few will listen and fewer will understand.
===== ===== =====
Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His
prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence.
Take a look - and tell a friend.

Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-4211
Fax: (613) 941-6900
Email: [email protected] |