Nov 10, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
So here I am, at practically midnight, having slept a few
hours, trying to catch up on four Zgrams to bring myself again up-to-date.
You will forgive me if some of my Zgrams are going to be on the short side.
Let me start with what is going to happen today, even though
I am dating this Zgram backwards to keep them in sequence for archival's
sake. As you will remember, today (Nov. 18, 2003) will commence a two-day
hearing in the Ontario Superior Court under a new judge in a new setting
with a new attorney team about what happened to Ernst Z�ndel since his
arrest/kidnapping for "having missed a hearing" in Tennessee
February 5, 2003.
This is NOT a review by a higher court about a contested
ruling by a lower court. This is a review about what Judge Blais, a former
boss of CSIS's (!), has been doing by dragging his feet and thereby so
cruelly withholding bail from a man not charged with anything, as well as
participating in secret hearings from which both Ernst and his attorney are
excluded. It is a hearing in mid-stream, so to speak, to abort what has been
going on in the Stalinist mode in a country ever more referred to by the
foreign press as "Absurdistan".
On the agenda will be two main items: 1) why it took Judge
Blais three quarters of a year to decide if Ernst Zundel even merits bail,
when the ordinary procedure of a bail hearing would only take an hour, and
2) the constitutionality of secret hearings etc. where CSIS is free to
That's telling you roughly what will be discussed - but in
fact it is much, much more complicated, as the transcripts are going to
To give you an overview of the blatancy of it all, I am
going to let you read an article by Eddie Greenspan, a prominent Jewish
attorney practicing in Toronto and certainly no friend of Ernst's, who
nonetheless can see the writing on the wall for his own tribe, if the CSIS
disgrace is allowed to continue. This article appeared in MacLean's, July
28, 2003 - and while Eddie could not bring himself to mention Ernst by name,
it is very clear that the write-up is precisely about him. In defense of
Greenspan, let me also say that, unlike his fellow tribalists, he has
consistently spoken out against encroaching dictatorship in Canada, and even
though there is no love lost whatsoever between Greenspan and Z�ndel, there
is a grudging mutual respect between the two antagonists, because at least
they are consistent in their views and do not give an inch.
This article is titled "In Defense of Freedom: A top
lawyer says terrorists win when due process is subverted."
(MACLEAN'S, July 28, 2003)
There is a land where the government can arrest
non-citizens, throw them in jail for an indefinite period of time, and
then remove them from the country, all in virtual secrecy. This is a land
where, for certain people, civil liberties and rights of due process don't
exist. No, this is not China or Cuba. This is Canada - a country I
believed understood the transcendent importance of safeguarding civil
liberties. But against those whom Ottawa secretly determines are a threat
to national security, the government can act, and is now acting in
alarming ways. Has Canada gone mad? Shades of Guantanamo Bay- where the
U.S. has imprisoned hundreds of suspected terrorists without trial -
colour the government and the judiciary.
The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act allows the
immigration minister and solicitor general to sign a "security
certificate" against a foreign visitor or an individual with
permanent resident status, declaring that person "inadmissible"
to Canada. The certificate, based on information provided by the Canadian
Security Intelligence Service, has been used 27 times in the last 10
years, including five times since the September 11 terrorist attacks.
The security concerns listed in the act are general and
vague, and include "engaging in terrorism, or acts of violence that
would or might endanger the lives and safety of persons in Canada",
or simply being a "danger to the security of Canada." Under the
certificate, a foreign visitor is immediately subject to arrest and can be
held indefinitely without bail. For a person with permanent resident
status, a Federal Court judge must start a review within 48 hours. If the
judge finds the detention warranted, the permanent resident can be held
without review for six months. Incredibly, neither the accused nor his
lawyer is entitled to be present when the judge determines if further
detention is warranted.
In both cases, by the seventh day of custody, a Federal
Court judge must start to review the government's evidence. Again, neither
the accused nor his lawyer is entitled to be present. The evidence can be
hearsay, double hearsay, triple hearsay. It's the judge and government
lawyers sitting together making fundamental decisions about someone's
liberty, without them being there to listen, object, question, protest or
even to agree.
A summary of the evidence must eventually be presented to
the accused, but even then the government can withhold any or all evidence
if a judge rules that providing the information risks national security.
In a subsequent hearing, the accused is given an opportunity to be heard,
but this hearing is inherently unfair because the accused can only respond
to the summary of the allegations. At this hearing, the judge does not
determine whether the accused is actually a security threat or whether the
secret evidence is reliable. The judge's only role is to assess whether
the issuance of the certificate was "reasonable." Only three
times has a certificate been overturned on review. In one case, a
certificate against Mahmoud Jaballah, an Egyptian refugee claimant, was
overturned in 2000. However, Jaballah was arrested the following summer
under a second security certificate, and the father of six has been held
in solitary confinement in Toronto's Metro West Detention Centre ever
The accused cannot appeal and can be quickly deported,
even to a country where he may be tortured. Worse, the accused's lawyer is
kept in the dark about the evidence. Bruce Engel is a thoughtful Ottawa
lawyer doing his best to represent Mohamed Harkat, a 35 year old Algerian
refugee who has been held in protective custody since his arrest in the
capital in December 2002 on suspicion of being an al-Qaeda operative. He
says the summary of the evidence against his client is pitifully vague.
What, he wonders, if the government has arrested the wrong person? How can
the wrongfully accused defend themselves if they have no idea what the
evidence is?
It's astounding that we are living under a government
that, in defense of freedom and liberty, can keep someone not charged with
any crime in solitary confinement for years based on secret information.
It's terrible to contemplate that people can lose their livelihood based
on information they cannot question. It's unthinkable that such people
have absolutely no right to appeal or review, a glaring violation of a
basic tenet of the rule of law: the right to appeal the decisions of a
lower court.
We are living in a time when the defeat of terrorism is on
everyone's mind. But that doesn't mean we are supposed to simply trust the
government to act wisely on correct information. The rule of law is the
bedrock of our nation, not blind faith in the unchecked judgment of
government officials. Any country that lives by a rule of "trust us,
there is no need for due process", is totalitarian. We should be
ashamed that there is a process in security cases that can be compared to
the ignominious Star Chamber, a medieval English court that was dismantled
by Parliament in 1641, but whose name survives to describe arbitrary,
secretive proceedings.
The challenge is to figure out a way to deal with the
threat of terrorism without losing the freedoms that make Canada the great
nation it is. Everyone must be able to respond to their accusers, whether
in the realm of a criminal trial or a security hearing. We must demand
that persons threatened with loss of liberty, livelihood and possibly life
be provided with someone in this process who can protect them from false
and unsupported allegations. Let the lawyer for the accused participate in
the meetings with judge and government. Let a lawyer have some opportunity
to effectively question the accusations. I shudder at the thought of those
who have suffered wrongful convictions. It's terrifying that in ordinary
criminal cases, following a trial by judge and jury, after a full
opportunity to cross-examine one's accusers and question all the
government's evidence, mistakes are still made.
How many mistakes could the government be making in
security cases? Agents working for CSIS respond to tips. False tips in
criminal cases can be uncovered through independent investigation and
cross-examination. But with security issues shrouded in secrecy, there is
virtually no way of knowing whether the tipster has run amok in the
desperate fight against terrorism. It's not beyond the realm of
possibility that a security certificate is issued based on information
from corrupt government agents.
History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come
in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to
endure. When our nation allows fundamental freedoms to be sacrificed, we
invariably come to regret it. Earl Warren, former chief justice of the
U.S. Supreme Court, wrote over 35 years ago: "It would indeed by
ironic if, in the name of national defence, we would sanction the
subversion of one of those liberties which make the defence of our nation
In the global struggle against terrorism, Canadians are in
possession of the ultimate weapon. It's the weapon of an unassailable idea
- individual right, liberty and the dignity of the individual. It would be
a tragic paradox if we should surrender any part of this heritage, for we
should then have done to ourselves from within what we fear most from
without. We must remain forever vigilant about any encroachment on
personal freedom and individual liberty, of citizens and non-citizens
Terrorism is an acute danger, and if al Qaeda is operating
inside Canada, it's a genuine danger - a genuine fifth column. In fact,
the U.S. continues to gather intelligence indicating that Canada may be a
haven for certain terrorist cells. We should not forget people like Ahmed
Ressam, who was arrested crossing the U.S. border from Canada in December
of 1999 with explosive material that he admitted was intended for the
destruction of the Los Angeles airport. But Ressam's conviction came
without jeopardizing the rule of law. I wholeheartedly support the
"lock-them-up-and-throw-away-the-key" reaction. But I say, first
provide them with the kind of justice that makes Canada great. As Benjamin
Franklin said: "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." We
defeat our own ends if we adopt the techniques of totalitarianism. If we
really believe in democracy, we must have faith enough to fight for its
preservation with the tools of freedom.

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |