Sept 12, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
Here is another blossom from the bureaucracy of Absurdistan.
The hypocrisy and sadism embedded in this letter deserve to be added to
Internet archives - while a still-sane world struggles against the Forces of
Darkness to preserve and protect Freedom of Speech.
For weeks, even months, the Zundel Defense team has argued
that a man who has to defend himself against the spurious but very serious
charge of being a "security risk to Canada" ought to at least be
entitled to a chair and post-it note pads so he can sit and mark up his
legal documents. Here is the response. The letter speaks for itself - and
please don't miss the lofty source!
Ministry of the Attorney General Legal Services Branch
Ministry of Public Safety and Security 8th Floor, 77 Greenwille Street
Toronto, ON M5S 1B3
September 10, 2003
(Addressed to Douglas Christie, Attorney)
Dear Mr. Christie,
Re: Ernst Zundel
Further to our recent conversations, I have consulted with
the Toronto West Detention Centre and the Central Region Office with respect
to your request that you be permitted to send post-it notes and a chair for
Mr. Zundel. As I indicated when we spoke on the phone, the institution does
not permit inmates to be sent materials or furniture that are not generally
available to all other inmates. This is the ministry policy for security
reasons, and in order to be consistent and fair with respect to the rights
and privileges extended to all inmates.
As you are aware, Mr. Zundel is currently being held in
administrative segregation as the institution considers it necessary that he
be held separate from the general inmate population for his own protection.
Mr. Zundel's placement in administrative segregation is reviewed at least
once every five days. While Mr. Zundel would be in a cell with a built-in
stool if he were among the general population of inmates, due to those
concerns for Mr. Zundel's safety, the institution does not consider it
prudent to house Mr. Zundel among the general population. If Mr. Zundel were
housed among the general population in one of a range of cells that gives on
to a day room, he would be sharing a cell with at least one other inmate and
could come into contact with other inmates on the range on a daily basis.
The institution has reviewed the options for Mr. Zundel's
accommodation in light of his concern regarding the lack of a chair or stool
in his segregation cell, and has determined that once arrangements can be
made, Mr. Zundel will be housed in a special needs intake unit while
maintaining his status in administrative segregation. The special needs
intake unit is architecturally like a standard range, as it includes 10
cells that contain bunk beds and built-in stools, however, each cell houses
only one inmate due to the nature of the special needs intake population.
You and your client should be aware that special needs inmates are those who
require special health care services, often psychiatric care, or who have
exhibited behaviour that may be either unacceptable or harmful to themselves
or to others such that association with the general population may pose a
risk. Mr. Zundel would need to go into the day room on that range in order
to make phone calls and have access to a shower and fresh air, and there may
be some restrictions on when he could be in the day room as interaction with
other inmates on the special needs unit is generally avoided for safety
If at any time the institution determines that a special
needs intake cell is not appropriate for Mr. Zundel either due to concerns
for his safety or for any other operational reason, Mr. Zundel will be
returned to a segregation cell.
Yours truly,
Jinan Kubursi, Counsel
c. Donald MacIntosh and Pamela Larmondin, Department of
Justice, Fax (416) 954-8982. Justice Blais, Federal Court of Canada, Fax

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |