Sept 21, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
Some weeks ago I received a request to write an article for
Community News, a California paper based in the Sacramento area and
published by Walter Mueller, author of the cyber Patriot Letter. I said that
I would, but never heard anything else about the request again - and,
frankly, I was glad, because I am so overwhelmed with work I simply did not
have the concentration needed or the extra time for truly quality writing.
But I knew that a special issue was in the making - and
today I received a call from a fellow revisionist who left a message, pride
trembling in his voice, that the special issue was finished - and a copy for
me was in the mail.
Below are additional details - and I urge all of you to
order your own copies, especially since, incredibly, they will be sent to
you for free! You can help to do your part to spread the word about Ernst -
who he is, why he is targeted by our enemies, and what it all means to our
struggle. Hopefully, it will bring us additional supporters, for I am now in
charge of making sure that seven (!) attorneys working on getting Ernst
released will also get paid as they should - four in Canada, and three in
the US. Additionally, I am running a series of full page ads in America and,
soon, in Germany and in Japan. An extensive full page ad, uncensored (!),
has already been published in Zavtra, the most widely read paper by
politicians in the former Eastern bloc, I am told.
Order as many as you like - but please order ONLY as many as
you think you can distribute. It costs money to print up a large run, and it
would not be fair to drain the Sacramento group of their resources if the
issues get mailed and then not get used as they should.
Here is the write-up about the special Zundel issue:
Dear Fellow Patriot!
It was about 1:30 in the morning when we had finished the
envelopes to mail Community News. I had plenty of time to read it again and
Dr. Toeben probably remembers the German saying: "Eigenlob Stinkt"
(selfpraise stinks). Nevertheless, it is an awesome issue. It is also in
most likelihood the most comprehensive story ever told about Ernst Zuendel
by so many renowned revisionists. We just talked about freedom of speech in
yesterdays Patriot Letter. This issue of Community News is a great testimony
of what I was saying yesterday. It will also be a historic issue. We mailed
it this late morning to all of our subscribers and prepared the packages for
those who have asked for more than just one issue. It is an emotional
roller-coaster about the life of Ernst Zuendel.
The people brought together in this issue of Community News
have had all personal experience and a friendship with Ernst Zuendel. All of
the commentaries or essays are well written and a testimony of how much
Ernst Zuendel means to the revisionist movement.
There are two pieces though that I think are absolutely
incredibly written and are my favorite. I've read them over and over again.
One has been exclusively written for us by IHR Director and
Zuendel spokesperson Mark Weber. His piece is entitled "Who is Ernst
Zuendel and why is he in jail?" Mr. Weber writes about the events
surrounding Zuendel's imprisonment in a factual and understandable way. He
gives a background of Ernst Zuendel, so no one gets lost or confused. Many
people don't know that Mr. Weber, as the spokesperson for the Zuendels, has
been on many radio stations and has been interviewed by many newspapers.
Just last week he was again on the Dissident Voice with host Kevin Strom,
talking about Ernst Zuendel and advertising this special issue of Community
News. Mr. Weber's respect and reputation around the world are impeccable. I
have seen many of his commentaries, articles and essays, and they are
excellent. Once you have read the Ernst Zuendel piece in Community News,
you'll know what I am talking about.
The second piece in the special issue was written by Dr.
Frederick Toeben and it is entitled: "Ernst Zuendel - A man of
destiny" and it is just as incredible. I haven't really read a lot yet
of Dr. Toeben's writings, I have heard him speak a few times, but, if all of
his writings are like the piece he did for Community News, I have missed a
great deal of good reading. Dr. Toeben managed to put all the things into
the article that makes it worth reading. I think what fascinated me most on
Dr. Toeben's piece was that he knows, he's been there, he himself has spent
7 months in prison. So he speaks from his own experience. Besides, I like
the guy. He is unconventional and not arrogant, can handle people and runs
the best website on the Internet. When I say that, of course I mean for
people like me and the revisionists. I spend sometimes an hour just going
through his site, laughing out loud over the sense of humor he displays and
I mean literally, when I say display. Not too long ago he had an animated 30
second or less video spot of two penguins, one passing the other one and
getting slapped in the back, falling into the water, over and over again.
But enough complimentaries. In short, Mr. Weber's and Mr. Toeben's pieces
are the heart of the Zuendel issue.
Combined with the other articles, you got an outstanding
combination of everything you ever wanted to know about Ernst Zuendel. There
is Harvey Taylor, our assistant editor and friend of Ernst Zuendel; Paul
Fromm, who has our utmost respect for all of the work he's done for Ernst
Zuendel. His article is a horrible insight of the treatment of Ernst Zuendel
by the Canadian government. Dr. Bob Countess and his brisk and defining
protest of the Zuendel arrest.
Something for the intellectual, written by Apollonian, clear
and decisive. And then there is the people's man, Stan Hess, the voice of
"the hood." Short and awesome. And, of course, Ernst Zuendel
himself, with a letter from prison.
Two small commentaries of support by the great revisionist
from France, Dr. Robert Faurisson, and from Denmark, Dr. Christian Lindtner.
All in all, if you miss this issue, you miss a lot.
Let me remind you again. We do not charge for copies that
you are distributing. We feel that your volunteer work is enough for us. We
even pay for the mailing. Whether you want just two, 20, 100 or a thousand.
All you have to do is spread them around.
You may order your copies to be distributed by writing to
[email protected]
The address for snail mail is:
Community News PO Box 191677 Sacramento, CA 95819

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |