April 1, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
I was not able to talk to Ernst today, but friends called me
to tell me that, exactly as Ernst had predicted, the judge refused to grant
him bail - which means that Ernst will have to stay another four weeks in
solitary confinement until yet another hearing scheduled for May 1st.
I did talk to him yesterday, and he felt great about the
first day's hearing because he got important testimony into the transcripts
- but did not think the judge would allow him to be freed on bail. As it
turned out, he was right.
I want you to read how the first day's hearing went, as
reported by a friend - and then compare it to how it was reported by his
Friend first:
- Ernst Zundel in Hearing room - March 31, 2003
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 13:18:37 -0500
> Dear Ingrid,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your Z-Gram March 31,
We were not home yesterday because we attended Ernst's
hearing at the Immigration and Refugee Board in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Paul Fromm
did a great job as acting lawyer. He was much better than the Government's
two stooges who did nothing but try to delay the proceedings.
However, the star of the show was your husband and our
admired friend Ernst Zundel. He was in his element as he eloquently
presented his case with great confidence and superior knowledge and
thoroughly deflated CSIS.
He brought out the shocking fact that this government
agency allowed parcels containing pipe bombs to be delivered to him from
Vancouver on regular Air Canada flights. This was a great danger to
hundreds of people on board and the post office handler who processed it.
If the Canadian public only knew what evil lurks in this agency.
Immigration minister Denis Coderre has not seen fit to
answer my letter on Ernst's behalf which I sent him close to six weeks
ago. So, I will send him and my local MP another letter detailing the
threats of the Jewish menace to Canadian freedom.
I will also ask who ordered the horrendous way that Ernst
is being kept in solitary confinement for 24 hours a day less 10 minutes,
in a cell with no windows where the lights are on all day with only a bed
and toilet as furniture. As you know, he is allowed no newspapers, radio
or other written material. We tried to leave him a pen, block of paper and
a clipboard but were not allowed to.
A vicious smear campaign is being conducted by the local
print media and especially, the Toronto Sun. They are all despicable
Zionist vassals. With his magnificent presentation Ernst has done
everything he could and it is our hope that he will prevail against all
odds. If not, God help us!
Here follows your standard media smear:
GLOBE AND MAIL | Monday, Mar. 31, 2003
Niagara Falls, Ont. � Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel is a
risk to Canadian security and if released would be a lightning rod for the
white supremacist movement, a CSIS agent told an immigration hearing on
Mr. Zundel appeared in orange prison overalls and waved to
friends in the hearing room, Toronto's CFTO TV News reported on Monday. A
Canadian resident for some 40 years until 2001, he is seeking refugee
status since his return to Canada by U.S. authorities.
He has been in a Niagara Detention Centre in Thorold,
Ont., since Feb. 19 awaiting an immigration hearing.
If deported to Germany, Mr. Zundel would face charges of
suspicion of incitement of hate. The charges stem from material on his Web
site that denies that the murder of six million Jews by the Nazis during
the Second World War ever took place.
The German-born Mr. Zundel moved to Canada in 1958 as a
teenager where he held permanent resident status. In the 1980s, he became
known for staging stunts like strapping himself to a crucifix to get
across his Holocaust denial messages.
He left Canada in 2001 for the United States after a
long-running human-rights complaint alleging he spread anti-Semitic
Mr. Zundel was arrested Feb. 3 at his Tennessee home for
overstaying a visitor's visa.

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |