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Countdown to D-Day

April 1, 2004

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

Here is an update on my hunger strike plans, to start on April 19 in Tennessee Congressman Jenkins's office:

I spent all day yesterday to collect reactions from my readers about what I intend to do. I can group them loosely into two categories: testimonials about the physical effects of a prolonged hunger strike, and warnings about political consequences since we are now, post 9/11, in a de facto dictatorship where anything might happen.

Regarding how prolonged hunger will impact on my physical health and emotional well-being, the consensus seems to be that the first day is difficult in that the body reacts with an almost insufferable craving; the second day is still hard; the third day will manifest itself as "light-headed" - and from then on, the body starts "consuming itself" - that is, it breaks down excess reserves stored in its cells, and switches off the physical craving. The feedback is that three to four weeks are relatively safe; after that, the situation gets "iffy." Many people have told me as much. I am not sure I quite believe this information totally. I have been on traditional fasts before, and I can tell you that the hunger sensation is as strong at the end of one week as it was at the beginning. However, those were not a "pure" fasts. I followed prescribed diet protocols that allowed, for instance, for a cup of chicken/vegetable broth a day - perhaps that "extra food" triggered my body's "hunger gauge" and kept signaling over and over: "More! More!" However, that was a vanity exercise I knew I could break off any time. This time it will be different.

This time, it's a political exercise to test if this is still a "law and order" country if enough people demand it and stand behind me; in essence, it's a test if justice for an innocent man can be kick-started by a lot of political will. Many people will be watching me - it will not be easy for me to simply say: "If I don't get what I demand, I'll take my marbles and go home."

Will I do that? I don't think so. I can only promise that I will give this strategy my all.

Regarding warnings about the political consequences of my hunger strike, I am reminded of what Ernst said when I first asked for his endorsement of what I told him I would do. I didn't think he would allow it, and I braced myself within myself to go ahead, regardless. To my surprise, he agreed. He said, however, to warn me: "According to the Patriot Act, a write-in letter campaign from your supporters can be interpreted as a terrorist act."

That shocked me. Have we fallen that low in this country? How would my legitimate campaign to free my husband from an illegal and brutal deportation and subsequent incarceration be different from a write-in, let's say, about a demand for a voting ballot count reform? Or for non-fluoridated water? Or even for a request for an impartial commission to really look into who did 9/11?

But this danger of somehow transgressing against the Patriot Act makes me urge my write-in readers to please, please not be abusive, threaten violence, use smutty language, make claims that aren't true. PLEASE DON'T! Irresponsible words on a piece of paper would be used against me and would endanger me and my campaign. I can see our enemies doing that, as they have done before, pretending that these messages come from some wild-eyed, fire-breathing Zundelists - but I feel relatively safe these false flags can be identified and neutralized. I ask MY kind of people to restrain themselves and not let their anger and frustration sabotage their law-abiding conduct.

All I want you to do is this: Let Congressman Jenkins know that I have a legitimate grievance - I want him to help me find the bottleneck in Washington so I can follow lawful procedures to have my husband come back home. Just last week , I was told that two signatures are required to reverse a deportation order. Signatures from whom? By what criteria? How long would that take? What would be involved? Are those not legitimate questions?

I feel that Ernst's case would be ever so much more strengthened in Canada if the United States would signal that there is no problem on this side to have him be returned, since he did not transgress against the law, not even technically or accidentally. The fig leaf the authorities could use would be to say that it was a clerical error that permitted the unlawful chain of events that ended in such heartbreak.

Once again, Congressman Jenkins's fax number for his Tennessee office is 423-247-1834 and, if you are ambitious, 202-225-5714 in Washington. Keep records of your faxes. Ideally, send copies to me. I am collecting all the evidence I can to document that we intend to do things legally, responsibly, with dignity - but with a strong belief that an appalling wrong, committed by this government, must be undone by this same government. There is no other way.

Let me say also, as I have said before, that I dread doing this. I said last night to Ernst that what I dread more than anything else is to go and intrude where I know I will be strongly resented. To do that just isn't like me. I am an intensely private person; I cringe from behaving in an in-your-face mode. My sense of violation must run deep for me to resort to that tactic. Our enemies behave like that; they have no shame; that is their modus operandi. My instincts are to cause no offense.

I have no idea where all this will lead. It could be very dangerous. But I tell myself over and over: There is my husband, still in chains, treated worse than the worst of criminals in all of Canada for speaking his truth as he knows it - and on the other hand, there's me, with a perfectly reasonable and legitimate demand: to have my representative look into a matter that is criminal by standard definitions of the books, at least prior to 9/11: A brazen political kidnapping in broad daylight on American soil for no better reasons than to please a bunch of pushy Jews in Canada who have plagued and assaulted my husband for decades.

Please contact all the media outlets you know and can reach.

Ingrid Rimland Zundel, Ed.D.





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Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 992-4284

Fax: (613) 992-4291




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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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