April 5, 2004
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
Well, we may have already won a moderate victory - hard to
say if it is meaningful or not!
As many of my readers know, after Ernst's arrest we
immediately and forcefully contested what clearly was a grossly illegal
deportation, rubber-stamped by a judge of the District Court of Knoxville
who had no facts or documents before him, who did not even listen for five
seconds to oral argument and did not allow our attorney to give any input -
a deportation that was also rubber-stamped in haste by the Sixth Circuit
Court in Cincinnati and led to Canada and straight into the arms of Canada's
mini-Mossad, as many people call CSIS. The rest is history.
I won't go into the details of the various stages of our
legal battles that included a motion (if that is the term) for judicial
misconduct on the part of the Sixth Circuit panel of judges who relied on
information shared by INS behind our backs - at any case, once we had filed
our brief, and asked for oral argument, there it sat!
We waited and waited. I kept checking and checking. At one
point, in late January, we had moved to the top on the court calendar - and
then, bingo! Back we were, in sixth place - where our case remained frozen
for another ten weeks.
It was clear to most people that one of the enemies' tactics
was delay - which seems to be the tactic also in Canada. Delay eats up time,
huge gobs of money, and nerves - while Ernst is trapped and prevented
through various chicaneries and inanities within the prison itself from
aiding in his defense.
This morning my lead attorney faxed me the news: We are
allowed oral argument, but only 15 minutes. My lead attorney tells me this
is standard practice at the appeal court level - the judges have the brief
in front of them and have, presumably, read it or at least skimmed it
without relying on a clerk - who might well be, as many are, a member of the
Tribe! - and fifteen minutes to make our case is all we are going to get!
The thrust of our argument is simple: Ernst was not granted
habeas corpus, which was his right by law - that is, he was prevented from
appearing before a judge to argue against deportation, and we are asking
that the case be remanded back to the Knoxville Court - and, hopefully,
before a jury. Even though Ernst is not here, and even if we only get a
perfunctory symbolic ruling, it will be extremely important. If that ruling
goes against us, it will be one of the most tragic and far-reaching rulings
not just for us, but for America. It will mean that habeas corpus is dead -
a very important provision of the Constitution. Some call it the Heart of
So there we are. The date is June 11, and if you live in the
area, or feel like traveling to watch if justice still struggles for breath,
or is a corpse already, the date is June 11, 2004. The place is Cincinnati.
On to my hunger strike:
I have two weeks to D-Day. A lot will still have to be done
to make sure we have media to the max, as the kids used to say in the
Sixties. People are faxing to Congressman Jenkins, pleading with him to see
me and talk to me in person. The number, once more, is 423-247-1834. If you
haven't yet done so, now is the time. Please be polite. Show class. Leave
threats to our enemies. Nasty letters would only backfire on me.
I was pleased to get a copy of this letter from a Canadian
organization that has been very active in defending Ernst:
Canadian Association for Free Expression Inc.,
P.O. Box 332,Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, Canada
PH: 905-897-7221; FAX: 905-277-3914
email: [email protected]
Director, Paul Fromm, B.A., B.Ed, M.A.
April 4, 2004
Congressman Bill Jenkins
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone No. (202) 225-6356
Fax. (202) 225-5714
Kingsport, Tennessee 37662
Phone No. (423) 247-8161
Fax. (423) 247-1834
Re: Dr. Ingrid Rimland Zundel's Request for Assistance
Dear Congressman Jenkins:
I am writing to urge you to avoid a public embarrassment
and to promote the cause of justice.
For many months, Ingrid Rimland Zundel, a distinguished
author and wife of artist and publisher Ernst Zundel, resident in Pigeon
Forge in your congressional district, has sought an appointment with you
as her congressman. Apparently, she has been rebuffed.
She is urgently seeking your intervention and assistance.
Her husband, Ernst, was in the U.S. on a visa. He was going through all
the proper procedures to secure permanent status - proper application,
retaining of an immigration attorney, F.B.I. interview, fingerprinting,
etc. On February 5, he was seized my I.N.S. agents and within two weeks
deported to Canada and banned for 20 years from returning to his wife.
Our organization has been deeply involved in assisting Mr.
Zundel with his subsequent legal problems in Canada.
Mrs. Zundel notes that your country is overrun with
illegals. On the other hand, her husband was entirely above board and
trying to follow proper legal channels. His summary arrest and the
apparent ignoring of your Supreme Court requirement for a proper habeas
corpus hearing lead to the conclusion that Mr. Zundel was the victim of a
judicial kidnapping.
She needs your assistance to get to the bottom of what
happened and to seek appropriate redress, including his return to the
United States and to his loving wife.
I do hope you'll fulfill your obligation to Mrs. Zundel,
as her elected representative, and, at least, give her a hearing. She is
promising to start a hunger strike at your office on April 19. This has
the potential of becoming an international incident.
Please assist her, not to avoid embarrassment, but because
it's your sworn duty and it's the right thing to do.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm, Director
Association for Free Expression Inc.
===== ===== =====
Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His
prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence.
Take a look - and tell a friend.

Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-4284
Fax: (613) 992-4291
Email: [email protected] |