April 12, 2004
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
Just as I announced, the proclamation of my pending hunger
strike did get me a speedy meeting with my Congressman, Mr. William Jenkins,
for Monday, April 12. Ernst was extremely pleased when I told him and
thought it was a major victory. In my own mind, this intermittent victory is
not at all that significant, because after all, I should have been granted
that meeting all along and still don't know why it was stalled, and by whom.
I left the day before, on Easter Sunday, because directions
give me trouble, and I wanted to be close so as not to be late for the
appointed hour. Driving along a highway framed by the most beautiful
blooming trees in the awakening forests, I felt my emotions to be strangely
paralyzed because I did not know what would be awaiting me, since I did not
think the short telephone contact with my congressional representative had
been exactly inviting. I was sure that an ADL smearsheet had preceded me and
that Mr. Jenkins had some negative preconceptions about what Ernst and
Ingrid were really all about.
Something else weighed like a boulder on my mind. I had
received a lot of negative input from attorneys and advisors about my
pending hunger strike plans, as well as from friends and supporters. Most
felt that I was making myself unnecessarily vulnerable because I would be
taking myself off the "battle field" for weeks and might be
strength-impaired for years. I also discussed with several key advisors our
enemies' anticipated reaction and counterattack by putting myself front and
center in the Zundel struggle, rather than being a relatively benign cyber
presence behind a keyboard, with all the attention focused on Ernst.
More specifically, I discussed this possibility at length
with one of them, a man with considerable experience in counterintelligence,
and he thought it likely that a Freudian type, Soviet style psychiatrist
might materialize out of the bowels of Washington to certify yours truly
mentally disturbed and have me hauled off to some loony bin for further
"psychiatric testing" - in other words, medically backed political
character assassination. It was something I had not considered before,
although I know from years of observation that the enemy has an entire
battery of exactly these types of creatures ready to be activated and
deployed as needed, usually to bail out their own graffiti schmierfinks. I
remember one such youngster caught in San Diego, who had the shrink's
certificate ready in his left pocket, with his spray can in his right. As
the past weeks in Canada have demonstrated plenty, what could be easier than
to unleash a few of their own disturbed youngsters to topple grave stones
and spray-paint garage doors and then shriek at the top of their lungs that
stronger laws against "hate mongers" are needed to guard against
"the ever-present danger of anti-semitism!" - while simultaneous
asking for counseling programs for the very perpetrators. That's how some
folks make a fine living!
These were my thoughts as I reached Kingsport and checked
into an almost-empty Hampton Inn - another sign that something is
dangerously wrong with America when hotels of that size no longer have the
customers to justify their operations. As a matter of fact, to my knowledge
that day there was only one other overnight check-in, as judged by our
silent continental breakfast gathering of two.
Then, in pouring rain, I searched for and found my
congressman's office, half an hour early, and waited for him to appear.
I don't want to say what we discussed other than to comment
on the man. I liked him. He was calm, courteous, and without a trace of
inner reservation that I could detect. This was surprising to me. We had a
fruitful meeting, with his press agent and a female assistant sitting in,
and I believe that the fat stack of testimonials as well as other materials
I had left at the previous meeting with his press agent, in addition to the
faxes from my friends that preceded me, must have convinced Mr. Jenkins that
Mrs. Zundel had a legitimate grievance. I felt utterly calm inside as we
talked, and when I left, I had the impression that I had gained if not a
"convert to Revisionism" at least a man who did not feel the world
came to an end if someone like Ernst Zundel made his own views known in
Tennessee in one of his own districts.
How much of what we are all about he understood, I am not
sure, but I felt when I left that I had met one more American of the kind I
had encountered hundreds and hundreds of times while I still made a living
as a speaker on the road and would give luncheon programs to Rotarians.
After I came home, at Mr. Jenkins's suggestion I took up
contact with additional legislators in my area and firmed up a few more of
my media leads, and if things progress as planned, I will be in Washington
on Monday for additional contacts with various bureaucracies and columnists
- that is, unless something dramatic happens, which could well be, during
the April Zundel hearings in Toronto scheduled for April 13-14. (See Paul
Fromm's write-up in my next Zgram.)
I will check further into the matter of the possible
employment of shrinks to sabotage the Zundel Truth Campaign. Meanwhile, my
readers are invited to do a little havoc with Canadian preconceptions by
nominating Ernst Zundel, the world's premier thought criminal, as one of the
greatest Canadians in an announced CBC poll. After all, Ernst Zundel has
already won a similar honor in a previous poll where he was voted # 44 of
the "one hundred most influential Canadians of the past century."
I cannot give you that specific reference right now except to say it was
written up by a Dr. Granatstein or Granatastein in one of his university
studies. This happened around 1996. If you are so inclined, you could look
it up on the Net.
At any rate, the new CBC poll can be found at http://www.cbc.ca/greatest/nominate/index.html,
and your participation is invited.
No surrender!
P.S. I just discovered this note from a Zundel supporter
regarding a contact for Anne McLellan:
"Dear Ingrid, I called the phone number (780-495-3122)
provided in the Zgram. I spoke with a rather snotty woman who wouldn't speak
about Ernst or the case, rather she insisted that I had called Anne
McLellan's "Constituency" office and that I should call her
"Ministerial" office. I asked the woman for those numbers too. She
said that the phone number was 613-991-2924 and that the fax number was
613-952-2240. I of course will fax to both numbers and call them again
===== ===== =====
Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His
prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence.
Take a look - and tell a friend.

Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-4284
Fax: (613) 992-4291
Email: [email protected] |