April 15, 2004
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
After I announced a hunger strike in front of Congressman
Jenkins's office - and subsequently succeeded in getting a meeting and
securing his cooperation - many of my readers urged me to drop my hunger
strike plans, since I had achieved what I set out to achieve.
Don't say it wasn't tempting to say, "The strike is
off!" However, we cannot stop now.
Time is now of the essence, and obviously the Canadian legal
hooligans are pressing for a conclusion of the Zundel security certificate
hearings so Ernst can be shipped to one of Germany's notorious prisons for
nothing more than the thought crime of doubting the Holocaust Dogma.
Will it happen? We will see. We have won an expedited date
for an important interim appeal hearing, May 10, BEFORE the conclusion of
the currently scheduled security certificate hearings, which will give us a
chance, so we hope, to have this case moved speedily to the Supreme Court of
Should we be granted that legal victory, it also means more
prison time for Ernst in the Canadian Guantanamo Gulag while we are waiting
to get that all-important Supreme Court date which will decide if Canada
still chooses to be free or sink into totalitarian dictatorship where they
will have to worship on their knees before the Cult of Death.
My heart aches, knowing what Ernst must endure.
I'll do my part to bring some relief to my husband. As many
of my readers pointed out, I can use the hunger strike weapon only once, and
I might as well use it now.
Therefore, I will spend the next two days updating my
website for easy print-outs, buying and programming a laptop, getting
stronger contact lenses which have to be ordered by special prescription -
and then, on Saturday, I will fly to Washington, D.C. to scout out the lay
of the land.
I have been told that there are strict rules on doing a
protest demonstration, which is of course not surprising. I need to find out
what I can do and can't do - and an anticipated hunger strike, especially,
requires a certain support system, since I expect to get very weak and may
not be able to strategize as clearly as I might need to do as our plans
My plans are to start my hunger strike at the Canadian
Embassy, and since I fully expect resistance and possibly forcible removal,
I have to have alternate fall-back plans. Beforehand, I need to secure as
much media support as I can gather. I also need to find a hotel and make
arrangements for on-location friends and supporters to assist me with
chores, delivering messages, taking care of transportation needs etc. I need
to put on paper some easy-to-read texts for handouts why I am doing this,
and what, exactly, I want to achieve.
That is Stage I of our NO SURRENDER front.
I expect this Washington, D.C. groundwork to take only a few
days. Then I will fly home for a week or so to make final preparations for
the actual hunger strike, which will entail a fair amount of writing press
releases, coordinating media work, doing summaries etc. Since my hunger
strike will now take place in Washington, D.C. and not in Tennessee as first
planned, I expect that I will need a week for those logistic preparations,
because it means, since I will not be close to home, I have to get a
relative to take over for me here in Tennessee. I will have to do last
minute chores, pay bills, make sure that everything is running smoothly in
my absence and that our world-wide supporters understand that I will be
absent for a while and can't be in contact with them, especially by regular
mail. Since many of our supporters are old, this will be stressful for them.
Stage II.
Those plans will take me just about to May 1 to start the
actual hunger strike, which is a Saturday - not a good day for media, but it
will have to do. I will fly back to Washington at the very end of this
Those are the plans as of now. I still need a volunteer
medical doctor to monitor me, since I have a serious vision problem, and I
have been told that a prolonged hunger strike affects vision first. This is
a real risk and a worry for me, but much is at stake, as we all know. I am
determined to proceed.
I have lived my life so far trying hard never to shirk
responsibility and personal commitment when I see evil done. I now see evil
done the likes of which the world has not yet come to fully grasp if freedom
gets eroded inch by inch. If now the time has come to put my life where my
principles are, then so be it! Like Ernst, I will not spend the rest of my
life on my knees.
I ask that you support me in every way you can. Bluntly and
without apologies, in our world, that also means financial support in
addition to moral support and media support, for being for weeks on end, as
I expect, in high-priced Washington, D.C., will not be cheap. And there are
other expenses, as you can well imagine. Our various legal bills alone now
run to $30,000 - $40,000 a month, and no end yet in sight.
I thank you in advance for doing your part in making
history, and I salute you in the spirit that is the hallmark of our kind. We
are proud, free, determined people who will not knuckle under in the service
to a lie. NO SURRENDER!
Ingrid Rimland Zundel
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Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His
prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence.
Take a look - and tell a friend.

Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-4284
Fax: (613) 992-4291
Email: [email protected] |