Aug 5, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
Now here is an interesting development indeed! Grant
Bristow, the CSIS mole who was filtered into the Toronto-based Heritage
Front to discredit this white/ethnic organization and who was
"outed" by investigative reporter, Bill Dunphy, was recently the
honored guest of guess-who? The Canadian Jewish Congress!
This from Paul Fromm. Read on and think hard:
Dear Free Speech Supporter:
The July, 2003 issue of CONGRESS CONTACT, which describes
itself as "the news magazine of the Canadian Jewish Congress, Ontario
Region" reveals a fascinating meeting at which CSIS spy Grant Bristow
briefed the CJC's executive. The meeting brought together two mortal
enemies of free speech and dissent in this country -- our out-of-control
spook agency and the Canadian Jewish Congress.
Grant Bristow was inserted by Canada's spy agency, the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service into a circle of individuals around
Wolfgang Droege that would become the Heritage Front. I argued before SIRC
in 1994 that CSIS's spying on the HF was contrary to its own enabling
legislation. The HF was not involved in espionage, sabotage or sedition.
It was not run by a foreign power. These are what constitute the
definition of a threat to national security and would make a group subject
to CSIS's scrutiny. In fact, as a White rights protest and advocacy group,
the HF neatly fit the definition: " lawful advocacy, protest or
dissent." Such activity the CSIS Act emphatically says is NOT a
threat to national security.
Yet, CSIS and/or its political masters was out of control
then as now.
Bristow was a major source of funds for the HF. As we'll
show in upcoming evidence at the CSIS national security certificate
hearings for Ernst Zundel, Bristow frequently advocated violence against
Jews and anarchist opponents like the ARA. He organized some of the
harassment activities against the ARA, which increasingly deflected the HF
from a positive pro-White message and into the realm of petty street
violence -- the very thing that would discredit it and give the government
an excuse to move against it.
Bristow compiled a target list of prominent Toronto Jews.
He was far more than a mere informant or spy. He was a player, a strong
advocate of violence and lawlessness and an anti-Jewish agitator.
Amazingly, now he pops up to brief the Canadian Jewish
Congress. Bristow, it seems, was not just an information gatherer, but an
agent provocateur sent to destroy the HF.
It would be fascinating to have the following sentence
explained: "It also appears that the CJC played an integral role in
the demise of neo-Nazi groups of the time as well according to Bristows
report to the Executive."
Grant Bristow speaking at the Canadian Jewish Congress.
Grant Bristow at CJCONT
CJCONT should be commeneded for its initiative in having
former CSIS mole Grant Bristow present to the CJCONT Executive.
Bristow's role in the deconstruction of the Heritage front
has always been clouded with mystery. However, one thing remains for all intent and purposes there is no more heritage front.
Did Bristow do his job? It seems so. It alaso [SIC] appears
that the CJC played an integral role in the demise of neo- Nazi groups of
the time as well according to Bristows report to the Executive. Kol Hakavod.
Noa Polnachenska

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |