February 18, 2003
ZGram -
Where Truth is Destiny - Now more than ever!
Let's pull together and prioritize:
A most important, powerful audio has now been placed on the
home page of the Zundelsite. If you listen to it, you will understand who
Ernst Zundel is and what Ernst's Zundel's struggle is really all about.
Listen to it and pass the URL on to as many people as you can.
Ask them to link this audio to their website so as many
people as possible can listen to it.

Ernst Z�ndel - Setting the Record Straight.
- [Click here to
- 1 Hour - 22 Minutes
People trying to be helpful sometimes put out incorrect
information. Ernst Zundel did not "flee" from Canada. Ernst left
Canada after a very long and brave legal struggle and ONLY after the Human
Rights Tribunal ruled that "Truth is not a defense."
Even after we were married, he crossed the border two or
three times to close his office and business. As I remember it, I
accompanied him on at least one occasion. Please don't say he
"fled" Canada - Ernst does not flee from anyone, as far as we know
I know of Zundel supporters in at least two countries who
are planning to have Zundel demonstrations before US Embassies. I will try
to see if I can get more supporters involved for US Embassy demonstrations
in other countries.
B'nai Brith has just put out another screeching request not
to allow Ernst to return to Canada where he has lived for 42 years:
"B'Nai Brith urges government to block U.S.
attempt to return Zundel
"OTTAWA, Feb. 17 /CNW/ - B'nai Brith spoke today to
Denis Coderre, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, urging him to
ensure that Zundel be refused entry to Canada. The well known Holocaust
denier has been found in breach of human rights provisions in Canada and
anti-hate laws in Germany. Frank Dimant, Executive Vice President of B'nai
Brith Canada, asked the Minister to instruct the Canadian authorities to
deny Zundel entry in case of any unilateral action by the US. B'nai Brith
also contacted the US Ambassador to Canada, Paul Celluci, to seek his
intervention. "Canada cannot be a dumping ground for hatemongers,"
Dimant said.
A Zundel supporter explains:
"My personal theory is that Bnai Brith is just
putting on a show of mock 'outrage' that Zundel may be returned to Canada.
I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that Bnai Brith, CJC, SWC, etc..
have been applying 'behind the scenes' pressure to the US INS to have
Zundel removed from the USA. It's apparent they'd prefer he'd be sent
directly to jail in Germany, but since they realize that it's not too
likely that the USA would do something that outrageous and risk being seen
slavishly following jewish dictates, their alternate choice is to have him
returned to Canada where he can be further tormented and then deported to
Germany under some pretext.
"Bnai Brith is just engaging in 'plausible denial'
propaganda by issuing recurring press releases expressing great anguish at
the imminent prospect of being able to once again persecute their favorite
"The Canadian government has proven to be a most
pliable and convenient tool for the organized "Holocaust" lobby
to further their agenda. They can claim credit for "Hate" crime
laws, Human Rights Tribunals, "Holocaust" curricula, Internet
censorship, banned books lists, etc."
Contacts you can and should inform about this illegal and
outrageous arrest if Freedom of Speech is important to you. Make it short.
When you call or fax, say the following:
Under a Judge's order, Ernst Zundel has now been BARRED
from returning to the United States for 20 (!) on two grounds:
He missed an immigration hearing - 10 years!
He overstayed his visa - 10 years!
Soviet-Style persecution, isn't it?
Reiterate that he has been married to me, a naturalized US
citizen, for more than three years. All further information can be found on www.zundelsite.org
or by calling Mark Weber at the Institute for Historical Review at
949-631-1490 or, alternately, Dr. Robert Countess, a former US Army
Chaplain, at 256-232-4940
Other numbers and contacts:
Two Letters from Zundel Supporters:
First Letter:
If anyone on the planet needed yet one more verification
that what Mr. Zundel is revealing about history is true, one need go no
further than witness the incredible lengths to which his opposition will
go to silence him.
If anyone were to claim that the world is flat, or that
our sun really flies around the Earth, or that what we think is a moon is
really a hole in the universe, or that tides were caused by a bunch of
people in the middle of the ocean periodically blowing on the waters, or
that everything we've been told about history is true, there would be no
need to attempt to silence anyone advocating any of these since any such
person would probably claim to be Napoleon reincarnated also.
But just have someone have the audacity to ask for a shred
of proof regarding the fanciful, shameless, hateful claims made about some
aspect of the politically correct version of the history of WW2, and the
power of the silencers comes down with the force of a hammer on a mosquito
to intimidate and to try to prevent any further hint of said audacity on
the part of anyone else.
Thereby verifying the validity and accuracy of the obvious
total lack of evidence to support such preposterous claims and thereby
verifying the appropriateness of daring to ask for the shred of proof.
The truth will eventually emerge - the only question
remaining is when.
Second Letter:
All of us have been sitting out here for days, now,
scattered all over the country and the world, on pins and needles,
watching your e-mails by the hour, frustrated at being able to do
virtually nothing as your nightmare drama has played itself out. You have
been simply marvelous. Few of us would have had the inner strength to
persevere and accomplish what you have against such odds. I salute you!
For Ernst, I have been reminded of nothing so much as the
words of an earlier reformer and rebel who stirred the wrath of the Jews:
"...They shall lay their hands on you and
persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons,
being brought before kings and rulers for my names sake." And then,
on the fateful night, when the high priests and their henchmen came for
him, "This is your hour, and the power of darkness" (Luke
21:12, 22:53).
As fate would have it, however, I believe Ernst has been
supremely lucky! He could have been sent to Germany. Imagine how that
would have been, with him incommunicado in some dungeon, where you would
not have dared to set foot, for fear of immediate imprisonment yourself.
Now, of course, it falls to you and your legal counsel to
map out an action plan to try thwarting the last step in the deportation
process, from Batavia, New York. I would assume that an important step
might be getting that atrocious twenty-year ban reversed, through whatever
court is above the judge in question.
I am still hoping that you will try to launch a full-court
press and spark off a three-ring circus with the mass media, since they
alone (and not the Internet) have the resources to follow such a story and
its principals anywhere in the world, with cameras whirring and
microphones thrust into corrupt officials' faces.
It has been interesting to me that Ernst has retained a
certain celebrity status with them, which is crucial in their decisions on
whom to cover. I would think that one "angle" for you to take
might be that this is a replay of the old story of "The Man Without a
Country," Philip Nolan, I believe his name was.
At any rate, I want you to know that I await any
suggestions you may have for specific actions.
Your comrade in the struggle,
If you want to blitz specific media, a cyber activist has
put together some contacts for me:
- Los Angeles Times
- phone (213) 237-5000
- fax (213) 237-4712
- Chicago Tribune
- phone (312) 222-3232
- fax (312) 222-2598
- USA Today
- phone (703) 854-3400
- New York Times
- phone (212) 556-1234
- fax (212) 556-3622
- Washington Post
- phone (202) 334-6000
- fax (202) 496-3883
- Wall Street Journal
- phone (609) 520-4000
- fax (609) 520-7272
- ABC News
- phone(212) 456-1000
- fax (212) 456-5962
- CBS News
- phone (212) 975-4321
- fax (212) 975-1893
- CNN News
- phone (404) 827-1500
- fax (404) 878-0891
- Fox Newschannel
- phone (212) 301-3000
- fax (212) 301-4229
- Sacramento Bee
- phone (916) 321-1000
- fax (916) 321-1109
Don't forget to give Mark Weber's number as a media contact.
I simply can't handle all the calls and certainly don't have the time to do
any interviews.
Mark Weber's number is 949-631-1490 An Alternate is Dr.
Robert Countess. He is a former Army Chaplain, and his number is
Also, apparently media interviews are encouraged in the
Batavia area "Buffalo Federal Detention Facility" I don't have the
number, but reporters will know where to find it.
Thank you and stay alert!