June 23, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
Here comes my report about the Washington Times ad that hit
the newsstands yesterday. That ad is going to be the buzz of Washington,
D.C. today in many a place we could never have otherwise reached.

I just had a report from my volunteer webmaster that since
the ad appeared, we have had 33,557 hits - and this despite a Washington
Times misspelling of the URL that gave the zundelsite as sundelsite!
(On purpose? Naw! Couldn't be!)
Actually, a similar idea started way, way back - long before
Ernst was arrested. It has been percolating to the surface ever since.
When Ernst and I moved to the hills of Tennessee, we did so
with the understanding and resolve that we would rethink our struggle and
our mission and see where we could apply our energy and limited resources
best. We were dealing with some rather imponderable difficulties as well as
exciting challenges we had to reckon with and figure out how they could be
managed. What we wanted to do, plain and simple, was to spread more of the
Truth to more places and people, but in a different, more exciting way.
One of the "imponderables" was the state of
Revisionism itself. A lot of hard work had gone into the excavation and
forensic exposure of the Holocaust Lie - but all the skeletons in the
closets of our enemies had been unburied in painstaking, scientific work of
some two decades, and there was nothing more to uncover or dig out. We had
the evidence. We knew the Holocaust, as peddled by our enemies, was
fraudulent. How often do you re-excavate a site to find out what lies
buried? How often would we run like idiots and frantically start digging all
over again the moment some obscure "Holocaust Survivor" shrieked
"prove that it didn't happen!"? Why didn't we stop running, dig in
our heels, give them the Zundel Laser Stare, and say: "YOU prove it!
It's up to YOU to prove it. YOU prove it, once and for all! Or else, shut
up! We've had it!"
The task at hand was two-fold: Legitimizing
Revisionism,getting rid of the stigma - and stop being on the defensive. We
knew the truth would be far more seductive than the lie - at least for our
We badly wanted to move on. Ernst longed to paint, to plant
his potatoes, to live a normal life, to get to know our new relationship and
our neighbors - and to think, think, and think! He knew the hard, forensic
struggle had been won - what we were facing were barriers that had to do
with stigma, unjust stigma, much of which was fraudulently peddled as well.
For my part, I was tired of my ZGrams that drained away a lot of time - and,
frankly, I was tired of the Zundelsite because I felt it had outlived its
usefulness. There were now better, more focused Revisionist websites
availalable than mine - for instance, www.vho.org, www.ihr.org, and others.
- All the information was available, out on the Internet, with or without
me. I had done my part launching it in cyberspace, but now I longed for
something else. I had started working on a screenplay and wanted more time
for myself.
Additionally, I was dreaming of re-vamping my website,
making it more relevant to what I considered Stage Two: Building cohesion
among our wildly scattered groups, attracting more creative people, calling
for a moratorium on the disgusting sniping at each other by folks who should
be comrades, giving back pride to our guilt-ridden youngsters who walk bent
because of what their forebears never did but were accused of having done
for clearly self-serving, geopolitical reasons.
Thirdly, Europe was stirring - particularly Germany. In many
ways, the partly reunited Germany had all the earmarks of East Germany
before the Wall came crashing down: A lot of undertow. I mean - a lot! Atop
perched still a very jittery elite - with "bad conscience" clearly
written on their foreheads because they were beholden to elements who did
not have Germany's welfare and autonomy in mind.
This was not visible so much in Germany itself as one could
see reflected in the German-language foreign media that ran a lot of formula
articles that had the cookie-cutter look:
Opening paragraph: Of course we are guilty as hell. Shame on
our forefathers! Shame! Body of article: Durnit those wicked Revisionists!
All of them closeted Nazis! You know what they claim? They claim this and
that and the other. Shame on those folks. Shame! Shame! More shame! Closing
remark: Off to the woodshed we go! Where are the nearest Wiesenthalers?
You didn't hear them snicker, did you? All the revisionist
info was there, right in the body of the article. Discerning folks learned
long ago how to read between the lines. We all knew why those brackets of
political correctness were there - the politically correct opening
paragraphs, the politically correct conclusion - they HAD to be there, for
protection. You see the same tactic on websites - not merely dissident
They'll give you all the info, but the fig leaf is in place.
When I chide them, they say: "Please! Patience! One front at a
Fourth, there was Russia - and Putin. He is a mysterious
political leader. We didn't know of anybody who really managed to do a
concise, convincing reading on Putin's personality and political goals. But
we knew he speaks a fluent German, and what political chess moves he made
looked interesting and promising to people on the Right. Also - and this is
not always clearly spelled out in the West: Russia adores talented writers,
particularly novelists who understand how to embed important messages
artistically. I felt that I had some useful coin in having written about a
painful time in Russian/German history.
That, in a nutshell, was the frame of reference against
which Ernst and I discussed many times what we could do to take into account
these independent variables and make them work for us to bring History in
Accord with the Facts in a carefully planned, attractive but socially
responsible cultural offensive. I mean, let's face it - state-of-the-art
Revisionism is a bit stuffy. Who can get excited about a less-than-airtight
I was actually dreaming about a publicized trip to Russia
and perhaps manage to get myself invited to the Kremlin. For me, it would
have brought a circle to a close.
Then Ernst was arrested, and the arrest changed everything!
My husband was under such brutal surveillance that, sometimes, after he
finished talking to me on the telephone, with two guards standing at his
elbow and listening to every word, he was frisked as if he had caught
something forbidden. Maybe another politically incorrect thought that would
start sprouting in the still fertile Zundel mind? Horrors!
What was I to do - under the circumstances? I didn't have
any physical sorties - and wouldn't have known how to use them to blast away
the Lie. I had only our thoughts that Ernst and I used to bounce off of each
other. And, therefore, I said to myself: I need a thought sortie! Of the
right kind. Of the most effective kind! One that will hit where it counts
most - in every politically correct corridor of power!
That's when I started thinking of an ad.
To make it work full force, I needed a national paper.
At first, I had the Globe and Mail in mind, the only
Canadian paper I thought might give me a chance and let me place an
advertisement. However, a full page ad cost a hefty Can$ 53,000.00 - about
$40,000.00 in American dollars. I did not have that kind of money, but Ernst
and I had friends, and I thought we could get it together.
Well, PayPal pulled the plug on my pledge after I collected
a little more than $9,000.00.
My next choice was the Washington Times. This paper has a
circulation of 250,000 - to a respectable target readership!
I contacted them and told them what I had in mind. Would
they have trouble with that kind of an ad? It was political, I said, and it
was controversial.
No problem, I was told.
A full page ad would cost almost $12,000.00 for a prime
placement. A lot of money - but then, the pledges were close to the mark. I
couldn't quite believe my luck, but I started refining my message. I felt
that with the help of my internet friends, my plan was definitely
Next, I was told the ad was off!
There was a policy in place, I was informed, permitting them
to refuse any ad they did not think appropriate. No other explanation could
be given. Sorry!
"Too bad!" I told myself and a few others whom I
had taken into confidence about my plans. On to another front!
The next day, a surprise, and totally without my doing: The
ad was on again! After all, this was America. Free speech still reigned. The
Washington Times would run it - in their metropolitan daily, on Thursday,
full page.
At that point, I realized something I had not known before:
There were two versions of the Washington Times - a daily, distributed in
Washington, D.C., and a weekly condensation, distributed nationally. Which
one did I prefer?
It seemed to me a national version was more to my advantage
because for the same kind of money, I could even get a double spread. So I
said: "Let's go with the national version. I'm thinking
Fat chance! THEY turned me down!
Back to the Washington version - with a very queasy stomach!
And lo and behold, they were still willing. By then, it was Thursday, and
the ad was to run in the Sunday edition. They would even design it for me.
Let's just put it this way: I had my own ideas about how the
ad should look, which conflicted with the ad staff's ideas who chose the
most atrocious fonts and otherwise messed with my concepts. The hair was
bristling in my neck. The clock was ticking. Deadline was Friday noon.
I gently protested. They had botched up my ad! i couldn't
approve it that way!
I got them to work past the deadline. It was knots in my
stomach all the way - and the end result is not quite what I had in mind,
but very nearly so - Eureka! My ad appeared in all its glory yesterday!
That it appeared while the Barnes Review Conference was
still in session is sheer coincidence. Willis Carto read it to the
conference attendees. It got a strong applause!
Now back to Mr. Putin. It is true that I wanted, and still
want, to reach him - but what were my chances? Before the ad was even firmed
up, I faxed the Embassy of the Russian Federation and simply asked: How
would I go about delivering a personal message to the President of Russia? I
couldn't just ring the bell, could I?
A very courteous gentleman with the thickest Russian accent
called me back. Why not? Just come on over. Or else, just send it Priority
Which is what I did. My three novels about the tragic story
of the Russians and the Germans caught in the cauldron of the Hidden Hand
pulling the strings behind the scenes went out with a brief cover letter, to
be delivered before noon today. On one of its covers, it sports the Czarist
I can't imagine that it won't have an impact.
And now I'll lean back and just wait.
Will President Putin reply to our liking? Will he reply at
all? I must tell you honestly that I don't know. My heart tells me, yes -
but my mind tells me, no! It will depend on how beholden this mysterious
leader of that vast country is to our enemies and their own power base. It
will depend on who will come running, wringing hands in distress, warning
him not to reply - or else! What power our enemies, and theirs, wield over
Russia still, I do not know. I don't know what gestures President Putin can
afford, even if he might be favorably inclined.
But here is what's going to happen:
Somebody will tell him about the ad, about our request,
about Ernst Zundel, a Western Refusenik, now languishing in a Canadian jail
cell thanks to the underhanded, sly shenanigans at ministerial levels of
three important Western countries - Germany, Canada and the United States.
That is a powerful and politically extremely useful message
- not just for Russia and Germany. That message crosses not just borders but
ideologies. It may well bring together people from all walks of life who
might be willing to declare a moratorium about the differences between their
aims and ours and link arms for the sake of Freedom of Speech. I feel I do
not have to go to Russia with tears in my eyes and beg the President of
Russia to pry my husband from the clutches of his kidnappers who claim with
a straight face they run "democracies".
There's going to be a lot of influential diplomats in many
embassies in Washington, DC., who will prick up their ears about this
strange incarceration and brutal treatment of a Western dissident who isn't
guilty of a thing else except a wish to make his independent thoughts about
forbidden subjects available to others.
"What is it," they will ask, "about this
so-called 'Holocaust' that freaks out certain people? Why put him in prison
if he hasn't done anything bad. Could it be Ernst Zundel is right?"
All I can say, at this point, is that the rock has been
thrown in the pond, and there are going to be quite a few far-reaching
ripples. There will be many spin-off articles. There will be discussions in
highest echelons of many governments. There will be syndicated columnists
who are going to pick up this topic who wouldn't have dreamed of doing it
before. There might even be serious retaliation against me. I am well aware
of the danger. But somebody has got to speak out.
That's what I did - I spoke out. The outcome is still
written in the stars.
Thought for the Day:
"Germany has the most repressive laws in Europe to
enforce the state religion of German guilt for the Holocaust."
-Doug Christie, The Toronto Star, June 22

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |