June 3, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
Below is an important historical document that I will place
on the Zundelsite and preserve in our archives for scholars in the future.
It is Ernst's PRE-REMOVAL RISK ASSESSMENT, which is to pave the way
for deportation to Germany, if Zundel Enemies will get their way. Paul
Fromm, his legal representative, will take these papers tomorrow to Canadian
I would like to add a few words of something that I hardly
ever speak about in order not to hurt Ernst's feelings - but it needs to be
said in this context:
Ernst was a post-war child, which means he had an absolutely
atrocious childhood education - if "education" can even be
claimed. There were 93 hungry, frozen kids in his classroom. He had no
shoes, no warm clothing, very little food. Before he went to school and
after he came home, as the oldest son he was required to help his mother
fend for his siblings. He was a sickly child, with many lung infections,
that made him miss huge chunks of school days. He has often told me what
torture he had to endure to acquire what little formal education he could.
He was only allowed eight years of grammar school - his
parents were too poor to allow him to go on to higher education. The
language he spoke at home was the spoken-only Swabian dialect - so that, by
the time he got to trade school as a 17-year-old in another city, he had to
learn High German as a "foreign language." Two years later he
emigrated to Canada, where he immersed himself in English and French - his
third and fourth language. What I am saying is that Ernst is largely
self-taught - and when it comes to spelling, punctuation and even syntax,
such concepts have no meaning whatsoever for our brave Warrior for the
Worse yet, when I met him and tried to help him put his
truly independent and incisive political thoughts and conclusions into
proper English so as to make them understandable, I ran into the proverbial
brick wall! For some reason, he was extremely sensitive about the subject of
his atrocious compositions that make perfect sense in his head and in his
spoken language, and I found myself on the receiving end of many a furious
lecture that he had done just fine without me, thank you! - and please not
to mess with his output!
Was it Sam Goldwyn that treated the world to his amazing
dangling modifiers and such? Think of EZ when you think of Sam Goldwyn!
Now with me it was a bit different. I can't sing, I can't
paint, I can't swim - I cannot even cook! But I love language - words in a
proper sentence have profound life and meaning for me! As a small child in
World War II, I had the advantage of a grammarian mother/teacher who
threatened to scalp me if I lost or misplaced as much as a comma!
Additionally, in mid-adulthood, with no more than three years' worth of
grammar school, I managed to bully my way into an American University and
threatened to grow roots there unless I was provided a formal education.
When I am tired, my poor eyesight gets in the way of some spelling, but I
instinctively understand the power of words and try to apply the proper
grammar principles that govern the power of thought.
It has taken me years to convince Ernst that I really mean
well - and that I do not lord it over him if I do a bit of nipping and
Now, to my horror, I just realized this morning that one of
the most important documents of his life will be submitted in the original
Ernst Zundel Grammar Mode! I don't think there is still time to fix it - nor
is there opportunity.
I am letting you see, below, what I believe Ernst meant to
An iron rule of editing, a famous editor once told me, is
merely to rearrange and cut - but not to add, unless additions are so
marked. I cut and rearranged. I haven't added anything unless so indicated
in square brackets.
With that in mind, here is what is going to go into the
historical record:
Canadian Association for Free Expression
Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
Ph: 905-897-7221; FAX: 905-277-3914
Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director
June 3, 2003
Citizenship and Immigration Office, 6080 McLeod Road,
Niagara Falls, ON, L26 7T4
To Whom It May Concern:
I am the legal representative for Ernst Zundel and am
hereby delivering his Pre-Removal Risk Assessment which he has prepared
under very difficiult conditions in segregation, without pens, photocopy
access, or highlighters in the Metro West Detention Centre. His only
writing instrument has been a stub of pencil. This deprivation has
curtailed his ability to present a full and professional case.
I have had his pencil-written text transcribed for easier
reading. I have included the pencil-written original.
This is being presented under protest in light of the
degradation and deprivation he has suffered which have adversely impacted
his ability to fully present his case.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm
Ernst Zundel
Toronto West Detention Center
111 Disco Rd.
Box 4950
Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1M3
Tel: (905) 354-2143
Toronto 29.5.3
Citizenship and Immigration
6080 McCleod Rd. Unit #14
Niagara Falls, Ontario L2G 7T4
RE: Preremoval risk assessment.
To Whom It May Concern:
Friends filed the first set PRRA forms, filled out by me in
Niagara Falls, by personal delivery well within the required deadline.
With this letter, you will receive a second envelope of
commented [on] and highlighted documents, prepared by me in my jail cell at
best I could.
We are not allowed Post-It-Notes, no yellow [or]
other-colored highlighters, no staples and no binders. Please keep that in
mind when assessing these documents.
I will give you a list at the end of this letter of what
documents it contains.
You will be receiving a third set of documents, either
directly or via a Canadian friend, colleague or agent, sent to you by my
wife who lives in the United States. Please make certain that the caseworker
will receive all documents sent to you pertaining to me.
Now, to my submissions - why I fear harassment, persecution
and mental tortures by German Authorities:
Modern-day Germany is not an ordinary state evolved over the
centuries like France, England, Canada, Australia or America. Modern-day
Germany is an instrument for the subjugation and control of a conquered
population, created by the victorious Allied Military Powers, who were the
enemies of Germany in and after WWII.
The Allied Military Governors ruled their respective zones
of military occupation by military decrees. Only after the "Cold
War" developed did the victors in East and West create puppet states,
calling them "democratic" - which they [are] in name only!
In reality, their founding documents, like " Basic
Laws", were dictated to hand-picked, Allied-chosen founding groups of
politicians, so-called "democrats" in the West - and Socialists,
Marxists and Communists of every stripe in the East. The judiciary was
bequeathed by the Allies to the Germans by the same method - they
hand-picked the personnell for the police, the courts, the judges and the
prosecutors. Anyone who ignores the most basic facts of German's postwar
history cannot possibly claim to understand the modern German apparition
called the "Federal Republic of Germany".
[After the war], the Allies outlawed and weeded out all the
vestiges of Germany's initially democratically elected National Socialist
Party which governed Germany under "Emergency Laws" from 1933
-1945 - similar to Canada's "War Measures Act", modified in the
1970s by Pierre Elliot [Trudeau's] Liberal Government. Thus, the Allied
victors outlawed with the stroke of a pen Germany's governing political
elite and its governing institutions. Tens of thousands of Party and
Government personnel were arrested, jailed in prisons or Allied
concentration Camps taken over from the Germans. They were often starved,
tortured, beaten - tens of thousands died!
What replaced these people and their institutions were
hand-picked "Quislings", functioning [in] newly created
Allied-bestowed institutions - from village policeman to ordinary postmen.
That Allied-imposed and installed System has perpetuated itself in power in
East and West to this day. This situation did not change with the partial
reunification of 1989 after the collapse of the Communist "dictatorship
of the proletariat".
I am one of the many tens of millions of Germans who
understand this historic tragedy which befell Germany after 1945 and
comprehend the political realities - this legacy of our unconditional
surrender [militarily] created [by Allied occupiers] of Germans and Germany
"on the ground". The German "Quisling State" has
ruthlessly persecuted all those politically-aware Germans who wanted to
correct this abnormal situation by the spoken or written word, or by the
ballot box, ever since its creation.
In the 1970s, a global historical movement arose, called
"Revisionism", composed of academics, historians, writers, poets
[and] political and cultural leaders, who wanted to right the wrongs of the
postwar puppet state with [its] draconian, antidemocratic, repressive laws
and regulations, stifling freedom of speech and research. As this global
intellectual movement grew in importance and impact - especially in the
German ethnic and language states of Austria, Germany and Switzerland, [the
Allied-imposed government] advocated ever more anti-democratic laws and
measures to stop this attempt at peaceful, democratic self-assertion,
self-renewal and revision.
Soon, the courtrooms and then the prisons of these states
were filled with tens of thousands of nonviolent "Thought
Criminals". I was, and still am, one of the leading figures of this
Revisionist movement and process.
Thanks to Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms and also
Anglo-Saxon legal traditions, I won all my court cases involving Revisionist
publications, leaving me without a criminal record in Canada to this date.
Not so in Germany, where I was convicted for my thoughts and writings in
1995 under these anti-democratic laws. There exists [in Germany] no
meaningful Charter of Rights Guarantees, and no hate laws like in Canada,
where Truth is the ultimate defence of an accused person.
[Ingrid's comment: For readers not deeply immersed in the
Zundel struggle, this might be a bit confusing - it sometimes is to me!
Ernst was never charged, much less convicted, under Canada's Hate Laws,
because such a charge would have allowed him TO PRESENT HISTORICAL TRUTH
AS A DEFENSE IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. However, under the obscene Human
Rights Tribunal charges, which were ostensibly
"remedial/administrative" in nature, Truth was declared NOT to be
a defense. The only thing that mattered was that certain ethnically
privileged groups could assert that their feelings had been hurt and that
they detected "hate" in Ernst's writings! "HATE" was
never defined - and, in fact, when Zundel Defense Attorney, Doug Christie,
invited the Mayor of Toronto, Barbara Hall, to find one example of
"hate" on the the Zundelsite, she sat there with a purple face,
insisting that she could not find it - but she was sure she had seen it! It
was there! Yessir! Somewhere! On the Zundelsite! Even the mainstream media
mavens, always vilifying Ernst in their mendacious articles, do not
understand this important distinction. It has been claimed over and over in
the mainstream press and electronic media that Ernst Zundel was charged with
and convicted for hate crimes. Not so. The government of Canada refused to
go that route, despite all the screeching and hectoring by the Canadian
Jewish Lobby, knowing that the prosecution could not win if Historical Truth
WAS allowed as a defense. As Ernst wants to make clear below, in CRIMINAL
proceedings in Germany, however, Truth is no defense! And he would face CRIMINAL
In Germany, "TRUTH IS NO DEFENCE" under the
draconian hate laws [having been] used in the 1980s and the 1990s to
suppress and criminalize burgeoning Revisionism. Thus, all the things I said
and wrote and broadcast - perfectly legally, constitutionally protected in
Canada in my 45 years here as a writer and man of ideas - would be judged
pretty well all illegal in the repressive Germany of today.
Thus, as soon as it became known in German police and
judicial circles that I would be deported from the USA, a sweeping new,
Europe-wide arrest warrant, some 15 pages in length, was issued against me
on 17 February 2003, the day of my deportation from the USA, by a German
judge in the town of Mannheim. A German Embassy official, Mr. Adelt in
Ottawa, told the Canadian media that I would be promptly arrested, tried,
convicted - and that a minimum of five years imprisonment would be my fate
the moment I set foot on German soil!
I have gone through the farce of German legal proceedings in
Munich and elsewhere before, where no rules of evidence like in Canadian
Criminal proceedings apply, and where no Court stenographer takes down
verbatim transcripts of the proceedings. Thus, none of my expert witnesses,
qualified as such by Canadian judges in lengthy Canadian legal proceedings
in the 1980s as Court recognized experts, were accepted by German Courts.
Neither were any of my exculpatory historical documents allowed as evidence
in these same subject matter German legal proceedings.
To answer your questions 1 to 5 in your publication
"preparing my PRRA application" on page 4 and 5:
1. Why would I be at risk if I was returned to my country
of nationality or habitual residence?
The answer is simple: Because my thoughts and beliefs
based on decades of thorough research [all perfectly legal in Canada]
would be considered criminal thoughts and illegal beliefs in Germany
2. What kinds of risks would I face and why?
Even if I did not utter a single word about my beliefs and
thoughts after returning to Germany, there are millions [of these words]
by me and about me in dozens of books, booklets, letters, articles and
films on hundreds of web sites on the world- wide Internet, for which the
German Authorities not only could but will charge me criminally, once
[they have me] in their clutches. The instruments used would be the very
anti-democratic freedom of speech and freedom of research suppressing laws
introduced in the 1980s and 1990s.
This being a fact - and not just some paranoid fear - I
would be in jail in Germany not for what I might say after I arrived
there, but for what I [said], wrote, published and broadcast perfectly
legally and constitutionally protected in Canada and the United States in
my 45 years on the North American continent. The situation is grotesque.
3. How do these risks concern me personally and directly?
See above.
4. How is my situation similar to or different from the
rest of the population in my country of nationality and habitual residence?
Let me answer this two-part question this way:
How is my situation similar to the rest of the population
in my country of nationality and habitual residence? Over 130,000 Germans
have been charged, tried and convicted to huge fines [up to] DM 50,000 -
DM 30,600 in my case - and to long prison terms since 1989 [including
foreigners living there or visiting only] in modern-day Germany, if they
[spoke], wrote or published similar views to my own.
How is my situation different from the situation of the
rest of the population? All those who are politically and historically
disinterested, ignorant or ill-informed who have not had the benefit of
free inquiry we enjoy in Canada and America, are all safe. Ignorance is
not only "bliss" in this case - in modern Germany, ignorance
means freedom from persecution through judicial prosecution.
5. If I moved to another city or region of my country,
would I be able to escape the risks for which I am applying for protection?
The answer is shockingly simple: Not only would I be not
safe from persecution in the smallest hamlet or town anywhere in Germany,
I would be subject to arrest and extradition to Germany in any of the
European communities comprising states - all of which have to honour
Germany's arrests, warrants, and extradition requests! Only England and
Ireland have not complied [in honoring these requests] in the case of
British Historian, David Irving.
6. One important note for the caseworker: Since I have
only lived 19 years [one-third of my life] in the country of my birth,
Germany, but 45 years [with 2 years interruption] in Canada, I can rightly
claim Canada to be my country of habitual residence, rather than Germany.
You will understand that it is extremely difficult for me
from a Maximum Security, 24-hour lockup facility to marshal all the proofs
I would, were I free and not in prison! However, I think my case is so
well known, documented by thousands of articles, interviews, news casts
and court judgments, that if you find the evidence is not sufficient, then
nothing more I could have sent in or supplied you with would make much of
a difference.
I am being railroaded on behalf of the powerfully
connected Zionist-Jewish Lobby, for whom the Government of Canada once
more, as so many times before, seems [to act] like mere errand boy. These
powerful Zionist-Jewish groups have been at the bottom of every one of my
court cases in Canada - all the way up to the Supreme Court. Read the
names on the Supreme Court decisions of those who persecuted and
prosecuted me. They are not French Canadian, Italian, Black or Indian
Groups - they are always the Government-backed Jewish Lobby Groups. They
have had one goal as their chief agenda - to criminalized me, to deport me
to Germany for further "treatment".
- Written in Segregation Cell #6, High Security Tract
- Toronto West Detention Center
- 29.5.03
- Ernst Zundel [signed]
Seven-page letter explaining why I would [be] persecuted,
prosecuted, i.e., mentally tortured and abused if I was deported back to
Two pages - list of documents.
Five pages of short, biographical overview of my work.
Four pages, short article, "Zundel's Crimes of
Opinion" by French Canadian academic Pierre Lemieux.
Four-page Affidavit [by] Ingrid Rimland about the real facts
of the ownership of Zundelsite.org.
Five-page article about "Political Correctness" in
Germany by South African writer Claus Nordbruch.
Ten-page article about the German legal system by Germar
Rudolf, entitled "Flaws of State under the Rule of Law".
Nine-page article entitled, "Censorship in Germany?
Never! Unless ..." by Anton Magerle.
45-page article about "Outrage in Germany - Police
Consider Using Torture" by The Guardian, U. K., John Hooper, Berlin
Two-page letter by Dr. Robert Faurisson, proving persecution
of Revisionists in Germany.
One-page letter of encouragement by three Parisians in
One-page [supportive] letter by Frank MacDonald, Canadian
War Veteran.
One-page [supportive] letter by Rolf Dieckmann, Canadian War
Two-page article in National Post, 21 February 03, pointing
out that I will be arrested immediately and imprisoned for five years if I
step on German soil.
Three-page article, Globe and Mail.com, February 21, 2003,
pointing out I will face persecution in Germany.
Two-page article in Globe and Mail.com, February 19, 2003,
Re: Persecution in Germany.
One-page article in Toronto Star, February 19, 2003, same as
Two-page article, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, February 20,
2003, showing Jewish Lobbying efforts to have me deported to Germany,
charged there under their hate laws, etc.
Two-page article in Boston Globe, 21.2.03, showing that I
will be persecuted after being deported to Germany.
One-page article in Canada News Wire, February 20, 2002,
showing B'nai B'rith Lobbying against me.
Two-page article by Bryan Carnell, December 1, 2000,
explaining anti-democratic repressive German Internet Censorship activities,
book banning, etc.
Six-page Supreme Court Decision [dated August 27, 1992] in
my 9 years' litigation, which I won, about the publication Did Six Million
Really Die? which explains Germany's policies toward the Jews and
[documents] the lack of a German genocidal policy.
Ten pages of documents, new "Arrest and Warrant"
in Germany of 17.2.03, explanation of German Laws under which they intend to
arrest me, should I end up in Germany.
These translations show clearly the totally different
[German government] wording of their hate laws - laws so obscure and bizarre
that no equivalent exists in Canada or elsewhere in the civilized world -
[with charges] like "insulting the memory of the dead",
"denying acts of National Socialist Government", etc. The
documents clearly show that I will face decades of persecution should I be
deported to Germany - as every Jewish Lobby Group demanded for 25 years!

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |