March 8, 2004
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
Have we found the smoking gun? It surely looks like it.
Perhaps one of many.
So as not to give away important parts of our strategy to
free Ernst Zundel from the clutches of his deadly enemies who thought that
they could pull a fast one, I can only give you a chronological outline, but
it will be enough for you to draw a few conclusions. It could well be that
it's now count-down time for our enemies - and isn't it high time?
Here is a chronolgical hologram of sorts. If you stare at it
long enough, you'll see the neo-cons of Canada involved in a political
abduction that could well lead to their demise - and perhaps even prison.
* After our marriage on January 19, 2000, Ernst and I filed
papers in June for Adjustment of Status. We moved to Tennessee is August of
* The application only reached the Memphis INS office on
October 4, 2000 because it was mistakenly (?) sent to the Texas INS office
by our then attorney. Our application, however, was accepted by Memphis INS
and followed up by requests for the usual steps needed to ascertain
Adjustment of Status leading to Permanent Resident status - namely FBI
fingerprinting, a health check, obtaining a work permit, a social security
number, receiving a permit to leave and re-enter the United States etc.
* By the spring of 2001, the only last step missing was an
interview with an INS official verifying that we were legally married and
had taken up permanent residence in Tennessee.
* About that time, an FBI official suddenly appeared in the
door of our garage, stating "Your 'friends' in Canada have sent us your
file�" and asked if he could have "a few words" with Ernst.
On the advice of our attorneys, Ernst had been cautioned to make sure to
have a lawyer present during interviews with government officials. Shortly
thereafter, a three-and-a-half hour interview took place in the Knoxville
FBI office. At the conclusion of that interview, the FBI agent told Ernst
that he had studied the Zundelsite - still the bone of contention with the
ongoing Canadian Human Rights Tribunal - and had found nothing that was
* Also in the spring of 2001, a stranger intruded on our
property, taking pictures of our home, especially the back of the house
where our offices are. Ernst's sister, who was housesitting since we were
attending a convention, managed to chase him away. She described the
intruder as "blubbery, with greasy hair and an audacious smirk."
Does that remind you of some folks we know?
* Within days of that incident, a very offensive website
appeared - a clear attempt to discredit us in the eyes of our supporters.
Among other things, a photo was used on that website that must have come
from a pile of photos Ernst used to copy and send to supporters. It had been
lying on his desk. We soon knew who had stolen that picture - somebody who
was friends with someone who had harassed us intermittantly with mail that
had offensive racist slogans glued to the outside of his envelopes - a clear
attempt to discredit us as "racists" with our local postal service
and, indirectly, in the neighborhood.
* As my Zgram readers know, in June of 2001 we had that
fateful first appointment for the INS interview that our attorney canceled
because of an alleged time conflict on his calendar. Our lawyer sent a
letter, asking to have the interview rescheduled, followed up by a second
letter repeating the request. Through the Freedom of Information Act, we
found out that both these letters are missing in the INS Memphis files, even
though the second letter was sent "return receipt requested." We
have the original Postal return receipt card, showing that INS Memphis
received it.
* In September of 2002, an Arab-Canadian, Maher Arar, was
intercepted by U.S. officials with the help of the Canadian spy agency, CSIS,
and turned over to Syrian officials to be tortured to obtain information on
the Canadian-Arab community.
* In November of 2002, Ernst's Jewish detractors registered
the Human Rights Tribunal decision against the Zundelsite with the Canadian
courts. Why only then? Did they know of Ernst's pending arrest? Was it a
tit-for-tat arrangement where Canada helped the U.S. in snaring Maher Arar,
and the U.S. did them a favor in return?
* And sure enough - on February 5, 2003 Ernst was
unexpectedly and brutally arrested and has been held in maximum detention in
Canada ever since, allegedly because he is a "threat to Canada."
* Shortly thereafter, I received an overseas call from a
long-time friend and a very reliable source who told me that someone "�at
the highest levels of the U.S. government" had let slip that "�a
favor was done to several" in Canada by Ernst Zundel's arrest. I filed
this information in the back of my head because we really had no proof.
* Throughout 2003 and into 2004, all my attempts to get any
information whatsoever out of the Memphis INS office regarding Ernst's
arrest were stonewalled to a degree that was surreal. In desperation, I
finally engaged two individuals to help us as private detectives. Through
the Freedom of Information Act (and a similar Act in Canada) we discovered
some suspicious faxes and e-mails, both between Canada and the U.S.
officials of various departments, but also between officials and the U.S.
To make a very long, complicated story short, let's just say
that some but not all of these emailed or faxed documents have been leaked
prematurely on the Internet by a person who meant well but did not check
with me, which was unfortunate - but may well force the issue.
Be that as it may, these documents show irrefutable CSIS
involvement in the 2003 abduction as early as March 2001 - two months BEFORE
the first interview Ernst is alleged to have "missed" - and on
which his arrest and subsequent abuse has been based.
I have been asked: Are these documents authentic? Yes, they
are. They are Freedom of Information Act documents. I have them in my
possession and have sent letters and copies to our various attorneys as well
as private scouts with whom I am still working.
For the Sherlock Holmes's on our list, some leaked emails
look like this:
To: Bleiwas-Oakes.: ils@8604BCZ@CINA From: Taylor.Ian@604BCZ@CINA
Cc: Deschenes.Claudettte@8601BCD@CINA, Rikhof.Joseph@8614bcw@CINA, Gauthier.Annette@8601BCD@CINA
Subject: Re: Fwd: Zundel: Permanent Resident of the US
Date: 3/21/01 11:49 AM
Thanks Sheila.
Claudette, I am not sure if you will see Dan Cadman or
someone else in INS in Washington. I fpossible, could you ask them to
confirm if Ernst Christoff Zundel (24 July 1939, Germany) is in fact an
Alien Resident of US now, as per info from Service and in media. He was
landed in Canada in 1958 but has been denied CC as you knoq. If we can
confirm his US residence we may be able to strip him of his PR in Canada.
Many thanks, Ian
Ian Taylor, Director Security Review BCZ), Case Management
Branch, NHQ TEL 613-952-6336 CELL 613-795-8192 613-952-6825
---Original Text---
From: Bleiwas-Oakes.Sheila@8604BCZ@CINA, on 03/20/20001
11:29 AM
fyi. This info is from CSIS and also
"Solicitor-client privilege". It might be a good idea to get
the confirmation from your US contacts.
Sheila Bielwas Oakes Analyst Security Review (BCZ) Tel
(613) 954-6615 Fax (613) 952-6825
----- From: Redden.Rosemarie@8602BCM@CINA on 3/9/01 8:59
AM To: Bleiwas-Oakes.Sheila@8604BCZ@CINA, taylot. Ian@8604BCZ@CINA
----- Original Text -----
From: Yurack.Paul@8850BLD@CINA, on 03/08/2001 5:43 PM
To: ybb cc, mam, Redden.Rosemarie@8602BCM@CINA, Rikhof.Joseph@8614bcw@CINA
Protected Solicitor - Client Privilege / Protege -
Secret professional de l'avocat
DLSU File No.:
Just a quick heads-up. I received a letter from CSIS
Legal Counsel, Murray Rodych, which indicates that Mr Zundel has moved
to the United States where he now resides permanently with his wife.
This may provide CIC with grounds for potential enforcement action
under s. 24 of the Immigration Act.
Paul A Yurack, Counsel/Avocat Legal Services /
Services Juridiques Citizenship And Immigration / Citoyenne et
Immigration Tel: (613) 957-5996 Fax: (613) 952-4744 Internet:
[email protected]
Once these emails were posted on various websites, Internet
Service Provider Bernard Klatt wrote the following informative letter to
Kirk Makin, ace reporter for the Globe and Mail:
Globe and Mail
Attn: Kirk Makin
Re: CSIS Internal Security Compromised ?
Dear Mr. Makin, Thank you for the one of the few
reasonably objective commentaries on Ernst Zundel's continued
imprisonment. (
EL06/Comment/Idx )
As one of the persons named in the CSIS unclassified
"summary" re: Zundel, I have some interest in following this
case. Yesterday I noticed a posting at
that purports to be a partial release of CSIS/CIC secret,
intelligence-related, internal emails regarding Ernst Zundel.
It appears someone forwarded a large collection of emails
to Bill White ( If real, this could prove to be an enormous
embarrassment for CSIS (which prides itself on having 'security'
expertise) because it could mean that CSIS has been penetrated by a
'mole/spy' who managed to collect 4 years of email regarding Ernst Zundel.
If this person managed to collect CSIS/CIC email regarding
Zundel, it is highly likely that they also managed to collect CSIS/CIC
secret, intelligence-related, internal e-mails regarding other persons or
topics as well.
Or.. it could mean that the much vaunted CSIS 'security'
expertise has been severely compromised by an outside hacker. Perhaps one
of the CSIS agents PC's has a keyboard logger/trojan installed on it and
is being accessed remotely by a hacker.
Either way, there is tremendous potential for an
investigative reporter to get a really interesting story here. Perhaps you
would be interested in following up this lead?
--Bernard Klatt
The following is, apparently, from Paul Fromm, although it
came to me a bit garbled:
"I did do Google searches on all the CSIS/CIC names
mentioned and they are definitely real. The attached Word document is what I
found via Google and contains the fixed up email addresses for the agents.
The stuff posted on contains spelling errors and most of the
agents email addresses are incomplete. The last 5 characters (@CINA) needs
to be expanded to ( CINA.CIC.GC.CA ) to form a valid email address.
I see Paul Yurack sent the following email to ybb Yaron
suggesting "grounds for potential enforcement action under s. 24 of the
Immigration Act." The first name "Yaron" is a distinctly
Israeli/Jewish male name. Is it too late for Peter Lindsay to attempt to
determine the identity of this "Yaron" individual? Is there some
reason CIC counsel Yurack, needs to be emailing an Israeli/Jewish person
regarding Zundel?
From: Yurack.Paul@8850BLD@CINA, on 03/08/2001 5:43 PM To:
ybb cc, mam, Redden.Rosemarie@8602BCM@CINA, Rikhof.Joseph@8614bcw@CINA
Protected Solicitor - Client Privilege / Protege - Secret professional de
l'avocat DLSU File No.:
Yaron, Just a quick heads-up. I received a letter from
CSIS Legal Counsel, Murray Rodych, which indicates that Mr Zundel has
moved to the United States where he now resides permanently with his wife.
This may provide CIC with grounds for potential enforcement action under
s. 24 of the Immigration Act. Paul A Yurack, Counsel/Avocat
If ybb Yaron is on staff at CSIS or Citizenship and
Immigration Canada (CIC), there should be a reasonable apprehension of bias
due to his apparent Israeli/Jewish identity. Or.. is ybb Yaron someone on
staff at the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Simon Weisenthal Centre, B'nai
Brith, or the Israeli embassy, etc..? If so, why is Yurack e-mailing him
about Zundel?"
Section 24 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
states: "A foreign national who, in the opinion of the officer, is
inadmissible or does not meet the requirements of this Act, becomes a
temporary resident if an officer is of the opinion that it is justified in
the circumstances." It would appear that Paul Yurack may have
contemplated that, by a given date, Mr. Zundel might have lost his landed
immigrant status, and, therefore, be subject to much more arbitrary
All this bears questioning in Court.
What do you say to all of this? What do I say? Just one
small question for inquiring minds who want to know:
CSIS Legal Counsel, Murray Rodych, mentioned in the emails,
is the very attorney aiding Mr. MacIntosh, lead counsel of the government.
One of the reasons claimed for refusing Ernst bail and keeping him in
Canada's Guantanomo Bay equivalent prison is that a great to-do was made by
Mr. MacIntosh and Murray Rodych that Ernst allegedly "flouted"
U.S. Immigration by having missed an interview.
What role did CSIS Legal Counsel, Mr. Murray Rodych, play to
have that interview canceled- and letters from the files disappear?
There will be more, you may be sure. Stay tuned.
===== ===== =====
Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His
prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence.
Take a look - and tell a friend.

Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-4284
Fax: (613) 992-4291
Email: [email protected] |