Nov 4, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
I'd like you to do me a favor. Write a nice, polite and
cultured letter to the Editor of the Washington Times, thanking him for
running the three full-page ads on behalf of Ernst Zundel - particularly for
his courage for running the two Holocaust graphics- a first in a major
circulation paper in America! I received tons of accodades for having
accomplished that feat!
The email to the editor is [email protected]
**Your letter will be considered for publication, provided
you include your name, address, and a phone number where the editor can
reach you.***
Tell him how much you appreciate that there is still a
semblance of free speech in America - unlike in most other places on earth.
Say anything else you like - but please, show class. I
always worry about our hotheads, especially the young, who have adopted the
filthy vocabulary of our enemies when they let loose about their feelings
regarding our enemies. Please don't. It is unworthy of us - and we CAN win
by mere example of restraint.
Also ask him if there is a chance the Washington Times will
do a feature on me and my struggle to get my husband back to Tennessee - and
what they think regarding censorship. I have a special plan I will put into
operation after Christmas if nothing gives before the Holidays. For that,
I'll need some media coverage.
Why am I asking you to do that? You won't believe this - and
please don't laugh! - but my third ad, along with three other items, has
been confiscated by Canada Customs to be investigated as "hate
I kid you not! Are you laughing - or crying? Poor Canada!
Boy, how afraid our enemies are that the Canadian people
will find out the truth about the kidnapping of Ernst Zundel - and who was,
in all likelihood, the mastermind behind it! We are slowly getting together
what we will need to unravel the mess - and, chances are, the people who
were probably involved in these nefarious shenanigans are running some nifty
non-profits - in other words, feeding at the Canadian taxpayers' trough!
I'll let you know as soon as we know more.
Here is what happened. I had planned to do a repeat of my
ads and had asked my friend, who is quite savvy on the Internet, to see if
he could spend some time either getting me back on Paypal or finding an
alternative system where people could donate by using their credit cards. I
sent a global priority envelope to this friend that contained the following
"hateful" items:
_____ Washington Times Ad #3
Two booklets containing reprints of legal documents, to
_____ Booklet #1 titled "Ernst Zundel - The Arrest
of America's Refusenik: A Chronology of Events Leading to the 'Legal'
Kidnapping of a Pacifist"
_____ Booklet # 2 "Ernst Zundel -The Arrest of
America's Refusenik" (with subtitles as follows) Motion Filed: Why
the Transfer to Canada was Illegal Ernst Zundel's Prison Affidavit The
Political Kidnapping of my Husband, Ernst Z�ndel Dear President Putin
_____ One voided check (for bank reference)
_____ Can$200.- in cash
These hair-raising items are now in the hands of the
Kanadian Kommissars! We will know in a couple of weeks if they need to be
burned - which is what they do with items the censors don't like. Some years
ago they already burned a whole sack full of "Furies" - my
autobiography telling how I raised a handicapped child, a title that was
published in 1984, *ten years* before I ever heard of Ernst Zundel!
I'm sure I will be able to tell you more in days and weeks
to come.
FOR ANY DONATION OF $10 or more, you will get a frameable
copy of a sketch produced in prison.
Checks, cash, or money order are okay. I am working on the
credit card situation since PayPal kicked me off after I raised $9,000 in
just a few days for a full-page ad in a major Washington paper.
Make your check payable to Ernst Zundel and send it to:
Ingrid Zundel, Ed.D. 3152 Parkway, Suite 13, PMB 109
Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 USA

Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755
Email: [email protected] |