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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of March, 1998. Very touching. I will always remember and so will the future judge us on how we deal with the past.
It is very important that no one ever forgets what happened before and during the Second World War. I remember my parents, who both served in the Air Force telling me of the unspeakable crimes and treatments that took place at that time. I pray that it never happens again to anyone. The courage and faith that the Jewish people showed was remarkable to say the least. Thank you for sharing your history with the world. Sheila McCool
How disappointing to think that there are those in our society that continue to challenge historical facts. As a college student I was incredibly fortunate to have actually visited some concentration camps in Poland. Thank you for reminding me and others of the evil the human race is capable of.
Never Forget. That is what this is all about. We must bear witness to the most terrible time in the history of "man." From the ashes we must build. Having visited Dachau, seeing the "picnic" attitude of many youth who did not understand what had happened only a short time ago, I was in disbelief. Now they build luxury condos overlooking, abutting the camp and I wonder, are we destined to see this hatred consume us again? I am proud of my heritage. I will fight to make sure that the world does not forget. This will not happen again if we accept who we are, be proud of who we are, and do not repeat the mistakes of generations ago... in Mitzraim... we were so eager to be like our neighbors, that we assumed their habits and identity. Never Again will we do this.... if we learned our lesson.
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May all who remember this never forget, for we must not let our children repeat this horror. "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." -- Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Right now in my school,we're learning about the Holocaust. I think it's a very tragic thing. These people suffered. And I think this is a good way to remember what happened and bring it all back to memory. And if you don't know to much about it,you should really learn about it. It's something very sad and interesting.
I think that the things that happen during this time is to be a lesson to be look on.This is the time that we were seen buy all as the news reel and more people being able to get to the places that befor would be unheard of. I am so sorry that the people were treated that way by anybody but what if the American Indian had been look at the same way, would there be people trying to make banks in the U S pay the Indian? Do the people know that the first rapid firing gun was used on the people of the Sioux Nation in S D. The largest mass hanging in the US was to the Sioux people in MN.I pray that the world will stop and look at what we do to each other and try and live together as one Remeber the earth donot belong to us-We belong to the earth.
While in Germany a year ago, we took our sons to Dachau. We wanted them to see what happens when human beings go bad. We can not forget! Thank you for your effort toward keeping history from repeating itself!
Thankyou so much for creating this page, I have been trying to do research on some family history and have hit many stone walls as am very new at computers and live in a n area of limitedaccess to many of these materials. Thank you for making these all available.
I cannot believe people are so unable to face the fact that the holocaust did happen. To the survivors, My children will know the facts. May we never forget. PEACE.
It is fascinating that all this evil rained down from a man that could barely get out of bed in the morning, waffled terribly, and loathed making decisions -- Hitler would have rather played catch with his dogs. The incredible chaos and mismanagement of his government helped lead to the large and quick array of 'solutions' to the 'jewish problem,' as all his cronies fought for his favor in their grisly game of toping each other's mass murders. It is ironic that he killed himself by swallowing cynide _while_ shooting himself -- the two ways in which most of the victims of his programs met their ends. A note: history seems to have forgotten the notorious expirements by the Japanese on the Chinese during WW2 ... next web project?
This is a needed home page as the phrase "Never forget" should never be forgotten. Hope to be here often!
thank god my family got out
This site is a great thing. People to know about the horrendous things that happened during the Holocaust. There is more information in this than I have ever seen. Thank you for enlightening me on this terrible subject.
I understand that your plight is similar to mine with time being a major difference, Your site also expresses to me that I to must remember so that it will never happen again. Thank You
Very moving, it reminds us to remember and not forget.
I look forward to gaining new insight into this painful chapter in history. It may be difficult to maintain a civil dialogue with holocaust deniers (pseudo-historians.) C'est la vie.
Honestly, I think it's a great shame that projects like this one are necessary to keep the truth of the Holocaust alive. But it certainly is necessary, so long as there are people who wish to deny history. I wish you well in your efforts to keep the record honest.
The point of remembering the Holocaust is not to only remember the past, but to remember that it still goes on today. It is not a Jewish problem, it is a human problem. It is in remembering that we understand the fruits of ignorance and hate and think again about how we look at and treat our neighbors. It is by some kind of misbegotten brilliance that a Hitler comes to power. It is by sheer ignorance and stupidity that a crazed conqueror can write, but can't read or understand the history that repeatedly shows in the end he will lose his mission and his life.
Thank you for this site and let be known that those that share in this past pain will always remember those that gave there life, and the generations to come will always carry this pains to never forget our people and what they have suffered in the hands of others.
thank you for your commitment to oppose the Nazi apologists. When ever we human beings forget the past we tend to get to repeat it ( A rough paraphrse of a famous quote ) In Oliver BC Canada there was a recent effort to promote the so called free speech. In a world where freedom has no true guarantees it should be remembered that with freedom come responsibility to the truth whether we like it or not. Truth is often unpleasant. If there is one thing I could ask it would be to help the world remember that genocide has happened more than once this century and we all do well to remember the nameless wherever they might be and whoever they might be. Keep strong to be faithful and never forget mercy Steve MacLeod Penticton BC Canada
In choosing to refute rather than censor, you have made the best choice - the only choice that will make sure it never happens again. (The Nazis began by burning the books of people that they dissliked.) The world turns on people who are vigilant, like the creators of this website. Thank you from all of us whose ancestors made the supreme sacrifice to fight the Nazis.
Downunder in Australia I watch with interest as those who prosper by promoting the interests and agenda of the holocaust industry accelerate the demise of this political tool with their efforts to provide evidence and proof of "gas chambers", "genocide" against the "Jews" and "six million" victims killed. Have you forgotten the "human soap", "gas chambers" at Dachau, "lamp shades from human skin", coloured smoke from crematoria, blood squirting from the ground, etc etc, etc etc . Tales of the fantastic, rediculous and absurd. Shall we ignore the millions of so called "survivors" of the "holocaust" claiming reparations around the world including here in Australia. Shall we ignore the contradictory testaments of those who did not see the "holocaust" though they experienced the same place and time. Shall we ignore the increasing numbers of individuals around the world jailed and fined for expressing an opinion. What truth ever needed the protection of the law ? Still not a single meaningful document, no plans, no autopsy reports and no weapon. You are undoubtedly extraordinary people to persue such a waste of human effort. Though your activities are incomprihensible to all honestly informed and rational beings I am both grateful and entertained. Through truth is found freedom.
This is a great site
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Very interesting site! Although I have been looking to the Shoah-theme for al long time, I discovered the link to this site recently on the Bonhoeffer-Homepage. I am a Lutheran Pastor at Flossenburg, Germany,Bavaria. Here was a Concentration Camp from 1938 to 1945. Bonhoeffer was hung here.
Thank you for providing another resource for those of us who are teaching about the holocaust.
Not enough S.S. died.
In rendering his judgment on the crimes of the Einsatzgruppen Justice Michael Musmanno noted how difficult it was to comprehend a million murders. He was forced to break it down into the hundreds of individual reports of the murders an stated when one "observes the small numbers getting larger, climbing into ten thousand, tens of thousands, a hundred thousand and beyond, then one can at last believe that this actually happened -- the cold-blooded, premeditated killing of one million human beings." Likewise, no single book or website or bit of evidence can define the Holocaust. I hope this site can become another of those "individual reports" that can make the true horror of the Holocaust understandable. --Yale & Wendy Edeiken
Wherever books will be burned, men also, in the end, are burned." Heinrich Heine, 'Almansor' 1823. - - - "Bigotry tries to keep truth safe in its hand With a grip that kills it." Sir Rabindranath Tagore, 'Fireflies' 1929 - - - "Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153 of the Constitution are invalid until further notice. Restrictions on the freedom of the individual, the right to free speech, including freedom of the press and the right of assembly and to form groups, infringements on the secrecy of post, telegraph, and telephone communications, house searches, confiscation and limitation in property ownership over and above the previously legally specified limitations are now permissible." 'Presidential Order for the Protection of the State and People.' Signed on February 28, 1933 by Adolf Hitler one month after becoming Chancellor. - - -
Thanks for being here. I am hoping to connect my students for research into the Holocaust in the upcoming school year. Jay
It is always good to see another way in which the truth can be told, since it is only in forgetting it, or in deliberately denying it, that we fail to learn from it.
This website is yet another reason for me to be proud that I call Jamie McCarthy my friend. It's impressive work, as always. Best wishes for the future.
Your website is certainly a big improvement over the sleazy, vulgar and unprofessional Nizkor project. To that extend I offer my congratulations! I would however like to see the following addressed: If x = 4 million, then x [Auschwitz] + y = 6 million [total]. However, if x is reduced to 1.5 million, then it follows that x [Auschwitz] + y = 3.5 million [total]
One thing really amazes me: is it possible that people who have at least some knowledge of the true nature of the Gas Chambers myth (even though they prefer to defend it to the end) are not able to measure the future consequences of this "kamikaze" strategy ? How short-sighted can you get ?
I like reading thoughtful essays on this subject, whoever writes them and whichever point of view they take. I am not surprised that Messrs. Green and McFee are contributing. Good creative work, even if I disagree on some points. Good luck, and remember to avoid invective. Best!
My congratulations on demonstrating what I've always admired you for, Jamie- an affinity for programming, and the ability to put together a professional looking site. Now, down to business. I invite your response to this, the only question I have for you as of now; What is not offered, or offered in an adequate manner, by the Nizkor site (to whom you've dedicated hundereds(?) of hours in the past), which certainly has the technical resources and established internet presence to relay your message? In other words- If you suddenly feel the need to publish new holocaust related material on the web, why do so on a brand-new site? Nizkor just doesn't cut it anymore? Do they carry too much political baggage now? Did you have a "falling-out" with Mr. McVay...? In any event, good luck with THHP. We at the SRRS appreciate your efforts. Best Regards, Lawrence Editor, Student Revisionists' Resource Site
Greetings from Adelaide Institute. I welcome you will take on Prof Faurisson's challenge: "Show me or draw me a homicidal gas chamber". I visited Auschwitz in April 1997 - and failed in this task. Perhaps you can help me out by showing or drawing me the homicidal gas chamber with specirfic reference to the 1996 decommissioning of Krema I's homicidal gas chamber. Please advise. Fredrick Toben
Holocaust history as told through popular channels is questionable on the grounds of common sense as well as on the body of evidence. What disturbs me more is that the motive behind the incessant telling of the Holocaust story is Jewish racism. Tom Blair
Hello again, all. Glad to see you're getting some real exposure; I learned of the new site through the Internet News Bureau release. If I can lend a hand by way of HTML, scripting, or the like, let me know. Best wishes, Donald Moffitt
Very impressive, real history. A portrait of victimisation. I would love to publish it in my English newspaper daily Hot News, Islamabad, Pakistan, Asia, if someone supports us. Ashraf Tariq, Chief Editor Daily Hot News, Islamabad, Pakistan, http://members.xoom.com/dailyhotnews of http://www.dailyhotnews.home.ml.org
Welcome everyone! Great work Jamie and Harry and all!
Congratulations on the opening of this new site. Looks promising so will certainly return.
Many thanks to all participants.
The site is looking good. Bravo Jamie!
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Georges Santanya Best wishes!
It is my fond hope that this website will continue to grow in the months and years to come. To everyone involved in THHP, a salute: many thanks for the work you've put into it. Now keep cranking out more!
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Last modified: May 11, 1998