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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of May, 1998. amazing information. we must be ever vigilant
Having spent 4 years in the British Army in Germany in the 1960s, I was interested to find that the Nazis seem to have been an alien race that was not German. Every German I met had fought either in the Western desert or on the Russian Front, and all claimed that it was not the Germans who committed these atrocities but the Nazis. If you visit Oradour sur Glane in France you will find that the reference to the 'Nazis' is missing, they blame the Germans for the massacre of the villagers.
I guess this site is alright for what information i needed but it's beats using those old encyclopedias
Hello everybody. i really enjoyed this website, especially because right now i am in eight grade and we are studying the holocaust in my history class at hampshire regional. when we began this unit i really wasn't very intersted. but after wards i realized what an important thing to learn about that it was. i wish that poeple would just learn from what has happened in the past and help others to do the same. I really beleive that this is one of the best websites around. How coulkd anybody just walk up to someone and kill them just because they are jewish, christian, homosexual, or a gypsie?? i will never under stand that, but if anyone out there does, please email me and inform me about it. Thank you
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This website helped me tremendously in my research about the some 6 million jews that were killed in the holocaust. It is a sad thing that it happened and hopefully the victums now are able to live in peace without constant nightmares. Best wishes to all.
Communist. Anti-fascist. Your website is a most valuable weapon.
Hy, i'm from Germany and so i'm should know much about it but i wasn't this interested in history. after i came over to america for a year as an exchange student i had to take american history. well my history teacher was talking much about the holocaust and also about things i never thought happened in this time. so i got more and more interested and searched and searched on the internet and found your site. and it is amazing. i think it will give much much interesting information.
Keep up the good work. This is the first time I have visited your website. I am currently in the process of completing a major work on Holocaust denial, so I am familiar with much of this material. I am glad to see that there is now a website to handle academic type articles on this topic. You are right on target. You might want to take a look at C.C. Aronsfeld's The Text of the Holocaust. Also, take a look at Document D-728 in the Red Series,Vol.7 p.175 for an order dated March15,1945 from Reich Minister Sprenger ordering the destruction of documents that reveal "secret orders" by the Fuhrer for "deterring work in concentration camps" and "the extermination of some families." I recently sent a copy of this document to Ken McVay. Deniers are always claiming that there are no orders showing the Holocaust. D_728 clearly shows that such orders were destroyed. Strangely, this document is hardly known among Holocaust historians. I contacted one well known historian about D-728 but he never heard of it. Therefore, I think it is important that it get some exposure. I mention it two or three times in my book.
Thank God i found this site. It really helped me do my Holocaust History project. This site is perfect for those who need info for a project in history class. I just want to say this is a good site. Thanks, Andrea
I first read Anne Franks diary in the late 50's. Ever since I have been so touched by the story of the Holocaust. I always visit any site that can give me more information. I have read Dawn and Night by Elie Weisel. As I see the hatred still rampant in humans I am dismayed! Will there ever be peace?
I am working on a medical ersearch paper on the Holocaust and the victims. This site was deffinately one of the most informative and historically accurate that I have research on. Keep up the good work and thankyou!!
I was doing a report on the holocuast and this webpage has really helped me. plus i am a little jewish so it was a sad walk down memory lane. THANKS!!!!!
I really enjoyed this web site. I am doing a Senior Research project on The Holocaust. The information here really helped me. Keep up the good work and please continue to add new and informative things. Mandi
Thank you for providing such a valuable resource for us. Please be assured that all your work will be put to use. I teach in the Poughkeepsie Middle School, Poughkeepsie NY, grades 5-8 in an enrichment program. My students will benefit from your hard work!
Hey!!! Im doing a project for school and man did this ever help. Thanx alot guys!!!!! *Alison*
My students are learning about Anne Frank.. although, they have learning problems i will teach to their needs.. they need to see what a special person she is...we wiil never forget her lovely face..peace to all Cheryl F. Geary Lake Shore Middle School Angola,NY
I found this site very helpful in finding information for my concentration camp history project. Please, keep up the good work! "Nie Wieder!" (Never Again!)
This is a wonderful site for Jews, Christians, Buddhists, and Athiests alike to come together and remember the most horrible event in the history of mankind.
you focus on the negative affects of the holocaust, why not put a few positive aspects of it? like getting rid of all those sub-human retards-like the page though
Let's pray this'll never happen again.
This is a great site for every one that needs reaserch on the holocaust and is a great place for people to get ideas for projects the haave to do
Thanks. This project helps people to remember...
You have done a wonderful job. Keep up the good work!
I think that what you are doing is great! People need to know and realize that this really did happen and it wasn't just some made up story. This is a really great site and I will be back to visit it again!
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Just a simple thank you for setting up this site, to tell the truth of the Holocaust, and to make these materials available to everyone, everywhere. There is no doubt in the minds of those who lived this atrocity that it happened. And there is no doubt in the minds of those who stood by and watched it happen. There is only doubt in the minds of those who cannot conceive that such wickedness does not have to be the normal state of men towards each other. May this site stand as memorial to the many genocides that have taken place on this planet and give those whose hearts will hear a clear imperitive to resist this sad, twisted and horrific outgrowth of self-righteousness and hubris. Sincerely and with much humility, Bob Muenchausen, USA
I am doing a lengthy report and documentary of the holocaust for my highschool history class and wanted to say that this site has been a big help. The essays and pictures were very helpful.
Thank you for making it's possible for everybody to find information on Holocast easy. You are doing a great job!
I am studying about the Holocaust in reading. For a Final Project I decided to do a reseach project on the children of the Holocaust. You info helped a lot, thank-you. I will be back
It is a shame to know that 1,200,000 jews were put to death by their fellow humman beings. My grandmother is German... She told me how when she was a young girl how they had to hide in the baesment of their home fearing the Nazi's. I am just prouid to know that I was not born in germany 20 years before the war or ythey proballly would have used me for the evil things they did without knowing and liistenig to their concience. I can't help but feel partly responsible for the death of the 1,200,000 human beings. Not knowing who the "new" nazi's are to tell them of the stupidity of the whole situation.
Your site provides an important focus for material on a subject which is both almost unimaginable and incredibly important. The kind of materials assembled here are of critical importance in debunking the myths propagated by Holocaust deniers and their less ideologically motivated apologists. They also serve to highlight some of the awful realities and materials of the process, which are often lost in academic discussions of the subject. My only regret is that the kind of people who will be receptive to this site are likely to be those who are sympathetic to attitudes of tolerance and diversity. Our biggest task remains to outshout the simplistic slogans of the ignorant, the bigoted, and the intolerant.
My son is doing a speech on the holocaust and your webpage was of tremendous help.
David Irving wrote a controversial book to make money!He lies about the holocaust.I know because I lost a large part of my family in the concentration camps.One member survived to tell the truth about Belsen.Answer that,Irving.
thank-you for all the work . i have enjoyed the information .i have learned alot v
I have always been interested in this period of history. It is not the most enjoyable thing of course. It is very sad. I just surfed in and found it very informative. I will be back.
Your site provides a comprehensive archive and serious source for general inquiry and research I shall refer inquries received by my office (Israel Information office in Scotland) to the page. Dr Ezra Golombok, DirectorIsrael Information office in Scotland
What you are doing is absolutely vital. As a teacher I see the Holocaust as supremely important - we must never rest - nothing like it must ever be allowed. There is no room for complacency in this matter. Well done!
well put together and a good resource to start from T Y :-)
I am grateful for the replies received so far.I was one of the lucky ones,having escaped from Austria with my mother in 1940,my father having preceded us to England.Two thirds of our family perished.
HI i am a 8th grader and we are learning about the holocaust i was speechless when i read what happend to all these poor, inesent people how could everyone let him go on. I ahve spoken to some survivors who were not Jewish but lived through that war, they said that on one was informed of what wa sgoing on and that they were keeping the concentration camps. The pictures are sikening to me I cannont belive that the Nazis sat and watched as thousnads of people march to their death what kind of people are they? I read the book Night by Elie Weisel this was an extrodonairy book and comes from someone who experienced such pain and suffering.I pray for everyone that surrvived the Holocaust and for evryone that died in the camps. The only last Question i can say is How could this have happend? Thank You, and feel free to e-mail me
I have signed in before viewing the information available on this site. I find it deplorable that anyone should have to make any effort to document(in order to prove) what occurred. I was quite close to an old man,who died about 18 months ago, who was present, as a liberated prisoner of war, at the liberation of Dachau. Normally he was, in spite of his considerable arthritic pain, a real joker. However, to see the clouds come over his eyes at the mention of his wartime experiences, and then hear his description of the hell he witnessed at Dachau, you could not be otherwise than entirely and soul-shakingly convinced of the truth of his testimony: he would/could not have made it up. It is unfortunately the case that humans are capable of the deepest evil towards each other, but this is no excuse. For as long as you have, continue to tell the truth of what happened, not only to stop it happening again, but also to keep alive the experiences of those to whom it occurred
Thank you for providing this excellent accessible documentation for study. It is an invaluable resource. Never again.
I am not a jew but when I first read about it it made me feel lucky in a way in which I did not have to suffer as much as the jews had to.Thank you for your time.
I am a mature student doing a part-time degree in Fine Art and I have done a number of works in mixed media relating to the Holocaust. Now I am doing some more research for further work.
My mother and I escaped from Vienna in Feb.1940 via Holland to England where my father had already made it.We lost two thirds of our family.We were the lucky ones although I now feel the pangs of guilt at my survival aged sixtyfive.I am writing my life story in an attempt to lay some ghosts and to let my children know where their father came from. I have been back to Vienna a few times and it still feels like home although the bulk of my life has been in UK. Austria recently paid me �3,200 in a `gesture of compensation`.
I hate the holocaust it makes me so mad.Why? well because I have a Jewish friend he's really nice,cute,funny, and really cool, and to think people cuold kill anyone for no reason at all it just ticks me off!!!!I guess the reason I get mad over things like this is because I think everyone is the same no matter what their religion,language,or race is and the reason I think this is because everyone the same.Even you should believe this I don't care if you were brought up in a racist family, because I was and look what I think and believe in.I hope after reading my statement you will understand what I mean,and if you are racist then please read my pasage and understand how it would fill if you were in a race that someone is racist against. Well I have to go but I hope you at least think about my article.
I am an Undergraduate BA (History) Student in Perth, West Australia. I am currently doing research on the Final Solution and found this site to be more than helpful. It is important that EVERYONE remembers the awful acts of the Nazi's, and this site helps remind people of the War Crimes committed by all involved.
I think this is a really great thing, teaching kids about the holocaust. I am also learning about it for a project in school and I could never in my whole life imagine the pain and suffering they went through. Thanks for helping me learn more.
A most helpful and useful site. Holocaust hsitory is sadly brushed over by most nations and it is vital that they are all constantly reminded of their complicity.
I am a concentration camp survivor and teach Holocaust history -several times a year- in Germany. For myself and on behalf of my dead friends I am grateful to these colleagues who have put together this project and to the reader/students who visit it to learn. My motto is: only the un-remembered are truly forgotten. That is why I try to teach a 'personal' Holocaust - about individual people, victims I have known, observed and whose heroism and human frailty I have witnessed. I also speak of the perpetrators I have known and observed. I have only contempt for the deniers and falsifiers of history.
Hi!! I, as well as many others here, am studying the Holocaust! I found some of the info. quite sickening!! If anyone wants to E-mail me, they can feel free to. See ya!
hello. I am a 15 yr old african american female. I always knew about the jewish holocaust, but I never knew it was that horrible. I just wanted to say to all those survivors (and to those who died) God bless you. You are all strong in spirit and mind.
I find this site very informative and hope you will be updating it with more info. I am not Jewish but I have an interest in the history of the oppression of the Jews and Jewish people everywhere have my admiration for their spirited and tenacious fight to survive the pogroms, ghettos, and the Holocaust. Keep up the fight and keep focusing on these issues so that new generations will be educated.
I'm doing a major project on the holocaust for history and I need pictures. All of these sites have a lot of useful imformation but hardly any pictures. If anybody knows where I can get them please email me. Thanka Muchly!
Hello!! I am curretly reading about the Holocaust. I am reading a book called the Holocaust Lady, By Ruth Minsky Sender. I am very hurt by the way the people are treated in this book. I want to find out more about the Holocaust. Sincerely, Jenna
Like Hi I am in the 8th grade at this time but shall be moving up in the world I shall be going 2 Washburn High School! My school (Seward) hab begun doing and researching World War II I chose the Holocaust (Death Camps) and have found out some astonishing things about the Holocaust its kinda freaky some of the things they would do 2 the Jews and other people that were put in the Holocaust any one who has done a report or has even researched it please e-mail me at: [email protected] and i am not 37! Like Farewell Or some Jazz like that!!!!!!!!!! Freaked out! Andrea P.S. This is Deep Man Deep sorry 4 not writing much but i don't have much time!
I hope to use your site as my students study the Holocaust. It was a topic chosen by the students in my history class. I am sure that it will be useful and informative. Thank you for providing it for our use.
hello! ;( i am a young student learning about the holocaust, I am a jew and could never imagine anythhing more horrible. i am now reading a wonderful book named The Devil's Arithmetic , i sugest it it is about the holocaust and i feel that people should be free to participate in any religeon without pregides. thank you.
"If we forget, we will be forgotten." ~ Elie Wiesel As a student learning about the Holocaust, I must say that it deeply disturbs me to think that we, as civilized humans, could stand and watch as millions of innocents were killed. The Holocaust is one of the most important events in human history, one that can not be forgotten. I pray for those who died and those who lived to face the terrors of Nazi Germany.
I am so thankful to not have had to live through the horror of the Holocaust.
I only looked at a little bit of the great stuff that you have on this website. But I will be back later on today!
I have long been horrified and intrigued by the Holocaust. It's impossible for me to imagine much less understand the evil that was done to so many. May this never happen again. Thank you for this informative site. Linda Bridges
I am 10 years old, almost 11. In the last few months I have studied extensively about the Holocaust. I was saddenned the moment I first learned about it, and the more I learned the sadder I got. In the meantime, I still have had the urge to learn more and I have visited several websites on the Holocaust. I tink that we must never forget or deny the Holocaust, and we should try very hard to stop anything like it from happenning.
We have been honoring the survivors of the Holocaust at school. It is terrible that man could be so evil. I am still wondering why the U.S. allowed this to happen. I have seen pictures of the many men, women, and children that have died in that time. I have also read the book, The Diary of Anne Frank. Everyone should read that book.
Those the people who killed and those the peolpe whose killing both should be taken to justice. Man is the brother of the man and there are no such a thing called the people of god and the sons of god every one is equal. Can any one tell me where can I find the land of justice!!! the land of peace!!! the land of love!!! PLease if you do know tell me. and visit my site to remmeber those who are forgoten.
I have been to "Dachau." It's one of the numerous concentration camps in Germany. It really made me stop and think about what happened during the Holocaust, and what the Jews were going through. I enjoyed this site, it was really educational and I hope that people who know nothing about the Holocaust will learn something before they leave this sight. ~Stacey M. Tucker
I visited and will visit again, so that I will not forget. Only my faith in God and my belief in His plan that we are still unable to understand, makes it possible for me to read (and see) these things knowing that it was done by human beings to other living men, women and children. I will not forget. My children will not forget.
A couple years ago I wrote an essay refuting holocaust denial. This was to be an applied epistemology project for an upper level philosophy course; however, it turned out to be much more. It turned out to be an eye opening experience into the problem of ignorance within our society. The ignorance I speak of is that which allows such beliefs to take hold. At the time of this project I was also alarmed at how easy it was to find denial and hate information on-line. Thank you for having your site... let's hope it gets as many hits as many of the hate site do!
How great! I finally made it to this great new addition to those of us interested in the historical facts about the Holocaust. My plan is to spend some quality time browsing through this new site, making notes, learning more than I think I know at the moment, and enjoying the writings of people whom I consider Internet Friends. Warm regards to all, and best wishes for great success. Chuck Ferree [email protected] [email protected]
Have you noticed that those who would deny the Holocaust tend to do so with a hint of regret, an air of it-didn't-happen-what-a- pity-can-we-have-another-go? Keep up the good work. I'll be back.
A very nice page.
Thanks for this information, My daughter need it for a school project and it was very helpful. My prays go out to all the familys and lives who were victims of this tragic time. ALSO Thanks to the National Coalition of Jewish Women HIPPY is a blessing
Thank you for lighting this candle against the darkness of ignorance and fraud.
Hi! I am working on a project about the Holocaust anyone with info please e-mail me at [email protected] ;) Thanx Bernadette
God forbid that another holocaust does not ever happen again. so many lives were taken because of heartless souls.
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Excellent site. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for creating this page and congratulations.
Thank you for your work in denier-refutation. We recently had a visit by David Irving to our community. It was a tough night for many of us. Your work is mobilizing some of the information we need to resist this new-old hate. As a Jew, I wish to add that the Holocaust of 1933-45 was not the murder of Jews alone -- many, many innocents (gays, "gypsies", Catholics, and many others) were targeted, rounded up, most cruelly used, and exterminated. Nor is genocide a phenomenon unique to this episode. In our century, Armenia, Cambodia, Rwanda and other nations have suffered the systematic targeting for extermination of entire peoples. Barely less culpable is the wanton disregard for the future of an entire people that led to the widespread use of Agent Orange in Vietnam. When we say and we pray "Never Again", we must realize that we are struggling against humanity's most addictive political drug: scapegoating. In every form of racism, sexism, and totalitarianism, hate is the universal solution to the problem of keeping power concentrated in the hands of the few. Our only weapon against hate is the truth. Thank you for wielding our sword so skillfully.
This page has lots of information, but would anyone be able to send me something about the holocaust that I can make a timeline out of by the 14th of this month? I sure would appreciate it alot. E-mail me: [email protected]
You're site has helped me a lot. We are doing reports for our Internet class, and I got picked to do the Holocaust. I have found a lot of helpful information needed in writing this report. However, I learned a lot about my ancestors also while reading this information. I always tried to avoid knowing what condesporence my family had in the Holocaust and how they went about it. I am Catholic and, therefore, do not believe in any type of killing. It hurts me deeply to know that part of my family and part of my own history had something to do with all of those murders. Thank you, Angela Crabtree
Never forget the 11,000,000 people, 6,000,000 of them Jews. NEVER FORGET!
Thanks for this resource. I am on the Board of Directors of the Oregon Holocaust Research Center, and your site adds to the ability of our organization to do its job. Thanks. Luther Sturtevant, Portland, Oregon.
I think you should have essays on some of the people like; Hitler, Goebbels, and some o fthe other ones. Thank you for keeping the memory alive. We must all continually be aware of our neighbors and care for their well-being, lest they disappear without notice. Be concerned. Speak up for freedom!
Most of my wife's family were murdered in the holocaust. I was aprisoner of the Japanese and worked on the notorious Burma railway. We suffered but barbaric as the Japanese were they at least did not set out to anihilate us as a matter of PRINCIPLE. Davids Irving is often refered yo as an historian buy he is a perverter of history and of people.. One small criticism; the irving pamphlet is not very clear nor easy to print out. But thank you for the project.
An extremely informative site.
Recently relatives of mine had questions relating to the horror of Auschwitz. I researched several of my personal texts, and additionally, I was able to use the Holocaust Web Site to share information and answer many questions. Thankyou for your efforts and creating this Web Site. It is very instructive and illuminating.
Great page! I am studying the Holocaust right now in Dalton, Georgia - USA at my school. I have created a website about it as my project. Please visit it soon. I am updating constantly because I have to be done by 5/6/98.
Nunca jam�s!
Excellent information !
As both of my parents were displaced persons after the war and my mother worked as an interpretuer for the Americans with survivors from Auschwitz it is totally incomprehensible to me that in this day and age of electronic media that the question of whether there was a holocaust or not could be raised. My parents lived through this period of history as did thousands of others and their memories of that period of history will always keep it alive. I can only say that all of the people who lived through the second world war deserve the respect of younger generations today. I have the deepest sympathies for all people and their families who died as a direct result of hatred, racism and intolerrance. I have to believe that the world will never forget the crimes of the nazis and that those who died will not be forgotten. I know that the survivors of the holocaust deserve and have my utmost respect and as a member of the human race my deepest apologies that one human being could treat another in such an unforgivable way.
Your Website is put together really well and is also very informative. I was able to contact another survivor of Auschwitz through your responses. Thank you. May we never forget this darkest time in history and may we tell others about it also so the survivors do not feel forgotten. I sympathize with every victim and hope I can bring them a ton of love and understanding to as many as possible.
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Last modified: June 4, 1998