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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of January, 1999. As a high school teacher, I find that many students are incredulous upon learning details of the Holocaust. And it certainly is so unbelievable that such things could happen, yet they did. We must keep the feeling of utter horror that the Holocaust instills close at hand in order to ensure that nothing like it happens again. By the way, this site is a wonderful source of information for the Holocaust scholar....good work!!!
Thank you for setting up this web page you realy helped me with my report
May God bless the Children of Abraham!
My eighth grade class was reading The Diary of Anne Frank and then Hannake Ippisch, the auther of Sky, came and gave a presentation of the Dutch resistance that she was involved in. After that I became deeply interestd in studying the Holocaust. It terrifies me that what went on, may in some cases, start up again. In the words of many others, Let us not forget, because if we do mankind may just turn against mankind again.
"and only God, omnipotent indeed, knew they were mammals, of a different breed." Mayakovsky
This site has been an experience that all those in doubt or denial must be exposed to. Words escape me.
Obstacles We who lived in the concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: The last of his freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. Viktor E. Frankl Man's Search for Meaning
The United States knew this was going on (it is documented)....why did they wait? They even raised the immigration quotas and refused boatloads of refugees. My family was on one of those boats escaping from Eastern Europe...sent back to perish. I lost my entire family, their villages, and a history of what has come before, due to the horrors which occurred not too long ago. I will never know anything about those that came before me and helped me shape who I am today. CAN THIS HAPPEN AGAIN??? How will the U.S. chose the battles which we fight or will we wait until another holocaust occurs? The Bosnian-Croatian war which is occurring now is quite similar to the holocaust will we intervene or observe? What are waiting for? Is there nothing in it for us??
A very informative webpage,well done. Its hard to believe this could happen to all those people. May it never happen again. Thanks for such a well documented history,that we should never forget it. A grateful reader J.G.
Thank you for finally having a webpage. When I took the History of the Holocaust at UF in 1982, there was no such thing as webpages and this would have helped me out for my class. As for me, my family history has one incomplete page due to Hitler and his antics...my daughter will be taught about these relatives so that she won't forget where we come from and hopefully this tragedy won't happen in her life time...Keep talking about education....
In Germany recently, we were impressed that the German people are teaching their childred the horror of history to insure that it will never be repeated. Although there are elements around the world that would try to insite hatred, it appears the public acceptance of the forming of the European nation is in part an effort to prevent nationalism which could lead to repeats of history. Placing labels on people is precursor to hate crimes, blaming groups for individual wrongs prepares a mindset of public apathy which accepts atrocities as legitimate societal control. President Bush desired a kinder, gentler world, but peace & liberty are secure only when leaders are decent men of integrity. Concentrations of power are frightening in the hands of a few.
Only a people that produces a Schiller, Goethe, Kant, Marx, Schopenhauer, Wagner, Beethoven ad infinitum, can sink to a level of a subhuman species. What a waste, what pity. "Ich klage an!" I accuse the German people of mass murder. A people who knew and/or didn't want to know, but looked to other way. The German people always hated the Jewish People. They supported Hitler. They all wanted Germany to be "Judenfrei." At the end of WW II, listening to the hypocrits, the only Nazis in Germany were the Jews themselves. What a pity.
I recently took a trip to Washington DC. While there we visited the Holocaust Museum. I was not aware of all the suffering Jewish people and others went through. I think it is great you have this page and are educating people about the Holocaust.
Sometimes, we need to be angry. This makes you angry, but will it prevent repetition? I can't comprehend how dark those days were. I learned alot.
While reading about the Germans inhumanity to the enemies of the third-reich are interesting and historically important to future generations, lets not forget the official (under the Polish government orders) re-opening of the concentration camps after the ss abandoned them and the systematic incarceration of Germans in "Polish administered German territory" and the systematic murder of tens of thousands of innocent people who's only crime was to be German. It's all documented in the book " An eye for an eye" by John Sack, a jewish author who researched his findings for seven years having interviews with the victims and the perpetrators.
It is hard to comprehend the actions of one race against another in modern history and certainly in our own lifetime. Those individuals who do not believe it happened are as guilty as those that made it happen. They must have something to hide!
I'd taken a Holocaust Literature course in high school years ago. I hadn't even heard of the Holocaust until eighth grade, when we read "The Diary of Anne Frank." I'd wanted to learn more so I's signed up for that class in 12th grade. Having been born and raised in Detroit, I grew up with lots of Jewish kids, and some of the staff at school was Jewish. While the Holocaust never affected me personally, I knew people it had affected. An assistant principal in my school had parents who were in Auschwitz. Their baby girl was taken from them and thrown in a fire "to see how they would react." Basically he'd had a sister who'd died before he was born. And I remember a guidance counselor from junior high whose parents were in a concentration camp--and they still have the tattoos. In my free time I sometimes surf the Net, studying some history, such as the Holocaust and about the Romanovs. I like this site. I firmly believe we should study about it to prevent something like this from ever happening again.
We need constant vigilance like this project to maintain the truth of human history. Keep up the very important work. Thanks.
God must love all of us more than we can ever understand. To think that there is even a remote possibility that this group of people have a chance of seeing glory. Many thanks to you for all the hard work that has been done in bringing this to the world. I say, anyone who does not believe this happened is in denial or so ashamed or both that they may never admit to the past. Thank you, Don Spray
Lest the human race forget that of which it is fully capable.
I long for the day when all peoples will understand that we are all human beings and that the color of one's skin,or one's religion or lack there-off is incidential. We are all travelling on the same vehicle and must learn to get along with each other. Never again let there be such disrespect of any group of peoples as demonstrated by the nazis. And may the world never forget the torture and murder committed by the nazis. But rather the world will lean from it and never again permitt such a thing to happen to any race or group of people. Recent history indicates that the world has a long way to go; how so very sad.
I was looking at this website thinking it would be like every other website I have seen about the Holocaust, but it trully is not. In all my years of learning about the Holocaust, hearing stories and things such as that, I have never learned so much about the criminals, and I did here. Thank You Hillary
I have read some of the comments about what the German governement owes the jews based upon Bank account information, Which makes me ask this question about the total amount owed. I think most middle class Jews in 1938 probably kept there most prized possessions, including gold and silver at home. So if the Nazis seized it , there would be no bank account records. So maybe the germans owe a trillion dollars who knows ?
Never let the Holocaust be forgotten that sorry performance by mankind or so called mankind still lingers both in Germany and every country in this world. Let not anyone be fooled that you must be a Jew to be submitted to such treatment.
Special interest in the information on this site.
Thank you for this project and information to the world. I just learned the other day that an Adlof,Vladimer, was a victim of the Holocaust. I am very interested in this information. My ancestors had to leave their homes in Bielitz-Biala ,Poland, because of this hatred for any germans. Thank you again for your work, and may God Bless You. D.A.
I would sincerely like to thank you for creating a web site such as this one. I recently read NIGHT, by Elie Wiesel, and I was looking for more information about the Holocaust. I think that the Holocaust History Project is a wonderful idea. An event with such magnitude as the Holocaust must never be forgotten, and I think we must all do our best to never let anything like this happen again.
Keep up this work ... the world needs it I have read every book i can find about the holocaust and this website has been the most informative please, tell me more about ann frank thanks lacey
I just read the boook Anne Frank, and it was really interesting. I think the holocaust was shameful, and only humans could exceed such a terrible thing. I, myself am Jewish, and I am furious that the Jews were treated that way. It's so sad that humans feel this way about other humans. Anonoymous
What a great site! I love to learn about the holocaust and World War II. Keep up the good work - these sort of things fascinate me!
could you give me details of the auschwitz attrocities namely those most directly connected to the day to day operations , the numbers killed , methods of torture ,extermination and disposal of bodies and facts surrounding the almost nonchalant blase attitudes towards the hideous and sickening industry of stripping each victim of all their valuables including teeth, hair, glasses and material assets. this facts are required for an in depth thesis i am currently writing for my degree in modern history.
Im doing a paper on the holocaust and would like to know if their are any survivors whom i could speek with who would be glad to lend themselves to reserch? if so then please contact me thank you byebye@--}--
I am doing research on the European/Holocaust History for our company for our Diverslty Program. I am extremely interested and any survivors that could relate their story as children that were hidden from the Nazi's in a convent or a school posing as Catholics or Protestants. I need to have pictures that can be put on posters for display and a short essay with the story. We can take pictures off the web, but I would rather see something clearer to display. Please e-mail me at [email protected] with information. Thank you very much. Mary Bauer
Hi, I like all of your information you have here. I to enjoy reading and/or researching about the holocaust. I have excellant books, and many intensified pictures from www.ushmm.org Since i don't have an e-mail address if you need any additional information from me. Please write Barb Attrill [address deleted for privacy/security reasons] Pennsylvania thanks, Barb Attrill
Thank you, I am doing a report for my 8th grade English class about the Holocaust and this site has been a huge help! thank you for the information on this subject, it helped ALOT! Thanx, Mark
I wish there was more on those who did not believe in the holocaust. It would make my speech much easier
To all the contributers and orangisers of this site, I am a 16 year old student studying in Williamwood High school in Glasgow, Scotland. I am doing a "Study in depth" in my higher religious studies class. My topic is concerning the holocaust, and your site has been of great help to my reaserch and analysis. May I commend you all for the wonderful work you are doing in reminding the world of what must never be forgotten. My real grandfather and grandmother were both holocaust victims, my nana survived, and even since I have known of the holocaust and all its events, I have been fascinated with the pshycology of it. Thank you all very much again.
Great job, continue to inform the world so we all will not forget and others will learn, let us not forget about the active Holocaust that is going on today in the old yugoslavia area! This must be stopped by connacting your congreesperson in your home state or region, also the United Nations Counsel.
Thank you for your wonderful site. I has been very helpful to me in my research on the holocost. I am working a project of obtaining the experiences of the survivors of the holocost. I have spoken with some and have approval of some to put their stories in the book I am writing. It is based strickly on the experiences of the survivors with a few touches of history for clarification. If you should know of a way for me to locate surviors of the holocaust, I would appreciate your assistance. Again, thank you very much for a history lesson I wish no one would have ever needed to learn. Thank God there were survivors to remind us to never allow this to happen again. Although some have not learned this lesson well enough as we read about the atrocities occurring even now.
As an Irishman I am well aware of mans cruelty on to man. In Ireland we had a potatoe famine in the mid 1800s but what people dont realise , and im sure if they research it they will find that it also was genocide. your web site is fascinating and I promise you that I and my family will NEVER FORGET. What the nazis done was total evil and I sometimes wonder if the person in the chamber pouring in the cyclon b is as guilty as himmler, or was he "just following orders" Too many murders got off the hook with that line.
This is a great webpage. I am 13 years old and ever since 11, I've had a thing about learning about the Holocaust. I don't know why I'm so interested. It is such a depressing thing to read. I'm doing a research paper and this is the best place to come! I would write my own research paper, but we have to have a bibiliography..but I'm gald I came. I can't believe how cruel some people can be. I went to a Holocaust museum in Dallas, TX and stood in the same train that Jews stood in going to a consentration camp. It felt strange. I could never imagen going through that. I just remember those people and consider myself very lucky. Thanks for the great webpage!:D
I'm doing a term paper on the holocaust and i need info. about germans cruelty to the jewish could you send me any information , you have on the subject
as i become more and more aware of what actually happened in Adolph Hitler's world before and during WWII, it becomes more and more difficult to believe that it only happened a lifetime ago... most people grow up with an acceptance in principal of what happened in both World Wars, but it takes some time and deliberation to truly comprehend what happened... to read The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich should be mandatory worldwide public school study at the earliest age possible... let's not wait for a developing mind to learn lessons the hard way... lest we forget...
this was one of the best pages i've seen. i am interested in the holocaust and this made me understand more of it. keep up the great work! aimee
I cannot adequately express in words the horror and dismay which I feel when I read and learn more about this, the darkest chapter of recent history. How can you explain to your children the hate and lunacy which propogated this, and also the magnitude of the destruction. Not only that, but can society comprehend this in such a way as to ensure that this never happens again. I also cannot express deeply enough my sorrow for those who survived and saw loved ones and family members sent away on those horrific trains --- trains of death.
It was easy to find info here, good job.
it has been over 50 yrs. since this inhumanity but it never ceases to amaze me. GOD help us all !
I am currently taking a college history class on the holocaust. This site will be very helpful in my research. Thanks
Your web site was really interesting!!!!! It helped me do a social studies project. The information was very interesting also!!!
Having been to Auschwitz, and studied both denier literature and yours, I am glad that someone is fighting the deniers who clearly don't know what they are talking about. I hope to post some of my own work soon. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for allowing me to visit your page. I am searching for some clue to help me understand the disease which infected the perpatrators of the holoaust. I am still searching.
I just can`t tell............
Very interesting reading..But so very sad a mass murder of this magnatude could of ever taken place. I shall return again for further readings.
When I first learned about the holocaust it was very shocking.Thru the years I have gained so much knowledge from books,movies and teachers.In world history class will be studying ww11. This info will be very helpful to me to understand it more.This website is very good and informative to such a young person like me. If you need anything about the holocaust you'll find it here. Maybe as humans we all one day will be able to stop disliking each other.Hate is such a stupid thing if we let eat us thru will be like those nazis. Let's begin to love one another and slowly the world will heal itself. Patricia P.
hello you're page is very interesting. I was just scanning through the internet on some Holocaust information because in school we've been learning about it I'm in the 10th grade. one camp we've been learning about is Auschwitz. i was glad to see information about it in this page. i think this page will be a really good reference for my future reports on the Holocaust. -Rachael-
I'm doing a history project on the holocaust and I'm really interested in it. Thanks for such a cool sight. What really is amazing is that the people of Germany could be so influenced by Hitler that they did not even realize that what they were doing to the jews was wrong. They didn't even listen the little voice inside their head that said it was wrong!
Be commended!This site can do so much good.These horrors spilled in this mid-20th century. I support "Remembrance" and teaching about the Holocaust, but I am anguished in my soul that our world has not taken remembrance and teaching to heart. I keep looking for tolerance and looking and looking...The Rambam provides some consolation.
this is a great site it is informative and as long as people try to remain ignorant the past will keep on re surfacing. Today ethnic cleansing continues and until the whole world remembers what happened no one will be able t put a stop to it. the war was a bitter one and one people thought they'd never forget 50 odd years later people want to forget. I DON'T if we forget we will never understand the world or be able to stop what is happening As a student I have a particular interest in what happened and informing others about it Mengele for some well known to others unheard of brings to light the brutality of the war . i have taken it upon myself not to forget and your site means others can 'remember' thank you kas
any further news of martin bormann and the organization die spinne would be helpful in an on going reseach project. thank you for your great work in this dark area of history, that must never be forgotten. Russell mina
I'm interested in information for our students. Our students will be doing a lesson on Anne Frank and the Holocaust. If you can help us in any way, we'd surely appreciate it. Thanks
I think this is a very interesting site.I am interested in having my students to investigate the issue of hatred an discrimination.
Take a look at a picture of Heinrich Himmler. Now take a look at a picture of Bob Barr, conservative zealot and congressman from Georgia. The resemblance is uncanny! (Am I the only one who has noticed this?) PS -- Great Web Site!
Everyone should visit this site, the past stares us in the face,ethnic cleansing still goes on,and the free world still watches & does little to stop it.
This is a great site for students of all ages interested in what happened in the past. The Holocaust was a horrible thing, but we can't change the past, all we can do is learn from it.
I think that this page is cool. It has alot of meaning and truth to it. The one thing that I wish all the time is that it never happened. But that will never will happen, because that tragic thing has all ready happened. But all I can hope adn wish is that this horrable thing will never happen again. As long as we don't have negative people that think they can control the world, or think that there race is the best we hopeful will never have this happen again.
I have studied this era of history since i can remember, and it seems everytime you think you know the historical facts, they change, this is a very good, and informative site, but truthfully will we ever really know the truth of Auschwitz and the other evil factories of horror.
THis is a great page, very informative and you've got some great essays!
In my language arts class, we're studying the Holocaust. This is a great web page and the inforimation will help me a lot.
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i think that the holocaust was a very sad thing in out world history and i wish it never happened. web sites are a good place to see where we did good and were we did bad. and i think that this web site is a very good source and it helped alot.
I am doing a report on the holocaust for my freshman Honor's english class. The aspect of this disgusts me. To kill someone just because they are a certain religion or race gives our society and ways of life a new a horrible meaning. I hope and pray that my children never have to be subjected to the things that are going on now.
i have been studying world war 11 and the Holocaust for many years. i think what happened is very devistating, maybe someday we can make it better for all of the people who suffered through this horrible time.
i am a swedish guy, and i`m studing Los Angeles history. Grest page....bye
Your website is sooo cool! Thanks for all the help.
As a new student teacher, I appreciate your website. I am preparing my first lesson, and it will be on the Holocaust. I did not learn that they were people who would deny the Holocaust until I was a sophmore in college. I plan to "arm my students with knowledge" by exposing them to revisionists, and then presenting to them the facts. Your pamphlet on David Irving will be especially helpful. The greatest wrong of the Holocaust would be to forget. I will not allow my students to forget or be persuaded that this did not happen. Thank you for helping me.
This is a great page for the promoting of awareness of the actual events that occured in Nazi Germany. I would enjoy it greatly if at any time new information or anything at all comes through your sight, that you would let me know. Thanks
this site is informative. it has shown me a new light on the holocaust. As a grade 11 student I did not know that much about the holocaust but that has changed.
A very interesting and informative site. As a teacher I know the importance of children learning about this terrible attrocity so that it may never be allowed to happen again.
Thank you for this site. Maybe someone could help me giving me some reading suggestions on following topic: nazism as expression of radical evil (?) (Kant: das radikal B�se) beyond ideology. Thank you again.
this is a great site. it will really help me on my project
I recently watched "escape from sobibor" as an adult. i was horrified to say the least and for the last week my last visions at night are of the children, especially, taking the road to the "final solution". i never really paid much attention to the numbers of people that expired during that period. it was far worse than slavery or crimes against native americans. my recent complete knowledge of the holocaust has inspired my next argumentative writings(college english) with a thesis concerning white supremacy and the overpowerment of "inferior" races over the years. i give my love, sympathy and honor to all those that have endured this tragic crime against man.
We are studying Anne Frank in my 8th grade English class and I was dissapointed to see that there wasn't anything really about her here. Other than that you have a pretty good site. It was helpful.
i found this site very interesting and it has helped me with my topic. I would'nt have a clue if i hadn't have come on it THANK'S ALOT LUV JOSEPH
Ifound your site most informative and helpful, thank you. I am a high school teacher at an international school in Hong Kong where, under the British system, students study different religions and belief systems as part of their general school curriculum. During Year 9 (age 13+) at the school where I teach students study the Holocaust as part of a unit on prejudice,racism, genocide and the issue of suffering. Later, at age 17 - 18, if students choose to study this subject at Advanced Level before entering university, they are once again required to study the Holocaust in depth as part of a two year course on Judaism with the added feature of seeing what influence the Holocaust has had on inter - faith dialogue between Jews and Christians. In view of this, I am continually looking for materials to make my teaching more effective. At present we are attempting to find suitable web sites to recommend to both of these age groups so that they can enrich their study with much more personal research. I found your site most helpful in this respect and should be grateful if you would be able to let me know of any others, particularly any interactive ones that would be suitable for students of about 13 years of age. Many thanks and keep upyour excellent work .
"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance" LEST WE FORGET
Went to Auschwitz on a very hot day only saw half of it, I started to feel very cold inside myself, must have been the sombre mood I was in, could not face it all, I saw enough to know that we need to be vigilent there are enough madmen out there to start it all again.
Cool Page
Where can I buy "Der ewige Jude"? Is it available for purchase online that you know of?
Thanks to this holocaust website Iwas able to get an A in my report and so brought my grade up to an A.
I really enjoyed this site. Thanks! I think that the Holocaust was a very major event in History. It is very sad but we now can learn from it. When I first knew about this event in history I thought it was a joke because it sounded so terrible. Well that is all! BYe- BYe
I am very interested in the Holocaust since i was a little girl. It's weird- i awlays use to have nightmares about me being in a gas chamber and living in the concentration camps as though i once was there. I have really enjoyed your site.
We're doing a paper for a contest about the Holocaust. The information obtained from this site will be very heplful.
I am on this site for a school assignment. In my opinion the holocaust was the worst thing that could ever happen!! Killing inocent people for nothing except for their religious beliefs. Who cares if some people are Jews? They are human and we are human, we are ALL DIFFERENT!!!
I think that the holocaust was the worst thing to ever happen in all of history. The sites that talk about it are ok, but i really hate talking about it and looking at it, and i am only at this site because i have to learn about it in school. I have nothing bad to say about your site, nor do i have anything good to say about it, so I will just leave it at that!
I am supposed to be doing a report and Chose this topic cause im very interestead in all the things that happned also cause one of my grandparents survied it.And we had an exchanged student from germany and she said its terible to just go to the musems and if its that bad think how you could live thier they starved for days and one man said when he saw a photo thier was grass infront of the room and thier wasent before and if it was thier then they would have eaten thats how hungry they were.People would beat eachother up just for a liitle piece of bread.And my grandfather said one time during winter they mixed hot water with mud and said it was black coffie and one guy died he was so skinny and he fell and the jews were running and they ran over him so he died.And one time a survivor came to are school and said that they killed you if you had a scar or a diseas when you first enter so before he stepped up up he had a sweater and he foled it and draped it over his arm and it coverd the scar on his stomch but without doing that he would have been sent to the death chambers to be gased.Well thiers a lot of things I could go on about that are really terrible but I think ill keep that to my self unless you would like to e mail me and I can anser your qustions as best as I would know.Cause ive been studying this kinda stuff ever sense I was little and my grand father survied it all. [email protected] Pleas feel free to ask me id be more then happy to anser your qustions.
Everything I could possibly say has probably already been said a thousand times. But for the sake of unity, I would simply like to add my praise and thanks for such an outstanding site.
this is a wonderful page with a lot of info
I am a young female who finds the Holocaust to be very intersetiung I wouyld like to further my knowledge on this topic. I am only 12 but I feel for anyone who had a tragic death. I personally do not feel as if anyone deerves to die in pain unless god wanted it that way. I would like to truly give you your props for righting such a bodily and discriptive paper that got to over the internet.
thanks for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think everyone should see "The Eternal Jew". It can be order from International Historic Films in Chicago, USA. It can be order in German, English or Subtitled versions. I have added their link at the bottom of the page. Order online if you want. You will probably have to send them an e-mail because it is not listed on the page. It can be ordered in PAL, NTSC, SECAM etc. The cost is around $50.00. I hope you enjoy the film! http://www.ihffilm.com
Humans seem to look and spend time how to wipe each other out, if resources and effort were to be put into making the world better, than the atrocity's of history would be history, and the future would be a make of a better past...
I was having a real hard time on this report i had to do and this site gave me a lot of ideas and useful information.
thank you for all your efforts to keep this information available, so this will never happen again. although i was 5, i remember the war. it was not a happy time for anyone.
I really enjoyed the information in the Project and encourage you to keep up the good work. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I have some suggestions on some additional information. If you talk to one of Jehovah's Witnesses they would be happy to show you current articles in the Watchtower or Awake! magazines. Also there are two videos available by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. One is called PURPLE TRIANGLES, about the Kusserow family in Germany. The other video is called STAND FIRM about Jehovah's Witnesses in general during the Holocaust; including interviews of concentration camp survivors.
My friend would love this site - she likes to learn about the Holocaust
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Last modified: February 5, 1999