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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of May, 1999. Thank you for keeping history alive and reminding us all what can happen when people lose sight of God, freedom, and family.
I don't know how to thank you all. I am doing a report on the holocaust and of all the sights I have gone to, this one has helped me out the most. Thanks a lot, keep up the good work and don't let the world forget this dark chapter of the human race.
Thank you so much for helping to keep people aware of this tremendous tragedy in the history of mankind. I am an English teacher at a Florida middle school. I do teach about the Holocaust in my classroom. I feel that we must continue to instruct our future generations about the heinous consequences of ONE madman's actions. Our children must continue to be appalled that one man can mislead a nation and the world and be responsible for the deaths of so many innocents. We must continue to teach, to cry, and to mourn about these needless deaths. If we do not, sometime in our future, there may be another Holocaust. I am not Jewish. I did not loose any family because of Hitler. All of my family were safe, here, in America. I did not loose any uncles or cousins or friends because they went to fight against Hitler, either. But I still feel a responsibility to help my students see that we must learn to respect one another and to get along. I teach about the children's camp, Terezin. We read the children's poetry and look at their art work. We also talk about the fact that over 15,000 children died in that camp alone. I have met survivors. I have gently held the arm of an elderly man and lightly traced the crude numbers on his right arm. The first letter was "A", meaning that he was a survivior of Auschwitz. He and his brother laid on a pile of dead bodies the days before the camp was liberated, in order not to be executed by the crazed and murdering Nazis. I shall carry to my grave the memory of the tears and the nightmares in his eyes while I touched those numbers. This is where I get my conviction to teach and to shock my students. I want them to know, to be aware, and to never allow this atrocity to occur again! Thank you again, for all of your hard work.
Hello, I wasn't born during the war years yet,but of course I know what happened.How such an evil human being was allowed to live long enough to do this amazes me.I've always wondered why no one assasinated Hitler.How could an entire army be that cruel and brain washed!Unfortuantly things like that are going on in the world even as I write this.It doesn't matter if it's on a smaller scale. I can not find the words to convay how ashamed I am of my country (germany)for doing something that evil.I know I'm not the only German person to feel like this.I didn't want to watch Schindlers List but I did,several times.The people of the world need to know what happened and make sure it never happens again.To apologize to all the Jewish people and the rest of the world,for what my country did is certainly not enough,but I do all the same.My heart cries for you,truly.May God forgive all involved,I don't think anyone else can.
This is a really great site and it helped me do my report. I ove how well the info. is organized.
I was not yet born when these things took place, but I still feel grieved when I think of man's inhumanity to man, and read these accounts. With a heavy heart, Rev. Grant Hagle
Bad events in history should never be forgotten but remembered so that it never happens again. This site is an appropriate way to remember, this is a good site.
I am also doing a report on the Holocaust. I have left you a website that I have found a lot of info on the holocaust from. If you have any info to send me on the Lodz Ghetto , please do at [email protected]. Thanks . I wish you and your son good luck with the project.
Thank you for making this information available. I'm helping my son collect information for a history project.
The more I read about the Holocaust, the more I can't understand the madness of that time with jews. I think this site is great. The world must know what happened to million of people that lost their lives just because they were jews and a lot of others lost their families. Nobody deserves to be killed. I'm protestant and since little I always admired jewish people an d their traditions. You've been a great example of fighting for the right to live, to have your own country. I hope many people could read and meditate about this through this pages. Sometimes I wish I have been born in those times so I would have helped many jews escape from that Nazi horror. I admired a lot jewish people, with so deep pain, raised a great country. Congratulations! Monica, 27 years.
i'm in the prosses of doing a history on the holocaust, your site has been benifical to my background information and excellent in helping to understand what truley happened. thank you
The most sobering moment in my life came during a visit to Malthausen in 1986. My entire family became numb with the horrible truth of the concentration camps. I have tears in my eyes reading your page and viewing the pictures. I say, "Thank you." Now, I am a high school history teacher.Tomorrow I tell the children about this web site! The emails on this site,from others around the world, are inspiring and uplifting-There is good in this world.
Nice site I'll recomend it to others
I was profoundly touched by your website. The time and effort that has been put into it is obvious. Although none of my family was personally touched by the Holocaust, I still grieve for the survivors of this tragedy. We will never understand why so many had to suffer, and why a madman had such a horrible vendetta against innocent people. But your ongoing efforts in the documentation of this subject will prove that not only did it happen, but that we ourselves are responsible for making sure that history does not repeat itself.
The Holocaust was a very depressing time, many jews lost there lives just because Hitler thought he was conquer the world. SORRY!!!!! But he was not thinking and he was wrong for what he did, Well see ya all later and keep on remembering! Well fill free to email me about it, @ [email protected]
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hi to everyone. i hope you have enjoyed the holocaust as much as i did.
this site has helped me with my research paper so much, and its put together very well! thank you for making this information available to everyone.
GREAT! This page really helped me with my GCSE. Great info and pictures, THANKS!
I am doing a research paper on revisionists and groups that deny the holocaust. I need some information on the backgrounds of neo-nazi's and revisionists. For example: were they brought up by anti-semetic parents? Were they drinkers? Did they grow up in broken homes??? Basically... WHY are they denying that the holocaust never happened? I need info ASAP, any help would be appreciated. thanks
I'am verry pleaced to see the truth is on the web. Voor eventuele belgen, ik ben 18 jaar en op zoek naar dia's over de holocaust, wie me helpen kan, pleace mail me!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your site, I am doing a project at school about the Holocaust, this was the ideal site to gather information and read about it.
Thank you for making this site available to the public. At the moment I am conducting an assignment at school on the holocaust and this page has proved to be extremely beneficial in this regard.
Your web page has let me understand the holocaust much better than before when I just thought it was where Hitler killed the Jews , Gypsies , etc. But I found out that Hitlers mother was Jewish. So he was just very stupid!
Your site increased my awareness about what racism and hatred can cause people to do. In fact, after my visit to this site, I started wondering if the present environment in some parts of the United States towards immigrants (immigrants being blamed for many shortcomings of the government)could one day lead to situations similar to what happened to the Jews in Germany and Europe. Thank you for maintaining your site, and congratulations for the good work (balanced, objective evidence available, etc.) Keep it up!!!
First i was just looking at photos about the holocast even though we have learned all this in history, i thank the web site showed a view better than what we have seen in anything else, looking at these pictures makes you realize how real this really was. I got into this by e-maling people in Germany because that was where my family orignated from, as i set here at this moment i feel very sick to my stomach at the thought of human life being destroyed as it was, looking up my ancestory, and stumbled into this thank you web site. carol(distel) spencer
I love your web page! It's hard to find information like that. I am very impressed with your web page!:-)
In February of this year, I went on a school history trip. We visited Auschwitz-Birkenau, and many other places involved in Nazi Germany. If you have ever heard anyone say that the birds don't sing there, it is true. The 'final solution' is something that cannot be forgotten, this is why I think the web site is such a good thing. Thanks for helping me out with my essay, but I need more help on deciding whether it was intentionalism or structuralism. Best go look at some other web pages!!
Mrs. Doris Roe [street address in Arizona deleted] was our guest for two days in the Crossett Public Schools and shared her experiences as a survivor of eight concentration camps. She related the horrors of repeated rapes and especially touched the lives of over 1,000 students with her account of the death of her baby girl before her very own eyes. Hopefully, she, as the only survivor in AR, can continue telling of her experiences. We hope to have her back as soon as we can. Any help you can give her would be greatly appreciated.
love it
I just wanted to say that what happened was absolutely terrible. I am by no means placing blame or criticizing. I just cant believe that humans can do such unimaginable things and be able to live with themselves. It just tears at my heart realizing what people have been through...including the holocaust and the other horrible things man has done to torture other human beings just because they are different. I cannot see a difference between myself and the rest of the people in this world besides maybe our thoughts. We all hurt, we all have feelings and we all bleed the same blood....so what if we dont look the same or share the same religion or views. I also am not meaning in any way that my opinion is the only one important. Everyone has their own opinion and i respect that. This is just mine. I apologize if I have bored anyone to sleep...I just wanted to finally let my thoughts be known.
I was a small child, when the holocaust was on. I lived at that time in Istanbul, Turkey. Often I saw my father and mother crying secretely so I would not keep on the horrors but we heard the news on the radio. We also could hear Adolph Hitler, yelling to the crowd that secondes de F�hrer. I can not forget those things but as I was too small, coud not either take those thongs seriously. When we got to the USA, we meet many people that escaped those camps of the terror in different places. We talked. I was then 16 years old. So I started to undestand the things I heard and saw, years before. In the USA Embassy in Istanbul, we saw many pictores of the different camps, when the prisoners were liberated and after the camps were taken. All those things were incredibles. We lived very well -more or less- in Istanbul so the people could not believe all those stories and pictures. But when we saw those numbers the exprisoners showed us, the memories came back. Actually I live in Puebla -MEXICO- but the mankind should not let these things out of the memory. Just for not to permit to repeat. It was awfull to remember. But it is worst if in the future, some one permits it to repeat.
I feel terrible about this tragety.
I like your web page alot. I used it for a school reporton the Holocaust for extra credit in Global Studies. It worked Great. Thanks!
i think you need sounds from the survivors from the holocaust, because i would like to download them. for a class project im doing.
I would like to say thankyou for your web page.I had to do a SENIOR project for a final grade. I choose the Holocaust because it is very interesting to learn about and i wanted to learn more about what we study in history. Once again I would like to say thankyou very much this site was a huge help.
This was a very interesting article. I am doing a report on the Holocaust and this information was very helpful. Thanks
I would just like to express my gratitude to the makers of this page. I have been looking for the Nuremberg Tribunal transcripts for some time. I was very happy to find them on your site. Again, I thank you
Thanks for the info.
I just started learning about this this year and it is so bad we must not let anyone forget about this. We must also not let this happen again. The men in Kosovo are raping the women and killing them just like they were in the holocaust.
i was here
You havee a very nice and educational site. Keep up the good work!
I think this is an exceptional site and it is very good to show people who denied the Holocaust what really happened. It is a very good site. Don't let go of it. Keep up the good work! Sean
Im doing a project on the holocaust and its a really neat site but I think that people should really know what was happening then got to go out in by!
Where are the rescue stories?????????????? Keep up the good work.
Keep up the good work. We can't forget.
great learning sight but needs more picts and more color!
This site looks great, the information is abundant and the layout is done with style. Good Site.
Your website really helped me out with exam project. The information was accurate, useful, and interesting. Thanks a lot!! :)
Well, it is an interesting site, but it needs more COLOR to it, and it wouldn't hurt to add a little creativity to the site either.....
This is a great website. I really think that people need to be aware of what really went on.
I am dooing a report on he Holocaust we are studing the other people that were killed and brought into the consentration camps such as gypsies. etc. if you have any picturesand or information i would greatly appreciate it Thank you very much!
The information that was provided was very useful. I found it hard to believe that these people went through this. The information that was given was very helpful for our history project. Thank You Very Much
`I would like to thank the people who put this site on the inter net!
I think that the holocost id a very imporant think to have in s schiool class room. We need to lurn from our mistakes. We need to be educated. I am a student who is doing a term paper on number the stars and the holocost. I think it is a sad subject but one that needs to be taught.
Keep up the good work. This site is a necessary antidote to the poison of holocaust denial.
very intresting i would like a slash right about now
Thank you for making an exceptional site to teach people the horrors of the Holocaust. Sites like these will help people to understand more about ethnic cleasing, and help stop it. Thank you again. Ryan
Unfortunately, despite some interesting essays, this website flatters to deceive.
Thank you for your exceptional site.
We have been studing the Holocaust for about a week, and find this web sit interesting. Good Job.
This is so great to see that so many other people are interested in the Holocaust. I am studying Germany for my A-levels and this has been a great help. Thanks.
Thank you so much for the information! I'm doing this huge extra credit project for my History class with some friends! It was so helpful!
As a Jewish girl, I found this site very interesting and very well informed. I think it's very important that so many people are interested in the Holocaust, so that it will never be forgotten. I know my family never will..
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I am a teacher working in a italian museum didicated to the Shoah victims in Trieste (Italy). I am not alone at attending this activity. Together with my workmate we question about more adeguate teaching metods to stimulate students. Our activity and your documents are realy useful. Thanks.
Thank you so much for all the information. It was very helpful. This is just the information I needed for my English class.
Nice to know that someone is taking so much trouble. i am yet to understand fully how helpful this is, but it looks pretty good.
Pretty interesting and should help me with my History project.Shame some people were so selfish as to try and create an Aryan race if they hadn't been this page wouldn't be here,but hey!Have fun!
We have been working in school on this stuff but we just found this sight and it is way cool. It was so ironic because when we started this the shotting in Colorado had just happened. We read the book Night it was a very good book about the Holocaust.The tearcher keeps saying this could happen again anytime.
I had a report to do on the Holocaust and we have a test in the morning and after reading this I think that I will pass it and I think that the Holocaust is a very awful thing that hopefully will never happen again and only we can make it never happen again.
Please if you know any really good info on the holocaust please e-mail me !!!! I need it for a reaserch project!!!
Thank you. I have to do a collage for my English class on the Holocaust and this web site helped a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I learned sooo much about this!!!
This site is wounderful! I'm doing a speech on the holocuast and I found so much here, on this site. I've read soooo many books on the holocaust, but I found sooo much more on this site than in those books. It's so wonderful that you guys set up this project to remember the people of the holocaust. It's wonderful.
hi. i am maria im 14.5 . my grandpa was in the halacaust and he survived. all of his family were killed. i cant sit here and think that there are poeple that say that the holocaust never happened. i know so many people that survived the halacaust... we have even documents! and those evil people who killed my own flesh and blodd should know that i know! i still remember every thing that happened there and all of my kids when i will have and their kids will know! we cannot forget! we mustnt!!!!!!!!!!!!! i remember.......maria
Thank you soooo much! I had to do a project on the holocaust and I found stuff here I couldn't find anywhere else!
I think it is important for everyone to realize what actually happened durring the Holocaust. Withouth knowing what has happened in the past then we are "doomed to repeat it."
This is a great website. I had a 10 page report due about the Holocaust and it gave me alot of information. Thank you!! Oh yes, I made a 100 on the report.
Keep up the good work
I had a report due and i printed at least 100 pages if not more this really helped alot thanks!
I can't believe that people can be so ignorant when it comes to the holocaust. How can people sit there and say that the gasing of millions of people never happened. when there is more evedence that it did happen than you or anyone could ever imagin I am doing a report on auschwitz for my history class and I will tell you something, I read your little things on how the gasing never happened and I was appaled and still am.
I had a 5 page report due on the Holocaust, and this really helped me out alot...I learn a lot about the Holocaust on this site. Thanx!
I love this page. I'm doing a 3 page essay on the Holocaust and the Nazi's ect..... this really helped me imagine what it was like. thanks!!!!!!
Very dissapointed in this website
This is a great website but really long. A summary would be great.
Your web-site is very organized and very informative. I had a good time going through here. Keep up the good work!!!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, I am a historian in National Archives of Vienna. Ten years ago my colleague and I started to work with the historical sources of the natinalsocialistic "Verm�gensverkehrsstelle".It was the institution, where in Vienna and the Ostnmark living Jews had to register their property. But it was also the institution, which transferred Jewish property to members of the nationalsocialistic party. Within three years we produced an electronic database with 50.000 names of persons who registered their property due to the law 0f the 27th of April 1938. This database is called "Recht als Unrecht". So if you have or had relatives, who lived in Vienna, don't hesitate to contact me with those informations I need (names, dates of birth, last adress in Vienna. profession). Best wishes from Vienna.
Your home-page really helped me on todays parallels to the Holocaust. The world still hasn't learned from the terrible Jewish expeience.
I am 14 years old. I am studying the Holocaust. I had heard about the Holocaust a long time ago, and never really looked into it. Now that i am learning about it, I am very interested. I do not see how one person can affect one certain group of people. The holocaust is very disturbing event! If I could ask the people who were brain washed one question it would be, "Why didn't you question authority??" WHY DID THIS HAPPEN??? I read a very good book on the Holocaust it's called I Have Lived A Thousand Years. Sincerely, Amy
This is a great place to look up info on the Holocaust. I have a computer assignment to do. I chose the Holocaust although I would have prefered to do it on David Bowie. I didn't know I could have done it on him.
I'm doing a WW2 history project and this is great for research!
Thanks for this informational website. It really helped a lot with my report on the Holocuast. Your website will also help future generations know what really happened during WWII, not what Neo-Nazis want them to think.
I love the holocaust centre in elsternwick
This is a great site to remember and learn about the holocuast and what happened those terrible years for the Jews.
This is the best way never to forgett what happened in Europe fifty years ago. It�s a wonderful site! I don't have email, but i can tell you that this note comes from Portugal!
Thanks for having this site available. I have a 5 page essay due in about three days (that I haven't quite started on) and now I think I can do it. Thanks again!!
Please visit my libray of video clip collection about rebirth of Israel.
Thanks for such a wonderful site. I was supposed to get a book published about Terezin and pulled out at the last minute due to lack of info. and detail. With your site I may fill that void.
It is difficult to even try to imagine what happened in these evil,evil, places,but please,for those of you that survived,remember that,we, the ordinary people of the world, will always have the utmost respect for you,and your decendants. This must never be allowed to happen again. My love,and the love of my family goes to you and to the people that are keeping this truth alive
I am beginning to gather information for the course that I will be teaching in school year 1999-2000 on the Holocaust. Your site is very informative and useful.
thanks heaps. get an essay on "where one burns books, one eventually burns people". Silverchair rule!
We will never forget. I remember Babi Yar.
The holocaust is a horrible thing. But yet it is so interesting. I'm there is a sight like this that has so much information for reports like I need. Thanks for the information, now maybe I can turn something in on time! Thanks again!!
I came in hear looking for info about this topic for a term paper for my final grade and left hear with more than I could ever ask for your page is unbeliveble and heart touching. Keep up the good work!!
I think that this site is very very sad it makes me cry everytime i think about all the people that went through this and had to suffer every single minute of there last moments to live!!!!!! These pictures and all of this information will help me and my classmates (Peet Jr. High) learn alot about these camps and the cruelity of Adolf Hitler. Its to bad someone could'nt of stoped the madness before it got to out of hand but then again its real life pain will never end. But we can always try to make things better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i hope someday we can stop Sadam Musane cause he is insane!
What was the death march??
SHALOM... Excellent Site Thank You I will be attending Jewish history class toniight
This was a very good web site. I did learn more about the holocaust and how tragic it was for all the people that died during the time of th Holocaust. Although I do feel that I was unable to come into this site and find exactly what I was looking for. But in the same since it was very informative with great information, great references and wonderful pictures. Thanx for the great experience of being able to find out so much information on the Holocaust and shindler and hitler and all the bad people that need to be hurt real bad for hurting all those inocent people. they should be killed and sacraficed for what they did. thanx
I wandered into this site from Yahoo!, not expecting to learn or think much about this dreadful tragedy. Yet, I'm leaving with a great knowledge about the Holocaust. I was intrigued by the site and am going to explore more. Thanks alot.
Wow! I have to do a mock trial of Nuremberg tomorrow inschool nd this site has given all the information I need on a gazillion people who had no sites dedicated to them. Not that they should because they are evil, but, uh, thanks fer the help! This site is awesome! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I came to this site to learn of the holocaust for a school project. When I saw the information, I just was so shocked to see what a demon like Hitler did to those people. I could have family that died in the holocaust. I know search for that information instead.
My Grandfather (who lived in Holland throughout the holocaust has told me many horrific stories from the Holocaust - but until I came to your page I never really knew the full facts - and the huge scale of it all. Your page has helped me greatly on my school project, where I decided to investigate the holocaust. thankyou for the great info. In school we just finished reading the book number the stars about a jewish child and her life during World War II and the Holocaust. After reading it i know truly do under stand how hard it must have been for jewish people to live during the holocaust. I just like to say that we should be glad that nothing like this will happen to us hopefully and that you should respect and learn about the past history of america and learn to help make none of this ever happen to this generation again!
this is a very informative site!!
This a very intersting site to inlight us about the evils of mankind
We have found your site to be extremely helpful. Thank you for providing such useful documents and information. We appreciate it greatly! Thanks again!
You did a great job at gathering info.
A very sad part of human history and this site is a very neccessary part of it. To be able to relate to this part of history in our own lifetime is almost beyond comprehension, even for those of us born before, during and the early post years of the second world war. For those people born long after it must seem as though these terrible crimes committed against humanity, are part of somebodies weird and twisted dreams. It is therefore an unfortunate but very good reason to have this history made available through whatever media is available to try and instil into the human race that this holocaust must never ever be allowed to be repeated. I congratulate you all for a very informative and well documented piece of world history.
I was very upset as of late. In my social studies class we had been watching Schindlers List. I didn't understand the effects the Holocaust had on people till then. I respected Oskar Schindler for what he did. I was suprized at what he did. I pretty misled by what I had known before the movie and then when I watched it I learned all the stuff. I was really happy at what I learned and learned that the Jewish peoples were better then the Nazi's I didn't believe that at first and then I learned a lot I thank this site and hope that people will e-mail me with more info that they find educational and of value to me thanks so much bye.
The holocaust was a very scary time! Its good there are websites to keep people from forgeting and so it doesn't happen again peace out
I didn't like it. i think it was very wack.
Thank you for this website. I keep searching for the grand-parents, aunts, uncles and cousins that I never got to know due to Hitler's final solution. God forbid that anyone should ever go through this again.
Hello. Your site is very imformative. We are studding the Holocost alot in my class. I couldn't belive how anyone could do such things to humans! Thanks.
Extre mely educational. The World should never be allowed to forget.
I think that the holocaust was a senseless tragedy, the product of a of a mad man. But thanks to websites like this one, we can receive enough information on the holocaust to be sure that history does not repeat itself.
The information givin is very helpful and teaches you a lot.
I really think this site was very informative. It is the only site with the information I needed. Unfortunetly, I can not find any info here or anywhere about Hitler's solution to people other than the Jews. >handicapped, mentally ill, etc.< Thank you anyway.
I'm horrified with the horrors the Jews faced. I wish that there was someway to take it back. this web site has opened my eyes to everything. i'm writing a report for school. and this information that has been provided for me, is very useful. Thank you for compiling this, and i pray for the survivors of this tragic deed.
I accessed your website to help a young lady back in Kansas State University with a history project. Your website was very thorough and an outstanding source of information. Thank you for all of your help. sincerely, brian leu, usn
The holocaust was a tragic thing. It makes me cry to think of all who died.
Knowing about the holocaust has deeply touched my heart. I have been learning about the holocaust and we had guest speakers. Each of them, each day would get worse. The concentration camps were the worst. How could anyone be that selfish to do such a thing. Hitler thought he was so royal and stuff but yet he goes and kills people just for the fun of it. I think this is a good web page to have because of the shooting in Littleton, Colorado. This may tell people that Hitler was an awful person and that there is no reason to kill just for the heck of or just because of their race or religon. If people are made fun of they should they should go talk to their consler.
I came to research a history essay on the death camp Auschwitz and instead find myself reading through page after page in your site. The pictures and diaries made me feel a deep remorse for those who suffered during the holocaust. This is truly a very important site and thank you for putting it up.
This site is very informative and discusses the horrors that need to be mentioned. This site was very helpful since I was working on a holocaust project for school and helped me realize the horrible genocide that took place.
I read through all of April's comments before writing. So many young people! It is good that the young are aware of such atrocities - We only learn from history if we do not repeat it. I encourage your good works!
My father was a writer and wrote 5 books on the holocaust He was a survivor whose bunk mates in Auschwitz gave him their rations of bread to be able to survive as a living witness to tell the world what happened. His most famous books in English are A CAT IN THE GHETTO & resort 76. The other three are written in Yiddish. If anyone online has read my father's book I would love to hear feedback on it. He always said that people who lived through the holocaust should be the only ones to write about it. Unfortunately he passed away 25 years ago. If I can be of help to anyone please write me. ** If anyone has papers on the medical experiments or testimonies by survivors please forward them to me. Thanking you in advance. Mirila
A very important page. Thank you!
I think you are doing a terrific job! Thank you. Can you add please, my essay on Himmler's appointments book and the Jews of Tunisia? Ken, from Nizkor told me: it is a weapon against Holocaust denyers Shalom Edith shaked
Have a look on our documents (in german) concerning the claim of Auschwitz survivor Joseph Spring against Swiss government. Mr. Spring was delivered to the Nazis in november 1943 by Swiss authorities. http://www.woz.ch/WoZHomepage/spring.html
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Last modified: June 6, 1999