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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of December, 1999. I might not have been born at that particular time ,but I felt the pain and suffering of all the those people.They are in my heart, mind and thoughts each day. I am asking everyone not to let this holocaust of any kind ever happen again Peace for the year 2000.
I'm an Irishman from Belfast, and have lived through 30 years of terribel conflict in my own country. Because of this, I have enormous sympathy with the Jewish people who suffered unimaginable torment and suffering at the hands of demoniacal forces. God bless you all in your great and important work.
I cannot thank you enough for endeavoring to represent the horrors of the holocaust. I actually cried while reading and viewing the pictures on this website. As a result of my visit to this page I have a new respect for the people and cultures that endured Hitler's regime. Again, thank you.
It is great information, the worst happened, created by the people in power against innocents.
Hallo zusammen! Ich hoffe, dies ist der geeignete Platz, wo ich auf meine Homepage aufmerksam machen kann: Holocaust-Mahnmal-Collage http://www.christian-moehler.de Ich versuche zwar meine Hompage mit der Thematik Holocaust (speziell auf das geplante Mahnmal in Berlin) in Suchenmaschinen einzutragen, doch bei Lycos, Excite & Co. wird die Eintrag scheinbar nicht bearbeitet (?). Bisher findet man die Seite nur in YAHOO und FIREBALL. W�rde mich freuen, wenn m�glich viele von Euch die Seite mal anschauen w�rden, es steckt n�mlich so manche wertvolle Freizeit drin. Und es kostet ja schlie�lich auch nichts. DANKE! -- mailto:[email protected] http://www.christian-moehler.de http://www.holocaust.mediasite.de http://www.holocaust-mahnmal.notrix.de
I have been researching the holocaust and it is very disturbing how tyrannical a highly developed society can become. Laurence Rees' recent BBC/HISTORY CHANNEL documentary on "The Nazis" is a very cold reminder of this. We should never let down our guard when we see one class of people being set up for persecution by those in power. It is important to note that the general population of Germany had no knowledge of the mass extermination of the Jews. It only takes a few tyrants to murder millions. Adrian C. Banks
I thoroughly enjoyed this web site. My grandfather was part of the Holocaust, and he was placed in a concentration camp. He survived,but this gives me a sense for what happened. Thanks!Natalie
I enjoyed your site greatly. It was very informative. I was trying to find a site of information that I could do my History Day Project on, and I think I found one.
I'm a teenage student who is very interested in the Holocaust. For my history fair project I am working on the Holocaust. I would like to find any survivors of the Holocaust to interview them. If you are or know anyone who is a Holocaust survivor please e-mail me. I would really appreciate it.
Couldn't find any closeup pictures of the Nazi's and Adolf Hitler. I suggest you get some.
As a student of The Holocaust since the news first broke ,I find this Holocaust History Project very interesting and useful I have visited Mauthausen,Dachau, Auschwitz,Majdanek and Treblinka , spending two whole days at Birkenau . I find it amazing that such a species as a Holocaust denier exists .I think they should be treated with the contempt they deserve as in most cases they weren't born when the camps were liberated
As a former inmate of Auschwitz II, III and Buchenwald Ifound your information very valuable to me. Thanks for the effort.
I'm doing a reseacrh project on WWII for my college English class and your web site has been of great help and intrest to me. The information is outstanding. Keep up the awesome work
Very Descriptive! I am only 11 and I hung on to every word. I recieved a lot of information for a school speech. THANKS!!!
Joseph Stalin makes Adolf Hitler look like a joke!Russian communist Joseph Stalin murdered millions of Ukrainians,Latvians,Lithuainans,and Germans.And there is a holocaust rememberance day?Why isn't there a day for the millions of innocent germans,latvians,lituanians,and ukrainians who died because of murderer Joseph Stalin?I don't understand why Jewish people are the only ones that get a rememberance day.Maybe because you are the chosen people!Yeah that must be it.All the rest of us races are inferior to Jews.http://www.hitler.org> Here
Very discriptive and informative website.
i think that this website is a good one with good holocaust but i couldn't find out what events lead to the holocaust.
As much as I liked your site, I couldn't find any maps of the labor and concentration camps. Was I not looking hard enough ? Well, anyway, I still think that your site is a great one and that it will serve as a reminder to people who want to learn. Anyway, your site still helped me learn so much that I didn't know. It also helped me with my report for English. If you do have maps and I didn't find them, could you please send the address to me at [email protected]. Thanks for your help, time, and effort to bring forth the information that I could not find elsewhere.
beautiful and soo helpful. thanks for educating us about this unimaginable terrifying event in history whose repricussions still haunt us to this very day. peace be with you!
I really like what you have here . NO lies of any sort !!! My favorite subject in history is the Holocaust.
Our class is doing projects on historic dates and our pasts. I am trying to gather things about the holocaust. This sight really helps!! Thanx abunch!!!! Sincerely, ~mandy~
I am very diappointed with my findings. I did not find exactly what I was looking for. You really need to improve this site so much. It is just pitiful to look at this mess. Please improve, when you do, email me.
I used this site as a primary source for my western civ. class and found it quite helpful. We can never forget the attrocities that were committed. The willingness of the German people to go along with Hitler only fuels my belief that Hitler was in fact possessed with some type of archdemon. The jewish people are God's chosen and God promised to bless those who bless them and to curse those who curse them. The drastic attempt to kill all of the jews was definitely an act of satan because he knows that the Jewish nation are God's beloved now and forever. Thanks once again. All feedback is welcomed
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i was just searching the internet for a holocaust site for a project that our class is doing. even though i am not jewish their is still a part of me that feels like i have been there. whenever i read the articles are look at the pictures i feel like crying and it makes me cringe inside. it must of been a living hell for the jewish people at this time. keep the sites and information coming cause some people still in our life time don't think that it existed or they don't know about it. the internet is a great way to publish news. thanks so much and god bless you all!!!1
What should I say to all this undiscribable horror ? It is a vain effort to express in simple words, what had happened in reality. It happened before I was born, but I am a witness of the german society after WW2. I know my father, he was a young radio officer on a german minesweeper, and I am a lucky man, because he was sitting on his minesweeper the most time and no drop of blood sullied his reputation. I know my grandfathers, one of them was born as a german citizen in russia and had to fight against the germans in WW1 and again had to fight in WW2, but as a german soldier against the russians � and was seriously wounded. I also know my other grandfather, who was a social-democrat and had to suffer during the nazi-regime. I know my mother, she was in the age of 16 when WW2 ended, she was a cheeky teenager in the hamlet, protected by her parents. But also I have a strong feeling, that they all have not done, what they better should have done, to stop this criminals. I know, they knew, what happened just on the other site of their street-door � and they did nothing to stop them. The few germans, who put up resistance, were killed by the nazis. To my mind, nearly all of the germans, who survived the nazi-regime are guilty until they die. There is a break, this old generation has lost their childhood during the nazi-regime, they have lost their ideals of their youth and they have lost the respect of their children. This is the price they have to pay, I am sorry about this, but I never can forgive their plead ignorance. What happened to this guilty people after WW2 ? Did they really establish the democracy in a nation of murderer ? The real nazis survived the war, the old administration remained, nazi judges sit in judgement for years after WW2. Sometimes I hear an old man speaking of the �good old age�, when Adolph was building the �Autobahn�. Sometimes I feel the old german bureaucracy, the cold wind is still blowing. Nationality: deutsch, this is what is written down in my identy card. I see the terrible undiscribable done by the elder generation living in my direct neighborhood, I see this old men daily walking through the streets in freedom, and I shall never feeling home in this country of murderer. That is what they have done to me. I am a german and a european and a member of the internet-community, and contrary to most germans I am thoroughly convinced that WE have not lost a war, but won our freedom and this is thanks to your fathers and grandfathers.
After going through this web site along with many others I am still astonished on what i read and see. I have always been interested in the Holocaust, but to learn such horrifying things everytime you read it...words just can't explain. I definately view the surviviors as so much more than just "survivors", they are HEROES!
Help them Learn Help us Remember Help all to understand.
I came to this site to find pictures for a collage that I have been assigned in my Composition class. That was this morning. Since then, I have read as many articals as I possibly could, the whole time being in complete awe. No one will ever be able to understand the terrors these wonderful people had to suffer. But, thanks to this site, we can see things better.
this page is great-although horrifing-it helped me with a school project on historical events
I am currently doing a research paper on the holocaust for my 11th grade social studies class. As I have read numerous things about the holocaust I become more and more disgusted at what happened to these people. As well as more appalled at the treatment of women. I think that there should be more sights like this one and young people like my self should be told what happened and how to prevent it from happening again. As I have read from other peoples comments they have all benifited from this site.. so keep up the good work.. to everyone reading this... Denying the truth will get you no where, but realizing it.. well who knows how far you can go!! <3 Rachel
I thought the site was cool, and the Holocaust was horrible. I have some friends that are Jewish, and if we still were in the Holocaust I wouldn't get to see them. Peace y'all.
I think the haulocaust was a terrible thing but I think it is important to know!!
I enjoyed your site. It really improved my outlook on what happened in the Holocaust. I believe that your site might be a little better if you had a photo gallery. It would give others an inside look of what they did to not only the Jewish community, but all "minorities" in Germany at that time. Thanks again for the great information.
i'm sure this site is very helpful, i just wish i could get in it.
Thankyou for the help that you have given me for my A-level history coursework. The title of my study is 'To What Extent Were Hitler's Action Against the Jews 1933-1945 Systematic or sporadic'. If anyone would like to aid me in this then your help would me most appreciated. My e-mail address is [email protected] If anyone has any suggestions / ideas or any general comments on this then please write to me. many thanks molly lafferty
I had to do things for school on the holocaust and was at lost. I hooked up and found this but I have to say, i agree with who ever said it was long. And the pictures are really small! could you make them larger? see ya. roz
This web page is a source of knowledge and it has helped me immensly on my Jewish GCSE coursework. Thank-you very much Good Luck x x x x x
me like medical experiment picture :) this is a very nice site it will help me on research paper on mengele
When I first learned about world war two and how Adolf Hitler blamed the economy downfall in Germany on the jews, I felt that you have to have problems to blame something like that on people. But then to try to kill all of the jews in europe, now that is just nuts. I cannot believe one man can change a whole country, making his people hate another kind like that. That is just crazy.
The holocaust was the worst time in our worlds history. History repeats itself to those who are ingnorant of the past. Remember those who suffered. Don't let that be our future. This site was informational. I love the fact that when I was surfing I found so many sites dedicated to the Jews. Thank You for being one of those sites. Love ya lots--Molly freitag and Lynsie Bloom
I am very impressed with the work thus far completed. I commend the men and women involved in such a vast undertaking. May we Never Forget...
it was not just the jews that were killed it was all different types of people incuding the Germans. This site was very useful to my folded book report on the book Night!
I really think this site needs a redover and many improvments. In the search engine it says you have recordings, pictures and a whole lot of other stuph that you don't. So please take this comment and USE IT TO HELP YOUR SITE!!! Thank you for your time and money, Kyle and Jo P.S. Send us an e-mail when you have improved your site! P.P.S. Hey hey hey! P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Hey!
Very nice page. Good work.
Thanks soo much for having this site!! i love reading about the Holocaust!! How do you get all of this information? Wow I can't believe all the things you got!!! Thanks, mary
Thanks! we are doing a holocaust site and this site really helped
I think personally that the holocaust is and was a horrible event and that no one should have to suffer the way that most of the people did the jewish people weren't the proablem the problem was people like Hitler who just don't know that people are diffrent and that people beleve diffrently but as long as their obeying the law and not hurting any one then you have no cause to do them harm people like him needed love when they were younger from their parents and then maybe they wouldn't have turned out that way the main point is that people are people and in Gods eyes we were all created equal!!!!
I like this site this is really good.
Well you guys have a great site and it helped me out with my report alot, and the pictures are very realistic so thanks again!!!!
It was a horrifying event in history that has been repeated several times. The ethnic 'cleansing' in Bosnia is a good example. What makes the holocaust so sickening to me was the fact that the world knew to a certain extent what Germany was doing and no one bothered to take the Jews. If other countries would have banded together, then the death toll would not ahve been nearly so high. I can not believe that people can live with the fact that these people could have been saved if they would have opened their doors. The people who were caught hiding Jews were angels on earth. God bless them.
I think this site is very interesting. Some of the articles, particularly Prof. Zimmerman's, are good but very long and difficult to read on line. When printing I end up using lots of paper. If at all possible I would like to see a printing option that would format the document to more fill a printed page (students and schools might like this also) as some news site have. BTW, I have read much from both sides of the Holocaust fence and the answer(s) is still not clear as much as many want to believe. As John Keegan wrote about the American Civil War, it took about 130 years before a writer could write a one volumn book that both sides could agree on. So will it likely be with the story of the Holocaust. Nevertheless, this is a good site. The http://www.codoh.com/granata/ site has a good give and take between Prof. Zimmerman and Carlo Mattogno and Mattogno is seemingly in the lead on his part.... so far as the discussion has gone.
I am doing a project on the Holocaust and I think that this is the site that gave me the most information.Thanks and keep up the good work!
This isa truly needed web site. I am especially thankful for it after reading the sick garbage perpetrated by the institute for historical review.(IHR) Those twisted ant-Semetic monsters wwill publish any tripe tha helps their denials. Reading their filth must be hurtful to any Holocaust survivor. Your documentation here proves that Jew extermination was top Nazi policy and that gassings and murders were official business. Keep up the good work, and please continue to stick it to the IHR! God Bless You!
I think the Holocaust was a terrible event which should never have happened and should never happen again. And I think it's a very good thing that you are doing by showing people how horrible, disgusting and how evil it all was. It just goes to show how one mans fear can turn into hatered and genuisi. Thank you very much!!!
As a teacher of European History, I am ever watchful for valuable websites and information to make the students' study of World War II and the Holocaust significant and unforgettable. Thank you for the website...expect several visits from my students this year. Keep up the important work.
I am doing a project in grade 8 english on the holocaust and this site will really help alot
A very informative site. I have added to my bookmarks for our students. Thank you.
"The truth shall set us free..." Thank you for these images and words, so that we may never forget what happened during the Nazi Holocaust. Who are we as human beings without historical truth?
What a great job this page is doing in giving us information that is relevant and most important. I am currently writting a 10,000 word essay on Britain's involvment in the holocaust. It is entitled 'Could Britain have done more to prevent the holocaust'. I am however lacking resources and would welcome a response to my cry of help. Any links of resources that you are aware of would be greatly welcomed. Richard Ziola(Northampton) P.s: Great web page, carry on the great work.
I had a project due and this help me out so much. Thanks alot It is very sad to know that this happened.
The Holocaust is the most interesting subject to me and I want to know everything about it. I am doing a 10 page research paper for Senior English and this site was a lot of help to me. Thank you very much!
I am completely nauseated at the sight of a corpse.Thanks for the photos and the information. Pat Rizer
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Interesting website. Compared information here with information on some of the denial sites. Your site could use more factual refutation of some of their claims. I did not find the pictures very enlightening, even though they were terrible and emotional. Is the controversy between you and the deniers about the number of deaths, the method of the deaths ( gassing versus typhus,etc), or some other issue? Is there a necessary end result required for political reasons by either or both side ( i.e. if you can prove - or are accepted as truthful without proof, ditto them - does some current matter tend to gain, Israel, .. I can't figure out what they would gain unless it was just rocking your boat).
I just want to say this is a great web site! I have spent my life so far researching this dark time in our history and I feel that it is so important for us to remember. It makes me so angry when people deny that the holocaust ever occured, and sites like this really help to inform people! Thanks for your hard work!
You are doing a holy job
I am a denier. This site is all bull crap!
Great site. I had to do a reasearch paper on the Holocaust and the site really helped.
i am very sorry for what happend to yall but to tell the truth we dont really dont know what really happened cause we dont learn that much in class but i am doing a a reserch paper and i plan to learn alot love mike
I have a project in school and this site helped ALOT!!
Thank you for such a thorough collection of articles to support research.
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Last modified: May 15, 2000