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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of January, 2000. Hey! This website is awesome! I'm in 7th grade and we just went on this field trip to the Tampa Holocaust museum in Florida. I decided to research more and this website has gave me LOTS of good information. The quotes from the Nazis and the jews are very serious and extreme. This information also helped me with 2 projects in school. Because i was so interested in the holocaust i saw a movie called Anne Frank's Diary. It was very touching and it showed how the jews had to live during this time of pain and suffering. If anyone is interested in the holocaust this is a great film to see. Well that's all i have to say! Thanx for your time!
It's nice to be colour blind. Sometimes wish it hadn't of developed as a recessive gene. Colour blindness: the inability to recognize, without catalyst, the seperations in physical characteristics that distinguished the peoples in Hitler's time.
Greetings! I came to this site to tell you that I'm little bit worried. Holocaust was wrong and those who did it must be punished but what scares me is that the search for the "nazis and rassists etc." lookes more and more like a witch hunt. My country was under slavory 700 years and russians have killed us very much too but we don't hunt down everybody who isn't awfully nice to us and don't demand that everybody appologizes 1000 times, even those who had nothing to do with it. Just be cool, with such a witch hunt you are making yourself more enemys than friends. Don't get too extreme. And why are nazis the only guilty ones? Russians are killing tchetsens and most people don't dare to take any action. Why? Double standards? So it seems to me that the "holocaust boom" is something else, it's about getting bonus or something...I don't know for sure...but it's something else. PS! Don't think that I'm a nazi, rassist or tchetchen. If anyone can answer me then please send e-mail.
This is an excellent site. Thank you for all the efforts needed to provide such important historical information. Can anyone tell me where I can find The Green Volumes? I did research using those volumes in the late 1950's when I was a student at the University of Vermont. I've had a stroke and suffer from aphasia as a result, but I would love to see those volumes again. Thank you.
Thank you for this informative site. I am trying to get hold of a booklet produced in Sweden and spoken about recently on the BBC news, but I don't know its title. It was a deucative booklet that has outsold the Bible in sweden and is I beleive required reeding in Swedish schools. If you know of it I'd be greatful of information on it.
I am doing a research project on The Holocaust and Concentration Camps. I am very glad that I was lucky enough to find this page. It has provided me with a lot of uselful information. From diaries to articles. I always knew that concentration camps were very unhumane and brutal. But I never to the extent of the pain and torture. I have gained a lot of respect for the survivors and to the ones unfortunate enough not to survive the Holocaust. Researching this topic has made me appreciate my life and the things I would normally have taken for granted. If anyone has any addition web-sites or information that could help my report I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so very much.
I searched in this website for info on the holocaust because i was doing an extra credit paper for english. I cant believe that anyone in this world could ever do anything so distructive. The experiments on humans were brutal. I dont believe anyone should have been put through that much torture. It is an interesting topic and im glad i looked in this website for the information i needed. All i want to add is what Hitler did was wrong and should have been put in the position to be in charge.
Hi there! My name is Elin and Im from sweden. In our schools we have got information, about the destroy of the Jews!! I cant belive how people can do like that to other humans, they are humans to. If I were alive at 1933-1945 I would had shut Hitler by me self! I hate all the Nazists, they got no empathy! I gried and screamed when I say pictures, kids and grown up humans how was so thin! When I see a black or a Jew I smile, I see them as human beings not like some animals.... I dont care if they are pink or green, the are all wort the same to me and i have something to say to all you Nazists.. FUCK YOU! Get a Empathy and understand how they feels. I HATE YOU LEAVE US ALL ALONE AND GET YOU A LIFE. YOU ARE INBARSE US ALL! Long live the Jewish and the black ones....
Screw those nazi hippies . hope it never happens again This site is very good to find out about Adolf Hitler. He was a wonderful leader with a bad cause! Don't hate him for his ideas!
I am a high school student doing a report on the Holocaust. The information I found at this website helped me very much and I appreciate it. After I finish my report, I will more than likely keep researching this topic.
Man did this to man. There is evil in this world. Denying the existence of the Holocaust is as denying Christ. May we never forget this time of evil.
A splendid and much-needed project; it should be more widely-publicised.
it is my fervent wish that this period in world history never be forgotten, the atrocities never be repeated and the suffering never be underestimated. it saddens me that many of our youth do not even know who adolph hitler was, much less understand the extent of his wicked insanity. as one peruses the pages of this website, i hope that the "human" element will remain uppermost in the mind. these were real people who suffered beyond comprehension.
I am glad that there is a web site that explains some of the Holocaust. My grandmother was one of the victims of the Holocaust. I am glad to know there is information about incident.
We know about it. It happened 50 years ago. Yesterday can be today. we must be more vigilant. We must remember.
I am an English teacher in the North East. My students are in the 8th grade. It always amazes me how many of them year after year have no knowledge at all of the Holocaust. I feel that introducing them to this subject is one of the most important things that I do every year. I am happy to say that I will include your website in our curriculum for this year and the following years as a reference site for the students.
Hello, I am in the twelfth grade in high school and I am doing a research paper on hitler and the holocaust. I would just like to commend you on the completeness of this website, it was very useful to me in writing my paper. It also brought a scary realization to me, in what those peoples lives must have truly rotten and hard to handle. I have a new found respect for those people and any family members of the people in the camps. I would like to extend my apoligies to anyone of these people who read this. If you have any more information that could help me on my paper could you please send it to my above mentioned e-mail address. Thank You
My reason for writting this is my regards to all the people who lived through this awfull time. I would have to say that all the people who went through this are hero's beyond a shadow of adout. I am not Jewish but to all the people who are I give my best wished and I will keep all of you in my prayers. God loves all of you and so do I!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Holocaust was such a tragic thing. It was devastating to a lot of people. Does anyone ever think it could happen again? Are we safe to give a definite answer?
This is the world that we now live in. Men seeking to justify their wickedness by eliminating others whose lives stand in the way of their actions, confirm that their ways are evil. History always repeats itself if we let it. it is not a question of when but where and how brutal? Let us stand and say "never again" Shalom
I am a grade twelve student, and during research for a history project on the lives of Jews during the holocaust I stumbled on your web page. And I am very glad that I did. The information and visuals that you provided me with, gave me a new and unique perspective on what life must have been like. I also read the book "I have libed a thousand years: growing up in the holocaust." By Livia Bitto-Jackson, this first hand account of life for a girl who survived the holocaust made me really wonder who could do such a thing to another human being. I have trouble killing fly's and can't imagine the horrid things that took place in those camps. My heart goes out to all of you who survived the camps, and my prayers go out to those who didn't. Godbless you all, and let us pray that such a thing can never happen again.
I first started looking at this web page for information about Holocaust deniers for an oral presentation for Conscience of Man. A class that spends half the year on the Holocaust. I have found so much info that I don't know what to do with. This is a great site if your looking for info about anything dealing with the Holocaust or proving Deniers wrong.
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My name is Taimyr Strachan and I'm a student who is researching the Holocaust for a project. I know that most of the survivors aren't looking for sympathy, but I do think that the Holocaust was wrong and that it could have been prevented.
Thank you for the work done on this project. R. Johnson Unit 5012-04, US 5th Army
I think this is such a good web sight! It has such uselful information. These days, you don't hear much about the holocaust but with this web sight, you learn so much! It is totally worth telling people about this sight!
Thank you for providing such an informative sight for Holocaust history. I have a BA in history, and the area I concentrate on is Europe under Nazi dictatorship, especially the Holocaust. I am happy to have found such a remarkable source of information which also provides proof to debunk the "Deniers".
I found this site incredible. Much of this I never knew. keep up the work. "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it" always remember...
As a writer, I am currently working on researcing the Jewish Holocaust for a book, and this site has helped me greatly. It is terrible what the Jewish people went through, and I think that this site is fantastic for informing people about it. Thanks!
I have visited Bergen Belsen,Auschwitz and Dachau and have been overcome by the feeling of helplessness because it happened a generation ago.What I have never understand is that with these horrific sites and regular historic reminders we continue to make the same mistakes. I have three children and I will show them the video I acquired at Auschwitz in the hope that I can prevent my family ever getting involved in this kind of horror thereby passing down to the next generation the senselessness of it all.
This is a very good site. I think it will prove valuable to my research paper.
I think that this site is very informative and useful for my homeworks. Thanx!
I thought this sight was tight, although disgusting. This helped me with my project on the Aushwitz death camp, you just need more information on where it is and stuff like that. Peace Out ME
I came to this site while in search of information for a final report in my Literature of the Oppressed class. Your site was very helpful and is greatly appreciated This is all scarily true. It all happened and I'd probably be dead. Cool site!
On The Day The Nazi Died, by Chumbawamba http://chumba.com We're taught that after the war the Nazis vanished without a trace But battalions of fascists still dream of a master race The history books, they tell of their defeat in '45 But they all came out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died. They say the prisoner of Spandau was a symbol of defeat; Whilst Hess remained in prison then the fascists they were beat So the promise of an Aryan world would never materialise So why did they all come out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died? The world is riddled with maggots; The maggots are getting fat They're making a tasty meal of the bosses and beaurocrats They're taking over the boardrooms and they're fat and full of pride And they all came out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died So if you meet with these historians, I'll tell you what to say Tell them that the Nazis never really went away They're out there burning houses down and peddling racist lies And we'll never rest again until every Nazi dies.
I am visiting Poland this year myself in a vain attempt to get my head round this awful tragedy.Not enough for me just to read about the Holocaust as part of history. With greater understanding we can help insure against it's resurgance.
Ever since I became aware of the staggering extent of holocaust revisionism around the world, I have visited and studied many of the lengthy expositions on "both sides" of the issue. Having visited several Nazi concentration camps myself (including Dachau and Auschwitz), it seems incredible to me that anyone with a shred of competence and honesty could possibly make claims like those of Leuchter and Irving, which fall apart under any reasonable examination. I applaud the well-written and researched essays by your members, addressing holocaust deniers' arguments point by point. Nowhere in my studies of revisionist writings have I ever seen such academic integrity. Indeed, the tone of every revisionist website that I have encountered suggests to me that their intended audience has little understanding of, or regard for, academic honesty. Well done!
Great site, much needed & valuable information. Thank you.
this site is totolly cool man peaceout!
I can upon your sight while researching for a History Project. Your sight was very helpful to me. I'm really glad that people still remember and care about this tradgic chain of events. Thank you very much, your sight was very well constructed and easy to follow!
i got a lot of info about the holocaust it realy helped me with my research thanx!!
i like your page. it told me alot about the holocaust. it helped me with a project i had to do in class.
THANKS FOR HAVING A WEBSITE ON THE HOLOCAUST, ESPECIALLY HELPING PEOPLE WITH REPORTS,ESSAYS,ETC; P.S. ITS REALLY HARD TO FIND INFOR ON THE HOLOCAUST AND IM KIND OF NERVOUS OF BEING ON THE INTERNET. YOU SHOULD HAVE SOME SIMPLER INSTRUCTIONS TO FINDING THINGS FOR AN 11 YEAR OLD. It is sickening that there is a need for this excellent site. Whilst I am in favour of free speech in principle, surely this should not apply to those paedophiles, loners, losers, and bible-twisters that call themselves "revisionists".
We were right and we are back!!! All this whining about the holohoux is good for bilking the American taxpayer for billions of dollars for Israel. Poor stupid Goy! Oi! By the way Belsen Was A Gas!! NO REMORSE!!!
I think this site is essential, and very informative of the atrocities that occurred. As the saying goes, history repeats itself, and this site is very important in preventing that. People should learn from their mistakes, and information such as this goes a long way. Thank you.
Congratulations! I am Hungarian,Ilive in Brazil since 1960.When I read your site I have many emotions,because my Granfather was shooting in Bergen Belsen. I am interesting in receive other matters about the Hungarian Holocaust.
to me the holocaust is very interesting.Even though I'm only eleven years old.I spend hours on the internet just reading about the holocaust.I love looking at the pictures & knowing what it's like.
I love your website. But can you blame the Nazis? Jews are so mean, say hi and they walk away as if they were so much better. They are prejudice themselves
The Holocaust History Project is a valuable undertaking. It helps us remember those who died for no reason except hate of differences. Unfortunately it is happening today in different locations throughout the world. May this site and others like it be used to help people learn enough about themselves and others to keep this horror from happening over and over again. Thank you for undertaking this project.
This is an informative website. However, in order to obtain a view of the "other side," objective readers should also visit some of the revisionist sites like the Institute for Historical at http://www.ihr.org/ and Bradley Smith's Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust at http://www.codoh.com/ Thanks for reading.
I am Jewish and my grandfather fought in the Holocaust for the Soviet Red Army, so it is doubly important for me that the Holocaust and its lessons should never be forgotten. In this day and age where people keep denying that it ever happened, it is an incredible joy to find that you are keeping everyone informed of what really happened. I don't wish to start an argument, so I won't leave an email or say what I feel about Holocaust-deniers and so-called "historians". It should be obvious. Thank you deeply for preserving the memory. -Greg
This site is wonderful and informative
i think that this site sucks. what's wrong with you people. iwanted to see gross pictures. these pictures didn't even bother me at all. n-e- ways i'm leaving this site and finding a better one. peace out. stephanie!!!!
i loved your site. the pictures were great. they looked very gross. thanks for the wonderful site. pattie -n- tim!!
A question on the "bin like drawers" (Photo 48) how come these appear to have been rendered in after the initial brickwork? How come there are open grilled windows on the "homicidal gas chamber", surely one does not design such a facility so it could not contain the gas? Why are groups such as yours so feverishly afraid of being questioned on the varacity of your claims? Why are David Irving and Robert Faurinsen persecute, why is it illegal to ask questions about the "holocaust" in Germany?
Gentili Signori, siti come il Vostro sono di un'importanza straordinaria, soprattutto perch� mettono a disposizione praticamente di tutti i documenti, le fonti storiche che testimoniano l'orrore del nostro passato. Grazie per il Vostro lavoro Dr. Fabio Maria Pace Isituto "Virgilio" - Milano (Italia)
My family went through second world war even though we weren't badly affected it still, did harm to my grandmother and granduncles. I hope no one will ever reapet this tragical event on history, as well as I hope for the holocoust not to be forgotten but to learn from the mistakes done in the past. I am deaply concerned in working with anything regarding the holocoust even though I am only 18. This is an exelent web page with more than enough information, thankyou for not forgetting. Shalom, Natasha
thank you for putting such a great website together. if anyone reads this who needs an interview of a Holocaust survivor, contact me because my close friend's grandfather lived through the horrible events that took place. thanks
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A humbling experience.
Hitler blows goats. In my sr. English class we are studing holocaust litrature now we have to do a report. You have helped me a lot thank you! Nancy Sannes.
Wow thank you very much your site was extremeley helpful to me in researching my final project on holocaust concentration camps
hi: I have an e-mail, but I just do not wish to leave the address. I think that this is a very good site! It helped me with my English2 project.
This site was a great deal of help to me on an essay that I had to do for my school's graduation project class. Thanks for putting together such a thorough site.
i am doing a paper on dr. mengele for an i.b history class. this site has really helped me but if anyone knows some extra infomation, could you please e-mail me. thank you
I am a student in high school researching the Holocaust for the use of a docu-drama presentation. Thank you for providing me with facts about the holocaust, as well as a great insight to its reality. I can only pray that we will never be faced with this sort of tragedy ever again.
HITLER chose the jews because they boycotted GERMAN products worldwide starting in 1933.HITLER rebuilt his country without large bank loans from jewish banks,which then angered the jews and caused the boycott.People starved to death in the camps because Britian and America bombed all the supply lines and power stations.Have you heard of the USS Liberty? How many times has Israel stolen military secrets from us and then charged us a billion for doing it?How can you kill six million people and keep it a secret?Do you know what the holocaust and the bible have in common?THEY ARE BOTH WRITTEN BY THE BIGGEST LIARS IN THE WORLD!
Holocaust. I have read the books. I have listened to survivors. I have watched the movies. Though I was not alive in Germany during the Holocaust, a part of me cries out for an understanding. A logical explanation answering my question:why did six million people, God's chosen people, suffer and die like animals? Because Hilter brainwashed an entire nation. That is not the correct answer. All the world has treated Jews as beasts of burden and scapegoats. From the ancient Egyptians enslaving to Europe blaming the Black Plague upon Jews. Many Christians believe a Jew killed Jesus Christ, but have these people forgotten that the Roman empire was the law of the land? Anti-semantism has survived longer than some civilizations. This (anti-semantism) has carried like a disease to almost every nation in the world. One of the most contagious area in the world would be the equal opportunity employer,U.S.A. Thanks to various groups, a ghetto went from meaning a community to meaning a slum. Also, these groups, have succeeded in imprinting stereotypes when one is associated as a "Jew". Big-nosed, stingy, rich man who controls everything from the media to capital hill. I guess I should cut this short by ending with conclusion. True, Hilter did manipulate an entire country into believing the Jewish people were to blame for the state of everything in Germany, but ask yourself one thing: if people did not all ready believe Hilter was right, then why is there still Anti-semantism today? Answer: hate and mistrust is as part of Judaism as the Ten Commandments.
I came upon this site while looking for information of the Holocuast Memorial in Miami. I learned of the in school when we read the Diary of Anne Frank as a class. I was very deeply touched by the Memorial in Miami when I visited in 1990. It is sickening to realize that such an act was conceived and carried out. Though as painful as the memories may be, we must never forget what occured, lest we be doomed to repeat it. David D. Flores Galveston, TX
Your site is a very interesting place to be.
I am a 40 year old father of 2 children, I cannot begin to explain the horrors of the holocaust to them nor can I face the thought of doing so. My hands shake and my mouth goes dry as the images and articles unfold, for some reason I feel the loss of life deep within my core and being I want to apologize to those who died for the terrible things that were done - I say a prayer for those under arrest and being tortured most Sundays I will add a prayer for the lost souls of the holocaust from now on. Thankyou for your work.
I am writing a research paper on this devestating period in history and i find it very interesting. It's hard to comprehend the extreme pain and anguish that these people suffered through. I would just like to pay my deepest respect to the Holocaust survivors. i would also like to thank the people who organized this web site, because now i am able to expand my knowledge and curiousity about this subject. Thank you
i think your site is great very educational it really tells the truth god bless
-� I put a comment in here and did not see it come up, so I was going to put more in here... I'am a 15 year old girl and may have not been born during that time, I do feel the suffering and pain, I know that it will never amount to what those people felt. No book or movie could sum up to what those people felt, but they will give small gate-ways to how it did feel, and I think that site and many other things are are those gate-ways. I see in books and on t.v., how the women cluched there childern, and men strip of there pride and shot, the death was unbareable.. I feel and think all the time of there pain.. I do cry.. Why did this have to happen?! I would take the place of a dieing child, woman, man, in a heart beat. I hope to one day vist some of the Death Camps. That is all I have to say. Please e-mail me your comments, or if you where a inmate or a Death Camp, I would like to meet you..�-
I am a seventeen year old senior at Newark High School. Every since I was a childI have been interested but also touched by the Holocaust and the events which took place against the Jewish community during WWII. I think it is vital that the memory of all affected by the Holocaust should be remembered. This helps prevent things like the Holocaust from happening again. Thank You for helping others learn!!!
This a time when we as people can be ashamed of our past
Why did they seem to try to isolate or seclude the camps from everyday peoples view but they put Majdanek By a city road and two other villages?
I wanted to put a few comments about this site.. I have seen in movies and books about the holocaust, and the pain and utter suffering of a people.. And know that no book or movie, could sum up to what that people had to put up with.. This site and many books can add a very small opening to what it feels like.. And I feel it now.. The brutality was.. Beond my emaganation.. My heart aches each day for those people.. I know now I can do nothing for them.. But I would gladly take the place of a old mam being beatin, a child being taken from its mother and killed, young and old, I would... I watched The Hideing Place last night and got a tast of it.. I am a teen..
We are group of students at Columbia Elemnatary students doing a History Day performnce on the Kindertransport. If you have information or your weree a Kinder, please email us so we can set up an interview to talk to you. Thank you for helping us learn about this important aspect of thr Holocaust
Thanks for such an educational site! I am doing a research report on the Holocaust, and you're information was very useful. I was sorry to see people bad-mouthing this site. I think you've done a wonderful job!
Just wanted to compliment you on your site, and your attempt to raise awareness to something that should never be forgotten in the first place. The pictures of Dachau are a grim reminder of what "insanity in charge" can do to so many innocent people, and viewing them took me back to when I was stationed in Germany and went there. Let us never forget the innocent victims, and make sure it never happens again.
Como profesor universitario de 42 a�os, creo que es extraordinariamente importante la existencia de sitios como este para que toda la gente, y sobre todo los j�venes, no olviden la crueldad ejercida por seres humanos. Cada vez m�s, la gente olvida los horrores del nazismo. El olvido es el primer paso para la justificaci�n. �No dejemos que ocurra!
Es terrible el dolor que ha sufrido el pueblo jud�o. Y a todos, en todo el mundo, nos duele ese dolor. Nunca podr� ser olvidado. Como no se podr� olvidar la barbarie del r�gimen nazi y del orden social e hist�rico que le dio origen. Que nunca m�s vuelva la barbarie.
I am a doctoral student at UCSD as well as a Holocaust researcher. I have published many essays and articles in major newspapers all over the US regarding the role of the Bank For International Settlements during WWII, as well as the participation of Daimler-Benz, Ford Motor Company, Volkswagen, BMW, and General Motors in their use of slave labor and collaboratio with the Third Reich throughout World War II. If anyone has any questions regarding these subjects, I will be happy to oblige.
I am from a family that has excperienced this great tragedy.My heart goes to all the people that were killed and I belive I know what they are going through. Also, I am happy to hear that many people care and have put in sites like these on the internet for all to see. Thank You
What had happened at this period of time if unforgiveable and can never be healed. Memories of this time will live forever, and it is our duty to continue to let people know of this tragedy in time started by a madman. I ask a question. Some people leave this out, of other victims during this time. I have heard of children who were kidnapped, little blonde haired girls and boys. What happened to those children? I am trying to write something dealing with this. Remember, it is not just jews who were persecuted. The war was not made to torture them only. Many others were the target of Hitler's hatred. Please do not forget the other victims of the war, for their memory deserves to live on as much as any other.
I have been reading a book about the Holocaust by Aranka Siegal, "Upon the Head of the Goat". Although I am not Jewish and only a teenager, I feel very deeply for those people during the time of Adolph Hitler and the terrors and extremities he put onto them. Of all of the history of the 20th Century, I wish that had never happened.
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Last modified: May 15, 2000