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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of April, 2000.
Thank you for making such a great web site. I know that it is very hard to do such research on this topic because of all the content and I am glad that some people have gotten a further understanding of "what really happened." In school we have read "Anne Frank-The Diary of a young girl" and "Night" by Elie Wiesel, and those two books combined gave me a pretty clear understanding what the Holocaust was about I thought, with Anne's version of hiding from the Nazis and Elie Wiesel's true story about the actual camps and suffering he went through, but this web site has so much more and wonderful information. Thanks!
That the Holocaust actually occurred is beyond contest. Most disturbing of all is that this has happened before [read the book of Ester and consider the acts in Russia] and will occur to people of evil intent again until the Messiah intervenes. No nation or people are immune to this corrupted logic and thinking, with no exception granted for the United States. For this reason it is vitally important to keep this incident in the public eye so that we do not fall into such a grave error again. Larry Gene Rothrock
It was really interesting to see. Very usefull.
I am so sorry for the actions and stupidity of mankind.
I would like to say that i have grave reservations about the recent conviction of david irving, i think that if i was not aware of the views and opinions of people like D.I. my own view of history would be somewhat shallow and naive. To criminalize a person for expressing there opinion no mater how bigoted and offensive it may be, sets a very dangerous precedent. But i think what bothers me even more is the thought that in the future I might not have the opportunity to balance the views of extremist, moderates, revisionists, propagandists and the rest. I am happy to debate with any fascist or supporter of D.I.'s views confident that i would win the argument, this would not be the case if they were denied a forum or even the right to express there opinions and have them challenged.
Outstanding work on a horrifying subject. It is obvious that there are those whose minds remainded closed to the venom of Nazi Germany,this site will help remind us that it must "never happen again."
I came to this to help my son with his studies in a Catholic school. Iam so pleased that this is a subject that is included in the curiculum. A new understanding for him. But my heart is now so heavy. I pray for peace and live today with Gratitude. We are blessed! Let us live in the now, with the knowledge and wisdom of the past so we don't have the attitudes that one is better then the other. Let us learn to discern, not judge. Peace within and Thank You for the wonderful site.
Hello i really appreciate all the information about these evens but to get here there are to many bad things. see for yourselves its terrible
'Evidence' can always be 'provided', provided that the Americans make enough money out of it. And then there are millions of media-brainwashed Americans to believe it. Look what you did to the Indians and the Vietnamese. Who blew the nuked the Japanese? Who is starving innocent Iraqi's with sanctions? Israel is no shining example either, with their disgusting war. Who are you to point the finger? You should be disgusted with yourselves.
I do not know what to believe about the holocaust anymore. I do believe Hitler oppressed the Jews and held them in concentration camps. But killing 6 million Jews, that is utterly absurd and impossible! What are the chances that there was even a population of Jews that large in Europe at that time of Earth History when the worldpopulation was much less. Please note, I'm no Nazi and no racist, I believe everyone should live with the basic human rights. However I am nationalistic, and believe every nation should preserve their culture and identity. I am a German myself. Why are we still confronted with this? We have done nothing wrong. My grandparents were children in the war, why can't you leave us alone? What the Allies did to Germany is an atrocity. They left East Germany over to the communists, most hated in all Western Countries. Innocent Germans lived in atrocious conditions for 40 years, just because they believed in Hitler for giving them food, work and the 'Autobahn' after the Great Depression. I was in Germany 2 years ago and visited my Great great aunt in Thuringa. It was like time stood still in her hometown for 40 yrs. Everything neglected, they didn't even have bathrooms, or newspapers till the fall of the DDR. Please people turn your attentions to more important matters. Forgive us Germans and forget the Holocaust. Stop whining about 'we can't forget and must remember, so it doesn't happen again'. That is ridiculous, because it is happening all over the world at the moment, especially in Africa, but doesn't even reach the media! We don't deserve this.
Must I tell you why noone wants to know about the Russians massacred by Stalin, or the Native Americans, or even the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Africa? But everyone is interested in the Holocaust. It's because the Germans have the money...
Thanks for the wonderfully informative site.
Thank you so very much for this site!! That time was a very devastating time for so many Jews(and many, many others), and I believe that it is very important to remember it, and not let it happen, ever, ever again. I am doing a book report and anymore pictures that anyone can send to my e-mail would be very helpful for me. Thank you so much!!
I am very intrested in this subject.Also I am doing a reserch project on "Jews in the Holocaust.
The information which you have provided me with gave me a better understanding of the Holocaust. I also have abetter understanding of what went on there. Yours Truly, Brian T. Muller
i really loved your information thanks for putting it on the internet i really learned more about the holocaust and what went on there. your freind zeb
I'm in 8th grade and I am studying the Holocaust. For English class we are making a Holocaust museum. It is going to have different exibits in it that represents different things. This is the second year that we have done this. The Holocaust is a very emotional topic for me. I always chose to study the Holocaust when I have to do a report or project. Every time I start studying the Holocaust again I learn something new. This website was very informative and I enjoyed it very much. I had to do a project on Adolf Hitler and I found all of my information on this site. You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work. Thank you so much!!! Megan M.
Hey, jews! True its here. Lets go! http://www.lebensraum.org/index.html
the only reason why i'm here is i have to do a report on this.
The Holocaust is a very interesting thing to me, and it is a very sad time that happened in the World History. I'm glad this sight is here so i can look up things on it.
fuck all yall who think hitler is cool cause yall need serious help!!!
Thanks a lot your website really helped me in my history project. I think this was a really harsh time and that we should remember what happen their and not forget the people who survived this terrible time.
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The tradgedy of it all never dissipates. God bless all the survivors and decendants of the people who lost their lives in this abomination of mankind.
I think this is a great web site. It has information that helps you more to understand what happened when hitler was in power. In school, my english class is going to read "knight". I hope that everyone will take the holocaoust selrioulsly because it actually happened to a lot of people and I hope that, that will never happen again.
well i just want all kinds of info for my own S.S. project on the children of WWII. Hi- the holocaust is of particular interest to me because of my family. My extended family all died during the war, and my grandfather came to the US. It was such a terrible period of time- and yet so important to remember. It must not happen again! Cynthia
Am very impressedwith , and very appreciative of your site. Thank you for all the work you have done. I followed the Irving trial closely and as a Jew it is good to be able have the facts to back up the emotional responce I have to his anti-semitism and historical distortions.
Ya know? I think Hitler was a brilliant individual. However, its sad to say that brilliance led to the deaths of millions of people. Just goes to show that even the blessed ones are misguided. Sad to say, but true altogether. But how can we look back at something like that and not even see the same thing happening in the mid east and such? So..let's look back at history and learn to prevent our own.
Well, I have been interested in what had happened during the Holocaust for many years and I never could find the information that I wanted. Thank you for the site and keep digging for that information.
Stupidity is the reason why certain people don't believe this.
Sorry, but i have to write in my native language, cause i want to express all my feelings about this. Me interesa saber del holocausto, porque marc� toda una generaci�n como el crimen justificado, hasta la fecha existe el horror del recuerdo de lo sucedido en los campos de concentraci�n alemanes, no sufrir� lo que sufren sobrevivientes del holocausto, pero debo aprender los errores que puede llegar a cometer el ser humano, para ense�ar a mis hijos lo que fue el pasado, el porqu� y lo que no debe ser jam�s. Soy Mexicano nacido en Puebla, Pue., y se que en mi pa�s se ha tratado de extinguir la poblaci�n ind�gena, de una u otra manera, tal vez sea un peque�o exterminio de raza, pero es imperdonable, yo tengo 33 a�os, mis hijos 4 a�os uno y tres meses el otro, mi interes es legarles una edcaci�n real, para que se ayuden a construir un mundo mejor, y si fuera posible de que algun dia llegaran a presidir a un grupo de personas, comprendieran y recordaran el pasado, para legar un futuro sin temores. Thanks for create an space dedicated to the holocaust, cause i have the posibilitie of honor those people that fight against tiranism and cruelty, those who fall hoping a future, but that they don�t knew that they left a track of shame to whose wich tolerate movements that bring the phantom of the past. REMEMBER THE PAST TO LIVE A FUTURE IN PEACE CARLOS ARELLANO SANCHEZ PUEBLA, PUE. MEXICO
Hey! I just wanted to say thanks for having all this really sad, but interesting information in one place. It was really helpful.
I wsa brought up in a part of Manchester where many jewish people lived. I was brought up by a Polish - Jewish woman who survived the camps. I was only six years old when I noticed a dark tatoo on her arm. When I asked her about it she became upset, but went on to describe her life in the Warsaw ghetto and the two camps in which she was imprisoned. Sopme people may say that I was too young to understand the true brutality of the Holocaust. But that rather distressing education has helped to open my eyes to man's inhumanity to others. As an adult I know now that we must never tolerate those today who seek to deny the truth. Becuase truth is the only means by which we will progress as a species. May we never forget those millions of souls and those of you who keep their memories alive. Sadie.
Sad but true.
This is a very boring site!!!!!
The Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust (OJV) is wrong, and it's simple to prove: It's the Jews and their friends who are sup- pressing debate all around the world (it's illegal to question the OJV in most European countries, plus Australia and Canada). People who suppress debate are those with something to hide; revisionists (like Irving), on the other hand, are eager to debate. If you'd like to know more about the Jewish Question generally, please read my essay at the URL given here.
What do the O.J. Simpson trial and Irving v. Lipstadt trial have in common? Answer: both of their verdicts were politically motivated to appease a certain group of people--the O.J. verdict appeased blacks and their sympathizers; and the Irving verdict appeased Jews and their sympathizers. Furthermore, in neither of these trials does an impartial weighing of the facts justify the judges' verdicts. I'd like to encourage anyone who thinks that the verdict against David Irving is the death knell to Holocaust revisionism to visit the following site: http://abbc.com/nj/irvtrial/pyrrhicvictory-e.htm. Judge Gray's verdict is in fact probably the greatest triumph for revisionism to-date. This article will certainly open your eyes. Also, readers of this guestbook are encouraged to visit some of the major revisionist websites like www.ihr.org and Bradley Smith's Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust at www.codoh.com (make sure to visit the Commentary page). Readers must see both sides of the story in order to make an informed judgment about the question of the Holocaust.
I had to answer questions for a social studies project.I thought this would be a easy A. It wasn't it had to be the hardest to sit here and read all this plus see all it brought many tears to my eyes.I hope all students in my class will one day have to see this. It is a wonderful teaching tool. I wish only they R.I.P. for those deceased. Thank you for all who gave to this project.You helped me learn something else. Carleha Jackson Cleveland,oh
this is a great web site. i love understanding the holocaust and this makes me more informative.
What happened in the holocaust was very tragic and sad but it is a tragedy that we are never made to forget by the jews. The thing is, there were two other "holocausts" in recent times, most notably during the Russian revolution and during Stalin's rule in Eastern europe. It is interesting to note that the bolsheviks (many of whom were jewish in positions of power)had executed millions of peasant Russians for simply not being Communist supporters or considered anti-bolshevik. Indeed, local Communist leaders within viallges and towns during the revolution were in the majority, jewish. I won't go into the details of attrocities done to innocent people during the revolution as it would sound anti-semetic but suffice to say it was plain and simple, people were shot en- masse. During Stalins time millions (estimated 20M or even more) either died of starvation or were murdered, executed or send to their deaths in Russia. The point I'm trying to make: who is reminding us of the millions of poor Russians that were murdered or executed or exstinguished from their lands. It seems to me people and the media couldn't care less about the Russians and other East Europeans that dissapeared. The people who died in the Holocaust at least they have a voice that remind us of who they were. But what about the others?
What I saw was very sad and i'm glad i didn't have to live throw it.
Irving's War is an exceptionally brilliant piece. Thank you for making this lucid comment available to us.
I am a second year German student at my highschool, we have been assigned to do a speech on a Famous German(s). We recieved a list and from the list my choice settled on Hans and Sophie Scholl. (For Sophie was the only female on the list). I just finished reading about them. They may not have made a dent in the holocaust, but they scratched the surface for they gave their lives at early ages. They wrote leaflets against the German goverenment and Hitler, which was NOT heard of, for if you talked against Hitler the pushiment was death. And death their sentence was. These two college students and many others were excuted. As an American I have no idea what a dictatorship is like and from all I have learned I am not sure I want to know. To live in fear that an innocent comment made could give me a death sentence.
I first encountered this site while looking for background on the UK Irvings libel suit. The analysis of the case was thoughtful and very well presented, and mindful of avoiding playing the revisionists game. They love to see their own attacked so they can act the vicitm. Further interesting articles at your site encouraged me to see for myself how the revisionists present their arguments. They present few arguments of any substantive analysis of REAL evidence. Rather, a good deal of it alleges a "Jewish Conspiracy" and whining about how available evidence isn't good enough. The majority of revisionist site content appears to be contempt of those who study history, all the Jewish peoples, and anyone who argues that the Holocaust happened. Their tactics resemble grade-school name-calling and standard bigotry. I do believe in Free Speech. I believe even the revisionists have the right to speak their minds. I believe THHP website is the best defense against bigotry, superstition, and a lack of critical thinking. Thank you and well done!
Well done on a very well thought out web site. The holocaust and in particular Auschwitz are of particular interest to me. I have extensive reading on the subject and have visited kz1 and Birkenau. I am currently constructing a book on the camp and have many B&W photos of the camp from my last visit which I am offering for your use should you wish to do so. If you are interested please contact me at my E-mail address listed. I should make it clear at this point that I am offering them free of charge. Yours, Mike davies
It was a sad and horrifying experience for people to have.
Honestly what has OJ Simpson's trial got to do with the Holocaust???? Ok to the webmaster. In two places in your interesting article, you have stated as follows:- >>> "Revisionists" depart from the conclusion that the Holocaust did not occur and work backwards through the facts to adapt them to that preordained conclusion. >> Since "revisionists" depart from the conclusion that the Holocaust did not happen, i.e., they deny its existence, they are often called "deniers". <<< Surely the "not" in "did not occur" and "did not happen" should not be there. Or else it should be 'that the Holocaust occured' and 'the Holocaust happened.' Just a comment.
Hey you know what? I read a story by Paul Rassinier about his experiences in the concentration camps. He told of how there were no gas chambers and he is a Jew himself so why would he lie? I'm sorry but the Holocaust story sounds too absurd to be true. I will continue to believe it to be false and continue to believe as jews to be liars. Evidence has shown. I have seen the light. Down with the KIKES!
I can't believe all of the things that were done to innocent men, women, and children. What is it that could make someone be able to do all this?? How can you look into a person's eyes and then shoot them in cold blood. It makes me sick to think that someone can do this. I also can't believe that people deny this ever happened! How could someone say that? We need to pull together and make sure that these people NEVER succeed. I hope that we never forget this terrible tragedy, we must keep these people's memory alive.
hello! this page is really great. i was just looking through it to find information for a repot that i had to do and this site is great. the holocaust is something that i "get into" when i study it. it makes me sick to think of what was done to some innocent people who did nothing wrong--they were just "different" in some people's eyes. thanks again for having this great page. keep up the good work! ~alana~
For all you peoples out there that think Hitler was bad, all I have to say is: wake up, this is reality, events like the holocaust are happening today in third world countries. Hunger, starvation are things that are going on in places like Africa. Its not new,and racism isnt going to go away. Im a racist myself, all it means is you dislike a person. I just hate them for their race. Everyday kids experience racism at one point in their life, for example, if anyone reads this and you think back, can you remember when you dislike someone. Thats hatred, the bible says its just the same as racism. So, if anyone reads this, and can remember a time when they experianced hatred, type it out so every can learn from it. Hatred can and cant be bad. What causes it to be bad is the way we exprese our hatred. Hatred expresed in the wrong way is the reason for the Columbine shooting. The two kids were dumbasses and didnt know how to control their hatred and anger. And for all you out there that dislike Adolf Hitler, fuck you.
i think the holocaust was very tragic and sad. at my school in my advanced language arts class. we learned about the holocaust, and we saw the movie schindler's list, and went to the holocaust museum. we also had a debate on which one was worst the holocaust or slavery. i said 50%/50%!!!!!!!!! december cook 7TH grade
very nice!
Why? How is it possible that one man could hate so much that he can cause revolting scenes of terror? I found a site the other day (not sure of the URL) while I was looking for info for my hostory report. It offered pictures, along witha warning: The following pictures are not for the squeamish. They depict scenes so horrendous that they will haunt your nightmares. Well, silly me, I had to look. I felt so sick I though I would puke. Tears stung my eyes as I shook my head in dazed amazement. One picture actually showed some of their terrible expirements...Limbs of all sorts, strewn across the room, people bleeding to death on hospital beds...It was awful. I have to finish my report, but every time I see the word "Holocaust", I am sickened instantly. If you have any links that DO NOT have pictures that morbid, curious little creatures like me would regret seeing, please send them to me at [email protected] ****Kimberlynne****
Very good information It helped me alot on my informational essay for history keep up on the good work and keep educating people on the inportance of the Holocaust it was a very sad time in history but deserves to be remembered and not denied of forgotten
i'm very sorry for everyone in world war two, espeacially for the holocaust. i know you maybe thinking i don't know anything about it but i've seen the pictures and some make me cry some don't but either way it was devestating. very sorry luv keri s.w.a.l.k
Wonderful site. It shows the power of the web to broadcast, and to cleanse by ventilation. I visited Dachau with my parents as a teenager. I've never experienced anything as moving and as horrifying. It is important that this experience not be forgotten by me, or missed by upcoming generations. One cannot reasonably deny the Holocaust; One can quibble at the margin about details, but the irrefutable horror, with all that it teaches us about the black side of our nature, emerges inexorably from any examination of what we know. We can only wrestle with its existence and implications. I hope and believe that we can grow and evolve from great tragedies. We can only do so if we remember.
it sucks!
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I thank that what happened shoud not happen again because it was very gross and very sick of those people do that to those people. How whould they like it if we did that to them and we get in trouble for it to them.
This website has been very useful in the project assigned by our teacher, namely to look for pro-Nazism sites and refute them. If not for the help of this webpage, I would have been at a loss for words half the time! =)
David Irving's defeat is mankind's gain. I congratulate Deborah Lipstadt for her conduct during the trial and its immediate aftermath. In a TV interview she stated that she would not wish the UK (maybe US too) to introduce legislation in line with Germany's, i.e. Holocaust denial being an absolute criminal offence. I agree - free speech is essential in a free society but the supporters of evil must be confronted in the way that she has done and this must continue.
I learned somethings about the holocaust I never Knew.
It is depressing that revisionist David Irving lost his suit against Lipstadt, though it's certainly not surprising. Politicians, judges, universities and the whole media establishment is against him (as well as against holocaust revisionists in general). Anyone who has objectively followed this trial will come to the conclusion that the verdict is as laughable as that of the O.J. Simpson trial. (O.J. is probably STILL trying to find the "real murderer." :-)) Nonetheless, it appears Irving will appeal. And one must hope that justice will finally be served in the end, and the "holocaust" will be exposed for what it is: the HOAX of the twentieth century. Rock on.
I have just completed the first-ever book exploring the connection between Hitler's Christianity and the formulation of his plans to exterminate the Jews. I've read all of Hitler's published writings and statements, including his surviving private notes and letters. It turns out that Hitler first outlined his theory for the Holocaust in 1919 in private notes, and based it on "The Bible--Monumental History of Mankind." If JOHN 8:44 and MATTHEW 27:25 had never been written, the Holocaust would never have happened.
I enjoyed ur webpage. I think u should include more pictures. Maybe some pictures of the camps, survivors, or torture devices.
A very good resource and keep up the good work, Thank you
Educative beyond words; this site is an absolute must: for everyone's sake.
I am a 6th grade teacher in Garrison,Texas. Each year I spend a considerable amount of time on WWII and the Holacaust. I am very interested in this subject and would like to recieve more information on it. I would like projects that would give the students a better picture of what the jewish people went through. I want children to learn why the United States must take action all over the world and how important it is to be #1 in technolgy, military, and education. We could be speaking German!
CONGRATULATIONS! The outcome of the Irving-case is a great inspiration. keep up the good work.
I'm sure that Adolf Hitler enjoyed it ! I feel sorry I missed it :-)
This sight helped me a lot with my project and I thank you to the authors of this because without this sight I would have never known so much about the holocaust!
I visited Aushwitz last month. This website is very informative, the real thing is unexplainable. I brought a rock back from the camp, and every time I look at it, it gives me goosebumps. Worst place I have ever visited. Anyone that doesn't beleive it happened, it did!!!
I am a high school sophmore attempting to proocure a thesis on why hitler felt obliged to enforce such strond anti-semetism. The information on this sight has helped me a great deal in my quest for an A. Keep up the good work!
I am a grade 8 student and just finished reading a book about the holocoaust. This website was very helpful to me in many ways, it helped my understand what went on and why it went on. AND TO ALL YOU FUCKERS WHO MAKE STUPID COMMENTS ABOU THIS PAGE OBVIOUSLY YOU HAVE GOT A LOT OF READING UP TO DO! k8
ok im sorry for all the Holocaust survivors and the Ones who weren't so lucky. I HAVE ONE THING TO SAY "FUCK HITLER" he is a sick bodacious bastard...........
I think all people are the same. I wish Adolf Hitler never tried to kill all Jews, Ialso think racesem should be elegal. All races are equal, red, yellow, blak, and white. Brandon H. from Orlando Fl. age; 12
What we as people need to realize is that we need to stop the hate now before something like this happens agian. I am a high school student and I see hate every day in every class. there are kids getting the shit kicked out of them just because they were wearing the wrong color, they get beat up for glancing at some one elses girlfriend/boyfriend. I used to be one of the kids that would on perposely beat some one up for the hell of it but them I got involved with the baha`i faith this really turned my life around. I stoped getting into trouble and hanging out with the wrong croud and now, instead of beating people up I help them not get beat up because I realized my past errors.
This is an excellent site and helped me enormously with my project. I would recommend it to anyone. Thanks
I cried deep within my heart at the sufferings of the camp inmates and victims. The community has suffered heavily. The scars are deep. Let us not forget one important fact that is there is a lesson to the entire human race, that is through their sufferings the concentration camp victims and survivors have risen above and beynod what is "human". Let us all take utmost care that this shall never ever happen to any one or any where in any form.
David Irving has lost his case in court! That's a relief, eh? For many people, it is difficult to believe in the Holocaust because it is so hard to accept that people could possibly behave with such cruelty. May I recommend Gitta Sereny's books, in particular "Into That Darkness" (see this site's bibliography for details) which is the commandant of Treblinka's story. Ms Sereny's special quality is her ability to show how ordinary people can end up in overwhelmingly ghastly situations, guilty of huge crimes, by small, "normal", steps. Her humanity links us with Stangl and the rest, and shows just how easy it would be for us to allow hell again on earth, if we forget, or are seduced by Irving and his ilk...
Shalom jews! Holocost - is a great lie of a century! Quanity of victims was falsificated. Real q-ty of holocost victims are less 10 000! Plesant geshaft, jews!
This site was very helpful and even if I wasn't doing a project it would be very inlightening to me, becuase the holocaust is something everyone should learn about. This site really helped. By reading everything that happen with the Holocaust I'm positive I'll get an "A" on my project and I'm sure I'll go back to this site and tell everyone about it, because it makes things much easier. Thanks.
THis is a cool website. it was very helpful on our class holocaust project. Thank You. Southwestern rules
It helped me do my projects....please email me your comments when ever you please, thank you 3rd degree
You say that the revisionists or "holocaust-deniers" don't provide enough evidence to support their claim and then you say it like it's outrageous that jews would create this big lie and have everyone believe it. Well that's precisely why Adolf Hitler found the jew to be a threat to his people. They are liars. They are dangerous. They've gotten the whole world into thinking that the "holocaust" was the most terrible event in history when Joseph Stalin, that Marxist Killer murdered millions of Latvians, Lithuanians, and Ukranians. I think the revisionists provide plenty of evidence. You think the jew is not capable of starting a hoax? It's simple. Since many of the conditions in the concentration camps were harsh and people were dying by the thousands of malnutrition and disease it was easy to make it look like people were dying of gas chambers. All they had to do was pile up a bunch of dead bodies and clothes, and get the Americans that liberated the camps to go through the place and think that they were seeing people that were murdered dilerately. But when u examine the bodies, u would see they were NOT gassed. So you see it's simple to start a hoax. The "holocaust" is war propaganda and the jew has done everything in his power to make sure that it's continued to be told. Since the jews control the news media of America, Britain, Canada, and Germany they can easily control what the public sees and what they don't see. The Nuremberg Trials were unfair. They would kick men in the testiles and threaten to torture them if they didn't "confess" at the trials. These so-called "confessions" were obtained by torture. The World Jewish Congress declared War on Germany and they were a powerful group of individuals so believe me, if you get enough jews you can easily create a holohoax story. It's simple as pie. Every time I go to the library, I see tons and tons of "holocaust" books and "holocaust denial" books and books that jews wrote. Why can't they have books that nazis write? Why is it always the jew who gets to tell his story but the nazi is denied his freedom of speech? It tells you something right there that the jew is afraid what the nazi will say about him. What I found extremely weird about the holocaust is why do Israel get all this money from U.S. tax dollars? What we are going to do? Continue to bow to the jew and send aid to his people forever until there is no gentile on this earth left? Another weird thing about this holocaust myth is why are there so many survivors? There's about 600,000 "survivors" as far as I know. That tells you right there that if they were to indeed exterminate the jews, then there wouldn't be NO Survivors. Next time jew boys and girls, try to plan your "holocaust" story a little better next time because there are too many people waking up to reality. More than you think. Thanks for listening, Jamie girl P.S. If you delete my message then I will know my freedom of speech has been suppressed and that jews must really be afraid of me and what I have to say.
This is a great site. Im in 8th grade and im doing a project over the holocaust and Auschwitz. this information is very helpful. the holocaust was a terrible tragedy.it is had to read and look at pictures about it. i am terribly sorry this ever happened and i am sorry to all that had to go through this. jenny
This site was so helpful. It showed other students work and that helped me also. I had to write a huge research paper and I for got how to document b/c I haven't written one since the beginning or 9th grade and now I'm in 10 so this helped me alot. It was quick and that is good b/c i have cheerleading practice so much i dont have a lot of time for anything else, so thanks.
A very interesting website,It has helped me loads. The pictures are sick, well some of them. Thanks very much. ED p.s B.M.X RULES!!!
I have read many stories about the holocaust and find them very sad and moving. I also encorge my kids to read them so we as a human race will never forget what the nazi's inflicted on the jewish people. thank you Michelle Maguire.
This is for the student who is studying in Illinois, and wants to know more about Mengele. There is a book he can buy, called Menngele The last Nazi, by Gerald Astor. There is another book about Mengele, by Gerald Posner, called Mengele: The complete story. This particular book interviews the son of Josef Mengele, who's name is Rolf. And as well interviews other children, and grandchildren or war criminals. There are two more books, I recommend. The Holocaust, by Martin Gilbert. And Auschwitz by Sara Nomberg- Przytyk, where Mengele performed sterilization on twins.
hello guys
I came across this ste by accident while looking for material to refute Holocaust denial claims as part of Year 9 studies on historical inerpretations. Your site has been extremely useful and very well constructed. Many thanks.
thanks, the site is well put together and easy to use. it has been a major help in the composing of my junior theme paper, almost all the information i gathered came from here, and the sources have been recorded in my works cited. thanks again karl
anyone who has exprienced the holocost plese e-mail me. I am 14 and am doning a history report.plese mail me your expirences if not to painful. thanks Kyle Manns
Why did Adolf Hitler kill the Jews
This web site was really usefull thanks.
Hi my name is Jennifer and I am 13. All my life I have been Interested in the holocaust. My parents thought I was more intrerested in all the deaths, but they were wrong. I love learning about the holocaust not the deaths. I would like it alot if you could send me information on the holocaust. I think it is important for people to learn about it. Like our school is going on a trip in the summer to go see the death camps and stuff my parents didn't let me go so intstead i decided to research about it this summer.
I thought this was such a great project and I wanted to be a part of it. I would also like ro acknowledge my group members Troy and Stephanie
Its wonderful that you have compiled so much information; it is great that you are making people aware of the atrocities of the Holocaust.
This site is useful I am currently looking at the holocaust in school. I often wonder how any sort of human being could do this to another
As Headmaster of our private Academy, I highly commend your efforts in this superb site. Please continue to develop it. If Truth is not shared, then lies will rule! Over the years, I have personally traveled throughout Europe and have visited a number of the Nazi Concentration Camps spoken of in your data. No amount of pictures or written testimonies can truly take the place of actually standing in front of one of the ovens or gas chambers in Dachau, etc. As an Educator, I wished it was possible to require every student and parent to travel to Europe in order to view these sites of horror. Thank you so very much for the work you are doing. I am most Sincerely yours, Creth D. Hopkins
I really have two reasons for signing the guest book. First of all I wanted to comment on a job well done. I found that this sight offers a lot of very useful information. As a lover of history, I have always been interested in the Second World War and the holocaust. Everyone here has done an incredible job. The second reason I am signing the guest book is I would really like to speak with the individual who is doing their thesis on Lesbians during the Nazi era. The topic you have chosen is of special interest to me and I would really enjoy hearing about the research you have gathered. If anyone knows this person, please pass on my email address to them. Thanks
i think this web page is very sad and intersting to what happend to these people. this is one of the greatest web pages that i've read!!!!!!!!!
I am doing a paper on the Holocaust, I do not know very much about it anyone with information on it can E-mail me
I think its terrible what happened to all those Jewish men, women, and childern. I hope nothing like this ever happens again and if it ever did I hope people won't stay quiet for so long. When people turn their heads and pretend not to see the inhumanity its just another way of condoning what the Germans did. I personally want to help for people not to forget and learn what actually went on during the Holocuast.
I thought that this web-site was very helpful. I have to do a report on Adolf Hitler and I found almost all of my information on this web-site. Thanks!!
This is a great site. Even without the "revisionist" deniers, a holocaust could easally happen again. I can think of one country where it could be replicated and in fact outdone, but that country might surprise you. With all the anti-drug hysteria in America and several politicians calling for public executions of drug dealers, the next "final solution" could be in America, as the "Great American Solution to the Drug Problem". Newt Gingrich called for a public mass execution of drug dealers by lethal injection. That's a pretty dangerous slippery slope to be at the top of, as history shows with the original Holocaust. We already invite companies into the prisons to extract near-slave labour from the druggies. We are probably one or two steps away from replicating the Deutschlanders. Is Newt Gingrich our Himmler? With him on the record of advocating the executions of drug dealers en masse, it seems so. Other signs of us replicating the nazis is the systematic denial of economic participation of drug users with urine tests, as though the drug residues serve as that Star Of David Jewish people were forced to wear before the gas chambers were built. Sadly, we didn't learn from Prohibition nor the Holocaust, despite the history books full of all the evidence. The nazis declared war on Jew, like we declared war on the druggies. Please note that I'm not a street drug user, but I see the pattern anyways. And once the pattern is set, nobody is safe. Not even legitimate users of various prescription drugs.
A well put together site, very helpful with my school assignment!
I find this web site to be passionate and inspiring
Hi! This site was very interesting! thank you for all the info. i'm really interested in the holocaust and i found this site full of a lot of info. THANK YOU P.S. FOR ALL OF YOU SARCASTIC JERKS WHO SAY THIS WEBSITES SUCKS, READ IT AGAIN! ITS A GREAT SITE
I think this is an awesome information project. I am a 9th grade student and I am doing a research paper on Auschwitz and the Holocaust. I think this is one of the saddest things the world had to go through and I really feel for the people that went through it. Thanks for the info!!!!!
Why did the world war 2 happen? What was the conflict in this war?During World war 2 what did D-day mean? If you know please e-mail me.
I shall return to this project many times. Thank you to every contributor. Judy
This page is an awesome memorial i just wish there was more pictures because this doesn't seem real that someone could do something like that it is plainly horrendous.
This was a very moving web page the pictures really help the reality of the Holocaust set it, i really can't believe some people refuse to admit that it never happened thank you for your time in writing this.
I once asked a Survivor if they thought the world had changed. She replied by asking me what I thought. I said no. She took my hand with a slight smile, and said, there was one Holocaust- but there are countless genocides. Never forget. Did we, honestly, in our heart of hearts, ever truly remember? I often wonder. Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to this active memorial. You give knowledge and hope. Thankyou.
A very enlightening and useful site
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Last modified: May 15, 2000