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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of July, 2000.
Exellent site. Never new there was so much to it. Trying to write a book about the II WW and always are in search for new information. And the holocaust is one of the most difficult things to write about. Thank you, and keep up the good work so we will never forget.
The most disturbing aspect about the Nazi Holocaust is the fact that its most important legacy was the hasty creation of the state of Israel (The Zionist had hoped to establish a Jewish Palestine by gradual means), and the consenquential Arab-Israeli conflicts, plus the resulting religious radicalisms on both sides which plague the entire Middle East to this day. Duriing WWII, Palestine was ruled by British colonists who could not control the constant violence between Arabian natives and Jewish settlers. At least some of the Arabs considered- and still consider- the Jews to be invaders eager to gobble up their land. The Nazi Holocaust turned out to be the Zionist movement's worst nightmare come true. Of course, the British White Paper keeping desperate Jewish refugees from coming to Palestine didn't help matters either. As a result many Jews turned openly against the British mandate, and some even used bin Laden-style terrorist tactics against the same colonists who issued the White Paper. I have never approved the heavy-handed tactics and human-rights violations that Israelis have used against Palestinian Arabs. Still, One need only go the Yad Vashem Holocaust Victims Memorial in West Jerusalem to understand why Jews are determined to maintain the state of Israel at all costs. It's what I like to call survival mode. Let's hope that both sides can contain their violent tendencies aside and put the brutal past behind them. May both Jehovah and Allah help them on their way. Jason M
An excellent site to begin a look at the Holocaust, and the falsities associated with many who would dispute it. I wanted to tell you that we who hope to educate have linked this site in a recently formed Yahoo club, with the somewhat dubious title 'The Holocaust Revised'. I and several others have been correcting claims, providing information and locations, and in general trying to educate those who are misinformed, and this site has proved invaluable. Please visit, or even join, and help us to educate the many uneducated out there. Chris
fight for germany without foreingers aund jews people.
I'm honored to know one of you, and I'm happy to make a donation to further all of your efforts in this extremely important area.
Thank you for your good and important work on the Holocaust History Project. I invite you and your readers to visit the Refugee Health ~ Immigrant Health site at the URL above. I used one of the photographs from your site to link to your site. It is at the end of the Mental Health section. If this is not okay, tell me and I will remove the photograph. Sometimes people have difficulty getting to the Refugee site using the URL. The fastest way is to use the Yahoo! search field to search for my name "charles kemp" Hopefully, though the webmaster here will put the link in. Again, Thank You, CK
I am 13 i am very interested about the holocaust and WW2 i think waht happend was sick and delutted by a very psychotic man i am sorry for what happend to the jewish community. i wish... I hope our children would know about that and what happend so we can prevent this in the future. I feel sick knowing our own race. Human beings, can kill witahout thinking about the families and the people who survived the holocaust and lost loved ones. feel free to e-mail on comments about this. Colin Blake
this was fantastic reading,do offer Movies on World War Two
Thank you for making such a real and historical site.
Very impressive web-site and equally impressive wealth of material and documentation.
Very impressed that you don't cut out the denier's messages in your guestbook, no matter how off base they are. Your site looks to be a very good collection of evidence.
It was really interesting to visit you site and I applaud your efforts in keeping the memories of all those vitims and survivors alive. History is so important if we are to understand just where we are going, and I hope that from the knowledge of the history of the halocaust, we can prevent any future genocide or at least minimize it's ugly effects.
i really wanted to know more about holocaust after i watched the movie "DEVIL'S ARITHMETIC".....that movie made me cry and it hurts when u find out what happened to the Jews in the camps and i read some of ur articles and they gave me more information so all i wanna say is that u have a great articles.......that really make someone feel what was it like to be a Jew.....TO BE A JEW MEANT DEATH.
I remember when I was in the seventh grade, a man came and visited my history class, he was a photographer who had been over in Germany at the end of at the end of the war. He showed the class some pictures of the concentration camps and the horrors that took place there. Since that time I have tried to read all information I could get ahold of on WWII. Until now I had never found anything on the Nuremberg Trails Thank you for your hard work in putting this information in reach of those who are interested in learning and reading about this time in history
I think your website is very informative. Genocide is truly horrible. Our only defense is to educate ourselves and others so that history does not repeat itself as it did with the Jewish Holocaust and many other genocides that have and are currently taking place in the world. There must also be a serious effort to crack down on genocide denial. Namely, the Turkish denial of Armenian Genocide, which was the first modern genocide of the 20th century. The Turkish government has yet to own up to the perpetration of a systematic and planned mass murder and deportation of 1.5-2 million Armenians beginning in 1915 during the rule of the Young Turk Party.
allso ich finds geil
Good site for one way info, but its a little stark. Oh well, looks aren't everything! Keep up the good work.
So many people believe that Nazis killed millions or Jews, try 1.5 million. Most Jews died of natural causes and typhus, Nazis did not kill Jews for fun. Some many people have edited photos and made up lies on force to protect the truth and to make it worse that it was. You can believe what you want, but its not possible to kill 6 million Jews and control a war at the same time. Nazis did not devote their time to killing Jews....they were workers during the war as simple as that. Workers that died of old age, thypus, starvation, the weather, etc. The Jews were treated with disrespect no doubt, but your lives are sad if you believe it was really that bad...wake up and realize!! Everyone says how can they do that? Well, did you think it never happened? They could not have kept these murders as a secret for longer than a day with Jews that gave info. to Allies, spies were also common. I'm not saying it wasn't horrible and there wasn't murders but come on some of the things you people make up or hear isn't always true....if you can persuade me into hating the holocaust, give it your best try, but I'm much happier thinking in the lines of revisionism!! WP!!
I think it was right for Adolf Hittler to get rid of all of the jews!!! They where in his way.
You've done a wonderful thing, keeping such a horrible topic well-known. "Those who forget the past, are forever condemned to repeat it." Such things should never happen again, and you're helping to keep the peoples eyes wide open about it. Bravo!!
I have found your site to be very informative and heartwrenching. This is such a horrendous page from the history book of our world. I feel that in order to keep another tragedy such as this from happening again, we need to educate our children. The people who followed Hitler needed someone to follow and were brainwashed into thinking that this man was a god. Praise be to all those that fought to restore life and freedom to those who were affected by this horrible tragedy and to those who are working to keep the story and memories alive. This event can never be allowed to fade from memory...it must be repeated over and over to help prevent anything like this from ever occuring again. Hopefully we are now more able to forsee this sort of thing and can work to stop it before it starts.
You did a fine job of keeping this issue in the forefront. We must never forget what wad done by the Nazis in WWII. I was told of the horrors of Dachau by my Uncle Paul who was a Seargant amoung the American troops who liberated Dachau. I'll never forget the horrors he spoke of and can only imagine what it was like to be there during that time. Thank You. Mark Normand Lawrence,MA July 15, 2000
The Holocaust History Project website is one that really gets it's message across. At the moment I am doing a Holocaust project for school (YEAR 9), and the images helped me no-end. But I have to say, the text was a little complicated for me! Apart from that, this is an exellent website which should be advertised more!
Please,let us all understand something;the Holocaust is not a purely Jewish preserve. Dont forget all the Gypseys,Homosexuals,Communists and ordinary Germans that were interned in the thousands as they were opposed to the Nazi Regime. Remember,the camps were set up originally to INTIMIDATE the ordinary German population who were anti- Nazi.
Indeed racism in any show out is terrible. The wounds are deep. Only the tender love of the Almighty God can heal these wounds by leting Him come into our hearts. At least the only one we thank is the Almighty God who miraculously protected His people and the people who gave refuge and shelter to the Jews during the World War II. Surely and only this terrible blot,how else can you tell it, in human history hurts not only the genartion who lived during the war but also the coming generations. Actually have in mind that it is very dangerous when you start forgetting your history. And especially if a country/nation starts forgetting Almighty God, its past and its history then ALAS.!
This is a deeply moving and thoughtful collection about a shameful period in Western Civilization. Yhr material assembled here provides an excellent source for Holocaust studies.
How the hell was it allowed to happen? It is frightening to think that somthing that terrible could have happened in the so-called "civilised" 20th century.... I hope nothing that evil ever happens again
The world has never seen such utter absence of humanity than the times of the holocaust many speculate that such a thing could never happen again but I beleive that it would not be such a hard thing to consider with all of the prejudice and hate in the world all it would take would be the wrong person in a place of power to start this all over again not just for the Jews but for all minotiry groups the thought of a master race has been one that has not gone away and should be taken be given more attention so that we can be certain that nothing like what happened to the Jews can never happen again
I would like to say thank you, this site was extremely helpful in completing my project. I think that the holocaust was a clear example of narrow mindedness and ignorant brutality. Please could you send me the information on 'Hitler's final solution' and a list of the concentration camps. Many thanks, Melissa.
Indeed the National Socialist Beaurocracy did tremendous murder.
I have been researhing many sites on the web both revisionist and holocaust. The revisionist argument is a compelling one until you begin to notice the number of hate groups that seem to be buzzing around these people. Either these people are part of those organizations or are allowing themselves to be used by those organization to advance some prejudice idealogy. I am also suspect of those revisionist who don't deny that millions were killed, but argue over the method or manner of these deaths. This argument is just an attempt to shift some the blame for these deaths away from the demons responsible. It is as if proving that most of the victims died from disease or natural causes will somehow diminish the guilt of those responsible. In the end it really doesn't matter how the victims died. It was still systematic murder. Those responsible are equally guilty for every death no matter the manner.
If it was me doing these terrible things i would be so ashamed that suicied or a long painful death would not be enough. Let us learn more about it each day so that we may not ever do it for as long as humans shall live!! This is my opinion and if you disagree you could never chang my mind so don't try!
I came on this site as i needed some information aboot the holycast and id like to say it is the worst site ive ever had the misfortune to be on. I couldnt find anything aboot the holycast
excellent site just what i needed for my empathy task!! Alissa
Let this never happen agian. The more we learn about it the more likely we are not going to repeat this.
Thankyou so much to the people who subitted entries to this site I orginally came here as i needed a little information for a history class but here i have found out things that i would never know otherwise.The things the teachers 'miss out' the real bits which actually make you realise and sypathise with things that you never thought any human would do to another,the real life cases which bring up the seriousness of the holocaust and dont just dust them under the carpet. Once again,thankyou, katie Burford
This site is a great source for information. Unfortunately, only one of the sides is to be heard here. I respect your opinions about revisionism .However, calling revisionists 'liars' is too harsh, they have their opinions and shouldn't be discriminated. After all, isn't all this AGAINST discrimination? Anyway, I think it would be better to have links to revisionist sites, so that readers can form their own opinions, by listening to both sides of the story. Great content here, nevertheless.
In my opinion, this is the most conscientious and useful of the many Holocaust web sites. I have assigned several of the documents on line to my students at the University of Michigan-Dearborn and have been consistently impressed with the choice of materials--primary and secondary. I would invite you to consider a link with our web site which contains transcriptions and voices of survivor interviews that we have conducted since 1981. We have a long-standing collaboration with the USHMM and Yale. The site is www.umd.umich.edu and then click to library resources. (There is a direct address, I think, [email protected]) Thanks for all your hard work. Sidney Bolkosky William E. Stirton Professor in the Social Sciences Professor of History University of Michigan-Dearborn
I�m from Germany. I just arrived from a visit to auschwitz. I�m full of so many emotions...I can�t really describe them. we went to the two camps (auschwitz 1 and birkenau) and it was such a terrible experience for me. although I visited the concentration camp buchenwald in weimar, too, it was totally different from auschwitz, which only was built to kill people..... I felt bad because I�m a german girl. I thought everybody looked at us in a bad way... when we visited the memorial in birkenau jews stood there and prayed allowed for there victims. this was so sad an it made me cry. I�m 17 years old and I have nothing to do with the people who did these terrible things. but I�m from Germany and germans killed 6 million people. I�m ashamed.... SORRY!
This site is really great. Thank you for keeping the memory alive. I wanted to let readers of this site know that I have my own stories on the Holocaust in Russia. You could find them at http://profilepallace.homestead.com/myfamilystory.html Hope you enjoy them.
It is a shame to think that there are some people out there that don't believe the holocaust ever occured. What is worse is that it happened. I hope the human race has learned from this awful experience. Maybe this site will help open the eyes of the people who don't believe. My heart goes out to all who went through this hell-like experience.
7/5/00 In re: Holocaust in Bosnia, 1941-1945 This is a remarkable site on the Holocaust. I wanted to let readers of this site know that I have an article on the Holocaust in Bosnia, 1941-45 which examines the Jewish history and presence in Bosnia and what happened in Bosnia during the Holocaust. I don't think this material has ever appeared before anywhere in this comprehensive format. The article will therefore probably shock many readers. Historians have ignored this history and the Jewish history of Bosnia has been relegated to obscrurity or is forgotten entirely. My thesis is that to understand the tragic Bosnian civil war of 1992-95, you have to understand the 1941-45 period. This is when the fears, hatreds, and paranoia were created and which finally played out in the 1990s.I am sure many readers will be totally unfamiliar with this history. The Holocaust in Bosnia has been ignored by historians and Holocaust scholars. My article therefore fills a certain historical void. The article is found on this web site: SERBIANNA.COM . Best regards! Carl K. Savich
I found this site really interesting and useful for a newspaper aritcle that I had to write for history. I think that the holocaust should have never happened and I hope that nothing remotely like it ever happens again.
I have been to dachau i when visiting the site brought back alot of memories from when i went round. the only thing that is missing is a picture of the gas chamber which i was going to use for an essay at school so if anyone has a picture please could you send it to me cheers.
After reading many articles and essays included in this website I am deeply touched by the bravery that has been portrayed of these unfortuanate people. All though I understood I can never feel empathy towards the many millions of people who suffered during the war, trust me, my deepest sympathy goes out to them. With out a doubt the Holocaust is the most shameful event ever to be recorded in history. What I will never understand is what posseses somebody to want to attempt to kill somebody, to cut their life short, so I think you can understand my anguish towards the evil that is Adolf Hitler. We must ensure that an event of such bloodiness never occurs again. I hope nobody on earth contains enough evil to want to repeat history, but we must prevent it, how-I will never know. God Bless all living creatures
I never used to consider the fate of Jews to be any thing that should worry me, but now I have seen these pages I know that the fate of the Jews is something extremely disturbing and in order for us to stop anything like it happening ever agaain, we need to realise what actually happened and how we can stop it from ever happening again
About a week ago I visited the holacaust musem in my hometown for the first time and i was deeply devistated. I cried as i walked through it. To know another human being could do such a thing to another living breathing human really hurts me. The musem has some pretty graphic pictures. Now when i here about kids going into school and masacuring their classmates it makes me think of the Holacaust. I hope nothing like that ever happens again but with the killing going on today you nevr know. My symphthy goes out to every one involved in the Holacaust (living and dead) espically the children.
more power to you wonderful people lest we forget
This web page will really help me with a project I am writing for school. It is terrible to think what the Jews went through, we must make sure it never happens again.
I deeply sympathise with the Jewish struggle, especially during the holocaust. I am hurt by the things they did to them, and really feel that if it happens again it will be the end of history.
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Last modified: December 9, 2000