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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of January, 2001. Hello, I am a 13 year old girl in the 8th grade, In history we are learning about the Holocaust. Yesterday we had a Holocaust servivor come to our school, I was touched by her story. It is nice to know that there is a web site about the Holocaust. Thanx!
Hello, I want to know if there where Medical eperiments with Ice water? Maybe it's a rare question...but I just wanne Know...
Thanks so much for this website! It really helped my research for a project in school!
I think that it is horrible that anyone could be so evil to do sucha thing as hitler did. I think that we should never let this happen again!
I think all of this they put the Jews throgh was not right. In school I am watching the moviw about the Holocaust and it is not right and I am only in the 7TH grade and I am watching this movie it is not what God wanted to be and if I could make a difference I will but it seem like the work as been done. If you have any question please fill free to e-mail me at [email protected] just because I am little does not mean anything at all. Thanks for your time and you reading this.
I cannot believe human's inhumanity to human's. Leet us all hope we learn from this appaling horror that history records.
I went to Auschwitz last year and I know now that "the one who doesn't remember history is bound to live through it again". May I never forget what terrible things each one of us can be able to do to each other one. I'm so sorry for all you who had to die innocently in Auschwitz. May this never happen again! Amen
I can't believe want happened to the jewish people! My mom is Italian (but she lived her whole life in the U.S.) and she was in the war in Rome when she was 18 years old, and she told me about it, but now that I've seen the photos it's really horrifing! Sometimes I wonder if God really exsists and why something like that had to happen, but don't we need to believe in someone up there? I find it hard to accept such a terrible episode.
I think that your Web ite on the Holocaust is a great site for the people who are looking for info. It really is informative, and I got a lot of info for my Project... I think I will get an A+ for my grade because of this.... Thank you a lot!!!
this is a cool page just saying that it is interesting.
I've always been interested in the Holocaust and it's amazing how much the Nazis were able to hide from the German people. This is a very good site.
i'm here beacuse i've alwas been interested in this and my teacher went to Dacau too
I visited this site for three reasons. Firstly that my Uncle was one of the Liberators, the memories of this still haunt him. Secondly I am Jewish and lost family members to Hitler's murderers in both Lithuania and Poland. Thirdly to show solidarity following my Home Country's National Holocaust Day. We remembered not only members of my Jewish Heritage but also the other victims of these camps - long may we remember what a terrible thing has happened and long may we learn those lessons.
This site is exactly what I am looking for. I am not doing an essay or anything. I am just so into the Holocaust and want to know everything about it. I was wondering if you have any links. I want to find some newspaper clippings and was wondering if you know any sites that would have that? I would be greatly appreciative.
The Holocaust was a very devastating thing to those it affected. It is the past and we should stop squabbling about what happened then since you cannot change it. If you have a Time Machine and want to change it or anything else that has ever happened, DON'T. A word of advice: don't let your emotions get in the way of you're judgement. You look upon the horrible things the nazi's have done and you are filled with so much hatred that you become a hating racist yourself. LOOK UPON EVERYTHING FROM ALL SIDES, FRONT BACK, SIDES, TOP, BOTTOM. If you cannot evolve to think ligically and straight, you are a doomed species.
lalalalalalla...it was cool
Hi, my name is Candace, i am a 14 year old girl from Arkansas. I am doing a report over the holocaust for school. Your site helped me find things that really were important. I think it is very sad that there was people mean enough to do this to innocent people. For the people who believe this never happened...how could you not believe?
I am interested in finding any one how is willing to fight for the money so deseved for the survivors that are still alive, my father Moniek Cukier is one of them now at the age of 73 he has never recived any thing. He had a lawyer that did not file the paper work started prior to the dead line, now now one seems to be able to do any thing. I'm hoping some one can give me a name or do something so he can see something before its to late for him and all the others that are now getting so old. Lola Mikelionis
The Jews suffered unbelievably but your site proves others did as well. In the U.K. it is Holocaust Commemoration Day, no mention of Gays, Catholics and Gypsies. WHY NOT! Perhaps those of each group should wear the correct coloured star in future years? Pink for Gays by the way.
my name is kryslte, and i am from texas in the united staes of america. i am a 16 year old black girl, and i have never been to europe. i am very interested and intrigued by the holocaust though, it seems so awful to me that such a thing could happen, and it just be regarded as not important. in my country, i learned about the holocaust this very year, for many people in my class this was their first time ever learning about it, and we are all 16 and 17 year olds. im glad that there are places that we can look to and people we can hear to actually get more out of it, because in my school,they say, jews were killed, hitler was bad, and then they move on to more of the u.s.'s role in the war. so thank you, thank you very very much.
Great site - eye opener to lost of people, including myself. Today is the 1st Holocaust Memorial Day in the UK. God bless to all who have suffered greatly during those dark years.
My husband and his parnts and brother were some of the lucky individuals that made it out of Vienna in September 1938. While he was alive we went to Europe and visited some of the camps. Before he passed away he said that he could not complain about dying because after visiting the camps - there but for the will of G-d he would never have made it past the age of 6.
I lived in Germany as a child, my father was in the ARMY and I was able to see the Dachau camp first hand. It was in 1986 and to be honest it was horrible. Isaw the showers and the ovens , ones that were smaller than me and bigger than my parents. I saw the memorial that looks like burnt bodies piled together. The barracks where they housed people were no longer there. The only nice thing was the chapel. I remember the smell in the oven rooms,remanents of a horible act that will never fade.One of my neighbor's had numbers burnt into her arms,so they could track her.what happen to those peoplle was wrong .
Thank you for this page, god bless all the 6 million who were so horrible killed.
I think what you are doing is great :) People need this information. Thanx**
I am 25 years old. I have been married for 5 years and have two beautiful children. I came to this site to learn more about the period of time that was hidden from me in my youth. I downloaded one picture. It was a small child with a number tattooed on his arm. His eyes seemed to beg me to save him. My ancestors were German. They were the killers. Now I know why my parents didn't want to discuss it. As I cry myself to sleep tonight, I wonder if God holds grudges, or does he truly forgive? I will kiss my boys again tonight, and thank the Lord that they are too young to understand and pray that I can shelter them from the horror of this. My greatest horror in all of this is that I never learned any of this in high school. So now I know and I wish I didn't. Is being a killer heredity?
My name is David Kounio and I am 55 years old.I was born in a little village in Bradenburg,Germany called Troebitz on July 23d,1945.Some 3 months earlier my parents,older brother and grand father were liberated by the Soviet Army from a train transporting them from the concentration camp of Bergen Belsen to Auschwitz.Thank God,the train never arrived at the destination.They never succided. Thank you and my best wishes.
I walk outside, and see a string of ants. What is my reaction? To step on them,to kill them, one by one, but they will add up to millions. I am a seventeen year old girl, that has been through a number of horrifing experiences. With every thing I have been through I still could never imagine killing millions of people, just because of their beliefs. I have a thought of killing, but I would never act upon it. I couldn't. I do have a up-side-down-sort of perspective, that ant thing, I would kill them if they were on my sidewalk, but is that how simple Hitler's mind was that human's lives are equavalent to ants. I do pray that God is having mercy upon him, because to live happily and healthy you must rely on God and forgive, give the problem to God, he will deal. He always does. Put you faith in God, through him all things are possible. I believe that all things happen for a reason, and it was a horrible mudering spree, but who's to say what the world would be like if it would have never happened. Please contact me if you would like to discuss our ideas. Jennifer Dailey
One question intrigues my mind. What is going on with these people that say I should suffer for what other people (ignorants, most likely) did 50 years ago and I should be chastised for being of German descent. It is because of this I am called a fascist, a racist, a nazi, when in fact I am just one person who has his own views, not skewed by anyone else, not put there by other people and their ignorant propaganda, but by my own free will, and my own life is affected by what I do. Yes, I hate what the Semites have done to me, yes, I hate what the "minorities" have done to my culture, but I am by far not a fascist, I hate those racist pigs who walk around like they own the place. A little insight, the KKK is a group of disorganized rednecks that drive me nuts. I just thought I would share this little insight.
I am very glad that this site has been created, I believe it will be a real eye opener. I have read Anne Franks Diary and have watched several shows on the Holocaust, but I learn something new each time. Maybe this will give everyone insight on the damages that hate crimes can do. Sherri Kerst
My daughter Terri and I have delved into the Holocaust for the past 1 1/2 years. I am a 48 African-German and feel that this is part of my history. Your website has educated us to the point where my daughter who is 11 years old, has decided to do her Social Studies project on this part of history. We are from the South and a lot of students who are accelerated are not aware of this as we call it "The Darkest Hours in Modern History." Thank you for sharing this information with the people to better educate them on the atrosicities of human nature. Pamela Kay Celestain
Dear Creator, I am currently doing an essay on the Holocast. The information I have receaved here will help me during my research.I am very greatful for this web site and I would like to thank all the essay writers for there hard work that they put in to each one and that they are very creative.
I would like to start by saying Thank you to everyone that has come together to create this website. It is one of the most informative sites I have found so far on this subject. Everytime I think about the holocaust it upsets me to think that humans are capable of doing such horrors to one another. To the surviors of the holocaust God Bless you in your courage and strengths to overcome all that has been done to you & your familes one can only imagine all that you have witnessed in your lifetimes. My heart goes out to you and your familes.
I would likemto tell you how pleased I am with this site. I am a student and my teacher has assigned a project to create a holocaust museum. This website is fantastic; it provided mem with incredible information and I am ecstatic that it was well created with evidence and all. I thank you.
i just found out im a lebensborn child.i was born in paris france in 1943.i would like 2 contact other lebensborn children and maybe find out who my father was.i have no home page,just e mail adress tu lilly
Dear director, In a few days of time will be Remembrance Day of Holocaust victims. However in the English speaking world there is no clear understanding of that events which took place then. I see mu duty to point your attention at major role of our glorious army (Russian) and invite you to Holocaust page in http://www.totalserve-co-uk2-totalserve.totalserve.co.uk/Enter/ Yours Roi Plantagenet
I would like to say that your site is so needed to show what can happen when one person is allowed to gain so much power and control over a nation. I had an uncle in the U.S.Army that was in Germany during the end of the war and he told me of many prisioners from the camps there he had seen and I believe for sure in my mind and heart that this inhumane act did occur.I am white, but I dont believe in hate of any race. God put us here together and i believe he thought we could get along together. We need to be more aware of the happenings of this world, and the actions of many of groups that have the need to take power to control the world, so as not to allow this sort of thing to repeat such a horrible act.
Nowadays the jews are the most powerful minority, howcome? They've traded Jahve for Mammon. Masonistic diamond-firms finances several wars in Africa (for example Angola). Some people think that letters found in old texts authorises them to terrorise others and steal land from them (I'm talking about jewish settlers) People who reffer themselves as "The Chosen Ones" are racists and often very evil. Come to think of it, zionists and nazis are very much alike... I am not a neo-nazi nor a racist, but I'm kinda fed up with this talk about how I shall feel guilt for crimes made by men I didn't know, and by Nations I've never been to. "If you looses your left arm, do you carry it around crying, or do you realize how many things you can do with your right?"
Thanks for yourwork, thanks for your information. I'm working about like a researcher on Holocaust Studies. If there's somebody with notices or opinions on Reinhard Heydrich - I'm studying about for a working paper - I will be happy to change ideas... Claudio [email protected]
can't find anything.
I had the opportunity to visit Dachau in July 2000. It was a real eye opener. It is hard to believe that one human being can be so cruel to another. The Dachau Memorial was much more effective in person. You could really see the pain the stick figures were experiencing. It was definitly gloomy. I had goosebumps when I came across the holding urn for the ashes and there was a fresh rose laying on top of it. The blood ditch at the rifle range and the mass grave also made me shiver. Your web site is wonderful even though it is sad. Ruth
It isnt true that Jews were the only one who suffered, but also other nationalities too. the numbers provided are not really acurate. I don`t think, if Jews were not a center of Nazies agenda for extermination that others wouldn`t suffer. Simply they would substitute them with other ethnic group ( they did anyway). Holocust should remind everyone about anyone who died from Nazie`s hands. We should not forget and make sure that such a thing should never happen again, anywhere.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, I just looked briefly to your website: I am impressed. Thank you very much to put such kind of intensive and seemingly coorect/neutral information on the web, freely accessable for everybody. I am a German, born 1959, but I am sensitive and feeling a little bit guilty what happen. But I focus also, what we can do today, that such kind of behaviour in our surrounding will not occur any more. 10 Years ago, I was quite good, for example, to file reports on specific missbehaved policemen in germany. I filed three complains of similar kind in the one year stay at the german army. Living here in the US, I see much more unfair things, as I had seen this back in Europe, but here I am still an immigrant, not knowing corectly the laws and not fully capable of the language. But I can urge only all people, to be disobience to the government, to keep a government weak,and at the same time, to be a neighborhood-watch person, without calling a higher power, but more to solve it yourself. have a great day and thanks again for reading my comment Ruediger Volk, Ph.D. 8 sussex Street Boston, MA 02120-2206
I think that those ones who think that the Holocaust was a very good thing, aren't humans... And Nazis and Neo-Nazis are prepotent people that think they are the kings of the world, and they aren't humans because they don't like people that have a different way of thinking, or different belivings, or a different color of skin... They have no respect to other people who aren't like them... They should be hated in the same way they hated...
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hi there. my name's jennifer and i'm a seventh grader trying to do some research on the holocaust. This has helped me so much. the project is for a social studies project and i decided to do the holocaust. Thank you once again and God Bless
I am currently doing a school project on the holocaust, and I have found your site very interesting and informative. Thankyou for for your time and trouble.
This is among the most repulsive things I have ever seen. To think that there are actually people out there who still think this makes me physically ill.
It was a interesting website. Truely sad
this resorces was excellent for my report in lennoxville Elementary
kool page
6 MILLION MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wordless tears fill my heart, that cannot be set to pen and parchment.
nazis rule man guhh
this is just, disturbing.....simply....
I am a college student doing research for my research paper. Thank you for the information.
i am 14 and doing a report in english on the holocaust and i found this site very helpful and the people who wrote all opf that crap l8ter in the guestbook think of how u would feel if u were a jew back then and how would u like 2 b experimented on and killed and see your whole family die in front of u. cya kelly
i am doing a report in english on ww2 on the whole holocaust thing and i found this site very helpful thanx
There are times I must turn to this page to bring my life back to reality.
very good and polite
I have been researching Holocaust denial and so far have found many hyprocrits and rage. I found it awful that many people out there still dont belive there was never a Holoucaust. How can they ingnore the evidence and try and find all this "scientfic" research is beyond me.
i think that is holocaust is such a trauble thing all of the people had to go throw.the little kids hid in the trolits. and i'm only 12 years old and i'm soo insrernes in this.i just wish the people that went throw that that they didn't have to.i love this web site. well thank you for sharing this website with me. thank you heaven
I have only had a quick look through your web site and some of the comments that people have left in your guest book. Most of them appear to praise your site and from what I have seen it is very good but it is a shame that there is still alot of people in this world who still have the hatered that the Nazis had in the 1930's and 1940's, who feel that they can still say that the holocaust never happened even with all of the evidence and witness. It also saddens me that we never learnt from this horrific event and this type of evil carried on after World War 2 and still goes on today. I am not of jewish faith or religious but I do believe that just because some belives in one faith that is different to some elses does not give anyone the right the persecute that persons. The same can be said of race and colour, I hope one day we will able to live on this planet with out any hatered or fear. I shall return to site in the future to read more of the topics that are available. Please keep up the good work.
People dont see a reason why the German's and the Jew's i for one see that the Germans saw the Jews as small week people and sought to kill any one who was smaller, But that is just one theory, the Natzi's deny the Holocaust because in there eyes there job was not finished. I know most of you would have taken the Jew's place so they would not suffer. But why, why would you want to would it make a difference, my best friend is Jewish and I realized that we could do so much more than hate the Natzi's, + neo-natzi's and pity the Jew's and find a way to bring these two races to a peace treaty. Or will be fighting this war for ever.
i think the holocaust was a very sad and horrible time. i dont see way such horrible events should happen to such innocent people.
I was curious throughout my childhood if the stories I overheard about the Nazi atrocities were true. I had met several people with numbered tattoos on their forearms, and was quietly told not to bring attention to this, that it was a story I would be told about later. Some 28 years later as I look through these pictures, and papers- I wish I were able to say that those childhood stories I overheard were not true. I have to reiterate another reader�s observation about the denials. The assumption that anyone working in or near the �death camps� had no knowledge of the mass genocide is completely absurd. To all the survivors, and families of survivors, I sincerely send out my heart and prayers to you. You have definitely been witness to the lowest possible depth of human cruelty, and inhuman disregard.
I don't belive how a human being can do that to another human being! I is sad, and any one who killed a Jew should have a scar of pain in their life.
You guys and gals that put these articles on the internet you did a very good job.
I want to know everything about history I want to be a super star and one more thing super star
Every year when I lived in Italy we would go on vacation up to Austria to go skiing and every year we would stop in Munich. One year we stopped in Dachu to take a look around. We looked everywere and the thing that got me the most were the pictures in the museum (which used to be office biuldings for the soldiers). Since then I have been fasinated by the holocaust and its doigns. I have read countless books on the subjects and writen countless reports. Some how the subject of the Holocaust will never bore for there was so much terror and so many differnt stories that people haved lived to tell he people of today.
have only skimmed the surface, but this site is monumental! To all involved, a great work which will keep the memeory of this terrible period of human history alive for the future.
Thank you for providing this most necessary archive so that we can continue teaching our children the bitter truths of the past in the hope that they will not be repeated.
To anyone who stays in Europe and is currently studying the Holocaust I would strongly recommend visiting the Concentration camps situated in Eastern Europe to truly see for yourselves the conditions in which POWS were kept. Although many Jews and Slavs were murdered across Europe in Concentration camps, it was Poland in which the Death camps were situated, such as Plazow, and Auschwitz Birkenau. There is nothing left of Plazow in Krakow, South Poland but it leaves you with a very empty feeling. Auschwitz also makes one feel very hollow. If you have the time and money to go, it is worth paying your respects.
I applaud your courageous efforts to rewrite history in it's purest form without the lies and exaggerations, political agendas advanced, and gentile populations needlessly subjected to guilt by so-called "Holocaust survivors". I believe any intelligent discussion of these issues will never be broadcast; Jews are in key media positions, and there is too much at stake for those in "Shoah business". It is unfortunate that the Holocaust myth gained so much momentum that no one may directly contradict the claims of the aforementioned "survivors" without copius damage control being foisted upon earnest researchers attempting to verify questionable claims. Your site is a refreshing expose of the subjects that many, at least in private, would enjoy being openly discussed in a scientific forum. I only hope that one day, the "survivors" will finally capitulate and tell the truth, rather than wage their constant battles to suppress the considerable empirical evidence presented in revisionist literature.
I am researching Romani Gypsy culture and have inevitably been led to these pages which include their persecution. I would appreciate information from anyone about any aspect of Romani life and history.
so what about all the other holocausts, ukraine 1933, Idi Amin, Iatollah Homeni, Ferdinand Marcos, Pol Pac, E timor, Stalin, Lennin (both jews who killed jews), and Jesus ( a jew who was killed by jews) ..............
"We were the second group into the camp (day of liberation). I was to lay telephone line in for administrators. A man staggered up to me, a human skeleton. He bent over and kissed my dirty field jacket" John R. Sundvall, Sgt, Communications, as told to me as while we worked on his father's farm in 1988
I was lucky enough to be born after these terrible times. I congratulate those who have put together this website. It reminds the world of mankind's most evil and darkest time. While the world remembers...people will be on their guard against such evil regimes and ideologies. However..If the world ever forgets these atrocities..Then could it happen again. I pray to God that NO human being ever has to suffer like this again.
Hi I am Nicole. I have been studying the holocaust and the affects it has had on many people for about a year now. I recently discovered that we as the society have a new type of silent holocaust. Not very many people think about it as a holocaust but when I went to this site I immediatly thought of ABORTION!!!!!!!!! We are killing innocent children that have not even had the chance to live a life. In ways some people may nota agree with me and that is fine. Everyone is entiled to there own opinion but I think that abortion is the new age holocaust. Abortion kills a child every 22 seconds. EVERY 22 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone every think that they just might be killing the president to be or a wonderful singer of songwriter, NO!!!!! I hope you dont think I am this evil person and hate all people that have abortions. I am just stating how we are having our own holocaust and nothing is being done about it. If you would like to give me your imput please feel free to email me. Thank you Nicole
I am a student currently working on a dissertation on the holocaust. It is a very personal project to me as I come from a line of German Jews who fled the tyranny of Hitler. I believe that the study of the holocaust must continue so future generations will not forget the mistakes made in the past and for that purpose sites like this are vitally important. I would be very interested to speak to any survivors of the holocaust who would be willing to talk about their experiences in order to aid my study so that the suffereing of millions will not be forgotten.
I was, at first, inclined to say that I had "enjoyed" my visit to this site...at first. A perfectly acceptable way to express my approval, and furthermore, my Congratulations for taking a firm stand and making a strong presentation based on the facts without sacrificing personal opinion or emotion, or worse yet: spewing the very same hatred that was once the motivation of Monsters. Let's face it, as justifiable as that hatred may be, a "factual, Unbiased account of history" doesn't exist today as history is being made, and it never has. So Kudos to you and your group.
Thank you for the valuable information.
I think this time frame of geniciode is information that each and every race should learn about. They sholud learn about present geniciodes. In order to save our world, we as people should learn about the past and present to make a change. On how we treat people.
May we always remember those who died in Dachau.
Hey my name is Paige and I'm a Roman Chatholic 12 year old but i know that my ancestors were jews, almost everyones were! Hitlers were, he was practically killing he's family! How could anyone be so mean and selfish? What had they done to him? I know he dind't have a happy childhood but it doesn't mean you can kill 6,000,000 jews and 5,000,000 othes normal, nice, people who never did anything to him! I was MAD when i heard he wrote a book named "My Suffereings" His 'sufferings' are NOTHING compared to what he put Other people Through! How can one person be soooo powerful, and then KILL HIMSELF?! Why would ANYONE want to do that, even thinking about doing that is HORRIBLE! And he ACTUALLY did that! Gas chambers, murders for no reason, torture it's digusting! I hope he knows how horrible he is and how many lifes he ruined! How mean and disgusting? Wouldn't you be sad if you ruined ONE persons life? He wasn't sad or anything, HE KILLED 11,000,000 PEOPLE! THAT HAVE DONE NOTHING TO HIM!
Thank you for this great site. It's very interesting and makes us to think a lot on our history and its lessons.
interestinng site no need for mindless prats to have an opinoion millions have suffered and still are love and peace for the future
I am doing a research paper on the holocaust, and to tell you th truth it is interesting to me. I don't agree with any of it, but it is interesting to know what happened to my family and all. I have German relatives, and it is sad to read and learn about all of this. May GOD be with all of you out here. GOD Bless.
God bless Israel! God bless the Jews! To all of the Jewish visitors of this web site, I wish to say that I am an American Christian -- the real kind of Christian who loves my neighbor as myself, most of the time, and I ask God to forgive me when I don't love my neighbor enough. -- Please forgive the Christians for being apathetic to your needs, both during the holocaust, and now. Please accept our love for you, and our prayers for you, God's chosen people. I join many Christians in praying for the peace of Jerusalem. According to the Bible, the land of Israel belongs to you, His chosen people, "the apple of His eye"! To all of you who hate God's beloved: hatred toward the Jews is no new thing -- if you knew your history, you would realize that Satan has been using weak people like yourselves since the beginning of time to carry out His wicked schemes.--Why? -- because Satan hates everything that God loves. But I have news for you -- I've read the end of the book, and God wins! -- So for your own sake, you had better ask God to forgive you because God blesses those who bless the Jews, and curses those who curse them! There will be peace when Messiah comes!
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Last modified: April 8, 2001